Milverton Sun, 4 Jun 1914, p. 2

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HOW 10 CURE sshhtr hy -~~9)Found the Cause AUvANHDO WAS SUSPICIOUS. [Tortares of Rheualism FROM MERRY OLD ENGLAY STOMACH TROUBLE|$ ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN ; The Rest Was Easy|* Ferre, wee tates, ta ats] yield to This Remedy Oras , i DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS QUICK-| Many and varied are the methods xEWs BY MAIL AROUT JOHN The Common Cause is Lack selina baanerernh female foot CORED MISKIDNEY. | Wom02 duave worked -abito aave|A atl Speed, An Vafailing Cure! BULL AND MIS PEOPLE m * Old Chronic Case: ca eee of Blood—Therefore You Mme. Petrova, the actress, de- DISEASE. Must Build up the Blood = | *igns He own gown = GET A TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. ome \ © is the most intimate rela- as ‘00, Bono itis icovin empl pat AE ae ee ae Problem individually, “With the | With reliable old Nreline sox sea} OCUPFEnees In the Land. That Ther * f comin; th {Tub out the pain of rheumati: koa bevween the condition of the arly 6,000 trained nurses are) Quick Relicf and Permanent Cure] cinlly with ite ccs _enyeloiss ©8P°| tea, Lumbago, or Neuralgie rub ic{ C!s Supreme tn the’ Com blood and -the activity of the eto* | now ranpoites in the American Red| jn the Greatest of Canadian ¥. ONE LO YOURE WO- | ay mach, The blood depends upon the | Cross “ Raiecuten: ORS ERS —O} | men workers, questions ance | ira”, 30 completely that you feel like mercial World. ° stomach for a part of its) England has a school where wo-| 46 schba ak, K ae NB. ay Saabs have ae to oe t matters not how, Cer seated the! King G, nourishment, while every act of|men are taught towrin a farm by ‘are! sive 's County, =, using variations of the|patn is, or how you have had it ig George and Queen ‘Mary. digestion, from fe time ae food themselves. age lst (Sp *: ore he sultfering eta nosed te. ek tS Se ribbing with a King of all lint. a the-new wing of the British t t enters the stom an ¢ Ves - ‘or five y ee PN idney. disease, | bank have come to light, ere is| ments “Nerviline” will cure you. useum on the 7th inst, lated hye the Blond needs oan “ rola “te gk ee ronda in, Hudsoathe story of Pedro. Alvaredo, the! Nerviline is highly concentrated A state ot Abrahacn Lé Highas grade beans haps watts pure. well-oxidized blood. The Lap faseauhsoes ah ee hl ell-kbowa ‘peon millionaire” of Parral, Mex- [4eUt five times stronger than the or-[he erected opposits W and sasaly by east bee) r e Rie eriay sey nai hose em nia t— : ‘ retaini ‘ muscles, glatids and nerves of tho}. England hay over 29,000 barmaida|frmer of this place, is again’ a Se hase mines. yiekled. silver #0) therefore 1t penstrates quickly—einke | “ Abies in Teonéon this year. Flavored with deticl oe stomach work only “gooonding te the of whom one half are between the|*t*eng, healthy man, and nother) fact-that be ead het spend it, lin deeply—and gets right at the core}, °° British Houss of Tors ra iclous sauces, quality of the bloo grand cure for Dedd’s Kidney Pills] though he bought pianos and Shet-|ot the pain at once—draws out the |i°cted) the woman’s franchise Bill They haveno equal. Tie set inser it ienisnd Oa laa + Seat fas sea put on record. In an in-|land ponies by the carload, Ane an lameness, takes away the stiffness— last week by a vote of 104 to 60. % Esa < keaticn is lack of rich, red blood.|rats among females it in. every Mr. Marchbank eays: the metal work i “he palace that |eases the joints that Lave hurt you so © death is announced of Bro- fot: only does impure blood weaken'|case Jower than that of males. UAbout five years ago I hurt my|stocd whore his o:d adobe hut had | mue ther James Bracegirdle, of Cheadle, the muscles © stomach, but it} Boston th h back from lifting, and it, Ra valed once been built was of eilver Out comes the pain every time you] theshire, who wag the oldest Odd- joston has a» woman who is kid bss tins My back pain-| Alvaredo had mo. faith sn banks [T#.9n Nerviline, whic. contains