PERFECT HEALTH DUE 10 THE BLOOD No Girl or Woman Need be Con- stantly Ailing and Unhappy. Nature intended every girl and every woman to be ‘happy, ai tive, seit ad healthy. many of dened hey Lioimereie rat because their blood i me, enough good red blood in their nee to keep them well and in the of health. They suffer from tore ssing weariness and periodical | ( headaches. Dark lines form under eyes, their heart palpitates violently Kien the slightest exer- tion, and they are often attack with fainting spells. These are only loodless- girls omen from the inevitable inl that follows anaemia eXcept a erous st) new, rich Raa lood, and nothing has ever proved fo successful in creating r Williams’ Pink Pills FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND — NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HEB BANKS AND BRAES. —_ What ts Gotng on In the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. Asquith’s expénses in the recent by-élection im East Fife | ,, Supe’ to $1, has been decided that no_pic- eats shows shall be allowed on Sun- day at Buckhayen and Methil. A start has been made with the preservation scheme of the old Church of Buittle, near Dalbeattie. ‘own to construct an open-air swimming pond, Dr. J. I. Craig, Kirkcaldy, has been appointed certifying surgeon under the Factory and Workshop cgi for Kirkealdy. James Christi, chief con- stable, Greenook, recommend- ed an all-round iiigeaas for the ‘lo- cheep-worrying r dis- | trict, where 16 lambs were killed by id was pesianing to feel a ory tive wreck. tried several m ines and emulsions. For a time I would Heat better for taking them and then the effect would wear off, Garte: tn worse than before. The continued drain on my me, as you Know no woman likes to he told ‘she | out.” Finally Dr. eee “Pink ies were suggest- | total 0 natural eG ne ter of gra of of helping. serio ho are suffering New health, new ‘ptrotgth) th ir use of Dr. them from your medicine by mail at 20 a 0 Madicics Co., Brookville, SIGHT. UNDER SEA. Kiosk-Hydro Introduced at En ish Seaside Resorts. “Come pia chatiAe ec the fish Cal thie | vit! at sorte; 1 Eng- Hal eutehings plese are Mi Brcia ing for the ares tion of the kiouk- hydro, invention, whicl cnables digitaaare to descend to t the Boa -hydro, which is the in- ventic n of an Italian engineer, con- Bist’ ular steel observation cha Ribs ty; “the walls of which are pt wate eebe windows, “Above ose Windows: are fia Sve taps 10,000, sable pow ted wi reflectors and picnoins it is claim- ed, of AiR pena pr a distance of through which two staircases, for deveent and the nse for as- cent, lead to the water level, The ee of Stockwell Street. t.a meeting of the Glasgow High School Club it was decided to pro- ceed with a scheme for the acquisi- tion Cat an athletic ground at An- nieelan Builders’ laborers at in Blackfriar’s Street, Carlisle, un- earthed two skulls, which are sup- gr to be those of two ack he annual report of the Zoologi- otland states that 00 Zoo 1,140 passengers left Naiia de “ad the United States, a far below that at es corres- ponding week of last y ret t Hen and G. Sap waa e stroyed' by ‘fre, and eight pata had a narrow escape At Dumberiom, He hanks Brand, farmer, an ed $15 for Trighton ing a y fixing a pail to its tail and Aha it to run a distance ot four miles along the roa ‘The death has occurred at Arrow, tive of Hawick, at the age of 84 y fy he: inventor of the Yell known Mitatell fe host, ab to the prevalence of. scarla- tina. : So BABY’S HEALTH DURING HOT WEATHER During the hot spell the health of baby must. be carefully guarded. Diarrhoea, cholera infantum and dysentry carry off apo cy pa of pre- cious little Jives every summer. angie Cle: Tablets! srw especially adapted to keep the little ones well during the mmer Ly regulat Williams "Medline Co., Brockville, upper part of the