Milverton Sun, 9 Jul 1914, p. 6

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The Milverton Sun NOTES AND COMMENTS The Sun ‘Printing Office Main Steet, Milverton, Ont ayer mores come to thi colors whic! (ont, 2 advance, "Subs = ‘montis, 28 a race, cr eth ere fn arr ih i eee, sada $1. the hard an vember wip sunflowe CONTRACT ADVERTISING mareat ee qa Mos s 6 i| tanager is is singing « evening. t cents per line for first insertion an Cy) fartoehee per line for oan mubaequent nner. lon wilt be charged for ull transient adver- sen attention, sien : MALCOLM MacBETH is observan Publisher and Proprleto, mate term: BusinessCards not casual, quick of t things, He expanses stretches ca DRM. Cc TINDAL EE, DS. (Successor bird in the the thorn. DR.A.F, ‘Me KENZII M. D. ate Surgeon R. F hront sal. thal Aural New York Opthaln ‘aap po hard fibres ‘ooretield’s |. London. | waliing. Waterloo St., opposite | “king. Knox c Chine, Straiford. Phos tora i " Sir Fred er rather ‘tl 6; it reserved to it-| Sir Ad; Be e new title aig ARO nn a ae FR BLBWETT, KC “ fetal vate See eee rea nel eh | Sin he an mig ts], ASSASSINATION FERS Wests ry 8 A FP oratory, but could see nothing to Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto ‘These remarks have excited some} "34 Soourgings- with a whip of/at the start; for Onta Minis-| 9°" ine The Number Who Have Been Killed omees pring controversy, but, after all, do| many. lashes ariable ac-|ter of Power’’ is ed in “the eae on, into the Kitchen. In Receht:Y STRATFORD, = onrarro | they contain any real disparage-|companiment sh cneideions Jesus | public mind with more tes a ey Phere tia benwhe Hat pep- ~veteri —— | ment of brillianey? Brilliancy, like | Would naturally expect to be maoek-|at the Roig lihiepsasse Giietola told a Coe enniditde it over sh he Minit Sa is Uist of rulers. and ahs ; : m to be a k Thee 4 | ssassinated since es ccide. stev The cook after scolding, Weteringep Bari genius,-isan accident. Ib is born, | would aac ere ridicule. of the sc When the people—Conservatives| re a Hes eed chased the crow Abraham ..Lincoln, Preside nt 0 q B not made. “The world would be aldiers and the unfr mal seople ;{and I think of Adam |! ;| the United States, Apt duate of Ontario Veter rin r M The inqweitive 7 P dull, flat plane intellectually if it| but this-prediction ag a whole Beck ti gentleman poli | rn nimals, Calls by te i fy people, }to test. on pcriething. more than| tician—a e, wise, kindly i z | ruary 8, 1879. ¢ promptly attented to a moter sD DeLay DEOHIG IL tare. fotanighit ae oe nce Gus aan daing iithaveieiucaliy) one } abe | 7 cals ot. Turk tard work ‘ita never have given couldiknow de finitely what the Ro-| high play is also rich| Which looked emy us Shakespes n OF i their | C22 coun isiting breth- work vollects data; e learn that these brothers KeMillet, WM! them, verifies brilliant hypothesis, ishermen, that they were 8 ‘ir Adan es sounects andvcompletes: trnthe per: santate their nets in their ee states | and ORS Ree eet Pian aac Sea of Galilee when. Jesus had | man-politi once | to t veived in “flashe Zz ight. at via. in thelr Hall over Beak of Ham feb the apaeing brethr, rd worke diame R, eee worl ld. But ary Public. D, WEIR, oe. Public, A anak for the Con fk Waterloo, Conv ree We can train and industry. to be brillian reward of ha spondingly gi who expect b 8, Mon nikton, Ont., No- Conve uncer, Les Mar. J.P. for the County “4 ‘Estace bought and told. farms for immediate adiattiy, na tabling, liquors a va Ritter, Peoprinw, eres NEE EDDIE EO ie. =, QUEEN'S HOTEL, ‘nt abe best nooo oderiae yeas OR, travellers and others, ‘quote and Cigars at the bar. Good wi stables. Gorge Pauli, jaa THE AMERICAN 1 HOUSE, Berlin, ® special attenton to Commercia Splendid sample roos Best nd liquors served at the bar. tes $1.50 per day. Wat, Wrrr, Prop | iis ume much is sl od Ont. ms Rares 08% ia LIC _NOTICE ! ae eta LINW [evs Man ‘otBuliding aber Debate aint aad 4 ores racing ; ariae with exe ‘LINWOOD Dealer in Coal, Cement and Lime _ Motar Stain, Etc. 4 ts a Hlostess—Ano! pie, Georg; G rel ew 'y sera argliey, it Iz pM ile LN Go walking. Wild roses invite Pomeseniap : ips ey EVERY miivnepay MORNING and the fields are fair. Foliage has! INTERNATIONAL I the full of its heavy green. Country toads catch the smelt of new cut hay, meadows are spread with the starting its Nests are full of young: too heroie for the endurance of one hard work bj ability are by work and method, sticig assy order A, them the success that is worthy and nt Discoveries. will Be Pictur- elie ipa by Antiquar- {™ and other sites of ancien ition.on the ‘upper saastiee of Be rae Anas ern vines on the oceasion of the fu aay it, but 1 onlay able "ts new thi have ¢ full of its luxuriance, JULY. 12 ‘h richen from now until nd wrinkled hand of No- The wild vice. Mark 10. 32. Text, Mark 10. 45. Verses 32. way, going pes them out, is coming up, sumac. is panicles, the rlet calling, the wood thrush of a morning and of an And they up to es we have studied t: ae sith igedentt whic ns which were oh our going before them: fiaet 80 ile with his di pee occasion, when he walked ap nt of details, is on inti- s with ‘the outdoors, is The walker is in th hings and the thick of] his thoughts, e does not take in great | and but manner, He can see ne they sre unable to explain No doubt his mind cursorily, small arefully, sky and a blossom on 7 probably not be in sympathy. They that followed we re afrai garding the ¢ suppose Jesus to have spoken at time in veile, Prophecy, we better acetarene 1 the ine alked himself of health. into the ‘And s0, g0 The chief —— —Representing the ; the governing council o erick Treves, a noted] Before this council were ieaead han @ brilliant surgeon. | did not permit the Jews to execu would of the | man Bovernor BA nite time do, and fark 1, 19 ad Ma d assimilates | d them, and that they nad le Sed ather and the hired servan brilliant, man is also a fe illows d him, They yr he conquers the| partners with Simon and Andre the slow conquests of ‘ Theit mother was named 8 ps WS fone (seo Matt. 27. 56; Mark 15. 40). She was one ‘of the, wome |who followed Jesus in Galilee ar talent and negligible. children to appreciate y no means re ), and many think sh ister of the mother of Ji When they happen t into the bargain, the rd work will be corre ith reater. Woe to them| mother’s sister” mean 25, is generally tak Salome. Saint John’: rilliancy alone to give | © in London and this relationship may hold at exhibition of quest for specia + fragments e iat Explora- at Antinge, Oxyrhyn- The dace of miles south o at they were related, nature has not alter- Dard, fo) “us ports; allusions « a mist ‘of articles left cea re ait they would] si to share ope sufferings, and rom them and did not communicat! ean} te “the had been ha were called at about the same ministered ie him of their substance 4 Comparing the two references omission of the name of his own the indirect his tachi oak Fig not have ee bs Lesson 11.—Greatness Through Ser- Golden the Teruaaleoe The greater number bc lesson peaenges hus far this year red riven dur- i tert.” Go. walki tag Christ's last journey from Gali. Rea tecsioais without pectic directions | sters. Go walking. hftetnteret Mati forbia’ Aud charged ac lee to Jerusalem, ‘The route . Fis ; and doubtless “ooouy gta for sontract sdvertigements sus Motoring is good, but walking is| several months, better, has eyesight and ea and Jesus mingled art was he ich they would gue id j He is pumping fresh air into his then of the company, besides the * at; are 5 ‘i ples, were awed Jesus’s| ¥. PARKER, M.D. Ps In TYE, lungs and getting vigor into