How to make a .$ Bil Bill ‘Stretch— Demonstated at Weber & Bettger’s Clearing Sale of Seasonable Goods. rng Colored Dress | Half Price Muslins Muslins Others at Great Reductions, All our White Summer Waists at Sacrifice Prices to reduce our stock and justin the hot weather season, when people are looking for these lines. Millinery Season Closes June 20th Beginning Friday, June 12th, we will sell all Trimmed Hats and Shapes at per cent. 25 discount This is an opportunity for the ludie of Monkton and inity to secure summer millinery at reduced prices STORE CLOSED on the afternoon of Friday, June roth. WEBER & BETTGER | MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE pearee ta “institutes 1 is increasing year 4 a » teachel us ee rur s pat ke Perth council] “When the train stopped we found ele risa ion to assess} It packed inside and out. People stood cree Dae Saas os the platforms of the cara |/), said lot od ce ided lity shall be | fame worn st motor veh-| and began exp! FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: The “Hapvest Queen” Brand One of the best on the market Statetor EGGS BREAD Sniiternti HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty - ~ MONKTON, ONT ~the col ae saiounied on the King thday celebration at to the £ $300 hir t to attempt our conveyance, much le horse or vebicle of any description. LapopmnmeDes | “1 felt keenly the shame of defeat i. | and the guilt of responsibility for our ties to | fallure, and when a gay party of stu: net | dents came toward us on the top of a of | tallyho, luxuriantly empty inside, we | for the ine: | “While we stood, lost in this ‘contest tal of elvilities’ the coach passed us, with | | GOING "330 Fy Selah TUNE 12 BIG CLEARING SALE. To make room ie spring goods, we are offering goods at following prices Mantle Clocks, regular $12,00, now “ “ 40,00 “ ” “ 8.00 “ Kitchen Cloaks different desea, mais Alarm Clocks, Ea rie {es 1 BLT Watohes, 0g, Brooches 0B) #3) oO. fe i i We ea good line of Silver Polish reg. 25¢ which iM a: going to clear out a at lc, wis) Site! time as possible in onder to give pee ee “The Jeweler” ae conaaeres re- on th ina 4 a ’ * fage Ji A. HANSON, Monkton, = Ont: » che Bat hee at ail these precautions. we falled, for Hy ae Tine | When our statement was imparted to th topos ed ge the county pounced it wureliayers an ar y a few weel , road from | jeqth he laughed our defeat over with of Bfessrs, Arm-| 0R¢ 0 7 Mr. Labbe stig hat-the 4 a ¢ Women’s Tan Cotonial Pia reg. $3.00, for $1.98 t e town: a to the ‘costa Be amend- ‘award of yas sts should | o¢ rowdy comrades he was Soud in praia- y the isatake of ete the moti jon 7 ver and. seconder goer wife is a remarkable house- where ane iris ice over it when he comes home late or Monkton “tl ew nell u if sion mimost aslveceally in a m3 Site? post te Spree = abeol- a varices tor ‘every purse. (frorent sixes for every Jewilet and Optician. - MILVERTON, ONT. Risto MISSED A BIG CELEBRATION. The Way the Famous Humor Ma Company With W. 2. Hevls, ai uteri: bys thet of the| when it was moved by var. Not Attend the Centeni Battle of the Minutemen at Concord. In bis reminiscences of Mark Twain| in Harper's May ine W. D. Howells tells amusingly of the time when le aud Mr. ns missed the anniver “Mark Twain cane on to Cambridge in April, 1875, to go with me to the centennial ceremonies at Concord in celebration of the battle of the minute- men with the British troops a hundred years before. We Keo had special in- ses deliberately and then walked to tation, reasoning of many things 3 adeke om memory betrays me they lay strewn upon the roofs like brakemen slain at the post of dut, v * 2 + : ELLICE COUNCIL + te hl bt betty beehebbbted e Ellice suntll met at the town- p. H. BASTENDORFF ce “a At cil formed Aannuelvee into Hs vision respecting the e township f or the year 19 ste rk laid e li “it LOST THE RACE table, with the subj ft follows, viz; Henry Baumbach ed lo fT Uulbelee ‘too. hi ; 3 Mary Wi Mark Twain’s | Futile Chase After Re bani per ¢ Tallyho Coach. an vnd Dav id g, Cull sesso d to public eure 4 a v Cu of the battle of Concord re assessment of lot 10. con. N nhe opinoli’ aljowed th and the name ee “The Bargain Store” a nice, new stock of Sample Waists and Dresses basi Don’t2Forget