The Young Man's Suit... We have clothes for young men who want snappy styles (tive wires) that show style and Sad in both fabric aid tailoring. The young ma Ow! can find his eee suit nere no estate how particular he may bi Classy ig ely and genie in new 8 of smart suit ib aaking wor oH clothes made by J. M. FLEISCHHAUER are both ‘fit’ and ‘‘fashion.” Also Agent for 20th Century Brand gs—ever’ High-Grade Materials That tolls the whole story’ of the absolute reliability of the REGINA WATCH, * a rellability which has enened tor it the reputation: “TRUB AS THE SUN." P.H. BASTENDORFF BLER and OPTICIAN MILVE! =RTON ~ ONTARIO “ee CENTRAL We bsceihenin CCU, ctalis tistness, rents than Feap, the fil Ft — CON HAND and TRL. once for.our tree ¢ D, A. McLACHLAN, = ~ Principal RAND TRUNK System UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION Sailings from Saciia Wharf Mondays, Wed- Poe ae and Saturdays for Sault Ste. Marie, ti wwe and Fort William, commencing STEAMSHIP. SPECIAL | leave Toronto 11.15 a.m. om eee Yates, Make Sornneetion Fg arte, Art Wer for Sault Ste. Marie, ut, Fort Wile liam, Winnipeg and ia eter Canidae. arlor-Cafe, Parl ‘and first-class coaches to Sarnia _Aapecint train, Tita, the ryverss ia fen ing Sarnia Wharf 7.40 9m. arriving Reronto tb pina, commencing June Ute and enol Tuesday, Friday avd Sunday there- after grand d Frunk Agents, oF write C. i. Horniug . Toronto, Ont. J. @, Cunningham, Phone No. 1, Agent GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION Port, ‘MeNichot Steamers will leave Mopaays, Tuesas: ednesd a; tat ‘Thursdays an ‘and nasaeurdays at ‘Sault ene Mari; foe lan ned te Fore Willa ‘The Steamer Manitoba, sail Hag Kor pea can ‘Nichol, seeder cane it ‘call at Ov chat point 10, 20. > oe ame day STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Will leave Toronto 12.45 p.m. on sall- ing coat making direct connect- ort articulars and reservations. from | © HAWKESVILLE. Mrs. Albert Ludwig and Sauk nee Lizzie spent the holiday at New pure. Mrs. rere ci Capa the of N home visited friends “Pred. Badohler h. of Elmira. and Oscar Months ol rt spent Sunday in the ville Miss ‘Watth: Martin’ yoont the holt- day at Gu aon Ralph Bush, of Wat- erloo, toon Bunday. abe Misr denise “ire, Charles Bulmer visited her nday. m here es ‘Birthday. will take celebration and Rose Reidel and aie Mary Brennan and Mr, Leo Reid- of © St, Clements, spent’ Sun- Sev at ithe Union. ior and daughter Doris. ro} visiting friends at Preston, Mr. clea pga f Elm spent Sun Miss Mildred. oad Mr, aneiba Spies jerlin. were home over the. holi- Miss, Mary Friedman returned her home at Weisenberg after spend- ing two weeks with her cousin here. Among those that spent Sunday at Mr, Peter Dentingeris were; Mr. and Mrs. George ee and daughter Rose, of Bam Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Raia eo little daughter and Mr. and Mrs, D. Knipfel, of Ber- lin. Mr, Albert Martin spent a week at Peel. was home over the aire '. §. Spies spent Beterany at Ballard. of Galt. visited at her home Sab Sunda; Mrs, John Ottmann is visiting her gavahters Mrs, He Weiler at Water- Moser. ef Berlin vis- Sun- Sir, and Mrs. ited the latter's sister day, NORTH MORNINGTON Miss Rutherford spent the holiday with hor friend, Miss Myrtle Little at the Manse a 4 an Drs. Alex, Maybury and sbent . Sunday at wie hood Farm”. the guests of Mr, Mrs, Adam Torrance, Miss a aeais Taylor visited friends Mr. and M Ollie Jones and little son spent ‘Anta with friends in El- wai Forman. of Listowel. visited ghter.. Mrs, Geo. Johnston re- Mee abd Mrs Robinson. of Grey visited Fecefftly. with. the: Int: *s parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Hast- ing!s. Come with the crowd to the big King’s Birthday celebration at Mil- ‘ton on e or thing doing all day and most of the night {iss Sadie Freeman. of Peffers spent Sunday with ber friend, Miss Pi a Seating Be a of ithe re) people attend- ui vel on the tah the. 12 the ¥ morning. ‘North of J phe read aa Sunda GMC eam P| paratory. 