i é + P ‘ “ESKIMO OF THE FAR ORTR/' REPORT TELLS OF LIFE IN THE FROZEN REGIONS: ~ Polygamy Is Fast Dying Out Owlng to the Efforts of the Missidtiary, ' ~ Bpecial reports of the officers wh pela “d take * census 6 the Fat North ary {i eas stalogicat, if not fren a ptatiatl- point of view: Fabien Vanasse, grapher of the Canadian ent steamship ati: nger Fea arin! et took in addition the tase of Kil- Burwell, on thy kenek, or Por! south side of Hudson Straits, His report contains the following inter esting remarks lone say Eskimos. which are light and heat tute ‘iglos, as also to cook with, othing more than a atone block. ‘of ‘about eight ten inohes in sieciuptersnce)s Be which is This cavity is then a wie made of dry moss is placed around this bowl, and when this primitive wick is well soaked with oil it is lighted, on lamp gives a dim light and produces a heat of about two or three This affords all the light and all the aah: which vilization were living in the aang of our competitive markets, if he knew the yalue of the products of the hunt, if he was more concerned about the future, in spite of all the inconveni- Sain he has to suffer ar the in- te wher But auton Vanabely the Uskimo has no idea of the economle values he holds in ‘his hands after his slaughter of 10 or volar bears, his capture of 25, 20 and sometimes 100 foxes, of two, three or four nar- wals, of eight to ten wolves, of hun- dreds a ae salmon, each weigh-| u ing 10, * 30 Ibs., and which he throws % NA dogs, Besides this he is cl heated codionsly each year by the skimm the si him to dallect, his furs. ing counters he exchanges ‘for few pounds of biscuits and tobacco, a few of molasses, pipes, few yards ods, his aly furs of the prnteay economic value. None Very Od. “Generally speaking, the Eskimo does not attain vanced reine rape) ae been cet however, average Wate of ite ot this raaple is from here is no settled a as anomin pairing. are couples of nine and twelve years; then children live together in the iglo as man and wife. The chief provides regularly for the wants of his companion. few months, and even a few rae this a apprenticeship in married life, if any friction occurs under the © most party hen promiscuous But it m Island, that this sad affairs tends more and RR to bier wmong these tribes. The zealous work of the Anglican nlonke among this people fet thirty years has largely contribu iminish, or mestic ica pats? i i; writes that he has met with onl, one case of polygamy in taking the last census, and the Isky who ac- historio- f “ho kk ‘dononiluations” oft time f| question. knowledged it seemed to be asham- of it: Not Too Clean. bottdil, off i level wi groun two feet high: ever, e ‘hab Rail pass throu it easily. at firs st * one must get on ade eb in fs 4; then lie flat on his stom- aad 5) ii One never gets in and comes out of if spotless, for this vestibule is ot kept in an ex- cy minutes you with the hairs of this fur: But after a few visits to the domicile oe does not notice these stall details. The in. terpreter is alongside of you. Na- turally this brave man, the sage of the village, has no idea of what constitutes a census, He has to be made to understand the quéstions put to the head of the iglo, There are English and French words|t which have no equivalent in the language of the Eskimo, Thus, for exam le, he pee arate “‘months,’? bi ahostively ignored by the natives, These are |t so Many mysteries to them. “Married or Single “What is you el was inyari- ably pare ed Then. S VAnAaie waits, ithe had to enter + conversation, ied on much more by gestures henley ibe mn voice, with the interpreter, in or-|¢ ler to make ‘him understand the ja This done, the jnupsbee ter and the hunter, or tl °c of| in his wbsence, ned end- | less caleulations. Tt was a review of all the important events in fi t word marriage is absolutely unknown among the natives; the beet with ie words ‘‘child’? and anasse writes that | be he pe fea to make himself under- | of} ai Delays Sometimes Expensive Business. or. social en- gagement—just a few min- utes ‘for lunch—can’t wait for service. What.can be ‘had quickly? Order Post Toasties ‘with fresh berries or fruit and cream. They will be served immediately, they are nourishing and taste sence by asking first if they had an| & koney, a pik-ki-nini, the aaa of the Fglovi is Os oney | 8 his wife, and oe pick-ki-nini the | bals is ste Each child has his name nd constitutes by ‘himself a sepa- rate unit. Only Two Seasons, ere isan example: the Osky Nassou has three sons, namely Ik ton-ta, Kak-ton and Pro-mik-ton: ‘fo do not ny Tk-ton-ta Na ‘assou, ag we say in the Christian wontd John Sith ete. years from tl ation will ite grown up, who + know that Ik-ton-ta and his bro- thers are the sons of old Nassou?|} With such a system it is difficult to As tir onth of their birth, it a ‘ to the: Hees selves, they do net and the ice season “‘winter.’’ As of the year the greater number of births is in winter. The same dif- ficulty exists as to the number of animals slaughtered or captured td the ante during the year. ‘The i skimos count easily up to ten above tl ir mode of eats: tion is ae Vanasse, whose report is dat- ed October 24, 1911, concludes that if the Government of Canada wants to preserve these relics of primitive humanity vine will very soon have to put a stop to the depredatioas, Payasete. a0 pos, uatie of which whe he Ne ak on th of the rovers ral the ernment of Denmark ite shown a noble example in this respect in favor of se Greenland Eskimos, ——_-t__ a it is abdub dite foot ny ': half wide thefr victims on J thing for him, that he w vi mi.” jand | the o white of ws tele victim, too, blood or the heart. of Such ignora: Now |& C0 |] | tells of a rol # rats site for its nest. scleated a si ornaments. Be: ' Z ple the winter lasts nine or ten months were a doors, and were soon lost to sight. GUARD AGAINST CHOLERA INFANTUM The visit to the d le, or tl Cholera infantum is one of the iglo, M. Nanae es ee jot what | most fatal ailments of childhood one imay think iglo is of cir-} and during the hot summer months cular form, eight }eét in diameter Heueieae of little lives are lost and as much in Medics Tt is made ty ravages; | e best way to chiblsck'el snow, ig ab the na agiiint W-ivtolnve the baby m occasional wn in satel The Tablets never fail to regulate the bowels and sweeter the stomach; thus peaneaticg chol- era infantum, diarrl “aed and all other ee an complaints. hey aré niet by preene seslet or ne thail at 2% 8 a box from The Wiltne! Medicine Don Bronk ‘Ont: THE vooooos OF CUBA, ‘a Bellef That bel Ils May Be Cured e innibalism. rica, says the : human do e casé of the six-year old boy idlled at Minas Camaguey lence, The cannibals of Cuba do not place is arbecue fashion urkeys in grea’ 8 had reaped it of his wr and had Laven him no- hing in return, “There is He one thing that . will ure you,” this black female fiend told old man, white child au and The Reclo poate wanted ‘the blood houg! tl He then iaeeenoet: country, from * back as the | his son how to kill, He told him. that hunter could remember, and the {arent Mesa Sa a ide que sat the 4 ‘i most ani m where Kinase sine pear pos: | 28. Tho little negro then Invited the sible the date of hie birth, There | “ite boy to go with him and eat man- o! goes, He told the judge how He had is another difficult ait for the | attacke is victim and for fear he elucidate, ere was &/ might escape had first cut off his legs. great deal of trouble in the begin- | He then cut the jugul: vein so he ning to ascertain from the head of pepe fis blood for: the nace ye i q an nei ‘0 get out the an iglovif' he was marriedor single. |reare ao his father could sat tt, ecause they are so Henares ag they hink it will do them good to get the a white — child: credit on only a few nce reflects no nba, There are at most housands of these voodoo: overnment ou; Robin Knew a Thing or Two and Hatched Its Brood. atroyncrsent of the Scotsman bin which recently chose tant to built on the top of a ward- ‘ob. sree rooms, it finally | o! i n the uate room, half-filled ri ind these it piled know this subdivision of the yeur. a large nest, made entirely pr In reality eve Becks CU ik MLL withered leaves, dry gr 1088, sons for summer The nest, was com- birds sharing the labors of neubation and feeding the young. indo as left ope it flies an later with worms, while butter stolen from the table was an irresistable luxury. Four weeks from the date when the robin were out of rat began to to fly to shelter out-of- PRIZE FOOD. Palatable, Economical, Nourishing. vi.