some | felt > ron lessens the ne pnis the inns of 1 t into kidney disease, My back pain aredo had no faith in banks ‘fellow in England. p [3 cumulating a fortune from ing . é 2 of the most valuable _ pain- We 7, 4. w, DAWSON, Nincty intestines and ‘stomach, which |and selling antiques, ed mo all the time, and T'was very and kept great quantities of cash remedies know toh ‘lee well Fish Market, which| 7%,.0nWSN: wh Oars furnish the digestive fluids, Noth. Great Britain has ever 3,000,000} Much troubled with headaches. My a his house, 8 USS. much of | weight In gold to every family Hs the proved a commercial failure, i is0W 77s 900 Want TO BOY 4 . ing. will more promptly cure indi-l waren betwons the once of hogy [appetite was fitful: 1 had a bitter| this came into the hands of Senora iand, and sure to cure the emergene| boing laid outa riverside “open I Faas. Sock. Orato. oF Daley Pati gestion than plenty of pure blood. |and fifty years Preis, se yamarried. | taste in my mouth in the mornings ;|Alvaredo. The eenora iad @ special |and minor {lls of a hundred kinds that ndon, HW. Daw Fj ? Bri Wilisme), Bok, Pils aver tha) “ts pester ato tek oaeene te Eperspired treely and my perspira-|bed quilt which alwoys covered her | constantly arise, Get the large Boe.) Some 6,000 school. childzen, each Seiten AL: Rovont. Sah, Sopbatoie bios: Sultan ia Weed te Hace Pe : ion had a disagreeable odor. at night, and was never far away in he a Hic “ie sold by ove trial size 2c. ion Ja ill greet |_& W: DAWSON, Cotdorns 81, Toronts. builder, A thorough trinl of these | wives, and a eal Piagit tig ea 1 liniments and pastors, the daytime. ; OR ah ore aed ache PA rt 9 visits Leys AG Simca pills gives a hearty appetite, per-|the other: but they did not do me any A en the senora died her maid School, Cambridge, to inaugurate a ENTS WaNreD. $6. TO $10 A fect ageaign: autenisth and health. | In Cubs the National Congress ot | amd as ‘there were other areptoms went to Alvaredo and asked for the = new win é any: Write. eer Jess Cooker | & t ere is proof of the value of these | Mothers is working for baby-saving that ms en arene ceo a Tide- /quilt.. “But; Alvatedo. yas supersti=| a1 on EEN MONEY-ROXES The Duke of Sutherland has pur- See Pilla in cases of indigestion ts. | and providing échool broakfasts for cided to try Dodd’s Kidney’ Pile tious and disliked to give anything i * fe Sst iaha 39 Portman Square, SCL FOR aS Allred Austin,” Verte, Ont: eaye:| needy chi that Nese two boxes, my back was}away to which his wife hied been £01 a6 the Sate-Man : Tandon: ReStiiateigiwha aceERe ge down and} Qver 1,800 servants in France have fompletely,.¢ ured, and my. kidtieys| much ‘attached. | He offered the wo- er Prepares for|1y the residence of the late Viseount ( 4 have oe anid me cae! man money instead, and though the Safe-Breaker, eaeiee my stomach very w I had no} been awarded a medal of honor for desire for food and whet Tdid take] having served continuously for 30], ben Mr. Marchbank decided! dollars were no longer flowing in ‘ost. people é Mr. ew T. Fleming, of caused me great distress, and did} years in one establishment. a that his kidneys were the cause of|at the nate of 30,000 4 day he was side ‘sthotatie at Fasten oa Tremaews. ‘Dilerioay, Epsox, and | Soot ——— not afford me nourishment, and I]” Pj,» { amor N, his troubles, the rest was easy.| generous in the matter. But the|/London come an | late of Glasgow, Fast India’ mer- Sees Wap sreluatly roving weaker, acd uae alata yey proper Almost any of his neighbors could| girl insited that she would have several men gy i eeipmnen |chant, left, im addition to real. es- o*x TONOKS LUMPS Ero, could scarcely do any work at all.|and are anxious to marry, but there [tel him that Dodd's Kidtey Pills] no memorial of her risvrome EMA the wel ching over half a ton, spent a|‘#te, personal estate valued at ane ae ae ea Sete write I did not sleop soundly at, might, !