8 by the Rey Andrew's arate day afternoon. Matheson Ber ciate on Pnased) away 69 as ot Abotie: v4 ral left the where fe w nies inte me at ‘ook te ¢ ha the eabatby Yost here. attord Clarence home of St and eit . eb : t after seeing brother Mr, Arthur v born ‘A ‘good many. from here are talk- ing of ma ini he celebration at ve y¥ und once : hearing the great Jim Fax. and. sisters, je a spent the hol days with friends at Listowel. Pheha Forest spent the week- end at Berlin. Communion service will be beld «in Zion church on Sunday. Broparatory sorviee on Friday evening at By roo i ‘ Roberton and daughter with friends around here Dan Quipp an illie ol} tee sister. . Alex. Robertson. of ook and Mrs. Albert Dahms spent Bany. with Stratford eet Herman ee nd + Misses i pent the Week-ond essr' a Geo Richardson spent Sunday ‘with friends near Mil- verton. . M. Stinson spent the week- sseley To; is spend- ing a ‘week with Mr. and hers. Chri: MAGTON. x from iad attended the Jubilee Scceioan held in the Hollen ethodist, church, ey preacher for ion W. Dow: thie vthe ‘people of this vicinity spent 25th in Elmina. Drayton, Listo- wel ud Berlin, All-report having a time. The sports at Milverton a attract’ a good many from here in the King’s pirthday. June 3rd, oor in Alling- fen pent Monday with friends at are welcomed by the far- they will greatly benefit the hay and other or ‘BACK TO THH St SIMPLE LIFE hbridge Herald all the gate taught | their Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. M, Donald, of Pres- ton. are visiting the former's parents | and { here. ad olson: Cunningham ton Eldon. Gr olun: ate. vietine sel atives, here Mr. Sthnley Zinn. of the of TORONTO WOMAN) WELL AGAIN’ Freed From Bearing Down Pains, Backache and Pain in Side by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Compound. ‘Toronto, Ont.—‘‘Last October, I wrote toyou for fair ke asI Biss completely run earing he, and ] pain in the side. I also suffered terribly i" tronger in every way dia E. Pinkham’s Irecommend Ly Compound highly to i erpecian mot ers.’’—Mrs, nue, Pies 7 Consider eh hts Advice. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- vies Compound a fair trial. a ess remedy, the medicinal in- gresint of which are derived from na- tive roots and s, has for nearly forty years proved the can eaVaalahietonte invigorator of the female org: Women residing in almost ee city and town in Lali taygecttn willing, testimon; erful virtue of Lydia E. inthe 8 Vegetable ee fon. have the slightest doubt that dia E, Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compoun will cael you, write one a E.Pin i pane m Me ats i me pe 92 Logan Ave- bya woman, confidence, and held in ate of % her father Miss ‘Allos. "Reid, “ot ene spent aio! ith Miss Lila Don) 5 Wagner visited of anton on Sakray, vrs. “T, Tanner visited her aaushier ina in London over — the lida: Mr, eae. Siegner. of St. Thon spent the holiday under the pare! ta ro fs s Susie Kirkland -is winding ¢ x holiday luWtiale boing the: wient of Mr. and Mrs. D. Plen Miss Stella King arent Monday with the Misses Miss Burnham, ty tratford s ing a fi with her friend Mrs, Middleton, Wilbert Yost visited Mitchell iriends during the holiday, Mr. F. Ritter and daughter Dor- othy “ot Tondon, ae spending a few former's mother-in~ r. Kirkland motored Sat evening to y with her parents, ttig.. of Stratford, was n wel visitor in town, Mrs, Synder and family accompan- ied by Mrs. Wells. of Waterloa. mot- ored to Newton on Sund spen the See with Mr. and Mrs. "Tooke. ich Jas. Ereetann has again teen) si. Het Pestienes in Newton, the crowd sit Gare ie far ebration on June 3rd, Everyone should avail themes of the piper etait of hearing the est Canadian sotartias er, Gnsaye Miia a Mol were gue ata ined over the mae of Nina Martha holiday Friends of