Milverton Sun, 28 May 1914, p. 6

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Pee ens oY: The Milyerton Sun Monkton Ti see PUNISH, BYERY BNRDAS aigmnite The Sun Printing Office Main Street, Milverton, Ont sameness RATES AN UNSERVICEABLE LIFE A llessage For All Those of Us Who Have Only a “Little Power’ three “ue ens, the'Ou cents: ow thy works... that thou eventually all desire of aerving hu- g i Enea nang, eters Rapid tile power, and didst keep|manity. Like the man with the ene CENTIRAGCTIABNKRVigiNo RATES my word, and didst not ies my | talent in the parable. x + GMos, #Mos, Mos| 28me.’’—Revelation iii., couraged because he had “not = S40" $25 $8 mW hat. could more nts, or t #2 12° S/than this word of God the “little” that we 1 Saye in Philadelphia’ e|come content to live an absolutely 5 Ine for an ret Insertion aud H 4 little group ot Christians ga- unproductive and unserviceable rent HoEesch edoeequent toner i ‘ fiom will ech rae rcrehatauengeet® ate" | thered together in one of the e great- | life. 7 jsements, a t, richest and most hostile of the} Not «0, however, if we would tisementa without rections | ¢ i iso 4 4 shies cea ds Bplay pire 3 ene of Asia Minor. In this com-| really keep the word God, and ding! ; unity, te in others of which we|not deny His holy name!” Our eases for contract advertisements must | have completer r knowledge, the Pay ‘power’’ of position and personal- be ti »b: tr ; Me diesen db Ghd. who prised the church|ity may be as little as you attention, a ro were few in conta humble in sta-| please. We may have as near to LMM 4 9 bag Cie Mnbe ff DRA a poor in this world’s goods, | nothing mehereyrith to the | devoid of influence among their fel-| world as the Christians in ancient | BusinessCards ie Bhiladabgtia, ay aiuee wa. give the little that we have as faithful- | | men, They had “littl er’ in-|ly and courageously as though ee is And ‘a the Spirit of God! had everything that Patni and DR. M. Cc TINDAL E.L.D.S was able r glad witness to| ability could offer t ite eget the fact that tie people had kept} No Life Is So Poor and Mean | Rowse aeanen oxro Untvanery <any wo bad pee pe but what it can do something for Spay (ens Sollee x ander. r- the larger and deeper interests ot Office: Over Metropolitan Bank, Milverton nv itself, had ee humanity, and what it can do, it r a pre en able to turn them aside from| Must do! What we have, however | the path in which they had set their a SE Spe ana aber a ‘di et ¥. PARKER, M.D. YE/AUD. feet, Their ‘power’. v4 What we do rowerer trifling, prot 7 ch otherwise got DRS. PARKER & TYE |enough, but such as it was, it was} *¢'S service which o} . all God'e and: his Christ's forever.|'undone. | What we give, however OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON : Duly Had Millio i; Hien“ Sokabayatiiceos toctoe 2 EE’) Willa en ies ; Wah ecs e arene ee for ale aa woneheaitight won ha-enya| Gees Amoeba se ot those of us—and we are the great “Po a Child,’ | descending the si eh he ¢ agitol sabi DH ecal majority —who shee only @ lite | at V ashington after a rea cap : 2 EN power,” of either fortune or abil-|“igmall service is true piel ot the M raat atios DRA. F. McKENZIE, M.D. jity, to do the things which we would | >™al,, service Ne i alba ae ilo aa Snsaen | Tike ° Of humblest trie nds, bright. erea- MONK'T0! ONTARIO | of gh ai ah anh ture! scorn not one ant BY THE iSO 1S : pui ‘or the ups i of mankind sy, b he sk Ts that Ofie hour: Su far as possible from 1 to] It T had only been born to some po-| ue daisy, by the shadow - and i in evenin; sition of at distinction, what Doreee the Tingering dewdrop would I not do for the restoration th ITS OF 5 THE DRE. SaThUm ELE Gf Nthe ignorautithe anfortunate| ©. F048 ™ Ea engect