= f MAN RESCUED FROM SNAKE Three Hundred Pound Python Wrapped Its Coils ‘Around An Attendant / A despatch from Guelph says: “An act of conspicuous heroism was performed on Tuesday ab the Ex. lady parang: aot ed a which recently arrived, and ww. has not yet become accustom i E sweep- den, ane without the slightest warning, he found himself ahi in the great serpent’s lammy coils. Thomas was able to unconsciousness, neck to ankles in the rs ever-tightening fol ar- guerite poe cashier of “fy show, et berth outside, and was the only oe, who ‘heard the choking se of the unfortunate and, from her recticule a vial of ‘smelling salts che pour inte the open, histng mouth of tthe nake, Choking under the power- ful fumes, 1 ge snake relaxed his pressure, fad tera employees rallying to Miss Still’s call for help, moment more, would have grusied out his life, TO BLOW UP STEAMSHIP. seotnaliee Count in New York ‘lever Ruse. A ae from New York says: of the great thro hat wa; finally removing hia hat with his left hand, and then disap- acts ol _Gomment on Events The 19- ein ‘tha changes contemplated by a, for his antarctic: expedition ion of a “nineteen-h ted as “saying that cur the exvedition ae ®| wheat flours, $1.06, outst, The German and is a curious coincidence that the Kaiser had has not even one the'G rown Prince, i d only one daughte: covers glish Royal Families i iad Run to Boys. King Goorge’ ei Esiglata box Vut onsen emeimeas itioicee: + of a large family, and his son, PRICES: OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS TRapE FROM THE LEAD CONTRES OF AMERICA. adatust Bret ronto, June per gen 3.00, weabourd, and at $2.9 Mantions —Birst patents, ir those who doubt the wis-| §g° dom of the proposed polar day. It leaves “alt Lg id Aetha V dala Uikle or ho time for: Feoteation, muse. | "Sint 3 nett “thay porta—No._ rest ‘other ‘tna is true | Nort Now 39840, naire to, halls | On ¢ $1.02 to claborate. dinner parties in: ths “Sn $i 08, mi seni Pay $10,000 rather than c0 e f their ships blown up by dyna-|Bplst, *eplons. | But Scott took a gramo- aatatats ‘ : Lane ae Ontarto oats, 394 to 400, mite.“ They were the prelude to| lands, with him." “Smoking, reading ey nd at tao, on tencie Hvoponts: Sie oaphiore of Hen ne eee %|football, baseball and other ports or | \y°qtgt?. for, Noa, Ny ports: No.8. and jpanish ro, in jusem le ices. nomin Westcott, had written several mi oneen= "Ey Phare cabal OMe threatening letters and the oom th ot Sat 63 to Ste, outst, vany nally agreed to throw the | t2!%e,fer, recreation and soctabiity, than bi Swntat"H9 to 886, dutaide, rom an express train, and if Ls 3 ‘ to tignify their intention in’ the Tusa, Teron teeighee” ahora manner cet fee kage was | 9" x thrown ain later and DiS HN) oe “te a picked it up he was ee Golden Age of Dancing. utter —C ote airy, 17 (to 1005, Ine arr Weare © Sanoin, sects, nto at nite | fe enon 15 to es tonrw mepareti 0 mage of rhythinte. tripping =| prints, 1 ts, fren Cae Si ig tuales “Having passed "th ough, 8] 13 to hdcy, 0, aie tise Bt he ot : 5 i per vilgar ‘orate onente 6 22¢ per dozen in case lots. START FOR ESKIMO LAND, | now beioning to adont the more rean:| ees. 21,13 to tn tins, 104 to lie ed fo 4 storm ine ake Bata or nmes per 1b. Combs, $2.2 $2.60 per dozen F r “0 0. have for No. 1, Police. Me Try to Find ee Bodies | Sueur: ,etermers whe, have, opened | for No, Sand’ for Nord aan adtord d Str aside by a Orns ei cht ‘sweeps tho wor! a largo, ‘and ie te 1480 for abies ford an with an uncestraln enthusiasm. tion | po saus—Hand-picked, $2.90 t interpre! 