leave. Se et the truth.’ = ar tet cs aes SUFFERERS FROM "PAINFUL RHEUMATISM ane of No Avail—Must Cured Through the Blood 60 many sufferers r ncitiom » defies es not bald” cs purity the blood i ny rheumatiem aro in and i € ds blood wi ptly check ne Tis ie med the Tena trace ae up with rheu- year bre ism. d ar favalia” 8 heir: My face wore eta their lessone 0 hy are there so many failures 8 the eraimeincot of rheumatism? | q ed f & life of pain, despairing of a] hig tet The poisons lood, . tal cariss’’—decayed bo pute end etrong phir two tonite I jeonla n HARD WATER ER FOR TEETH. Bad Teeth Cause De alge ia —Soft Water A cate it will be news to most conditk of Se ally “of n—i governed to a Jas ee of here is, mu for the agrees (or cautives than sane tile: mitt einpp- | bats: P| ply of dri; suspected, lime enters ttl in “into ‘the eom- pésition of wt it is only re- nya tly that the matter has been set- rere scientific pr si The «| Koc grew out of observations of the widespread prevalence at Pasa this spote i M wrk: Shes! children Bs a given to the condition of school- children’s teeth because of the di the general health. Children who appear badly no ished, rarely have sound teeth. Bad Su teeth nearly always cause digestive | K disturbances, and in the course of time may be responsible for detec. tive eyesight, back normally me are bright and at a Every Town And HAS - SOMEON sure cure for sore rag Handke, a well-known. resider iilends that Dodd’ fering as well, not able to. getup in the Sporning. Village In Canada CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY. PILLS. Sent Back to Work and ene Him Much Money. ‘anbrugh, Ont.,, May 15(Spe- pray aoe at Ont othe > Dodd i That man a salt ep Kidney Pills, place e, and is telling he Kidney es saved him much lost time, and “I was laid up with sore back,’ r. Handke cays. “A imes I, was | | land. There, in this country, Be, by the.time TI had Ree One ne fic Nate bbeabedeee ke being | box of Dodd’s Kidney’ Pills ‘ foiiod | Tephtniie meer Towa take that the pain was getting less, and is-|by the time I had taken six boxes |S™ed as showing an pected tol ‘af strous effects of bad teeth upon} I w: wo as all right and able to go to/t ant os ffers from: sor idney Pills are the ae poten would recommend, Th 2 a lar ge doctor’s bill to any man who | back that Dodd’s rie He which so often makes | lost time,’ fare pupils of children who a capable Sore back is one of the symptoms Kidney Disease. The natural |° to ov neys ue it > cure ae sicl Dodd's Kidney P m Mr. -E. Monde Tells How They Hin Agricultural College, is the author of a. ea to ‘iene mre A in years,’ thas | claims am to be. Ontario i i 1912 the efficiency 3 rods "Wa thould have oe. sephoted 42-if the 99. kc {Paid by all these companies for the whole eight years on rodded build- ure ey LIGHTNING RODS, i babeaetsh ch Batletin Issued by On- aie Fragen College, advocating Lined wee taff of ‘the | Ontario eeu aad demon- @ series of investiga res aaa In 5 oes the re- cl nies Prof, md thet in peace 200 farm . Day observes, 98.7 per cent., and: inepecte: in 2fichigan show an efficiency at per cent, Records in ten “i that for the eight 1905- 1912 the average number of insur- risks The high: st number of companies reporting | in any one year was 68 and the low. sé 46, The total lightning claims | igs was only CUTICURA SOAP And Cuticura Ointmen’ For distressing it. They afford a pure, sweet and Sesaiae | cal method of preserving, purify- ing and beautifying the skin, scalp and hair, TaSHesy itchings, inflammations eczemas, 1 ng Kidneys. It yo “hove od | Bh So ° iit fb did nc mameipiine ant nls oe on SELB tery relanbeicod Wirdereda haa oe trode walldinge ‘they Pe and adu Its Cuticura Soapand Cuti- the doctor