The Young Man’s Suit ... We bave clothes for young men who want snappy styles (live show stale and go in both fabric and tailoring. The young man who can fin d his spring suit here no matter how particular he may Classy colorings and patterns in new suitings—every detail of smart suit making worked out, The clothes made by M. FLEISCHHAUER |=: are both ‘fit’ and ‘‘fashion.” Also Agent for 20th Century Brand watches that will pass a test for accurac eeu P. H. BASTENDORFF | Jeweler and Optician - MILVERTON, ONT, | ©! . ee rail M. C. Tanner T. wires) that] tJ Are You Insured HE CANADIAN ORDER 4 'ORKSTERS offers protec: cetion for wife ae italy ne i] S. Spencer, GR. iN. Zimmermann, R.S- sheltered ONT. \ specialist in Business. Aioters moore opportunities thas jomue. D. A. McLACHLAN, = ~ Principal NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS CASH or TRADE ge Wool Yarns, Tweeds, Blank- ets, Flannels, Sheeting, . "Woo! 1 Batts, Etc. You will save money by buying Sone. WOOLLEN GOODS HENRY ¢. WAGNER a i RAILWA\ D TRUNK ® SYSTEM -HOMESEEKERS ch Te ’ Pullman Sleepers, to PEG 0 on above elem leaving 0. ha of cara, die eXoel ‘throug! egina, ‘Trains ‘now Tannin ne bari reservations and particulars at Mirae fleet offices or write . F. Morning. D.P.A. Toronto. Ont. } NNINGHAM Chews er pi 3 set som sass COLLEGE. y time and drow . with HAWKESVILLE. Miss Laura Privatt. of Oregon. is mn with her sister __ the eonven- that attended Ring- ling Bros. cirous on Thursday were: Wallington ner. B, Greais: L, Baechler. J. Mune and the Misi Huber. Edna and Henrietta Baechler. ra, Alex. Crawfor Linwood was a visitor to our bare on Thurs- day. The croquet party which was held t Mr. Gordon Peterson's on Wed- nesday night was a success, The Women's Institute was held here on, Monday. r rs, Anthony Kocbel. Jr. and uitele doug agdelin f |. were visitors rm ihe. meeting Union . F.C. Lackner and son Harold an visitors’ at Berlin op Whursday. Mr, Loui. Boje ae of Rochester. is vi here. . Albert Rune ‘spent gatha, fr: “Ament of Caledonia. U. beta on Mr Beasinger, of Hesson galled on co Albert Ludwie on ursday. a compe Ahrens fs a visitor at T Seam © Mrs. A. . Berges. is ry ae Spent sunday, . ge iy ais Hay lost * valuable ehler and Charles Hoe sober. of Elmira. spent Friday ip our burg. Mr. F. Svies Nas disposed of hia store and property to Mé. Hobmier, of de he purchaser bet te Aen July ist when Spies ty move ah penal dtests into ric! 's how gird “and Mrs. teheraan and ehildren of Arthur, motored Sun nd spent the day with M,C, ni ussion two here on Mr. Frey ‘| visiting with fri in the Twin City, na eoacs, Milton nee me Hiker, at pallan. spent ind lay in the village fdcob Messinger spent sunday ae Wate: 105 Miss K. Ballard, of Galt, visited ua- over Sunday. . Stedelbauer returned to her here after spending a vacation with her daughter at Berlin, MILVERTON. res ah adda Milverton octet “inet Monday eve his object in calling the purpose of Thos. nish gravel at 50 cents per yard and d Gert ‘th and bit ag ed to draw the revel ne an 85 ot W. . that t th and J. Gatcke at 85c. per that BN io street a it in abeyance until council would inter. view ratepayers interest what they will mainte URaRehs sori issued in favor of ©. “Gouna then adjourned to meet in in regular session. w. D. ._ Weir. Clerk, VEFFERS. Rev. F. Muthenon. uf: Beraltsrd: sonducted the — servic at: North Mominaton ehurel on Sund: Tout midt's iene of mas- es “are thy at Mr. Jas, Holmes’ ‘w hom Messrs, Matthew Dobsos and 0. EB. rett wore in Stra sotine as ii jomon iKuepter a