OVERWORK AND WORRY ‘A Fruitful Source of Broken Down Constitutions ‘A little Worry does a great deal of harm. Over and w ives land etimes a pee tials break- iSoyen of the neryous system leading Ito. paralysis, People are a because they blood; which and strengthens the body. Under nervousness and all the other ¢ BS sae, and overwork quickly dis- They restore the digestion Tees sera the ting) to pani full ladvantage from the food e: “SO, Ohepaen; Gaeta JOnt., says: “I became completely run down and my n stem [inte red from overwork and felt nd ex- Ihnustea eo slept badly at night, ines but. did thot find thee hoped Stor rahet D I Crise to try Dr. Williams’ (Pills. can Popa these Pills to any af flicted with nervousness or a broken eonaitation a8 I feel sure they will pflect a ¢ _ These Pills are sold by o medi ill be sabe ai nts E 10 by w etna “ate Dr. Metlctie Co., Bre ieville, Wi Ont. SOME a AINT OLD BIRDS. The uarecss Ones Are Not the tonic influence of these Pills! they FIGHTING CONSUMPTION. Garlic to Patients. a new tr ieee out for tubereulosis. It is put forth by an Irish physician, Dr. . Minchin, of Dublin, lets et officer to the Kells U book about who wrote a treatment. is Union Hospital, The by. pe moka the the impres- i has ftasnd cuclic the ids rend for the ‘ white » “In New York, at the Reece on Bk well’s Island, Laer elt charge a the Cleese have apakl with “the treatme: at for sina years. As their experiments are still in itatean: to pro- a experi an article published in the uuereaes Medical Journal for our eesineatady of this -ace during the past two years,’ Dr. McDuffie, ovecrrations Nae been made with fifty-six ments in over one "denny pe eighty-two cases, mostly in ard Q of the Metropolitan Hospital, De. partment of Public Charity. Of these treatments but two stand out as regards anything like specific ac tion upon the tubercle bac tubercular processes, The garlic from the vegetable eaten nd merouty from the, mineral. “Garlic conta a volatile oil called ae sulphide, and its medi erties [have r ywer of in ing the growth of the tubercle bacil lus; it is. eliminated by the lungs, skin dizes into sulphurous a system. i ly absorbed by the skin fod pene- dey the deeper tissues. gest Livers. The question of which birds live the longest: has never been settled | ee torily. But ‘the raven comes y high in the list, and is said to| ok att ena wi hundred | and valtuses also enjoy Indeed wl is ibs have lived ‘ In Pisoalas | ses years, a see the years of its life brought gy ataneto ua Letts aes hundred years ix probably a conservative estimate of a parrot’s age, and it is pecorae se cle of theo birds also start gat ith the crow x a reasonably expect a enjoy abe Reheat To ance, the sparrow scasinnaen eclebrates. his fortieth canaries years; and he birthday, Other ages reached by irds are: Hens, 10 years; phea. sants .and partridges, 15 years; larka and nightingales, 18 8; ige 24 r years; ks, 30 “Miss Peach is a decided blonde, isn’ ‘t sh e aby ea dyer ry. Dubbe. es, arked Miss Orabbe. {She dkdided: A) become one about a month ago. Sounds Likely, -Where is Chili? (venturing a guess)-—I- I =I Shink it ig in the Arctic circle. T Rae With His V Ww Vhole Soul, “If my hens get into. your gar- din, why don't you shoo them out “Til do more than. shoo them out; I'll boot, their owner, The Sane Man, ‘The man ie minds his own busgi- ness is usually the one the other ad- fellow gues to when he needs vee a ‘eAg'y] will build a battleship of tons 620 fect long, athe exten Tike in four revolving tur- ets Jarlic gave us our best nls \a ase would seem equally effica no matter what part of the