Milverton Sun, 4 Jun 1914, p. 8

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Be wi ul Loy NIK NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS fr. and Mrs. Herman Bhel, of Liss towel called on a num old . y vee I iy eigen the one Mrs. D. B, G ¢ . ora M riffin Timber Sale ost mast. a last ss Marion a i was. ‘s visitor in enue! rs will be Beuie he the un. Toronto last week. dersigned uy to noon of the Sth day| Mis’ Mary McGillvray. of Listowel f July. “ol, the right to ent th visited over ‘Bunday with her sister Red and timber on berths | Mes Ce Cn i ‘i 1. 2 and 8. Township of Blyth. in tho rawford. of Linwood. was CASH or TRADE Diatrio’ of Nipissing, Mr. Roy Crawford's one Wie mate end eonsitions of sale ap- k Yoo! Y rt 1. 3 ply to the undersigned. or the Crown keel al ay vane, ag Timber Agents at Sudbury and North |of Thame “for pn 2X Le middi Bay. oalled on nenlenie ‘ool Batts, Ee. W. H. HEARSY, Miss Eleda Hoffmey ford. spent Sunday with Sittew Sed You will save money by buying of Sih ain ik and Pender WOOLLEN Goops d Toronto. May ¢ ars. Geo, Helm, Geo, Smith, C. y and Art Maynard attended N.B. No unauthorized publicat \ HENRY ¢ WAGNER pf-this notice will be aa forge eno Peer football atahine 5 an Messrs. N. and Clark | wore wisitors at Stratford on Sunday Mrs. John Campbell. of Stratford. | ao, ae “ee E spent a few days last week at the | home of her _ brother Dd. 2B FOR SA SALE MoGillvray. pf phe Weat. is Mr. visiting aon sister Mrs. Pratt. ty Helm is at present on | as weighing from 60 to 75 lbs, Apply . POSLL Monkton. P.O, Timber Sale wford left. Saturday er and other friends 7 Tenders will be received by the un- ‘TE dersigned up to noon on the 6th day ‘July 1914, for the right to cut the re wford was ,o visitor Gene Sch cyporine bn wanted from Red and White P ford We years old. or. 1300 1B. LC, and 1D. ‘Apply NEWros LUM- Fobst Reserve tributar ry to the north ded distr .3 PARE Sod hhere Of Ta » Huron. cach Berth con’ | nual meeting of the We omen’s ae we? i ate at Mil fs Ne congratula rain be- | CASH FOR WOOL rors ier pivoted x retary a] | the district RA bibhants Doubs vate pelt ctor timber EE eunnicyouner visit ed hie fate washed and in d wool, JOHN Ste. Marie Meee bcod: sed Susbuny te Bie, Win, Xoune stweeks | -p SARST. The itt be rvice in. the Neng | te chit ‘uhugoh Sunday, 46 being Minister of Lands. Forests and cor peewee Mines.,Toronto. April 16th wid. | Ime Wrowhen'a- Wiss sionary Society ott} nox church. formerly known, as th: Three-ye purpose colt.! N.B. No unauthorized publication of | Knox eharety fonteny. pe ular | goo second-hand piano. good as this notic will be paid for, i4-5i June 2nd | new. second-hand Singer sewing mach shy jeneatt ine. in good condition drop head. ~ ey Braud new tov burgy. red an ad 9.00, For particulars a , innit TH on. s Ni | his’ ol: tapi sniy hac ag ah Sale of Pine Timber on Metagami Jick a tciders| will ba Feesived. by: th Indian R Reserve | e “hs | up to Friday. June . eats of fs outside and inside Mash WLL bal BF tiie ir | Ot te 1s of Yo. 9. Els SD Pound including the 8th | Cit ig age dij xt for the) right to cut Senta Ga hg pina: Hesber ver |. bac ond fa tend) 3 Milverton, May 13. "14 -4- ight inches in diameter on the Mot (S'S “yay Communion, in - TMs agami Indian Reserve, situate on the |einjects of sermons. tu. “Tho x Mtagamt iver in the Distriet of | eiyty." vikine with FARM FOR SALE madbiece hee Me yon adie ae Bee oties For particulars. descriptions, cto jeter. F Baye dgeided to off@¥ for vale my apply. to the unders’ened, cong Mouaktmeehlar “+ of faite oes teh held reoently it was de- nk, Wi Seabee Gree vat the aun al garden party ke consisting: of 200, heros. 