Milverton Sun, 21 May 1914, p. 4

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The Young Man’s Suit ... We have clothes for young meh who es) that ‘abr and ‘oung man who knows can find bis mile suit here no matter how particular he may be. Classy ee ape Soke ste in new saiti detail of smart shit caRbng: Pefaicked out, :: The clothes made by c- are both '*fit’*'and ‘fashion.” Also Agent for 20th Century Brand ‘That tells the whole story” the REGINA WATCH, a reliability which has earned for it the reputation: “TRUB AS THE SUN.” Vd H. _BASTENDORFF WELER and MILVERTON, M. FLEISCHHAUER of the absolute reliability of ba LINWOOD. Mr. Albert Schnurr. of Chatham. spent “tind at his home here. ir, M, Goet: =f of sasentes is spend- ing tis holiday: Mr. Thos, Nette field's ballasting gang who were busy here ballasting the track have left for Wallenstein Mr. R. “aed fed who hung ow his shingle ¢ weeks ago has purchased the besetice vf Dr, Riddell, of Norwich. and left a Briday last to enter on hBY new fleld of duty. aitaeerintting art's, rs, Bye rs..of Edmonton. Velam. are sie and Mrs, C. ¥ s Sebtiutnies Bundy wv yt 1, Hitegor Collins motored to, Berlin aimee evening to pt rank Mecardi spen' ‘oronto, oO, and the ‘ “Ot Paris. oresent the. guest of Mrs. Dr, Eachren. Mr. Henry Lorenz, of St, Clements. st is at c= e the reins the horse stumbled and fell on top of him with the rig piling on top. Beyond a Lal bruises he is ap- T rick w has been completed! and the ype ers of ‘The. wot forwar will be ‘The fra new. buildi be put on shortly. The suverstruct ure stands tad " cement wall and can d en occasion demands, W. Pa ha John Metsinger. " plack 1 of three-yea ed ina year or : celebrated i step. some the team owned by MoMane in the show rina, Il business places in piniecod will be me sd cn Mor rates May Adam Grookshanks spe ant aay. in Stratford, Mr. Wm Sun- spent with his ere, ey 4 Sunday Schmetze and John Fink. Misses Lucy Diebold ann ‘ss nk spent Sunday near Po The annual meeting of the Linwood See. ~Treasure Miss ects ors. item Goetz. rd, on June 9th = 5 = e 3 =a § 2 ee Remember the monster Ju at Bundy’ A little baby boy has come to make its home at Rev. Vail'’s Congratulat sale ine Mr. Nelson Merrick spent Sunday at ge North. Mr. Wilmer Freeman, of Olivet, paved acquaintances in our burg pres Me: ma Wm. Weitzel and Fred. Pollokowsky, of Elmira, spent Sunday a few days with her brother. Dr. H rte. pt yen r, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rennie. of Glenallan. spent Sunday with his Collins. Mrs, CENTRAL yield ONT. IME a specialist in Busines Towers more opportuaities tha than alli ap the full n. You ue Upseed at sag hire. COMM BMCTALS poy pn Sy prs rei Peal once cata D. A, McLACHLAN, ~ ~ Principal | ville and St. Jaco! for many years. 8 the rural route on cons, 10 and 12. Grey township. Binds of Lr, y hope that his prove as rem munerative 2 as: ba last “PEFFERS Intended for last week Mrs, Jas. Holmes attended RAILWA’ SYSTEM RAND TRUN VICTORIA HOLIDAY FARES Between all stations in Canada east of Port feet and to Detroit and Port H Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Ning salle oa Suspension idge, SINGLE RAR eeaigitne and re- FARE AND ONE-~ ae cine g0- ing May 23-24-25, limit May 26: th. (Minimum Fare 25 cents) Tickets ay on sale at ina Trunk jicket offices, SG Pa ae - Agent GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION Steamers will lea Mondays, Tucsd ursday yaands hol * wedinesduys, Bturdays ate Went see) Nacder post pati and Fort William. ‘The Steamer Manitob: ort MeMichol, Wade ail as eetefoors ce te MoO" Murphy, DLP. Tle agente F. Ww. THOMAS, Local Agent nd Mrs. I~ ern, are spendin a few weeks vis- fin sty rs who has been quite dena ne mae imost recovered. sman are both Galgosends owe hope for