EXILE, GAMBLER AND RAKE, YET A POPULAR HERO. King Peter Fought With France in| the the Pranco-Pr; War. King Peter of Servia is the most | @" sympat picturesque figure among European royalties. From his youth until he succeeded to the Servian throne, eleven years ago, he was an ex! from his native country, by turns a soldier of fortune and: a gambler, and always a conspir Born in Belgrade ‘i me when his labher, son ¢ the Servian by lucated in Hungary {| successful in two sons and his daughter, went. to Geneva to educate his children. He ome there until the mur- he murder of Alexander was direct Pals of 0 leanings to- ward Austria-Hungary and Peter owed his elevation to the throne to his k Rus- Since hi: sion he has diligently spread the Pan-Serb propaganda among the neighboring peoples of Serb blood xile | 4nd thus incurred the enmity of the Mitra SROn ARE: ce he came to qa years ago, Servia has doub- led in territory and nopulation, has fought two throne m Serb influence have been especially Bosnia and Herzego. vina, since it was there he fought successfully in 1876-78, Sis Austria, never sure the alty of her ed nd. ot the French militacy ackect |4outhern Slav subjects, ie fearful of at 24, when the Franco-Prussian war began, he join- ed the French forces as a yolun' the results of his activities, Thanks to his royal birth, he eas KEEP CHILDREN WELL allowed a war Thre times captured by the ‘Erisalans, three times he escaped ai ed the Mrenil army. at Villiers Be. bade of a after peace made and hoya in Paris a life extravagan ation, which soon pn another kind of lame. ry ought Acatase Turkey. f | mail Herzegovino rose in re- DURING HOT WEATHER Every mother knowe bow fatal ite to sma}l Cholera infantum, ‘ae = rhoea, dysentry and stomach trou bles are rife at this timo, and often little life is lost after The m GERMARY'S 5 ‘Wek ARMY - A WONDERFULLY ORG) FIGHTING BODY, ANIZED An Interesting Explanation of the Cogs in the Great Ma- chine. The German army of t is the most efficient’ fighting ha nization oe the world has ever ._ dt has served as a model for the armies of most other countries. The Austrian, Japanese, Chinese, Turk ish armies have been organized on method sonied from the German a the year in which twe ntioth rict. Tf he is of some physi serve two peeeri ialteees a pitas for pocl crete, After his term in ny, he is transferred to the first Bering ie per’ © is required hrough military training with hie Siang nt a month or two each year Line of Reserves, Now he is passed into the “Land- wehr,’’ where he remains another five years. Here she called: out im ee Aes} by the tary attthorities. From the first eh | class of the ‘Landwehr’? the Ger- 7 mt rom. ‘The Dr. Williams’ Medioine Co., Brock- volt against Turkey, Peter joined| ville, Ont. em. The remnant of kis personal fortu Turkish Milan of come ite son nf that Michael who dispossessed Peter's father, wis tire into wat ‘with Turkey to keep his hold upon # nation to which Peter had become @ popular hero, and Servia's regu- lar army were crashed. Russia’s entrance into the war in 1877 saved the little nation somata ruins but established Milan, own countr ry, and without funds ine drifted to Mon- pay pe became a peraipoes: of Prine I mar- ried bic en daughter Totke, and Nicholavitch, aod a third w edad hi ictor Emman- uel, now King of Summoned to Throne: The death of Zorka in, 1890 was pete By by estrangement with his fathe law, and Peter, with his Fane Days | Call for a dainty, wholesome food — such as Post _ Toasties with cream. There's little work, and much satisfaction in every package of these crisp bits of perfectly cooked and toasted In- dian Corn, Appetizing flavour, substantial nourishment and convenience of serv- ° ing are all found in Post _ Toasties, Sold by Grocers Canatlan Postum Cereal Co,, Ltd, Windsor, Ont. |r —_»a—__. GLORY FOR THE CELTS. Something About the Men Who I ee OM the Germans. his, riibin they en- tered es British Islands. In’ this the continent Manders, who aperennly did not wish to cross the eas, These, bial a Baie be- ine ‘een 2,000,001 8) resemble tie pcangs more than they do their mba and eee n neighbors. They are mid- dle-sized, with Hate "azole ine wil impu! Walloons ns always made ne soldi rs and were ce raceme | distinguished in the 30-years’ war under their