{z a shortage of bachelors in tho | *™ays cure tivated kidneys. ; i hole. night trying iS babe. bade | 220 Be Delore. too late i weafea | and would wake wp not at all re-| town, : etic Aivakeditee | nopiosionl hae + gonteines 000 worth of|, Dr. John Abercrombie died on the | Ee- Sime colton. | treshed and with » fooling of dread | “Sire, Maazuchelt of Cormarthen, WEIRD EXPERI ripped the | pear) nto Anawere goth ‘ult, et Angill Castlo, West 8) ot. — t contained $30,-| That big moreland, after sévi th Q hs Pea merchant now an-| ™oreland, spell Nepal 000 in $1,000 on Among them nounces that he has procured a new | "ess. He practised for many years was a letter from the senors saying | cafo eeasauae ie bafile the World's | im Londén, and! retired to Weetr ie years previously Thad used| pagland, lefts bequest in her wil De, Willige) Pink Pills wich mech Se Mbth Year 4th whioh foray for benefit, and this decided me toagain| jhe cleaning of the marble on ber Famous Fifty-Thousan n a Motor: try them, My confidence wae not | grave with coup and water There are many ways of, secing| that ehe had saved the money for| most skit safe-break moreland some eight years ago. misplaced, as by the time Thad used|"Ay” far as known, Mise Ruth|the world, but perhaps the most her two sons, and directing that, it| the news marks anot re step in the Mr, SEY Gill, the sculptor, six boxes I was again feeling quite | Ruck, rite just taken her place | thorough—certainly the most novel | Re Pub in the bank eat aa credit. |Iong and (raha fought 1 be;|38 to be invited to execute the well in the’ choir of a Philadelphia | —way by motor-car r, Glid- ope the Sith a are being tween the safe-maker and the safe. eee per tS of Sydney Smith Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold) church, is the first blind singer in |den article which appears in tee, oe aa ie eer AS ege | breaker, in the Parish Church at Foston-le by vl medicine dealers or Wil be lig vacted cboht inthe sorld Pearson’e Magazine, tells us Sirs Rosa aiersiaese, Nanetnmhone Ti a few years ago a drill was Chas. Yorkshire, ens ite cele- Wr SORES Forte = sent by mail a cents'a Dox or SIX} Jn Islam a hushand who desires|many weird experiences, and of S good enough for safe-breaking, A| >Tated wit minipered for many such & man Wi! boxes for $2.50 by sending to The | 4 divorce has only to tell his wife to | somerecords made during his yr oie he hole was bored, and the powerful VW $30 a! 0, te i Medicine Oo., Brock: go three times, when she must get|ous 50,000-mile tour, one of which When a Woman Suffers explosive nitro-glycering inserted, bl Sgr oar is eke ell pee ribs P week ¥ out without a protest, but the hus-| we quote :—‘‘For 1,000 miles north fii fe-makers ated by | tectes it ighthouses hat if w ‘anadian L aaa band mut, give her a dowry. of Stockholm we were the first mo: With-Chronie Backach ae their safes ‘of ““five-ply chi, al fe . ren, Bnglend, Voncouver 6 ¢ 3 : ” Denmark is going to raise the age|torists over the road, The entire " steel,’’ i.e., of five layers of hard | Scotland and Irelan: night only WHEN MAKING COMBS. | iimit of femalo voters from 21 to 30|drive from the southerly end of TUL CAPO BACKACHE oe sore sized sandwiched together |x. occasions would be. where it Waterline Wsod madi years, and for those who desire 6 10 | Sweden to the Arctic Circle—1,540 MR Efe el pe The hard layers. will bafil finest | Could not cee the flash of a light- Suflcient Proof. jaterlals Used and Mow, These ly ote members “of the upper} miles—was over roads which would pape cM bol Neda at drill ever made, while the soft ones | house lanter Sre-—"No udeones; Lian Atel Articles Are Manufactured. house oh parliament to s yokes compare favorably with a farmer's « bi ie Be Se vata tga give the whole a a springiness that| The SiAEE, for tobacco license pices Nae . ripe Fe py ho essential materials of the| The British Royal Commission, | triick from hi barn to his hayfield.