You and 1 you to know won | ou. nde’ that 1 WhichWaydoYouBuySugar? |: ee Do you say decisively : “A 5-lb, Packags of erat Sugar”, or “A 204b, Bag of CESDEADI, ‘and ie adefinite quar of well-known. quality "Canade’ ‘sben” yetk aminates Tin the Original Package ? Or do you say, thoughtlessly : “A quarter's worth of Sugar”, or “A dollar's worth of Sugar”, and get he 6 OS, towers arredyed hy an A rich and chaste into a paper and look over the line of experi: ments that n made wen and plan for the future. 874, HOME Seasonable Luxuries, aren the possessor of a slender in a the ton, relati A ia the seproduet ction of musical“ sounds by electricity for the Bares se multiple felegraphy, ugh he me ane May somet Few I lisurieg, “provided @he art of stretching the household dol- Some of economical wi are cubtin, ways thea the meat! bills and iter 6 seer ils bake and deli- aan i was a theoretical conception of, a magneto telephone, a very daring may be allowed to vibration of the other home, Tub its forepaws with but- Dandelions i be had nis the pid, th in, ge, both young aind old, is reasonable, sod rhubarb, as an course as well as for ‘all kinds of desserts, is most excellent. (Remember all measurements are a& speaking tele 3 cab! mest theoretically cut it very ts boiling wat cut it, fasten in shape bars a tpoubpible and broil it over the fire, Seed cic! i will n that means o! and re- rate speech in went back — Boston edus if hie and as Extra Granulated SUGAR CANADA SUGAR REFININ LIMITED, 10) EAL. SRR NR NRE EERO NE REAL: A Foolish Young Man Or, opie and. Bir, Be Set the laughter going. Whar wort of a ight ts 1, 0, prevents ‘and | Stafford urtaln “trom the Belle of the Season. °d rnd fo ight with the es bay OAMOe hat ae Bites ae Nee 24 py) CHAPTER VITL.—(Continued) {Once he shifted his whip to, his loft anti brought cof er father colored angrily; as if she nue better go upstairs and tak ngs while I order dinner fnto CHAP iaitoFal coe itiomé ho, dhe strane t the: replied nber 1 rds he won: mantel-shelf. ne Adonis mbt: Tat’ he had lett his clmat 1K should rats all right! pressing ig. arm. mulght be jbobbles: drlven ‘atralant aid evident that “we Sir Stephen's Would nave as; but, afford ted, rather ust mtd be die for an el ni netienbort hood th but the Fentleman, *hade “peard ciltile: pince,” or he ake | whe The ont a0 ld t thern to hot ke ep. their ane you attics managed them sald Stafford. “What a) ed ft he cap and mur- gate opening on the rena, a and looked, nt witch 0 to | the had foward aaunterea down, the hall ia not know Fr he said. and ed a tening to a nightingale, whose notes olned with, nthe Jorces: Tee leupne ter ly another 80 a clat- en anyone was th the room’ ood heavens, how wet you. look, The Meedlona 16. addy ow. Repos. °°te | wit ety anything in the docts rihe ‘of the ' Siomtet 5, ord. Tighe ale and the rate aon th vou a beauty “wee oh oy hoofs ier my donate 1 3 ieehe wot Bis 4 horse: "Someone driving round the road sald Sir 2 | ai Meelne a euce of a pa i ord.” He Spened th aterand 4 Tnoked up the r then he uttered an y've- bolted!” he 8 large as nut at her undenlable bowuts, n cretary ene and contly Jen N Ke and stent man nam ha sprato, etter and ni me Ming CANO, he us Ie he were a sed pred ‘acorntully Tatton iewith, Veant buck In tue Snsdloneiye tap: of the table with her 5 they ford set off Stephen ¢ no. heed, > him he ni f rand Bir edge Aotent! bing bg the she sald, lan- "t apologise.” T sup- Phis is a public room, 1{ gets on ¢ whore you" have Batre mt for a ride: been trying the es wo; he's a clinker! ‘he govern: have got hold o| 1 Arable, ctor Re 5 i en Ma ask Stafford, In his : t he had bee huatled reagon to suppor: nt, 1 thought there jumpes curtain concealed ¥ heads, the oD She #hrugged her shoulders and gave ‘epi hun the faintest ‘and most condecend: wai come and ait beside en, as he reached the} Stoke. reed With Measom's aid Stafford way xo It WII be moonlight lothes und. “seated at Tu 4 Howard drew | ty H sprorlaied 3 think Stafford naturally looked rather sur-) & brided ‘ac the point-blank meteorolon- eal questior “t abo lant be surpriaed if it, were he this ia @ very amare: it kd raining now fe will evenly beri the hank “Loam Sta moment, inn, inlined 0 be continued.) at