4 dena from iebpies says: To traits, Life and | bouton om a per ib. search for the bodies of Radford |thought—a pootical expresston of moods | onickens, 19 to 20; ducks, 206) wees ioerl explorers and engi RY eat tn tho tate tupke meee viet to $1.15, 4 P tatoes—-Delawares, 0 ‘the [evolution of the dunce a ‘return to the| ont State’ nce ae i ckeiee ie ght seh ei Bice teenl i ei dances of tne seventeenth century 18 | bag on al big a ee ion hree. years hottcen | Leaders who are interested in con- led Hay and St hen) Reaecbaig cisions By Eski- qarving tho att and cleagt ‘beauty of the Baled ot: Not at | io to, $15.25 0 mos, a party of mounted po; en | pastime are trying to direst the oraxe yon, on ney at $13.80 to under Inspector Beyte lesye feelin arte Peeters met Be | $14.60, and clover at fil cannot Be atepyed: it can. only: be direc jaled ‘straw Car lots, $8.25 to $8.60, about June 20th, It if not yet]ed and regula A popula IB btitrask’ Perout rence ke h il fe flways attend y pecullar dangers, | 0" trac a bow many mon will form This is particularly ‘true of the dance. aoawiaionn. party, but supplies and eq mt | They who Pier eR eee |: wacom aby tikes aaa Tlie’ aor 1b, maar bs taken four wren bitintinge or taumhtun owe a duty te alt tn cane’ 10th. Hama scodium,” Te they are to undertake Bue nm , ancomuardng Ate standards and RRS A PSTN 8 al becns af the most perilous eve Solr eteeie, i ae ces amie Lard—Tierces, 124c; tubs, 1240; pails, embarked upon by members of tl teas Cadet” da Maite ke aan veteran foree of the North-West. | 1 ace ducation re quires lots of money-— Biss riven eet ir in- | Krand buildings, elegant furniture, many paereeray vee Fre react ceaete iit: |Eonventonces “ahd ‘everything “oxtrave-| aontronts ane W—Corn, Ameriean vestigations in the ry adja-| gant and Heh, But stich people. know at 2, cent to Chesterfield Tlet, and the country Boh they ve tee to cover is the The party Hudson’ 8 ine perp and pee ‘one | i inland thousand miles RELIEF FOUND INADEQUATE. Less Than Half the Sum Required Has So Fa ie Subseribed. —It is estimated London ta in orate ahat, “£180,000 will be for the relief’ of depen- of Ireland, required dents of the Empress gers and crew, Towards this 5 fund, £ London fund, £31 Wek fund, situati DETAILS i BIG STORM, One Hundred People at Least Lost Their Lives. pei Bene from Sb. Aang N.B., ries of appalling loss of sp! tel i dis- raat detailt. rf the horrible disas- |" eee in, but it rtained service in_ that fen “ asce: vel aia asia failed vi on the coast from Caraquet to Ship- pegan has fh heavily 4 ‘in lives and os Property +#$_____ BUSH set ie ALARMING, Two Hundred Men’ Fight Flames at | 4 ard, New Liske: A ouch from Haileybury, z An.ex Tome warm el has. b date, the fires ere alarming. New Liskeard the. fire department | a1 fess for eight hours to save Ken- 's lumber yard and the T. & N. a pes From. all points. in Peg district flames In the ranlosey oe he fires spring up in sections ts ‘ned. pera bur, i night owl knows art, straight. fare tricks of maminon to en Ealuention “im not, tinsel Kowaaw, grand |p buildings or $10,000 salar BS § 4 Tover, and when pti f princely blood, The mar- age, of Prince Oscar, e's fitth ve his the fi morgane world one of thoas scientific le ich wit da cor met At contents the doot Vries concern! evolutioy mutation oF spect not adaptation, but b contrast! correspondent. the es ovat eae hat 1 the eet proguesd on Tharraiecsieh ef anthrax, fall, after the theor! whlch ongendered divers mainates,” ys ‘Mo! Duties. Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands is evidently <farormined te do her duty Si @ modern monarch is Xo ‘a the Countey. # what education means than | N°, Education ts plain. simple, clean and riled there Ye a touch er Which ta lacking ‘nthe eoldyy. calculated nuptials 0} ine i matoh " ‘oof of his, common r There has quite recently been brought | N. 900 Ibs, $7. 7 Te aenay a0 to 8B: t More s | She! mitiem ts mnilgh cows. $80, to 3 pe Ne ey—-Manitoba toba Spring bag of $0 Abs. M ers $26; imiaating: Teg ioe jay—N. a ck, 20 to ‘hie. 0 $1 “i ‘ota Winntper, peat No. June ss Norther ates No AE Tnseed—Cash, ai Satie. “Ghalce abe oe ood, 8880 $8 AEE #5<00; canners and to $4) choice Tat cows F ie te bul a3 Good veul, $8 a jtockers: and feedérs—Steers, 800 to to $7.78; good quality, 00, ta, 00 Tis $8 th df 608 Ment 460 Sheen, and lerabs Ti ight ewes, $6 to 5 Fic, $i. gach, $6 to 87. 50 fed’ sind. watered; and $7.60 to {805 "Spring! lambs, 95 t 8.25 of Montreal, ete 16.