kiosk-hydro may | Ont either take the form of a floating: dosk, rising and falling with the tido, and connected with a ide by a RANEWay, or it may be pier itself, with the bacon chamber nines naea just above tl bed of the: sea. Glass half an inch thick is’ v ifor the witows, and the tee wel is of the sam ickness, However, the warn who mee wy Ties a t have to n: rT does him, in order to eet ‘tim to go w uurch. I; Grandmother Pisin’ Know Ag but vanes couldn't have ‘cooked the Indian Corn, rolled and toasted it to a _ crisp. brown, | wafer-thin’ flakes, as we doi in preparing Post - Toasties aes, are delicious with or milk, or sprinkled ane "tesh fruit or berries. » From tl esha cont of corn fact cook? Certainly, - Tivered i are ee touched by ‘human Pi would have - liked i J Post. Toasties = told by Grocers, j enadtan 2 rn ord Co, Lta., —_t.-- THIS BARBER IS VERSATILE. In Egypt He Vaceinates as Well as ota Se the section arbers: “The ordinary ie barber of Egypt bears a certain. mblance .in so-far as his petlasaion go es to the barber-sw of sat iathos in England, He is authori basa Cupping and se dress- is forbidden by the same are Peer ‘or prescribe medicine. “Every barber must attend ‘ourse of lectures of three weeks’ ioeetion at the Mudiria Govern- ion vill barbers is ap- mie ey by tie pu health depart- ment as its representative Bohn oe gecal d tion, examination of dese ‘of permi urial, pan reports of deaths involving suspi- cion of infectious disease. “Tf the sani pebitety eee ry reg! tax coll ps pee ee the officer, “a ‘toa pole and was washing windows with ‘him,”” Consolation. * a you loved and lost, did i? Willie—Oh, ‘no, indeed ! She re: poe bs my presents! ¢ on a recent Saturday for | 01" River of Mr, James Mitchell, a na- | WHAT PEOPLE SHOULD EAT]: PROTEIDS ARE THE ABSOLUTE NEED. Here Is an Ideal Diet tor Healthy Man Deseribed By a Doctor. rh siologists tell us that the food an should consist of proteide, fa fats, ong te ate mineral salts, an ut that these are not of equal inpotance The proteids, ter are abso- se to maintain life; and sugars, in one. or other of their forms) can, in case of cree bot) 2 n proteids < supplied to it cid enfioient the carbohy- | ste anufactured within. the however, that 1 Ber cont, of one’s total weight. in nite sufficient, nob i to support ile all the day, an ter for keeping as near to this li as we can. —_ kh. Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach After Meals. ined Relieves eu lingas: nT was wo! Working around the farm last aie Thad an attack of fn- These one 1 ae egg-albu- | uses eis is probably the most familiar le, are the eae eaergy within the body, and are leyed at once in ch repair and e js of which and of the proterleas which they pipet: and Ww sore oe pat They are broken up ‘the manesulen tissue for the ‘production of physical work; and it is.said that some part ol them is excreted from the blood as ® tor The nit. urea, without forming any part o' the eallalay tissue, Where Proteids Are Present. The proteids are present in vary- ing proportion in all flesh- foods, in They are practically the sole source of the ee requ y man’s bod, ither fats ye carbohy- anata Kontak any. nan of 154 pounds the normal type, we find that when doing little or no work his daily output by all excre- tory procesees is nearly one-half an aha nitrogen and seven ounces rbon ; and it i Riunitors con- tered that at Teast this eran . required to be taken into during @ day. As, however! this makes 1 vans or be egnanduhiies in the shape of heat r work, nor for the storing up of i oO health and condition would amount to about one-hundredth part of his body weight in solid food. ‘This Solid Food, however, can evidently be adminis- which contains nits fifteen ought, theoretical suffice; but the large quantity of it ye would have to be-taken would much work on the diges- ave