affected, whethe glands, lungs Dosage used drachm of) the two drops of the ¢ times a day; ex or crushed bulbs one T8\three parts of lard, or unguentum lic (60 per cont. ju ice in vase- line) pplied dai Tut uncommon. it Italy, sire millis da" usere nivel ball the leading Italian physi- in York say it is:alarm- of Italians in Am . children see ye not eat garlic, largely be their school fellows and other associates ridicule them for smell ing of i Garlic, is a plant of the It is to the onion what the is to the cat, or the wolf te Growing, it small onion pga, |may be seen looks like HI i be stoons in m0! t grocery stores, are oom patie, that is, they are formed i} of n malier bulbs or “‘eloves’’ We ax hound together with skin. Cooks who Iknow their business use it as they use salt, almost’ unive ly, but with great discretion arent | French epicure called garlic the ‘soul of cookery.” WHEN BABY SUFFERS ie tebleta, Mice: J.-H. Gagnon; St. Simon, Mor writes:” “I can- end Baby’ 8 Own Tab r consti- ‘ medicine in the 1d for this trouble.” The tablets are sold by see eine Fancast or by mail at 25 © box The Dr. Wil- liams’ Seiden t NEWS OF THE MIDDLE WEST BETWEEN ONTARIO AND BRI- wor) Broc ae a New York Hospital Gives Juice of haa ie hy : Boy: is : Interest to All Women onion Tts bulbs, ‘ahtal ied and hanging in FROM CONSTIPATION fo si fh [ated them the ckville day in Red Deer has not yet proven hat produce offered” by farmers was mae Winnipeg Swimming’ lub’ 8 new home on the Red River is be- Ing erbckad RO. that Aha: sueribete will be able to take up their quar- = ers ther. is ox Usiatd that 1914- will be a ban patibion Ws bead 46. sue Doh Ge enue es a. ments are ng a eroub inte in the Calter? exhibition, phich will open June 29, and this ahi e shibits irom the Depart- ment of Agricultu Brandon proposes to give a loan of $15,000 at 5 fo the Young Men’s Ohristian. Raeiauan of the city, The debentures issued and sold will be payable in twenty years from July A yote on the question is necessary and will be Ms June 6th, committee the Geel Board of Trade have eve @ report. condit in . the Sion have ess. representatives Hinanowet lead ing recently auinsiee that the money market had en by the de from the local bakers a gene a reduction in ‘ate 2 rest psrRed for Che wintpous 1A Nova Scotia Case of | Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help 0 Many People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. vlowed at her home at 794 Argyle Sty M Have: rptock was quite willin, to pais prevalent among the children | greatly from dizziness and sick head: nie S$ alwi ed, |felt. weak, languid and utterly unfit }for any work. My stomach was so disorderéd that I had no appetite, | whi at I did-eat disagreed. I suffered | Ache and feared # nervous breakdown. |Upon my druge’ it’s recommendation |T used Dr. Hamilton's’ Pills MT felt etter at once, improved. In six ‘we woman, cured completely after Hystelans hud failed to sal me, o | or this reason that I strongly ) | urge poh with stomach or diges- to use Dr, Hamilton’s ng of vigor, the ‘effectually chase away eariness, depression and disease. Good for Young. or old) for: mien, .for men, for children, All dealers sel WC 1 Dr Epes Pills of Mandrake and Buttern staa THE SUBTLE ASIA’ How-the Khoja Managed to Get Mothers, i baby suffers Himself Recognized. ran conntipation, it ns Pen Some hundreds of years ago there cera gid ees lived in -Agehelin, a tittle town in give him Baby" Own Tablets. They Ri or tail to ive relief, and an|si@ Minor, an imam, or village occasional dose will banish consti- pith eee Nasr-0 od: oH i pation nd Keep the stomach