|{0 the wants of a fargo And CxaGUnE | makes tho safe resist the chattering] amounts only to 5s, 8d. a your, The |Sannes manwy you. f want a man egular combmaker ate horn and|appointed to inveniianie ihe condi-| And ev re we were greeted by| with nervous exhaustion. Cot of @ powerful explosive. extant te mini Hie brats bad gta whose heart is set on attaining toa, while tortoiseshell is often| tions in the civil service, has, wath baansgestle horses and cattle. |" tn the stores, factories, and on a| The method of the scientific Mr. |is chown by the fact thatthe num- and worthy object.” lorn and hoofs can now be| regard to women, Foteotea the idea | Often occupants of carts aband ped farm are weak, alling women, dragge Sikes was to get a grip for his ex-|ber o' acco licenses “has “in-} PR" Well, donte T wage yout! Pe Reicalleny made in: imitation of | of their Pein reated on an equal- ea entirely ph oun ap pTpS down with torturing backache and |plosive simply by scratching lines | creased from 901,242 in 1890 0 con-| oro Oh George! I am yours !”” tortoiseshell that the latter quite | ity with me pioraheliveo the, meen ae st) AC ce ame is the paint, and rubbing the nitro- ity int orp oaks ‘5 ge! 7 Do iiootes ont |of the : Such suffering isn't natural, but it’s| glycerine—or, as he calls it ““soun”” he death took Plape set: North: eee naturall y ig not in such bas} In Poland echoolgirls are com of the ¢ eapital our route Jay for 900 y . alls it “sou ; it ure a eae) pelle by jlaw to wear their hair! miles through the woods skirting) ¢angerous,, because due to ‘diseased | —in by tho aid of a ball of clay or th ult, of OUR, OWN BRUGGET ILE Rat XOU top in comb-maki away back from.thetr éacea and ted the Gulf of Bothnia, Here loneli-| Mit? "aiseinoss, insomnta, deranged Puy Rene ie it was rubbed in- ve “hes mck te Bye. Gratulated yl ery a the tating rare horny material in the back with a brown hair rib-| ness reigned supreme, broken only| menses and other symptons of kidney he crack between the fate door le championship of the | }ymail Pree. Murine Bye Remedy Go., Chicago, into segments, of a fit fer | bon Thay are also forbidden to|by flocks of birds and small game] complaint can't cure themselves, they me the jamb it is attached world at the Royal Anuatiun. The i er eter Aen wear jewellery or corsets until they | crossing our path, In a distance of|require the assistance of Dr. Hamil-| The maker has eae by| race lasted six days, amd in one ay sacesing a large diameter has to| have per ane ited. 125 miles we passed only three mail| ton's Pills which go direct to tho seat| using as vist aint on his safes as eed of 48 houre Birt covered 620 His Ailment. ¢ divided again eAtstatiely, Vie carts! driven by.mall bors, gpd Sn Ore TOM. is laudipower alte ROR eae Bea eee, Gh alee rwtaten that Mistress—What did the doctor 1 nile another stretch of fifty miles we saw oor ae ¢ jamb being left quite ‘arliamentary pay ates that ent was the matter with you, Eras- Es relade chet bar wend TEETHING BABIES [fhe ifn” Suny cy ety ie tool Bria! ad [painted whe’ sd of Td te foal ma Eat REE settlement. crowds gathered to wit- probably ere “ta (ns iedy ey The close fit that the newest safes| ber of insured porsorie was 10,846,- seamen say I got a torpedo si é& Tk ieGheuald ‘ke first. motor. | Gessfil as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, For | have—w fit that makes the ingertion | 700 in England, 720,000. in Wales, libbal, ued gnagin’ eS | Dhe telephone is universal in Swe-| all womanly irregularities thelr merlt| of ‘soup’ a solutely impossible—is|1,492,000 in Scotland “a FOBT in to cut 3 bt ey Teething time is sedeualy a time of next conveyed to the floor, an apartment, fixed ap ‘with accompanied by nervousness, stom- ‘ z nacee, den, and told our movements all|{s well known. obtained by having the door and the | Ireland—making an aggregate for pate “ Secs ea pot alos in get tay along the route. Most.children ran : “Because ot Sat mild, ae So ground actually into their | the United. Kingdom Ke 13,759,400. thie worlanien (Chie she Per en pve [away in mortal terror as eve HEBIIG te es. SHA SIC neg INE: 858 he “Caesar,” the favorite dog of the sae sh the. dangerous testhing| UD; others stopped to ask