organs as to make it impossible in practice. Hence it is necessary, in order to’ get roper mini- rae to combine with it some food, uch as bacon, eggs or cheese, which five a higher supply of nitrogen with less etrain on igestion. Bread, again, which) contains a pro- nitr milk, a quarter of a pound of eggs, vee an eighth of a pound of cheese ver au is probable, it Bad neither this Et any o' system of diet b: valentine rincipes would keep a man for long " organism de: riety, and if it does not get it, re- sents the fact by Refusing to Do its Work. It. is a well-known Ka that with any. fo: ii pigeons that a man can consume in the course of a week. For the same reason, the prospect of a future in which tabloid, or very real quan- the fare of writers like Mr. nels can make us believe in its real tion, Man’ in’s excessively comy ed tay organs: evolve tent ata beast-like fo: would cer- fatal effects ‘The upshot of the whole matter is that man demands a well one for of food s] to long. Pees excesses of present probably have their uses, and if St infrequent evel nefici a rather j omnerstte to the Tt should not ie nae re: of | 0 | This is wi eal, | peace pi poe, ome it wee in t that, source of | t' mild yet certain ae well—no good appetite, suis to digest anything. one edicl: Pal oy and beset 8 's Pills are the best Puls, and ter, I am sure, proves Refuse st substitute for Dr. Haimil- ton's Pills of Mandrake-and Butternut, sold in TaOw boxes, 25c. 11 dealers, Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, ge PEACE CENTENARY. x Main Features fadighnone by ia ERUPTION ON HEAD HAD TO GUT HAIR Formed Pimples and Mat and Matter Spread, For Three Months Did Not Go to School, Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment Cured in Ten Days, 6 Ruo Deraztlly, Vito raed Montreal; —"Cuticura Soap and Ointment cured Re rite girl, me ‘eleven, elu phine tae: three 8 did not het to school and I cared for tt during that time without result. was told’to wash {¢ and to make an other box of Cuticura Ointment, dn ten days sho was completely cured." (Signed) Mra, Arthur Poirier, July 5, 1913. And Cuticura Ointment are Post-card to Pi Dept-D, Boston, U. 8. A, the Associatio: for “aabrating Pe “Rusiiegie ‘Years of Peace be- tween the British Empire pet the United Btates is, judging bya cir- cular just issued ai hy the ene Centenary Dae gatne tice capil hold in vee yr Great. Beda, and the United es,. The general roposals Soa four main “tea turesy (1) Monuments and other ingtaostans, (2) Thanksgiving Ser churches, (3) Education- ps Propaganda, (4) Festivities. The circular enumerates various sug- gestions regarding the erection of jie eek states ‘th matter has been referred to an In- mittee. 1915,_ Bice! been anksgivil rvices i all the ‘churches ie the British Empire and States. This date is the hl Sunday to February 17, 1015, the centenary of the ratification of the Treaty ot ent. } ; The education propaganda) in- cludes Seri important features among which may be mentioned the preparation of a series of pam hlets celina: with | the treaties h have made the long to send Ley n- ada. lewux a gee a in course pst preparation which will also be vént to the schools for pro- duction upon « date to be hereafter arranged. A 80) mewhat unique ba posal is that schools in Canada and the United States in places bearing name should be. invited to a petitive kaa on nwo Ainesean pale and 3 ion is being e for DP roetaial’ aii Dominion | (Fy centres have been | celebrations in rong Com ‘ mittces have pecs arranged for in sen majority ee i oes iroular the the United States and contains made in Great Watain and |S SUPPRESSING SLAVERY. Practically Abolished in Every Civilized Nation on Earth. ‘There are some relics of slavery yet im certain colonies, says Christian’ Herald, which pits ein the french Colonial Office has at last succeeded in