the vod ae. mprobably” cleat GRAHAM BEL she: sald, much : worth) mic DR. ALE bul she went obliged tf my tas o enShe my. opinion he put, in parenthet on as ith nis wan wood enough to furnish me with it | With ‘the amiable wish that 1 wight And nd o1 What do you say to Invented the “en hartford: the Coun- Baron Wirsch; | the” Right Honorable Henry rtrd; Sir Pare Forty years wu ind Lady Plalstow~ looked | jan unpretentious little bi Goth two, Beltons | Brantford, two Scotchmen sat t Grittenbere, thb eal wae-soee eh ni One was a middle-aged pee ed. a r the ay claret mes 8. to “ie caets 8 as an eélo- terested in el ha ¢ other isn" lea youd De willl furth you would kind ay to, tier he te outelde. with rethat. tam. tig her not Ko on cw and. that somowher 1 wou til the cool APY d x By ther B i, ot fisrasn with, the sir in the stable: oud tionis eeply 4 helping deat mutes with each other, ov the the Stat ehtly, i from dining-room, st me to tell’ you) to remain here ch one mala perrectly arrary ea he ANT wala ahtoy nted ‘by the harrords and *Clansford. pol 0) Heltons, and iMuatee: by. Plaipe a Wirsch, that Griftenter ta | 26 comInK In aD “oot that sir Stephen m nd hi Tintit the eventn The man swine round upon him with en wert and curious manner, half start. rhe ol ‘a ttle ratlwas’ are several others en thrown In. not oa Habten Sai m1 but to Increase Nand ich their conversation, and on Wondering! What all this putt and “‘eurre) Tncerruptern, induction ils,'" mean passe: "head fava sighed. ‘hy . youll be i don't quit Howard Jaughes “My dear Stafford, there ure wome ox:|ne ence, pretty girls Reed whom yi fr mys Bowe my daughter in vices: wW avanbon.h é had been working | and I've no douby nj op, & multiple Liste egraph instru- ea oe ce mira, attempts! ment, which could send a number ay alte nun ch aremn set anete| of red othe a en I lee BK to vorked on the pri an elec- “propheated. a fine evenin rane trie buy ee Ray renown to take im euitely Aha and broke we way in which mG hint, eh skuitted bro he-name var that young fel- ‘eplied Groves. PSyaswalkinw’ towards ouRe, But he pulled up “ahorts Nin narrowed themselves -to laa bbe nd | for rane my. yather i t him into the vith rempocttul enthusiasm, You vi npr duchies 'aa| Urateda at the wending, eb was iy specimen of an Kngiizh gentle-| dacity, but not a Howard, with prviiced at Hinnulited fear, Gy uo) ly, thi The gentleman grunted and went on 6 Aue INI yoo, this Maude?" 26, irritabl yawned behind her much-bLering= Stephen up with a frown Feattirey stor Seto Mand’ ame. dark: fuck the ret ee aghast at the “tntruston phen's t Fi Zace w bn hat stufty| oe that » . Poe ah os dine | c them. Each Ssh spring had ia «oon ‘on “afterward in in io) to be “tuned”? t ra Lc as nay want aie i the Sit” One fie of "pid Me thowa will r a sh ne! ted.” "Then. in a Ee ef ore to An ko pana PRY she asked “Who was that gentleman who tode) th jie fathon wlanced at Her picious-| Ny fare ook ot nis taddiaa I "said the older hian, sae ‘on ‘pe ad es at his ae Wha about the voice The sung man ‘considered for @ | fi few minutes, then Tooker up, with shining eyes. o gna they “are “gen if mY often, thea Sit William Thattow and etorted, hth) Me Griftenherg at at homes and att Insolence: You | ag Agiprstsiad hopeeas will permit ae the ditterénoe. t if Fes laugued. “If thé air vibrations of the voice ld rel ne electrical vibrations 6 ye SNUBEN't gmt this Neen K Dov. You must ‘one cut off and 2 Wwiten Het Ses Bae “You" Mf tive dther positi Again, he young. man oe -Blenes, ‘and again, a so a nena pee “he said, q heen I might: "” The Inspired Moment. Eat “with 9 Soot beads hie, father as in want Yromm §rOBD to. SrouB. n ak a neo and anoth ae his Rroeting 6 young man, J] nis. 6 ny wa, pees rH ander Sian we. ties, i vou 0) gh offer at at as Clahatord, er el oN circuit was unbroken vin “uueee brats. i | the magnate was making, the ot} waid | the elephone at the Age of the ago, on the poreh of | Vary hse in | distance of the spring. thousiat looking young fellow ot suitable ocal Biysiolesy man on, wed | talk | man ear-drum® acts by passing -vi- nt | brations ng, man was explaining a! declared the ae elocutionist, and| a [ner eee ty ane roight whin Ot cate | float in water, but when arrived at full maturity ‘they will sink to. the bottom, and this is proof that they ate good to plant. Too much softedh too much starchy level; sift flour before measuring and use a gra wash very sarefilly, using only the tender inner leaves; lay in cold water to become earth then place in salad bowl and grate a little onion over, Dress with one tablespoon ful of oil to three of vinegar, add ing salt, pepper and a little sugar— about one tablespoonful of sugar to every half expfad of dressing, “| Asparagus Newburg. — Ingredi .