Milverton Sun, 4 Jun 1914, p. 4

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e shea 4 1 - HOW TO GET EGGS iN WINTER) Ros. 7 + ANY HEN WILL LAY LN GALE. rs: ps + SHORT STORIES ‘ SUMMER. , rth Perth Liberals met ia cin ; — i Nera at Milverton on Friday list bes CASE of Mrs HAM ‘Paper read at; Women's Institute [to choose a standard bearer in* the Fie cies by Mr. 1. D, Afkin goming election for the Legislative THE WILE OF ‘tHE Ory r) ‘Assembly. ‘The convention ‘was, a t | eo i ae production there: are cer-| very larg representative one} a a a | tndriske to be ‘eniegunteied. Mcligz- | Declares Lydia E. Pinkham’s tee =THEARcADE” =.) which are required aud if 125 ie gubheen poon. omar ‘there Dale eo 125 délegates pre- w ais deelded to leave his home in the "This, docs Dok Mecbaeariy Ges ee ae ee dirts of the riding, . Highlands for a Week-end trip to| Wegetable Compound quite any more seotk OF extra Bost [wee on i. a2 Agi t ; 4 A old method which give: * ‘obertson of, the legal j The old folks at home w é Saved Her Life results, Fowl for Jaxing must’. te Sea lin, Strat 5 iously for Jook’s return, and when and Sanity. PADENB pettect Health. free trom lice. | ste vy Sutil ign or. | hour, came fe the train : have lots of exercise sud at tenson pea tord’s: Dred Hive, trooped in @ body to the Station my third of ‘theix food should be gereen |e" __ - . Shamrock, Mo.—“I feel it my daty |food. ‘They. will ears bone for th eLagin, RtrattOrn is —__ Rate ‘very silent. and the | to tell the public the cant ee my eke shells and meat,.tood. for-produc- | Ht. Stratford: i. ei " taraiy, ela ed 1g: wpeehensively at th before using |e che albumen of th | Withee but PH ‘each “other. ¢ i OH you 4 member that as hen's te: a) divs a i heart to the wiles of some Sassenach 7 [yore Td Legian ator these articles shuld though Se bili penser are ad 05 siren! ee is 7 yt fore them, ous! ilitie: . When all wore gathered round the av ape Sonia tia on at aut one = foot ee a oe blazing fire in the evening his of tt ; 4 mo! thar put the dreaded agation; fi air peat warmth [@ven the no veaiWint als "ye Jock?” We've un vp Ths poulery ms amit fois, following offic We want you to start-this week right “ia Old us onything oot Lunnon. Is it bs tion d. ary ie Da tbe athe ikcecthenwoula have sufficient to keep epee a ene looking through our Summer Goods. us believer" ry house is more impor- |, W- Hay are always looki : ¢ imp S ing for new things to wear. Oh. f's ray 40 bad! answ warm one; ‘The floor al- |W. Owens. Strat ‘A Josk, Then siden ly A perfectly dry. We reeome Brown” Sir tora : tion flared up: “But mall. warn. roost. Sep Taine This week we specialize in Ladies’ Waists sae Lawns and Silks. You will find our prices right. Style right up-to-the-minute. “Whit way are they no honest © okt weak spells, hot flashes over m: Weel. I had my hots all the time ry “ er my body. | morning give one-thir a feed The Youn Ma s but I made sure the day. I ponent a Thad a place in my right side that was e) of seratching fe: di in “the iitten | ig n packet of pins ab the cation fer. °| 80 sore that I could hardly bear the |The f fowl well some off their — warm - venny apd on the cover of it. it said habe pained my clothes, I triedmedicines | roost and ht to x uit... there werejone thoveand pins inside,| 2d doctors, but they did me little good, oc tnd | H : “SPECIALS” Well, 1 coonted them in the train and fd spate expected £0 get out ob io ried rad a "That thi eon ; aye theee fe ' ; |onrricd unan We parasaotts for goune jen who} nine bindred and Fthore sere only £ got Lydia E. Pin Pee table mel Vention -deairen. 0 express tex FOR SATURDAY 7 show style and’ go in both fabric and ++ tainly would have been in grave or in an : of our ead MeN vals pet nee 2 pair Mén’s Black Sox for.... tailoring, The young man who isd ey sylum if your medicines had not saved an strenuon: Bane ae eal x nefit of 2 pair, Ladies’ Black Hose for n find his spring suit here no matter} “SPEAINING HER SALARY — | me. But now I can work all day, sleep Bot iecela: at! Ontatin We klog Wiel 2 caida of Dota Haitiaraiene, how particular he may be, to compliment ita sipont hi eouraa an 2 Hair Nets for .. 