Milverton Sun, 21 May 1914, p. 3

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PEACH CROPENTIRE FAILURE The Yield in the Niagara District Will wi Poorest in Many Years ‘A despatch from St. Catharines says; ‘The past two weeks haye con- firmed the repeated early predic- tions that the peach crop in the Nia- a district will be the poorest in any years, notwithstanding the large acreage of young trees that uch the bearing . Ons- ly. ruin a9 be five fran nies yt 8. ra james, others along the lake sity say they cannot find a single bud in their geet or While the failure of the peach crop will be felt pear by commis- sion ‘men and -transportation com: panies, the: blow will Y fall the fae heavily upon the young farmers who have bought portions of farms at eae Heatae with little capital be- hind them aud have devoted ; all their land and energy to growing of a mixed crop. , too, will, be but a fair crop of standard [ur pears is prom- ised, providing few warm days ar ler fruits, ries, promibet vel, A. W. Met Cubbin, hee ba Pathologi ae conditions west of St. aatcinde, along ees lake sore found a grow- er witl peach orchard of pies ight to \ wai acres who offe: aie one dollar for his entire crop. Pet 3 Our t London Letter ‘The Public bien umes Favor. Remarkable testim: to the popu- larity of the recently, entabliahed office of public felyen in the sixth annual report of C J. minister value halt a ‘wilton dollars. 3851,87 bo me, 6,000, trusts, amounting and are belng sdmlniet This the Srecletg of] pri car i ofttee, established has excceded taal iz Settlements, ‘wuard- rt new ae eta varen ch 8 Dugger. ‘of thelr ase ‘ts concerto, he largest estate which the office 4; called upon to handle was $6,000,000 "and the smallest $75. we of tate payee ing that wel ty putrons more generally ‘than the very poor. People are beginning, to realize that aced in private Pine risk of loss mpetence or neg- nt office lke that re'is no because that, tes, ayant iam of ine pridcipel the mont is responsible for Taaite ew Levan Anco, whos consumption this report, Oana augueste. that badly, due to unprecs for the Kingdom had. never renter Was in- fu, becording wn ine the trade cap ltia oy fan a hak imal feat 4a tt increase nich ie = cont sup fon dis Wh 00. gal fons. Geer I 00 gil sat wine: tied, “with 134,000,000 e © of each individual in the q rm united sa iy ue drink ill for ee 10 918, the @ a famuy. i) five persons was Bince these figures do not allow for the boys and witts und nd the total ‘abwralr em fumed that hel drinkers. the average per “ouptth pense for drinks 4s mush Mighor than sta tit 808. men “and 2,074 w tified edna tm RR: "ie the renult sof fauklng the, eqtirdate hat 2 fess gre euletaes in the ‘united ic Suleanol stimulants. organization nist. pointe out th gvll eitect of alcohol gn, the physlave of the race, on on dty vena ® Sport. rince $f, Wales bas fair to rival the iting of an a SACI: in Siahore agora. He haw just taken up Macand during the recent holidays Windsor with his brother Prince, Albert up bright ly each morn ing ‘tor an hour's prac at the game. The heir to the throne, he has ‘or bad a sertous iil not ro which probably for the ust, ac act ‘that he wp ia pm lo tine aa pow: of | the en hor: aon nplishment ie own une noni ae snatun: Oxford kn prince took ‘up Bat Tootbail, Srouecauntry running. ne, his visit way he tried | aking. = mal cea the, most ‘his nceo! in thig field, the icourt press ngent te the papers Well supplied with pletures and newa of the prince's mov. Sa zs the I oP i arury is, the ve in the. gotta of the for ed gown Notaesthngy some long estab hourard dollars ty ble home. Ol tha stand ny