and fighapaides ry in perfect order, Concern sabe br tho Raat is ‘he itage of the East. ait ne day a.camel passed along the street. in which the Khoja and one of the Khoja’s neighbors pe had never seen a camel before ‘an, peak bie what this strange Dengt might “Don't you nea what that is?’ said the Khoja, who also had never seen a camel, but would not betray his ignorance, “That is a hare a uu old.” + man once gave a feast, to which, ha much beiiteneciarae he caus shoja to be bidden, cooing on ths appointed day, e Khoja repair he. great ait s oie prs Mand himself in fashionable and Cure Children’s Golds By External Treatment Mothers Will Find Nothing so Speedily and Reliable as Old-time “Ner- viline. It's really a shame to upset a young child’s iatoyanoh by internal ernal treatment brompay ‘real up en 8 in atin Sey with his feet acebing: ‘wet, roat se and gore, his little chon en and congested, ji ‘viline. NP ie potter i half an id you will have the satisfaction of knowing you have warded off perhaps a cold, or grippe, or illness that might have. laid him up. Nerviline Is mighty good for venting colds where sell Ner THE COLONDES UNDERSTUDY A Sergeant-in the Freno h 2h) Legion Had. His 1 Sent productive in wt Lhe -pran ke lay od by Sadsoosrad beatin dhe care and reaient of tho ekinaod imeharsl Yoaudliod ka tha rate OF Se a eized by Es 7 Neg “arapd das cen, terest on loans by banks to their the ina |patrons, and we believe that, it pesca routine Misia ent range b 7 z qpeear Jadvisable that some action should tween farce and tragedy, seldom| 4 CLEVER GHO HIS ONE. be taken by the Board to. secure | touching either. extr nity, but be % ro ty yar , Miserable Whon r. Frederic Mavis in ed Up When It Got Clothes, of ay in the ench . ‘Liars cannot be so much more The author saw five ig aed 8 mn this next world than ervice in this crack corps » remarked Mr. Wil ae > French anny ima ‘Butler Yeats, be post, in an Was # sergeant employed as a dress to the members of the Lon- a clerk in the regimental office. at| Gon JSpinitualist Alliance the other ai bel-Abbes, One day the colo- night nel happened to be When Inter-| 5 be d, and was visited in his lodgings his sergeant-clerk, who had papers for the chief’s signa- on ture, The happened to be! spirits, asleep when the Rergeant, artiv Mr. Yeats related an amusing Be; jand he was shown into the dressing ‘a spirit mentioned in room to wait for the officer Ma: ll’s Phenomena.’”’? In the awake. The sight of the colonel’s] sixties a small statue of the Ma- uniform coat gave the sergeant the| qo French ‘oker’s idea that it would vary the mono- ae tiga to move from a. Sikent tony if he took a stroll round the abi nd bac Then ons town in it. eon Ul Hately, Bicotep a me- Half a hour aiferward a ser- absea) a spirit foretold eventa which geant of and Peston revealed the sas ote M - Bicom the five- iron ~ tees of nel’s coat just in front of | haan, hod byesed hatigaléctiyr ta Tie tify his reputation as ono and for breaking up a ® etion, _stolling along de of the ficers HAIR GROWTH PROMOTED <3 CUTICURA SNP AND OINTMENT Directions: Mal ep ae ke sa rub pe vith Cuticura Ointm Continue until whole scalp has been Ch praia sham- hot a 8 S mpoos ‘used as often as agreeable, but once t twice a month is generally sufli- cient for this special treatment, Cutloura Soap and Ointment aro sold throughout } theworld. A Uberal sunple of each, with 32-pace ed, But Cheer- Te was reférring to the innumer- able ches of false information ven through mediums, all of y he Sind aoe nek aah Let 8 the founder of the au an religio spirit advised the _étock- broker to perform