ans Onteopathio Physician and the oppressed! If Tonly had| However it may be with men, MARITIME PROVINCES. (ot Stentfoi the natural gifts of a Webster ora} surely God scorns not one Bpecia' reatment of al cont an T~ e sous alinienta, including yolat teoubiee, ty | Gladstone, to what great works of| Hence His promise to the faithful ruglens vet dss | Caner inc political reform and social redemp-| church in Philadelphia, w hich with] {ems of Interest From Places ladly, free, Call o on wou ld I not stir the multi-|a “little power did s 3, ne " Grand Central Hotel, Aiiverton, Wednesday Giada Bead aacrtue athe Bie will make men to come and Sorby Lapped by Waves of the no PDanhs Willviaitresidences i preferred | golves, and discovering that .we| before thy aly and to know pia | Allantie, : YRSTER, Eye Ear | have no wealth nor influence nor|have loved John it Ps FORST rg Roce tad Mrect cee meres hee | genius, we abandon all hope and| Haynes Holmes. Albert Carson, of Windsor, N.S., ' New Son Sil lr Abed Tenet a gala died as a result of getting Riihhues ; tute, Clin. Aasiat n his throat in hiegtie that the stomach eannot digest it 8 Pope diet on grains inl ripe fruit, with sufficient exer The Board of Health at Frederic- ton has recommended on institu- tion of an isolation hospi cise in the ae air to keep u ‘. ee bein ould eedily Customs returns at Bt. John, N. Lega = | ABR Re ade ROR ore B., for April, increased by 820,000 iB. MORPHY, KG. | bee My ‘ Fi over the sume month last y . 22 SUStS]SSe > % } Richibuecto, this year, Harriste jotary ) neer | y \ Bi TY f aceite «Notary Futile, Com | Veieein: NO HARM IN DAILY BATH. lahenaet’ opened on April 99, whieh (PE cy a ie oak daa ane | was one mith and four days later erhaps ommon of al Bxpert - Dine an 86 meen: Listowel, Milverton Perhaps the most charge f all) But Expert Discourages ‘Cold | than last the diseases of the kin is eczema. to Loan Water Plunge” oe) TKS 1G ‘aa Fol “ pene Ss [Than venraimantt: ane vebeliions i Fis: oan és an Fonestay nye ge KF, R. BL E WE: TT, K.C,- |liseuse to treat, and it shows an are credited, asa nation, pare Grill be akon Pap eran rg MI bitioliok (octhe nani of rorecty obstinate tendency to relapse, 1t] with showing a predilection for the Aobin. NEB". Rake seas may run an acute course; and last| use of baths, says a medical man in x om don Block only a few weeks, or it.may become , the London Standard, Even at this | Not since 1854 had navigation STRATFORD, ONTARIO | chronie, and last for years or even|day some of our Continental neigh- letaas is Tate in ay Ee Wick as ee a ‘lifetime, It attacks persons of hon regard the daily in the | did thie year—May 5. In 188: Veterinar: a i 1 — ate ¥ ——|all ages and conditions, and can}light of a custom not unfraught|opered on Ma Veterinary Surgeon | mimic every other skin disease that| with a certain degree of peril to ee ow fell on May Day in St. John, mn, Gradtiare of C Optarig Veteria | is Pah health. Not very long ago a well . which did not help the movin eel dea ane | Bi SS ma is generally. a constitu own savant made puke his views. ahs the same ig heavier oa disorder, Although the’ im-|on the matter, discouraging the ha-| than for many years bac | badtate outbreak can n be trac-| hit of washing the skin n loncton, during the ed to some local irritation, such as’ Most people will nob agree with month of April, 32 hen owners were the use of a soap that is too strong, | this way of thinking, but as a cer \d dealt with by the police for allowing | the action of geome chemical tain amount of controversy has| their pets to run at lange. ao erton, | agent, the chronic cases do. hot. af'varisen as to whether the daily ablu-| On May 1 man who had driven| th: on or | fect, who are in good