WESLEY AND THE OHURCH OF ENGLAND | | Editor of ‘Bun— rejoice that the correspondence conducted by Rey. W, H, Cooper and 1 rtily geothro rok: and ena Ladies’ and Children here ~ is an opport: inity to pur- chase at a great s saving any of our Ready-to- wear Coats, Skirts, Muslin Underwear and eos bin, sour j } aincoats, For Ten Days Only, commencing Wednesday, Seay bates nig ome eee eae j jastugz until Saturday, August 1st--our entire stock of ladies’ and children’s to-wear Apparel. Take advantage of this opportunity. Read the list carefully, He ¢. pupae pre at change in 1788, Such ox- Detiences are common in the lives: of ed God. and later visi ther well as pleasure to appear well | their Europenn home, Oc of 7 orisis ‘he emerged with a strong "as- dressed, and with ill- fitting surance” of God's grace. God gav:! shoes this is not possible. The | Moms at the burning bush such an| ra assurance before h th | above illustration will appeal gent mao He a to you as a perfect shoe. | Sra fourn, d mreat~ lite “Empress” Shoes are made in jie ets 19 v2.) tnd 80 the | e Canada. White Lawn Waisi Long and Short Sleeves, Buttoned front and tack, Summer Dresses, white and colored. r OVER 300 TO SELECT "ROM, Also an elezaut lot of Fancy Votle Waists. Our Sov iad White wists nicely trimmed... ot afvColdted: \ where reg Oe for All the shove Undorsk dainty ts a i een! : 150 White Nainsook Drawers, regular 2 Be for A spler 5 rae sts in lawn and voile, veg. 7 ‘ “ > 4 “The Shoeman't Picton waiter Sion aes wi a ‘e 4 00 Handsome Night Gowns, regular ie ee MONKTON, - - Sway al ; VPA... 3.00 i : % id heroes haye ever walked. I1| “ . 4 ; LO... Princoss Slips, “regular § $1.00 for ‘ ¥ § opposed by caeny of the af : 2.00. x ; ca n of his d | “ ‘ 2 ¥ AN higher priced w Be ag ‘i |d deed Bt. Paul has Kr et us phat t I) re ody Thoroughly isha“ v It 12) ‘or y Mannish aT mA || |red_ of antisomianiam is span proof Ti se p- of his strong ehurchimanship arated from Whitefield a on account of th acter Ladies’ a alvinisn» | Black An 4 A cuneate sound Seburchinan be:| ete ate Talloring eee oS rh. toa toto ou mas | ating amg Bl a 2 noe Fe ecrene nd t «| ward mn. and then’ be wan the a Cover now, You'll like Peairerer aconan. Balt fOr Embroidery vdocpuni [iyo siratciotine sahine 25¢. 15C yd. Bargain nid In Two-piece Summer Suits —_—_—_ a ranging Both ae oe $14.00 to $16.50): he Mahone and ¢ J. M. FLEISCHHAUER |: ves and plipailats Children’s Dresses Corset Covers, In sizes to fit the little tots ip:to the 16 year old gir's, A handsome tot of Adresse: gular Merohant Tailor -- MILVERTON Ladies’ Raincoats The past two weeks you have felt tho need of a Raincoat. re is an opportunity to get one at a saving. OUR SPECIAL $3.49 RAINCOATS, Raincoats regular 86,00 for. Faney trimmed white dresses. reg. d0e At Are You Insured Fae al eae aicisa rag: sad ek 8. Spe Dress Embvoidecies, all oy bi 30 Aebedebadetatet 1 All Sais and Spring C Corset Oover Embroidery reg. $s A sy i 2 3B,0013 Don't forget that all Children’s Spring Coa e A splendid range of wide Frilling in white and ecru 8g és reduced 100, Ladie . hele: dior pe and sleeveless... be BLE TRACK ALL THE WAY Toronto-Chicago) is" Toronto- Montreal ‘aatest poe! e int wv a d a or ican p i ek “ ” IMPORTANT _IMpRoveD DatLy BMS ih “te ‘ The Store With the Stock SERVICE NOW IN EFFEC iahiov! .Obanree-.-the Jous + inistrics of these men—John Wes: WESTBOUND EASTBOUND Wear ane Pr sre 20°78 Silas Thera 9 Ly. Mo ; : : Linco | Re : I: & . tata Come in and see what a Saving we can show you. This sal e ohn Wesley. it wear Apparel at a saving. You never need féel un ‘ator was Abas efie igs i S you a grand opportunity to secure your Summer Ready-to- der obligattans to buy. Money refunded on any unsatisfactory purchase, Milverton, Ontario 4 pm rid Br] « Detroit, pra | tv. Toronto 9.00am]in Bedford 25 ye in === <== = = 7 = Ar, Chicago,.8.40 pm | Ar, Monttoal g 5pm, re and ¥ bite a1 years in Hobautise es bara ta Scotland will nt Highest class of equipment e opened until 10 am. Hitherto the ‘The Methodist revival. vas not the}? a Aickets and information at all Grand Truok yvork of ai ny one man. nor, indeed of opening hour “has been 8 delock. and ioke Catt to eee Ana | Onpe@am Want y | Weak Women! nip oe 1 OP and rousing them | Temverance Act of 1914. Clubs are ge - ter publigty, ee Story of redemption | 180 affected by the new law which 3. C, Cunningham, (Phone No.1) Agent | Some women are weak because of ills that are common - and to'flee from the wrath to come.