Milverton Sun, 25 Jun 1914, p. 6

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The iene Sun ikton Tin Amn runLasiiKD EVERY THURSDAY BrOeisiRe TION RA: aS 2 ati centey ihren nm CAS SPEECH OF Honorable J. P. B. CASGRAIN, On Importation of Thoroughbred. Mares and Stallions ~ Orrawa, THURSDAY, ise ses 26TH, ‘1914, GRAIN inqu! red: That nee ‘will call the attention of ne e hi sx “advaice, Subscribers te stats liable to pay 44.00 per goat cites) ‘CONTRACT ADVERTISING RA’ Year 6 Mos, 3 Mos. Mos | bre $70 840° $25" 88 40 22 12 5 20 «12 4 3 a *f Bight cents per tine for frst insertion and four cents per for euch subsequent tnser- fon will be charged for nll traneent adver. rae He without specie directions Till be inverted watt forbid and charged ae- | {mp meee for contract advertisements muat ice by noon Mond: Maltor telepuane orders wilecciveprompt MALCOLM Mxc’ 4 Publisher and Proprietor BusinessCards : DR. Me C. TINDALE, Pera DS: sor to Dr, Lederm Homon Guatuury costetaroin tenders Own aod Bridge Office: Over Mettopotias ‘Bank, Milverton Medical. PF. PARKER, M.D. PLL. TYB, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE athe MILYERTON Houre—10 o'clock p. yelock a: m., and 2 0 8 o'clock’ p. in. DR.A.F, McKENZIE, M.D. ONTARIO to 23 o4 Ofice hayes So far aa possible from 1 to w, and in evenings, m ry warding the Me os Le ‘the! ti free, of thorough- importation, “duty res and si ‘he contentions be some who are ‘allions, and will in- take exception to Tf there is any Letter Sag exacting, if there is oy oth: thin, ally respon, he ce for a ong time. delegates this. ge atcersbba to the National Re- |p: ard body not ‘(oie bite or selected b; always aie porter Brith powers, thereby depriving im. po. condi- ag- he Soveriment does not 0 free 3. Paper identification is not. p a mai quire whether it is the intention of the | who ernment to rem po mesa they exist’ Racaaterowin the per- mission ror fhe House I should like to ‘saw her foal. hese thin, tiee depend on the ‘ellabiity, of the people dealt with. The only result requiring fort a asis upon which *: ‘The following considera’ muy at the inception have the system applied t b) offspring brought in since upon enna ho’ 1 vent, ai ident pers, but the foal is registered withou any; fe) sae credibility of those sign the BD ADET can never be tested; (f) ae pers do not in themselves prove committee declines to use }facie cas: Go DR.F. Gerace PARKER adian Resi 01 Specialty; Treatment of all chronic and n yous ‘ite are ae ct ‘roublen drugiess methods. arable by 3 rene fer alo tad te, Grand Central, ‘ao Sa-mtol p.m. Will "S| Kernel tiverton, We dnesday | £ kK itreaidences if preferred will on F, J, R. FORSTER, Eye, Ear, | © 6 and Throat only, “Wat loo. 8t., a Stratford, -Phow H. B. Sates K.C, Barrister, » Notary Public, - _Conveyancer cileltor for Rank of Ha ISTOWEL, MILVBRTOX, Offeen; Listowel, livers: Money to Loai F, R. BLEWETT, K.C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto re 00D ton Gordon Bloet Oftice Me STRATFORD, ONTARIO Vet. ne J. W. BARR, Veterinary Sur, Milverton, Graduate of Ontario 4C | doase im ls by tele phone or Stacyieracaminis ‘attended to Societies. MILVERTON LODGE, No, 478, oP G.R.0., Milverton, 9 iteaae ty @vening on of in their mi WM Hon Tee oe By aren Star ary Friday ‘their hall over Bi ilton, Viahing brethren uk 7 come, 8. 8; Bey We F, Secy,, N, re Wiig méan, RS Notary Public. ese notary Rubio. Fc W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- tloneer for. the County “of Porth wad Wa eon Conveyancer, Deca Witleana Mor agen drawn an lavite Village lerk., 0 in the Wale blosk over the Me era Bank SHRSG are ought at a Oe few choice farms for immediate sale, tole. oO ND CENT RAL HOTEL,” MI) nist b ood , ae and sk Jeon ited PUBLIC NOTICE ! 3) ice trac B9..C. oe ak seats Tt ts uN LINWOOD : low tt Motar | at Stain, Etc, | ¥/ Sup Grain, Fisute and’ Feed. | ab saerpe. , sad Batali fo m ( committee thus takes away n buyers, therefore, labors under ti several disadvantages: the He adh of delay at 18 the reason why I) am now pease the ly, the. re is t ere Is the possibility of being unable to satls: ) Whilst the duty free entry ques- ton a thus held up the well known on the race track tin, 0 doubt, is the muaarifine ‘ob: | ti while discussing w ere Is the possibiity of being} whole wor nee is procure - mat is reliable, 10. The Canadian buyer with a lim. y ition ards ik Tm} mportal ada for a given oral) therefore mn eee tad be en adie clas: tion.” The count full of tock to ai tlonable wheth entirely eateultes and integrity. y of ty riety tae thi i aiding Sah eo 12. 