finall ly “old me that the : erareuah, be: ae some man or woman srho bas Beet gts hitning claims tp eget to. nhs cura Ointment are most effective. only thing that ro ‘mo ee lities supplying water | cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills gM WOE AMBAL | x! ut would be a shades ay Slitnal ° war | of total hardness, of temporary a compan | we this time I decided to give Dr Baniivaue saxt ti Sab x oe | the num of unrod oe. ‘dros Potter rug & Ci liams' Pink, Pills a trial and a Mia nees and of permanent hard- SAVED FROM THE Trp, [ed buil sige walk tee ante Rat «Boston, Us 8 supply, After I had taken them|"Urder each of these conditions we erent Tce : for a while jfoid they were help-| the children examined hered| Swinburne Had Narrow Escape | 22 Michigan where a company in WANT TO BE HEALTHY? ng om a a further iuppte| bkys) Baal porns iie et ies SADC) sures only rodded buildings which an capetaly cured me, ate pre et ce ts rr renga From Drowning. jhave been inspeoted a risk of $55,-|Then Eat Lobster—Novel Advice J have not hoez m sick one day sin varied in a most convincing ames Swinburae, the [2 “ 07: “ hee aie on ring Given, T otron ecommend Dr, Wil: according to the hardness of the aed immune from ; mY nd sine ene cage 3 Pepekdacd ite eas noreat ba liams' Fink Pills for this trouble.””.| ares supplied regina ee all the imoladies that pursue unfor- | from igvining during that time P a ilk ‘aan DONALD You can get these ile from any investigator being|t’4te mankind, - Writing of Swin- \t ee b tbe s for children and gre i: deals in’ wedicines by mail, burne, in Portraits and Sketches Mees and othor proofs hy it.) tables and) fruit) for people ‘with oth paid, al 60 cents @ bos or sik Mok ease bet dys that he da }ted PUES DAS hax a sor mac’ ori pave just: been boxes tok $3: 80 by writing The Dr. aS ee. gue; bis: agility demonstrations of the sieneie by. a= famous ve Co kvi e 4 e d rl oitiau ware ime Co., Brockville, It w a alec found: that ° dhe: lower jee 83 were watirings, His cour- Halied “te a oven “te se y spi Abincs a naigstion | the infant mortality”--the smalior | 8° and zest as a bather were. su- : t the Institute of Hygiene. He put the perecntage of deaths Jin infaney perb. When he was a very little | direc for the proper outing at the Ts ete ye = ‘% @ pu GIVE CHILD I HEART D DISEASE. Seblier fe. tect child, his fat the admiral, had | of buildings the read nded |in a good word for the lobster, and : : taught him to be fearless in the wa-|that- lightning is electricity. Prof. gonarkey! thatthe Abhay ey Rheumatic Microb: Canses 350° Ou . ter, by taking-him up in his arms|Day-asserts that ick werk be in| mach, apt to produce an over : 50 Out WHAT MOTHERS SAY Pe iy poe metallic connection with the build-|secretion of acid, -was a serious of 500 Cases. ' and flinging bim am mg the waves, OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS] At Bton, says his ¢ Ai ing and that no insulators should | cause of hadi psseics and was pos Rheumatism is a preventible dis- on; says his cousin; f ch-} sessed by many Londoners Gaet) according to Dr, Poynton, wha ould awit forever.’ be used, This method of attach ceed By waa Pier lectured recently at the Institute eternal mothers use no other young man, he ment is directly opposite to that r. Fenwick gave the following a Hygiene, Leedan theuma. | Medicine fheir Kittle ones but| escape from drownin, adopted when lightning rods were | advice ts busy ie cael ae tiemnhe not Only meant the tercibt Baby's Own Tablets, Once'a mother] Swinburne was a daring bather, | first used. 8 a“ from ‘ae er bt | has used the Tablets she will uss no|and. he: loved to go to Etretat be Sir ee, substances which almost. invariably painful diecase in the