GREAT IRRIGATION WORK iis rcs" Sie"snaice'snwt | Comment on Events QUEEN'S BROTHER AND HIS CHARMING FAMILY tures for distributing maton to the The Wir hone. mje auc eae re mewn amp THIS INVESTMEET j : r #) t ele phony close . DASSANO DAM, OVER BOW) [6 over a thousand: have nob yet |E ctmmetial nants, "DION S08 RAT SAS | ThOPER fag lh ati ban ay put in place. .As a new coun- | Soon, if rep rue, we may all Halt yearly sinc RIVER, IS COMPLETED y develops, it will be necessary thera to, tale throws ‘ie ahs without ed “on ne. marl Re oink to make 4 pumbod of chensee ake | Cedi: Bocemyee eae He enemgaventne, a Ue rtmages 3 sins F oR. distribution system, with the re- one ot the a th has experi- Uoulars and booklet gladly fuentsh A 8 25 sult. that by the’ time that. tho | manted mitt, the hte Be : 4 nis Bula iat ibs. the: Hoke nea ‘ eae asserts that'a radiation, & NATIONAL SECURITIES ek Will Turn a Great Desert Into a}newal, there exists such a a aan a Si lies under favorable reise Land of Milk and Ry Seats oe iy vorepct nditions. Honey, tion possibilities that the wood can |ing the arae coumuamter? cee 1m etd am then be replaced to advantage with fried, abs simple device that can be he construction of the huge Bas- sree! At the same time the | ule cheaply. ano dum ntross the famous Bow a betmedified tb eit the en mental tieataba he iver, 83 miles east of Calgary, by ax alopeataes Fabich /.bag6 taken vi they have. 50 the Panes Pacific Railway Com. | place. pany, has been complet The area for which water is being rent result of its opening a million sans provided, in general, is undulating oh speaks in all. tonguen pen of prairie land, previously looked |and with notable slopes towards | !8 understood everyw upon as of little 0 or no use for ee Bow and Red Deer Rivers, There cultural purposes, is now placedjare a number a district drainage under irrigation baud will prove as} liaes eens rsing the country Productive as any 800 ENTOMBED IN EMPRESS It May be Possible to'Raise the Sunken Vessel and Remove the Bodies uage’ to international» tol se Oe AN OTe eee ee the “verdict of only an “ordinary” A despateh from Quebec says:| with several lending salvage firms) n iy other portion i a A ay eve with fost r is a "he omer As oped as can be ray about, of. ited States, a he is) . . . lhe gigantic work, | of most of the egion, is fay- lies are entombed in the Em- from them as to Which has entailed the expenditure| orable for a relatively rapid’ mano poses ofc Leclond oh, tre Loic it | Wat RSAC ee tee eee several millions of dollars, has |of excess ater, Thie main. drain. eae the © miles off}sunken hull. If at all pecs the Father Point, in 100 feet of water. | ship will be’ raised ane An Some of the missing may have been| shore, where the bodie: ene by drowned after leavin ng the vessel, | taken out. ‘This, " homeven, kee ad and will come up later, but it is upon the advice of the believed that the “Phe only. thing I fie : Fecent. instance in whieh nder the super-|age system has been, provided in| this old. Tenet and religic lous I , Dennis, assistant | part by nature and in part by arti- K, on nt, and head of the| ficial means. atural Resources. phe to be Faced. ia been Russia before on cipation of the lem under the pre lenorang Houlace. afl be effecte t rk; ight in the action of the ea oT ye of e en x , is probable rice ligt cociastions is, first, vein uch a castes (hia the hem are still in the Empr No}far,” said Capt, Walsh, “is that if ie emnindt cane Bult 0 infact PREGA Caer RRO a Geoision hdaikeen' arrived at aniyet | it saslonnd weeath raphe during the year 1914, The Bhasin f lorethought and to use water at the part of the earthwork for t Update \ the suecond, “ocd. Been the Home Passing? e ” . A ritempora: oles the nals, aggregating twenty raion more difficult, is to get him to ap-| brought about in home life by mndeth to & with the vessel itself. Capt Nike 8 her it will be done without any marine superintendent 6 question as to difficulty or ex! ol cubic