leader, Tie one of the _Breatest commanders the stood by Spain long after the Pro: testant Provinces were in active re- bellion. When the pase was “established, a great loons inglan , where rece are still a Saari Hed body of Protest- pants, an Ye they paece the fore- rrowed from aa ay Duteh. / Quite a"large number of Dae live across the border in H Then he goes into ‘the “TLand- or ‘final line of is called for service only in case of extreme national necessity, After his military ser- ne standing army Aion of 600,000 men. Nearly half of this number pass. out a year and are replaced of fresh recruits. rst teserve consists approximately of an ,000 men, air e ‘Landwehr’ con: ists of 2 a “gection,”” consisting 20 bi under ithe command of ions form * or 40 men un- a sergeant, Two petite, Sed form a ‘“‘de- tachment” of 80 men under command of a Gents Three detachments form a company of 240 under a captain. reé battalions form a. regiment under a colonel; and ‘two’ regiments form a. brigade sepa or three ea eiaHy) Can Muster Six Millions, the details of the mobiliza- tion of the army have been worke out with such precision that million soldiers can be mustered Prepared for active service without delay or confusion fe mis- panecstand Not only en them: atv carefully ape: ed regarding their ae in case of war, but all the military materials required for a modern campaii i are stored and Pigeee ready for use at ithe moi A uniform te every eoldier is nae to be put on at the word of mand. Six million modern rifles ith immense ater: Cbnvauiation Plans, the plans for Se AE al itary authori- ties ee cisely an Peat atock would be required Germany for the conveyance of have been numbered and jeasured, intellectual power which guides and controls these forces is Ee Hele! ‘staff. The general ff is nominally a body of comeere whose pesca pana lee be regarde: et of the etedeal Biaft loltke is really the com der- ey of all the forces, though ithe Kaiser would nominally hold: this position in the event of war, CASTE.” An Instance of the Shores of the Native fany pe ple, un Ly th the standing very long ago, passing through the jungle, uddenly attacked and most so: was a, well-equipped hospital, con- veyed him to a village close by, where he was kept without, medical assistance of any ki managed to keep him alive, Pb ity fac isfy ier thait he. is known in tbe district as the ‘reache wallah”’ (bear man). 1 moet. extraordinary thing about this case is that the unfor- was, during the time | hospital, by nity to be unclean, with the result that his own wife was, through-attending ito hie eA sad ments, thrown out of “ca, How a Sick Woman Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY, “For years I was ‘thin and delicate, color and was dlioe pallor, remedies, pills, tablets I tried without permanent benefit. They © griped me, yet they est tab. lished romuincli ny w | red ae n by an vt number Jed as when I was a girl. Dr. | Hanitltana *pilis did it all.” | The. above stratghtforward letter | and the third under Crown Prince ITHFUL UNTO DEATH, Heroism Soldier, “One of the bravest acts I wit- nessed during the whole wat,’ said an officer in the American Civil War, “was that of a, young soldier, who was probab’ ver sixteen, Wonderful of a Young ly not ov We shad thought of him as only a boyy later he went with the regiment On all of its marches, and lived ith it’ in all its eneamp- ments, “One doy there was a fierce en- gages he midst of it bullet Sirhae sey boy in the breast, and he fell. pions pore Gree his men to preteen and as he himself | his he boy hold your horse, colonel | “Stopping ii at of oe » | storm. of bile to gaze in pity o the w ish face, the oxtoual said, ‘But we can’t do that, you are dying.’ ‘I know I am, colonel,’ the gal- lant boy replied, ‘But I can hold ‘the reins teat Tiam dead.’ nel placed the bridle in lying dead, the bridle reins wrapped tightly round his right hand. Guilty of A of Assassination man, razor in waa caught by wis wife staining ait enemy, but a corn—what. Putnam's Gorn Hanae ive eafe, painless and sure. ‘Dry “Patnam’s'—cures ao fast, 2c, ny at al Sea ys Naka rea @ lon, pecially. a little lie. | atinarée’ Ziaimont. Cares colds, xto, sy lad— Za pee ReaD can make a little go | ™ et en BG GRACKS ON HAND AND FINGERS Eczema for ass Years, Broke Out cales, Itched and Badly Cuticura Soap | ‘ and Ointment Cured, Lyons Brook, eczema for anes a years, hands get in sores between —"I suffered ae awfully bad. know what fw WT wad troated Tor a Jong timo and it did not do hd eae I gavo se ™ t as soon as I gi doing my house-work again my hits sot Just as bad I used two bottles of —— and id not do an; root I read about Canes Soap and Ointmont and decided to sent for a samplo and I usod anee til'T saw ib stoped itching and burning, 90 I got threo cakes of Cuticura Soap'and a box of Catioura Olnts od) Mra. I did no’ Sade f ecromas eruptions of skin and Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. 8, A, STORY OF GREAT CAMPAIGN|:: IT TOOK SIX MONTHS TO CAP- TURE PARIS, Battle of Sedan Proyed the Most Disastrous for the French. The When the nape under Laem Wilhelm I., with Count Bismar and Gen. Fan Moltke, started te movement against Paris forty-four years ago, the e Tesistance, to cate the to mobilize the Prussian army was given by Kaiser Wilhelm I., July 15bh, 1870, France declared war four days later. Three armies were put in the field by the Prussians. The first was Gen. Von Steinmetz near Trever, ay noe under Prince Frederick rles in the Reinish Palatinate, of Prussia on the frontier of Baden, Fifteen days al fter the mobilization On sia Frontier, A line 100 miles long from Mount- medy on the Belgian frontier to Bel: fort, at the junction of the Swiss wit ating poner: was covered by an arm; Phpelesk Tit, er-in-chief, near Strassburg. peror Napoleon left Paris July be to take command at Metz, and Aj Kaiser Wilhelm with Count. “Bis: marck and Count Von Moltke took the jfeld with headquarters at Man’ Budiituaaliewaa ceneseed captured Aug, 2 by Froussard. France ni invaded by the German ic five-hour fight, in which the ETE were heavy on both sides. Again two days later the crown i e aeet bern, and forced them to yee: in disorder, ~ Steinmetz, in the meantime, routed Frossatd’s corps at Spichern, driving the French back to Metz and Forbach. Alsace Abandoned, Following these disastrous de- feats the eight French corps were | consolidated into It was shortly thereafter rae bred Northern part wat abandoned, while the Fraiieh re- eetee pene the Moselle, the ‘battle of Colombey- » Old-Fashioned, My folks, are too ‘old-fashioned tors -any/ use.’ “What's is matter, Willie?” “They still think that a penny’s sae for any kid to spend at one © Rats ere Von Moltke prevent- | ee the. junction of the two retreat- ing French armies. nt on the capture of ew Prince Frederick Char) ‘| tool of his nee aie pees, Revie atl oner with the Emperor, The battle of Sedan was the most disastrous of the entire war, The surrender of Strassburg came on ott 28 and Oct. 11 Gen, Vs der T; ann sao ne One ‘as surrounded by Nesaine Oct, Gen. De Callasines in a heroic was defeat- a in a ba sttlas slits from Dec, 2 Dee. 4. a no Ge; Ducrot tried to tee throteh the strong Prussian lines at Berie and on Dec, . 6-and the French were overwhelmed at San Quentin Jan, 19. Paris finally capitulated Dec, ae TURKOS OF FRANCE. Famous Fighters eect Algeria, The French ate now fightin, in upper Alsace, are nat rimea, "the re an offshoot from the Introus pats corps organized in cre ia by France eighty-five years arborea bolus regiments of Tur- kos, and bats man of them is a native Alger: Three of these regiments are Y hatiouen in Algeria, but the fourth, known as the Tureo Zounyes of the Imperial Guard, al- ways have been aeeeee a France. Tt doubtle the Turco Imper- ial Guard that, ie now facing the soldiers of the Kaiser in Alsace, In he Crimea, the Turco regiments distinguished themselves atly to r fame ry Insc Brien War, especially at the battle of Fraschwiller, in a e| Highest grade beans kept whole” and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength, Flavored with delicious sauces, ‘OU ou WAN a BUY OR SULLA wetee Hee Weoek, Grain of Dairy Waray Colborne St. Toron x. W. DAWSON, canted St., Toronto, NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. G. 09D WEEKLY IN Live TOWN i ork County. Stationery, and Bo Business io cons Pi "rerms iivural. Witson Company, 18 Wait Adelaide or Pi Supiiane treet, AGENTS WANTED, Pp ,to date, of Burope and Word; Tabu. la Ory enesent. Orla Strenath i Wt by fourteen, jakort. ‘Veritable. Gott