abolishing the slave markets of Merocco, aris paper mee that 3,000 slaves are x Raisin cently Engle, received uch names as Lord Crome: Lord Ourzon Bryce, asking for some government action to sup- press this traffic, which is conduct. ed cme beh ries controlled by Engl. where has our m ern oh or our modern Christianity mot ully mami- fested itself than in the destruction of physical slavery and the guaran- tee st Aisi sea political, moral ‘eligious liberty, Son abolish ra the slavery of Egypt many ¢en- uries ago, when lhe took ie people beet the bondage of Pharaoh. Good-Bye, Old Backache Nerviline Will Fix You ! 2 Rubbed Right Out; Every Sign of Pain piahrstes Gade whiz—think of i more stomach dosing necessary Stiffne mens, every bi mn of weakness in muscles can be rubbed away tor an ‘ame: to come by good old “Ner- Ne ‘other linfment can do tho work = Palast can penetrate nd Gow euse and c oor caterer as Nerviline se variably does. Ba isn't the Saping a quick to cure. gO or sciatica you woul peedly ee bh as Nerviline replies received last Garitianae 5 are World ee to a message ine celebration by has arranged for an appropriation | to ex beast, ie Ribs cor ckd organization he this} also get mor PreRinGe tS pte ee ve identified them- selves with this movement may be mention The President of the Canadian Peace Centenary Asso- ciation is Sir Edmund Walker of Toronto, co the Fotcsany Secre- ajor Nas ee ring euied ee the. Cir- cular should address) Mr. E, 1 | Scamm: I, Organizing Secretary, Hope Chambers, Nias: col Thinks “Swearlag_ All Right te corns. : u ‘Corn be wal does cure corns and warts in one without pain) ‘Try “Putnam's,” tates ‘from acids, and pain- less, price 26c. at all dealers, Marriage is a success when) the woman provides adequately: sey the ner man, and the man provid adequately. ai ste. Ot outer woman, Minara's Liniment, E05 Tambermai . Fitena who knew | An oe gentleman, mee nm Tris siete, in itor in the hal M1 line, the king of all pai relieving re- She Heard Him. Mrs. bt ed padle her: retain You aint 't suppose. ve that piano from: the Paes without tales nye do yout” Miss. Wys vee And Bet keep this photograp! fast ‘Simpkins (atic) | iss maid)—Marie, h_ and whenever “a ashe fomeete tell him I’m no really ‘take tits phot: eetloa in © (Aek for Minard’s and take no other. y ever fed nd a in he igh r lisp! | bora an ‘hd making their Sie At an sei hour one morni roused from he —was| 5 ‘his slumbers by a _and, t th aris ery fami Be mi & the bowels. Beat a aie cases of Consti; Bipot by dea Hrs ing ipa ee cic y relieve only malady | | Nores OF SCIENCE Spain exported 4,000, unds of paper for Siaretin jast year. Salt water will ‘anse willow- ware and prevent a tae yellow. In Tasmania, dentists are forbid- = -. law from-any form ofadver- vthe governsnente, of Italy, Bel- ruguay have officially, adopted Biches time en windlassos * have been. faydated for raising poles of circus tents quickly. there is a telephone for eve persons au Canada, igor 15 ad | tO official Sixteen per. 6 AE A built in Switzerland, some of which ed for thawing ie cen ground air which post ate are r blankets in Eeu couple in Norwich, Ct., have eaten no breakfasts for twenty years an Loar ‘their robust health to that fact Italy is aisatting and will inforee a series of regulations covering the width of wheel rims to be allowed artists Higed vent Sa. pie purchase x built: in Ranting ts transport niving fish long distances an electria Bi is used to keep the water A Pairoad bridge in Switzerland is bein, n the largest masonry migh*ia the worlds 206 feet. high, with a span of 320 f Argentine Neal companies are bringing into general use a sys- tem whereby me. ly and cause erica kidney eases. dis- London church tower there is a clock which strikes the hours and quarters, but has no dials a other visible evidences of the tim For