yards, has been « reciate the danger ol ing too | conditions in ti s difficulty y dperations well advanced on ek sag Hels = ce vig aac ot obtaining domestic servants is sald nog in scaatteuen pense: ; the principal structures. The re-| that if * little water good SS taining work to be done consist WILL NOT RAISE EMPRESS, thing, a large Pepe ie is beter or of placing over a thousand | w: hereas, the larger quantity ma; mall structures, mainly wood, |e injurious to his erop and to his| to" scebered over the irrigable tract neighbors’ fields, and ultimately fi mp, covering the greater part of 2,000 ay necessitate large and. other-|¢ squaresmiles. — i seary expenditures for The Buatiete as shown by the and extending — the records of the Dominion Govern- In order to prevent the ment, are notably large, the river | ¢ n for ewe large expendi A ek 8 te PRICES OF FARM PRODUGTS REPORTS Rom Tm TRADE CENTRES OF ‘AMmBCA. Vessel Abandoned to Interesis of; » Underwriters, A despateh from London says: witrter of a million pounds! - cota eu ee out by London! P vil satisfaction of Eng-| about which a ‘ths f the evening es Fe st jo, wheat, our, sa "ea aboard, | underw receiving tho drainage from over| tures for drainage atising, arronse 8 te 43 Manitoba | Jigh inshFanee “interests snicived in! 6,000 square salle above Bassano. | ments a: 10 °| the lo the Empress of Ireland,| It has @ heavy spring flow, the! jprigation systems to de whi New “tha the vessel has heen aa . pigiest stages being reached be-|on a meas and ned to the underwriting “inter-) a tween June 15th and August 15th, | minimum quantity Nutaiie: ats, the PinebolsMiTetiae phys ehisee ad and thus flonatiing an ample oe at a flat charge A a é is little doubt that the hull will be} ply through the crop season tlirrigable lands, For example, ceed Duke of Connaught at Rideau Hall. HRN Gel kL roplyh Saab dyoaniig ‘as soon as the silver and) eae times it: affords ae Dreatany or $1 is to be paid, Alexander of Teck, G.C.B., G.C.V.0., D.8.0., is etiaee: ae site. copper have been recovered. ‘The rl quantity for conveyan i aro nah vance, whether the ifionedat capt Osi nder-in-Chief of the Dominion of Market dull, x [total of these metals is estimated at| bees om bite ora i ey Vbra ehi ay RH. ithe Te Good malting barley, 66 to igen ie Bhia inauetances, > oir Jocnted within’ the, irrigeb one acre-foot can be had ‘ © will pr in October. Be, neege ain to say the gi) se cata] 3 rac at i vite pores ‘or ot a + Ke nsin gton Palace on Apri be Fee? at a cost which or 4 Gs whio th fag a wo] Set mar : “tn oof Tack and of the Queen, Tn 1004 he marie |. sey fo ta eran ele 3 i anne "wot ar agency of he eae tn or ap at ee way Huot Scrne, Highness have tw ch | ™HERO:yp ee va ae ee al ete eat Besos fidssey e} poktion ocbles. itt re ser ; con | ee re eee: ew! u ° | dren ny, oes in Rehvas 1906 ; aay Prince Rupert, born | ton, tn bags, Toronto’ fretehe.” shorts peste Mic fad thas, 3 The low rater surface in Bow | water-lo Mipeiia all acids tothe ee ee mat i Ee a nador va dow Seid Lie uae nd seem red heir opinion a8 aia “aha » River iy ed approximately “0 wiry logging x ito ares shee Vraste free! whe rey thatlond has s rvice in Matabele Ss (i 96), when he was men- was, bier mag Dy aig nt feshes Mhes iitine Betsatin Dace es sequent demand for tainage, | men hive ceased strate on F jBened in. dedpedhheat pudiaie tia Saoueh sent Whescarbenr haan 10 ¢6_ 206)"4n-| BOOMER abe “as he 1 y, For. all quantities in excess of] puirs tor unthatched ho oul 4e-| the D.S.0, and another wenkions Paae sasha mers’ separator it will be for safe See of the composite structure, the eae Aor |this minimum an additional psa yelop power enough to run a plan mg Be “3 ve pal Soe do, storage, St, Lawrence. a pao, Being the edna! ill-) is made and collected in advance. | ests id pale ito inslenttica ree 8 Myotids, atotige, 20 40 : a 4 20 feet in enath This is| The resul nat the irrigator, be nw ; vat s—21 fo 2c per dozen, In vase}. ni ‘ bile with regard to