stich) {1? omen of all ages. 25 conts Der Bub the safe-breaker has rte late King Edward, died on the 19th inserted in, stout Hea eee aeons eneae | questions about the car as ‘What! box at all dealers. Refuse any sub-/te admit himself beaten. He hass| ult. Tt was an Irish terrier, and Minara’s Lintment Co, tArtte Mineke | one still hot the-eoal in Baby? be ‘oan ‘npotets hae ithe eal do you call it’— the machine | stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man. | discovered the uses of the oxy-ace-| used to acc accompany King Edward pacenty-T have, used’ your | Minard's the form plate, These | ore er ft fre fs Tone, | Which kills the people in France® |drake and Butternut. tyleno, blow-pipe, and regards the | on his railway journeys to diffenent | Mmment tn my tami Re inmy plates re noxt tater eorahe ebpeiesl Tus meone a on oe pee the. morning of August ‘soup"” operator as old-fashioned, | parts of the country. The. cox | tnt medicine ohedinah m, which is kept at a high tom-| the bowels, Hee = ach eles 16th, 1903, with the thermometer at ih EE, Tho oxy-ncetylene blow-pipe is a| wore, attached to its , a sil- BO i perature by means of steam or hot-| usually accompanies the 1/45, when we left Haparanda for our! WOMEN WHO HUNT BIG GAME, | very simple, but tremendously pow-| ver medal 1 invoribed, Cac-|Pronrtotor Roxton “Pond “Hotel” and usually accompanies the coming of | 1.34 ‘day's drive towards our objec —_ erful weapons A tube a oylin-| sar,’ the King’s dog.” ea di benica flues, with the object of tying new teeth, and in this way make “ Lady Hunter in London Tells of Jungle |der of the A -- ing, gh age they are ‘ se tive, the Arctic Circle—a drive of ady Hunter In Lo ig ler of oxygen and ano’ r from a — — mae siVor teat tong Seinen are sold 75 miles over reindeer tracks. At Thrille, cylinder of acetylene mect in a pipe. |The Death W Warrant Delivered des Esty eatclemenbetbe Winks gath-} tong hours of “stalking,” wearlsome | When the nozzle of this pipe is di-| “x5 aeronce can fered when fou i tbo thea Pb _ “ arc daa hd od erage Po aa Fa bait aie ered to cheor us on the way. | Fif-J nights spent sitting over a “idl” await-[ rected against a piece j-tipl | aon) atest vo mlegte meraes Tel oha aa see teen miles os the Circle, ab Mar-|ing the return of a panther and endless | motal promptly begins 0 run like |fendor has to die, Nothing so certain She Understood Th Ont, ta-ren-gi, where is Sweden's most| miles ‘on ihe-beow Of an Pelephant | dantlepibaes,” “ten Gk a Be Bales wale tare corse c¢Petanete corn en, neon northerly chureh, Le Rea rater ree pert renner | ace cit and Wart Extractor; try Putnam's, tt! Applicant—No, ma’ ane Teovldn' t : ¥ are amongat tho Ineldents experienced! Every metal made must yield to| feo from acids, and patnloss, 260. bot- | work where there’s child: ENGLISH BUTLER PASSES. | board Mr. Martinell, the postmas-|1," irs, Holmes, ‘Tarn, who has just y whole artisle te revent Paes sats aeceee ter’ ‘the ea joa ou returned ‘trom Rin, ther sho ae i blow pips Abd the sal Laan oe |S sale acer ere oe 9 if ‘er we adventinnd for a ‘a our car was ‘the i usband on a shooting f ¥ “ from bec Dee sl whale bi er sig Lh OeledW ST pass tho Arctic Circle.’’” — J expedition, says the London Standard, | low as possible. ‘The Sew eres idlesn gee es oie pe i Ap t—Oh, T simon ay em, UCAS es mapire. eo The pursuit of big game is a sport|are built of manganese steel ma'am, Thats why I wouldn't Ask for Minard’s and take no othor. ‘The panies} pues is rapidly dis- HER MOTHER AW mace bd fe eee eng of ay epoot| ee as well as the arson of Of atinard’s intent Dumberman’s Frient WOrK where they are. —_—— iy io =: us ie sport sa EOE Spoiled the Job. Me Ria cowly hooped’ damn Proved Wiss, Good Yeiends ylebaulcos een graueeatlon tutarehaua, "krwpp db is aa halt ag a For Fink Bye ‘Howell—When you want a thing ghosts of perconalities. The rea- inbbtnp Meat betpty ed Sriiett Jubiglon ie ‘plentifully baited in pres with mag ai via o . DISTEMPER &: hry f ugh, in Bure cure "and. positive Race ce lone