a speedy bia hh Bteven. of Stratford. snent the week-end at Mr. Thos, Steven's. Miss Gladys Dick has returned | ae jer home in Stratford. after spen ‘a few weeks with oe sandrents winte and Mrs. Hy. Pef. “sfonigomr ‘of ». Owen sound = iting at Mr. J. ean Bare, of Newton, svent' a er that ‘week at Mr. H. Reseborntas acquaintances here “fred. Goodwin and Master Marvin Goodwin spent the week-end “a, 5 esley Allingham had th te Oats: in the barn, and pas “the plies sister. Mrs, win on 6) Sun mday, oa ~ MACTON. — here at- Methods chute in Canada deliver- loquent discourses. e evening cae res i the Presbyterian Sete ‘which a ex seating atcity. The mad old man delight- Pe a (nce es were privileged to CHRIST cuUROH. ~ MILVERTON. Services han Sie ot ‘Matins a°a@ ; Evensong and ser- Services as follows; Sunday. May 24th, Evensong and serriion 2.80 p.m, Sunday May 31. at 8.00 pm. Sd, aaa ©. H, Motrison, Minister. |i, and think they m. Dechert and aoe of | in our burg. * Miss Laura McKay is spending a] Mr. M vacation in Inwoo ‘omoka and ther. Mrs. Alex; Rennie. wad I iduals and fami advertisement which will offer them what they want at an advantageous price. TWO WOMEN SAVED FROM OPERATIONS By Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound-—Their Own Stories HereTold, Edmonton, Alberta, Can, — ‘*I think it is no more than right for me to thank you for what your kind advice and Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound have done for me. ff rote to you some time ago I was a very. sick oman storing from female troubles. I hi anic inflam- may ae gould not Seat of walk any distai ras confined to m: advised L; Lydia, Poet cet -and | ees todo. A a Pinkham’s Veget rm who utes with Fatuale tedston Lydie E. Plnkcham's ‘Liver ved RANK EMSLEY, 903 Col. umbia Feenies Edmonton, Alberta. The Other Case. “Tu Ke. 6 Beatrice, Ne! st after my mar- riage my left side began to pain me and the p 0 severe at times that I suftered terribly with it. I visited three 3 ac e to operate on me but I would not to an op- er I heard of the good Lydia E. Pi '. Vegetable pound was doing for others and I used several bot+ tles of it with the result that I haven’t been hotliered with my side since then, I am in good health andI have two littlé girls. aM. RB, CHILD, Beatrice, Neb, HAWKESVILLE, Mr. and Mrs. Tom at of Mac- ton. visited friends here on Sunday. Mrs. ae orwell spent Thurs- day at St. Aker oft New Homburg. ac- companied by Miss Vera Heinbuch aud the Misses Heimler, of Linwood. motored to our burg on Thursday. Pa August Ahrens spent Thursday at Berlin. spent the week-end at Louis Huber’s. Mr. and Mr: New Ontario. home of Mr. « Will. Honsinger. of were visitors at the George Stone on = Fri- rs, Edwin Haid and De sine spent Friday at Elm Louis Moser, of Waterloo, sent in the village. Some rans pb The dance which was held at Mr. Louis aay on Friday night was a de Sided succe: ir. and Mrs, “ha. ETA of sFleb allan. aveat junday James Mr, and Mrs. Jacob eM areltets ber; well. of Weterisa sand Miss Alma Forwell. of Berlin, spent Sunday at their home here, Mr, Henry Arnold and Misses Louise Arnold and Clara Weber. of St. sco en spent ny as here. uelph, Mr. Jacob Shélley. re- old acquaintances here on Fri- Huether, of Elmi Harry at our burg on Sunday. was a visitor BIRTHS met at Strath Sega Sask, on to Mr, and Mrs. Herman meee (nee Miss aoe Alexander) MILLGBANK, House cleaning and gardening ts order of the day. Mr, Frank Tank was a visitor ~ at Toronto during the past week. fo Crawford. of Toronto nds here last week. of Lumsden, — Sas! y with Miss Lizzie Ste Met son. real men from ener 3 ure art) ess visr Dytcher and estate itora Hexe lasts tz and Mr, 0 Malodhy’ took an a strip to Beilin on Saturday night. Mr. Merdith Love is _visieins with friends in “foronto