acts of charity and advised sie rope va id Stock smartest non of the corps. appear to plea officer this fines for the ‘ive ooned sleeye was raised in an im- peratiye signal’ ito stop, eidchren gry voice ordered him to return t: andl His salute e his: comma: barracks at once, take spiris to take charge of his affai days’ arrest for slouching about the] and the spirit complied ‘The stock- town in a dirty uniform, and salut-|}roker became a wealthy man. ing his colonel in an perusal The So of spiritism, said Mr manner | Yeats, was full of complaints from Phe “poor Pexgcent was eee apitite s.of the way in which the dumb. — He > of the dandies o! ed by the doubts nue the lesion anda. ian who eed unhappiness of the living, Ono himself on walking as if he had a eS aT, eae rifle barrel for a oie to be ac seeing his late the ‘Earl walking ivan: th ; ole at to go away 5 poe aes a ee arvec The Coun. the starch wad ‘to have been he boy for telling taken out of him, and he did the. spirit te hwunt such an incle- ‘slouch.”? mont because a ghost had. to Tho “eolonel’’ passed on and} wherever it was told. promenaded the town for an hour, | 82.0 °%r9 the wet of Ire- dealing out four days’ arrest and) jand told fim ROM Vente, off speaking injurious words to every noncommissioned officer he s yain of hig soldierlike appear- 25 = ance, donating unasked favors and aternial beneditions on bestowing p the “epirie’ 4 . nt 4 pirit’s name to a beggar in| think? She said she didn’t know ! hy lla of coeur’ an les the streets, The man did so, and] “fF don’t vee, what difference it ly in a way that horrified re-l when the ghost again appeared it] makes to yo spectable Bee ple was wearing the selfsame clothes.| "Oh, 1 don't care whether he week smokes. I wanted to find out if he ENE OR MATION FOR INVENTORS Kishea Her)” Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis, Z ibaa sotlctente: Montreal, report Fasily Gauged. that 137 Canadian patents were o ¥ th Y.M.GA. Boys’| Johnny was sent to the’ cellar to issued for the week mg May | conp, held Qt ut ‘Ful in “August, draw a pitcher of cider.) et) he Hoth, 2014, 62 of which were granted | toatl Mos wun burn an ammedite | Ret back the guest commended him. vo Ampricabe, '34° Hans, 15| rellet for colto and toothache, “You must haye good judgment to i LERED STOKE: fi foreign countries ig sult and BS sums with accuracy four met who too change, pees foretelling the wa for y ‘the stockbroker . sent | money to steady houses as ange sted yen became known because 4 nee. He hen asked tho ghost which had informed him that ib was able becaust was stark naked. Tho ghost suggested that the men should give a suit in General Becretaty, m Be district, of his |e, RUTHENIANS IN THE WEST. Transforming aie nate Canadian Citiz @ east and Tec east fe Ed- they and will fe known by 10 other name gait hat of Cana- asses To the teacher who undertakes a school in a ca settlement a ew life open; one re without its fpandetare, ao ‘incline, Asa rule he or she to ive hioae in 6 school yard, for the eed digaiies of the Ruthenian people have no rooms for the accomm oation of boarders, The home provided for the teacher is never elaborate, a cost of from one hundred and twenty-five to two hundred dollars. It is provided with a bed and a cook stove. This one-roomed abode the sires WHY WORRY ! Choose your variety and your grocer for “Clark’s'” FARMS FOR SALE, 4. W, DAWBON, Ninety Colborne Street, F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Frutt, Stock, Grain or Dalry Harm write waon, Brampton, or 96 Colborne St., Toronto, y eh she hag ‘ads Bong senge H.W. DAWSON, Colhorne Bt., Toronto, Nichols