| : MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE j HAVE RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF New Goods that were not on the market when we made our first spring purchases. These goods you will find newer and more attractive than anything shown before, The lines include Waists, Hosiery, Silks Wash Goods, Embroideries, Laces Ginghams and Buttons Haye also restocked the Millinery department with a lot of new shapes and trimmings. Our millinery busi- ness has proved very satisfactory. A. trial order, will convince you that our styles are correct and prices to suit everybody, Our aim is “TO PLEASE.” House Cleaning Time Our Housefurnishing Department is stocked to over- flowing with these popular goods at popular -prices. Linoleums and Floor Oilcoths Carpets and Rugs Curtains and Curtain Netts Curtain Poles and Blinds Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Country Produce WANTED: 300 Bags Potatoes WEBER & BETTGER es ‘idence of Mr. Bishalien. of Br rlin aT: Et, Sunday with friends at’ Walto: MONKTON. Mr. J. N. Barclay made a business ae iy Guelph on Monday. Samuel Boyle spent Lent at Noah Partridge. t her home ne McKay spent on, Edgar ‘Wilson and Win, Bettger motored to motored to New Ham where they. spent t 1 acatinna’ tobulld-a oven at oF rear of hi accommod: slrainnge ea t Broughton served Scott and Contr acto |rmoraiog of the | fores mDLbe used contractor “entering win, of Mi‘ their mother, Mr iL ity of M 2 nd pia e littl A little _excilome se = g dover FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: The “Harvest Queen” Brand One of the best on the market Whotet © BREAD win A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Gakes a specialty - - MONKTON, ONT Eva Holme: tightly and Mrs. F. junday with Mr. ie) on his winged stee WO. The first league trom Atwoo' nd the hry ville funeral took plac Rost ion of M. business hes so inorea: to render his confined. What Thoks uk another pukton’s en il for some tim lag tu Sthashi ‘bel Touecti to Mr. Des Sate of which is a Fallarton, spent Sunday 1h where he spent a pleasant day or mn was ditched in front of i wheel coming off, t be the accident the axle truck otherwise in- ‘an “old pealent of i on Tuesday after- ee 9 the Lutheran cemetery Pavel on Sun- jas ¢ ot the Weber aa, Fates nburg, 01 is making br p- new. cement bake present ore ters Elma on Reeve r Connolly d day. th Broughtoas oF pposition to the based na ore posed drain two to six rod 8 fee rom his fences prac- tieally rend a large portion of i land v: alueless. Reeve Scott, how- er, does not anticipate that any in preventing the Mr. Broughton’ . Byors and Miss Janet Sher- nt Bannes with » Sherwin who — is aged Mrs. John progress towards oN was ©: rday evening f but little owing to the which he — was No damage was done ex- arness, McCormick. of y at Mr. John es and Jessie Go- game in whie! be pulled kton takes part will off here between Monkton an wood 0} rday evening, Rev. A, Moorehouse left on eaday for Stratford to attend the Stratford District meeting the e hi before the meeting of con- wate 8 was Ellice passed on Sunday last r john Mii rk See BIG CLEARING SALE To make room for spring goods, we are offering goods at following prices Mantle Clocks, regular $12.00, now 00 ‘ ‘ “ 10,00 “00 “ “ “ 800 “00 f #6 600 50 whew Clocks, aia aan, roi $3.70, now 15 ks $1. Reg. $1.50 tor 10 W J re reg, #36 00, for $18. Reg $i bs for. 00 14,00, for 10.00. 0 for. 00 Brooche 4 18, $12. oa, ie fe BD . ‘© 10,00 for nt 2 “res 4.50 for... 2 juction, don’t miss this chance savenehtan is pas ah, et Ey ak same r We also have a good line of Silver Polish reg. 250 which we are going to clear out at Lbc. J. A. HANSON, monkton, = ont. he who had Mena a last week y of @ ranulated sug ing fright at an au ede Miss Ella Dewar. . Dewar. of the recovered & attack of Hat of a Sepa Pay, iiss A. Mil ay at Guelph- and the: JUST IN. A FINE LINE OF WOMEN'S SHOES Patent pie Patent Bluchers, Suede Button, Gun Metal Button Me, Dongola Button and Lace, Vici Kid. The strongest Jine of Women’s Oxfords and Pumps ever shown. Misses’ Shoes of all descriptions, such as Patent Dongola, Box Calf, Tan, Etc. In Men’s shoes we haye a