| MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE E HAVE RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF New Goods that were not on the market when we made our first spring purchases. These goods you will find newer and more attractive than anything shown before. The lines include Waists, Hosiery, Silks Wash Goods, Embroideries, Laces Ginghams and Buttons Have also restocked the Millinery department with a lot of new shapes and trimmings. Our millinery busi- ness has proved very satisfactory. A trial order will convince you that our styles are correct aie ee to suit everybody, Our aim is “TO PLEA House Cleaning Time Our Housefurnishing Department is stocked to over- flowing with these popular goods at popular pric Linoleums and Floor Oilcoths Carpets and Rugs Curtains and Curtain Netts Curtain Poles and Blinds Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Country Produce WANTED: 300 Bags Potatoes WEBER & BETTGER FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE‘ The “Harvest Queen” Brand One of the best on the market We make ands BREAD Wheies A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty =. MONKTON, ONT MONKTON. Migs Tuba: Triria, ‘of! Siac iiton. spent the week-end with friends. in Mon Miah Ordella® Honnenbex. of) Tox ente. spent the holidays at her home ere, Miss Ethel MoClory. of the 1 spent the week-end and holiday tri friends oe Bers ‘atfor es in White spent the week- b frien ds at Stratford nt Milverton Measra. Willard and I Gre Toronto. spent’ the holidays Banekane parental. roo Mra ee hn "ates ana. zu as W onion sawn dete he home olayine with 1-0. and rg Monday by 2-1, Mr. John Bannerman had an acei* dent in the farmer's race at Mitchell on Monday. when his aes was dump- ed + howeve: lone de intends Anon pein r grounds Sat- Atwood by a again at Listowel rad Mrs. y motored to John Schade and Galt for the‘holi- change in the O.P.R. time ye comes into force next wee morning ter from Goderich ‘wil ae minutes ear! he from the ioe trata from Toro1 utes lat This will etter seryice for cgnnections with the trains from Btr: artes 4 where passen- gers cross at Milve M D. Doe Bing, hi in sec ea “about 60 Ibs, of fine perch and her A de ree from here at ed the sports at Mitohell on Sonduy some salle ht. empt. W. Holman has purchased a ¢ Mr. Jacob arabe and family spent nday in famburg. Mr. and Mrs Gid Weber and family and Mrs. n. Bettger motored to. Berlin Su they spent, the day. ie Brouehiten, o! to. withi beiknin bare Chalmers. of Stratford spe at iS holidays at hom A rom wi eal baseball nine to. Milv. they meet the ‘ollow ertor team iene on ba of Strat- spent the -ond at his home James and Mrs. Roger and of Toronto. spent.a dav John Sanders. siting Mr. Saturday Sanders on the funeral ditendea Miss Brown o her e the late ¥ of Pullar- sccomianley 1 by few days of sisitit hiaais BIG GLEARING SALE To make room for spring goods, we are offering goods at following prices Mantle Clocks, regular $12.00, now wtee88.00 10,00 1 ‘et Kitchen Chocks; ailfret desea, regular m Clocks, re, $1.7 Wavshes, reg, $20, io, for$ HS fe Brooches, reg, Fich a ee A 7.00 for 5.00 60 £6) 25 TONE ie is going to go at sami juction, don’t miss this hance We also haye « good fine of Silver Polish reg. 26¢ which we are going to clear out at lic. J. A. HANSON, momen’ Ont. ASNAP Come Quick! Women’s Tan Colonial Pumps reg. $3.00, for 7 and tomato and rar t Gils. ia roti eam of Keot kinds. rties holding “The and “Anite of Avonlea’ quested to reftrn them to the at on : moras Mr M a Bch mete MoOat thy aon of rthy. rined fo the pr sn "Blsbop Fallon od ah subd don, 01 be.or cards ¥ 0,31 A Mitch on London: at 6.3 ondon in STERL ING BANK STATEMENT ‘The statement vot the Sterling Bank st Gonads for the r pnaala ape) 30. 