' = : < ‘ 7 i ‘ as ini a&aGSde F iy a ; = - a , The Milverton Sun THESUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON = a it dope, tee AE TR] | And Monkton Times HE l TH pooked v “e ud As aboat ae all) Martin has fea katt ly baste , J N OF THE SPIRIT , eae all A ings—No doul ad e a " EVERY THURSDAY MORNING INTERNATIONAL LESSON, 4g’ th8 “tomnle bo worl Sita een ers He has made things F me 5 ihaudae: a Fee taal ae i Res iekaalcan ed irene for opremies nat eae! : : us ooctisi The Sun Prindiag Gitice have cbeets the teste in sola for Tpeclally lellghfed ti oeeaith s|Creeds and Sacraments. Seem Still to bz Vital Is- | Main Street, = Milverton, Ont * Noises in the Head. a —— Tape oF Ae Toned chedteres ee ane ae Churchill. He has sues of Christian Experience , supscripTion RATES Noliee in the head are of various wesc tenes si ol ee ppeyine Hon hn ee 4, harp | bei i Sete ot pat ier ee t —- i , One atresia Genta; theee|kinds, and come from a good many] Mark 1, tif. Golden Text, — |i tee Mate 11. 15.18). Matthew, | Whip's list) and being jena ‘ Fiona. 26 conte; in, advance, Soperyeat | different causes; they are hot al- Zech, 9,9 however aces th ie “s ‘fhe | Sometimes by the Speaker He has |; Fa cote Raitt comet sehen neltiae | Aeed iy el aniy abies: op eonnact ovens rates | Ways indi¢ations of ear disease. . tine eeiat ke te while in England found time to 2 Hise mounttalar ape ie Cerasalens there never would h teen suet ! suar awros, Moa|Sometimes they are bwing to) Verse 1, And when they draw es ae te ly AtieE te El eteavecyion. end pass judgment on chal ye) Worship the Rayer, antcan enaaea Me hsoAepa . Hg AB" GE] changes in the walls of the blood /nigh unto Jerusalem—Since leav-| | He WeamhRanG: Gag uBeeliany eit) the various Canadian leaders from pelt i SEAN Bi eh adi distinction to the Church, if the | 3 8} vessels, in the composition of the |ing deriho, Jesus and the company | the {welve—At eventide Tess walk. | time to time, Ba eee ce HOR WORD) no sof the Master had not for- lood, ‘or in the force of the blood|of pilgrims with him had traveled}ed in company with char atieplen fri Laurier, gave hints to Mr. ate tnd in truth.""—dohn i," gotte a Th Gaetwuetiebalitiea of Ye | nd bit bt cents per os decnTenbaequent inne. pressure} or they may be caused | about fitteen, ree Part of this|over the road which he had so re-| Borden, and when Mr. Rowell be- spirit which always unite and paid tion Wlitbe charged for al"erandlent aaver-| by certain digs, such ag quinine }journey was through a wild and|cently traversed amid the acclaims|came Ontario Liberal leader, Mr.| It is most startling to discover, |@evout attention to those outward and salicylic mgerous country, the scene of |of th Ititud Maiti , : shigrienensrttsionsideett | "Tye shart ofthe sound airs | ike parable of Uh good Samaritan. st ie runt, mon ag Masia ota i owt Na (ot mn reat 2 aimagett Baa the Bho t it . * 7, oe rn mn ‘I Speers en een ae |e route i ep ea nara ot a ot eo i coin [ate yo an arr eaflice by noon Mon : h ; iet ways, an ecomes once ¢ is going to settle, but if history, that, as Prof but the story of an uninterrupted Mallon flere a renting erohing Hetustand-the heating af blind oh more the teacher and benefactor.” de Hae Canada he will By Walker iat ee probeant "1 oat ateiigels Over fork of organization, ' matconse wacmena ving paling, dvmming, Pulgome: [teaching by tho wayside wo, have a ges SR Hee ah ee eee eee ts Jebiabished "no shureh, organic [tiga of dnc. onations of times the noises are so fant hat already. died inthis series of| “FIGHTING JOE” MANTIN. mad SPA STERN GIRO GEA BH DAO Ling orga re iain te BusinessCards | Shavers obi ticed only at ugh or in Jerre me erect ft the