Milverton Sun, 13 Aug 1914, p. 2

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f : 2 : 7 : h , | | } ! | , 4 It is autumn that, to Fr a6 Can. ada at least, eee the full ony of the Canadidn The wan ing, and tiie joys. may more poetry than reality about them says a writer in Cha 8 Journal. But spring in_ eastern Canada scarcely exists. One leaps at a bound as it were, from win ter to full summer; and it is only al ards one recollects that there were days full of “the infinite ex- pectation of the dawn,”’ when one Watched the exquisite Bittle waves m, light green breaking over welcomed the S sec them later settling down to the responsibility of the worm winner of the brood. Summer in Quebec is hot, and i iv to urists who take infinite p: to “do” a number of things that no native sever heard of; but with 8 eae Ea cause af ne i vk impoignant rmanence, and the Inowledge “that cet cs of the winter’s on the ye Mind and body are in tune after the na half-autunm air ¢ ercise a delight. The beauty of the splendid autumn co burns every hillside. ndles every and ro: r. let and copper and gold. The prim- itive instinct to kill awakes, an hunter goes off to the hill, or, takin; ng: as gun and his dog, spends long day: meee the Swamp. The swamp extends from Quebec to Joachim, a distance of 26 miles. It lies all the way between the eile track, from which it is separated by a natural hedge of small Sbvahel alder thorn, and Pokal willow—and the river St. but it graduall, ep ae Rate hills i ane Joachim. These to a great extent, have often August, and to Cabadian fashion, ies in accordance with tl season; if there has been a a eal of rain the leaves are some- times almost wholly yellow, giving the “effect 0 In these hills there are plenty of partridges, ps properly any miles roffed grouse—and not north of Chatedu Htahee and Ste Anne, ey end a few red deer may be met w The ork tele is a. slightly raised ridge, averaging about’ 180 yards in width, but varying greatly. It is crossed at intervals by Tittle streams which at high tide are filled with river water, when one has to walk up to the railway bridge to eross them, The swamp. is only completely covered at. the high ide once a mon It is thickly overgrown wit Pass, " their cattle with Mik, coarse fodder. The strips of cut-grass just the met of Wie jana higher up owned rmer, alternating with | © eden pools and the Benerally wet and soft ground, add t DiMeulty of Walking. This is or Epetgeiy the case to- ward the end of the season, when the west ae and rain have beaten tall making the x . to west almost impossible for any but an ardent We Do the Cookirt You avoid fussing over a hot stove. Save time and energy— Have a dish that will please the home folks! A package of Post Toasties and some cream or good milk—sometimes with ber- ries or fruit— A breakfast, lunch or supper , Fit for a King! Toasties are sweet, crisp bits of Indian corn perfect- ly cooked and toasted— Ready to eat from the package— Sold by Grocers. Canadian sid Cereal Co, Ltd, ir, Ont, Hh) stantly being chalked by -| pared with the numerous | ed 5 black: ant NG ¥ ; : dt i etna ei eer sonny oa tare /ANe€ Joint NGM Three Years DOWN BY THESOUNDING SEA) ,"n“s? SABAcnnts proper—wide, level stretches of|are plenty of other wild fowl i in the —. Some profits are seninae tbat dias mud, inlaid, as it were, with: mold riyer—scaup, golden-e; mergan- CURED BY NERVILINE, hon which are full of curious censor of form an or, and broken by sudden, angular ridges of ales gers It is here the plover feed. Beyond the flats are huge boulders on which in | DUMbers of great blue herons—very pal piehaxeaaiie in feats: of their poker- | §! _ | stifé nm ious mechanical ieniesan pulls of various species sit to feed fe low tide. With the herons it is a case of distance Vé |lending enchantment, and it is per- haps as well that they are difficult and neck, and their loose, dull plumage infested with para: close quarters detract somewh om the effect gained by their re- moteness. ‘The natural beauty of the swamp is very great. Behind, in the north, are the hills ablaze against the clear blue sky with the transform- ing fires of autumn; and parallel with the swamp from Montmorency to Ste Anne runs the Island of Or- leans, separated from ie ee by a shallow chazinel® t! ters of a mile wide. ike lat ber and the beginning of November great convoys of thousands of ducks © | of many species gather in the chan- the Quebec game el; and thougl that no wild~ laws distinctly state §|fowl of any sort may be shot from t the duck are con- er atin eyes of every sportsman on either the Island or the Ste Anne swamp! The is- Jand swamp closely resembles the Ste Amne side, except that, on ac- count of the small size of the I and, there are no streams. At Ste Anne, Grande which is of considerable eae com- ie run- nels that flow down the hillsides, and mnie deserves. 