right, do it’ yourself. sons of iis extinction are not far to] A young woman found a wise,| advance with young buffalo to attract | # ese—so, to age aro inf € a ae ag} Sake oTn Ceol, they ane Tully éx-| good a ean an, hex another in-law, | tigers to that, spot ready for the guns,| that eome 4,000 gallons. of oxygen, acts on the tig and Gana, expel ithe oleavonn kein trom ice; T never gob a fellow to lie for eco de in the daily press last week. jokes notwithstanding. She writes :| and there is the other when the -sports-| and 3,000 Gh areanene will be neces- Me met brea i se baa neh Sn OBE TaEA. 1 when he'didn’t make a moss of | People are limiting their veers “I was greatly troubled Oe my |man chances his luck in a scratch beat,/sary, as well as at le twelve T heingt and tea fue kidney remedy. Oat Gs ¢ ste in the old way in order to somali complexion was blotchy |! long stalle Peg ers iunsles,| hours’ work, before the burglar can cistern ft, to your druggist. who will, get {t fo have more for the new. |The butler| and ye alisw. ( tier’fiealn T Voter Soe eee Mee igen The letter (Tore ite mugh it, Bo the last word wi LevALe Bawed Ts ‘4s no ordinary servant. He did| suffered sharp Hart would have | method, sore sporting, 1f also more |** €mp Hiaclly with the safomaker; fogta &. Osh toy work by himself. An autocrat to lie down. My hig ther often told | arduous, was adopted by’ Mrs, Holmes- It is an interesting fact that now- 4 with @ “pee ck servants tominis-|me if was the coffee I drank at|Tarn and her husband. adays all big, safe-making firms Ss ter to ie Ty , he was a luxury, | meals. But when T'd a quit coffee I’d| Mrs. Holmes-Tarn's experiences My carefully examine into the past. his- r and now, in et age when even the fares severe headache.’”:(Tea con- | shooting are not, however, confined to| tory of the men they engage, and least, esorative “eared have be-|tains the same poisonous drug, eat-| Mala, She has p bacckeetya Tad ore al keep them under close surveillance essities, he is going. ‘The |feino, as coft round shooting experience for years after they have left, as well as dividing the work up in such YOU CAN SLEEP LATER Ls ck, cheaply: paid parlor “While visiting my mother-in-law Mountains, in Wyoming State,” she Aa - «, | maid is taking his place. can}|I remarked that she always mado|gatd, “It was a rough trip; sometimes|# Way that no one nows . c. From” Head A Foot, Htehedand | carve and sho can valet, aid sho|such good coffes, and asked her to| wo slopt on tho ground in the snow. | cnough of their cherishéd secrets And still breakfast on time by using a Pires mera es and | requires no retinue,’ The butler is| tell me how. She Jaughed and told A Dio wo lego Bi Bt ances recruit to the safe- . rms Worst. Cuticu ap and | oing out. me it was easy to make good ‘coffee’ | Later the speaker Geta treet » Cutlcura 01 C P this isa sign nie times, and] when you use aeticcey where, “amongst other | animals, a F icura Ointment Cured, “ moose and caribou fell to her riffe. ae Sear Demian like most ey oe the times, very} ‘‘I began to uso Postum as soon|fieat Africa 1s, however, her favorite Legero Comer, Moncton, N. Bi— "When i seheredion 9st | se-1 Bob. Hoth, aiid Now weave the! huutie! around, | AY rhinBearoe| slat |‘ EARNED. $208,000. "SO /WIN, HER. ‘ pele peered stlethconteene Ge ran dy tea ee Butler because he was a| same good ‘coffee} (Postum) every | with a .803 rifle, and an elephant — deal wale used esl 9 eo ‘him very’ ‘Tho peti figure in thé pageant of its ity y, and J inch no more trouble, | rhinoceros noes eh Ue deibpnh bi But President Polncalre rae His Wife wickShan yu have all the he you rash was youth, and we remember the people | Indigestion’is a thing of the past, |her most prized African trophies, Was labor in the kitchen. who dominated nin our childhood, | and my complexion has cleared up|,.