his estocten and though they follow- DRS. PARKER & TYE legs. His companion is cheerful- ed hin, they did i vith te ness, his patron is good health. He © took again the twelve—Becom- OFFICE : FUBLIC DRUG STORE, NILYERTON climbs a hill and sees the out 2 aware of the effect on the ie cr- stretching valley; he enters a wood ples produced by the strangen ered te tt 8 o4 ¢ v3 able bie mauner, Jesus again joined t gelonhy. ‘ and smells its odors and hears its! eompany of the disciples and perce songs. He sees the aisles of the with them his thoughts re the i more important cases coming under | filler, truer it r British surgeon, said recently that HB. ‘MORPHY, Roy hard-work accounts for more aed the Jewish la Dorrinier. dotury Pablle, - Conveyancer| dprilliancy. If he had to submit|,,Shall deliver him unto the Gen. re a ae é tiles—This n mentioned ISTOWEL, MIL arwooo to a major operation, he added, he in the earlier pr redictions of the OMicen: Listowel, Milverton would choose a careful, hard work- | death of Jesus: The Roman la ite the wesatrection a sp. tt. ft ts W, on nd he e- is H 8 brothers would be cousins, have seemed to them to Hustify their re- alent oh ae Heiastowe to is comprehend their ork gs and ihe Cae Jesus believed they would come out vic- torious, and he did not discourage them, but treated them as. men orthy of ct. What a tower of strength it Usigts pase been to them Inter, when ark hours | 190% cam mber the. ‘confidence that aed Shad had in them s of honor in Ohristrs ineaicte are to be-attained, not given away. They dee been pre. esis Sen theists ‘are fitted’ for th and influence counts for is is began to be moyed with pia tia tama and John were introducing political nelhed for their own advancement. cars t aturally resented this. a Ne 2 to him— He had been speaking te © James and John only. Hear hem other disciples, not won by competition and self- assertion, but by working for the common good; by making a state of society in Which the strong help t bear the bards ens 5 of the ion with portfolio does not salary of a Cabinet .Minister, Adam gets only ‘the nity of a private member, and if he had not been a man hé could never pet scheme as ed sacrificed a fortune for the sake 1 Politi ics. as in business Sir am’s German- ae ay lineage apparent, He uiet but sy: ystematic and Fenebeae worker, ‘The service he has given has been given ata loss of much valuable time, but of course money considera- A minister without it the $5,000 no longer a matter o! him. $1,000 inde: of great weal have carried out 5 he has. They say ny he looks so clean-cut and ale and fully ten years younger than his age et ee Ontario Sir ‘al. ‘What think ye oe Christ?” the greatest question a with either carelessness ence is the tol I wonder if in this day at co mercialism’s suprema realm of action and the i preponderance hysical in the realm of thought ing due thought to the s) th} ment in our inte rpcabatd ‘ot li nis | Tf we are bat, certain he | and ser or irreys m- [he called them to explain a all the! of his idea, Pe ne Joaus Chris | twelve the broad | prine pon|” The “Minister of Power,’ as he is ‘ e| which greatness in. his. Medion popularly known, is not a talker. dG admiiahte inte pan rests. He will goa long way to avoid mak-| Well worth whit , Lord it over them—The rulers are|ing a speech, which is. one reason e while sters, and the people | why his name is more widely known | It is no easy thing to form a nti to do their among the, people than he is him epreeciaian of Jesus. will and to A a oa to their plea- pads Taber and Bas life, | 2%: But jt is not so. among you—|liquor or tobacco, Perhaps thie te wor In » Christ’s kingdom, greatness is | w} clea people and customs, e are d pandsny on others for His life stor: sald we think of the life whi His teachings abo life ae rt a Ww wel fat