this week. Miss Ey lyn Orvokabanks. of Lin @iday. last week visiting Mr. Jas. Crook- wood. spent her grandfather. “Mr, Fred. spent Sunday with friends at Wallenstel Mrs, Bi John, Darl aRatene en t Sunday Mis: Mulcahy “catled on fticnds in Stratford on Saturday. Master Billy. Milne Toronto. is visiting ‘his graridmother, Mrs. P Helm. . Hamiltor s d the fu uunt at Listowel on Mond Mr. and Mrs, Geo. and Mr, Crawford. refield. Jett We: Ree aris triends in thls neighborhood, Rev, Nichol. Listowel, Dranerataereerenas on Friday .morning erend gentleman fave A y« ful and approp sermon: taki ng for ark nr edicd. ta the -ohten r Wel fr. J. B of He formerly. of Milbank nnd his departure from thé city wil be regrette fea by his many friefids says the Beaco! Divine service a Grace shark aSy Sisited chatanaa aad dus: at the rectory. rs. Hughes and son King- sley left + Monaay for a few days visit in Thedford. Miss Frosense, Rreet day in Stratford. the guest of ille. Alta, da: rn spent en Mrs, Swift. large number from borhood attended late rs. Gilbert ‘obins took place from her home at bank to the Methodist cemetery here The deceased was a tapes cted by all Sidney this lee the sonnet in their. The an’s Institute held “th annual ea in | fe Oddfellows’ hall on Tuesday. May 12th. when the lowing officers were clected President. Miss A, Harron; 1st Vice- President. Mrs, trieve* 2nd Vice-President “Mrs. B. Wray,; Sec. ‘Treas, Miss Crookshanks: Dist- riet Direotor. att; Branch jireotors. Mrs. Mra, Reid. he ie “the opportun- of making a presentation to their sceretary wheh (he following addres» yas rea Dear Miss Crookshanks,—-At our wie unanimously ary. We se. ‘ou to accept this ae which oa: Yies with it not only. our aineare aratitude for the vast. and also every goo! for the Signed ie som Cominites ie D. B Mrs. W. MoKee. ——— Filtered gasoline 25 cents per gal- lon in any quantity at The Sun office. a son, ¢ |Coover—At “Macton. on May 11th, to os r, and Mrs, Alex, Cooper, a daugh- ye eae: Macton on May os to Mr. and Mrs Thos, Adam, ee “ARRIAGES, Whaley—Thompson — At Denholm. ne on Tuesday. May 12th. John Miss retta ley Herald ‘THocapenh, both of Denholm ENTER LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Any time and grow with us. For particulars address EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, bat msl My la In this communi es Call them bargain-hunt is nothing wron; duced price. urgent, buying a set of dining- All can be made to buy A Note to Stimulate businers by the tempt the buyer who rs Jrom Bargain-Hunters y are hundreds of indiv- ially when the sellér is anxious to sell at One family wants a new abla need is/not Another family i not be for a twelve month. One man is thinking of buying himself a watch, on the watch for an ana will, but. there ra bargain, ae is looking forward to Sat furniture---it may One woman a shopping bag ; another an umbrella ta rain r Mr, and Mrs Walk Mr. and Mr: up business by ad- Often. you ean’ Rev. ing. i = wil St ere ‘ earlier---by advertising. Merchants offer of some slow-moving biding hia or her time, to you—at a time of your nam bie Where You are Invited to Shop ) yj tbe: aan Ja num! J no} day “The Arcade” ‘‘Victoria Day For Victoria Day we have prepared to meet the style and needs of the Village of Milverton and yicinity with Big Reductions in Dresses, Coats and Raincoats, Etc. We would like to have your inspection of these goods, coment? “Be Sporty” and buy A KING HAT All the new shades’ and designs are here, We want you to see our NEW PANAMAS. Prices are right. AHAT FOR EVERY FACE Our Corset Department e excell in thls department. We carry all the new idea: We Ae a want ee to fit, Db . S5¢ ‘0 $2.75 ‘each. New Summer Underwear For Men and Boys We carry a full range of “ZIMMER KNIT.”’ These goods are made of the finest Egytian yarn, Combination and otherwise, 25c up to $1.00 Nice Navy Blue Suits for Boys Ages 13, 14, 15 and 16. Long Pants. Good quality Worsted. Special in Men’s Raincoats (Saturday Only) at $4.79 Ten Big Specials For SATURDAY egular 50c to $1, idery reg. 8, 1 28 Corsets, 509 yards Emb: 3 spools Cotton fe for Ladies’ Vests 3 for me Fastners f pace Cotton Hose, 2 pai Gin; Cnet eeu ‘ar ie 1-26 and 15¢ yd., iren’s Um 45 for. Hair Pins a Hair Nets, 2 for Ne GROCERY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY FRESH EGGS DIRTY EGGS fe alles per Ib, Se 22¢ Faly Soup per t lb $c 1 8c Se Sie ating Keres per cake. 5 per dozen LO—all flavors , VTELLO ICE CREAM POWDER per dozen WM. K. LOTH, MILVERTON, ON “The Arcade” J WELLESLEY COUNCIL, The municipal council of the t ean of Wellesley. met at the tow ship hall, Crosshill. Monday, the 4th aay. of May 1914. at 10 o'clock inthe forenoon. All the members were in attend- nce. A. ertson. the Reeve, oc- cupjed the chair. Bills and nccounts were read, whereupon it was moved by J, L. Mc- Kay. seconded by R. Lintick, that the following accounts be wet and that rs in payment J. D4 jowm nt of fees re John Haid ‘ditch, Jaco joetz. ming clan. and Soe, in washout ‘ookshan! ‘or team on Der rod —_ v3. L. MeKay, Page x J. Reidel. ee ‘the clerk be an erease the commutation fauhicpalty 19. ean in $1.50 per di w numbe: a bein and Peter Latha art ie ‘of é at first in dit Be the latte in road ‘aiv ision aan ber ee by rR “tack r. seconded by L. MeKay that this eee do Ww Piet i Tae aga’ nm Mon: the ist day of June. “told. ato o'clock in the forencon.—< —Carried. HESSON Mr, and Mrs, L. Memseenle vn st Clements. and Mr. " ughter, Made and da of ew vas with Young Berline are brenathe a Mr. and Mrs, Misses alae "end Kathar rine Ken- nedy of Linwood, spent the former part of the week with Mr. and Mr: Stinson. of Linwood! “re newed catimuthnced in ees on Sunda: y. nd Mrs. EF, Sunday with Helm, of Bt, Piping spent Mr. Wilson of Port Huron. is re- newing aicuatitan ik in our vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. E, Strangway spent Bunday at Giovalan mers around our Holnity have sar plete their seeding a pect a rai Remembe: mary big celebration at Listowel on the Bt th. "BRUNNER, a a MeBwan. of Mookt spent Thursday with the latter's pF ter. Mrs. er. al . Ge mn and Miss Florence Squires. of Milverton, apent Sunday Mr, J R. J. Peters. of Embro. ith his parents y! Peters oO) spent Sunday iends. Garden =i House Plants A fresh supply arriving every morning WEIR'S RESTAURANT — This 3 is for You! — Dr. If You Suffer From Hot flashes or dizziness, faint- 5 ae te a LTS PRT, ing ; Spells, hysteria, headache, bee are not beyond Faliet Pierce’s Favorite Prescription in directed to the real cause and promptly rem Bu) rte conor ia the pace of prolonged mise eye se ery rs ists for over 40 in fluid form, it Do per bottlg cence Panera! oor a yan fu pr beatin \gar coated tablet form, as ae by R. V. Pierce, M.D. ‘Sold by éhoos 54 aim ivery sick woranb tay const ws by lotsa, abeolitaly Write without fear as without feo, to Facul 7 Dr. R. V. PI PIERCE, ‘Preheat Ot ty ida tN je Hote DR. PIERCE’S P: Mrs. W. Long. of Unionvil! ps ts the week-end with her parent, and Mrs, R. Peters. id ie ae a et aa isite “t ednesday Wie 5 ney, ea id ey sittin at sues Mrs. "Hehty. fl visiting Newton, Parlor, Den, Diningroom, Bed- room and Hall Furniture Rugs and Linoleum — We sell “Ns See our the a line Gerhard ; f Heinteman| “Prestolene” Piano He Pianos. Gloss Carriages ‘The Fa'ses Furniture Look New “Home Trade” ree e Collap- Pit sible cae See the Go-Carts The Cadillac Vacuum | 4° ae Sweeper a a at $185.00. d Waggons t RA RA on ee ( Futpiture Dealer R. McMane, 3 2m"

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