up- 4g then pneb is orchard franutormed into a. faxhlor xD: toh bulbs are planted Fy ound & A latticed windows, a “penis ani old Inglenooks, Plent tn pine weve potato bateb once the property of some laborer, are a rarsptlone switoh attained r 8 = Seems were with him t pended of iaedbial Haman istant ‘al now collected to satisfy the cravings of the seh fon an old cottnge, With an old cottage you are in wit. why. there's poeta else In site’ rive Cure Bri sit speaking at a meeting of the Folklore Society, at University Botioge this wveek Edward Lovett said that many of the poorest. chiliren in London wear under their dress & necklace of common blu deads, costing a cent, with a heart shay; ed pendant, as a ct fe and ronchitis. hen tl WIdren’ are bables. the ada ara put on thelr necks and ‘ia SWINDLED GERMANS. Fake Baron Brought Them to Can- ada to Farm A despatch from North Bay says: n a Baer Haven thal Who making his headquarters pr Now Coba It, has run foul of the law, and | ot h uliar business tr - tions. thal. advertised in German agricultural newspapers for a SDADSESE to conduct a Cam: consisting of 1,400 acres. ear nls wer in Germany f oP Canadian farming, cane a month tuition fees. meas pa tuum “applied for the posi- tion of manager, an er. able co pee came to Canada Bay, where he saat two went to thal Sheri in panthoeed a $6,000 ‘arm from a farmer neat Warren; aa "8500 agin to bind the bar. in. Ruum s inti ee to his Another young German arived re- amas to learn Canadian ing under the ear: only to find that he had been duped. —— MR. WAINWRIGHT DEAD. Vice-President of G.T.P. Passes Away at Atlantic City. at. despatch from Montreal says: was received here risa a of the death st Atlantic City of M Win, Walawright; senior einibiea lent of the Grand Trunk and Grand ot Moo gE Trunk nia iret siden 5 wright, of: a e | had ey aridloally a posi a ment ¢}from neuralgia in head complications, He ie gone to nF jew Jersey resort to recuperate. Although not much improvement was seen in his condition, arrange- ade to bring M ing Mr. Several of his to the end. Mr. Wainwright had been with the Grand Trunk practically from ing popular ies at Ottawa, he was ares with the road’s rs that came be- ments h. een mi Wainwright home native of Lancashire, England, entered the service of the Man- eeu, Sheffield Gis! Lice ene ot Railway, resigning i Canada. ‘ clr Fk mth the Kee “trunk Ral Puidaen Ce served in the estan Ras and the Trent affair. eee a Alexander Ross, aged 8’ was burned to death ip a ie paiahe etart ac home is brother, rted i David Ross, 107 North Bay Street, aarerar on Ph The fire victim's room, evi- sta dently Gon a Sal oil stove: —_—__—_— mean Kidney Trouble. caskaee and blood must do is to cure the ee Gin Pills act directly on these Hac ins—correct al! w eacid purty t pass 50, At Rag denise or reams on. recel ple free if you oe this CO., OF CANADA NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL urifiers are useless, wade GIN PILLS vital d aad elingin h ila haydeend eed paper. - RrPonTs yROoM THE TRADE Prices of Cattle, Grain, or Breadstutts. Toronto, May 19.—1! Mu wheats Northern 9880. 