150 nerves Ministtr of Lands. Forests and Mines sie as visnal July ist alance hardwood bush. good Department of te ands. F r - reason for selling. Terms and. price ines. ‘Toi —_—— reasonable. For further particulars s ayoly.on the -oremises J. J. MePAP.| No unauthorized publication of this HOME DIN. Pr notice will be paid for, iM-6i = Wall, Mason ; = = =| on Home tered DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 3 in rolden ay pelo ore the p ined to chase the moving 8) Ny EN ange. anens partnership heretofore subsisti = 1. to % ‘ rete and JN. De sug things. to ental uuehtes will d dames. the homes the tween BL. Barrett. and J. N. Bar| se se rer he daeote “to more. You name of the Monkton Creamery Co.| at the Village of West Monkton has TENDERS FOR COAL 1914-15 been dissolved by mutual consent and Ex you'll recall d that the said business will be con-} Sealed tenders addressed to the ducted hereafter by the anid J. N. )Provineial Seeretary Parliament Barolay only. ildings; ‘Toronto. marked: Tende: Notice is further given that the re rey Coal.” will be received up to as is no connection between the said on Monday. June 15th, for the de-|spent a Monkton Creamery Company and livery of coal as required in the sheds Rarret's bea aly Limited. of pe the following provincial institut- the ity of G ms, viz,: Brockville, Cobourg, Ham- nas: ia) bolt a Saved this sist bias of May. 1914, ‘ilton Kingston. London. Mimfeo, Pen-| where ehildren sleep and eat: i (Signe etanguishene “Toronto Hospitals for | ves the purpose very nt .t N BARCLAY |the Insane Orillia. Hospital for | home is on the. street. RETT. Feeble-minded. Woodstock Hospita) |is where the lights are bi ant: where Witness: R, iv ‘MeiINNON. |for Epileptics. also the Gente al Prison [Tagtime music flaws; their noon’s the — - —- ——$—__——. |and Mercer Reformat middle an thé nicht. their friends Ne. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. | Specifications of the. ‘Gualities na | Tord who knowst- ‘The windows 0 ms sii ome are dar! and _ silence al on ap-| brood& o'er all: you ‘call it, Home igs Pye tent dle welt eed ancnk bi il plication to: the Department or from |(#od save the mark! 'Tis but a sty the Township of Mornington. in the the Bursars of the respective institu- {or stall! County of Perth. mer. deceased ‘tion: Tenderers are to, specify the e “Sv Notice is hereby ni pursuant to! of o ptt Aagedigirs rie nite HAWKESVILLE the statutes in that behalf. that all Wwe gees of coal. and to furnish ereditors and others having claims | dence on a the'coal te Of Against the estate of the said deceas- | origin fresh mined and up ed. who died at Mornington. in the ‘to me standard of trade Mrs. oe vh “patio he” Miss TLor- wae of Ge were “lat the home of Mr. Will, Schoener on on. "Thursd lay. Mr, ya Dentinger rae a visit to he es. not exceeding 20 Hot day of Tang AOU. fo deliver 2 one ent uo fo the Toth July. 181, erns fo 7” received for the | Sts i ce 3 irs, Scherrer and little Eo nt in Writing of thelr names. ad- | whole: OMLIER apecilleds or fax EB as ‘and rs, Goherrer_ and kta rs in each institution ix, Betek Dantitiners nee o $500, nla vacation at Mr, Pete . ourities (if any) held by ther and ri vt Rox S000 payable 4. Louis Weber spent Thursday io to the order of the Honourable the City. that after the said last mentioned | provincial Secretary must ir |in the Twin ay date. w underalgned executors. | - Mr, N. Ball and daughter, of Be will proceed to ibut i . spent a few days with the of t sister here last’ week. J alter visited ‘sda; w fo distributed to any yerson of whose |e oe eae eee