iereks erases ‘iran ; = Ha sane nen gh, riot Bit ae arisen to talk his aiadinpe: of the absolute stillness; in other cases a @ pounds and Holds the British Empire Record % aye. | Spirit. and to amite with the light- they ve go loud that even the noise |the talents; also his prophecy of tor Changing Seats. = eh the RU ONS are alr ek ie Hebe) Fate one of a railway train fails to drown | bis death and his words to. his dis- Pb DR.M.C.TINDALE, L. D.S. | them “ chronie cases the head |© ees about greatness through ser-|_ The news that ‘Fighting Joe’’ } ritual, nor as a creed—but as an at + ed Is of the recreant Church. (Successor to Dr. Lederman nois sually worse when the i Martin is shifting his political oung 0 S experience, a life, an raat 2 a a Lig has be been silenced or Monon Guapourn Tororo Unves eitene la worried, overworked, or Bethpage place which cannot | scenery—leaving the British House A great part of the oppositiog| *ain by the wearers of mitres, the of to which the Nazarene shonuntets race of phrases and the lovers out of health, and they seem to be | be iden Commons and coming back om Eetaenton ‘by smoking, or living in| Be tanya ae on the south-| Canada—is far from a surprise. Wek /arouked by, eaweieeen wl Ses a alae ——— —— 8 tulty rooms. ast slope e Mount of Olives| But if he stays in Canada that will Things Woe Cannol Do. cared so little about those external “9506 bo Fenta lh” saat ese eS The most Trequent cause of tin- pad eRe Pe “miles from Jeru.|be @ surprise, He has established ie i matters of organization an P. PARKER, M.D. P, Ly TYE, Mov. | nitus (for that is medical name|ealem. This was the home of Laz-|® unique record, being the only “Father,’’ said Jimmy, one even- which hig DOOEe DEE Inaey: regard has become so loud a ery, institu- DRS. PARKER & TYE. |! the proent teg is ear disease, |arus and his sisters, Martha and|man in the British Empire who ing when they had the porch to ed as the essence of religion. As tions, creeds and sacraments seem either aoute or chronic. If itis ow-|Mary. Hero was alao the house of |has held a seat in four diferent | temectven. it OY veep. your | ©! mbsther Gost was ee ER ay Ate a eee Le orice < Poin BAGG cron; MAYEXTON ing to an accumulation of wax in|Simon the leper, where Jesus was Houses, He has been in the Mani-)third finger straight out while you ps the mountain in Samaria or experience, What wonder that a so- : the ear, the noises will cease |ancinted by Mary (Mark 14. 3;{toba Legislature, the Dominion clench the other fingers on that lo SEND Sat Cen aaa in-|ber historian can say that the 10 to 12 o'clock a, m.,and 2 © 4| promptly when the wax is removed ; John 12. House of Commons, the British | ham different. the sacrifices and | Church has ever ree “more vital- m,, nad 7 to 8 o'clock’ p. in. but if the noises coma from disease | The hee of Olives—This name | Columbia Legislature (where he be- cree father smiled—not eit cbiations, “the altars and ‘the [ly interested in the sci DR.A.F. McKENZIE, M.D.|% ie uidiie eet or of the internal /is given to the range of Bille enat| came Premier), and in the British knowingly, Jimmy had’ been camp-| shrines, the holy places and sholy |ligion than in religion wast . c .D.