“T Was trapping small animals for} i oie wite of t 5 1, 2, 3 and 4 umer szem and anew seve with Flees But the generation: of to-morrow | beautifully, is Bethe Matos thet lost sSmeE at at Preah ie ot be Braal: Cooking Oven. All hardyvare and general sto will have no’greater knowledge of | “My grandmother suffered a great |¢4 capture two now, geuere and ten| figure in the eyes of the people of Use Royalite Oil for Best Reale . the butler than of those romantic |deal with her stomach. Her doctor| pare eclee. Onee ‘whén Mr. R, J,| that country, who are recalling the courtiers who! rode about: through | told her to leave “off coffee. ‘She Guniashar ‘and I were out after ele-| tomantic circumstances of her mar- a inane of aaa aod spol then took tea, but that was just as | phan' iii wore oat for’ - Pee ae Br ey See eg Saar i and Richare and who are to-da; of ra’s liver roasted on si a y 5 and only reached: camp thanks to thé) "0 means distinguished lawyer, met “ho nr wai tr aril { ngs eet Of a other P. She finally vas induced to try foip of a friendly herdsman, Another | Aud fell In love. with the charming MERCER culvee'ait a je utility which ne-| Postum, which she hae wed for over! tive it was touch and go whether wo | daughter of a nich family., Alas for Fas bub ps nig nasi He go 00 i ean But | Ver Rossessed a spark of life, a year. She travelled during-the| vere charged by a herd of elephants, | the young man's hopes, however, the i Sou oid seg fot thew able to io for yearn” She|ebyote dtsodon nom ima ther |seiemont of 4200400 Tatand of ‘and Ointment an an si n. able for years. © | opposite direction, To my mind ther ,000. i Food In Mexico. Says she owes her present good te eer soy pe Gas Alen for beg clad Gaia fea eer i health to Post ooting. Snap-shoo! and st iat (Bigned) bre cee, oo itt yh be West ate it ee cidaaas Postum through the jungles 1h India young man asked only for time—five Tor pi Re picaplos nc biacPboeds tho follawing and the staple food of tha'| Co., Saat it. Read The | Please ake 4 ist “Africa 4 monaved i his Hae kc sadssouien: wae: a country. rtilla is a flat cake of | Road to Wellville,” in pkgs. BLS Eka Mira aed ting tho required amount and ra et “asnelea wee age Se in We to ¢ peal thee ngpk vane the lea Pes comes in two eat 5 Raa so sen iF he girl of his chol i. { ni eee dof Wie dingo, Ht 5 gular Postum — must be well! . ime. Poincaire 8 , the do not rub. utioura Oint- | Sains are crushed into’ meal boil ‘dnd! tact. and the taste in dregs that are) | stonectabiocwith-w ‘stone collider, moka! 1be 25 packages. A nian ene 3 a Judge and ask: moh td tie woulen-of Braico-and fi by hand, Mixed with water and lak. | Instant Postnm—is a soluble dd whetien bie cia ‘Sit for | common 6 Women of Fraiice ai ee: Hokaise ng contiane pthingtoreonomin |g, mend tasuite a tain fat cake; whik | der. A teaspoonful dissolves quick: | Started ee ro | au ha, Dee the guiding star ot her ; retiring. At other times aso Oulee Soap {tears Ike blotting paper, and tastes | ly in a cup of hot water and, with| called him hi oceros. ! Why, | other a lishments she 4 agen about as pleasantly, These, with the | « rods oy ‘deli a a yhin Aye) s| other accomplishments ‘she 1s an ad- freely for tho toltet snd hath, to in pro- i , ream and sugar, makes a de! ee certainly,”’ said the Judge. ‘When | mirable housekeeper and looks after Venting infammation, irritation and clogs | frijolag or baked beans (either ‘black Os instant]; 7 ay te he Eh —the ' Presidenti « i} ge instantly. and’ 50c| did ihe call ua that? ‘About|the Elysee home—tho © Presidential ging of the Cuticurn Soap and Oint- | OT pia, constitute the daily food, yO . ores, PD ey at Wages eco eed darecngy: tt " tisha years ago,” ‘Three years |mansion—much the same as she 1 sanplo ofeach, with £2-, ook, en poe | 18 willed, 18 very tough; aud ls smothers athe fellas tay a eal a ago!) And oe ‘only, start suit, tor nee eae + | tard to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp.; Dept. | @4 in, grease: aut, the day!” “But, your Honor, yentet: ore “Dy Boston, Ts B, Ae ——k—_—_ ethene a % Faso for Geol ed T saw @ Picea for the fi . - Minard’s Linimont used by Physlolons. rocers.

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