Milverton Sun, 28 May 1914, p. 8

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WELLESLEY. NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS <. R einer. a few days of B Hermina 2 Be Ao and Rinetta f£ Preston. were the Mortiar'a’ mrahiparedta tor a few CASH or TRADE Pure Wool Yarns, Tweeds, Bla ets, Flannels, Sheeting, .. Forrester. dent, Mr. Weathe: agent, and Mr. Sie pes asst, engineer Leer superi n d strict fre eg t HENRY C. WAGNER business with | w: through tyre ae practically un- seathed. ver. proved. to Sa mat ihe time for the young wheat. jzar Schaub and | ing. spent. a few days |spring will ghee farmers hb; nd Mrs. 1. |ley at. ibe spent a few | spots. friends ¢ of the G.T.R. staff were met b ¢ | ions ‘s Wool Batts, Etc, ave vation | Pest nenstnt Eivahio,s Ht | MepBe HIG Witte AA looking well on We Le ines The delegation with the there a and well-drained Jand: ‘You will save money by buying od ove route of | Ma—This crop has See, PURE WOOLLEN GOO 1 to Wellesley. and inter quite so well as on the a rong desire ex- for a hard- by ston espondenta of a orla Day was quietly observe “ ty alfalfa suitable for the oli of this org e tte Prof, ©. } JP. Bellinger and avis | is hopeful hat he willbe : ronto. 1: short call |able to meet this need si ——— Sern file Aladce, Hellinaer here Mon prenseiastoad dips FOR SALE mea i sete — Mrs. Wm. Klein is enjoying rie eer-old general purpose colt wi ee eh yisit with her son Edwin. in na purpose colt. ‘Toront econd-band piano. | Pay Mrs. Peter Wagner and |ahowa tha new. second-hand Singer sewing mach | g.rnily «nd Mr, and Mes, C. F. Ott-|fears, In Last te ine. in good. conditi rop head. mann attended the funeral of the | the fruit iaayhasetbaee eee ‘ ee te, eee ciaes analyte former's mother on Saturday last at sons e 2 5 s 3 Pw. GUENTHER, Miverto Bi heath John Albre ooh ee Toronto, vis- ited aeades the ab {for a pare few da: TENDERS WANTED, Mr, “Christopher” Sche iter, pill. spent, the week-end here with | Tinders’ will be écelve ed) by br uns Pyenee and acquaintances — returning Gersigned up to June 5. home on day. painting outside tng Wellesley friends extend to the floor. ¢to.. of school ioup bareavid Sebulte family of. | Kin: wai, RANN Aitrati-teuseathy va thelr Bee, Milverton. p. Milverton, May 13, '14 14 chhauer in John W. Fle’ © visiting friends COMMERCIAL. Fall Wheat Barley per host nel Oats ne 90 } 85 ONTARSO CROP OUTLOOK IS NOT VERY PAVORABI E eas Wiaus rawal Barrows janner per cwt... w following stateme att reRar dine Proyi ra M: el Ont ario Department v the Potatoes per h: Onions, . Large rk; , aon ar to be en- 10 Wheat prospects ging ai bad come € s the crop lig! of Font- our gri he most is like! ly ng Ifo sutf /On the ie oh [sa ing a jeven f fe learnt is make th [farther than, formerly, more rters is said to sufficient tor emergencies, _Br py—The_ soil was in pl ndid conation fo d bed r part April. even heavy na vibg ‘been well pulverized by rosts which occurred dur- Farmers w ue ea on ell ad- a in to sow early w 1 and some thro when re- 1 (18 WANT! yar turns were mad 22 22 ~ —- General purpose mare wanted from : & " four to six year 200 or _ 1300| NEV {ONT TORONTO-DE- NOTICE ro JERROITORS Ibs. weight. pS NEWTON 1 par TROIT CHICAGO TRAIN SER- BER YARD. 28-3-p VICE Sih Hud Gaatter lot tha’ Patate ‘ot Hos enna Boyne, late of the Township Effective as Sist Westbound June | SASH FOR WOOL of Elma. in the County of Perth pp a heel fat Ist Bastbound, Widow. deceased The est cash price paid’ for Syne schee cant onecapen wool JOHN a feat tine with one The creditors of the above named SCHADE. Monkton, ee ae eae on FARM FOR SALE. I have aided to o! le my e ifie Rail Ay mi) e - on Bag notal the of fal ats or of the said estate, tall Dartientars farm Lot 2 Con 7. Wel pant " Oh i of their claims against hor and one-half miles bs tant, mk este slighted Standard “Bleepers. to: after which date the assets o! nsisting o! S50 antes ndard Dini Car said Estate will be distributed among ! cleared. pala. Hanietod bush. ood tas Mee it A Torontor the parties entitled ato. havi 1 ago, via Canadian, Pacific reeard only to those claims of whi land Mehigan Central Ra'troads, actice hag been received as aboy palatial trains mal be Known ice a ine operated hrough copa LE Sec a the Michigan Central tunnel between Dated this 24th day of April 1914 |= FH, THOMPSON Mitchell. Ontaria jeitor for | 