physica: yes is a measure caloulated to be| over the roads between Centre sei, - Hie sina? Pears in bag The late Krasmus ableyto health: OF the reverse, [and Tlorenceville, ‘i : Heumayasveloome, K.” Miller, W Mt,| Wilson, an English authority on ia yeamugana helieve that consider-| that the snow was still ten feet deep ; W. J. Zoeger, skin eee believed that eczema ation of a few facts will enable my | on them. F ee was a disease of debility, and he reads te remain fir Seven hundred cards were sent « Be said that the sepilits could be divi-}tg 4 daily un-jcut in Halifax, asking citizens to Lodge,” No. ded into three types—the ‘“‘nutri- taken in thei opinion of its hy [attend @ meeting for the formation 280 pre. In porcini at tive,” the ‘aseimilative, and ote gie alu improvement league. | ilton’ “Viaiving Inethzen always ‘nervous.”’ ‘The assimi a pees But ile eulogizing the soap |Only ites ee ae to the eall. come. 8, Spencer, N.G. Wek, Cake of eczema is most often found in! and-water habit, no encouragement) ‘The Monote B,, ‘Times tells F, Secy,, N, A, Zimmer me Vie Bec, *| infants, je treatment of in a satended to be held forth to those | a story of ath a black fox mother, ‘antile eczema is chiefly a matter of 0 desl eb mata ek ex thiisiaets lich inthe ‘opldeaband image (iresbonabie beta thnecen! _Netary Pubile. changing the methods “of feeding: ihe most inclement weather, have | storm, destroyed her litter of five /W. D, WEIR, N ? and getting the digestion into good the ice broken on some favored | fox pups, causing @ loss to the farm ) ey Public, Ane | O75 tioueer for the County of Perth brah strétch of water and plunge hokily |owners of $25,000: aterloo, Conveyancer: Deeds, Willasea|_ Among the causes for Saree into a fluid so many deg below |” Wesley... Frost, Consul ortgages drawn and Affidavity made, | ma in pet ree Rout ¢ the temperat human hhody-| Chiaplottetown Plt foe Village Clerk, Office in the Weir block | nunks pertons. suffer for a morning swim. ‘The chilling of |two yeurs, wag present er the ae ae nk, Pie haere or, a oeens Buhouk the skin produced throws a great | address and a yaluable gift by avi wema, but when ecze appear bint middle life, the possibility its origin in gout must alerts be reckoned with. Kezema of the’ nervous stipe ome | times He a sudden shock, or be the Results "oe prolonged amount of work on the Datavae ee business men of Charlott 5 hen he left to take a new position | ae Irel eee Ie drew. Kl of Galt, Ont., an | brought about micro-organisms | alee expert cs knows all about eee a made lodgment on its | potatoe: 1s the farm and in the dips Sy Stet that New Brunsw and skif-glands, et tatoes will not be skin entirely free from th tario. ng and appli |seab is entirely elim: lotion a} Two old members of fe Monkton, Ont,, No- tary Papiia, "Canvepeier Issuer of Mar- age it J.P. ah: Perth, Real Eitase basin ‘and sold, few lew thal farms for Smmediat anes Fai t it| the near sant to avoid all, sich ir-/% ays G ENTRAL HOTEL verton Firat t-olass, cee bya tio, create traveller large raprae Base bt ot eve r br Ae powdery Len | is freee ae ae impossibility, a. fact. 1e-| roundhouse super-| aun He orton, Ont. | s0 predisposition to he dis. |Coenized | by. bacte ogi, NBs int the | ‘The beat accommodation fof comn is almost always |Svarded against by surgeons, who | persons Golding, night| toaveliors and other nie cover their hands nee apie, lized rubber gloves in or tect patients from infection ie aes Bas worse in winter, for the ety foreman, and Kdward Russell, ooo! eee in temperature act as pate, Cand ay warm tables." George Fs ge. Pauly Proprio | ghee Eee ene skin. ation wounds by such organisms on and. the latter a. gol ‘loc Ket and | THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, [wer Mid sometimes ik ig neceg.