| @, military Tipe n a wall-bookease | attende; ith | of tl DEPUTY MINISTER OF MILITIA Col. Eugene Fiset Was Man of War From Boyhood. The Pe Minister of Militia i is “a mai x from t ue youth up,” tt ios eae justification for promotion in re a oe bes is abusdaatly qual age of He comes of a_mil- itary father: He is the don of Hon. A iset, of the Canadian him to camp at the age of ten. Aeung Eugene Fiset went as a.bu pler and his first taste of military fe decided his Tate, tes en he was ate an lieu- tenant in his father’s manent foree of the Dominion, and bas qualified for the rank of geon-General, Colonel Eugene Fiset, 08.0 has an active service record, of which no soldier ees be ashamed. He went out to Sout rica with the first Canadian coubinmont and -|he was thrice mentioned in the des- patches for bravery under fire, Guiel. Flush ba 4 geon; and ii was as a succorer of | the wounde ef that he won his honors | on the the first occasion on which he 1 was mentioned in the despatches was the, firsb day at leburg, ‘The incident it thus ;| told in the oficial eT set hoae by, Colonel Otter: “The company stretcher bearers exhibited great pluck, and five of them v among the wounded; three were wounded in Gant Arnold from, the firing line, the stretcher on which he was be- ing made a special objegt of atten- ion by the Boer mar! In soepeaden with this Apolteeps I must te the courage displayed by Sur- (Cape Fiset, who, £4 8 tho stret- cher on which Capt. carrying Arnold was WATERY BLISTERS INTENSELY ITCHY Between Fingers, Spr Spread to Tips. Would Swell Up, lich, and My Did Not Dare Put Hands in ‘ater. Cuticura Soap and Cuti- cura Ointment Cured. 4, Carman; Manltova,—""A breaking oub IRELAND FEEDS THE BRITISH. | Exports More Meat to England n Any Other Nation, Under th al totaal, oa Rey oner, of Britain,” the Iri Industrial Journal feat Tittle ee ee for the import- an land as a ider has Bee been adequately recognized ev- may. Irishmen cheese ae “oe ls of organizatio: ation “arketing and “distribute ae ‘was vory. tel y and spread my finger ti affecting the falls, Te it sored. ‘They ‘woul up, her rand ri and yee the ni Bees need on nicki L Tala nok dare to oe my nay in water except ta wash we ¢ ustng olntments; ——; PADRE wantaoh auto Bs times the rede would help ailtlebut I wasnoe froo from It altogeth Ointmei 20, 1913. ry sonaraion Outleura Soap forded the most eco {for affections of tho akin and scalp that ste ftch, burn, scale post-card to out. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. S.A. | fighting men, Colonel Fi given this office when he was Le coept ofiee only on the condition that he was allowed to retain his rank in the permanent force. For these sons, ib was necessary to deal Col, Eugene Fiset, D.8.0. being brought to the rear was ped a short distance from the firing line by the wounding of one of the bearers, went aay am Cay rnold, and fausaceonne pail + bearer in »| bringing him to the rear. Capt Fiset also attended povsnniy of the wounded under fire during the lay.” Gazetted as Major, For this act of bravery, Capt, Fiset was given promotion on the field of Patty and on Ma: iy w days after pate ae lati Major of the Army Medical Service in the Imperial Army, the rank which he ‘rad ADEOU BHM the rest camp in South ‘Atria till the war was over and paiets es Bagirad ti Col- one! wat ld in every impo a detioal in whish the Caratinny participated, includ- ing Popular Grove, Dreifontein, was awarded the Distinguished Bevvite Order, which was bestowed upon him by Earl Minto on Paardeberg Hout Nek, and Zand Riyer ; and doe an t with his by special legislation. He retains not only his rank in the permanent army, but retains also his pension in that body @ permanent ciyil head of the Canadian militia.