though his nr whom this word does not seit ati ne ion to person h Young Folks ae and His f all at second-hand, Historic Reality of sa oth sotenniy the his- the price by fio: Hebother fee Data ce to his life in a sense in which it is not of other lives, though the ly rld has not been without its] g ore nd heroines, especially on the mission fields, who have their ‘lives: that obhers’ might live mo. sit “ADA - “BECK. Sportsman and mith Rich, Handsome, 1 kio: a St and and Hands some ] (his aa an ae it type l bre sdid to an interviewer; “Like Lord and ted for tien | butt rest first Sir Adam Beok, K.B, to Jesus with a. similar meninees Rosebery Thad as ne gy it) a eat, that Jesus, 2m! ¢ross, commended his most mother to John supports the theory oa We would that ‘thou shouldest do hatsoey: ask | etal ndon in the neautital Tady fi in Caballn, an?) ‘was to win the King's Plate, tte other was to be in polities.” to. othese were the ambitions of the but n ladling out this e crow stuck his ‘Dear | buttoned wrong,’ coming to time look out for the first wrong “Jook out for the. first wrong deed ‘a ae for a moment, then she remembered sttuck baby If you consider yourself a worm of the dust you must expect: people men strength than through knowledge of their kness. 1 when others do not believe in you, iy hen they wou resistible impulse ‘th labor at. their daily tasks. <Afte) taking this, they would famédinte- al. fox to work and never stop a “Where was a crow that sat a ide n the Jaboratory window rnings, and T what Mr. open, one z left the morning w iadow: M Thy 1 immediately the desire an t sub it was filled with an dnivisible h Lazines: athed in some of the el crow ixir, an overcom| he found the poor old crow killed him. he crow’s inquil The Wrong Button, itiveness, me,’’ said little Janet, ‘T just one button wrong, now that makes all the rest go and she. tugged and fret- as if the button 8 alt her trouble, atie e, my dea said the rescue, nee, pa- mamma, ‘The next on, then you will keep all the ri And added mamma, another, and another How.”? Janet thought ind ; to fol long ago, she That was the Then she denied That was another. sy Alice, wrong deed. ig list of buttons fasten- g just because one —_——t Believe In Yourself, re fail through ignorance of their never when you do not believe The® curiosity of him eae ee the € Ontario Tarn ee 1902. In 1903 he was appoint- yee to See Nia- m Graham Island, B. Cy drillers oe raat went ia struck hot wate: 850 it | thinkers of history, and drank to et All this was due sunlight and he finds the wood fern; av aiting them at | i piss eae lorie and ‘the Jewish Malad re aoe ian and Pitesin hé tears the cat bird mocking him ; Jerusalem, — Matthew says that he Servant hat is, ‘ bone | cognize Jesus? historic Bho MONKTO: ONTARIO * toc 8 is under ol vERvGH The Inquisitive Crow. e hs rege accounts for mi: he sees the flash of the timid car-| ) r personal rt the ex of n 1 fi i : er Mr. Moskioz was a man who lov Sesrcee rape ate Ofice hours: Bo far At possible from 1to|dinal; he stirs up rabbits and is a ed | in rie pt, while Tacitus, tha tees 3 n evenings. fi tion in’ Ohriat’a Kingdom ie higher ed chemistry. After he had studied scolded by squirrels passion to ab in ‘hist a Plin the Young. 