1 the Suaccra Commtitess sys: ch ‘0 fol) wise but, falls in th would not try to drive those pete do with them int sys- , on the c¢ opponents'do, that rest 8 ae ne. itty i store it ch thelr com} xplainable, — ubject ‘euptoine law w gives us| thos give the complete transfer documents, Even then his word alone makes the de-| dam the committee's the committee one must be the owner of the animal tendered for free entry. That 1s to say Lad must have irted ney ec pure Shakes animal from the orig. @ pur- se of a desirable *ealmoal because pears buyers do not need such docu- the committee; the documents re: ly the committee; and perhaps import. broad or on me ‘oreign animal te a yf registi mie tot raantlattty pout ave aie # nates 5 ii el he: ee sation ve lon raat. ontrary, thay Steleve Ice who follow it ferlor to affect the 3 Balan, titors. @ want th them Toltow their: More than forty years ago, the question I have been di come common ground to both par- aheayn upon the practice as applied to the theory. _— are a certain number of stud books in foreign coun- . Amongs! at | tries Ky which the breeders record the present are the producing of weltlon transfers of the births of t dgogeupt onlay. tna e valuable for breeding pur: . | Purpose of identifying the animal. Now are recognize by the United States Government as bine reliable and a lst of those so nized is published by that gov- it 1s exactly what we would like Governiment here to do—publish a stud bool Ks that they would a be in the r herd book ‘e Government of lay would do as the government a ‘any other eprnite is doing, a lish par Ing as any Aart ovarseiongnict only deale me EN crete bt well ac. \ ewe with breeding and dealing in se8 of animals in which th free entry, while our 4 this duty to what is srs eis private and non-respon- sible Whether it be legal for ned abit rote to leave to a committee Keo - ‘8 in any particular trade the, ct thelr competitors’ tisporte eet: bi t comm! hitter ea i "tars ‘he one, and ithout having any legal r tay shor of interferenge by Parla: ent. te article Pe, fea caus dealing bah ane ned by Be is feria in Satne Gon a @ Can-| at for, ee bites or (b) ept al End rene: | sal by. the National Re- “othe teeter sounds Hote fate Bea short of wl veer Fee many parte) aie: of identifica. (second) on the word of a nid 1a transfer documents roe animals may be rejected and importers discouraged. tions tha worth of the identification | mone, eilicaA already ix the which duty is d without identifica: |; no Asie ot ‘The ldentitied animale also Ay ax mare brought in in foal may 0 n_pa- who of identification pa- roe. hoe ring is the place where what the A import by him of stock he needs : ig the te voltacehy gate te Grogs with and Amprove his altored i ig/herd 1s ma to him and Bey The material tn the country 18 lwitoh ‘what stock 1s avallable through. y Lp te mportation wy. others is likely to ‘ly either MMgher in jitlee of . poorer: in a io to those nly evidence of what the sire and the wel What "the objectors say they want is; ‘e want as good a chance to get good stuff for the same investment as our foreign com) +. e Government to take ow: Be responsibility of seeing that we|to cro! t it, lo not want to have our if niger follow our own course and let ‘i ts effect on Ostensibly for many years past this iscussing has ties, That it should)in the process of time fob Ory ‘3 free le e | hand to hand must be obtained {n writ- it father than sion, | thé laratly of ee onal Record and second: recognized "6 the U United States aon h ¢ranrenk and ‘by-every-other govern- men all over the rane tre Canadian records a ae 2 ae prominent ea le ai IKSes, cont sn " srellable by the United roe ar ad 5) Mele the vary books Which form the foundation as the. Canadian re- corgs, but by omitting kai estas certify, publicly that for reeds. n re noe i irom? the Xperia