—Prime beeves, 820; com men's strippers. Dio, to Thc: each. Calves, 3 to 6c ery Delve TOF Soaroaiat train SEAS AT coon Lobe aey ght. became transformed, and gave rise | tO 9 af —_——t____ CAR ROBBERS SENTENCED. even va eos of C.P.R. A despatch tm Tessar B.C., Seven - | says : tmerly eon- ‘and pees of pouberes at Kamloops|* assi: and a ps have been: rob: te al cae Beds nd rane: in all more than $10,000 ‘Nps Ra ff goods’ tal Uren. dated 9 I, NAPANEE YOUTH DROWNED, Went as Shannon ae ieidae Could Not A ab es from Sie says: A boy named Miller, eighteen years ming in the hoa Ret mi was drowned. Miller could nee swim. The ly was recovered i a short time. | 86. in Paghmo! FROM ERIN'S GREY ISLE NEWS BY MAIL FROM LAND'S SHORES, Happenings in RES ty Isle of Taterest to Irish« mea, IRE- 3. F. Morris of Waterford was thrown from his horse on this way near Oatsrock, and ser- laude’ sianeds ae yee 9 of about nine eeting was held in & allan overtte Geraldine Course a D weel ae eee rae Lowe, teenage of Cla me, about 50 years of age, fell dead in id yard. ee was due to cere- hemorrl ra large be of Eoilanes are now in course of erection at the Surseals Camp, aed ‘eving employ- |, to a 3 grew at mal tee ‘thas cat formed to take over the tolls of oe fairs and markets in —Carrick-on-Shannon, nae Re is said the pirehecs price is Net. ‘fishes enmen on the Slaney are not eis as successful a season’as last. ye: Someé good takes, how- ever, sare been capture od. Government . Board have ihe tis a Propisonsl Order au- horizing the erection of 37 labor- ouses in South endian Thee men of last staff working heten" ‘Athlone and Mayo ‘have been paid as a 88 sequel Po a disputed dinner tin Thomas vise who has been an inmate of the Gorey Union Infirm- ary for a number of years, has just vied ree that keatledicon at the age Oat i hundred ac: dovent<on Matiaghtad: Nduain, 5 | Dear gn aed owned by il Bro eee have been de- ‘0 | stroyed By: Tt_ was Papneted at the Wexford Board of Guardians that there were 1,000 vee defaulters in the Wexford Dispensary district, and ‘it. ie uebtenk of fire in the farm of Mr. Enright, Clounlehard, fle as Glen, resulted in the destruc- tion of an outhouse and a large "| quantity of Pi A calf was also burned to deatl The death ia occurred after a brief tices at his Ung ee Ab- n, » of Mer. , popi- ‘8 in the Weaee ol Treland, ted the slopes of Mourne, when, through some “eeason, the Mourne Mountain caught. fi eing pr femoiibod with white gloves ae Color raine Crown Ses- sions, Judge Todd declared that he could nearly establish a glove a aa the gloves Hane had received nee he came to Derry: Pie the Dublin re; ation area the births regi during the past week amounted to 207, and tt! deaths to 231. There were 18 Bckee in Dublin from ay, and: 143 cases under treai Miss Emma Henry, ry; hose death the est families o! aS a daughter [Boros ‘Henr y, who Pessimyy si important. La the old Yeomanry Service. ANOTHER BODY ARRIVES. ea! Remains wy Victim of, Empress ‘hes Toronto, A despatch from Toronto says: The fieatee of Mrs. John peas was 27 years SHOT BY TGHWAYMAN: A Sana) from Oshkosh, Wis. ys: ederick eee Hines, ties chute Rontiee Wes and insta tly Killed Inet BY in| ped towards ‘Toron THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH GAPPUNINGS FROM ALL OVED THD GLOBE IN & * NUTSHELL : Canada, the Me. and the World (o General Refore Your byes. Canada. The Winnipeg Free Manitoba provincial ele ¢ Commons passed a loyal mes- f tai to the Duke of Conan, rg Duchess and Prin-| 4" ecss Pat: D The reventa (ey Canada for the first two mor cal year fell ¢ ri the current: fis- , 392,213, and the $5, a best as compa’ voice red with the came months, ae entered. the home of 8. Mecisck zie, provin- a ‘treasurer of Quebec, and des: troyed furnishings to the value of about More than $30,000 was Bok birdie in 3 Su e Bank of Montreal dite Ces the subseription _ lis’ ‘alvopie eth wetter eee the scalp : -Consul- Gen ral Dillinghaan for Spine 1 to Washington that winter in Winni peg lasts from October to June: with, the sie pet going down ar as elow zero, and. tha‘ the climay a 5 responsible for pneu- monia and other diseases Great Britain. ‘The rae clan trades strike is The international Chambers of Com: astronomical stehour day. Congress United States. The’ bill to repeal the exemption of coastwise shipping from Panama Canal tolls was passed by the pe French fashions ate hot fit women was declared be- tone aa General Federation ei Wo- men’s Clubs at Chicago. dae inter elections will be held | o September 5. if The genoral strike has been re-| known, but now ‘ni newed in Italy, and the strikers are) ny" Whiten destroys the tende “1 i araas on DULLINK pean displaying a vicious mood TMT otra tote rie erman scientists are oking forall the world Uke sien bead tee aie CHEHALIS tage It conceals investigating the internal structure of the eanth and detecting the presence of both water and ore deposits. ao Seeeren FINDS SKINS WORTH $3,500. aie aan of White River s Another Haul, a ‘station. rae says =| Store, nerce favored an ri THIS HAS PAID 7% halt yearly mines: the. Becuritt Hien market any, stment may, he after one year, INVESTMENT 10 years tleuiare ‘and ‘boskiee eindly nirntehod on request. ‘NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED, i CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING - TORONTO, ONT, i PER ANNUM ) los of this Corporation were ° ) withdrawo-t in. a Most Dramatic Scene Waban Yet London says suffragettes staged | W one of the most dramatio acts o their campaign Friday sacle when they exploded a bomb. in Westminster Abbey ab. the very abner that the Right Hon. Regi-| ai nald McKenna, Secreta} for Home Riis Was raaliveeht an optimistic speech in the House of despatch from ‘The militant z MILITANTS DARING ATTEMPT, Enacted in Campaign ofl Destruction famous repanalica Ohair in Ed. rd tl nfessor’s Chapel, Al-| 1) hough. tb did little damage, Iii previous attempts at destruction nd bringing some into the street. to Commons nearby — tega: ing the Government's EINE sof dealing] front of , bub the poli gi the ‘wild women, were in immediate and| ¢ bomb was aa beside the} closed all the doors. . _Our London Letter _ to Fly to cau. Mrs, Mary Buller whe taken w flyin, neath tie ie Wad to ‘reslst. | Ste aujedly in the country near would fot, 25453 oe. E 8h tof Which was acquire ome, and litera Waterpane rected near her horn on took up flying. first us a fad tas she increased in, proficlency she adopted it as a pro: ii “Oterea i i ‘bl ens of Geornla iin liver ‘stored: tit the wanlts: of don bank for three-quarters of @ Sentany have be faced on sale, The 114 lots, of witch cue mone consixte OF Courts metrio om, t Mellon, ho (was originally an actress, had a Tomantia career, Han some 2 ot vivacious, ehe on ° Which once belonged to Hur 1 Gout fn js fortune, and fve ‘Most of the pla we by Paul ‘ehiitp Rundell ‘or “Soha ria, three’ eminent, ally framing of the Most of chased by "Thomas i f the most striking °} pieces is a vate "oe ailve centrepieces, which weigh ley are fitted with lr with “wreaths of iT ones tp PDE te follage and Found them are ro .¢ H This wast one of the maatorpleces of Paul Storr, and was Pade tn 2816, Monorail ‘Train to Travel at 600 Millen. 0 “tine to alscuse the iy Baghetes ot Wh practloabiiity of 3 wuspended rallw has un in trains which wil travel hour, 200 miles an hour faster than the Bas hetet train, ‘This detest invention The it ‘The in & speed of 600 miles an Rout cane and safety, and he exper ve x acrenneaten soon with a work- fie The At either oxtremity in flanged wheels, gonvey our: n Js connected with the cable iinaee” rods gery moto} aft or ares that ned th hen it: haw, attained ent velocity. velocity" bufter from the, pring and This, he claims, will mean a huge eden maintenance. charger ‘Here's the Golf Gre: Golf greens, ax well nm Rolfera have their troubles, Public interest In golf y ted to un interes! i troff, & researc! Pr acroy's department oval ConGKe of olence” He. has feund an {taelt in, the atom of the green fie has the Denham an Su It'‘has been responsible for w ze. But at the Royal «@ powder