28-5 “kdenlolatitator f =| Court of »f Revision NOTICE TO CREDITORS. |: Notice’ ts ‘he. nabs ghiven that Of Robert Struthers éstate. late pt ar of Revi the Assessment the Township. of Roll for the Village of ‘Milvetaetn County of Pert he year 1914. will be held at ‘the | | mber. Milvérton. on M8n- | Notice is he ent pursuant to day of A.D.. 1914, the statutes in that “behalf. tha is clock in enoon oreditors wnd others hav ving claims AN appeals against ines atid A seals ae wath} ° d deceas-| sessment Roll mus hands t Mornington. in Goanty of Porth on or abou nm the year of our Lord nnd 3 rua i the ‘Ole rk of tha Stonlipaity be: "fore the 16th day of May. W. D, WEIR, CLERK Detroit. Hastbound—leave Ch Cees tals arrive Ticket nen n 3 h name co the Monkton Crea Co, the Village of West Monkton has a been dissolved by mutual consent and , | that the bert business I be dueted hei iy the said J Barclay ane > Notice is further given that there | hy) District Les Y Ajient. Toronto DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. | Mee aot | Me, Jos, MeMilan and Mr. and by aoc the | Mr, and ‘Mrs. John MeMillany of eR OE Stratford, spent Sunday: with friends ewart holiaa: 7 with of Stratford: her brother eMillan.. soni Mr. Hugh M 1M ~ “THE PEOPLE'S STORE” Milverton’s Big Demonstration WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3rd COME AND MEET YOUR FRIENDS, THEY'LL ALL BE HERE Master-Tailored Garments Distinguish the “Gentleman” Anywhere— That’s the reason Engeland’s customers are the best dressed men in town Here’s a store where your own good taste is the first consideration in everything you want to wear, whether it’s Clothes or Furnishings. To satisfy it we have now ready the smartest, neatest, newest materials and styles direct from the style centres to our store. Your choice is the surest guide to satisfaction. Make it now. Two Extra Specials in Men’s Raincoats OUR LEADER=Coat of superior quality paramatta, thoroughly rub- berized and waterproof. Every coat is cut and tailored by expert workman, and all seams are strapped inside and proofed. $4, 99 $7.00 16 button long black also white mercerized gloves, all sizes at. Long black, tan and white mercerized gloves, all sizes at ..........ccc0: seeeee250 pair Long silk gloves in black, white, tan, blue and pink, double tipped, at...50c, 75c, $1 Splendid variety Wash Skirts in linen, duck, repp, bedford cords, crepe ...$1.25 up 30 styles of Waists to choose from at,.,59c, 79c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 up to $5 A splendid range of New Raincoats in black, navy, tan and olive shades,..$4.99 up. Splendid line of Lisle Stockings at..........25¢ pair Ladies’ and Men’s Umbrellas ...............98¢ each Ladies’ Black Cotton Hose ..... ......2 pair for 25¢ White Bedspreads, extra large size. 98c each All the popular Music.............61, sess 15¢ Copy Window Shades ...5....0.:00s etessssvovnenesss250 ach Summer Vests, short sleeve and strap..,...2 for 25¢ sever 29 to $1 +25 to 50¢ Every coat is guar- anteed. Price only......:.. A heavier coat, but similar in many ways to above, but built from heavier materials. Fully guaranteed. Price ...........cs:ccsce0s ee Ladies’ Cambric Drawers....... Ladles’ Corset Covers ........06+. Ladies’ Cambric Gowns. .........ssc0eee0e 790 to $3 Ladies’ Cambric Underskirts.. -.69¢ to $3 Splendid range in all Whitewear to choose from. $2.25 Lace Curtains for..ieiviss cseseesateseasesveplay® $2.00 Lace Curtains for 7519-7520 This. Graceful Blouse Chic Vest-Belt and Smart Skirt Ye TEM. id Pg ti te $1.75 Lace Curtains for wissessseseereeeee 1.39 The Sleaa yaa Skirt of other practical May styles. f Calla our Sundard Patem De $1.50 Lace Curtains fors.csssseesess vscerseses 119 for Summer Are Smart Laae |i $1.25 Lace Curtains for... sees + -99 You will find many attractive styles in FREE $100 Lace Curtains for.........s6:seeeseeeeseess .79 the Standard Fashion Sheet for June, Fine rib Cotton Hose, all sizes for boys and girls, extra value at,.....,...15¢ pai Get one at the Pattern Counter FREE Our range of Wall Paper is the largest --- All the newest designs are shown here. ENGELAND @ SONS 60 House Dresses to choose from and your style among the the lot...79¢ to 2,25 a {4 ng iconngetion.etween the said | distéthation, Stonkton — Crea mpany and) Burtalo.. 