5 f given than thelpusitiod-of ainis who| all that other Baa by pr igh bolit, |r inaidentelly & Co His DR. F. SOME HU R PARKER R V rrespond so ia s not hold the personal re seh he branched out. anc ike | under Pontius Pilate and His wor-| thie Phy He goes hapy long even the 1 the At Gabe SHea A ments of his own, stub by the Christians as God. Oe’ fort) : dusty pact hey Jeitanned by ain i 38 possible ak Mex RAR EREOSOA ot eines, cna Bate labor he finally perfect t the neadndl cepuryy the dex tochiding Joint t troubles, by |and wind; he rests under the oak; sed his later clear un-| be ministered unto, but to| which he called * 0 eae Philosopher iran thoda Guree lacurabie ty ottee : m +. |derstanding of oh im in eh of rhb minister—The Son of man is not ex-| He was so disgusted with his b methois benehted, sgt cured tH sera | he “finds wild strawberries. Go| derstanding of, th rth i mnt, {eg l-Ahs: male: stated, -/““Eial gepeamemnee aes against Christianity, mi : A i esus said, rather than the impre 5 8 the ‘ ( ¥ miral oil iteerton, Weinesaay| Walking. It's not too hot and even) aon made when the words woee| kingship is also that of service, and | Tastee agp a eeaee Pam. Willvisttresiden preferred sheat ot’ road's af 6 * pays, * vot a et Iship.”” < bec radta ape pura Po the heat f a x vad in July and the|spoken. St. Luke» say i> “They | ane nies as pater in it, and so confirms the cold of a road in January are not|perceived what he said. If we e S - The hi ot ia life of Jesus, in o 1] are authentio, th ical character, ws on New Testament in histo ion. Oarehe and there among the grea have been thos who have called Jesus a fanatic a: _| an impos great re |men of seca given Him |place of unequaled supremacy. But oi of the i | Exceedingly intends ween to Read What Promirient’ by * Men of History Thought of Jesus man ever of hi has flung at him, a to put it aside | was aber tem) ken of a shallow mind, | Himee! effort to form 4 just ap- duty, of His! t —our opinion | Will never be sur such things mueb be formed ence of the four gospels at that hit er-| Him Seq Hf ” m- | ished ele-| ing as of the passion | Danie fe, | death of tout Christ.” And Jeb nly an honest) ws not forget it wa and death of Jesus were ‘those of a as | God.” said, is one in Him astonishes, me Bet | wl : a the divine appeared on earth,” Ri at | nan declared, ‘Whatever he surprises of the future, Semin sed,” le- ry Miracles of Grace, , But the oy test of Jesus is that which each man can make in the a of his own life. Receive Him ai in non own experience. ig= A ity to transform a blatant coward j into a brave Ohristian leader, Shera e a narrow-minded fanatic into a brother of humanity, to make. a ministering saint of a woma’ ae lees, atsets, is nob con! 11 His flesh. These miracles br ihices are being Na te in every land on earth You ¢an try Christ t for your; ee lf. Give up your sinful life, take His as your loving Saviour ord, and itty. to mole | amon, 1 find subclone for all your soa and as ood as His word. Fons will soon be | oa es as did ¢ ‘the brilliant ita William Ellery ~Chan- ‘The more I know of Jesus the T can spare aI he the place which He fill t, the quickening office which | eG tee t iy performs, is 1 meal | proof of His reality and His super- *) human greatness. The grand mira- t | ae is al Ga ation character — alof Ch fev. Josoph | @ ty ' Tats June : ae Il, Caar of Russia March 18,1881, James A. Garfield, Pr eridank o | the United States, J) 2, uly arie Francois adi Data | President of France, ‘ie 24, 1 tas Din, Shah Per: Pres 18, 1898, of Austria, 18! ‘citmbert “King of Maly, July 29, liam MeKinley, Pr renee of the United States, Sept. 6 Alexander, i of Havas and Qusen Draga, Sik 11, 1903 ernor-General sehen of , ian Minister of the Interior, July 28, 8, 1004, Carlos, King of Portugal, Feb. 1, Oct, 908, Prince Ito, of Japan, 26, 1909, Yi Wan Yung, ety of Korea, Dec. 21, 1909. _ Caceres, Fresdenb of Nov 911, Peter Stolypin, meenites of Rus- siw, Sept. 14, Jose Canalejas, Prime Minister of Spain, Noy. 12, 1912. Francis: 1. peeee President of exico, Feb, 23, Jose Pino’ noe, Vice-President of Mexico, Feb, 28, George L., Ring | ot Gti: March | ¢) 3. j.18, 191 F “Mahmoud Shevket Pasha, Grand Vi og nee 1911 ier of se cee 1, 1913. mero Ferdi Crown (of Austria, Ju iples have taken ike that es - Mark aon ni Again, a “cha swords about the beth ; eyris h int es “a aa to see