2a ‘Ontario wheat Aro. de guel 0 $1.) ae outside, and $1.05, Porous at No, 2 Ontario_oi at 420, ata, Ae ae bie for Roe 2 Peas—$1 to fayeetiood, Buckwheat—800, outs! GornNo 3 American, 760, PRICES GF FARM PRODUCTS LEADING CENTRES OF AMERICA. Cuceso and ther Produce at Horie and Abroad. jour—Ontarig . s,| value of! the ise property in On- wheat, flours, 1 $3.85, seaboard, and at $3.86 Toronto, Manttoba—First patents. Jute bi 4g we ae $1.08 track, m, 304 to. 40c, GA track, ‘Toronto, tor No. 2, and all-rail, $1,405,950,940 IN FARMS Half Ontario’s Farms Burdened By Mlortgage, But Farmers Have $100,000,000 in the Bank About 15 percent. of the total ‘| tario. is mortgages, according to a statement sheet Hm in. the report: of Hon, James $, Duff, Minister of Agriculture, for ‘the year just, BE: ed. This cone is arrived at as a result of a canyass asenielken: by Re thintys seven represi tives of the Department, who ead that 45 per cent, the, far mort- Baged, fain estimate of ithe amount of the mortgages. swers are considered ns he! re- a seems to be a ananimons view that mortgages are decreasing tained, have eee fies to enable speculation ate eat real estate. ‘ite, it is tes nate materially One ; another 70 to 90 per cent, ; Isic. Baled Hi Baled ha; tom on track ine 0 $13.25, and ‘Slover, at $10, to °Baled straw: 98. on track, ‘Toronto. Boods. esale seed merchants pie seeds to tl 0 to '$9. Naltaita, Nol; , $18 to $13.50. Winnipeg, May 0. 2 Norinerny 920; | Norshera 1 reje tap eed, ROE Aide; No. & rejected, ed, BC. s Tejected, 440 Teed, W.G., $1.88; No. 2 No. GW, $1.4 mx Montreal, May 19.—Cor No. 2 eat, 76 to T6he. Gian Western, No. 3 t Plow) seconde, $6.10; ng baker: Sid to $4 baw per car lots, $1.00 to #1. ba And gutters, $3.60 to $6.50 to fat co’ $7 to Calves—Good veal, $8.75 mon, af Seb ro Sto 900 $008 18-—Steer un *oT.a6 to $1, 09 to #00 pounds, $7 to and jambs—Light ; heavy, $0.75 $6. each; hogs, % smutty, 8986; No. 2 sn Nod amutty? sbne! 1 Sate: Nok ret Winter atte Winter, 9040. 5 Oats— C 64C; No. 1 “Feed ri 3, 48c: 39. Barley-“Mantton {S r—M: ming wheet Datenia, Arata, $5.6 ati Winter patents, Shoice, $6. 3 * ton, ai Dy 98RCs to feed closed, cash, $1,568 sany, i 14, } No. auoted, Maly 0 $11, 26 to $ 8.50, are selling 50; do, $14 to” On 4, Bite Now rejec seed 8b he: mutty, site! red. Wintei C.W,, $1.38; epg aca Manitoba Cheese— Finest w esterni t castérns, 112 to 1 iter—Cholcest. creamery wecgnds, 22 to 9240, Hege— ir to 24c: selected, 26 to a7e 0; 1 to 220, —Whent—No. 66h 880. ‘etour and Bran unchanged, Duluth, Minn, 1 hard, No. 1 Xo ether 3 Northern date: duiys 9 lve Stock Mark ‘oronto, May 1.—Cattlo-chotee betas $1. 90 to $8.31 ood, $7.90 to BEEBE Secon coun: shyto. $8.46; cane Fe inote $7.26; choice bulls, to $10; coms ay uate aA light, $6.60 ewor, bucks, 205 me beeves, jniemene 4h to Nay ne iP Waa Maedueted 6 Hogs-—$8-40, fed and watered; $8.60, oft cars Montreal’ Mas to Bh edt, Shi Tace strippers, Te; common, sows, ‘gab to $80 ench: calves, 3 to Tor sheep, b4 to $0; spring lambs, $4 ie Ses tr Porsrun—Manttobn bran $28. to $26 This Siwuctad survey of farm con- ton, Wn bass, ‘Toronto. freight, horts,| diti ions, as it might led, is. an mount of ers’ deposits, but eed iy frnovation in naa report, and |from estimates furnished from Country Produce. formation was. ined under | different counties, it is assumed that, tter—Choice dairy, 18 to 20; In- the following heads: ( (1) The percen- of io have one terion, 16 to, shor: seem re, neparator | tage of farms mortgaged, per cent.| hundred million dollars at their ints, 9140 220; creamery: piney J pie; | Of mortgages in faind ‘of farms, and! credit, To show that this is not an solids, storage, 21 to 22c. whether increasing o decreasing Jexaggerated sum, it is pointed ‘eee to 220 per\doxen, in case &) the extent of deposits by farm-| that the farm wealth of the Pro- Honey—Extracted, in tins, 10) to 11¢|ers in savings bankas ( (3) the oatns vince is valued at $1,405,950,940, per Ib. Comba, $2,25 to.97 50 per. 408-/ of the demand oh the Lea 4 ar he demand for loans ids CECE IE eS torjers for loans; (4) rat appear to have been heavy during lange, and 18 to 154 ¢2,20] Paid on both long