—Francis A. Car- man, in Star Weekly. e icide, ying to hang ay t the rope was not strong aogh and he was suffocation oy gas but work in stonyed the nupaly, Deeriticg the tray his new Tailiire; and as though ‘never say die’’ was her motto, Mme. Blin threw herself lown a twenty foot well, Blin fol- lowing, but there was barely Nee feet of water in the well. Afte: several eir wuubekcots were uns. ——_—_h__. Do Long Breaths Hurt ? DANGEROUS PLEURISY ALWAYS BEGINS THIS WAY. Speediest Cure is Nerviline. re is congestion, tight- hess, such soreness you can’t draw Jong breath. ‘This is the beginning of Pleuri: Plet ey fe far too serious to neg! ect, a single ee erallet will come front a v! rubbing with Nerviline. ‘thts aay other country, | increasing her export of Potter Drug & | a ponds to Major-General among the | should see the set enjoys the honor | sive countries o| Will Quickly dial flammation,” writes M mil: ton’s aa cf Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yell or Ont. Spec! iscovered. by neighbors who | th and ite the great i Yet Ireland as me ider range of agricultural products thas other a supplying the Bnitish mar) In meat Ireland leads all other countries for value Great Britain, The value g Trish 1 and consumption in “Great ea taany in 1912 was $85,000,000, and reater than the value from is encourag- that Ireland is rapidly goods for consumption n 1904, when re- cords wore first kept, Ireland’s ex- ports of food and drink amounted to $80,000,000, In 1912 they had ad: vanced to $115,000,000, hig shone an improvement of nearly 50 cent in the short space of eight ing to read t is apparent from these figures es wt the development of Trish tr: Pm » question of sympath ich production, organized ma its improved transportation, handling, nd advertisement. On the w! matey the futuro of Ireland is bright an promising, and the gow ten’ years the Green Isle one o most prosperous ria progres- x Europe Any Sour Stomach |i Relieves Fullness After Meals, a 1 was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of In- Mir, Bo ey piel always So to-day a professional soldier is | there was pain and fullness, and all the | ¢, g best pills, ers nico ate proves efuso a substitute for Dr, Ham: w boxe: The pk lh Co, 8, 25. lealers, Kingston, —- BETTER ARMING, What the C, P. R. Is Doing for Farmers in the West. tear ¢ Pp, R. He farming’ ‘ains, operated in connec- the Manitoba Govern- ton Ww ith nee interests of ata igent an entific farming i rs the West tral ns will contain specimens noxious sasety) pia troublesome in ven econ suena’ ods of eradication. There will-be models of weed seeds, so that iden- tification will be easy; Manitoba birds, with instructions as to their habits, whether destructive or bene- Le oer dupeots will be illus- loving films ; a be oe cattle, sheep ats hogs, in nection with which lectures will i given to young ee especially ; a car devoted to home ‘economies for Everybody's favorite. —=== FARMS FOR SALE. Colvorne St, ‘Toronto, #. W. DAWSON, Colborne Bt. Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, G09) WEEKLY IN Livi TOWN LN Boniacee® (county, Stationery, end. Boek $4,000. ing Compuny, ‘Poron’ siness in etlor ‘Terms Tiverak, Whson, Bublinhe 7% Woit Adelaide Street, Se cl maa tt LUMP: with ure Dr. Bellman Medical mited, Collingwood, Ont. KITCHENDR’S STORY. “East and West Do Occasionally Meet, He Said. “There was a you ng woman, pronounced brunette,” Citchener of Khartoum, b thy Walker was intoreeaneele patiys to the front, where still more unfortunately, he was forthwith seat off by a wan- dering Mauser bullet. The widow was such a ele to the raat of unrestraine that it was ob- ed am Thus,” ad- ee mith a malicious under it ees Forrestier- the Gan; bereavement ke other pills, they acted very mildly, | a8 an indication of her th seemed to heal the hewale I did} and the widow from the Ai My of PHIS COUPLE 1 CAN not require