43 name, divi- des the swamp by its several "chan- aie At rs tide the ‘delta is full f islands frequented sometimes by raha “bunches’’—to use term—of golden eye or mergansess, The enseal color of the swamp is brownish-gray, yellowing in the dis- tance. Ona clear day, as one looks down towards the end of the Island, the water is of an intense ultra: Poy blue, and the bold promon of Cap Tourment is backed i almost ea like white cumulus cloud. - Strange and wonderfully beautiful mirage effects 4 seen near St. Joachim, and Riviere, ‘Ou erisp air one can hear the Caer bi of Chateau Richer and Ste Anne for miles, The shin- ing spires wi the great church, to . which thousands of pilgrims nate bn at way every year, are clea Je lifting into the: sky. The zie! shrine was built by a few French sailors, who had been saved = “La bonne Ste A: des —Marins’’; but eplanbee has long since swallowed np simplicity. sete (elie the i o’cloc! long mies in the mars! little Jess than an hour to get to Ste Anne by rainotcld fram; but a favorite device is to shoot “tor a our or two in one place, and dian take the tram which runs hourly, for three or four aes and try. pie swamp again farthe a clear, almost sullen aig in early September, with a slight haze hanging about marsh and river, that veils and softens all marsh outlines without obscuring the view The Swamp is Full of Birds. but so early in the season snipe seigniorial law the| ave few, and those found are small, ident right to the hay, ths swamp | breeding birds, very generally dis: y the farmers, who feed| tributed. Later on in Qctober, when te duck are arriving in large flocks, rom is just commencin, and plovers are on the in the dey, but about eight o’clock snipe seem to drop in from nowhere. whe flush nigzag and curving, ut- a yellow legs sae ives now the commonest shore-birds, the leer and semi-palmated sandpiper, being disturbed taking flight again, always up, are almost all gone, all but a few straaylerd, Sora rails are Very common, ee Virginia rail, the larger cousin of the sora, is rare; one seldom sees more than two of three in'a season. Bittern are numerous, and put up‘with a pened squawk. poate they hills, ane are lost in the. eo e habitants Beane them into a aw unsavory pie, and resent of a locality are extremely well- to-do, and live very comfortably. “On ie il faut ahs nous’ cently What He Could Haye to Eat. and after partaking of their good fare he felt inclined to agree heart ily in bt Mgt ane Bs ‘Beau do hich is equivalent to “Rather e ty bittern, not inaptly des- cribed as resembling a bit of yellow to approach, for their ungainly oe swam the local ° masses of | { ar ‘ol ioe eon raeniaced. Soke, Rees: which at the very beginning oe the uf of hun. sers, and ubatterball. Li Otten small flocks of repress are ee ae the crossing stre: addle violently along hes’ water fees a few yards to gain impetus, hurl them- selves into the . r, ii small cannon bal river, till they join a flock of their own species in mid-channel, or dis- e 3 Ey ly. he sun drops below the SORE AER hills comparatively early, and ¢) i absas the . The sp pines of Ste Anne refle: and the i aoiteean ee the ileee seem to e luminous color Seca becomes more opa- “ee , and through the thickening mist the lights of Quebec begin to appear one by one, till dusk falls | completel; the cit hill, welve hours ix a long day, and one teaches the firm’geound above one’s homeward some dozen or fourteen snipe, twic many plover, a couple of tatoblael experimented 0) . after the excellent takin at fue vhapliant ‘NEWS aGROSS THE BORDER WHAT IS GOING ON OVER IN THE STATES, eee Latest Happenings in Big Republic Condensed for Busy Readers. ‘The Grand Trunk ier Bony at Seattle 1 ured in a panic on a tbh ‘k street car, when a fuse blew ot Cotten. Setaaet to $4 a bale in New resutt er the pessimis- jurops The Conner Pa, coke region ase of over 300 ovens east during the last. wel 'wenty tons of gold consigned fe Fa sub-treasury ved Street by parcel post a Philadel- ta. A tuberculosis census is to be taken ‘obbed her of a gold York theatrical managers worrying lest the wn cloud wilt hold many performers who famine.’ have siready’ signified. thelr oing home should war alters Intention of g M. Lavine, of the ioned at Fort Tot- York, “wholesale poultry. deal- ers haye again taken up the prac- tiee of talng a mixture of corn, ¢e- ent and sand ta increase the weight of their product Thousands of “fish were stunned and flung to. the surface when four mar- ine mines were exp! d off Sandy Hook, The nayal test proved a bon- nza to the fishermen. Frightened when a wounded spar- eoraen near Gai Judge pe ie of the steel cor- poration, 8 American iatiek cial _prosper- ity should not continue, despite the crisis, William Rie: ae ee en aetathed by his pie “pull girls and aes ae were bitten Sah mad cat in am. ie feline He Been abandoned. By a woman who from eet Coma hy and wan, atta db: by For Parobvening re en his wife, ware poh ere New York, when he found him- self in court, charged with breach of promi yy Miss Catharine Kobryno- wi id word from the G SUMMER 2 COMPLAINTS KILL LITTLE ONES At first sign of ill illness during the w| Tablets will prevent, aiones ea plaint if given occasionally to well child” and will promptly ies these troubles suddenly. Baby should be kept in every home where there are young children. There is no pier medi ie mother has the guarantee of a government egy er that aay for them. They made.a won: ange in the health of my little ones.” ~ ‘ablets are pelt medicine dealers or by mail ai cents a box from The Dr. Wiliams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. _— Every time a man tries to show off something ESebot his go: y becomes a| of ly, and y lies like a| pal haridful of twinkling navel on the £ the marsh to watt for a tram, well | te: ez. Baltimore fertilizer manufacturers | },, ‘This 6 manufacture of fertilizer {Epo hi ible. hot weather give tl little ones Tate Baby’s Own lets, or in a few hours he may be beyond aid. The Anyone would marvel at my recov- rd Lotham, a Chi er am. dency thro di It pelled every vestige of pain, reduced the swelling, took out the stiffness and gave me the full use my limb again. I.don’t belleye there is a pain-relieving remedy, not a sin- gle liniment that can compare with Ne Ine. every person wi pains, with sore back, with lameness, with lumbago, with neuralgia—I hope they will try out Nerviline which Tram oonylaped will quickly and per- manently cure them.” t isn't a wonderful matt conditions, have y years. No b r, stronger, or more soothing lini ment made, ‘Get the large 50c, tam ily size bottle; small trial size 25c.; g | sold by any dealer, anywhere. eh The ee ues, a Justice enial pee “Boneliet Minster of Justice and member of the House of Commons for the St. Ann’s District of Montreal, is ing as Premier while Sir Robert Borden takes a rest. in Muskoka ‘om the worries and labors of that cai ion the worries par- ticularly wont Sir Robert be de- livered. “Judge” Doherty is not a wo ‘He has the happy. Faculty of working ‘without wor: nature is that of a ene ate Aispositioned Irishman of ‘ripened philosophy le smokes a cigar vith entiatie calm and enjoyment. He can relax—that’s the blessed en- dowment which distinguishes him Laces aa leader, Sir Robert, who is Onse of his responsibilities all ae hae day or nighi or sounding, than Judge Doherty’s speeches in to age his judgments hea the bench of J. Doherty. Hon, Cy When he is in true form is when he is put up the Government to state the legal and constitutional e ceeds beautifully in piel ae question as clea mud. His sentences tem of parenthesis. Ne BR as re miles long, clauses at every redicate verb is witha ae until the ast. Nobody knows when coming, not even the judge After he is satisfied that he has in ject at the ‘other end of the ee is pega tien: It’s a Perleatly ence, however—if hi hearers nie only follow it, with a logical argument in it, that excep- rewel ©) Gallery dinner 1 | Items lo buildings wi et HON. CHAS, JOSEPH DOHERTY ti