joints, but) jinn i edicine, shaun Sause’ Biritties t ques disagree are green vegetables’ and the bageuninge lok é Gn, lasele chil’ nedicine, Cor i | hem | cause the opportu for swim E A edge {| fruits, though the starch tie Mre, Geo. M. Binns, Clifford, Ont., {ming in the sca w sellend Every Stiff Joint Limberet ruits, though the starchy varieties, en he i abe apg! sews nVery ul H h as potato, cauliflower, 6éa Pe “ wie! sed find twenty five there. On a certain Friday 3 in the slew.) teat bbe Tho disease rheumatism,” he} vite for an ther. t Y fo ‘aimuitann SAtaeaet? alas ie atism Cured ot so ob said, “1 look upon as essentially | Own Tat ee ae T would not bo|'clock in Whe, morning, the prox f Rheumatism Cured |: anima an infection with a micro orgenitm | yithout them: Whed baby is cross | went alone to a solitary oie on food, with the possible single exeep- —@ minute streptococcus o lo~ 7 ‘ sel Or: ‘ h 5, the anes Old Family Remedy nerve” tion ‘of salt-be: d pork, are and ailing I give him a@ tablet or|the eastern e of th e plage, sygoecus.”” He showed lantern alides two and he is soon well and happy | Porte d’Amont’ (lor there is ne real brcigeagihgmntt Dh eontly digested oF hive prove his contention. ‘Thon fe Seow as Monel hachon ae Renee ft hi Cas stomach, and the same may be said pesligics ~s th af ‘ain : - ow oO! pa ot : es ws prise a *, tr A at), Pre ok ol ve bs of bisa. bisousee, pore tle eeods of future the O equa xem “and spe Tem far | clothes, and p unged db 48 was his|CURES LSP RT ISS BACKACHE, vari de tiate-ence = tami- : perior to Castor oil.”’ The Tab-|.wont. A few minutes lat jaricuy mate riels-such ie ioe, -tapl ®own everywhere in our ree cities, ey are sold iY aucune dealers ot dalled Dauncay rahe pis 56 “the iit 008, Fresh “gs firs effects they pro: by mail nt 25 gents a box from The loutlook ab the semaphore, at the Rsuoitinn today. Is unnecessary. dissolved by the acid gastns duced were on quite ‘young children, De Wilh Me és foot cf the clit tern vide [dt #8 80 well understood and so read: the ,muoh .- maligned }obster mostly in the form of heat di ha Bate ee aoa 2 Phe bic, eastern side lily curable that every have fornia ana reeable ay Wholesome ly he for heart disease. | ville, Ont. of the bay, heard ¢ 8 for help and+ ports of old chronies, being freed of Fig course, Phetunation’ is not the a piercing screams. their tormenter, ar) the dieta The use ly cause of heart piston in chil- ui 5 He ‘iimnbed up on a chalk rock, can speak ‘confidently of the Ner. of is onies and wimtibhis: wae abrong- dren who wre less tha e years} O0-OPERATION IN RUSSIA. | and saw that « ewimmér, who had viline treatment, for the simple reason | ly condemned for a over-powerful of age, but Dr. Poynton’s, idler | been caught by the tide, LST rung | that tt cured me,” write B. stomachs su uch as are to be found shows that of 500 cases in which a} Great Development of Mutual Soci=| 2 Cornelius, from Kingston. “You can’t | among city men. ver at that place, Nibora be and lame and sore I 350 could be eties of AML Kinds. in out to se a spite years Ata the Leouldie sleep pate Ber Wee. bably not generally |b! violent struggles. / ‘ec The infection seems to he every- a ble for C ic mY t ¥ possible for Coquere au bets cm race's carta cond: Gromg ne dansion tte seg |soine.cls fo tale tn | Plane Maker Praises tions tha male a child el reshiieecupactto the, cecitien okies taerl; he, eberted! WS, kagey alongs -they OAv: Zam-Buk tive... Fizet. ;| With-respeot ito the number of co Meher the pain. ‘The swelling went down, , : operative societies within its ter-| shore to Ptretat, when he saw th | cor hac, ine swelling went do ig puts poverty, for ritory, bging chines by Marie-Marthe, one of the fishing |{ also Ferrozone