large doses to get results| the Thames applied peroxide of hy ee SUE CANT DIR. ies pre Hamilton's Pil, ani foal mn rogen ag an advertisement of nee Three Attempts at Briel by M,/ Sad that 1 have found g mild yet eer | uncontrollable eorrow. Mme. Blin Fi pain, tomach, a i ah . - able to digest. anything. Tiis {s a whole Tragic though their intentions ap- | {ot of good for oie mediet an Ideal Arrungeniont, pare ie: a married couple |] can milton’s Pills are the t med Blin have caused amusement “Mr, and Mrs. ees seem to get, clon well pasib due to their superior lo you meat “She lays il the "tate and ho caries i This Way Out. Have you any opening here for ait Gated the’ ehectites young man fen,” announced the manager, “It's right bani yo UF H Tayo Isn’t This "Romantic ? Two toce loved by four corns for five and sentenced to die by cations of Putnam's Corn Batnactor. five appli- wt ‘a tee as alisaentere . = “Willie,” rematked Mr, Shimon, “didn’t you go tothe trunkmakers yesterday.and. tell him to send round the trunk T ordered?!” Willio —Yes, ime mm Wel syle? is isthe trupk, biit no strap. Ye: father, I know; Ms told him T thought you’ hadn't better have any strap.’” women, where will teach nursing, sewing, ‘anadian. Paci- the Government, i ° eee that field crops and minia- ture lay-~ put of farm buildings will | $5 be shown in two cars for he ay trakenits instruction will 1. | en as to the protection of such bud Saskatchewan is in need of 1 Bounbt & ores. igh a-nuiiporedly te. curable rin ‘cur H $1.00 worth of shWhaty's LINTIMBN'T on rae la for $85.00, Profit on, Liniment, MOISE DEROSCH. Hotel Keeper, St, pnillippes Que. do f ia * Day, 1903. way in order to get cooled off. ixed farming, and there will be eee er COMIN: DARE hort aua tains ake ouhitied Colonel Fiset inherited not only alan hour my side was so Tull of pata] special features on two large cars: = et T thie 1 the prize food in a fe ds, ve for he inherited also|and my breathing hurt so much that I) which wil Mf d ie average woman can bluff al- Tuan Chi iui is Named Generalissi- aha - Guih Reraonkl eee ete a love for The ee ‘of Aescula-| thought I had monla, I always|the Saskatchewan train, lecturers} most any man, but when it comes _ With Wide Powors. | Si writes, err [ bins. His father hed been, a multi | ate Norns 8 mY ete end et des] will accompany; and instruetion| to platting rome other woman val sidential mandate, follow-| “After our long experience with Paid before him; and the young hpab ites, ‘The warm penetrati 4 ill be given in everything practi- tha 8 another story. ing eth by the Bay visory Council, |Grape-Nuts, T cannot say enough hae followed Payee aes _in | effect was soon noticeable ai a Taulok: elly: SRS HA ninA ts ah ity Pot on eh pas A ea e of “‘tutuh” in China has] in its favor. We have used. thes |the iRarontal footsteps. He ob ly got relief. Nerviline, 1 consider, 4 : ee abolished. The official who} food almost continually ee ae ed his early education at Riera saved me from a serious illness,” ” course, de for the now settlers, uae aety! yllgns No mar Rt ane in ee ie Aneasory upris- | years. ‘ College, went on t ys piney ile who ma; ee A a cane sah ust ahve, Com omtpe Wut for en oe heya, from the “We sometimes tried other ad- Laval: ‘University, where he gradu- LN ter pe poe tah tan peerrgs pera ah t Py Chinese ETOP life. Coincident vertised ‘breakfast oe but we| ated i e age of twenty- Paiva: congestion in the throat and th: Soares Rt le should fawnies i ihe To-day’s bovis i is = woth more to with the abolition of the “tutuh" is| invariably retamed to Grace Nurs | two, with the tithe of Bockoten ai [rauey ing stitch in the sido,| ust dr these knowledge and abit ay thes tomorrow's bettor aanounedg r reorganiza: las the most, palatable, economical| Medicine. Tt was as a medical man|tumbago, neuralgla, sclatiea or mou: Pest toextract from the sol ‘bsed tion of the army and a shake-up and nourishing of all. that he served throughout the South|matism. Nothing mores atinaré’s Xintment Cures Colds, Btn which involves’ many’ celebrated | “When I quit tea and coffee and|Aftican campaign, and on his way (powerful... The b0e. fre > fraget tt al | —— military men. ‘The rank of gencral-l began to use Poxtitm anid Grape- | batck-to the Dominion he took apee-|%% tuezmost economical. peat Showed Her Skill, issimo has been created, and Pres-| Nuts, 1 was almost a nervous(ial courses in London and Paris in |™° wife is one of the best mana- ident Yuan Shi Kai has conferred] wreck, I was so’ irritable I could] the treatment of the eye, ear, nos Passing It On. Bers a ie world,” it upon Tuan Chi-jui who ha: - pet As nights, had no interest|@nd throat. He is thus ae Sar Rika heal eeeaberi ates “‘T heard her saying the other day ected the een of the army as fied to serve his country ivil eta : that she didn’t believe there was an- Minister of There are "0 weparate divi sat and these are to be trained ac odern cate “ot warfare, and armed with up-to- ae weapons. China. already posse a remarkably efficient aerial eee Ape Works as Sailor. able seaman me Atter using Grape-Nuts a short ‘ore than oo ney generals are time I began to improye and all LT ala hie a ER these ailments have disappeared ate aera ary dist ric 8 le ieee and now I am a well woman. My cation 0} army is com me two children have been almost rais- | met ed on Grape- ae which they eat three times a are Baca of health and Bats sg had the least symptom f stomach trouble, even through pen mos it pats siege of whooping ough they,could retain Grape- Nute'when all else failed. ‘Grape-Nuts food has saved doc- F ship Canada fast to het th when| tor bills, and has been, oe ais mighty good, too, she arived at Boston the other day|.a, most eeenomical fo ahs rom England, ed ina sailor suit, . ae eroeereewheret | (tie Mundt foc pits tre Stl co. Windsor, Ont ead the [ex —everywhere is best ind, ie pier o1 e firs! Ay oy bike tia lhe ith the thin rope by which the Road {6 Wellvile, in pgs. Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., dock hdfds draw in the le, “There’s a Reason. for, Ont. he. salute ve bag °. CfaNg- | cus appease deem’ tie to. tine A ghoy + outang dined at the head of the crew's mat | tabio, and cats with a kmite and fork. | Meeaterte Sue, And fall’ of humas career as well as in the nile Appointed by Special Act. ‘The present organization ‘of the neat. service he Canadian militia bears the impress es ‘Colonel Fiset’s abilities. urn from So’ ame itaff Ajutant for the Medical Ser- yice, and jn 1903 he was appoin' Director-Gencral of - the er Service, and the service was put o: its ee pane under his nye vision. tered upon these du- ties with ib pA of Lieut.-Colonel but a year later hese, ae ek onel of the cee oe sao ‘this eek althoual he has been seconded for duty on the civil'side of the militia, and on July 28, 1913, he beea qualified by service for the nag of urgeon - General, whic] mA conducting a lesson on the story of “Jacob’’s Ladder,” concluded. b; saying: “Now is there’ any little girl or boy who would like to @ question about the lesson re Little Susie tobked puzzled for a oe ory then raised her hay nd ANG estion, aoe asked tl hematin “I would Bucie “if the angles why did, thay have tora we ag know,” said have wings, imb up the ps teehee Powat for some mo-| ments, and ooking about the class, asked : Ts tists any little boy who would like to answer Susie's question?” Midard's Linkuent Cures Diphtherine “Yd rather have money anit “Vou girls always Wane -| what you haven't ages pleasure,’ practical question :—' A Ready Answer, ‘The Sunday school teacher was. talking to her pupils on ‘patience. | She explained her topic Sreaine: and, as an aid to under; he gave ra pupil a ca: the picture of a boy fabiog she said, “requires the exercise of patience. See the boy fishing—he must sit mt wait and wait. He must be pat ing treated the subjeab > very fully she began with the rere most vs wean any little boy tell me what a need most when We go fishing?’ The an- r was. See hiy shouted with one swe: voice—‘‘Bai age you,’ fol ISH ae ory i ce Belg ra other woman alive who could man- _