ecccostea, | MMr. “Albert Ludwia’s wore: Mr. and slain we shall not have ‘had notice | ewanaeny iaoring talvertie:| Mee A: Ludvel and ehildren. of New at the time of such distribution, te Dated at Milverton this 18th day | Paw ine fhe Devertinent wl net Abe pale for FOR BALM a cee N Reece T ling Wobtein Bulls. one 1 inci: wo yea) M w.D, Provinolal Becretary. | opred. Apply to. ALEX, ATEW- iN Ont, , WE Milverton. Box 23, Executors, Parliament Buildings. T. Newton. Toronto. May 19th. 1914. — = 'F Winter weather roughens and reddens your skin, causing chaps, chilblains aaa gaa ‘eral discomfort, try Parlor, Den, Diningroom, Bed- room and Hall Furniture Nae eee f = < eamy ingredients sooth and soften Rugs and Linoleum ; te outer tl the, Sich asl Bettghtful atte after shaving or wrauhing. “THE PEOPLE’S STORE” Stylish Clothing for Manly Boys Splendidly made clothing for boys of the same materials that are put in their father’s clothing by the best tailors, Nobby tweeds and worsteds—a fine assortment of patterns and colors. And the tailoring the best at various prices o Master-Tailored Garments Distinguish the “Gentleman” Anywhere— That’s the reason Engeland’s customers are the best dressed men in town Here’s a store where your own good taste is the first consideration in everything you want to wear, whether it’s Clothes or Furnishings. To satisfy it we have now ready the smartest, neatest, newest materials and styles direct from the style centres to our store. Your choiée is the surest guide to satisfaction. Make it now. Two Extra Specials in Men’s Raincoats OUR LEADER—Coat of superior quality paramatta, thoroughly rub- berized and waterproof. Every coat is cut and tailored by expert workman, $4.99 $7.00 16 button long black also white mercerized gloves, all sizes at.. and all seams are strapped inside and proofed. Every coat is guar- anteed. Price only A heavier coat, but similar in many ways to above, but built from heavier materials. Fully guaranteed. Price .... , ».50¢ pair cies Mhaaeea Suemeoe Dae Long silk gloves in black, white, tan, blue and pink, double tipped, at,..50c, 75c, $1 Splendid variety Wash Skirts in linen, duck, repp, bedford cords, crepe ...$1.25 up 30 styles’ of Waists to choose from at,,.59c, 79c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 up to $5 A splendid range of New Raincoats in black, navy, tan and olive shades...$4.99 up, Long black, tan and white mercerized gloves, all sizes at . Splendid line of Lisle Stockings at..........25¢ pair Ladies’ and Men’s Umbrellas ............+..98¢ each Ladies’ Black Cotton Hose ..2 pair for 25¢ White Bedspreads, extra large size..........98¢ each All the popular Music...... vein bahavlseeeveoue tae OaD ys Window Shades . seveene 250 each) Summer Vests, short sleeve wa strap......2 for 25¢ Ladies’ Cambric Drawers...........:ss.+++++.25¢ to $1 Ladles’ Corset Covers ........ssesseeseseeeee1 29 t0 500 Ladies’ Cambric Gowns. . .79¢ to $3 Ladies’ Cambric Underskirts................69¢ to $3 This Graceful Blouse Splendid range in all Whitewear to choose from. Chie Vest- Belt $2.25 Lace Curtains for.. and Smart Skirt $2.00 Lace Curtains for...i.... siecccscseseseseree 1,49 She Se HiT eee er $1.75 Lace'Curtains for ..... Sooo NA Nae The Blouse and Skirt dhe ea $1.50 Lace Curtains for.. ‘or Summer Are Smart Call at our Standard Pattem De- iki eth elhaeae $1.25 Lace Curtains for... .... 