stringing beads auickly an ingenious chp 48 a erank- d machine hich feeds them upon the point of a threaded nee English society women: ‘have ochre! an, Heaeied in whic en three years of ietntng in the one of dogs and other cranes A vile can is fitted with valves petiees its contents to be poured out, but preventing the en- trance of anv liquid after it thas been seale To prove ‘that a parachute of his invention was an improvement over former types @ Frenchman dropped 1,000 feet an ee wit one and landed safe}; aes novella . an gardeners with a seed box near the blade with w renee: may be done’ aha Pane scond grip down he et In Branee Ne. é has been joveated an ¢leetric furnace’in which operations of making glass are. carried on continuously with ee same source of heat, ¢ believed to be the old- 800 years, re- cently re discovered in an old building back of a ‘ist Monas- rs Soars otorcycle cars are being tried for delivering mails in cure! dis- ricts in England and jit is predict- ed that athe ‘thorse mae will -disap- near from the postal servi Unit a Ki pas The Australian states concerned an id storage svstem for se ‘Murray river that will o pen & igable waterway 1,000 mil hed into 4 the Sia of nroducing Australia, C ees Not Worth the Bother, A teeta was given a do. When it was done he took it to the beast: who looked at it and said: “This Laer is wrong by to your eebend said the youngster, fishing in his pocket iy ‘Td rather pay the difference,’ pee “What is the best dress improv» er?” ‘A pretty girl.” “Why is an author more free than a»monarch ?’” “Because, ] D subjects.”’ ‘ queerest animal in world?’ ‘‘Be- cause ‘his tale comes out of his ep | head.” 4 Wie cured of Bronchitis and Asthma TNARDS LANIMENT a A. INGSTONE, ¥ t SHAABAN | I was. tue ot a, ver by MINA See xe arte rea ain ton A AL pi baccty ACHT. Lot 5, wan Rheumatiamy by Mano Bridgewater, “Never,” ieee ye shave moral: See in t's tha’ ee wea found her: en oS pauat ‘Highest grade beans kept whole | and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. haveno equal. x FARMS FOR SALZ. %. W. DAWSON, Minety Colonie Street, Toronto. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain or Dairy Farm, write H.W. Dawson, Brampton, or 90 Colborne St, H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St, Toronto. STOCK SALDSMAN. ANTED FOR | BEST proposition yet, ‘Apply fer partioulare Bf, We Bene of ttawa ~ Building, LBERTA ‘reanised: B, Lettch, Montreal, WEWSPAPERS FOR SALN. OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN York Co and Took Bunines: 4,000. ing Company, Toronto. ‘gon! “rerma iberal. 73 West Adelaide Stree MISCE: NANCER, TUMORS, ee and external. our Co., Limited. Col ATENTS "OF INVENTIONS BIGEON, PIGHON & DAVIS Tie St. James St, Montreal ite for Inf r nate QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS PLIED SCIEN "MEDICINE, cacinettne, SUMMER SCHOOL JOY UGUST G. Y, CHOWN, Registrar, Kingston, ay A TREATISE on the & FREE! YOR free ants sone that tells pu ail all dye gee age’ ve sate ame KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE ‘Me Invatuable, Te cures Spavin, Onrb, ait cer uf ane nak cs Mada an ice On raped bien bn foe Sis Panaceas. Mr. Kelly—An’ how are ye this mornin’, Mistress Flyn? . yer rheumaatia ‘any better? TMyn— I think oe is, ur "than! ik ye koi indly.. ‘The. ne doctor's piecgaihee is doin’ me v ji ‘think it's helpin’ m me wonderfully, = sonaeaer ROCaNE a8 Secianae an nd Ni rth Western spiel Jow rate, row pacity ticket ah ae i Ls San Perrametnoa: Por nian an BS amon! £01 Bennett, Generale et tordnto, Oe AS m the wrist man of perfect, ABEOROEHORE, GGIST WILL TELL YOU. Hebe ele sogier wang me (ateny and Granulated onthe Boe No Smay ve te korres itaine mnedy 6040 cea 1 “alt do we live for if nob ake tife less difficult for "ie 8, Sausly—“‘Are ~ you vee "Shinbone, that, dt “er ahaa n Nope rs.