Been Win A despatch from Ottawa says: Neus and statistics office in a 19 per © to fall wheat in acres, the area sown, to 562, eres, the area expected to be har- at Alberta the aK large fall wheat province, fall wheat has been plea o the oxtous of 15.6 per nt., representing 36,000 acres, which will make the.area to be har- Brush alps was 1 006,700, by winter killing in Ontario ‘bad Alberta to 838,700 “the condition of fall May 6 was ii wheat. on in Ontario returne it five years repre- Pithe coudition eg ee fall wheat crop this i superior to that of ce Byte ee & ONTARIO WHEAT CONDITION 32,000 Acres Out of a Total of 694,000 Acres Have ter Killed 1910, when the record wal over 89 of the standard, Upon th e eee Spring seed ding was well advanced, exceptiin the Maritime Provinces, where the spring this ens is aig ae as ab- normally uebec, ey fot more isc from 3 to 5 ported tb n Ontario ‘ae ta date about 24 per r cent, of oats, at of bai ley had been x cent. of the to- tal seeding aes oe or as com- pleted on May 6 as against the same Beate hon last year on April 30, ay 6, these propor- tions aes ee favorably a the progress reported last year on April 30. For the five kia of ec, Ontario, Manitoba, Sas- Ratchovan be Alberta the propor- tion of seeding reported as effected 6 was se 48 per cent, for cent, for oats, 16 per barley and 37 per cent About 14 per cent, ad hes area in hay and clover is report- ed as winter-killed, ri pared with last year. Pathe scertee condition of these crops on May 6 was 86,7 per cent., as com- PRIGES CF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS rRom TRADE CENTRES OF, Awana Prices of Catth Grain, Cheese and Other Produce a ‘Home and Abr in ante. Damo, $4: Manitoba wieat—Day ports. Northern $1,014 and No. 2 at 99he. Ontarlo wheat—-No. 2 quoted ut ¥ to 41,06, outside and $1.06, on track, oronto Sate No, EOntarto ioate, $1 t de for oat —$1 to $1.05 ide, lariey—-Good inalting parley, 66 to bse, saccordlns to qui sho La $8 to Bbc; “outside, » kiln-dried, SE pet 5 5 & Buckwheat Corn— noted ‘oronto. Rrun“Manitoba bean, $24. to ton, in bags, Toronto freight. $26 to 827, 25 shorts, Country Produce. Butter —Cholee dairy, 18 to 20c 36 to, J0c; farmers’ eg 0 280 to nites on y print siorage. ‘pr tints, fousdas stacags, 20 fo 2le. Tiggs—21 to per ‘dozen, in case lots. Honey. per Ib. i for No. 1 Extract Combs, in tins, 10 to 110 Bb to §2:60" per dor: and $2 for ene—New cheese, 14ae Innes and ia, torte tor twins, dp $2 Bo in, 92-0 ar bush petites $2.10 to $2.20. Poultry owl, 7 to ber per ewlekens. 19 to Yo}, ducks, 200; Kee 16, to Ago; turkeys, 20 te Ze Potatoes“Delaware 31 25 eh, tank ‘here, ‘and Ontaifos at $ii0 per ny Provisions. pared with 89.6 per cent, jast year, and 74.6 in 1912. NDESIRABLES DEPORTED. Ontario pias Over Four Hun- dred in ve Months. rom Toronto sa; atch ys: To: yer ial early report of asl Pro- vincial Police, issu esday, the campaign "against anced ios has been continued with consider- six countered at Niagara Falls. number of 789, in connection ith which shore were 527 convigtions and 136 dis- charges. This is an increase of 279 oases hand) Biyemnpen, JUMPED FROM MOVING TRAIN Kingston mm Died After Reaching he Hospital. Jineiath from Brockville says: In jum m the eastbound Grand Trunk express, on which h was stealing a ride, Fred McCor- mack, a nm at the local depot, one log were sovered and other seri ous inju MeCormack dled Past entity Papi aaa MILITANTS ARE BLAME! Fire Broke Out Near Where King and Queen Were Staying. A grain from Aldershot, Eng: ra sere A serious fire, sup- suffragette origin, Wednesda, iy, bro si out in vad fone valy close by the Royal p: ny ing George pee a Queen i tor the r Majesties had "Tell the alt the blaze was dis- re was. carrenely It to combat and was ten ox tinguished for a considerable ti When the King and Queen teft. ‘the pavilion two suffragettes were seen at the