Milverton Sun, 27 Aug 1914, p. 8

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IBUTES aa Peerage OAN- No Quarrel W vith Gerinan (Sir Wile Laurier) People | Our fellow citizens of randy or- igin are among our best . They f they had not 5, v ese oe ve ntribution ppiness of ‘mankind th cyugh it aan @ perbaps our fe rman palates ithzons ‘will pe rmit me im the struggle for con- ptitats ay ‘treedom aie has bac institutions oe soca edootiga it agg weyer have taken Kindly to \Germans and Austrians (Prem ) agree with wh feader of the continued the Pr elared that we quarrel with They are not a warlike many ments of Germany Dery, We believe to their adopted count entitled to the grote € t6. all st this count desir e th y Up to the hav Shae Desibli 1 tox Rare of the kind. WAR AGAINST. Tt CIVILIZATION ‘adelptla Public Ledger tesa civilization that is being shot a ro) host is not made of the t @ man;it destroys a generat- annihilates th a om of i in| allv nd they shall receive AE: ROApleal sine to: WOMEN WHO ARE ALWAYS TIRED May Find Help. Help in This n! itter. Swan Creek, M ie cnoergine Rul ee ‘ hee get ri down and my appe- is poor and Fuld, always tired feeling, I get tleof Lydin E. Pink: ham’s Ve res me to perfect It is ul a a at ee to health again. aaeiee Sufferer Relieved, Hebron, Me.—* ators taking your remedies I was all run down, discour- aged and had Teas weakness. I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Cor pound and used the Sanative Wii and where before taldng your medicine it was adread. I try to ess upon th want special advice | yo write to Lydia FE, Pinkham Med- icine ©o., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your er be opened, res and a by a woman APPEAL FOR DONATIONS A him bor r of the Women's Sire in the Pro dn lib aisposition vie anid Twig e funds on hand as to the Red Cross par in collecting funds © articles listed have been se es and, (Bhs “orets oft to give ue Wrollowing is of 8 rele weicht. 99 | come o: w 3000 villows 6x16, 14x10 and ; CIVILIZATION, THE WAR OF Three Hundred ¥ rs im the a | ph | Pot By Harold Begbte | ae, w “THE PEOPLE’S STORE” {pi | have pate d rs only our jour \of our minds, Borce vilization the ha’ and the peaceful it ¢ of our hum-' a silence not ngour of guns, ee en by the Dement. Celia We in England whol ba arled suddenly "bask tate Our Splendid Stock of Fall Dress 4 Goods is now on Display— pa re! all pe: rhea. nolanies, with its Reacts head of our human hosts, are | auldae, nly flung backward; they: be- know bout Immanence?’ Who cares hear hear what Bergson and =| en think? | Who bothers ws, od Bk nd pictures? Who is ready to Ble, laboratory or listen to the @hemist and the biologist? We ‘ure the age o! silo: and bane rishing a person eagle j oth Weapons’ the slaughter hideous, the ruin will be for nobody will there own of gl ory. | All that has made this strange « yer conscious human life in- sting’ ennobling. nd hope fl, has nd ience o! om a be= nd Good it nowt i what Brit ish merchant ver dreamed a week igo to hear of such a thin utorium? And wher Man ners gone? Asin but not in nrist an frontier you can pick rok a eaty ae A a ak » nan Ang Mt told morning that out of this v pote fighting and nobody two shange s of tactic e York will henceforth we | Russi Is ith ants from elds. and G 1y mows them | Another million (tak heir | e | their bh aga’n. nother mill- et another million, of these peasant nd when it tho "ett will go] But . Germ particularly where wil Where is the clockm. WHITE FANCY WAISTS CHILDREN’S DRESSES Comprising over 100 pieces of the latest weaves and colorings at prices ranging from 50 cents a ots yard up to $3.00 per yard. —Your Inspection Invited. We have also taken into stock over 100 Fall Coats at from $7.50 up to $25.00 All Whitewear Reduced CORSET COVERS NIGHT GOWNS PRINCESS SLIPS HOUSE DRESSES DRAWERS, Ete. $1.25 Whitewear for.........6 .89 $1.50 Whitewear for .... ... 1,19 $2.00 Whitewear for.........