act- | w) Nothing more learned, sounder, wi Mr, “}bride’s: health) —An’ WITS OF NEWS FROM THE MARITIME PROVINCES. of Interest From Places Tapped by Waves of the Atlantic. The first, shipment of Albert Shale recently left St. for t Masiand, ve hours ater he had “been ichael Kerwin aed Coun- John ith | mills were dosttoved ae ‘Ane ah, to bere pets, ane} ome and several other re Hoek in a $165,000 fire at Freder! Owing to the “tiling off in_ tra shopmen ft the I. C,.R. at Moncton will be put on att time for the nneastt A good-sized whale made an pence ot the harbor at Charlotte. town, P, and caused consider: -| able ‘etelttment. LeBlanc, aged 52, was failure. Fredericton is a healthy city, No cases of contagious disease have be ards of Health for 6 days since a le into a team and received injuries trom pick he died. He was ¥ nae yt was being fired to wireless station fi tower is 500 fe , and 150 wary a minute flashed to the sister station at Baliybuion on the south- west coast of Ire! rof matioelew sn. the county Pictou, N.S., for the month of June i. ‘in Guys- ape county. $53,298. Considering the verse conditions during May this a good showing. ‘O million feet per day flow of ruck by the Maritime Albert Coun- neton despatch. n an old well the Superior Court Quebee which he adorned for five years| giea ack in i His style is ntirely of Jones, is also suffering from pleuro- pneumonia. All efforts to control a fire whieh John. Milling | Company's plant and did $45,000 dam- Twelve thousand bushels of cer- olving a cessation Horton and Manitt spate ‘6 in military eatulins successful trial by Jorps: les a taste of actual service conditions. en - | ing some in slums and foreign quarters, e called Sol a ar Theories pts us than do Dead ah . shoes seldom fit those | who wait for them. The charity that’ begins at home also covers a lot of si Boat rockers on the ry of matri- mony deserve their fate, Some men carry their courage writ rs a pocket fl < o something Ha Hine a fool blunder: A woman's “strength i A knowledge of a man’s weakness. jonest because r to be otherwise. Ta debmiabaseed shiangoth that chap who hesitates doesn’t A man is known as his TORS 8 son until he becomes his wife's more worry husban A good man“may be talked mater but. ati doesn’t talk about others, Be sure-you are right, but don’t i too blamed sure that everybody else is wrong. Don’t think because a girl's com- plexion is a dream that all dreams are hand-painte: ourse, a married man ca live on less than a bachelor—if his wife takes in washing. No, Alonzo, a girl isn’t necessar- ily stone blind because she around the house every evening. When a Woman Suffers There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants o: bearing down pi Such suffering tan't natural, but it's das kero Decause due to diseased omnia, deranged With Chronic Backache} Delicately eh Highly concen- trated. WHY WORRY! Choose your variety and ask an Lain for FARMS FOR SALE. X. W. DAWSON, Minsty Colborne Btreeh J X08 WANT To BUY OR BELLA Fruit, Fonk. Rea ta Dairy: ert write Brampton, or Colborne St, x. W. Sinicg aaa Bt. ‘Toronto, — NEWSPAPERS FOR SALR, MKLY IN LIVE TOWN LN 1. Gounty. Stationery and Bs tn (gonnection. Price only i Wilson Publish- H Wei Adelaide Strects n| G rset $4, ing Com i; Toront pany MISCELLANEOUS. {OR SALH—TEN PAIRS BREEDING Foxos, Conrespondence solicited, Reid |. Bothwell, Ont. Ciier TUMORS, LUMI’S, BTC, | internal and, external cured with out rain by our home treatment. before ton “ate Dr, Wellman ‘Medical won ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLECE ‘biished 1862. Aratiated with she Univereity pt eee ins ‘eda (oat of Octobar, 1914, ohtege alata vio University ‘Noror CAL ae ON a ety » A. GRANGE, Y.S,,M.S. Prinolpat. th dizz menses ma ane r symptoms of ee themselves, they tance of Dr, rete | all womanly irregularities thelr merit 8 ell cause of their mild, soothing nealing effect, Dr, Ham sito: stitute for Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Man- drade and Butternut. ——*t LONDON OUT OF SIGHT. morendans Astron gt Given There must ty many visitors to London who are not fied with the bird's-eye view which is afforded them by the guide-hook and the conducted tour, says don Answers. Monuments, galleries, cathedrals, and drives through the main streets are but little