Milverton Sun, 27 Aug 1914, p. 3

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A Feolish Young Man Or, the Belle of the Season. J CHAPTER XXIT.~(Continued). wien nave wow You nquldn't Suen your ur tarethe a back upon me; I might have ee Ee ate tl, 'ot a only! but for the son Tin Sze nae know, 1 een sir,” eid Stafford, al: him tonother to a the baltsroom ut fe, Him, to ‘pince the a couple of lasses. ito but open- solemn ord e , Teo aera Griitenbers, Haron Witsch, at aatrsh een Pe mle arya rig ET Helton. hal the other Anancient; they pete Pag the | were: ng together an Cee e anes the eae ob Mis kind: and -. ane tee aes stucrenatal 3 ven logo “behind “them, but " Like all succcestul ors, he Was hem, but eave, the bright aide. “pack te Bt Statrord Mina ‘patted ‘him a, | Mr. Griflonverg . and exclaimed, glee: ° mt wee Orm ue have Sheard the od Mr, Orme? Splendid, *| god WP 'wondortut, min, your Prather, it's an rete wonderful’ He can give pointe to eheertul hie "ores begun Yo brighien aa us all, ie, baron? something of thelr wonted fre, “And ite The baren nodded and cae a bright Wea ft! You! tephen ieh ot Rewutitul eis rl, hero ay veer, eevee “fader, re on with @ migchaaical SARE Kha ation tage ia -looksi ve ate only Esto Faleoner's daughter, 0 Td toftier ideas for you; but t pase Bitord ea Stafford’ ‘aude is a young, lady who eared er passing own against the highest. F n of the thor he would not, a rink, Orme,” he come in for ere going. to “drink iuck t9 «3 hing Sir Ste ve been abl a ‘beat me. ith " phen has ever done nd herw you ean go ae far] youll join us? Oh, come, we can't take a ales it allt youke: in the im, un aap. ss Cet a atm a haven't taken any active fee pal only a minute or tw wo nely, Ciel satcei sepunonses eae mares SitordT chat Tike, you to hare noticed m grim «mile pase over his fice. | fmiarciog inva, the ‘obility. Incmy legos, | at theve exultdnt and Rushed money spins aren Suite ihe had taken, ‘how amazed hey would bet Ue ayant wave of bitterness swept over him. At (pRR aT such a moment men, Peapecially young bg te es alerted mer ome reckless; the atrain is Ng Seep Ee oa ay fy vo, the nearcot. wing my fos for relief, He turned back 1e buffet, a Butler and the couple of, footmen Re ne ive opened several bottles of champugne no Teh le he men knew or cared how man loves foes en wera) others of the financial, group, Jot | tenon ea the party: the wine went sound rapid i they were al Vea jove ‘out: | Bray! ly with the re was in a he vamnad sudden hand a ath rat father oredr hie Raita In ‘oat rou ha ol ‘ve pang it ‘et tan = boy! now, ag fate would the arm, bi met ally at ay Weoor, siielding {iy Ty heat’ them. inqui ar ime, coming betweon me and utter | jail-room, Staltord,” 2 a jod ‘bless you and wen zou al the ou deserve ari ah your!” Sot her ot jome, Stafford wet hia glass ing and Laughing: ae ined ailent and red Lida; ‘vatched presen Ito, ere ‘staitord ring for you in the he had ealled Oty walte, the murmur of vowes, the laughter | Found ‘asa man does when the grind ia of the people in the jopnerratory Beaftord creeping up to hie head, ‘and he is etart- fat, thin head still upon hie hands. aa it} Ted. b: he were half atupefied. And indeed he w: tall nh SP he asa yy felt ke oman been. ¢el Hie ac may ine the. group, the tentacles ‘of an octopus, unabli ‘tho loca Lod excited ta le, unable to umi-atsiokont Vice 2 te desertion and rent duto the ball had i“ficapable even of protest. Bir Bte-! ro, fe he did ered by phen had spoken, of, fate Fate hold Bt J ee! non Tie iron heel, and the mockery ph to him, and takin Btaitord's ad tor ae w th preased ni t hung at bis Seale of the waits, the tagan TAT gg kan & in ha aod, oe Sir 6 1 have told them!" almo) gee, Well, Stator though ‘once or Stattord had Just loft, hayé fancied, when I have seen Fou to. Rtatord had Jetiess et faa tN dell acters, are they. a you goin nty, | Staiford nodded over to ar He rather & * good oppor Oe buttet. a Tt will make night memor- aid at, off their Be wl such a big thing: “oven for t Sir Brephen looked round the “pho aolieht, “yo tay boy! "he asked; and elder towards room with a nle gianoe Fontad le." I hy ann site mosio danced, madly dhaer ma, a unde Falconer, atand me, Sy a marble ford’a brain father, wait botany, yen downeaet, her fan mov at, re emiling sly aes “y in ing to ia fro in front of her white bo- ol tonight, sit, shoud like to ‘speak SoMhe ie beautiful, stan he lanes’. fret.” vm) iest woman “001 ‘Sit Stephen nodded and amied, saris the vel er you ahould have fulton ani of thi) if Brig e now as it wae in under hig breath, tay ne. ie ted coke the Biel of our aon wnt ana bier iho, mmbich n ‘could ni het, and announce tho, fact | That we Bad Be ete ten cio. had meneed a that mé eee Bat thats “alralvered nev, Fe cad tha’ a rade Pal. more coner. She dil not gate. he at his 0. the | © Spproach, but the eee niekersd in her coke. Manners and custome; 40 you sball sy | ents ip our danee, I think,” he said feitite seniehty Se Shoppe tes | tie Toaked wa TU WG aime from cate, 1 must qay thn tte nd pele, a4 tink this se: Mice: Falcon: the gre: eo thaeT hava woh vat alo ajoug the line” “inn ad calm pert ie a eat ra : ince door a hd’ Btureay ‘enverod | ZOU8% ; vit a injured I Though he knew she wag wrong, 0! Gril ib te Baron Wire ‘woh ee mach & aie yout, Bir Stephen,” “he Sourse Beauerde 407 ra ied Ma would ike. to ae “Whhe nae men's “pect and way but Stafford, iy ‘one of the mos! jer dexteronaly 1 into vita fat thrue ep ih in his pockets, and hie chin anon his chest, tsted'yo ples iia Brats, ae free his mind from ai fide Seance, and 40 face the fact that ily. Reseed, feat, by. Bis eilange bo. nad Rodessee marry Maude Faleone ybut oh how hard tt was to think clear. with vision | of that ¢irlieh | faae Mating botore him! the exquisitely. beau. fal face with ite violet exes now arched how and pleading, frneos of a gure dwt, He was look Ft me cauitht up oF ing 0 ithe sommes Wis hea ding down, bench, her. (eter the port tendrite of hate lose lndghing remonsira raogh ‘Sy the wind, the red ij art with a aunitonthe iitite grave sabe -woick Jed Hernan Tiosed: away tata deep, stil rect: | 0c yt Saat ne Mey Be cesomanees the stream of light, And ae had lost + Oh, how ho loved her! or ates. per for ever! ‘There wae tio He must wave his father—not. he fat money. ‘That counted for | nothing Seat ‘ie drink a fairly large aus, ity bow and & emile, and Stafford rough id, May knew by. bie ‘Tulence, by. his flushied face hi wey 3} men io mur. { awaking suddenty. r olotk that 8 lye and Aisregardi “net th jo thing did not belong to, her, he put it round a her and hy ‘perract ed wp wore aesing out of father’a honow wah name. into the open air, ep And even if ho wi we maki rs long »: | thle nucritice, to ma lconer, Hot in sees ho said: how could he go to teron, ‘al aba nek "The slowl; ul down Lat Godfrey Heron. the ‘anctont line: | mide, passing. Aan ir | Wheat alealiisdpamacts pe his dangh | Couples) then sudden! iy, aa it the m of 2 man Whose past wae | of othe of thei ra, the sound hi #0 Diack, that hia character waa at the Sherey of Ralph Falconer? Stafford. rose nd stretched out hie ‘arms to thrust weight too «1 to ae, Braun veo itter to be at tained: then hie se fell to. diigeldea,’ andy wi Aardening of the {aoe, a tightening of lips which m: look strangely ike ble fathor. he left the library, and cro ing the hall, le room, made hie way to the _ bal CHAPTER XXITI The Soldest and most biei warmed W aoe of exsltenpent and enjoyment. The ball mh wae daxaling. in the Deauty_of Ate Brine etare he in thing in ite taming aftes, thou ie St you wan wilt itter and. the bea nee of SEH the Ballroom, called up thaneht ‘ment ik throneh Mais away wee the rome:mbrance of Herondale, tho quel; Tove-laden hours he had is thera: avis Eda, ‘The wefth a, eharp ¢ away from