| Shr, treatment is'a much more dif-j of Jerusalem, ‘They are separated|House of Commons. He might | ing with his Unole Jack and the |days He had little or no concern, I is imposible to. remind our- Physician and ala ve ficult matter. trom the city by the valley of Kid-}) now be eiicahede be round off his| boys. But he tried it. With his | What held His attention was the | selves too often of what Jesus MONK'TON, ONTARIO. | "Ifthe physician can cute or ameli-|ron. ‘The height of the ridge is [career by introducing his dynamic| left hand first, fox he was just a| Abiding Reality of the Spirit. | taught and lived—to recall, both for a orate the inflammation, the tinni-|abont 2,600 feet above the Mediter-| personality into the rest of the|little proud of doing things with | What dominated His interest was| our own spiritual health ‘and for the shiva 1: Bo fara poll from1 to] tus will be relieved at the same |tanean, Pogidlatiires and Parliaments of | that hand, He often said that if he | the problem of life of the soul. Once} salvation ‘of the world, that pure times and ,donis etimes Bossa can £8 ive of his disciples-—The names the Empire. hae poeog ieee in oi a cod 3 that a man had clean hands] religion of the 5) cpirit to which He DR. much to help it, even when the ear |of these disciples are not given, but| Joseph Martin has held a career|he could haye ‘become ambidex-|and a pure heart, was genuinely lent the oe of His prophetic F. aero ner SRE disease itself is incurable. ‘The vi- | it is supposed, from the minuteness unmatched in Canadian politics. | trous. Tt had been penfectly na- pio) hed love for humankind and| genius. The he here ts opted De stentfon brations made by a ‘buzzer’? held |of the description given by Mark, |He left his birthplace in Milton, tural for him to handle his spoon Sad t God face to face in the| plain between the one thing pian Specialty : Treatment of allehronte and net. close to the ear will occasionally |that Peter, from whom Mark re-|Ont., when a young boy, and before ae his left hand, but his mother | high, ie ae of spiritual] is essential and the many er Sraginse wieinoda: Saats luowest Aoubles, by | give xeuist, aod the noises have been |ceived much of the material con-|he was out of his teens he was a had discouraged it fellowship, He did not care before | things which are non-essential. Sand method fy aneltet ed. C to SAE pe ast prannited |? tained in his Gospel, was one of the telepraph, operator in the United eee ays uta ih ed Beer ele ale he ae in what| this issue must be faced, regardless hitentn at the telephone ut on | two. States. The mi , of | mented a little with the third finger |language he prayed or by what - Sette chee dna singe ee the other hand, those things have| 2% The village that is over against | 1873, Pe. limp erg ada |of his left hand he remembered that | name he gohat Sor actin. od Bnigtan eae kt sometimes made a bad matter worse | You--Matthew (21. 1) mentions only| to become successively a school | he h a another one. Pretty soon) Strange iN pease it'is now|come when men shall know that DR. F. J, R. FORSTER, Wyo, Ear,| rather than better! he sufferer |Bethphage, and his account indi-| teacher, a lawyer, and a. profes-| he said, “‘It is queer, bub with @|to see how largely churches of| ‘God is a spirit, and they that wor- Nowe nd Throat only Houte Sarge | must not take the advicwot his aym- | cates that this was the village to] sional politician. “Wherever ie was little practice — Christendom, iA interested them-| ship Him must’ weorghip Him in ‘ork Opthalmic and Aural Insti- pathizing friends, and put drops | Which the disciples were sent. These | and whatever he was at he exhibit- Ba know a lot of other things you| selves in these ry éxternals| spirit ‘and in truth.’’