sea waving ‘“‘votes for women" banne: aan ay BEARS AT STURGE POINT. Several Have Been Killed and Others Have Been Seen, A despatch from Minden ey Bears seem to be particularly ta just now in the North Country. "Tt is eeldom that a bear is seen at eed sd Point, yet one trotted lady recently and disappear- ea in the bushes. A big black bear, weighing 250 arte! was sho Mr. Ezra King-of Belmont Lake. = The skin w aeat condition, Phil Aldred, of North Basrer shot ear which he had viously Raed MMe pele waa, ob blag and valued at $18, The bear was a urge NEW STOARIEG Ll ERS. ifle. This season will see the meee service of the Canadian Pacific aug- mented by the addition of yaa new hteamers, These two vessels will be are becoming so none Bare’ Curle & Company, of W, 8@- cured the contract for i building of the ships some months ago, and | rh aati petian is ieee under way. They are being specially construct- | Gok Aainesaarios toe wll ible conven contain every possible convenience for the comfort of passengers, They tf the lass" i cargo capacity for 6, famous cruiser pas which is the Hh Te ny Wf 0) My) i et ty om Two Splendid Weiels for thes Cana- dian Pac wi of the one class cabin type, which | door patie of the new Empress rate p viscid on the ee coast, is Fy dee! n r to ensure safety the ie “re to ated sub-divided by Mi tight doors and bulkheads, to be capable of Lect when ope’ wi automati aie con- sept from the sep ach vessel will be 15 isan with a sein of 27.5. 8 for the in- 16 to 16¢ per Ib, edjum, 18 TT to a8e; Falls, 16 to Sie fast ‘bacon, 18 to 19¢; backs, Bote Be Lard—Plerces, ; tubs, 13¢; pails, 1aie, lod ‘Hay and Straw. $14.50 to $15 8 b quoted at $13 Baled No. 1 at No, at $10 to $11, fomnon, itenk here 0 $18.25, and ¢ clover Baled stra lots, $8.25 to $8.50, on track, ‘Torehto. waVinmipes, its orth 3 0, 989i Mat fe 354; No. 3 ‘do, onl Mark Montreal, May 26 26 -—Comn—Amerle yellow, Gate dian, Ke. iy to fe: do, SN feed, [3 Mcitete Borage’ whent pate $5.60; do., seconds, $6.10; Anter’ “patents, stra ey 0. $4.5 90 Millreed-—Bran, $23; shorts, pes, $28; mo IIe, fia to 632, 2, pe car lots, $14 tO ni te 2) United States Markets. Minneapolis, Minn, May 26.—Wheat. zz! BS 1 hard, 97%¢: Ni ante, 2 Northeri dae to: suies Buty, D0%C. Live Stock Markets, May 26.—Cattle—Cholce but , $7.90 to $8.80: good, $7.9 ; common cows, $5 to $6.26; ca: uth 0 to $4; choice fat ; choice bulls, ¥ ‘Toronto, chers, $5.26 ood veal, $8.76 te $10; com- sheep nd Jambe-—Light, ewe to $2; ony, $6.76 to $8.26; bucks ip Tatnbee ache $6 to ‘$108 Yearling Jarmbae $8.10, 40,00. Hogs, $8.26. to $8.40, fed and water- $a, $8.60 16 $8166, off cara: $8, t0 98. 05, Montreal, May 26 oven Bo to the Hop mealam | “Prime be to $40; calves, Sheep, bie ihe; spring lambs, 40 $0 cache hogs, 98 t0. 99C s — TIABLE 10. HUGE FINE, Big Se ure of Skins at a Hudson Bay Company Post. A despatch be Fort William, terior of the rece fea second: class state room will be fitted with Pel pustieet ie “Figdaon Bar & wardrobe and cheat of drawers. | Gompany's. post folding lavatory with, mirror, and| Spork oe inindved. miles north of other conveniences, ie SackAshon the: O:P: n> Buby pared a ie My |day, 424 beaver, 86 otter and ee be (Pala Re {| muskrat skins were found, All tl MimcinapRicia: ee nate) { [animals nj are protected Vib: a at tS law. ‘The manager of the post, Wil tat est Coan Mode, liam Thompson, when brought be- cae, : foro the Magistrate at Nipigon pL as rata abe pleaded 0 unlawful eh cre Yel Maia sion of the skins, and asked to have thermo - tank system,” j-,| Beereess remand ie cours chastise eh ‘aiaht | [number of pelts are valued ue $10,- times each, hour. "There PBs eat Aad Natal Seg will ‘also bo a printing "| amount to $117,000. plant on boand each ship. ‘ ay 48h ed, 3, $1:368; | © #10238. Bue ee residence in Upper Coltbridge Ter- Flight—Secret despatch from London says is ‘stated that t he Gey eu pro- wits of War Department While this would give a great ad- vantage to the British army aerial service, it i inted out b: that it eine be against the inter- ests BA humanity in the conquest o! the The Ki fs, if TN pecgeaind over ete new mache.’ After wit- eens a flight at indeiaten ieee ex- : Why haven'¢ you hun- i yt" 6 Seely, Saatetety jer War, in an interview said the invention of the machine was due to ae. brains “ss ree men. Four organizations played a part, namely : “che Na- Una Physical Laboratory, the Ad- ory Committee on Aeronautics, Tt) the perimental flie: BRITAIN’S NEW AEROPLANE The King Was Enthusiastic After’ Witnessing 2 Will be Kept Royal pune ible and ex- Ww aero~ by Blane, he aid paceade not automatically stable, that is to say its stability ‘aspen ‘on the shape, nechanical attachment. well as to the bi- British brains, except ee lags put to all manner of trials. s been flown in a air eens and steeply, me irk s proved stable in i ray’ outta it in ir air, but still the greatest problem of all remains to he solved—that of safe encink, I have flown hundreds of and know this ig one thing thee is checking the advance of flying. FROM BONNIE. SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HED BANKS AND BRAES, — What Is Golng on fn the Nightands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia, has been PP aerapr made of a rection of a new hall and Laat chambe: As the result of an explosion that occurred in brie) Vernon Colliery, Shetilesto miners, Duncan McIntyre et ated Brown, were se- verely injured. man Lai McGowan of Glas- was fatally injured whilst city ts a1 i in I fields pirat he The Bellshill district. ‘Two new pits are being sunk by the elie Coal eanany in a vicinity ot Mossend. Owing to sla ckaes chance to The death has occurred ace, Murrayfield, Edinburgh, of ‘| Mr. Francis Braid, formerly post- Glasgow, in his seventy- ae; July, fits ie Nes, SH of a : by a fire in ae No, 1 Nori nae 06 C] paper works rs. Pirie thern, 93! 96; No. 3 yellow, Hae gale. 3 Noe ot AGa°TG | Stoneywood, near Aberdeen, ea 393c, Flour pr ebween 400 and ‘500 employes have i 4 cag, y : Biawth an wireat “S0:| been rendered i The death has ocourted of Mr Henry Arthur Kellen, a prominent official of the North British Railway at Glasgow. He had been the “company. for Bahiqitine’ Collieries have advan wed the Kirk gonuel potting Glut ths necessary amount to clean off the debt their ne build an up- © managers of sas mere aiseiey.sineh ga Hill to-date pevilion, the Wes anes gift made to the institu. tion by Miss Helen Murray, burgh, of a sum of $40,000 for hal Saat cey of @ wa Weston District Committee of "Bilingahe jes formulated a scheme for r ithe rovement of 4644 puis. oe nog roa within its area. Neg a loan from the Real Board ie) prodeeaing: awdorp' ihe Government io make further inahiey into the ter of State ere to chat During v understorm that broke out over ee panes and Midland districts of Scot et eat part of the U. ford, Perthshire, was by stock an lightning and an old man killed Hal aburgh Council, fest approved y the Electric of a recommendation b, Lighting. Com that a piece of ground be Ae at Westbank, Portobello, for the erection of a new clectric light. Ration to eee A boy heapayh er Smith, 16 years of age, berdeen, met with terrible ath ven blow Bay, a few miles o i fell a ‘Gistancs of over 120 fee fishermen i aie ‘against the “the peas yan agains' seine net Mie taetay ands NANG Chaplain Committee of a Church’ © protesting opening the ranges at Bis! Any on Sunday. Tntis has been received uion through an speeds Sais to soli- citons that Miss aes ‘son, eth native of ah lan parish, Wer ‘of $5. to Dun- ened “Abbe! ote 2 eat gift to Tullicillan pal ebureh, Te “eee In Apprehension. “T gave as a plush album on her wedding a0 Feltiny Tt was one I had hi atl about the house for some baa YS it looked like new. ce Bete