Mr, Robt, Kinkead’ arc erry to hear of his’ indispo sition but hope he ‘will soon ‘be abouts Kk and family event the ‘Wall on y friends, of Re holiday wid Mr. Ed, StH visited friends on hia: bw -atitoy the trip in Miss Reinwald accompanied fim hor spend a few d Mr. T heo Meyers was a vi as IN MEMORIAM rs. Alexander Glenn Dear heats that beat for others. now ie “a nilenuée that oullaste the y U aiecken by our fevered hopes and fea NAPE: leet our words are ‘o fill; bey Nhs silence broken not at will, ‘A sorrow deeper thant the fount — of powerless tears In gue a eloquence sinks and Aphdeserd onde drink upd sparkling rill, Yet with this, stillness comes a senke of rest. eech confuses thought 86 it our grief in is not are It is nat that language the loss is less our whlolt snoxtall wards: mre" yeodlesh tn presi 6x In that fat: world Wherein “the ath is” know Yet bear a message for us wifere you Spirit to. spirit. now behind the vail Say that in alone we do not fail; nae we ember them in weal Ine toxethor as we Whom nite ‘end death a moment did avsing all regrets are Watte “s Ber firmaments and waters To fee in an Li pia oe land again. That dear hoi . far beyond th ide, On @ charge of administering drugs toa Taviat ei x the The bro nthe air whe has djed since the date — of sed offence. April 10. being ine anette nt a fe e raule with her uistars Mrs. . Henr Mr. Jack Donley spent Monday in Les! jddleton and Coxon. motored in Sunday morn- ape: Sunday nd Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Middlet r. Wagner was_visite Wage his aunt and cousin of Neustadt over the holiday. Mr. “ina Mrs, Hutchison musi ior wi Sco: lor= seas ne of ing a ri a ta one day last week. sid fer. of Be: erlin. a Sy oa ith his aunt, Mrs, MORNI NGTON COUNCIL. The municipal council Gx M ton. held. a spec at N ton of i eet at vm. 1 the n re present, aby eae constitute d as a Court of ion on the painst Ich there The ome aa the. Cow M for | Ste i. "14° od nev was Jaa § Atkin rae nasi & lot 1. con. " The, rain a3 tax ai Henry. Miller at Hess truck. off. Moved by J. Facobs. seconded by R. H. Coulter. that the 8. ment far {914 be adopted ag now re- via ried a eH rumbered 463. increasing the Bost, of com Ne a8 aerate Inver th $1,00 per ly as time port. on ithe Lo- engineers Cloy Drain Repairs was L i wal he i over for further do ration at ne ectin: hh eounoil _ adjourned © to meet again on the first Monday. in: Jun 10 am. William Waddell, Clerk. ENTER LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Any time and row with us. For particulars address EDWING, MATTHEWS, Principal “The Arcade” = Oh! You June 3rd {| STORE CLOSED | Great preparations are being made for the celebration on June 3rd, Everybody will be looking at their best, Ladies, if you want to look 5 well, come in and New right up-to-the-minute for style. see our Men’s Flags We have this ies stocked the “KING PANAMA” at $4 and $5 Have a look from $1.00 to New Ties for June Srd New Collars for dune 3rd Let us show you all the new things. Five Specials for Saturday 2 tins Tiger Salmon for, 2 tins Sterl Imo 2 small tins Cascade Salmon for. 2 tins Lawton Berrie: 2 tins Cherries for W. K. LOTH aists, Our stock is new and Price ranges from $1 up to $5.00. Straw Hats—latest style peat nicks light “CHIP HATS” ranging in price? Fancy Hat Bands for dune 5rd New Colonial Shirts for June 5rd New W. G. & RB. Shirts for June drd of all kinds— For Decorations Prices; 10¢ per dozen up to NEG, 20 35 cents 25 cents “The Arcade” y Milverton, ~ Ont. : LIsi10 WEL ‘0 of Listowel’s old land marks were partly removed Bs a the tan- nervy bui yilding ani ning mill were gutte iiey hei night's respectively tires and Wedn last week, The cause of bot me r & Gibson who hough Snelling’ Ww. barbe! x bal nes in town took possession last Kk. Miss Dolly McKay and ‘ty rs, Ring wood. spent the holiday her rs. C, ‘Mulcahy and M Millbank. took in the the el will be well repre: atiiverton on ae ard, . of Milverton. re, ented at spent opp. of Milver with g¢riends Smith, of New of Burns soe Watson took in the - hor Mrs nd in Strat- Miss Margaret Lavery, of Dorkin ae es thy. week-end. with friends ip to ses Mary si Rachel. Mulcahy ra ‘Milbank the guests of their Mrs. ‘Jonmston ‘an Atonaay gf Morn- to ba aenbEA Gale town were a in the morning owin| the downpour, of rain, Dur. ing the taorning however, the d the-crowd began to wet sponaltien of the park the morning 8 were temptation---they m: ustom === ‘ do competitor’ f Assuring Your Business A policy of advertising is a.policy of life assurance, and the protection thus secur- ed is well worth its annual cost, Old customers die or move away---they must be replaced. Old customers are subject to the influence of ay be induced to divide pg some of their epee at New cranes we this community, peat aoe with ular the: vited to do iss ae tra MILVERTON, unprotected. ‘A WORD TO SUN is vertising, You owe it t your money, the best gk ¥f you find. that be a customer of the shop aré in- Your ae ioe advertising is an influence h must be offset if you are to maiutain your Not to advertise regularly to the readers of THE to leave your’ business THE PUBLIC. It is no sign of, oralnate to follow the lead of ad- ht cp fo get. the most Ls the it your cneipaation is to shop ie invited to shop rather -than to continue to which never solicits your good-will, you need have no compunctions of cons Shop Where You are Invited to Shop not run Se till the evoethonn. Monk- fon aterm aists team int an exhibit- ne 2 pe al foot pie nd pe mal Ta: all out iy! Ln cele tiion party ani a a grand display 0 works. The proceeds for the amounted to ab $350, PEFFERS and Mrs, Henry Kenny spent pats at PA Agi Anp iss a Freeborn spent Satur- day. with Listowel. friends, Mr, and Mrs. shire Campbell. of Bteattora; are visitors at Mr. 0, E Barrett's. A Mrs, Peffers, Sr.. is. visiting, with her daughter. Mrs, T. Sanderson. 5th ‘ines Mary Barton Wiaihea the 24th with Wingham fri irs. T. Peffers spent saturday in Strat for M over ends, ble. a Brantford, Peffers, Mr. Ei ARE Monten! spent the week-end at Mr. Janes Hurst's. Miss ‘rons erveths is visiting with friends in Stratfor Misses Lilly. Sane and Ethel Gib- von of ae Oo. an jizzie Ken- ney of iyth. echo friendships, here din ‘the holi ‘a Holmes arent the holi- days ores Miss B. Miller, of Smith Falls. spent the week-end at Mr. James | Holm. CARTHAGE. number from here attended the celebration in Listowel tise “feqnrork for Mr, D. Ker eee ‘inlay Matheson. of Strat- T's new. one Friday, Rares of this week. Alexander. of Tieta wel. is ‘mally sane drilling @ well for Mr. J. Glenn. Mr. aiid Se a Ris terahy of at ni J. K “Canada’s Hair Fashion Store” Glenn-Charles Hair Goods Our Miss Glenn will be in Milverton, on Thursday June 4th, at the Queen’s Hotel, with a full line of Hair Goods, including— Switches, Bangs, Partings Pompadours, Transfor- mations, etc. Men’s Wigs and Toupees. We will be pleased to demonstrate our goods, GLENN-CHARLES, ?oton'ro Ladies desirous of having Miss Glenn call wt residence, kindly leave address at hotel ~ | Full tine of Poultey Supplies on hand, BALED STRAW FOR SALE. WE ‘lGinss Seed, Timothy and Clover HAVE IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF Call and get your supply before the prices go up. Linseed Meal, Cottonseed:Meal, Oil Cake and Gluten Feed I. D. ATKIN, Milverton Twent store, Thauganal iy Tse _andirons sey lighting Wack JAP-ALLAG. A gilded chair wil add on the Denng Room JA ee Vow a scroedlaba dingy boing Tartiea Always nae me in Green. tat bein nC name “GLIDDEN.” \ because of its convenience. Anyone can use it wonderful results, JAP-A-LAC__ the Home-Maker ISFORM your house into a HOME with the aid of bi oe Home-M. one eal your local hardware a JAP. rage er ceo A ‘alt yy of the little book, In Milverton Jap~a-lac is sold by ‘SCHNEUKER BROS.