—Rey. John celts PATA and of various kinds into the ear. They words seem to imply that the ‘village | ed yevolutionaty. tendencies: ‘He edo iat Jimmy, with calm | which satuntieo idtle to Jesus, In-| Haynes Holmes. Mooretield’s Kye Hospital, - London, |can seldom do any good; and may | ¥4* oft the road on which they were | might be a good leader i time of see ee He dashed into the E Eng, Oftice : 63 Waterloo St., opposite | make the condition more serious. traveling. inti honse, and when ie ¢ came out he a Hank Chusch, Stretiond. Phone out, | The trouble may come fram so many |, colt—A colt of an ass. In. the several matches, an egg an ¥ | Hast, the ass is larger and: switter = adly, free. VILLA, CARRANZA AND MEXICO, : different conditions that only a howe eat than with us. In e iet-the |. es ° . | ON A he| There is splashes misinformati thorough examination, byyan ex- n contrast with the | “Fighting Joe’’ started out not "Saw he said,, putting the] tiene ds ormation H. B. MORPHY, K.C. perienced physician, can determine ae pet peas brought from! ,. gn ordinary Liberal, but as an tnatches atid towel ona chair, and|¢pir Grermocsne ioe syne a tae Fashion Hints acitics)-c alary Paves’. ‘codseyancec | MS Teal oause/and the proper treat- PA ie i cate ge in war, extraordinary Radical. He was up yey wn eae the eggs. | great civil strife that has torn the Re: ENctcatice wank celescche ment.—Youth's Companion. s a symbol of peace. From| +) portage la Prairie, Man., ant “Now, eated Jimmy, ‘‘put! public to the South for so many ssFOWnL, | ULV aes ceweton the words of the prophet (Zech. "°°" 7 | the ene. ciwess your two hands) Most of us have thought Bt aie beri Cesk STRWES waireecion Tiny Tooth Ti 9, 9) all Jews expected the Messiah | lengthwise and try to crush it.’ and its people as the Epraral habitat " ny Tooth Tips. ta enter Jerusalem riding upon an ‘The eng, still intact, was soon in|for the insurecto, where everybody New Neck Ruches, 7 c Tt is most unpleasant when teeth | °°. Jimmy’s pocket, and the towel, was was ready at.the drop of the hat to lay F, R. BLEWETT, K.C.__ | move because they are loose in the |..Whereon no man ever yet sat— SIRE ti joahee's eyes. OW? aside his peaceful avocatfon for the Oni thei da pty ee hew ae “Nired Sotleltor for thé tank gum sockets, but if the mouth is | Matthew mentions (21. 2) that: the said, “keep perfectly still for ng {more alluring exeltement of brigand.| of tulle is made with a little Wire Won Bereedibo suck scckephy Bu HP ehayineuth SOR Ge eth ek Lae y age. This is a mistake, for there {| stand-up collar sb the ba ek, 1 Gordon Block with bicarbonate a soda dissolved mother, and had therefore not been a te s easy,” a his father. niet eeoerlw a Ea Mich el fragile, sf course, tor ‘5 sennsn hari Ie Berane ate dic ce wih ‘eation” demas that's ong” au ip fhe | Row ety oe su, Manare|camaot make tale durable, Du Caterina, - sfore so are again. new or nnused shieste jferues Fig Jimmy, “inwindiga the towel and |more replete with’ ngurreetion and the collnch ail wupestied 1 pranndy i . Compa hid . g ors © than others, A oe J. AW. HAIER, Volerinary Surgdon COM LEPS: | 3, The Lord hath need of hin— Passing nie father # mata Hoereh raat aeaused iis not a matter| 8, Without doubt, very becoming. y. ‘B' | Mh f il Uilverto: Sonia cially ato He ee uid is 8U-bTord, “Master.” winashetile “Put the match across ‘the nai of chotce, but that he 1s foreéd into it Now Headlines preme for making the teeth a Y of your second finger,’ he com-las a last resort to maintain bis free: . Some of the new headdresses site ahd “sneain of earrings—and yet e are no earrings. ‘These are ary Coll io frequently used by the diseiples keeping the | Sha others in speaking to Jesus so Pais ing w manded. ‘‘Now break it with the |dom and protect his property rights phone or tepced satel 4M bx to| mouth sweet. ‘the aeagen byt its use here se first and third fingers of the same| Villa, commonly thought to be a hand.’ murderous bandit, is really a man of| # renders innocuous ng s wash) pieers of embedded food in the ‘eres ausaee tht wits cosaiute, vi When the match, also unbroken, | wonderful, military genius and power, bantis or ane to go about the head, vi hol fined the aug in Jimmy's pock. | natural-born soldier, having unequal-| of jet beads, and at enc side, jus! recat i ia cic, "Atlverion, Tecth which-from ang. case— Mie ome he ole EO a eae tol tether iby alb ed moxnétiaiiy: Sarees end taH ERS Lae ee each ear, there is a long Oc Hie i : ; G évening oR oF moka, eglect, mediciné, etc.