2 J is fH any [NE MY anim Lied dbs ‘heist “The Store With the Stock MILVERTON, ONT. Dated this 2ine day of May. 1914, |atents on Sunday }. W. CHALMERS jup their residence eh Bile ston oar ae | Wellesley recently n Fis [ash | ere : x Mr. Hluras whithe: a rab aRGES arto: Bak 23) Witness: j Shel many. fricnda i. a Ris Oh Wal cet en fixecutora,) [MiL, McKINNON, Pinte af nan atte attended the | 44 as showing an efficlency of 987| Tn Mitchizan where company. in| {Seftel of Baden on Wednesday. {Der cent, and inspected rods in Mich- “tare only, rodded, buildings ra . r irs, Canline daughter, i: G di H Pl t apes apenes thi Holiday sith Wea, show ie arden = ouse fan Ss iB former's son Mr. A. Capling. RL LL as pri Ms SIR Meh A P 1 D ,B d Dr, Hugh Hart, B.A, bas beon suc-| Rumber of inaynanes compan apes aasingcenet inaee tota filed —— ded buildings was | only $3 ar or, en, e ® sea 1 tbe ge ie ie number of oot mpan : ior ae other oem CRE i Sor ie: L re 88 | by Prof. Day are practical demonstra- “i E room and Hall re Soe nero Wate foWvest 46. “The total light-| tions of the scientific fact, that lijeht- A fresh supply arriving every morning peotive homes at Wingham and {ain claims paid by all these compan-| ning rods properly installed are a R ! i. Guelph: ox the while oleht years on rod-| protection BO ET STE { aildings was only $4,464.30—an the proper ro uildings he ugs and Lino ; gr. of, Siretiord, “tormey Moun | average of $1015. per company yer |reader is reminded that lightni is 4 blage will regret to: learn that he ig {Veet On unrodded buildings | they jelectrisity. Prof. Daly asserts th i t present “|paid lightning claims amounting to| rods should be in metallic connee ms We sell IN dition oF uealtho Decnsous cn the Torge sum of 8341.06.82 mah m2 the building end, that no ineut WEIR’S RESTAURA NT . dy is Ene gerrans ft $775.15 ators ee a oes This method o! : i e if the trial of J Dead: the AGaear ok attacbment «iis aiMutly, oppealiass Jt eee the i li Chinuaan palate wid the mi | waroaded buildings was, the samo as that adopted when’ lightning rods Gerhard “Dr t 1 ” Pi of of Mrs, Millard. returned a rodded o: e first u Heintzman estolene Piano} ,., —~— " mY OUR 33 KIT) 1) Pianos Gl aby BNGHINING [RODS FUNDS AND MEMBERSHIP STRATFORD DISTRICT s ons Carriages ie sewer if cloj Be All life coms of uid a tearing Wie : tin advocating the psc of} At the meeting of the Stratford District of the Methodist church held at Blond Marita: te aie The Let a ag ei and Fods on buildings hay just | @tratford last week the following statistios were submitted to the mect- poet ED et Dope ee Slag ne foe bilan “Home Trade” Collap- ie the Ontario Depart] with regard to the funds ee fehl y in of the churches and rerith of ba 80 it is. eapine eee tho wane material that’s Player —— 3 | RT ai are ‘All: | Bho district durin the’ past down, Ornate tok etleli are pobsenoreanUntel guy us leas, Piano at sible z ne: ik 2 aut! hia anaes ‘W.M.S. Gr. Ev Raised | Mem'ship Inyadanhreore seassce ers =! blog lated totareshed and vigorous life, ; Car ¢ demonst Central, stratford 363,09 $9219.69, 557 9 races See the Go-Carts of inveaticitions ‘vering | Meinity” Stratford arity 370400". Ase DR. PIERCE’S Golden Medical Discovery Tél ° Also that 1 . Marys. 10 months’ . 240.45 8177.86 727 is the balancing power—a vitalizing power. It acts on the The Cadillac Vacuum ¥ tection that science claims 179,00 5,670.00 503 and organs of digestion mink on the puyng ters Wied “Home Trade” Express i In (Ontaria in 19.37 5,650.63 482 eli blood, ‘Thus fresh vitalized blood feeds , heart lome Trade’ P | of rods was 94 126,40 2293.00 276 brain, erative relieves catarrh of the stomach and iano Sweei er reports of insurance oi by headaches accom has been successful for more than a gen Waggons 1 1782, 184 zy at $185.00, $ found that inevery 170848154 seu tonie and body-butider. It buide up tho rundown 5 You j lings insured. 42 “were 83.00 1854.00. 188 * rent The active odin ltd oa ions tA lege : is 21 per cent.’ but o 418, 40 ol and tain ‘Burcnitore Deater 0 farm bulge Beto ‘ty 57,00 2,808,00- 298 tonic in aw or ‘tablet form al any drug stare oF or M esp rt Arce may 90.00 24007 aie ° Cc AMCs soc snd Updertaker a nasi rot oar weensven 66,00 26.00 218 A vertoi H “ eee 42 if the 131.78 Ge 446 Sipnnine for freee ne fo, Pay con of mail eae SEWER 0 187.00 148 Kien’ @ e Frods in Towa are record- aui100 . 288 B%. Tia

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