and. ehort-date| the. past. year. The interest. rate per bus is : varied from.5'4 to 7 per cent. .on atin i Bes long loans and from 7 to 8 and per- 5% WE co 18e: turkeys, #0 t6 28c, fe 1 x cent. in the newer dis- ‘Potatoes— Reiswares, $1.20 1.25, tricts on short-date Dore opi a Bass, oid ASLAN a ha rey “efice ielals and promi- ese facts are interpreted by the were relied on for the department as having an optimistic Wrovil information: gathered, and the Bacon, long lone! te, ‘to “24 eae Ib, In eee Tete ito: yall a8 to tobe reat ‘bacon, te to 19; backs, 22 to THE SICILY EARTHQUAKE TRAGEDY 2Ae ards Teroda, 12%; ‘tubs, 13c; palls, e ee Stel eee a Mount Aetna in Eruption. This photograph lages were wiped o show ws the Sicilian voleano in action. Several vil- = THE NEWS IN A PARIGRPH JNINGS FROM ALL OVEB THE GLOBE IN 4 WUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World (o General Refore Your GAPR Jamieson, M.A., has resign- ed the principalship of the Morris- Hg Collegiate Institute, after 31 vOwen Sound’ will vote on June 6 on by-laws to aid a dry dock and shipping company, the Union Ce- ent Co., and the Canada Yeast A. Bell and J. Pickering, car in- spectors, were drowned by the ae setting of their boat in the rapid epecent at White River, Port Ar- Mrs, Alfred Smith of Seon penne was horrified on awakin; he morning find tye little ed ol helenae infant’ dead in the bed beside he: The retail merchants of Prince AL bert, Sask., following lead of from June till rater iaevaeel of the Magistrate Determined lespatch from die NI once aie this men with COLLIER TURNED T lespatch from and 16 saved. Heek—‘‘Do you RTO a ment?” Hye Sat ond fiddle y_ Magi trate "Oleane 4 in the Police eae 16 be around the One ps if they do n: their ways, will be down there you boats, ie a tl Hill was peti ers by TEN MONTHS FOR THEFT, to Make Example of First Culprit. ford says: teamste) 8 Ea URTLY. Cargo Shifted Suddenly, and 12 Sailors Were Lossed. ie “Turret Bai see siru- city’s stores nila Chee! are giv work, the unemployed of Edmon: are about, i live up to one of their ‘ork, care or en tor on the theo’ ha it it was ace bling bauer Great Britain, Referring to the desire of Bristol to hold an all-Canadian sgotnedth Pieale over four months, in 1916, sad Loudon Financial Times appro: nice general idea, but would ih it in London. ny " according to the London Standard, that Sir Edward ri vii tno useful punpose, ill be served by South American mediators into Mexico’s ills, a that he will indicate to : line of policy which will go far to ae the possibility of further b United Bt States. via earthquake was felt in Ogden, of arson, murder, man- aise and larceny against Major atr'ck J. Ham Boe henepete st Regi- re filed before a Meera ‘court: miabtial ab Denver, resulting from the recent strike Necze great was the crush to vi view the comatal contain’ © body ne, ie ia of the marines killed in Vera nda of the muni- thicago, tl res of women fainted, while men, caught in the smothering press, eried for air, ae Ge 4 The Mexican Federals er tnalt’ Tampico and the rebels are in com- mand. An eae Pest who is a mem- ber of reserve, #tal Major Coes oh death in a street in -Covilhao, Portugal. Soldiers raided the prison and lynched him, A friendly Mexican army officer has informed General Funston 4 the he aot liner Mongolia, ar. riving at 8 “Johve, Nil, tro las iio wuiet coals ABOW: tions vogardiin the Aube and size of icebergs from the i Aen elie ayer aga ey by anybody o1 boa FLYING TRAIN'S FREAKS, Lifted pes eed Car and Chair e Air. . .