|ents: One cupful of asparagus tips, Sone cupful of fresh ml half a oe of cream, yolks of e en r teaspoonful at tale of lie pepper; Watson and Bell were “ the spring i Watson was plucking aw Sane at Se spring, making at ina or, rather, whine, wi aajusting the ree aa a that it would give a’ whine th pebreson an the ae than hard work or even late hot Rsiarapa that, Gea is ‘he iron should be not sl r held where it needs cake the more He ‘kept pluck- ithout, avail bent ‘The make and fused ere s no interruption at the current. t a to vi over kno hea he ete shoul eg a in this continued th moderate hi vibrating: and add the cream ae stir until itis again at boiling point then add seasoning and the drained asparagus. only F cond, then plaice ‘on triangles ot delicately brow, vst with crust pe Beceei very hot gus ali gon be used tor of asparagus soup Cr of dikataiah Soup. srauleat Stalks o! brine hes of asparagus, a few 6) ver the other magnet vibrat electrical waves were setting sound waves. The First Lelephone. rushed over to Watson's in with a shout. “What ange ne SS NCg RA te age we up Cook ey MANY ROYALTIES ARE ILL. Monarchs Attended by Doctors Who are Always on Duty. From all Bell 5 strument did you do nything. ays before he had remarked: “I 1 could make a current Aspare ‘earn lating of Europe somes news ing monarch: momar to-be. There is hardly a}" family on the continent that | F can ss to universal good health as a family asset ferdinand, heir-presumptive | to zits thrones of Austria-Hungary, said to be, autetibe from_ on- In- small |», spri Cesioepicatal of Pepper to taste, t “terles, and flower together until smooth, then ad e asparagus and water, ee h Led Sp run through a vege able pres son when at hella point add enough bot milk Sin m Sco! r constant report, is Sabating throat malady that carried off his Lr rina ate years there has been bahay high whe rate among ny the or toast fing little more of Young Peas with ede with lamb chops, Ing cupfuls of shelled cesthe one table. spoonful of butter, one’ teaspoonful f finely minced mint teaspoon , one ia 6 of su . salt and pepper to tas whe od Boil the Peas in only sao taal to keep from burning, as you Wi sey to conserve the ro ‘al salts, the flour over n so all peas then season with salt Victoria pete Queen no sovereigns rch away King of No and den Teoneld of Belgiittt Kae Oealen ee Portugal, King Alexander of Ser- kings of- Denmark, two grand ukes of Livxembourg. aacdine utions are taken as maintain abe b he alt of all {uropt fis, hundreds: thoipuaide Ot dglleeh Vane every in retaining the ™ | physi and surgeons in world in almost day to diy abten- dance upon the kings Also The Czar of Russia is insured for 8 090,000 in an English company, turn, ‘distributed the Scab OF HME ation potter imkcaiag companies, Now there are thirty-three physicians, dentists, and other i mae medical staff at court. ¢ Graham Bell. na . |: —-- a4 city vary in intensity, precisely as air varies in intensity during os production of a sound, I should be able to een speech le \graphically.”” ‘That was exactly |® [stat had just banned The steel \s mint over m e poms, yell. Tf lamb aa are too ex: sive try breast of lamb; have it cut for stewing ; then Lee in a little Booed od butterine or butte Season well, then serve in contre of eh: Mae surrow with Strawberry Boxes, Method: Bon two-inch sponge three by two, With a atoiaek ‘nite cut out the centre so a saucepan n- ing, pire magne ot Sedat precisely as within hearing The sound electrically transmitted, Was possible. The rst crude telephone was in oper- ation. Bell and Watson immediately set | ‘0 work to construct an Ng aa lor transmitting the voice. To get the delicate vi- brations of speech Th