shia lon. Mr. CLORAN—I would like to ae the hon. gentleman one question, | United st fea be! recognize in ada. ie United States or do the Bees Sites recognize Canadian stud BLO mount and degree. Bra it ‘CASG #RAIN— I think I am coming to that in Me few minutes, The merican can ort \dut; animal registered forelgn record as of right. /adian can only do so after h id by two cl of persons interested in different w e into ty interest is the system cattle, finer dairy aah horses are wanted, not in the shor the farms. The farmer wants is advertised, “|can conceive of the farm vo ‘ome er kno supporting a system by which direct quality than it need be if full effect were given to the law. fo one’ would grudge free import the country nor keeping thi wou! ort a protective ayatem fo: their benefit for th agricultural industry— anim: r their purposes and pay a yl ie most important breeds, ould” an aavending importer apply to know whether dy engaged in breeding or importing that class of stock, a book by the Na- ord Ci Committ ittee under their . | Tepre Bear th maind.that the tntonding ent depend (a) on his being a British ake to delay, defeat or obstruct him in hi endeavor to ob mal from the the importing owner ratey be ternlatehe that is that from ‘y for the is it desirable that they should be- id herd books are are essential Hy. re- is beyond question. ra | the breeder counts fer everything, Tl | failures as well a: «| books should be open to Voluntary en- tries weenriee by breeders about whose ry diligence slightest | suspicion do shtest degree to nadian importer, bidding at eet d stands at a ‘tnad. ro ee th his Jean coi buy ane bette oata teed aa be ities fe ek of oe any erits ym ee a san a nnish allthe risers reunites in Canada ae ire. ese ee ab juts which hi he can- » He mitter ‘not recognize ‘any Tonalin Pacer iept abroad as rellable© ere js eo Can- an pies auctl must be pri i to'D chances of delay and of oelog refu his ie fds a must ie Regul 0 a inf u set isa as reliable ere Natdona | He is asking that the stud books of me in’ such ” reliable | 8tand: Th ingly | who breed pedigreed stock in |is onal Re niece upon which body they are nted, x i has oH og sorter dei 4 obtain fi k | whether tl ee 8 wg i at nape interfere with thereby ance, If aad cation of their tle: .jand eet he ad ‘dentiflen ion they pro-| bakin on ke Fe oppe Be has | dual do nal bat ‘nie the same position y | bility 0} ine bond, with pages ater until by di cannot secure isis, entry he hi tain dange: d pe event is debarred bees chances to make pagar which are open to foreign buy- “Take it anadian mpree know! may ree, ws that. each ie law sure that the National loes not know what him ultimately. The. keep big hole in me margin of profit. American purch: seems to be of any use to Enough free import as affect {intended to be b ing pure not given due effect to, to the result of the ure bre be bought out ote pias ‘cross-bre and edi iMiculties in importing direct, ea mney will sell him splaatbing not quite 80 good as his Americai pat or may get abroa at the same st. The trend sae the system, ea Nd whole, is to Teeoourace the fi make a sei a ystem for the penefit of protective 5; tock already in the country. is free import of the farmer's ra’ terial is dij tecte this in the Hast of the de- clared’ Paley ke easy ost from existing Conditions. pplied is clear. brief review of the circumstances suggests certain modifi re eed as bo! ing imperatively neces list’ of all foreign records which are | generally recogn in these not ries tn “tie mise published a the United jovernment. affords sufficient tofornat ‘tion, . No private body should hi free entry should not denend in an way i recording in any ‘Book kept in Canadian stud and herd try upon such terms as those who keep fit, Their ise tystem 18 pacts aati eo ht neces ary by many fore! eth- or siaely or pikes ills ik depends on 8 book Bra rd of. roped experiments or a Mistory 0 ot Litt, tary matter there. ould Be ue sou to ee How! it at “the warehouseman under, y direct fi land ate hold the a aufnt here as anne ai! hin in doubt and he must feel faitly makes a has been said to show that breeds red to half-bred herds system on d herds already in the country ant Neely