1914, sent ont by H. lil n in account for Danke prem- carried forward a satis- ae The ata Yd ap wer “aces ot, whie! meet tk some 9,90 pe: Emiainas: in| ci sy “ sset 0! 0, $9.8 ver one. thi Sp50C678, ls in icamediately” available " ues on and 3 due from other banks and Peadily murketable & the assets represents over the bank's | bi i ie r= e consist prin- Saale, “ot $8 634.000. discounts. — 619. not sestiek stability Eaarite fest bbs DIRECTORS’ MEETING. ‘A meeting of the « directors of the _ tual insure \d in the Agricultural |, Biri ot ‘Tuesday, May 19th. at nits aiveathe 8 being, pr spent Com: Bais a HB. for | id Mrs. in fama “Johnny spent Sa: STEAMER GREYHOUND ANNUAL EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit d Return GOING Py JUNE 12 RETURN "02" JUNE 15 ROUND TRIP $1.50 BALL GAMES [8th and I4th NEW YORK S Bearer. SPECIAL TRAIN Leave Stratford 6.30 a,m, Round Trip $3.00 aoonuitit sttisioh aa why je WHITE STAR LINE ©. AYER fire and Applications for, insniranie'were $6: a 00, y of he masa ea pla u Hammond Beo'y LINwoop, i Miss H. Rupp al of Elmira, spent We fn ends establish- in class her te ae Heimte er Bros. Jos, B. MoCardie a asiness visitors ie Hamilton on Mhursday ve Mr. Taal Bullock left Thursday for be Mich, visit wil his father Mr. Walter. Paral, of California, is eh is spending in Drayton. y in need of 7 d Miss. Vera Paraill eH ines sister ers ey ‘daugbter. ndings band MeLeese and "and Guelph and Agne Nelson aieteick Aran motored to Blora Sunday, Fdna MoKay left Tuesday for at London. M Jos, Hayes and son Gerrard w duys of last week of bank premises—which ap- | ni id} Mr. Will. called on Crosshill antz and Miller ‘riday in our bu Mr and 8 pexiaks in Mr. I Hawk Suchner. of Berlin last with Layal Hay andoart to ut od | Pete will | Milverton, | Toronto. | ha +) bee! s'ooat maker by Li, A | eit im i az Two moro. x vutomol cs by Heimler Bros | Heinbuch, Quit SeHiks Monday on Wei sorry to repo , Pro ‘obst but wish him . of Millbank. e ord here over the Ken ot r. home; Miss W h Mrs. ees ‘Mr st ley with let. ot Berlin wi Hei h for rmer’s parents; ». of Stratford, with 8 Weres CROSSHILL. and Mrs, Jas ae ‘ough. spent nds in Crosshill. n Birmingham, Strat~ tora “ spent the holiday at a home ny “Ms. Will Anticknap. of Berlin, vis- ited under the parental roof on Sun- of Campbell i with janday Hastings. of — Waterloo friends recently. Mrs, Ward spent Sanday with triengs ear Mewlone ing slowly fobs et recent iisees: pag ene baby boy of Mr. and Mrs, ae is still “ander the See = Andes ene SS doctor's eae Sova and Mino is Stratford Inst 4 ack. Mr, - i couple of day Mr, io. oC the ers. Millbank will be well nesday service and 8S. as Gra ohurch ne Br all are heartily wast ministe a of sermons. Ghos I ul Jane ae to meet at the at under- | will the door. one a pleasant evening, “At thing sublet most interesting to all church | peo! IMPORTAND din Norman | —T adi ne couver MILLE BANK. Thoge spending | the holiday follows: Mr. and Mrs, Si Li | sie Coulter and Mise Acheson, Ayonton. at Mr. 8, W. Coulter's ; Miss Bhima cenneh. or Stratford Sor mal. eda-Helm. of T rater ee Wray uM at Mrs. tt's; Mis: la Pope. of mtiweed Coghlin's, wisiting out of town were; F. Pierce and Mr. ©. ares at Mr, w ter and