eurrent |in intensity vying in intensity | was_boing the English | the telephone | fir here are five phyaiciane, } the King’s surgeo! per annum, and none of them, when is in good heal ever unless as one of "The ‘ae anrasont atitached to the Royal household are es Frederi ‘Treves, Sir Havelock Charles, Rickman eng se Altre Pri and Sir W tween ph; terre ode 8 will make a wo days : ee, Crumb ¢ filet nleh udding hu-| dish, r over a custard compo: of Sar Sunil of milk to er egg (no sugar), bake until nicely set, Dr, Bell describes the first éon- then serve with & sauce. mace gt as | crushed strawberries sveetened ph with a Jittle Du the table, N eru Neb oie sa the boxes good de: Sir | medical al, atten sor ating the ayonieas: | reed pisganter a Matec hour ah et vin, King. Haward of England, two \ melee When Mr. Digge came home one ‘on jevening he found his wife ensconced Mc nthe popular novel “Well,” said: ho, hair, perusing @ Owho is gekting The Archduke | dinner? ed she, marking her finger. why mot?’ demanded * Digge, with a touch of aspenity in declared had ‘theretofore and bigger things, we of three, little ones— working people. C We een putting im about wixteen hour ow do you propose quired Disee, when ey had. partially Det be “Tat's a problem top, deep for brat con ey Mrs. sweet humility ey! erp “intelli- she returned to hor ‘tating, undecided whether to ion romething ‘of w standpatte: A re gorvant would not do,” ventured after profound medtitat tion, “Umm: hy” Se asteeian his wife, Pr am e r but lovely hero- iv ing aetoced forthe, eigh- trod time a tainted. wi was arceping., ‘the villa; lack, Bon ery uniike ait ieee wad asic Digge, itl “What: send soratehing Nt head, ‘is a deputy wife.’ The reader dropped hee bowk. Manas elUbcliok ing abba tte alle Soaseal Pepa dene: 600 per ee, Hie ie in “hreouring wavinet Not eras: | Owens (nonchalan ntly)- Oh, Mies accoun! nv had completely sight -o! ; failor "ae Should won: Yr, ilk. 1) rb cr, ingredients togeer Rub but-| 3 been running for @ ter into flour as for tart paste, beat ed | egg well, then add to pa and stir into flout very lightly, using a fork. 16| Spread in a greased | and er with a as)and sugared Phe Sonp Kitchen Next, eae are se poet) “now! Gall-—-Oh, I'm ‘a house- to-house canvass “3 varceriain why | people don’t want buy a new patent, clotbexcwringer een Herself,” saying: Mi your voice vod, dis- and. san alr under- stand” yk you en, Bell. renee to file se aia 4 ~ ere R. Gor- don in Star ne, a thin. will 6 serve five le “iberaty. May be eaten or with o1 gee Sandwiches. et ait an 0 sia “You mustn't man, Seth ral au Yost u Ne aisanee your. is a ey) Dally 4 is for the. poo! Not Driven. “Was he fed tt to drink?" “1 never saw him show any re uotance about it,”’ Cut i Pte / > Pitting omen, Tommy—I want a) box of bere pills, like what I got for mo- yest Driggat Dia your mother te but they pus fit my | xia and might be alternated on ie: with: lettuce leaves as garnish, | Repartee. t penny for our tHoulast Spend ‘was thinking of you. Rural analy Tf some of ances in the city are in for co Sonne eee 1 bape Hem Pea gorte I wi iba T don’t re- #1) have a grudge z Hoaéshold : Hints, ae nt a ia ee kettle rub with in, aaa sais es to keep vegetables damip place else they. | saina just now." vont Husband—“Why did you keep me ee | on ie SorHee for t You fae ts Shure mi e din- in’ to ee ets a epraoks € ae han tp ig Ww $ ine i “el i girl, who ait bea cated J ial companion for ie when Di sat nervously tapping the : rm of De chait, her lips set, in a otre Wine. “By love! " ejacn! lated Digge. smiting fist against palm, \'Dhat's a great scheme! Pll mena sped v her to-morrow. Tt will be fin fe a re fresh young face. oy Shp the bresbtaet table, $ le oh aplea eee wil iwars have a sin sant word for me and. er best when I’ ‘4 peer id he ey uh ish rot 0 it, i tral hope ae eve ah iin ae i “* ‘tle gyeen Tighe bc an ed Diges eyes. and her havea But her | inane npheed- ing, pr AN : Tn order ° “Lespiliens ‘trom Pe = ing” eaid fis sa +e ae Dosen wow in Digge!!” shrieked his at ee wife, Snnnrag f to. her you crazy? ooffee pot on “abiIeLD cot Pert ress, It’s late, steak dnd fry some. | i hy John ‘ep cS) “algieg 3 arate rom seeney is @ man’s , i pa ges if he haeh’t any.