—|° And straightway he will sehd him square into his chair, as far back] myriads who would HO ear te antan de gna pen which reaches below the very bad, | black: state] pack hither—He to ae he could and straight up. ‘Now. (tie. fighting tanks, would soon find| UP of the eat. pall in J. JWeirn bio, iti Ebreth:| should be cleaned with powd 3 CHE Ad cea ad ? ids “ge hout : Striped Line anvalwayhweloon 8 show e cleaned with powdered | the colt at once. daddy,” he sai ‘get up without | himself at the head of an army sufll. y riped Linen, i 5. fh toege Be "Be , , WM.;| cuttlefish, obtainable ata chemist’s.| 5. Certain of them that stood either bending forward or putting | lent to "yh out the pete foroey, “Striped linen is a fayorite sm- This should be used three times |there—Luke says it was the owners your feet under the chair.’ snd completely avonge, the aasasslna’| poy fabric. Tt iy sed jn combina daily until the teeth are-clean; and| that asked the question. Perhaps low, . . .”” began Jimmy. , “Ition with plain linen—sometimes as Silver Star But his father saw Mating 8 mo- then no more, After that any goad the’owners and others were stan: a Ke uN soldier and a fighter from the ; , , Milverton eels every Friday night at | dentifrice. ing near and saw the disciples. Hon. Joseph Martin, ther coming, and hastened to cor- ground up, and as sult 1s a popular sometimes as the whole skirt to. be ii i ir hall over Bank of Ham| Few know thet sage leaves-are| 7. Cast on him their garments—| — res rect a too hasty impression of in- worn! with a plain linen jacket Ib ton, Vin ets) ie a Peale mob satan for the teeth. ‘The ane outer robes or long. coal cial Rights sanity on his part by reaching for pret ca on the other hand, is afis used, too, for trimming frocks KR Bete y! ws TN k. bene | leaf can be rubbed on, or chopped! As they had no trappings for this made a stand for Provincia’ Me his newspaper. When he had secur-| statesman of a yery high onder, and {s| and. suits. of other fabrios—striped We ne B60. | very ane and used with afbrush.|colt, the garments would serve as| thus winning a seat in the se ed it he turned again to Jimmy and|a great admirer of Villa, whom he di-! linen collar and cuff facings, for in- Notary Public. The effect is astonishing. * asuddle, though the act of ee dis. | toba Legislature in 188 stay-| “Seed "Tell me, can you do any {rects with the affectionate Tae oted stance, are used on a plain’ suit of W. Db, WEIR, N A little lemon-juice is another | ciples was also one o ed in that House ten years. While] of these things (”’ fatior Tor its an: Feces PAIS) Patine: Ca log aut Notary Pablie, Aue-| good tobth tonic, though it needs to) He sat upon him—The Da Facok Shere He ee Ste EMEP frou don’t egih) ips mien ey) & Pie ene ek “couteary aanorts New Dancing Petticoat. ‘aterioo, Conve Deeds, Wi e used but occasionally. jesus into Jerusalem in this manner, | by stating thay r. Bpeal $} fool of myself trying them,” was|emanating chiefly from Huerta’ ; Bea ba ; woyancer, Deeds, Wills and lous partisan he | 5; 5, 16 ly There is a new chiffon dancing Mortgages drawn and’ A{idavits made. In default of tooth-powder, gon fulfilling the prophecy well known | the most. unserupwious /p oe Jimmy’s answer. agents to create disc a tticoat with two strips of whale- Village Clock, Ores in the Weir oa ‘| mon salt mixed with fine soot — or|to the Jews, can have no other had ever met.!’ The Legislature eT er ‘Villa knows his ow! m limitations Rage Deveneae Nach Se we over the Metropolitan Dank, either of these alone—is quite hoa. etite ae that Jesus publicly refused to proceed with business eae ae side of soldiery, ana pelleves in the | bone to keep it, an the frock worn ‘he soot mnakes the teeth wonder-| announced himself as the Messiah, | until he apologized. “Joe”? stayed| MISUNDERSTOOD ANIMALS, | perfect patriotism and Nnsolfish devo. |over it, out about.the hips, But do full, h 1d th rT x rather, he accepted from his dis-| away for several days until his ac tion to the cause reedom for the |not take this to heart as an indica- ully white, and the salt not only |% D P niet i aa 4 republic that Carranza manifests, and| tion that hoopskirts of the old sort hardens the gums, but puts * ciples and others the title whieh| tion became a widespread sensi | Wore Is a Good Word for the Bear 7 say teat Sacelaw A T had Jong d ion, Then he turned fade| ee Bea honestly thinks that Carranza will be| ay really here or that the skirt of ter on the enamel of the teeth. ey a lesired to give him, | tion. Then he turned up, and and the Snake. PTE See ico what Bolivar was to the far ii, summer is really any fuller read. their apology, which he closed by (Seep et i B Boa constrictors and grizzly bears bah Pe a Gentian his tefuniphant about the bottom than ever. Styles Eee ene Ms Pe . dion the apts do honor to him ding, |, “But it’s true just, ithe [seer cy an KING OBEYED ORDDRS. as a king (compare 2 Kings 9. 13). | same.’ That was in Opposition. | have long been ba of as crea-|march vj ‘exico’s Capitol ‘and 1/are slow in their development, even GAAS CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil. — Branches, which they had cut| When ‘ie Liberals came, into power | tures to be dreaded, but t Mr. Enos bredit the Mona th urper Hue) a though ed the me verton, commodation for | American Women Mistook Him For | from the fields—Matthew speaks of Martin’ became Attorney- Beane A. Mills, the poe naturalist, bes ‘ 5 many moni Ae ‘r he skirt of the ‘i bes DP Te ag ‘A strong liberty-loving man will then Maes rfrom full at the gommercia Traveled osha Three Chafleur. —- branches being cut from trees, and|in Thomas Greenway's Cabinet. | a good word for the bear, and Dr. |). °g¢ the head of th nation, and cae fi Be ti 4 brand n brane of liquo peyton along this road from Bethany” to| Among other _remarknble Se abe, Frank Baldwin, recently rephened: pe attrodden Mexicans, for the frst av ne Ron. He icons, in Chas, Ritter, Pro} re and elgars,| ‘The King ofithe Belgians, one of| Jerusalem grew palm, olive, and] strations of his individuality he an- from an! seins we i the Philp-| time, will have a voice In their own} spite of its balloon-hke propot ions c Pesta Ddaed the most democratic. of European| other trees from which branches | nounced that 1) Palas language ‘ pines, speaks “a ake more governme mnt. at t es iy nt at ottom, Ont. bi M if QUEEN'S rate Milverton, Ont. panes: who has been spending| might be cut; but the word| would be bolishea the Separ- da tically than ae a Ces es a @ no mare ue a red and puffed into ba Der pecmmsalsy, yn for com) 1 weeks in Switzerland, “branches’’ used b: refers |ate Schools. This, it on said, was Milla declares that: the feral © Lar eaten nick, erent LY Bini slight dimension: cet tells the following story father to the leaty twigs or “‘lay-|the commencement of the Manito-| is a most maligned of animals. |Uhuisguised curse of that crt sheer Accordion Pleats Popular. ‘ At Territet