of the wonderful scenes of the city of the world; the real beauty, Pe, real life, is Turk- way off the beaten track, Ys en all’ the e either French or Italian, and are labelled in those languages, an Limited. used SIN ARDS TM ‘voreel andi ue ao years, and for the, every x ‘ils a vidente of life I consider it hae no Minand’e Liniment Co., ened i te eit it oom a dollar % dgttle. CAPT. F. R. DESTARDIN, Schr. “Stork,” "St, Andfe, Kamouraska, Perfectly Trustworthy. ae they work we! ‘Don't watch the clock ion ae “Don’ 't even watch the mirror.” SUMMER TOURIST Barer TO THE her, foe, illustrated folds and fat “partioulara, .ad Bennetts| at ight, when it ix mass eat neral Agent, 46 you’ By ‘Toront iners, merchant essels, a Better-a penny in the hand than a nickel in the slot. Minard’s Lintment Cures stp a Fogarty (in proposing the it’s meself is I ‘ave knowed the The Bride—It’s woud to mae bride this 41 ear, tl hudderin’ pes you are, Fogarty, be so rude as to let You go. away with- out your breakfast.’ ISSUE 82-11. ED. 4 Ki ‘would not etart ona voyage without “Y see you employ a number of| at hi irls.’” an also in Yiddish. On the other side aay Oxford Street you are in Ger- any, and may dine Jong lagers and smoke thin cigars, and be re- jad bs tbs ooee friendliness. st, where you will find e of the loveliest bits of sixteenth cen- tury domestic architecture, relies of the dutch weavers. min- utes’ walk to the north of Spital- fields will being at you into the hooli- gan quar iRielagcas its interesting ase hite In Bethnal Green, which is near the Russian quarter. In this Heer on its cafes are heavy- i ia mn and dark-haired girls, all vie perfectly amiable, and an may drink ee tea with them in perfect afer Still fie ak Bast you find Lime- re and black men from the Here volte you are tres fro ie High Stree’ ai 3 ence Ratcliff Highway) and the Te dacatbe or nie being me bein’ canis tas! turned thirty ae ef many ef the Ripper mur- y bata wan cass ped Hs inde] “The quaint old wharyes, water- eminate neiteneer, Arie. penis! side taverns, and tumbling old cot- pirerguaiee qnceker, hi toy tage s are far more deserving of a Inishnan, and Sige’ Doheny an a Gor aac rishman, ted: and mother both come from Rey Sha eee tees acd ero r eae: the Eins tir is that of Norway — ed and pda del ‘ou are tired of looking at MUSeurNeE, Sy cathedrals ae tombstones. of ar be fath fee otten celebrities you are finaly toma ae,” eat soaid Ma. fiuch to attract you in these spots; aylate and you can ramble there alone “You mis} him. The morn- without ‘any nepteseny There is ing after you called on me-he seem- ‘di meat Of course, not go in expensive at- nust you ‘arvive at a Rus- sian cafe in & peers: Another point 6! : Don't visit the iTS houses of Haas quarters. Don't get into conversation © with Londoners in the foreign quarters; if at ss talk with people of the quai Don es play caret you will find card-games in progress in many of Russian and — Scandinavian the ae asl lunch, and don’ AiG you are eating meats of any ii Shri sin fora Hebrew to take milk or its derivatives, such as peelear cheese, ete., with any flesh food. you want a drink with your meal let it ae tea- and-lemon. + Anybody Know? “Carrots are good for the ¢om- plexion. “How about the ‘hair? Will they make it carroty + A Friend of the Polic:man Continually on thoir feet, thi roolors’ Nibled with corne and all deail os, e world soon gets tired of a id) Th chronic kicker, ps Minard’s Zintment Cures Diphtherte. When aman appears to be listen- ing attentively to your talk he nna! be thinking of something to oh i No os Ree “| oni kof the mail Free, Mr rilaie eye Homedy Cos. Chieago, We feel sorry for the average man. who gets what he deserves, Minard’s Tiniment Cures Colds, Bto woman should never fh! mar> vied until she can afford i CUTICURA SOAP Assisted when necessary by Cuticura Ointment. They keep the skin and scalpclean andclear,sweet and healthy, besides Soothing irritations which often prevent sleep and if neglected become chronic disfigurements. a Culloura Soap ah Ointment are gold throughons ‘the world. A. liberal 6a ple of each, with 32-paga Dogket on the etre ase srtatncot of (ap ek aos aealp, gent post-free, Addross Potter Drug & Chom, 1» DED SIC, Us Be A | F | ;

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