3 Spools of Thread Corsets per pair well at night, eat hating var have bi SS ent no hot flashes or weak, nervous 5] Gf Canadian who has fro! x ically endorse his policy for th ition of the bar. including therein the abolition of all Classy colorings and ‘patterns in ped suitings detail of smart suit rp bac gt The clothes made by GROCERY DEPT. New York chorus rel before taking your remedies, and all is tin of Peaches Loudon actor-man- art leasure snd hay s in my home.””— ager seeing a musical play in| 2 rappin my home. chs in the House. he has fa New York in company with the pro- | Mrs- Josi rae ee RE. D. 1, Box 22, i ed the course of legislation. . M. FLEISGHHAUER eid fie vot the show. when the con- Ekantoen: ae influenced the rs Ce houl 0 A ‘congratulatory resolution to Sir rier was also passed, The ersation turned upon the salaries| If ys antapeciaL advice wae? fashions” d e write are both ‘‘fit” and ‘fashion. wi chorus ladies in old England Lydia Ee Pinkham Medicisie Co., the usual comparison to the nfl Also Agent for 20th Century Brand A fee — ial) Lynn, Mass, “there.” said — the LISTOWEL GAME UN- FINISHED, 2 packages Corn Starch 1c 1 gallon tin of Apples .. 4 2 Ibs. Tapioe: x n. Poole rites visited Listowel on|Roup cure should be used quite often| IN THE GLORY OF THE MORNING Briday evening last for the return|as it is a preventative of colds: rouy game with the team of that town|and all germ dipeas ~ especially in Toronto Weekly Su put returned without: landing & w ner, In the first half of the ¢ fe it “Ig that sof queried the English- man. “And what is that line “may WM. K. LOTH cold. if you do they ‘ill stop laying cack te etl eabehantiel tite to . get “She merely has to say ‘Hip hoor- av’ im the third act.” was the — re= icra: fa the Lond Guioht f their them back again. Also you must | na’ cate east “the fair show-lady BW esl aestatain tessle Keep: the live away aprayas ni J 7 x rushes on both wo alas “The nd use a liquid lice killer. two m be $¥ou vay her £20 for the hips and | en‘were, however, able to atilente [ules « week will-do the Job, it ‘h “The Arcade” : MILVERTON, ONT. speed 5 the selves from many Shreatenioy necessary y for large eee production to hee een picsady bursting to the full \ P J + vosit and no scores résulted, The | give your fowl, so: good poultry | vigor of new life. The last notes of second period was full of thrills and |tonle, You must stimulate your hens, the re Aas adage by the night CHOOSING THE CUSPIDORS. ly to the eccentricities | especially in the fall. and winter, it | wind in raying pines die ‘away |= ————— aan phiat neerernc Gt weather Keeps them toned up and Thealthy. Tat as beemeneaa hy the chorus of Rev. Alexander (McGillivray “(he | Immediately after ai reine. rrit,| reipicing from the feathered \ gonge “Canada’s Hair Fashion Store’? —————— well-known Presbyterian minister in| miniature cyclone approached good |sters greeting the new y- Man’ ators beakeerea in all aire heath ea Aes Dot. Wo fat ae) what noblest Toi d 8‘ - riends, coming from th lator of an amusing story concerning |ions in search of refuge, ‘The violent | Produces eggs. shelter e i 2 an actual incident in a Canadian kirk, |zephyrs were followed by the acke ch (During the moulting season linseed | winter's storms..eakerly drink Gl wl h 1 H G id fp Ar nein la rune carn Sarees ns. a ots serie ate bad enn-Charies Fiait Goods isturb the: ‘Li ’ at 3 ne. and It seems that in this particular fresh church there look longingly to the rich pastures in which they will soon revel, Dun-co!= ored Mise aipadan retarted for the Our Miss Glenn ot be in Milverton, on Thursday June 4th, at the Queen’s of the absolute reliability of | time iebeido th al the REGINA WATCH, || ie attend the Church Session. and explained the sit iting winds weeovered Hotel, with a full line of vation to the pillars of the kir impossible to mavigete on the slippery jane teaspoon to three fowl dissolved | landscane already. acem but a, metho Hair Goods, including— this, expectoration 0 tet Dasly be ss Ae Switches, Bangs, Partings ) id rilcet in the glory of the BEinciibweo) have, to: i young |morning and the warmth and doy of couple of cuspidors.” sai: Pompad