Ancien ossean WOR) Hae li twelve tl ease (Matt, 19. Gan cturer 0} yeneering an in| whether it would really blow up or . pee iouashold keys! and fs ow not shat ye. oe lumber Rois sie | see ata: no! De . O. 8. Marden. tare aoe weit a ¥ tl pac aitio) nearness tories in London, Toronto, fon: x re ‘Bian’ loor when she had gone} ach meant pen Jesus knew aaa ne Winnipeg. He:is the big} ys banbens shop to. : ane eeae yi od. | that it meant sufferin, ndon. He has served pet 'y Fremsndous Tee Mars... ‘ahd ay, ead ae vain Yre- reparations common in m Are ye able iat drink: the cup that otal yee as Mayor and has done} phe largest mass. of i the a evn Na Whe fat ‘ies I eetihae ok “Paclesteeet oe ae nk’—This is a figurative ¢ ea things to benefit that <i ‘iy. world te probably fen ‘one ‘which fills fis 5 tee ares wre Led aes At ene ion, eee to Any i in eins place will tell. you! up nearly the whole of the interior sal Nie been oS oblast the | cae k Poeun in life,” as whe: salm: to find the Beck home, with| of Gree: land, where it has accumu- A Lo oeMarl vat ae ist says, ““My\ cup 9 Sten bron,” | ts Beau stg pf grqunds-and/ jated since before the dawn of his-|COntinved. | | nia is pone Jesus means to ask James and John | trees, where he and Lady. Beck lead| «Gry. Th is believed to form ableae to read a mn a Hest ou’ll are e the neces- es gee Smctened life. Lady Sr ian miles in area, and to| 89: is ippose guens rie r, & ebiar of the] average a mile and a balf i in ithick-| {Have you: bought your ticket) realty sk soci ie Ace ain these statistics | “Not yet. Bu ything | is | Hamilton family. takes a} the mp of i ebro: a volume | sold out. You'll stand.”? great interest in Sir Adam's hobby} 4j an hake aioe! ce oftmaton in the| ‘“How very annoying,’ Mark Twain |, thought, he owning and exhibiting of and 2h here ough | said, with a sigh, ap “never saw thought of of the nen ath pete splendid horses, an Bee ver the | feed iciatom such luck. T always have to stand Good Meat i iG alamity awaiting iliar figures at the horse shows ssnrges ie aotpelaaee ith when that fellow lectures.” eal s hough underotendiag ao" 80 little} of London and New ree as. well sisson about van miles thick. per piece of mince ok tie nan of Christ's question: cat Fees. x Ta Rig Saks “Limite a, ee 2?) “hen ae t stray Si! Se) cs id Pretaier fe “He seems to be wandeting in his Fashion Hints if ~*~ Seen in Paris Shops. Foulard has reasserted itself as one of the Bt hey silks, . ome of the pr st new gowns — now made of stiue, rab ssaline princess slips are in f demand onee more-to weak under ingerie gow “Gold Broad chiffon makes so} the pret spot bodies ‘to the mum 2 »lare tn 3 ® Il mer eveniny pure lemon i" Now batiste troe was trimmed a heavy han broidered linen. An oda little: new) suit hay straight coat se with a rt (3, of oe same age ai lo of silk, vith ealloped Hlounees? vity little boleros. At present the safest sort of mente bag fo choose is a leather one, flat. _ and thin and shallow iS ore and more feminism is saya in all apparel for wom and it affects ot" only material } 0. dis ine A new fashioned collar is one o the best ways, of pers ing a of last year to assume the effect ob this, a Pari is now wearing black ve! hats trimmed ae hae and ge teioned of leated huni and flo are tone feat 0 signed by Peau Callot, Pi Bese and A delightful wee hi simply ae with emb ep ornament a kn flowers which precisely mi © patter narrowest grail ribbon that show: es transparent Moon! a) Se eet ‘One day Mr, Smith went t a bushe) Ms oe for so hae ] rs. tant “ig takes four bushel.” li joes itt” Rt splint man, Bese untied the bi se You see I never had a ae 7 in meaguring grain pias ied Mr. Lawton. I rh school.” ~ Ih Other Words. “Tam not ashamed to say roy as my eae hia uae ie vi She

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