Limited, AGENTS WANTED. GENTa! Our dollar | Terma; frelght pala: eredle ane WEWSPAPDRS FOR the teacher carry away of bome comfort such as hi vi been theirs before. Who can tell] 1 what influence these little homes may pete. in Bik on the interior of ti s fou within Loro) OOD WEEKLY IN TAVB ‘TOV oF "rerms Siberais, Wilaon Publint ne Company, 78 Wost Adelaide Street, nto, MISCELLANEOUS. which she ven livest nt it is round the school-houses thas the chief interest of both ee sera 3 people an. ae 4 al, out pain by our home ipeaument Write Ba before too late, Be ah YANCER, TUMORS, Internal and extern Lop man Modto Limited, Collingwood, Ol They are frame sisuctres, neat, comminlious, and well lig Ther a ke iv diferent sie bict a farsishings! sed equipment. fe mote than mich ene have been built in “the Ruthenian ATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGHON & DAVIS James St, Montreal ‘Write for Information, And truly this end of t play. he holds aloof, and gazes in a kind stupid wonder at the amtics of of the childre; 3 ial eee! Pardonable. prisoner sat disconsolate in Suddenly the warden The his cell, HOME STUDY © Arts Course may ig akeuby correspon deuce uk nde devising "to graduate ‘attend one 5 OURS Aah Ra td ULY and AUGUST G, Y, CHOWN, Registrar, Kingston, Ont, peared “We have obtained proof,’ he said, ‘that another man committed the crime with which you are Ro &- d,” Well, T guess that lets me out,’” ‘a the prisoner,’ Helpless Frou From “Rheumatism Gin Pills Give Prompt Relief By Curing the Kidneys. Donal Mey "Samuel’ Longmore, jof a GIN 1) word of praise for aiiftgan ‘montha ago Da: siters atism, ' 1 tool Gin i LB und becaure quite well Two mart had Rheumatle, Pale a0 with Neural resorted PILLS again Tor one ‘week and became $2.6 nite Nedionel Drug de ariadn, “TAmtted, ce ronto Slcithtngs if her husband “iy smoked,’’ said the woman with sked her inquiring mind, ‘‘and what do you i in ithe dark without running ib NEW lait UBKErT: MODEL no ‘ian ntabty tacking Ih makiny) uilor= at ee onic “arapl Bunt with Cloth, Tay “he pinned. Sino eto No, buat moamure Two styles, mleniier Can cut) or larger Also, gine “frome 14 ies a8 yeury y, Send Exproed or Money rans A fant form, Bust. “Bkirt: and and comes ate. Stand pout pi The Old Reliable Horse Remedy. vin Cure ot eave ‘ins, Curk, Ringbone, Splint, Bony wile ind Tauteness peri ahorseforyou. Geta bottle the t time are in town. Read C k TISH COLUMBIA. ee took no| and 6 to residents of Great Britain you y- 00 € eee er atte Aa pe and Colonies, pe arog everywhere, $1 . ote, 6 St 0 rr +4 fe (lems From Provinces Where Many ‘eeted hon or pa ti hive an It’s an easy matter to acquire ri Na) gate sak baa "Arrcutheonthe ome orwateto --from Ontario Boys and Girls Are eventually he was shown by a ser-) flow of language, Alonzo, All ea p to the fist joint of my ecsbare Raa Werneet rs 4b vant to the lowest seat. oNther® 4| have to do is step on a tack with bat fe I stopped?” Your Grocer, The Bc lt oh ene Edmonton |/itle While the Khoja: slipped, away |'your, bare, féd On Principle, im —— cer, Property Owners Association has Bee apie hater ocean P Sask roo wae Feast saiao yn Gabel est are stone oe HANGED BY THE NECK Por Again, Reggie. very largely increase ler tho is way Labor troubles are being experi-| ; te Sue matetinegs Pow iehit tine Nine- pais of of ithe things that] Jani ae eaths T always sweeps ae the ice, I i See “that “a Po st enced in Edmonton, The other day Tih taP ie pat atom, and rot ve been said rnight as well, have | eversthing under the carpet. weather was very cold. ol ‘ several workers Melee off”? tt tla sacar