economy of | ing dalled be to “pay ou hs mn a ee RS a cri | lows,» ks in cove EL ORENCE BARBER ADOPTED, f the #0 called ""Am-| ney ‘whoa he demands more water entors wilt have a. cur Gombe 42, to 42-60 het doe: ; barre Sich > tsen type,” with heavy floor on} than the minimum, cons’ are bald ¢ ide. 1, and $2 for No. 2 Mr. Cretlin, Who Sayed Her, Gives 4 # f She piraen, Beckecest carefully as i whether ie peal Shaheen . a ote A at, Lee 2 Her me to Quebec Family, > y Suitable cut-off wal pon this needs the wat } a ah a Beans—Hand-plok a, i 2.30 despatch from Quebec says: 2 “et pa Fipain ion earrings a aA sa rule i concludes tat he can yew | Crops in the Western Wheat Fields Visited by t bushel ny we = ‘vet tack ie neo ley oe hive yea oid P 2 long, with. a f 8 Bates, designed to pass 100,000 cubie foct that he ourse, Welcome Rain lawates, $1,10 to $1.15; era Sa segue, thee the, > of water per second with extreme| cossary. one partes vet it 52x ake hero, and Oiiturion BEML DEF daaatest? bee by & height of 13 feet above the crest. | that the largest crop yields are ob-| the bucket. But bag, on track, ny tdgpty Sone ke <i ya fir 4 A despateh from Winnipe he tained with ie jpaesaten amount} fiissia has: two Says :| twenty-four hours to.a downpour of Maeno Huge ees Dykes. f a fis d when aru he can. be MeQuillan, The girl’s mother was ‘ of water applied, consistent with| most aborting crue he is| Heavy rains throughout the West|from one to three inches of rain. | Bacon—Lonj to Adie ver 1b. lon her way to Bad pe nd to be mar- sa ne foncrste postion of. the dam suitable. plant growth, and that ver 1d aru he ta 5 whore most” needed have put’ the} LYa8 beginning to be needed, ‘Tt sp ota ious am ateali, iy to, 160, ristl oR We Crelity saieher pas- is prolonged Weaarls Within the} while many crops are tolerant si retore bi: ‘ x vel Wastern Candid means millions,” was the remark Ketant bacon: 8 to 39es" bucks, 92 to en, ty who. was yayen Mr, Crel-! lotso Shoe Bend by ‘an, eastern | considerable amounts of water, yeb| For ' a th ES in SR rl a anada’erop prospect in | of more than one man in the Grain bs lin ‘although wishing t0:-kéop' the, dyke with maximum height of 45| the yield is reduced in quantity and | ‘0 Bond i chiow, ‘era ie on from | Position that is be Exchange. This the ugh has eels Balod Hay and Straw. girl, consented to give her up as ho eke ‘de age 000 cul 1 yqistitye be iaiieltexcessiva applice: Se gate ie cee bis an echo in’ all hearts in the Baled hay—No, 1 at $46 to $15.80 a Eatisved it was the best thing for ining about. 1,000,000 cubic yards. | tion, 4 whole yast country ness world, June is, indeed, main-| tose bay No, 1. 2 at $13.60 tolpe Extending easterly fr m| The eastern section fortes a the 8 no} Manitoba, to Medicir taining her reputation as the gow- | $14.50, and choy iboianiiges i her future. me is the million acres, owt of whic aga, os ta, was treated during the ere ing month. Gnrivaole Goradte ets length, partly 4 70) has lected ioe evils of “drunken _ ae RR a et pina WARMS EUROPE, feet bottom width, and which, being | 440,000 acres, lying in an altitude ‘ on ee TG ee Br SHG ey: Appa scores Aeron, \ made in euren of of somerehad trey of from 3 300 feet, and PECULIAR ACCIDE RIVER NOT RESPONSIBLE, No. eexeltaw, to -n0G, Se Canadian | Onee Formed Part of Atlantic am erous charac which be irrigated fr mt the : ern, cy Line oo ¥ . 4 aide “rouile. Ao a Fespect Wtiesberh ei Shae conipleed, id se to Key of Fen Rim Hit a Man} Such a Collision Might Haye Hap- stern, to en one eae Sei: peas a teresa a comparable with a number of sim-| as a whole is a part of the enon mpts ‘to " portray acenes nich tie Across the Street. oe Ay Place on thé Sea. paten ,60;" Becond, here is good Lo! ore i ular deep earth cuts which shave erede! lade, bis rt oat baglicahiy fone ‘sonly too well by his own exp Aare aie am Comma fe f aie en b Sea gen " patcors feo; Winter ling that the Rae ies o, been made and sucesssfully has been modified by glacial ‘action, aia