| ®actically forbids them to sell in. | { ih the revival came none too soon. While | xiants between 2am. and 10 a.m. We will pay the Highest Market Price for Cream In Giihood— Woman af Hance, was in the fhrgew of revolut | delivered at the factory. ge: [o' eens seer Cry ion ‘and anarohy. the British, Empire The prescription which Dr. wed most successful NEWTON. WOOLLEN MILLS eubaavodle- Gar bepael tee unparalled PAINTING AND’ PAPERAANG-N GANS SUPPLIED FREE ———— P ee aging! : angellins lly — of women—which has Siva the test ‘oF anit half peel Aric) : Yours for a Milverton ‘hich ushered he Victorian era.) Contracts for painting. paperhang- Sai ° os ie waa e'wondenful answer to the] ing and decornting taken Seame|| sists ~Pearl Creameny, Mier: Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription versistent prayers of the little Oxford | notice. M. HENICK. at 8. Gleccke — club. It vas, ry gmat ee Seria: man’s. Phone 23rd, Milverton. 223-4 Take this in liquid or tablet form as a tonic, London. July o oi“ car Saar (earmark Mrs. Richardson, of Boazloy, sox C SaY8, “I estoem it a pleasure to A i 1) palit Favorite 4 Serr Fong fos local dvover. ther <a s Y om Sallored nese sal weak ne se Det br ver fee corts emanating from Chicago. tl I. the undersigned, hereby agree to Your New Suit— bleak Beno, went to plier eapan.e wd ot a bolton nd att tk CASH or TRADE ld be a matevial advance iy | Sell a package of five standard sj it. with the “Pleasant Beles, T cominancod | to, got Hal never s iaiew int the price of beef before winter, ar) cent boxes of Silver Tip Silent poate: ick end, complaining ‘There is no danger.” he |es for twenty cents. Quality wueton: Pure Wool Yarns, Tweeds, Blank- the price of att oat teed. W. K. Lom, 130-6 late stomach, liver, bowels ets, Flannels, Sheeting, cattle raat Se Share TS eee = Before placing your order, come in | Wool Batts, Ete, mile lain at ie TRESSPASS places y. me in let us show i. cone you our new lines of suitings, We guarantee to You will save money by buying = * = Notice is thereby given that tross- ui pet d bo ML CS FOR SALE passers in woods on cast half lot 12, Please you in both fit and price, RY Tees 11, Township of, vets will Thinve-year-old driver, saan prosecuted according to Inw, JNO. " WACNER well broken. Apply to in Wik okt J. KLOCKMAN. R.R, No, 1° Britton, Sha oues Up Fett. don 8. Sorgen Ae] — || S. N. SMITH, &* &++<00,10 wood P.O, D \. MILVERTON, ONT, Farms | For Sale 2 ener bay the Gon. a att Of The funnicat‘calitbunipian parade ar bodarser Noe rece i isoc [ever seen'in Ontario at the Old Boys’ | It Pays to Dress Well 3) |CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POsT- ING oF VOTERE) LIST "Nothing gives a man more prestige-than to be Well Attired” square ENTER Voters’ List, 1914, Municipality of the} wath kitchen, bane barn. cement | Reuaion, Stratford, Aug. 1-8. Come Villeiret Seaweed cee stabling with all modern ‘convenien | and wee dt LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE You oan have eeailet’ Coctlisine,. “Boloraid: land ry ————SS— J NEW LIMITED TRAINS of Perth, 00d Jovation. St ae Any time and drow thisdone at "JY HERE h asjust heen plac- “THE CANADIAN” Notice ~ hereby given. that I have dd i wit tnt Montreal «1 conte tation Chicago ean “4 ba ponrece Pane et a one Mid 0. sae Ws hak at eee Fall Wheat, For See address ! aie, ed on the shelves a splen- iomtrgal « Toronto = » Chicag: ms mentioned in fi : Is pe cosemign Praag aesMvONa rll Leicin peatlone ior Site. Veen ke wil unacr nee i comforts Re Sen bathed SOWING: MATTHEWS, Principal ¥ did line of Scotch Tweeds of a Gita eeetet ll dase pares comammeniulred by aald seo: | Chine antler well ieee ees a Shops... fall nd wi Mba fas Toraat inca ny sever: | convenient to burch, school railroads | 2! a new pattern for fall a1 Git pus arsine Bett 12.S6am, ||| 04 Of the) lst, Ons a ope eant fo Saldl and marke rare bargain, $2,000 3 hat. will apenas r ec salte spt retutnto, last revised ‘Aasenarient, Roll of the down balance at nse pent FALL TERM STARTS SEPT. 1ST er wear, that wil Through electric lighted en ipa ’s—The East half of Lot} Bra CENTRAL wear well. Call an ' Toronto - = Windlpes Vancouver ert reper of May | Shore anes Loronta §.06 p.m Be a Zana all slear and under alt 14 Sts careers oe? "up in my office at Milverton, "on Ui AS wees Bot 9 STRATFORD, ONT. sprees Nov? leaves ‘Toronto de Wot ie aed | Onion 3 | Wiatlped seeding ay” es ina there for inspection voohore there’ aburober’ schon {urkeys Rea ET etree tye eater | wt Noy 8 leaves Wisi 9.26 pa MBlectors are called avon to oxamine | stores. blacksmith ‘ar ‘3 ks, 8 10 a and artivea Toronto & Bi ally. the paid list. and if any) omi nm or The rty st be ‘a other 61 are for t » to sictetron Oi iceot gts sr-weke ||| take Hmmediate proseedings to have| sold t0, Wind. uv, the eatate of tho| H ae Tos Write for our ith DUFFI ELD T J Hiokete Bo a ats. or write said errors corrected accor rding to law. ministrator Box 23. Mil | ™ 6 6t | sateen and see what we My FLW. THOMAS, « Local Agent |[|_ Dated thia sith s day of uly. 1814 ise HS Doe acinus nines