the Be and Queen Ses ot Teavea, rashes, and the like, | ba schdol question. Beat cea duds ayar ites ok poople for over a contury, | Accordion pleats are much used, . wel motoring. is May was | whic make a road , and lives on|” "rhe country will be cut up into] and foloomec’‘t ho be BAGH driving and there "were no cihaedd: hsunaleoFida: wate denee sianaithes Was B.C; Premier. nuts, fruit; bark, grass, carrion, |small farms, and tho peasant will Se Ee ated se dic w Hs ' THE Rah RAS HOUSE, Berlin, | ants, The Queen went into a shop] in ancient times which grew out of Martin was next heard of in| garbage and insects, and, as a rule, |once more sit under his yeah ees a with the long Bune and ibis gurely ‘on BS eer » Comimercin ial | {o make some purchases. The King| a desire to make the road smooth | the ebamiaion House as member for ee nothing larger than a mouse. I Phere reg and vassalage wil in. improyement, from the wearer's Suaces sabe ‘4 a Bu was standing near the car, reading and pleasant for traveling. Winnipeg. He sat there from 1893|Mr, Mills says Phi excellent | error ross and, reprehensible favorit: potty of View) over rae straight un- Raten'$1.60 par day, Wat. Wren, Prop’ a newspaper, re Raaae ao) i Sselnrg ad L save now. | until 1896, fats me a facult; Ai mse patient and thorough in his|ism shown by the government to the e | derskirt. For it permits of easy { man came out of the shop, jump ‘aken from Psa, 118. 25, 26, a/ disagreeing with other people an great land owners, and the consequent | walking, and at the same time pre- , ——=—= | into the and bade the) prayer buat Jehovah will uD pro-| standing igidly, for his penciblen Doctor Baldwin says of the boa! poverty and starvation of the THASEER | Ncoveg a straight effect. ae there driver to abv her to her hotel. pies to his people, Here, it is|led to his defea' ¢o1 onstrictor of the people, is arin ra the the accordion pleated vy ; PUBLIC NOTICE ! 9) .C2**tit!y, madame,” replied the] probably a re tgassivekon| Thenthe went stant West, and| “All my reading life I have re-| numerous ant a etna, with ed tea ligi, thin wk thi Ps Yen Sees © NE Ring, oo Soin with the lady's in- Prck-the Moasiahy was 8 expecte to| of course soon became a political eae the boa constrictor with hor-| yk eruelty, was alone able fo put| a delightful cape for evening wear, IM Ree brain Coco Outen te th a us Ne tie i a ie mpi ae factor in British Columbia. ‘There, | ¥0 and aversion. Wht J got into| down. Tt is put into a yoke of heavier far ‘ xieen came out of the store, and| thou the eat Minti 20) Like hi je jung) fate great, desire’ Mexico {i 1; derful land. | pric th . Eph nie Shing vets was esis 0 find her husband | speak the words with a aout ot Inert and Rennie ma meet a large boa, in order that ew outside Feallza this... the travel nate that ifs with dey ade. Jacob ¥. Mo: ear He disappeared, Both |joiein djang and enemies who too 1 might do him ‘some very real|ter rushes through the country by rail, feces alee Ot hoes . aus reappeared, however, and Blessed is iy nee cometh in the} ghot at him seReereny sat ret hari Hi heh I ae ae ot om ante Ae 8 a vs ara ph aul 8 eit Maj tle laughed heartily| name of the Lord—In the thought sentiments were those of pity: for 4 as poe . eae tae a eer aa {Gf the peavle, the Mewsiah wan to| tee Li same Premier of the Tie. |the snake. He was stretched across | Sito aaron ‘walowing in else Fixing ‘Them Both t to the ia ale of the American geuree tt) Cena and his king- pines. sie period of turmoil in pe ee and en the ie aa proximity with pigs and chickens reek- Rr at aa le ; “ k > woman were fruitless. lom would be a vicéregency. baad rent Wats "him, they ponneed upon’ him with | ing-in