Sh Ly ecognized been left iene for all the benefit méok Te Liketall ah Well; and what did she Ie Rete this resplendent Peas whose | they are to hurpanity. Se he best, free from acide! arid: patnists, “Od BS ‘Sh i: 4 ftér fighting fire Winnipeg annie ere iiarcessal easton, “FWhy has your wife decided to | price 20, at ll deat egyie—-‘'She eid na renwal Oas 1es igs over forty. years, Williaa Cade, te hime] XOUR, un ow By ulcaist ST WILL TELE YOU] give up the European trip she was ring pl . Dhenemens ee heat and 8 old istant chief of e Depar y'| Byes and Granulat ell Dost eR SUE as ‘There are naa hung Ristaibureiens Soro ducmuen a ark eee us: aod ot fest ari adress igen Reema ase, “She happ' eel borseae someBody in the ladder of 1 oieapeshie per ibe to. ‘ens e Cadet camp at ined i say that onesal bro -d one.”” high come from: the ov to by wna inquired after his honorable v iS year is expected to be the big- By; . ‘Minard’s Liniment used by Physicians. your table in tightly ieaied ma Unie Beevithet Bua it 4a ah ‘athe rao a WR eae age eaea Some musicians put on more airs| areep atimares Siatment im the nosen a packages ~~ ready Beipated that 1,348 aebadtboya will hoja hie a he fragt ‘than they can play. ons ae a Had Experience. 7 * n’s Way. par hie ri rrowed when opened—with cream, al hea Faraz you marry a wo- Minard’s Liniment Lumberman's Prien ength to properly filter the good milk or fruits. ‘3 Nine cattle the prsporte of oa hele Caller—My dear fellow, | man law; Prank I. Hatch, of Grand Point, Real Cruelty. ught- your wife had forgiven i st sir, Even the ordin. Every crisp flake of this , about LL miles south of Wiat| - and prom! poe to ae ibe’ | ary eae can Ea eanin far attractive food represents ere ‘‘rustled,’” and so far! Ay erg aaa woman went |" Husband— has, ell. the ‘best bath si of choice “}) there td ine trace ot them. | home. +t mother and sobbingly | pay she didn’t Promise tn fc a ory ey white Indian ‘A. paxty of geologists and topo- declared she just-conldn’t be heppy | torget she'd forkiven » ” Basily Explained, srephial "suayeyors has. lofts Rd: with her hashand again, “I wou y 7 Perfectly coke deli- || tonton for the morth country, fof aes sean Chari ?<j| Bad Blood Piel ot aro OAR Ea Fer app agiaeaireae poli iat Pupoce of ucting. a” geo. answered me back when’ scolded | "is the direct and inevitable result of - | tastes before I married you bare ca a aa per or Ratio hes’ at dale Waa him, but—bu—bub he didn’t.” cia Mrs, Newlywed—I had. to in i Picsmapaialooacharpis Oe ae ay. Her mother was duly shocked at those days. I never could get any Post Toasties are made [{ roll. The amount disburecd gives PALF eta ey Lae te which is ate money out of father, for be. pence and nour- ||an idea of the growing importance Pars Hesalettie wou Haute: eee: i ishment. eons Sap ; Yo. worse than that, mother!” | _ act directly on the bowels, pulang ze posi for the erection o! and the young wife so Riresh? them— on ue kidneys, giving them has “been mooted. =~) + I my Sold by Grocers objeet of reducing rents “Tell me at once!” indignantly: eae the skin, opening up ft Wi demanded her motlie EO pure blood and good Mo exvel stomach and int 1. worms from colts, ax well ij a ry men " of sees “He—he just Sane” is older, horse, use a remedy t ail not “phygic't she to ‘anadian so ‘eroal Co, Li eo rr from, $16 to x will ‘act ag ton hig respect SPOHN’S ia iidase, -Gttarior ; De. Morse‘s * wall. FU instructions ta booklet sith every bottle. Alt blish ‘Some SPOHN MEDICAL CO,, Goshen, Indy U.S. Av men{haye an’inherent abil- ity for making mistakes. £D. 4. ISSUE 24—"14. of a market- Indian Root Pills