$1.49 $2.25 Whitewear for.. 1.69 1000: tok DDO" handlsereh tet he dundee ta ‘ 10 02 vindkerchiefs. i the pendulun nce ain? 18x18 im, “Made of cheese ag w ae Hap orith é Husain ga me rg ba UNDERSKI RTS should be washed before, made go back to his 16th eentury and his - 2,000 to. 3 Its, 12 nie fi'eld. tel ling. the time tby the ~sun’s WASH SKIRTS : rope. (ith | eGir grey | other thie: of vodae: ant will ‘Te in | ts Tenteea rains, ‘w p eig: n three months n oak the dem- fc. bs Ls Toast o> | (Saban to cedics | pavnciaa of Hurops. will be orging oul The Following Prices apply to all the Above White Goods: which the pois densi ds for — pro- | 6.01 y pre-|for a return to mormal conditions. The areas Is tu laboratories and | ferr Mend-|War Fever will have apen Moneaatecaccagt s dentective [ine madi na War I i arenas of battle.” con {luck | puttraged | ees r \What will 75¢ Whitewear for...............59¢ ~ ney FOR SALE will want food $1 Whitewear for. ..............79¢ at age en 0) ask ie. a se things. ‘teat asittoeBokat willbe’. sola To bbe de can, drive him. — Ap- vith ee to z MILLER, Milverton, and ates bar neil be sbi FOR SALE I have a high-grade Shorlock-Man nine iano ‘forsale, A a ing. purchasing @ plan at my residence fs eit, JAS, fRNDERSON ‘Milverton, A CARD the undersigned, hereby agree to sell a package of five es for twenty cents. Qual K. LOTH, lity guaran- tweil, W. 40-6) Tinsmithing “and mbing, aj G Serta done, Estimates given on jobs. p in rear of Kriesel’s hardware, ©. SCHNEU- # 4 Plumbing ty Tinamithing cay: yetroughing, furnace | OF all work! f ty pi m4 small) ona sbrt and bachelor black 4 oe W black yin wi ead eon package foot ease vowder “it possible, "Sew: taye om end for t ney, dematione as, well. as sup- plies should be addressed to the Treas urer of the Red Cross Socicty, 56 King St, Bast, Toronto, ONLY FIT FOR PULPIT Savannah, (Ga, » s The won has been barred out of the United URiihind mails w! hen | it is printed in, p! ty it of Justice him he did wight, It would ‘Farms For Sale Lot 2. Con. 10. Mornington. cultivation, si and ots, ae fount Balance at 5 per 100 aoe he mong, The late John Omand. WEIR, Administrat verton, Ontario. WwW. D, WEIR, - Apply_to W, or "box 23, Mil- MILVERTON | COMMERCIAL. a $1 4 Fall Wh Ba ley ver ru i i awn re 50| the head of tho British army is| 9% 0} the nation’s military idol. their great | ’ say eG 3 1o| Strong man. He is one of the big | Powe, Jewel ber int , 20 2 1) | indomitable’ personalities that | sand! DAB DBE SAEs ty 3 4 {Out in the hostory of the world. A "6 Jewel per ewt on 40 | man of peculiar foreefulness combined 3.00 ith extraordinary ability -a man cot 6 00 00 BY py | 40 aly, per tons. 00.1 Hogs ay 40 : 40) ‘oLutoes per bag i) lo Onions, Eareh eys 20 8 iff 1818 9 10 14 Bt) 6 24 24 24" 24 interesting rmine just why the v s in such bad repute, Iti is used fre- i a e dark- quently in the pulpit! and it is ager Ea ee pra alr Wea tind jace that everybody has heard athers’ destrose on | About, Why should the mame of strange ahd SNE Seats Ne ie ‘ah ¢ four angels. pS a Ta gatt Lead DHE. WESTERN FE. A WORD TO THE BEOPLE drunk, SEPT. 11th to 1h CR RRR a c At least. then, let us not sing boast- ondon Standar eae ten eg he i a who | tal a fonor may eall wf to] A study. of the Western Fair prize) Th the tervible times—yet only: dim- thoit offices ae pass Shrous | tight. ‘self-prese ¥ force us| lists this yer reveals the fact that|]y realized Gh cn atgeliah’ sate EES into the slaughter-house; but Tel ua) the ineredso of $1500.00 to the Live) and Inglish women ahontd pea ation wear oh our sleeves the crepe Department has been! well ad-|the patriotism that consists not i SELECT A Goon. SCHOOL fnourning for a civilization that had fusted throughout the list, ‘The ex- ghouting but in working for. the com promise: of joy and strike — our of horses ys been almon good. Civilians can do little pos. You - purpose iattending emmy without a hiccough or acurse’| yery tive feature London's] itively to help their country. ut know again what ir| Exhibition. and this year promises to| they can refrain from dotag the Stratford ; shall want|be even better thant ever. $500.00 of] things that harm ik, Among” these we is ome of Canada’s heir |at! our atrenath Jr ©. $1500.00 increase jaced bi ourses are up-to-date and e “ane the Bi ‘d on Horse Classes, and Waste of every kind. especially @ staff of instructors such us youcan-| gir James Whitney is ill again but| it loortainly vil ‘bring the beat to bel bt téed ‘and Peek Retro vartieularly not find elsewhere, Th found tordoniy ve roial. Shorthand and elegraphy.