magnificent showing: of See Bluchers, Patent ie Gun Metal Blucher and Tans Blucher and Button. Agent for Dr. Scholi’s “Foot-Easer.” N. ROSS, »2s. Monkton - turned home of Tu ing the week-end r. Jas. Torrance. at “Beechwe ots “ Phe ate, ne “Onlie Mrs. arn ented owing to peaches Seite oat by oe es ear $4.60 at present eicitemg ill t time ago from an The ‘he Barrett Dairy . Herb. estate and childri ot Britton. spent pe lay oe stings eal. oe shah on Sun ie Torrance . Miss Eya Torrance, of |~ Miss Gli of Med on friénds in Atwood Sunday last. big, day on for planting tree 4.75 trade, Soda and a iseuits and uto. Mrs, M we are glad to report was not injur- Mr. daughter ie e 15th of EI She bad ust aves in the person of lan of Str: te secured and will make Maid TY: Co. has aes Union Baak i possession of the premises, A tree e well Ps cae in Monkton hay- tae he ana of establishing rs, Collison and Miss Vina Colli- son visited Mrs. Huggins on Sunday pectora Irwin and Fees pent! a Fri Mrs, Geo. Berinte visited Atwoed: “triends on See NORTH MORNINGTON day. Miss Gladys Kemp, of Listowel, re~ esday after spend- me her cousin iss Susi Miss Helen “yor intends leaving a uP.P. wait va spent Sunder a his broth: of ‘Bachan tee Dts with her ey ‘of. Donegal. ones, afernoot ‘; neers Kemp, of + {marks on ture i e Den u efteots oe ph depopulation. and ny oe ‘of $10.000.000 by the Dominion y CIRCULAR a BOXHOLDERS ON DELL 8, near | oa box ete. same rise Orolired of new. aubscrib: re sven one a, ONTARIO NEEDS COUNTRY SCHOOL OF A NEW KIND At London the other night in an addres before the Baconian Club. Prof. B, McCready. of t is enere pina College) made a fav c- the decadence of agricul- tario. that are worthy of eady referred to class in the community ¢ balance wheel of the communy ew families in Lon there were which would not fin untx ‘olk"” among immediate nei bors. The problem of the farm ‘and how it affected the urban community was foremost in the public mind, see prof, 1 Por ee tian on ane addition to sao teen al inere vi at leas! those * 3 tined- for’ rural Ontario. All this. in spite of the fact: © had been-opeded in northern, t tem yea. Ont population hat gone to. the: city» 0! London. much of it had gone to the West. ble fact was that wome: disappearing. In: ‘anaale Sounty’ this Wasa paradox, stead of the customary jee te of males by females. t outnumbered the females, th 107 males to every 100 females inthe county. In ait Rrget districts of se county sf as 100 males 112 fem a the city, of etaae 2500 more females than was the cause re all sorts of remedies off mail, rural. tel transportation. n grower and consumer. ‘s, deeper canals. 3 i of ‘thouuht ps ot he boy or girl iva Hib oount ry did_not feel t was being tural educatioy W oe ‘ae next ten or ‘ti noticeable progress. eS Government towards agriculture Tha been a beak assistance, ep inrde share of blame was belaid to the schools. The speaker aid not mean inefficienpy — of but here Was a need for opuntre school and a ind country teacher to bri ring the ‘osaiil {Gea of country life to girls and boys There should ‘be Mecopdiney “sohools ixf- e: e001 schools had been passed. RURAL MAIL VERY ROUTES The following information is con- tained in a circular — issued to box- peeal routes by the Post- { the establishment stem in Canad ie ided to “aane a De livery gombined letter and Preite? box to meet the new conditions. A supoly of these new boxes will ready for se Ysa on or about the ioe June. be $4.50 ip by reason ns ‘ “The automatic self-locking — signal circular piece of mech- ry bees At the end of ae an olders ears m exchange he-new — one ® done was to | spent ‘ost Office Inspector of their Divit- jon who will a en forward a box of the new patter PLAYGRO ROUNDS: ntreal Daily Mail Adequate exerolse aro rounds re need ed if the virility. of U D1 That has poe tl by the provision it makes Sal public heal- th. by. providing plots of ground under _¢ efficient supervision: ce Vo saTBIRG, e sorry to report that o school her Miss ane MeMane. is “confined to her bed with inflam- jon, The school wii be closed neil her elie: which we will be spee Mr. and Mrs Allan Fhe of Donegal. spent a few reat of last Sere ee thelr bite