Tablets BEST FOR See AND Tauch ie gg frequent in ton Germany. ‘The co-operative move- | smacks, of the village conte: Fotind meals, ‘They increased my SEPANG amongs' 6 poorer ves b the point. Coquerel called to the | appetite and spirits, purified my blood comes ered: and a rat began i Rasalan Ta boatman, and directed him to the }and toned up my system ge (etter: sprang, theumatim, rrr te, Hi 8 not think ey diet drifting and shouting man. “Tam as baa loday as a man could | ters te nothing like Z abrir bas any bearing. upon the causation | Gnment of the different branches of| The captain of the s ack very Negi all th creat Pipslth ss WomiRe I anutratinig oametmaielen ereaterae a mane in childhood, though pos-| 6. -operation has taken place only|(tickly understood the situation, © family size tie of Neryi- | it gives almost instant relief. Mr, D, ly later in life it may produce | gy 913, | and followed the poet, who no long-| jing arRe {a or the trial size| R. Gourlay, of Messrs, Gourlay, Win: as lene in the behaviour of ia no less thane? *truggled, but supported him-| 6c, and {s useful ‘0 3 eeaares ils in| ter & Leeming, the well-known piano the infection 00. co dit societies | Self by floating on the hates of the |the family. Whet! it’s manufacturers of Toronto, used Zam- yaaa ne we (of which 3,300 were Schulze-De-| tide. The water was h him earesls, dieadacho Ae } k, and this is experie cane \ /PRTISEMENT Ah 1, viftly f . back or ld, Nervi have much pleasure in stating TAVING A ADVERTISEMENT Himes Grucab bake)) 7,500 es pions Buyirtlyy ee Boat con Baal {pst as readily ax It will cure chéuma- | two applications of Zam-Buk entirely tive societies ; 4,900 agrici 80. ea a Pe Win’ ths the mily use nothing equals cured ery severe strain o} cietii ¢0-operative abstain rie Pate “Ds death east | Nerviline the back. ‘While not given to tho in: 8; 600 co- operiti Ve Boe! 4 a Lise of, or belief in, to tea and coffee | ties for Oreanetis on - the fisherman, whose name i pate medicines, I can consclen- disagte granaries an 5, he veiinied se deen out of he BRIDAL PJ ARTY WAITING, tiously Reggae am-Bulk, Simply stop both for a time and| fen res, it must be added, refer to| Water. Captain i Zam-Buk {s used by the world’s use Posturm’ inion ad, then note the Riis, exclusive of Finland, where eile tomished at his capture nid What Bune te heat huidesrese popari Taremead a five ve e! TT I the Icarians were a‘ or trial, r box, al rug: sienna effects. The truth will there are mo , aeithusee displayed hin usual vive Dae D atone mea te a mp with at least 250,000 members, hy, oaithan’ 7 weal rloriouss ‘Twenty years ago, in one of the | it for eczema, cuts, sores, bruises, Sie sean ago. ig sae a, 4 yery opera fy thousand of Hoe 86 ac trea il tnbbed the poet's body Shetland cs a bridal party | ulcers, piles, and all skin injuries and ion, a erative societies; nearly on ‘as anxiously Pal a the ce diseases, suffered from indigestion nenvous |400 are go-operative dai and} with their neiae hands, sind ‘then epee 2 ness and insom “T was drinker, but it w could be petra that it was cof- hag ne hurt m T dec ib De w day; (Toa is just as rious —becanse it contains same dru ny be &@ raging headache, so I de- cided I must hi ee cording to would not etange back to cna tox oven we Postum T tie relating Now I weig) that time T ean only ati ener present good ‘ea t “use aks Postiim in la Bay’ “advortisement for Postum.’’ oi forms aspoonful “aleabives qui iiss in "3 ep ‘of hot water ils oe al ae a ae insti _ ae 300" any ried?” Mike nia, hen an inveterate coffee the tee ot agricndes ral perensty, ti eforé Tete, are at the pre | si tive societies for Altoge ef a therefore, thi Ooms 30,500 ¢ eieraiien societies. This very vconsiderabte develop- tose appe over Bri iturous approval,” 4 i ‘h to the captain and who Surrounded, ee in otrines men, ing by boat from an istand at so distance, og although bright ayes scanned the ocean no l_ passed, ia bride egroom came, He was iy Apro of on, of i After waiting isters peak —_* Prinee Led Blind. ‘opos of the yecent e of the British Cabi blind man anecdote inet bic Pose resnld hate crow Sah ab) iy ba peaalied ment is due ti mber of eauses,| of Republic, and thew he fecited ito for some time the party broke up | that the inte King, when Prince of re has without doubt. been. an by ene Dour topepbse, 2 thie Ti as of anxiety. ‘The| Wales, rmed the like wakening of the working classes, | Poe! Hiride; sa: heart, put off her Pitan Sietion: for a blind fiddler ig, oaffeine.) “The Sut morning I left off coffee Bod especially cS mething to |e lace of ooffee.’’ (‘The head- of t ache was caused by the reaction of ans She e country Ronen eaecieh their efforts that many ait ferent co-operative in titubions have een founded. of the peered lasses, to.a consciousness of their istriets many peor superior Intallige nee, and it sve have een clea re evils for encouraging “tie P 1895, 1 pie sal h bk the tal0y ay BOE rales of the year 1907 ributive societies and eat Nets a erat for agricultural co-operative: socie- laws obi wall ties fia: rit ‘+ ~ lot 1008 he! of i ment. Haeae Jaws and meat to ¢o- operat which as are the ni ake dae. = ‘co-ope: Ee for dist “1902 on co~ socie- 01 ail (e) ant r 908 for Sasevastiead apspperstive| Et ‘ ‘i Experience. * “Pat, when was you first mar-| Ham “At inate years it was,” Pat ae ind, begorra, Ea never | 2 0 yo wil er aie Relieves: Fultnoas After Meals. “when y lett Pills 0 sold in y ethe. Catarth On sail fine ae Any Sour Stomach |« ) Twas “working around the wal Nothing P deigieh Hamilton's va. tn I not e large dos ae rraouits with Dr Haran Pills, | feel so glad and I can ii, bil ee the best p! et ay ait gt rub for Dr. Hamil- andrake and Re ©) bridal Se a her brothers at id. out the ee | of his rr went b; years, the lost bri ridegroom. 'Thé ey. forgotten by all. bute few intimately *: | concer a short ti «| A party of tourists wei a rocky, barren. islet, tea as tial mu ‘islan ‘ok: fade sifted far from tie usual course. Heng and — ana Ned done the rest. il for the ‘com's home, to non. y got there in Pall Mall, the man, was desirous of getting ve oe other side, A about to ¢ross from the Maribor. Perceiving. the é, that the nvoy: glass, vant that no danger coma ment, opposite, apprehended. fore parting with him, ponths: age that, hemeerng a coin be- and , and never a word! or ae p unti © a nt to explore) Iked along they uy mber of bones i rH Hollors in the | tears ~ From certai s there | ad Hite Minard's, Lihiment Co a tabattae , men em) working 1 Fataccnteriained Ks nea Bia SAU! oa ae rast Co, Que, recover on ar ie ti widnie outh, N.S; Gentlemen, —In Jah ary taht Francts, pets? one we the ployed by DUVAL. for xd ‘think 1 ae male ask} mo to na Not Long. “Ts. your Pie going to. | wea away some time??? — i vet one ak eof cali os Aisa e nee als, ay the tks Ea a se chess sw tease: , mA ee NY WARS IN 00 YEARS. Gne Is hieetnitatea Sea Three n Ce: Indies, idial re Mid mark, pe tian, Rune Servo ape Filipino-Amerioan China Acrines: the allie, 1900, d rel partial portant which « have be bances ¢ the list or one There recent sae be yea Perha lesson for drawn to come Remove By app bop surely, it's right _ This i si mmy 1”? “y night.’” ing at tl faunal sacee! decades, the history of the last halt century. Apparently the world isn’a going to be able to get on for some commends and sells Putnam's Extractor; the best, 260, per bott! No matter how long a woman has been meee eventually reform Ask for Minard’ A schoolmaster, wishin press upon his class the prem pep lation of China, s tion of China is so ae ica two Chinamen die every time you take a breath.’ part Spat one small boy at ithe fot of the and he was Sung firioual “What is the matter?’ Wiodited he schoolmaster — with arm, {What on earth are you doing, ““KiNing Chinamen, sir,’’ was the answer. had my fortune told “Did you! How much is it?’ First Tramp—‘‘It’s wegetarians,” as See! List. In Bue ie progre: - t eetion nN remains a fen as (mal, eocletion ah think ig are making f vata ae ane foatince “and 4 they another: i He ry 1 Tis es Achat opts “in the mel al Amen' ‘and ta jee eyes Ri iio. 857, sy Vries against Austria, war tm A 1860-6, “ial by sg ‘Austria’ and beuila ‘and Austria against: Den- 1 nse war, Austria-Prus- 166. Franco- Prussian, 1870. a-Tu ere ts la7% 7 18, »-Bulgan 1885. mese-C! aie 1894-95, Greco- Purkish, 1897. Spanieh- Gente aR igh Reta States against . Turkey, seakan States against Bulgaria, can war, 1914, has bee list. eral emall wars, including the im- conquest ® Sudan, are not included, and there een numerous minor distur- " one sort and another, But ades 20 fair-sized wars, every three yeans. entices no falling off im ears. Take the last two for instance, and there en 10 Wars, or one every two y ups tet is some cocourenas for peace societies to | Hera this. fairly, bloody, re- without fighting. Those Unsightly Warts plying Putnam's Corn and Wart t cures warts and joa re~ o # man, she keeps n expecting that ‘he will and take no other. The Yellow Peril, atid : pula- sds ‘the Weat Highest grade pasa ‘i and mealy hole fect baking, retainis ar full ete a ip bins ict Ta) pei: pap nde aera FOR SALE. — SS ranms sauce. ci "wo DAWEON, Ninety Calborns strony r ai WANT TO BOY On ay aie Hoke Bret edie © re Bathorne Rt, Taranta, HW. DAWSON, Colborne St. irl a oe Staioner and poe! ore rhea . $4,600. vrerme Gtoarm < Wason Pubiiane ae iy, 12 West’ Adelaide Street SSeS = a Tn a Coe . ron T IN LIVE TOWN IN Try Murine Ey Eye Remedy Kye Tonle yen that Mead Care > Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago er? Taking Advantage. “Have you come to an standing with my daughter?’ “Nob exactly “What do you mean, then, mre me to consent to your mar- bhi happened to be such a good chance that I t and get that much out of the way. it always hate my mind when they can be disposed of as well as ak a cord, Perh, means that wars are vanishing from gs B it wou @ pretty inoorrigible optimist to read this prediction in| If you hav Of Course Not. “T can't find my wrench,” bawl- ed ho plw ‘Minard'a Liniment used by Physicians, A girl can have so for loving # young man that it does- n't matter whether any of them are logical or not mber. You waste a dookinE VRE your tools,’ criticized kkeeper of ‘Now, TLalwa: ays: i where en.? a fellow can monkey ferbneh behind bia ear, under- by thought I'd ask you to have things on good deal of time the establish- 't stick his many reasons nformation made ion upon ‘his young pupils, is fi a flushed He Was Curious. Jast no good of hat house. Them nan Second / Tramp— Choose which Grain you like best for your white eee and ‘¢ Cane Granulated white, ia original bags— Fine sralny, medium or Bach they choloest sugar. Ask your Grover, ST, LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES, LiTED P61045 ror Cures ‘von on the tonguo, rom PINK EYE the sick and acte ne a pgesbtau ve for Rafe for’ breod. mares, and wil overs, wt kidney by all drug ota houses, "Distributors ALL. WIOLRBALH GOISTE, POHN MEDICAL O.,/ Chomista, iasva, Ind, Us 6 Ay pst AND" Rode A D Viton pe others, Tquid wen ey tera ares bar eae | ae |e — a YOUR SUNDAY ROAST Your Sunday roast is best done ona ou THE Sou OIL ta” ges ene