ours, Transfor- fe tia ii r they @ M Tae Reavaly nusetiee: stores Fate pr ie Renato yen ste mations, etc, Men’s Wigs action pre se taken on the re- fresh THE PRIVY ¢ COUNCKL, and Toupees. We will be uest of the ministe: some re moves” pai “that we momin- cracked | Appeals to the Privy Council, Which pleased to demonstrate ate David ¥ and dy wai mille, gharooal, and fine rans have erious grievance’ are our goods. Campbell as cuspidors" ttle grit and]}hereafter to be limited to oases invol- P,H. BASTENDORFF a+ JEWELER and OPTICIAN . ee MILVERTON, - ONTARIO | THE WRONG TERM ha a % ¥ at * hulls makes an excel-| ig in, the main, if Lord Haldane is be ST., WEST A Alb chee spon Aneta correctly réported, to cases in which GLENN-CHARLES, * ORONTO the oe! first week. | the powers of the Provinces or of the Ladies desirous of having Miss Glenn call at residence, tially pa address at hotel —e Senator Williata, sluuhes,, of New Jer Riley. Orr. J. Ohalmers. Wanless told a storv vhe man I nadian outs determine sch qués- ay watts to Tueidly express bimsclt. he jhe) Maal m diseases. Give lots of fresh air|tionst ‘The’ Privy Council. establish- 0 UPERFLUOUS HAIR Rr ee eR UEAR eS The llc: Modate, Opole, end Beta ceeded toads meanders lied ta amere one ob Iya ates pe the rig! rand of language. r peener Le noey spent 1, For head lice nse insect pow- c in fact a curious legislative body w Blemishes, Warts, Eto,, perman he parson of a small church in ee in Listowel. ih Sei cattaeeTehBlana ane l eset u eUlty ta censelncon? \ EQHAIVE IN STOCK ALLIKINDS OF. ently removed by the Electric Needle, at ehe bak umotlaatenderly tn ya and ie ee: ihre Rae and for gapea use gaps worm remedy, ion r nounoed that he had received a ca ‘a ma visited On Sunday at r es d, th d I MRS. W. GOWAN {irom another field, At the conelus-| Thos. ‘Tanner's ane ee ay Grass ee imo and Clover Will be at the e ice ri M tr be Mrs. Jack Talore. of Tor- Mes f the rvice the parson was ap- of Tor- nd Central Hotel, on June 16th broached ‘by onc of the deacons. onto. visited few days last week at IN MEMORIAM “T have been. thinking about the the latter's x00. Mriehda, will xemrat to, near of the In Joving remembrance, of Fam ald the deacon “Are, they offering |Miuess of {a} Tanner, who died af Miltbank May 24th, 1913. Call andget your supply before the prices Ko up. _Linseed Meal, Cottonseed:Meal, Oil Cake and Gluten Feed ou any more money in that new | somewhat x 4 feta Mrs. Albert Schedewitz. of Elm Fall line of Poultry Supplies on X Jen, brother.” was the promot is Tenewing equaintances around |One year ago he left us. Hhukie svuaw ikon sau? Z) ZY yaloindar of the parson, “three hun-| here this week, low we miss him no one knows Be aerate) dred dattars. jurse Connolly returned on Tues-| But we will meet again in rear It \ ir nn a a the ee ecw of poly tld ad "Well, T don't know as 1 blame you. [dav from Ayton and was called to] Where ll partings are unknow gust, working amid the influcnses of Br list in Business, arson.” thourhtfully Lees the | Georgetown on Fri hh. how sweet will be that eenng erett jyatytn Germehenty anger. Toners snare ompertuniten tha thaw con, “but ii Me ocanree |. tare Lambert tnd taniily and Mra. | Barthiy’ toueas Peo Sias Wuelecs roarraleeery entree ment yon didn't e ‘Teht, term Galder apent a day last week in Lis-|We shall know the blias of Heaven {such restraint, % te tral Tectia ecall ite a 'ralas hen we meet our loved ones there. 1 MEMORIAM ich oe ae “In loving memory of Mrs. J. FAIR PLAY Sohmidt, who died October a tate, wo motarixe ravine atnost cir-|f CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. |i. i v0: none. tr woener i na ee ete neast seer at Wor the angels have taken, her oi our ments = COMMIERCIAL, St MAND and THLEG RAPHY. Wrive at once for our free catalogue make the best a kan > £ 2 Dark ia the room and empty the CONTR | "1 Improved Train Service |=: 2% =~ PPER LAKES oe ‘ Mii he Effective May 31st ; Stee -Afotheraleep. thy toll tl NAV! GATI ON ee ¥ ard He at - oe hy. rest so oft needed be- lings froin Sarnia Wharf Mondays, Wed. Sati anvee ition ‘be violently: (piece N EW Li M ITED TRAI NS peaaye and bats for Saute Marie, Stor Yes, we have Joved: you bat God loved i ; ‘ to the rtuur and Port Wiliam, commencing |his snoring friend, For, “Hes scaled you away neat “What's the matter” datowled ithe “THE CANADIAN” bright shore above, sleeper, “It can’t be time td get up 3 z i - " R MEDIARV AL. METHOD, a woa.