50 "Nou wll fina pian wttective sigles tt FREE $1.00 Lace Curtains for......0.ccccseeeeesres «79 ragengerteys anyseene Fine rib Cotton Hose, all sizes for boys and girls, extra value at..........15¢ pai t one at the Pattern Counter 60 House Dresses to choose from and your style among the the lot,..79¢ to 2.25 FREE Our range of Wall Paper is the largest -- All the newest designs are shown here, . :}, ENGELAND @ SONS “The Store With the Stock” MILVERTON, ONT. and Mr. and J Mrs J. Beh- | NEW SSE Tena ere te se Hambure litt, at e Sts TROIT tera Miss a Btone spent a few days iE. G d oles H Pi at stradfon Watertoo. Effective May. Ast Westbound June arden si riouse ants sthound. TF ell. of Misi is ida baa ree NER Peter Miss . spent Sunday OS ee Bietiehs of of Palorbut oa In gonneetion with tho coming 1 is spending a vacat-|change of time om the Canadian Pac ial 2 saat: dae ific Railway effective May ist. A fresh supply arriving every morning ik little weit See < brighten the | manv improvements in train service Sof Bin Wil. Weedon have been made. notable among: these . eatin ing the inauguration o saturday, pets gk is. abe aod eee luxe trains. rying Battet-Library- Cor "tm atin » Ele daughter Leona spent We asd Waren Shelley. of Berlin. was a -|sune i Standard Beers cor) W EIR’S RESTAU R ANT =o 25e. a bottle, at your druggist's. We sell EM See our NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO, ees Laem Ener a Detect CRIES eerie Genadien, Paitia the line pa AO Bacchler Georme Fy eale at Bamberg |and Michigan Central ae , ; mh nae These valatial trains will be known ent an erhar 7D: 0! a x. Norman Baechler. jamberg |as' “The Canadian” operated ‘throug W 0. are restless Heintzman “Prestolene Piano Bab COMMERCIAL. visited “det the parental roof over | the | Michigan Central tunnel between Ner vous\. us stant change of 1 a pee uit is x iness,”” who @bnormally excita} Pianos. Gloss Carriages | | 2 wns SEs, sup ana sinter. of inwoot |” Wentoun—learng Menta! 48 Emotional aptiats tating ry cpcn'at eta Bates per rb 48 60 i ne ‘ot Des waite gr ea ‘ ing Toronto 6.10 p.m, arriving London Dizzy ve kefulness are usually sufferers c 7 Makes Furniture Look New and 40 9, oroot, iat week. 92 tle m. 53 The 90 ‘August Ahrens was a busi-| arriving Win a.m; leavin D ressed DR. PIERCE’ “Home Trade” =— Collap- fe visitor to Bexliy on Thursday. Wino 122) aim etelving Detrole ep: @ Ss : —— , pam, (oent eaving De- pte : sible 0 3 UNNER. trolt 11.55 ‘p.m.. arriving Chicago 7.45| as Favorite Prescription maine: See the 3 | Me-Cacts: Brunner: Simday ay Sahoo! wal, hold Mrs. Addie Curtsinger of | ig the soothing, cordial and ic that a Also their cares petty ed 26th on Dr. Pierce as follows: brings eoraue! an SMT cae fe a to otnenervons “s lawn, * “ me Cadillac Vacuum }. ,. iy oes Jago sheen ge nr ae ee which fesenble tho pains of me “Home Trade mpress spent the woek-end with Mr, ard Mre. hy daughter who has ren f women in the past forty Piano f Sweeper W: ilson Yost. of New Hai Barrtadand! know thebookwill |". years can hear’ orerh to its benefits, at at $185.00. ‘aggons a Margaret Taidl Behi read and used for 20 years the ‘Your doaler in medicines elle it in Tiquld or sugat Seotion No, 8 sintean ord the. week- march treatments Canty) sented tate forms ox you can een aes egg = : it , : edical Adviser” ; Furniture Dealer eae ha hten SW Bannerman at Particulars “from - Ploee' Farris Preerpuon, tab xtc be, Voie Rare ‘ Bi «| Tio : restored toWeatth en R McMane pra tlie ake pet's sister. a 6. Walker. Dishict Passenger Agents Toronto.” | | sechdnwdonedie Rlaagret AoA e ° Milverton, Oat. Mics, m is at present. visit- = Duilder, fine for the nerves and Poet Pacts eee ing ber site: Mites. ©. Koch. of Ber-] Filtered gasoline 26 cents per ga.-| | general health.” va ori lin. Jon in any quantity at The Sun office. Shean re ij

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