tel of Fruithill and Miss, tale Mills. vat oodham. spent a ith Mrs. nae week wi NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Ros of Elma. in the County of Perth Widow, deceased. The Pecneay of the above named . who died on or about * “Mitehell. Ontario Bolicitor for 428-5 Administrator ‘anna Boyne. late of the Township OUR BIG 7-DAY SALE Continues this Thursday: Bane: Friday and ad Saturday If you want Bargains, Come Early, as Saturday will be the last day, STORE OPEN WEDNES Ladies’ Underwear, silk and lisle, reg. 35 to 75c, for 25¢. DAY EVENINGS The Milverton Bargain Store Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange Pfaff Block, MILVERTON WEELESLRY, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. ho Her family of Milverton sho calls here on oo. Bundse! made Sunday vehite fs their way to Water! Henry Ottmann. of Milverton spent Sunday at his home here wit hi nt 0. Dietz and son Edw, iting friends on Sunday on id Tavis M r Schmidt spent Bieta tte ternoon, with his parents SG anda! Louis Keo. of the week-end and acquaintances Mr. Wm, Kreutaweiser, nding a few days Hep- here other Harry: who’ ts yory time of writing. Mr. Albert Ottmann who went to Tuesday to write onthe worth. is spen returned jon nd Bra, Albert | Shable. of Berlin. were visiting friends here” on gunaey civil service aed home ve st. J. G Reiner who (pent points in Iowa on poatiaes Setniaiad » Mr. Val. Habermehl and’ the Miss- es uaura Woiwade spent Bunday at New Prussia and were guests ar the home of Mr, ‘and Mrs, Hei NONEGAL. The farmers in this vicinity finished seeding and are busy pu! in the root crops. will again, be held ne 1s. of vt: oat » W. D, Scott's on Miss Sara Harrow spent « few days in Toronto notminaled ty ate Howard McCourt and sister, a spent Sunday w'th /rienc! owl be in Trinity pitta: iim a. at pele ret two on Sunday * Miss, iv va Robinson. visited oa ae fare her friend. Miss Ttdythe ‘The rattle of the milk Pinas) is ‘in hea in our midst the Joo aah tastory commenced DpePatiqns on Mr. Menton Scott has gone to Lon- don resume his duties at the White foundry. Just Arrived! A large stock of Building Material consisting of Cement, Lump and Hydrated Lime, and Shingles We sell the best quality XXX B.C. Red Cedar Shingles at $2.70 a square See our ert Assorted Stock of Furniture ich we sell at Closest Prices, All kinds of grain ies and sold, A stock of Mill Feed always on hand, SCRANTON GOAL a specialty. R. Y. FISH, - Linwood The Warm Weather is With us Again and for this weather we have ‘“‘New Periection Oil Stoves” With 2 and 3 burners at right prices, Also DETROIT VAPOR GAS. OLINE STOVES. Th se stoves burn just like natural gas and require only one lighting. run them and be absolutely safe, Come in and we will show you that any child can See our HAMMOCKS at all prices. Screen Doors and Window Screens Frost Wire Fencing—The best in the land. M. E. Bettger @ Co. a : a =k, i a Ale 6 | Se ili me | 1 | i ae fe = Mini uni lays people are Nowad ing more attention to the interior decoration and furnishing of their homes than’ ae ever: did before, ‘The standard of ee, pie aised. dus afew years ago ‘We ali appreciate comfortable, attractive homes, but we don’t realize how much modern paint-making will help us in improving our surroundings. water paint for this purpose. Use for your floors, or if you prefer ed finish use 8-W. Floorlac. On hardwood floors use S-W Mar-not, a durable waterproof, Decotint, a special The Sherwin-Williams Co, has ¢: of the home and they have succeed finishes are used for every purpose The walls of your home can Flat-tone sanitery—can ivon. particular atten= tion to the making of finishes for the iad Sen be mansion, and also in the most humble cotts be aise with S-W e, & durable rahe hede oil are peas - washed wit ror S-W floor varnish. t their For the bapboards; mh ence doors, ee use SW. sions | Pm FeO ea da and any kind of dpiatise woodwork sag which you apn a yamnigh finish, There is a ‘illiams finish every kind of surface and for every a2 ee ad talk to us about your finishing problems, Finkbatues Hardware Co. . . _ HARDWARE, STOVES, PAINTS, ETC. noes MEL VDRO, aie At ge yy eee eee SL "ER ne ee ee et oe 8 ee ee