them on the en ie may 4 yast machine which fascin- mn + | the * experience, that it is moving to 5 matter, te clear. as t/antee that ¢ the requirements, he Government ‘should publish a) manus 6. | two. disciples ‘eine " What did they persuade him to-do . when they reached Emmaus! How bo a} th i } ThouRta he, il The ‘trust i an God possessed by the n is a strange and won- derful thing, To regard this trust, e/as a religious sentiment is almost impossible as to think of the moon | personally + Boia: dicate His providence Ny her one ey of their indivi They have faith i ‘9 nee that ey believe that ‘Gad “wil answer some old servitor led a petition What such, trust in God reall A Fond Ambition Defeated! A ship sinks, a business enterprise crashes to ruin, a child dies! In- stantly then does the erstwhile wor- ter i pals ts to perian that there od, and points to his tra- veda as a proof ‘that the world is ates man for a little time, only ig catch and crush him ruthless!: end, Convinced that ithe is e UAL prices of his pitifully insignificant life; and made now to see, by. sad : el nated Evil or In lcabe Cruelty \ an prayers, satisfy their fancies } th: pets Nise RPssvasnce Bera asks his prayers be answ so deeply grounded ees that no human mind cai who ina lifetime of proton has ea ‘The | never disobeyed a command o universal process can disturb © confound him. Tf a thing io ob sh goes, 80 | ing is all the same. He tru ee therefore he t: Anne ate, which imply oS vane that God is do- ‘the slay ome, yet will Vi da,’ onl, when God seems to slay me that ean trust in Him, for ne begins gnly when knowledge fails; just as the stars shine only when the sun is gone John Haynes Holmes. is no particular reason, why their ideas should be enforced at the expense of the country, contrary to law and na detriment of their trade cotapett done my best to make this al this animal wit fata ‘all THE SUNDAY SCHOO. Lesson INTERNATIONAL LESSON, UNE 28, Lesson XIIL The Seeking Saviour Review, Golden Text, Luke 19. 10. Lesson —Christ’s Table Palle house was Jesus invited What did he suis "whet their plac tb of heaven? able represent? Lesson =the Journey to Em —Where were Who ecognize balk are What did he teach them? ship, anyone foo shbraoalseely follow- g him? What he say of 2 would try to follow ae _without first ringer es the cost —The Lost Sheep and a cain —What did Jesus ~ lue of every hum cou What PP in Aces | Ri ther tore ve ae of a pitts! ‘import | results o OF - voluntary ‘appli | AN assaa ‘stock for @ procured fay e that they ‘feast cast in doubt by th i s) Ment on others sett efit of | cone a in the cor er, thie er others. es nd be ase by xeinine: every under | ree imp would 1 one nth hes} hay cs their 0) What right had ae 8. ZU US spl tive positions on ‘arth? What “et ia | pened when they died? did the pie el ge aah bis nd t What aa he do when {oben gave ia, rast Pe eae Be Pe xr us hi it 1 How should onsider ahiay What use should we make of the money which | fod giver ta ust Lesson ‘The Rich Man and What did | Dives see from his to alue, rene ears a What: did did the invited guests in this par- “ =| affect did Jesus’s visit have on aos i esson that it tiie rich a word te 4 hit a ie judge of his neighbor. ' Someti: man a great favor race zarus might rmitted do What did he ae diet this was re- fused? What answer was made ) is second request { Lesson VIII,—Unp\ ace Pas vants.—What did Je: giveness ? What requ bbe pi ciples make of him{ what did he ~ was more important a th it id * quantity of their faith? say o! he did he condemn such selt- slorifica. tion as the harigees. fadilged esson teful maritan.—Who met Gaus as he ap- Pronoh a certain village t lepers com) 0 live in Meaty a place? >What did thege te ngdom.—What did the te ask ‘dat about his kingdom t What did he sa; found? What tis ‘rill usher in his eternal speople? What his towns , tone I.—The Great Refusal. young ried ‘ow «lid au say “hak | receive it? What at fone wv the danger of riches? eae men pee oc uinsle to he Say, mes a girl does a ica is wise. He leads ple to the altar and then qui rl And many a a iin has, Heert\ } because ee ‘to arash then aid Rey: lace of he pray that s

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