me has found that I have Well, oe vas oe you expect her reciprocate” “Reciprocai oF 3s-not the word; Vin aft she will retaliate,” MILITANTS AGAIN ACTIVE. Battle of Buckingham Was Fiereely Contested. A despatch from London What the public calls the Pankhars pe Dy. The Government Bureau has issued THIS HAS PAID 7% halt pace tieulars and oa INVESTMENT ly fur LM “SECURITIES CORPORATION, specs TION LIFE BYILD: PER AAS LIBS, whole A despatch from Ottawa says a state: a a wolonteer naval reserve e the Rice Becrice ea tment, jum is being placed in the ésti- mates sufficient for this year's w ‘There i. is already a voluntess na- val force at Victoria, which has been financed sealed miral Kingsmill is on his way. “to the coast, and this force will be at once given official recognition, -| easily CANADA’S NAVY RESERVE ‘of|Atlantic, Pacific, and Great Lakes the Scene-of the Three Headquarters There fore the ee tion of a compan; ion alres be- for et Faine ti af once to organize the force. Aemilius Jarvis is interested in the pronto compaity, and predicts ithe formation at @ company of 250 men. eae headquarters, of the force will at Ottawa, pe three Great: Lakes) rhe Pac The Great Lakes division will To- likely haye its headquarters in T. ronto, a will include the Upper St. , the Great Lakes, and rel the dactony as far as the Rockies. wish, idlers to stand in the broiling ae shine to wat their futile antics, but their achievements ovens! ih amounted to practically nothing ex- cept that 57 of them were arreste — Ss HELD AS SLAVE IN PARAGUAY British Charge d’Affaires Has Been Asked to Report the Facts. despatch from mdon says: Sir Edward Grey in the House of Commons that the atten- tion of my eee Office had been called t ort that a British-| Sanadiee Sie eing held in slavery in Paraguay, and that the British Charge d’Affaires had been quested to report the facts imme- diately by cable. #6 ae SIGHTED GREAT ICEBERGS. Like Snow-Covered Island: ports Scandinayian Captain, tch from Boston mucarins bergs and hi 3 the bs Banks compelled the eden-Nor' ine steamship ecko, which 1 pele here from Bie: vanger, to mak the south, snow-covered islar — ——h__. BLOWN TO PIECES. ied to Pick Dynamite ie of a Crevice With A despatch re Seies ‘ont, im, sees Niblock, a fo: arr, *s of age, employed by the Ganda Crushed Stone Corpora- » was blown ear at the piece of mati ie ay a ore- vice. He tri & with a hammer and a ee , ceploo mn followed. Ih UR MEN KILLED ON SHIP. Vessel Was Participating Manoeuvres at the A despatch fi in Naval ime, from Bizerta, Africa, says: Four men yee ee ane one was Dy thro: toate i ‘the as part pating at the time in the oe naval manoeuvres, —— DID THE WORK Grew Strong on Right Food. on can’tigrow strong by merely ising. You must have aera Fe the ‘kind you ¢an digest and agsimi- vias tie tod you eat is digest-| 9 adds to the burden the diges- tive organs wits naturally to carry. This often means a nervous break- lown, Maton, a& year ago,’ iy | worry, T also i untold misery from gave up my (pe hep L real ie finda ee oe SB something that would boi up my ‘worn-out nery “T tried one kind of ter another, but nothi roman, Name given by Cai Go., ne Ont to ‘There's Rae tho Our London Letter Comment on Events Watch for Suffragettes there will be no free days oastln are admitted at halt bas ject to prior application to the pecetary To Do y With str! reap A great Hider MASA been ormanized 1h i miners, workers, after strike they cannot make It fmmediately effective unless the rallway men n refune to handle coal, ag in mi es. the colleries have arke stocks on. hand and at other mines non-union labor can be abtained. With the three king together, leaders believe they © enforce ipetier conditions from the em Robert Smillie, M.P., president of, the r rederation, whieh with its 80 nber gent OFgantantion in the. onbinatio x, belle that | co. en the three classes Of