|f Via Gan. Pac. Ry. & Michigan Central Ry. se alah ECTIVE JUNE 8th. WESTBOUND| continuing see tie arta a ebat Scarce - y: Bt. Johu Te lontanh iL eaxe Foront a.m. 90 aniting }tUER to weer on ity (anther “te . Trough Le Gel Riga coe Tunnel It is to. be honed t eure ToFo: - 00 sn sor, by xevenling-the nnection A aria ry rm ee i saute Sur i Pa of prisoners sand ‘metho of enfor JAP-A-LAC — the Content-Producer Lei ing labor cals, Parlor Gare and deve aed EXPLICIT. BUT INCRIMINATING . ° seed at peed EA ae eae ag - Westbound Daily |~ Easthound Daily - |e" Sasalay mi arriving intelligent cboatderation: of the whole : wale discolored and unsightly floors are not con- pronto iat ive to contentment. Why not bring about their ste Ago span. commencing ups, Oth ry Ounnaian lawyer pene this tans EASTERN TIME ! CENTRAL TIME stibject, Our present maf mpd complete sirens by means of the JAP-A-LAC . ° elt’ in its (4 ws pal articwlara add “reser atic 5 | SOS DN OR A pate: tthe inven-|f Leave Montreal (Windsor St. Leave Chicago (Central Sta: ral leh lta reunite $064 utile Model Pleo ores ; ” 3 grand Pruale Agents, Ofspritec. B- orig 4 eats aa Sl Depot)... 84 9.30 a.m. aenkane sant hardly legs 89 tetons ‘ consists in applying two coats of JAP. Tay pried ont ie ee Arrive Dele ihn Cen tho ndmminieter it. A-LAC ground color, 4 prs of JAP-A-LA J, 0. Cunningham, Phone No, 1, Adent | 0 iis v urniture 355 )pim, sina Be ly i graining ——-~---— ——— fa room tables oak: macuuasnaieie tool), and then two coats of natural JAP-A- LAC—pro- a z gue dak ohatral¢ (six) oak: tia tite pas ducing a a bright, hard, durable finish like ee oak. i ENTER ffovo: bpttion whlatey Tall Leave, Detralec oh Moe kf. St 8 om Willison bec in Te JA Cin made in2! colors for friars wobdwork and “4 - rhe a vord “full” +} Zondon ‘Times anddians a per eared LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE ff .ue'ana repincca by “erapte and tig choot iene ween 8.09 pam. || ditt too much toward the Amon] YM Gall TO.DAY st sour oa wut or fora JAP-ALLAC a BF inventory went on in t hand” thet [Leave Detroit Michigan Con Arrive Toronto .. 11.20 p.m. seb: m the very eet Sac noe Bac Gay Reena Aaa ore 7 > aid Aietenida it e anti i ha RNa Rec ice (Central oes nie Mat pees ele a {is : oN nee In Milvert f t 2 ‘One rd ” “ The ‘Toronto News. contained about n Milverton . Dvdr patticulars address One revolving door wut, tion). 7.45 a.m. 08) 8.55 am) Oe ool baseball news ‘or dap~a-lac is sold by EDWING.MATTHEWS, Principal B cK Only One{Night on the Road i Each Direction about as ‘much a atl ogy penne SCHNEUKER BROS. , ON THE SAFE SIDE. Solid Eleetric- -lighted | Trains with Buffet-Library-Compartment-Observa- || class houses, ae a pee tion Cars, Standard and Tourist Sleepers and First-class Coaches between a a It was noticed that a lady ~ who'll Montreal 'and-Chicago in each direction. At the last meeting of tl a The Maitland Cheese Factory is in|went regularly to church always bow- Standard Sleeping Cars will also be “operated between Montreal, Toronto, |! stock city council it was iad full swing again ae isin the Pee ed Me anv mention of Satan or the Detroit and Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan, Central Reilrondg the assessment roll for 1914 be pubs provision made 8! be able t De At last a verger’s curiosity through ER Teac Seated Tunnel via Windsor on Trains No. 21 Westbound [| jjshod in the Sentinel-Review news- tbo vod “eccomodation and sat aroused eat “ went and ask- an ab x the management jed her whv she te ft adian Pacific Ticket Seeaias By Pe M.G. Murphy. |] accordance with tender. -a copy of kd of the efficient maker. Mr. George | “Well.” she snswere. “politeness Dist. Pass. Agent, Caner King and Yonge Sts., Tan the assessment so published to be aes = ia 3 cock, »)jeosts: nothing ~an never knows" livered to every house in the tity] Sirk

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