- A eae es London says: M. Bachelet’s flying train ee be oe attention, M, he} demonstration oe his pa stike by ese a boy into the ain in his model passenger car. A boy five years eee weighing fort y- wicker chair. jumped when jerked upwards, but. quick! into smiles and obviously eaiaren eighs eightee! r) total weight lifted. was pounds, | BRITAIN wi A despatch from aa Waghington says! ‘The case of William 8, Denton, Bes Beeb pubes, kill at Jua ningly on the Const enone haa ne that it at, sixty NPS REPARATION. fixed w ean such reparation can be demanded. ~~ tH Hise qeany, yours, any thno att tivulars and iS INVESTMENT AS PAID, 7% PER ANNUM 4 FZ ullice: the Hoouritien of thik Corporation were market 10. ayo, | -Busingss stablisned y nveatinent may, ‘Ne withdrawn tn hole \ ass ‘an a mortgame, 1” pare 4 ‘urnished on request, Consumers’ Cuide HK RAD! Money refunded Guide, Eve oe HOME TRA! jomy and abi en you buy HOM TRADE merchandise on fave bass ant sane Oa knowthg that are recelving the lowest possibl: good quality u get the latest tn every ne ai bath be Gellgnted sa the splendid quality and yalue received, You Cannot Lose on HOME ‘TRADE Goods H Catalogu: fake the HOME TRADE Catalogue Your Buying ‘¥ dollar spent at Rome, Haber or a eee aaa to your piney There is a HOME TRADE Merchant Near YOU, To Economy ‘This HOME TRADE catalogue ts Personal Mail Order Service ind ot aorvics At te impossible to receiver through an er nsane, NSY Will handle your. 0 lool af adjust complainta. If ‘any. arise, and beme time. pearairen middle- renin wince the; Buy Direct fist Factory man’ © 00s are guaranteed to give satisfaction. without question when not satisfied, DE Catalog polnt Batista borat oa Prorpuslay ‘of Local a er Comm ent on Events A Gyroseo} Wheeled mo is only Pate “tna brozgte will Feallza, the) advil vantages in the Dense of ru pos: 8 OV an bi advantages. antag im Of taking a curve at if since the thing mpgastbte with way 01 nd ning which ue, motor oyele mate, will find themnolyes hard pressed {f forend, to romain in Mexico fOr ANY —— | length Along tha coast | 0 Mesto, ‘especially at at Vora Cruz, the hi torriv) Inland pio Car, ey ve opt § ui a, Bytes nd ta ermye kcouathined to. Cammy would if hae be able to withstand the thot oo! the an heat of the ditions coast oom tl the Wales to a hes two wheols erybody knows with BAby a moony, song For Hines aii @epend| The narthe of the Dominion “senator ily ‘true for |whohas. introduced a bill making. th i by i The Hil be a tne large und. flourisht ng, order of \. N sorts of Paki aieeouttorts ure trip compared to ie otor ear, and, ‘of the dis-| and annoyances he will Med ui Hat 1t does | to suifer, the dange Cur. ere Ia nothing meaner, A ee h rate Thi more utterly "deapleable, tha speed, st gyroscope 1s to upsyt here may be tho chance-discovered Weakness of & practical obdections tain ‘overed, but the men or women have periment will be watched with the t publi greatest interest. 0 secret. ‘expect Senhs for the. D ha black ex) leet ‘hust solve othe! 6 blackmail 8 he most tor= there ts the reported “giacox very | FbIO will bleed nin. viogim tune ntti, butte F and ‘heone ean actual- | and make lige” an an absolute 1 upon be made from th a, bean without it 0} ho only the ‘nntanico of. th te Tain ox Oman Ae UNG antaine. ond ives UD casein, the © ier an tha trtat 00 ter to tho Possibly soine. whi font of milk, and dt i8 the CoaRt Intion of casein by, acids or Mennot whloh 08 n} That greatly resembles tried it is th tT + oe ‘ti ‘iat which “tne Sarr tty rn Tight Nk Boy ng compound, to Death something Pag eat cow's no AMoke eet te semnb Sae,wOlt only discover a] Ticted am et ean OF & ii vine be “oanntored has to Ino a (hates Imitation oe an @ h| Of, counsel for the sotendant whic out