So. with strikes “and ckouts, as employers. by ers, $00,000, may ‘will be consideration, wi Tation orted by all Wil certalniys tt to argued, ‘Tecelve the attention of parliam eB deste ion ors Afri fa, labo: Thome and Princip especiall, u F the, “eonon inland of San He wrote what he ved with with 00k" the’ Britian. fo. roves that he understated rather than ov: he truth, Tt was airieuit “to et serious govern, nition Soe t athe this slave I produc pillarg of aoneqformtty and tate ributors to liberal party funds, government “to wend home ‘es no nul brought. to rome ne now entrapped a ite Book” shows that onthe mainland 198 the Koln that Bros BO. aaa ee alain ‘et "tna at fue here was Me ci th re te in India uN a dndian: “nat tela tun more Ite, Howards for Sotentific Discovery, at seat arr ince er een has fonlted on the, ‘British, baniiannent for @ nsion. of HD,000 year ark $0 abiish the . Dune ornate there anould da for sctentitio discov f such a nature that no commerelal ret Aa ‘ary tho. Bu pt a mali, whieh | tab One 0 Fact About ‘The tden of w life on the planet Mars, and potters The idea, of a life closely ina atron ng appre tlon, jomers immune fromthe nth m Hundreds an of books have been pro ant con., and within recent sane and, well-reasoned ‘der idea of Profeasot Pet he most. proi estinators | with theory must still in the “hob ye root exts tise duostion of welebe ne Doha and speculating. from them tow, %, ene GA het WHE Sus eon thrown ensors. . ng ito the welght of the probabilities that life may: exist on the plano Sf ‘anc Vory, of the Lowell ni the serobublilty” for he existence “Of Ch human species in alent: It ta, 0 alig! other count Nevertuelons here new factor, = spur to Bficion: argument ‘for the. _equabilane ny “manufacturers, exp trade which abel "s run thelr estab ents in a wa Tanner. They are able thelr more up to date a i petitors only because the wages they Pay “thelr workers are, much amaller than, the paid by the more re~ mutable employers, to snol compel nlove out w applied asserted doubt learn ‘to: mau ‘of Keeping thelr usiness on a pa Sing basis than exploitation .of thelr _em- Loy es, ‘The British Flag in Me: At the elit of the crisis of Mexico, before the waraytne at Vera Crus, Stopped his wa to A, me Ss warned ndony e.attendan Kk molested er’ fot re reavectod.== leity: of Southern Italy ae he Mol ag made another se and ‘has shaken the Whole island ba until’ more Complete t porte are received of the Mwolnted Cou try districts to. whic! bitants fled from tha crumbling aud b old, howevel a five Jeurw Neo. vit Sian memorable pinee in the you ttahiere: Beiay oy hy) 1. the Noi deine milk and ove et poke 2nd mot Bright's discus in} ORE ae ‘apo in ro: the baat Ayaan dite 18 works, wey ait ans ott Was waved: far more than # in. public. events Bad fo! coered for Ul Duke and Duchess the Duke ae er ‘at igi Bash mounted bus: the of the house Mal nd | St. been reper iy ae ithe. wide , Bit ‘Satfolaing has me f the windows have ea $0) in| P mr they, are ry Chine Of lato mE ‘attention led to the atrocities: ‘of the von tee andi Wintee Sheth, Ween banda are y, fac sth SUE e ane a er Bi ae He mla\ nd phenomena in Ch ine of hore edt to 3 convenl= bas ignore Tone econuRlOn oF moat thom quite na bids | the pres folder or Trumanity roaut that White: Wl Wie fe Whould be extirpated, but, ing Up, Too. ‘ats’ meat mean in London coms p t of broken-down, Bris that fhe export. of broke isa the Women's Tnter. hand Penk anizes “trips abroad ‘there. mu: tha Colonial Shia woman vit on int Of the West Hind shop. Patbed: othe oh iat io mm y and. we eo pel_hirn his custo mere that he up business altouether. ho xan Ting. felten fy the this by here ar eat men tho mt most of |W are ane ea edn apse nipation own eee octal ‘hey th or nth press “ae ape muses i‘ ‘olla nei Arno L 0 mone of living Or ‘as ameng other Londo) } is a very important mee gt t * aero