ree to Indianna. ev. Mor: and Me- Court. ut Milverton ealled in this vio~ left for ett and son Camp- Monday gpltas spending wiitea eoently a at Mr. Jas. Hurst's ic Freeman spent Sunday an Will. Dick and family. Es ie are visiting at Mr. “Mar ry Dunbar. of Millbank. arene Bundy with Miss Lizzie Steven ‘Mr. rs. Jas. br aedy ta ent a day ath friends at Millve “SONEGA AL. church Rarden “MeMane' i Mrs, Allan McMane _ at- ended the funeral of little Jack Hanna last Tuesda: tA Mr, and Mrs, Hugh McCourt visit- Jed atthe home of ‘their brother facta sister. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel MoCour! on Y. Rew, Mr. Morrison, visited” at Mr 4, McMane’s last ir, E, Gilmer vet for the West on Don't forget Trinity ol | party at any. Allan June the usin, Miss Me. Robert Buchanan is A \ ee rey the order of aay ee - still verv the 4 or BR hg burg. athe J. sama of Lin- wood, spent Sunday in our vicinity. ts i e. Kenil nd Jos, Vietenheim- mira. Mr. a friend of (Gimira, spent Sunday with Mr. E. C. Knoblauch. Rett and Mrs, Jos. Haid, Jr.. held A oud praia, Ls their home on nin; which the young fai et ois vicinity spent a very en- | ioyal Bat tir Tis ‘Moran spent Saturday at “Misses Kate and Blnore Kennedy eon Sunday here sical peasy: * ihe bun in vttioe, is spending a few day: ~ | hers ‘Ed. wi Mr, rit - Calligsway. a is pabexttor are acquaintance WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE Finds Help in Lydia E, Pink on 3: snd ham’s Vegetable Compound. Cape Wolfe, Canada.—‘‘ Last March was a complete wreck. I had given up all hope of getting better or living any length of time, as I was such a sufferer from female troubles. But I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and today I am in good in boys two months old and growing finely. I surprised doctors and neighbors for they all know what a eck I was. “Now Iam healthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham’ You may publish this letter if more women No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P.E.L, Canada. Because your caseis aFipanicone si loctors having done you no gi Beneih celts antler Witoiat giving Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has remedied many cases of female ills, such at Le ciead so ee a displaceme! ae irregularit pain and it may ea os what you Pala ¢ Pinkham es is a proud and pecsicad one. It is = eal to thousands of such tata women, Why don’t you try it if you need such a mabcel Linw6o8: Mr. and Mrs. Christ family spent Sunday nea Brenner is w broad smile these days, ha uite a number from here attend- Ga the olrous Beld in Berlin on Thurs das Dr. and Mrs, McEachren and Boe Bele oe motored to Harriston Thur sexs. Weitzel and friends of Elmira, spent Sunday in our burg, Mr. Albert Schnurr. of Chatham, ‘$s at his home e, Mr. G. G. Manser and eenghter’ Jette cant Sunday ip Well eet Mr. Mrs, J, W. Collins and Miss ‘Esther Beniet and Mr, Norman Ament motored to Tavistock on da: oe Mr. Clarence Gerth, Waterloo i ec, Andrew Mon- Sunday with Mr. and Men Spahr. Mr. ke Schmetzer spent n McLean bert Hann * spent sunday in Milv. erton len Acton. spent a few days at his i this week, Ament. of Plain Mich. with Mrs. well. andy mide ‘ business Mr. “| trip to Listowel on M ur Sanders aout Monday ue of the a ed Flats near Wallenstein on Sal. “Mr and Mrs, Dannecker, Jr. ees urs, Schneider and Mr. Danneok: . of Stratford spent Sunday with Bérs, Cool, Quite « number from here attend. ed the garden party held in North on ee ayening, is spend- er. Mra, . BF, He ummer will hold ue T-day sale