|¢ reopens for the Fall term on Sept.lst ite the College for its free cata- fomue, OF DEEDS, NOT WORDS a spar th peat deeds. not werd KEEP-. res 1T ADVERTISING. St. Thomas Journal ‘advertising like Pale else the quitter will 1 not win out, he as not foun counterpart of [tree centuries |'Norm-! condit | Extra Special ! eon ni of evoluti Son 100 White Waists regular $1.25 each Special 79¢ | nor of pygmies. ditions a tlemday Baro ita wildesing -Momarker.. broker the back Au rmiaments hav of t xe a Humanity has been fooled ‘Too Inte, it discovers “Remember this. too, Among the The Very Latest in Wall Papers at ‘‘Purse Pleasing Prices’’ We are ready to assist you in beautifying your home this fall with a large stock of Wall Papers, MEN’S STRAW HATS GREATLY REDUCED T0 CLEAR soldiers ‘of of 8 i itians Bdte our ob Gun stence, We shall destroy tterly. those splendid burning soirite “The Store With the Stock” Ma og , % hi illions. are the very flower tj sivilization: we shall, y brains the | Which migh ¢ discovered for us in te v ars easemen id ‘orst of ae nt : tiona f v0 al dangers. i bt MILVERTON, ONT. his physician Dr. Herbert J. Bae nee that while he is not n is by 10 means serious. rovisions. and all fussiness and Western Fair Javacianly express PSE ole over money matters, NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS selves 34 Well satisfied, with the bus- ces pte is speech or act y do while cat the exhibition, deel fvantbori as there baie h a tine large farming Si ni ee much money in SOUREy ant IOUnBHIE Landaa theee ahaa is always plenty of the for first- Remember that i a great warlike class stock, |The ment have ¢he present the Nast woneral ‘en counts greoted another: large TBOrie Ener, ee Ne plenty ol thore ‘will be stable eens § | hosoninodation iad everything pos, BANKS S100 “Ai8O MARR BAD! ae orl be oe tel Mp © ji tions. 6 list, entry foi a CASH or TRADE ‘programs and all informatjon will be Tn the debate in is Ane eelincet Ooms Postmaster Gener: a that Senator Le int instances | pretty severe tightening of has endorsed two different Deople for | stirings rand PURE WOOLLEN GOODS promptly given on application to the mons on Fri last ES os Pure Woof Yarns, Tweeds, Blank- Bearotary at “the a eneral offices, Rich- pee e Le ak afer anes ets, Flannels, Sheeting, warp hat it was a wisa precaution to put Wool Batts, Etc, MAN OF ONE IDA {hel tenia’ ti'¢ amt thon ti 0 : om unds. However he would like to see You will save money by buying Blreator, (Tl... Free Press | safeguards for the borrower as strong pressure had pisses HENRY ©. WAGNER the same position. nt-! brought to hear 0 on borrowers, He yn busy show ee Washin wzton what | anks should not othes are that he forgets all! make saorifices as well as the rest of jout his Canada. He thought the rates char- aed for loans should be pels by Par- fiament. If they were loaning nioncy la banks at five -per cent, aes six a half or ave should be the Timit “her o ‘ir. F, B, aray waid that he un- tood manufacturers had been The bill wae then reported and read a third tim speed maintained at the Beatty The vee pean of great boi a jes of men such as. aro assembling ts campaign ie Belgium, Luxemborg ind Alsace. requires long periods of time, The subsistence procect Furthermore, military campaign is ever fough' 8 BIG BATTLES TAKE TIME, aly Washington Star “Tt is to borne in mind that ‘hay ruarosnia aoesnpantely bet, cote .| ducted throughout at the rate of hae baa ports into major encounters,” A “Helping Hand” Extended to the eth. should cant this. tion of in cir, latin and ste apie tentment take ‘THERE comosa time in avery) woman's ae when she undergoes an important chan; Pre a ® aritioal peri Tt is a til mo when an needs her fall Sc gplest Dr. Pierce’s reer: bapibcgecie 0 forty yoars as a shel elptul in the equaliza- Aree of the blood regu- the bowels. its eat berg Happiness and con- their place. jee inne went id form by Medicine ‘cent for sample box

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