|the ekin or the han is Iss ine pesa or F tide, "Sotanals mania commensal sary to use oil instead of soap and) 10 spite of this, however, ther. employ of the LER wines and liquors byte are Seater {rss in cleaning and | ough ng grid the ski of im man | pee zemon, Rates $1.50 per day, “Woe. Wien pre, a trektment of the dis: | 8 areas pees ero m- 1e, mersion for a suffi at period in a | ease is ote constitutional and lo- =| cal cal h case must be treated suitable antiseptic rey ere is no| for women of thos Spetne forthe disorder.—Youth's | #0 that, in all probability, the bac-| Companion. teria and fungi that escape the pro- |coss with life are comparatively few | in sumbes \ ary, and ived egrain. signed * moire telling him that his father w ously il], a ad to ae 0, rustic NOTICE ! | at only to find his Health Ni Notes. igh we should About 24 women in are bathe | ibe ante surface of the stronger in the left’ ar a than they }ip such strong antiseptic solut arecin the. tiple; women). tobllafelar those dn which aungectl nea =| thore frequently eal oe in bathe | ‘ she previous both” a than cleansing mialy; be tand a woolen a. strengthen | milder es peal in ibe Ne pak his ™ body | He ji | | j their Throw that th uuld neve eit of The inution bra the diab ber of micro- yen isms eae a Heaitatses} on the Tha <> R Y. FISH &CO, , LINWOOD jew ‘seconds and ‘start aga peat the » performan, watching this exhibition for a friend overtook the farmer i “oe pe oH the naa jong ee matter!” Is it now hey it Slightly { tert Afte some | ¢ r nd eggs ai or an aid iS building up a anent| is often a ti for the nurse. Many patients wi il take the aie slightly warm, or even hot ‘ot, and digest it! Sa readily. when cold: milk eauises dis- | fect that the tr plan to! ease- gets 1 number’ an cool, or| virnlencé eroog arcu to, make hee, Aiea eae before and) headway against, the defensive tiesue attacked. Ir forces of the ties ick all i @ cause lies av ; rat “ | BS. fhe niaioritah ae me you Sea te this is advantageous | t consider one | © to} wal \} ‘ seen W. sve Dealer tn “conditon which nttashes Coal, Cement and Lime “ Motar Stain, Ete, — Pep Noi _ the {oemer.. ero Wrong ie, afear oi bay Grain, Flour and Feed and Forniture isten 1?" “a Riove G Gets Constantly Kept on Hand 3 wethay Ga ted ke sett the: fae! ren food taken is feo sit ity or 80 excessiv so: War eae had heard of the coming of es THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON! ERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY at. Lesson IX. The Grateful Samari- tans Luke 17. 11-19, Golden Text, Luke 17. 18, rse 11. As they were on the way to Jerusalem—After the send- ing out of fe lapventy: recorded in the second for this in which he had n a journey by te to Jerusalem, The time occupied by the journey must have been several. months, and although we. learn from John’s Gospel that durin labored, ath t have returned complete this tour of teaching and Preaching before his final arrival Jerusalem on the occasion of his triumphal entry Sonate Luke 13. 22, 33; 48. 31; 19. 11, 28). passing a Iona the perder of Samaria an lilee—That in the bora Souter Reinead the province ho oid n te Muiats many pilgrims going from Galilee to Jerusalem |, and traveled DUSTBANE ] put the ee's (ase) in sweoping — ] IT KNOCKS THE DRUDGERY our. GE SWEEP-DAY Cleans Carpets Brightens Floors Order a tin to-day at your grocers or from your hardware man. Don’t ask for sweeping compound ! | SAY aoereene | Ld "4 BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES because to parry the gospel to ve people of Pera Waleed Sato a certain » “As he was about to t Ten men that babes lope s— Those who know the pre t is also possible