the ald of thi i, umzutionsh an unde wat siytesh ¥ leh pandas hen, give ought to} Must te shir ah in be Pp a ia and ar ERAS ap tobe ont for oie trus, & vite The mi tim of a derplcabi ap niten no mit wt OF i Tt is ofl a peice that Prince} jutted the ae Te hs 1 grime M4 Aloxander, of ts to succeed the! morg careful or a EA Ke. ong, aa wovernor-gensral | In the Yenmifah criminal courts’ several” of 7 oRer eS te so-called Journalists have Just boon aor King han ‘be followed by th! victed of! mall, nd been, severely brother © ary. Prince Alexan-| untahed. Went to persona eee o beare that tobe Foyal one miukt | Ponosrued inthe newa-atemm end: kt Iso be efficient, ‘The Duke bh tempted to obtain monoy by offering to example as well as a precedent leave out of the press or threatening to Wil be no, easy task for the Prince nila sy follow in the footsteps of such | lar governor-general, The to Canada not unknown. But a is a stranger and Canada 1 nenpainer Pruich ines this form of very critical of strangers, Dlackmatl, the; o! yal blood, That is natural, a Tor wa expec hot our and are apt to et that PACIFIC, forge! doos not prevent one. belng e Aloxander of Took Ci tte popularity reat. STORMY TIMES ON Bt lovable of a in Gre Europeans and Asintics May Meet In Bho. ‘9 the alster Deadly Struggle. Saxe-Coboury and Gotha eu first costa oF the Queen A despatch from A OnaRY, New nds. er Wa af : youngest son of the late Queon Victoria Zealand, says: Sir Hamilton, And his early death cast a lool ver Raters Leh ay mold that di tho people. of Great Britain with who in the Pacifia ho, was oxtremely. popular, 2 apie a cae average tempera 8 tare ae BO. fore the fore, wen accustomed to a Yarluble cll- is, Me agit, ‘deained to be Abe’ to Ce Mo a ni i ingen RON? Noa 0 me ahon in South Africa, Sar eke the rolls Tate noc n other more or less aie ing and wo! is Just 40. tinguis! parts of the glo all nies Foon lool "ate ns ho cathe we wet lore ag a eens cs ie organiaini ’ Oh Various duttes. ‘inten | Have "ration m fhe] gency,” he said, ‘it is concoivablo pice Men George a accession nen whan hes in the future hace wilh rother-in: ni | Been, marrigd’ nine, years and nas reater and more terrible spore nila Thus. canada get at ris than in ‘the AA The Young couple as Teproxentatlye of iding: a ‘Will be very Ties meeting grouhd, not of ne nae Fe tlons, bat of organi and here might be decided whether Asiatics gual, and there LT Sea ela haat or ae ey "ude the des- tiny of thia "pla HAMILTON FACTORIES BUSY. Several of Work ven Have Maa to h from Seat lta says + Clas of ihe large east Past ness facturing concerns have sta work overtime. ae oficiales ae ike ada report Steel Com ol that business is iota they. expect. t MONTREAL POLICE FORCE. Two Hundred Constables and Ton sheet Will Be Added. rom Montreal says: Two ined aan ine con stables ten detectives, at a cost ieihersenl of id year of $196,573, are to b at once to font- real force. & MARG bun [nod] ue [xt] gel 1a |9 for Spri be now for the Spring clean-up, the Uaatlent helper welisten like For every. ear pose there Ye sRayasty’y Pato chars toe at commnlance ott bce ‘thn “ee ic"methoda of machine ml we Tocal Rambay, dealer ill lve you eptendld service and auiggetlons,o Rt ie iret wate cory (or 1Gading pelt Aierarure that wil Biggest Thing on the Calendar Ht bis peeateden| A Reliable Namo. ons sealed can is every> where the Modern Guarantee of Quality ng ‘You will find Ramsay's any: you ever employed," Outdoors andi, ft will snake things special Raviayy Ginlsh, and tm every can of | ied, material Ramray's Paints will telp you ee ee a eee oe

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