commencing Saturday’ June 20th, See large PEER ind Mrs, Gon, | r. of Toron- han visited the peste Mather who is very ill, ‘s Marion eee ot Berlin home here, ‘on. spent Jast woek at her home Salvadge spent Monday of last, ak in Strat Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schweitzer, of near Milverton yas Friday even- ing at Mrs. P. Hele Misses Tekla Schmehl spent Neiday srith thelr ‘Sroiher. Mr, L. Schmehl, near ver! Mr. Wate Ker Siegner. of "Boélin, vie- ited a few days with friends around here, Mr. an@ Mrs, Geo, Berkner. of Mil- vento were Srey. Mid at a Schmebl, home of Mrs. M. Mer. saa Mrs, rata jlverton. were Sunday visitor: a te home of the latter's brother, Mr. Ed. Gropp. Bs rold Burnett. of Hesbeler, is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleming. “KINGWOOD. Statute labor ey jthe order of- the day. Messrs, Alten and Clarence Yost sent Sunday under the parental ‘lisse iat MeMillan and Hf. MoGr. or spel ree their trend ee “Mr. Mrs. J. Snider spent Sun- res with the latter's parents at Lis: Z BETHLEHEM. Mrs. Calder spent a day inst | week ‘eb her pie Mrs. S. Henry of oar ton. Albert Bake and Miss Gi | he League picnic on wford called ner ia on the sick list We wish a igen recovery. nd Mrs, Smith. of Palmerston spent Sindee at Mr, James Ogram’s. Its a Tittle Nome of the Mi John roof. «pent i. Re. oe of last week hal MILI BANK. 8 Roe. of Milverton. ac+ aby little eualee Roe is vis- iting g her daughter, Mrs; Wan, McKee ag. LaWTe ioe Toronto, iting ibis family aah . Ri f Alma. ‘ood. of Fergus, cate Mrs, D, B, Grieve A number of our people took the moonlight exeursion’ to Goderich uae week, George Brunner visited t siende, at Stratford last week. Mrs. David McCloy visited iets in Dorking during the i bars and Mrs, MoLaughlin, of Tras lee health and have a | &* . McKee. of At- wood. were Sattanat “Miss E. Strong's on taogiest . Mewhinney of Milverton, yvis« tea ov eUnGRY, with her sister, Mrs, ate ris ay tball was eee here Saturday aight, between a shill and Millbank juniors result- n favor of Millbank, w. kK. iter, of Poole. : Coulter's during visited at the past ‘ohn Jack, of Bbeaheed visite his men of To- bbe ‘ut Ritter’s hall day night. Mr. Sam Hen a visitor at Mr. Milverotn. was anh Freeborn’s on WEDNESDAY. Ladies’ Suit § For This Week Only. Spring Coats Only four left which must be cleared. No PROFITS WANTED, $10.00 Coats for °8.35 Saturday. M Young arrived home lust some months. at | 21s ay be Oaate allows sagDlastatlon! mble at 2.3) ¢ cemetery and decorate the ¢ of their departed brethren. A cordial invitation tended to all to jolil ta paying tsi te of respect to the dea oman’s Institu ate will hold their regular monthly meeting at the ssc’ Harron on Tues: 23rd, at 2.30 p.m.. Roll canning Nhe _esany h . by tne Mr: cheese as a All ladies are invited: He attend. e held irst morning and eye’ e. of London, will con- Dr. ye wet be se! sun "A Tol reskin | booth will be on ta enhtcal LIS]OWEL ‘Mr. Geo, 8, Tatham. of Sudbury,is Sep his vacation with his mts in town. Stanley spent a few days Rogers. of Toronto Lorne See who has been in Miss R, Grosch, of Milverton, waso waiter in town this wee Mr. Jas, Biffin, of "Stratford was a busi isitor in nm last Friday Quite ® nom aban ctera suera stems to Stratfor: a-and Berlin to see Milo ling’s cirous last wee spent a few d Towel junior football mi the game Fenulted | i a ha An sntinfaction Listowel iletmedite football team inched this dist: ra ia over Atwood last 3-0 at Listowel. and 2-0 at Anderson: ‘a {tallies 13 times, The under the