tes oe en RERRACA KALE EL Pi sby, i hen "i a 4 Mor- | ere rien in of Vancouver. his friends hero, 2B Greet eam bo aebeenerel BA y veo a Vi we op nt at pent a ease in Atwood last es Eoapive Day wa tan ome. went fianing whllortd | could be heard the boom old time amusement—fireerac! represented t the sports at Milverton next Wed- Whit Sunday May aaa ae von ord’s “Whi it ite Raiment” a | work of the Comforter or Holy | SY L Walter, und Mrs. “At Home” on neaeaoen at the ith <y\ comfortable idence, They will be glad to their friende of the ‘above | of Grace Church The AY. having @ coir evening on the clos- ne he a xan at SII SIN Neale si a Fale sk 9 ea fe le ae “The Bargain Store”’ SPECIAL BARGAINS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Turkish biped regular 12c for.. Print, regular } Pc nyaiess ones Vesting, aeulera 256, for... ie White Lawn, 44 in. wide, reg. 25¢, Embroidery Flouncing, reg. 50 to 75¢. White Bedspreads, reg. $1, 75, for rb : Parasols, reg. $1 and $1.25, for .69¢ Ladies’ Hand Bags, reg. Boe) for, 25¢ Ladies’ Raincoats going at ,,...... Half Price Men’s Trousers at Big Reductions Heese ie kee ec FE HE HE REE HE EE 3,50 for , Overalls, regular $1 25 for ... Men's Silk Socks, reg. 50c, for. Men's Straw Hats, reg, 1,50 to 3.50... Boy's Underwear, reg. 35¢ for ..... ie eee ee ee HEHE FIRE NENEEEE Mitverton Bargain Store : Butter and Eggs Taken. PFAFF BLOCK, MILVERTON : eee ke ke i ey eK Ee wee eee ce = TERE RE HE HE HE HE HEHE Be ES RE SE IIA AAT AANA TRAIT AA wil eee at chu reh ANNOUNC oy | | vreciated by ¥ | No. il leave at [sco would. to Wi ouver. | glace equipm New leave Toronto the travelling public | through solid to Pi ianiber hepa . now leaving A Nanaia 0,20 p. m, { sta andard sleeping cars, dinin, running | tourist sleeping cars. coloni iy ee rare only the n “now as “No, 7 will | 50 p.m, running ; Iirot ‘Dassener “agent, Toronto, We Ma GARDING CANADIAN PACIFIC CHANGE OF TIME In conne prior with e of on the hs un Baily cftecti ay mprovements in de. notable MAY 31, Semin gi Montren in Can ¢ Michixan, Central commencing tbe and easth 1 The Warm Weather is With us Again ‘New Perfection Oil Stoves” Also DETROIT VAPOR GAS_ Th se stoves burn just like natural gas and require 13 burners at right prices, NE STOV only one lighting. Come in and we will show you ttat any child can run them and be absolutely safe. See our HAMMOCKS at all prices. Screen Doors and Window Screens Frost Wire Fencing—The best in the land, M. E. Bettger @ Co. Hardware Merchants, MONKTON niper n+ tui is a eta ap. new service Get a button We have a ates" and. varnish for every purpose, inside and_ outside, re exclusive Agents for the Se SWP, int that is used and has ol tated enormous sale on account of its quality, It is the kind of paint that you should use on your house. SWP is made of puro mater- ialspure lead, pure sine, pure linseed oil, ete.j—mixed incorrect scientific proportions. SWP covers most, looks best, and wears We ai ‘Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared), a all over the world and ground by special: machiner; gest. | Fo Floor Paint, made to be walked on. “For: sees use S-W Flat-tone, a durable watt Sain saarles: with, a soft, ‘velvobyt flat effei ect—ean a S-W Watt teh or fe wee SW Kopal for all tinds of benifit outta cond inside. Use S-W Mar-not, a ‘durable tciege varnish fo: peepwcke. Aloors.: 5 -a painted finish on ‘your floors use S-W Inside plidacony.* - Finkbeiner Hadeae: me HARD WARE: ARE, STOVES, PAINTS, ETC MILVE TON of