Tent ied. ce aeet from, London, De | Potter to er, [formed a part of the ic) tained under similar conditions. on with \ renuléing heasy underlying al Ce ete ies! ioe i h acest land, pr The Times, on bags Ocean, Cliffs, ancient sea beaches! canals in| Montana and adjacent posits of sand and gravel, and pa ital rita Recht dep Pitt Biroot ish proetina: of aca Taw, 33. and the presence of sea fish in th j areas. . Beyond the eastern pa ot ula of clay, inte repersed vith Ulin front of the "Town Hall wien a Nase thee navigable \acarthlna de. lakes bear owb this belief. this cut, the main anal, with a|Jarge and small boulders. ‘The re tire on the automobile belonging ta than se re of the Bee {ote Oceasonaly poselin ne «capacity of 8,800 cubic feet per we- sulting top soil on the glacial de. Mr. MeN. oa ae han frequen parts o! the a3 1 to turn the ocean once cyan into, cond, divides the. smaller PerHiot poet is frequently. ioe usually € Peat RE koe ‘artintown ex-| lish Channel or the Trish Sea, and ae sandy waste by means of a ca-| b ‘ > as 1}-ploded.. The key of the steel rim Heer i less dangerous than the o ak this is impo sn? Fr Me bi ay Aare et and in places thes sie "pete chi blew across the street Th . It has id that a cpa Bartecmtion pacity of 800 cubic feet per pri sat: vor rfiene r isa heiring, and ual in Acnobe e hames, | has been said that re- “litte; since most of the Sahara lies turning toward the north, while the are depth and Sar oie es a aly wei Bde Socal = blip ten ere to pe sea level, it in interest is larger branch, with capacity of 2,| cellent crop production. The native 5 be on mpress of Ireland has been laid ing contemplate what ss eft &e PP z perrib the charge of the St: I lace, 200 sccond-feet, septianed toward vegetation, largely of various grass to the charge of the St eeeneeal et Pe w large body of water in place, iednet, On the orthorn branch Rae beat benuvat Dickson fell to the stre but"it must be obvious whe: ROd0; No. 6 o. of the burning sands woe her And: ite, sub-division are any im: pe is an adequate. supply of | Proprietor with malice aforethought pro-| by the pine, “dete stitaes were/large steamers: are aapromeiees Ba "iu eS hig sa He that such a change, portant structures, su 5 drops} moisture, or #0 far as he oun by levying ‘peciai neqmare close: the wound, each other at night, ‘and their na-| $¢f0 Barley No, 5 we would have a great influence on tho, and flumes, but the large Timeey ite upeesed AG ——_* mas eeeon is a h ie oon climate of Europe, says Lord ese is ¢ eastern canal, and fish should be abu resorters TO RECLAIM SWAMPS, Raspagre ASS eto give: diamet: es ina its sub-divisions. NEEDED. are dixcournged ‘asking for ‘nis Sel cally opposite accounts of it, the 1s 390,000 DED article of diet and are switched off to i he most notable of the canal ; a Beef and. bacon. Sostitsclane of Irrigation In-|-$°4 is nob responsible for their col-) siineapolts, June Sees i. the Brooks aqueduct, | That Will Provide Adequate Relict Sanitary mates structed to Formulate Scheme. . (278: would Me in any | 914; ‘September, 8 10,000 in length, with capacit; Ei oss Dependents. 5 Lat onda thak * |'sea. It would be most unfortunate, m iy for Empress Dep ie Avery advai sition M “ t of 900 eecondstaak crossing a b: 1 says: | of Now, corks new ealth commitasion- A dopa, Soe saves says :| adds ies paper, if the impression No, 8, white, low depression. ‘The design of Se ESR a adler fet ES eg once 81 Hon, JA. «Hon. Chas.| gets abroad that this great gato to our eee aS equeduct is novel, but evidently a Regge st Berne eb, Tost [man and child ‘of tes 5,00 nd odd | Stewart, pectrontae Saskatche Cadac is Pesuliaaly unsafe fend th No, 2 Nor’ fhesed on careful study wi 8 view for the dey habitants, way inany unas | an and Alberta, held a-confereyee| we are certain that the result of to permanence and e through the sinking of the Empress) Sommunicauie diseases would be revent: |on Wednesday with i jon. of the count of terial. eine all of oe ‘anger of etd ng bee ity eaters, i AF, ae wae fiche Sr re garding its relamation 0 of swamp sau will not attach blame to Hos structures section | Heeded, of whi cal examination, howe’ lands ii gee Provinges.