parental | pig in, of Paronto, visited “triends he rth Thompson. H. Robb, Listowel—Goal. $14.00 Coats for *11.25 W. K. LOTH In order to clear out these suits, we will sacrifice the lot at the following greatly reduced prices : 1 Sale spi vies seca 00, this 3 Suits, regular price $18.00, this week only.o... s 1 Suit, regular price $16.00, this ‘week only.. 2 Suits, regular price $15.00, this week only.. 3 Suits, regular price $12.50, this week only. et These Suits were all new this spring THURSDAY..; IDAY .. SATURDAY . ecials Closing Hours: 7.00 p.m, ,00 pm. 10.00 p.m, $16.75 $14.38 $12.75 $11.75 $9.75 Leave Your Order for STRAWBERRIES With us Now. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT “The Arcade” y Milverton, ~ Ont. J Backs. Kerr. E. ee ddell ; . Rocher. Bamford, Ament; seowihg this your (not Having lost. game and have a a 2 roals Scor- ed against them in e succeeded in finding the peaks s for intermediates play their last scheduled game in the an exhibition the oalebration there on Friday. H. B, Morvhy .and James n mn 8: thi Galt Horse Show on Friday of last wee r, R.-8. Robertson. Liberal candi- date and R ther held here oxi Wednesday > Spring crops look © exceptionally . Wm. Dowd are spend- pent “the eck end al ier tap MeAitist er, S.N. SMIT f Your New Suit— Before placing your order, come in Jet us show you our new Jines of suitings. We guarantée to please you in both fit and price, Ghe Up-to-date T: MILVERTON, ONT, oy, Garden = House Plants A fresh supply arriving every morning” WEIR'S RESTAURANT ington “congregation ar r large to Presby- tery meeting in Birationd last Friday. W. R. Dow e Thurs- aay when a ie Rest aeanie wed gerne next, Rev. J. Little will eativer wie farewell sermon to | people Mornington. The fee lowi day Rev. Nicol, os Listowel will etn the pulpit vacant, a What a time the ladies will have) | eetting into autos if the hoop skirts ever come into style. | — You ai erhew wfberor| more than likely, are produced ty some weak- or derangeme? Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription To the Woman Who — She Needs Help jou: spells.” You dejected. i aie sleep Heit You have backache, have Pei lat a your work, You are beginning to CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. (Un Tablet or Liquid Form) will aid _ ioe a as re ae i spe age Effective Improved Train Service May 31st NEW LIMIT {THE CANADIAN” —* Via Can. Pac. Ry. & Michigan ( Central Ry. \ Trough Michigan Geintral Tunnel rs ja Windsor, Ont, ED TRAINS Westhound Daily : LEASTERN TIME rie . Leave Mor Diontrea (Windsor St. CENTRAL tals Bastbound Daily aid Chicago (Central Sta- tion Arrive Detroi i tral Depot _ EASTERN TIME “Leave Detroit( Michigan Cen ** tral Depot) aS Leave’ tral Di wives 11,55 pom, Arrive hie (Central Sta- on). 7.45.25) Only Gaaetinne on i) Solid Electrictlighted Trains wi Sars, Standard and Tour hicago thro! h Michigan C and No. eh peepee Paste ig ani ist ne First-class Coaches between in each direction. eepink Cars will also b ja Canad ‘tral Tunnel via sie Ticket Agents, or it M. 0 ‘Murph : Road. In Each Direction eran, ee Wee Sts., Toron one-cent stamps soothes and invigorates. It upbuildsand uplifts, Penyee dur medicine dealer St BLeape in tablet’ or for trial Dr. V. SL ierce, | De Pfs Pat ils eh Sec, Ln Dl Easy to take, or send 50 N.Y. Parlor, Den, Diningroom, Bed- room and Hall Furniture Rugs and Linoleum me _ “Gerhald peri e Pian The ret Trade” at Hr 00. Cadillac Vacuum . , ‘Sweeper ; See our Express Waggons R. McMane, q we Furniture Dealer — ant aM js Milverton, —