to call at The Milverton Bargain Store, because we have different “BARGAINS” everyjweek.' Don’t mis these Bargain |e ed | SM ai | w Mba wy 0 | “ % at Macuser The —~ | ilverton Bargain Store = ee ~ ed Butter and EggshTaken. ff" PFAFF BLOCK, MILVERTON * RI = IRA JAIRKIAIIIAIN AIBA Aaa ie We have just received @ eka icee ade IA RANE A AIA AAAI IA IA ia will Bring Results for some means ot transportation over- rd, for we were tbat far on the rond by which the ‘seltsh went and came on the day of the battle. The liverymen whom we appealed to recelved us, some with compassion, with deris! ut in either mood St | convinced us that we could not baye i folt ile our cures had come and our last ehai said that if 1 would assured rsult, encouraged’ with shouts, from y pas ay re-| gay notes blown from the horns of the mibroduced and re- students, and then Clemens started in RETURN Vege JUNE 15 rs dings. | un \ coh 4 23 2 <8 & 2 3 BE 5 a 8 is stop hed ade ‘el them who I war STEAMER GREYHOUND they would gla aly, perhaps prouéty, : sive us passage contended that If ANNUAL EXCURSION PANETT h his far beatles pane n he ald . * aa Cppeel them our success yoniay nee Goderich to Detroit eturn pleetetete ss AE ek hn DO the merry party, who could aot acs ROUND TRIP $1.50 w down, to a rivalry of speed, ee ub BALL GAMES [3th and 14th iit ‘patch could end only in one| | NEW YORK & BOSTON ra. “, «In Detro 2 = An Ad. in The Sun and for this weather we have ‘“‘New Periection “Oil Stoves” run them_and be absolutely"safe, See our HAMMOCKS at all prices. Frost Wire Fencing—The best in the land? The Warm Weather is With us Again With 2 and 3 burners at right prices. Also DETROIT VAPOR GAS- OLINE STOVES, Th se stoves burn just like natural gas and require only one lighting. Come in and we will show you that any child can Screen Doors and Window Screens Hardware Merchants, MONKTON | ae te said when be came 2. Since then I have often wondered at the grief which would have wrung those blithe aa 3 hearts if they could have vacate tab they nist have Uae are i “rwve Bi v Seat Searailiagly in the bitter wind awhile longer and then slowly, very slowly, made our paved home. 'e hed to pass as much ability to the deceit we intended to practice, for we could not bear to own ourselves baffled i» our boasted wis om of. taking the train at Porter's, epanoee oe had agreed to say vg we, Conse! and got back, Bren Lean yeeeatie i e to Be house Kd be: ween| our courage for the undertaking. With with it on our hai he hart of this situation was finally er pleasure to Clemens than an ear “risit to Concord would have ‘to have to skip out —Catholic § Standard and Times. .) en e® rT oS the free lu pais bre “Crevelana Leader 8 - Knows His W: fo | Caos ‘the night to close the win- to keep the rata. out.” —Buffal painted, in your house appearance and cleanliness Biba enamel today is very popular, S-W Enamel is ideal ie the wood) 3 4 iad, ‘varnished, or oainbled woodwork makes a great deal of difference in its and makes housekeeping easier. ‘or instance, you can repaint the woodwork any color you bath with SW Family rite a stat ipo especially for thia purpose and put up in handy penn: Just the thin for a painted finish 0 n baseboards, wainscotting, doors, Hate tualvea? flower ey kitchen furniture, ete. * work of bathrooms, ms, and is very attractive when used in in parl lors, or mich dp rooms, decorated in lig) On new woodwork, a A naan and varnish finish is oft en proteered to.a, sin or fens m iat and f Ferg urpose fi which — can be appli with ‘wo fo'cont| of | ew Kopaly A On old Sood fork aed the original finish i is not will give you a satisfactory job. If yen wish to chan; Fidorins, ‘a combined stain and yarnish that comes in Oak, Mahogany, Walnut, Rosewood, Ue aeapicker fell oltb Ga8 obak ot BE Mloorlae Clear oF a coat of SW I Kopel. rst. apply a coatiof S-W.Oil Stain or S-W Handoraft Stain any kind of w: eer ‘Allow twenty-four hours for the stain to dry ge follow lurable, ential purpose varnish, ©* | too worn, one asst of SW Kopal Varnish, ge the color first apply one coat of S-W* We handle a full ne of Sherwin-Willi Paints and Varnishe in.a position to take care of sven every need. i “ Finkbeiner Petes Co. , HARDWARE, STOVES, ‘PAINTS, Rac. MILVERTON iM. E. Bettger @ Co.