ha eiretiaily destroys. the Rolf igre Ay, ns well aw the lewther, Jacket and the Mans Fy avers ole f the greens uninhel by. any of these pests for at least a your after Ite A ies from ee a: Provincial Constable James Ed-) .e| wards of White River has ad ied an- | other feather to his caq pa out of season and on Ws effectéd another haul. - | Over place called Missanabie, ho| found in the bush 181 hearers eae ter skins, wo all about $3,500. ‘The iors sheets a. TRIED TO FIRE, JAIL. a Attempt at Self-Destruction : Care ried Out by Alleged Murderer. A des wee from “Montreal says : Te , one of the two | quewed eA ‘being held for trial ext ber ge of ih *y ne ed en are like pase prehe they Use Who Did Write Shakespeare? Another theory ax to the Identity of malty around of The. elumpe hh by. the. Venerable! Robert opounda th Ha “Beuthwall wes malt, tortured. by Topelitte, Dbprisoned te thedeese tar theese year ee finally dragged to Pyburn and hang. Bat neither Shakespeare nor Bacon, ‘Trotman hol AYOR, and. Mager: G such a char Queen, Henrietta-Maria Flue! there with Chases: 1. clared pl given Yoo he Wiret Rat cham, 2 3 evident that Ac, ‘Trotman has prepar- Sa aguoeable exercing for the miteey the Wie ‘The ney “saretintiens on behalt of Britlah Iptereste for the acquisition of exten sive oll fields tn California” have een, Sompleted, Hut eubstantia] pro vend made. @ deal is closed reat ch to it be- syndicate he mer ude, for | Instance, cal which has the matter in hani Ti mabers fanlude Lord Pi Sir Thom: Peat leit and ow are broke wom jo use for them. fey Kndvew Welr. ‘the lest names ar is te hed of the group (nat mane rods terminacing viry o} ma Atwelt | 4 General. Petroleum Companys freuen whieh ah pation a held on tig Unton’ Of Corporatio whose propert: i 20 pets the, even Busy ul CANAL. \ bs | 72,000,000 ‘Tons of Heelgtt Passed Last Year. Locks No less than seventy~ tro million pene of freight passed Gn 3 last year, ‘These rt which connect uperior wi 7 | the lower lakes, are now featur of our Fey wa gael corse system, fo: MS / through i em passes nearly 75 irs. cent. of ihe ae vane) tri , saya ie Engineerin, see ius Sires! fol iti Pe ae Ameri exceptional size ia Sate sto bie ition! to the two esiating! hata? while an, exoayation has been commenced for, a fourth Idk. . It was considered desirable to the traffic cay interruption to to: jer” ma Hea 'therninth Duke of Bt Al m the third lock, ‘This duplication penne aie cs A8, an during, the sae is a feature of the looks on the Pa- wioca hee liver ain undis~ i turbed in the bank Vaults untit tte » where the traflic will neat at week for the present ile be much less in volume tl t “the, wral eon entirely eate ” ‘, ‘ay by Insects, but the her {tdeit ap: | 800.’ additional lock was au-) peat {° be entir ly thorized by Congress in work is now im progress on the 'ex-| cavation. With ‘all this work completed, on Boe bo the unique of le} and adjace: nb a with {Ba parallel bss itt Tooke. a STRIKERS IN YFOIOUS MOOD. , Express. Attacked 4 and Many Pass) sengers Are Injured. despatch from Milan says: Te Belin eyieva! was attacked: wear Com ll the «windows wera, i Set everythin, ‘ere many =| ngting ik Flores acd Tay ik MACHINE TU BD TURTLE. \ Seven Ocoupanis Held Prisoners Under a Motor Gar. Brownsville, Ont., June 11,—Ses ven persons, all of rerieid Ont., had @ narrow escape from death jut ‘outside this village last night, whe: he acing of G. Ry Christ istic ti the tu into a ditch aa tarnie out to avoid a wagon standing in* the row Fortunately at the epob where the car capsized the ditch crawled owt and obtained rt ee —— oe ded TO MOTHER. € pattyer Drops Wreath Where Sho, Went Down A despatch from London, Eng- rite says? When the Cunarder ue e Ss Balresias Army, delegates on board. ie) n-| gers sang “Nearer My ea My . who lost bis mother in the disaster;| ropped a-wreath over the spot. POLICE SEEK C_DESPERADOES, Mounted Constables Scouring si Moose Jaw District. A despatch from Moose Jaw says Fifty Mounted Policemen are scou) ing this city and district in search]