Mino for A Send thirty conta fer, complete Nichola Limited, Publishers, ‘Toronto, SALESTEN PAIRS BREEDING Bosep tone sreenondsniee gotielted. Mold Broa, Bothwall, 0 LUMPS: cul an ‘Medical ted, Collingwood, On charge = allantry st the Germans. Int the great review of the French aus on the Longchamps race- ‘se last summer the Turco regi- mer nt was accorded an enthusiastic demonstration by the vast crowd that numbered half a million per- sons. hh iy Ip, Dangerous Throat Troubles Provented. by. Nerviline IT ENDS MISERY OF cOLDS QUICKLY, Don’t wait till night, Get after your cold how, Mane Mat palates before ou should apply old- Ste ¢ “Nervillne’ ” ar} our chest and throat, rub them thor ended ae Nerviline. Re- Het will id im: geri will, ber you from lying awake nighb, coughing, choking and iaieiue from. congestion in the chest and acute pain in the throat, Nerviline will break wu very beginning—will @ you from perhaps a serlous ill ‘0 take away hoarseness, to break ws a pare cold, to cure ub, ng hand; oe the shelf, ‘the sare ae. taraily snd tle; small tri ae @ 25e., by Gj it dealer anywher An evening call is productive of much pleasure—if not when you come, at least when you go. Minard’s Ziniment Cures Diphtheria. ae Pod Ms The Gallant Mayor, From a small provincial town in the north of Italy comes an amus- Queen Helena was ig the town, to attend the un- ven of a statue of Victor Eman- uel. aria’ the mayor of the town had n elaborate speech of wel- AAs their clinked, a drop of cham- wn, ike horse flea! to be piso on any point. of paltchteas y,’' he exclaimed, Everpibing is already paid for.” ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE Under the contro! of tho mont of panelist d of ontario. ished 1862, Afmilated wey the, University of feapen on ‘nia Pea Hen ei Qotober, 104 nf the show Gol Nu . u Uhiveceiah Ave, tot, tds CALENDAR ON A\ Be A. A. GRANGE, 3M 8. Team Work, “How did you manage to see ae in Rome inside of two ay: “Well, you see, we got up early, my wife went to the shops, daughter to the picture galleries, and I took in the restaurants. In the evening we compared notes,” Located. Aunt—Is it true, Johnny, that you are at the foot of your class? Tonhnpearat quite; just about the ankle, Minard’s Kintment Gures Distemper Reggie—Can nothing induce’ you to change your mind and marry Miss Keen—Evidently not Reggic. Haven’t you tried and failed? Een OWN pRUGGIST w M 0 Eye Re Ir Rec Sota ae ‘Troe. Murine Kye Remedy Co., Chicago. Tahuman Monster. ade broke her heart, the wretch Vid he jilt her? Madge—No, he insisted on her Feedine her cacaeinuntoeiens veh had a better offer, This Is to certify tha [have used MIN- ARD'S Liniment In my family for yoara, and it the best liniment on tho market, of “ha avo. Found’; (taxpellent! or SHPR pinwo. “Woodlands,” Middloton, N.8, On the Chute, Gabe—He says he is a descend- ant of a great family Ste ‘amped and ws is still ; | scending. de- minnretatninnent Gara @arrastn Cows Mot and Cold, aye i meat to go to war,” sean ta time I notice grand, father's wooden ie, Tcool down.” iso emg posipe WAR MAP OF EUROPE First clags up-to-date in flye colors and beautifully illustrated. Size 21 MORRISON H. R. Room 116 St. Nicholas Bldg., Montreal, resent Baropeain Agonts Wantod. part Ae, 16 ee Bazaine back on Ore- lorrw. He was deteaedio on the 18th | | and cornered in the fortifications vat Metz. - tif Surrendered at Sedan. On Aug, 19 the Prussians formed @ fourth’-army*; to. move » rapidly tino the’ plains of paca ait - ‘aris, The crown princé of Saxo a placed in charge 23 | fourth comma ine aint and thirty thou men ae fet n= trated at ‘Chalons nader Reetenin ) to defend Paris, Mahon moved to Rheinis a meee orders from Paris, attempted to re- lieve Metz, His division was cut UNION STA’ EFFECTIVE Aue. i 1914, AND THE OPENING OF THROUGH PASSENGER SERVICE BETWEEN Toronto & Ottawa CENTRAL (Orand Trunk) STATION REAFTER—DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Btations » Stations TORONTO Ar, OSHAWA. PORT HOPE copouRG ‘% Ly, BELLEVILLE Ar, NAPANEE | KINGSTON Ly, TRENTON jeotric-Lighted Coach: Cate For eekels ‘and sal information apply Passenger Dopt., Toronto and Montreal SMITHS eaEKe Ar. OTTAWA ot Parlor Cars on on i 7 y 20 mearest, CNR, 3 * gent or Soe dal 7 J ~ Ths “Bvery time I'see grandfather’ 5 at 5