| the seaway. 00) a medium, 3 have been, or are being, built ‘at alloca families of the! a, Graatio, thing, to force tbe the Individe Grown ee bi ae F780" AOS 4 concrete, the chief exception being | crew. Ta i the BRT a RRYOO IO riven.” ve athe and the aes! Goverments find] SWINDLED IMMIGR: Photes fut co ; Shatee oulte, 4 several Phe] the Lord Mayor of Liverpool by] stand ‘a court tent seems doubtful, SE impossible tolearry. out, recleir eee aod yeu, €8.78 to $10.80; drops in the canal are of substanti-| Duncan Fraser, the « m=} fot .the neaith Pe ee aN ee te Gon” WORK?” Aftex the oohferands, |i Sudbury Employment Agent common WCE to at i! a rae ety 18. the concern al design of concrete, arid embody | nected with the Titanic fund. whole, E. F. Drake, Commissioner of Invi icanees Exe boo pounce — av was instru formu peerny aaa Aine anys; 700 to 30 $6.60 to a ich ea i mane the Ce ae Filly “ta lars and costs was th eit ee ee temperature.—Kansas ents Sie alty meted out by Police Magistrate | “shann and Taba iaeh ew, ist ba 1 Governments for criticism, Brodie Oh. Waseday,, attstocon lie Be nen, 0 OR ABT bu % oh, 30 i . Me “atterwards, if, possible, some ageinet ye _ Rossi "a Tock employ- $5. is. wots ri nee. et NG Well Arranges t - $2; arrangement ‘will Pen to La meot agent, for having hited iemi-|) Mont Prime béeves, § to Maid-—Mrs bor — returned: TE ee oo amainon WORST grants a charged them excéssive feat ee wn 480, iat $80 anc; i coffee thet, ehe ii The prosecution was laid by | sheep, i hogs, 0 rowed chewed Mawes iw al , N in Immigration In: it ; Ges tena ken Shes Mitchell, and is in accord with|, And even a very tall man may nob} jar oy, ifaell and lend it to her when! Ith from Right food, | the policy of the Immigration De-| be above criticism. she sends over again: Ps Good Heal | 3 Bee food'to me,’” re-| Pattment to protect Pan ach Tt’s not a new f Pole st eueutta from being swindled by a : | marked. & men, in “speaking ofl serupulous employment agent ee oe Magistrate Brodie severely. cen- 9 ei co) Peace sorta la d Rossi and issued a warning - we. that further infractions of the regu- 7 not keep gheshing on her stomach aia ; The Doctor tecomm es milk, halt jations would ‘mean’ the maximum! ops on One Knee at.Court Function and Shouted, water, but it was not sufficiently a i Sa Use Fi y A nourishing. Sea STR For Gcd’s Sake Your Majesty, Do Not Use Force’? _ sits “tA friend of mine told mo ona| HUNDREDS DROWNED. : A es ee Wrecked sand: Havog A despateh from London says: Beal on one knee in front of Ki) aie y Wrought by Storm. 8 ced eorge and shouted ; a ur ries A desp fro i A|tedly clahorate precautions of thy on for God's sake do ant disastrous storm has swept over|court officials and police prevent | force. y i and South he- Suffragettes from carrying out The rest-of ‘the eentence yas lost! hie | Several hundred boats have been! their intention of invading Buck-) by the noise of the band in the gal yun of people|ingham Palace on the occasion of tery for pee conductor, 7 we been drowned. The seria att the court, one militant managed to pening, gave a Lf hn as Mongolia reseued many se: Alenter and cre: scene at tha for che rcheatte to ree a ss 4 } yundred houses in Noadeek t havye|foot of the throne the order was complie 3 haa: ee blown down, ‘ho King and Queen were hat he Woman's voice Was As ae 3 4 ‘There's a ibs Orotis a 2 ing the guests who were pet e| by the playing of the band, and she, oun Ver tend above letter? A new a. bride Doles: to realize | throne withthe customary feed was immediately removed from the) Bre. gracing: tragt@aad: £5 of iets aie oh Reabeodaairausbete whee foal Suddenly a woman in the|throne-room and handed over tol interest. brother her air castles collapse, | line, who wore a court-dress, drop-" the police, . es ic sl