filth and vermin—ts to our ¢ Mri? at was her father’s presen r? Ba A peicdon tab oe lath | A eRe oe coment yells of delight On the other hand SEE aniereonive loture. to. the bride and ieroom LY. FISH &CO. ae ie ginedt tanec nated alters |e teueee ale matiiy wh ta seemed dazed. Tut thie i Wot att of Mexico, any| “Nothing specific: | He told, the = The Last Item. ed to the people that the Bineaon and call “Ce L th ton “With a native for every yard of |m an the multitude of lazy ne-| bride that there would always be LINWOOD A famous novelist ls i ws a| was in sight. bse eae can aid ip] hima, holding him Dah 2. wo te Se ea Gane as ra wigt| tom) in! Ris shouse for her,, and a ; certain hotel in Can: 3 nas The ianadet of our father Davi See earahe ws nate i veh |? fare on. et ea a jungle Secale ars job at his factory for the groom.” —s —These w eculiar to ar Rain We. me goun te ach. He wrig- xico hi lati about < bres ot of ten autengion a, he id showe Silanes ilar bo Western impilsiy ee ale out of a feebly, an Haas in a hope-|» 5000 ane ‘ot aie *000,000. are soos) Dealer tat ines ee thah E emene or irra | aud h BREaS pene! aden at| the House through one door a8] Tog, choase ie, bug ENE, Hi 0. Na they ate “al ey van take their places Jn the army of ; ‘ ica G aaked to seo the propristor: | Tul, HOLT, eee a eel oe. | the(Governor came.din the other to), a Filptes ihave' oadernong | deuoey THe) tena y are always tee q|Drosperlty, and push for he up- Coal, Cement and Lime "TL just wanted: to tell you,” said Tre te sen Jong baer prorogue ortho House. Marti hur: es eae ma am Raat RY {Gfetinct class, having education, tra | Duilding of a rejuvenated nation. " Motar Stain, Etc. the author when the proprietor ap-| 47 David. jedly got together a Cabinet, but hnd-been a chicken, folded as myoh| Yelled culture, modern me ads, fine leccae eae M. BICE. a = poe peared, that of all the hotels under|"'Hocanna in the bighest—Or, the nied Bosuing election he was giv-|asthey could get of him into kind [Te Neutiny. rerese Crit hana nagar Pauly 7 n 4 the shining sun I have never been iehept places. The exclamation is|en & semen trouncing, win-|of clamshell about three feet in cial, intellectual, and superior aouial: Méxtco city, Bs ganciel Vi Grain, Flour and Feed in one that for unmitigated, all-|thorefore a prayer for God to save) ning amy nine seats. diameter, and built a fire. torian eon ‘ found unendurable discomfort could| them im. the. highest ‘heaven where| | After that the “stormy _petrel”’| hour’be: was cooked, and in ano per Me ould the present rebellion suc: | the provisional Pre Fscnoy. of Masion? d Fur e ghest an rniture eal sity) ” After the indignant he pi 7m bobbed up in England. He was}hour, this great snake, which had | ceed, as 1 is about eae A willow | He. anpeared ee Sick this ator — ndlord had withdrawn the author Tite the tomple—Upon enter-|clected member of the British) heen painfully Seounnlating feet | Will soon behold a rejuvenated Mexico, /noon helo’ & 0! 7 i i * y 4 led fon, and fi ‘Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand sept a bill, and he aeeorery ae ae Gity Jesus passed at once to House of Commons for East St:|and inches for years, disap- | With its old me glory, and balllaney een In, s ion, andl formal PAC ed that the last item-on it was—|the temple, the place which gave| Pancras, London, is 18, and hes| peared, I must, say nav T felt [rivates fn tho rear rank of the grant | cinco Carbaiat eigeceds, General Huet Beta ebb ‘To impudence—$a’’ | the city, its significance, while tho’ since “held that seat, where, they little indignantl’* commercial an oy of the Gaeniploveds kee in the provistonal Presidency, so ere ar ‘ : iS ¥ "4