that the le 8 od afar off—As required by law (see Le 46), though the preci tiafante to be kept was not 30 Here the sufferers, doubtless knowing the works of Jesus, took the initiative and asked for help. Others with baw he came gh con. act, the man in gogue (Luke 1 12), had Ate "hd knowl fai alzo his aid and his blessing given. So to-day some who sit in| “Nothing gives a man mare prestige than to be Well Attired” You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop.,... HERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, Ontario 0. DUFFIELD darkness ask for the gospel ; others, | ke the woman in the. synagogue, iow not its power, But to all alike the church must minister M Suggesting one having Authority, as “the Master in the hous Tacaae whan he saw them | Ree Ve wih ha hd carrie ns \ing (2 Kings 26, {led with the heathen colonists who Therefore, jter returned Sam jhe? raseia ae temple ven le ae rn a sib hia by ‘his fellow eaployes| the Pentateue! th tay unfriendly 4. story ar the grateful and he ‘alone gives he father in excellent iat Bend en sates surprise. vl man was Bae eet to other sure that it must fad been #0 ause of his receptive heart. si th dont Ty Rs. arip. stops every | ge we: ies by the go ed the men were until bites cried out | iow yourselves unto the bilests Compare Ley. 13. 2. Each man would probably go to a priest near his home, the priest who had pronounced hint a leper and sent him away from the dwellings of other ive in caves and tombs. he: Sbunltitan vwoul Bo a vriest On Mount Gerizim. they went, they were cleansed prompt obedience to 8 command shows their con- fidence, y after they left bef ‘ hea is not indicated, | ap they nes already separated, each) Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor. oughly. In prices you will find us right.: Repairing Prom) Attended to "'y Geo. J. Coxon to to his own home, before the | g0 healing took place, so that BP Samaritan was alone. 18, With a loud voice glorifying | heart could | rdinary tones. | 16, He fell upon his face at his feet, giving him thanks—Now that] is leprosy was heale it was no longer neces “to 1 al off.’ i was it that in his un bounded joy he foraotn all about the restrictions of t varit ee ane) maritans 1M, 12) interming-| > Wes New Suit— Before placing your order, come in let us show you our new lines of suitings. We guarantee to please you in both fit and price. he Up-to-date Tallor ‘ . MILVERTON, ONT, J | S.N. SMIT new Patties | Israelites la- from bara basal aritans were not allowed Modis ‘ eve’ p a he idslatne of when the | gion, how ie st are monothei asa cir law t ae m sae ship and lif to them alone recor Sainuriian, the pera la Samaritan. Wyte the 9, Luke PE good Can h the Jews Fe-| Supplied | for cream: delivered. at factory, eae fe price a Will test sa pay acaba si 7s wait. ‘We will p pay Hitt honest {h oa EARL CREAM ERY, Milverton ira esus indi- ahold oney iy e so grateful ‘and the phone, Bt iden | Heart ~ | died wher jand his vr fa ex had receiv pa , Serahigers- Ot; soseiges awboleOr, saved rot not ae roeant ‘is de wive cow erat wotney Looks the Part. rid ene your mo- she Pea little ac wi "t fall hort. meas-| IRE A Germ fai wt rhe is, en t you, dea e8, Pers is where vou go, je stay a more the a: other ttle while and jo Canadian Pi rieved over the rps ‘Guelph ne Goderich | pa _ broken. Rei Going cant arcely Waa. BBR RO a a of” the melanee offered his daughter, wnother bps and a. third BS niece, a whe: seo a a eof sis Sitered me, but when) my | faite, =. gts Southboond died, Ansa didn’t offer me @ - 5 Stations The owsdevant nil jother—You ca vhat, is (aged four)— fiaininas| while an. for some pass your, ee q section for | minimum ¢

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