him. ss atening weak- nted to say significance of lagt words, and ho) went on with a ‘tha ot deaperation. ry rodany 79 the garden, in Miss Paloon 3 you if you'd be my “they had toes just within the rays light eld alti, by a grin- Sing: soon wad her face sre pele’ and paler min the seconde that followed the momentous question. He could not ave her bosom heaving under the bal Les open fur cloak, felt her hand close for an ingtant on his’ ara, {Do you wish me to eay “Yes'?” she aek- ed im a low ¥ Tho red Hooded Sta and, hia eyes fell under her + does one generslly hope for when one puts euch « ne sald, trying’ to/omi ‘wane you to. be wife, and I hope, with ail my heart, that you will ay “Yes. hal your heart; moat inanabiy. te with mine, fford’s face for a mno- y fixed gar he echoed, With all 1 answer As she murmured the words-and like that of most cold women when they are intenaciy tay i quiel awe te ¥ sion, ecter for faneheibly Mice eared hand gtole t0 his ehoulder eyes 1 they «hone salar the love gh hen yeina, throw gurcender- ering | heraelt for the he drew her heod bake and keeping him his ectual. Sea gaid, ha he did, with me, confusing. pile brat: the leery "Ot bis lost aver a8 king his esi, hoareel iid not wniow al von rementered the “I 1 o Ada. ag be knelt, Fa “Bs ee. he ehuddered ae Maud down and “hi ‘fps met hase. to be continued.) HEAD OF THE FRENCH NAVY. La Peyrere Is a Man Great Pluck. the ich navy is under the su- nd of Admiral de la Admiral De ili officer of has, both in pa of date, and paying particular at- tention to the development of sub- marine navigation. His popularity among. all eraiten wrence Extra Gran- wit Sg Leen = the rar. bee evi from the finest sisoted, fi fully ugar and is one came. sue Always Leap Year. number of disastrous explosions in connection with the Handling of the charges of the big guns, notably the estruction of life on the iit Hated battleship Jena at Toulon, the sailors and officers had become: convinced that it was almost as dan- gerous to stand behind the gun or ite muzzle, he hasten went on board one of the battleships there, ordered it into the offing un- der the pretext of witnessing some experiments with the guns, then | eansed the ammunition to brought up haphazard from the ho ld, spicier the entire firing, extending over w period. of several hours, oint BE standing in the immediate proxim- ity of the breec! h of the gun eo that if there had been any explosion he would have been the very first to be blown into eternity. With knowledge of warfare at the interests of the Triple Entente in the Mediterranean, where all the naval forces of France have con- centrated under his comm: pb: AH er LS “What could be ag sad th a man without a cou f alin: ly asked the high shoe literature Lowa ot her clai “A ¢ountry man,’ cat eee) a pretty fia Hust as feelingly. lost, ‘y custom pre vale aca ithe Vinrece, «a, powerful tribe occupying an extensive trict in Cabul, « the _moun- tains between Persia and India— z female prerogative that has no parallel eared Fee Lhatg yeas of bs earth, The act, choose their pushends, “tod B's the ‘iota was their wives. be pleased with a Ws Pers the drummer of the camp to ] handkerchief to his Saul ec a rai che has used to faste The cnummer watch is Sem d does this in * alt naming the woman, and the man is obliged to marry, if he can pay the price to er father. woman Was a Poor Girl. ‘Does your wife ever tell you hat she might have married a mil- Hionkive if she hadn® t thrown her- self chk on you “No, I escape that. My wife's. folks were poor people. She Mee saw a millionaire until we had bee: married nine years,’’ Circumstances Alter Cases. ‘Let me have some money, dear} T want ie take a little trip.” “Can't you afford it.’’ “Isn't that too provoking? I was thinking of visiting mamma to keep her from coming her “Why didn’t you a so at first ?’? The man -behind a bass drum works to beat the ban e must sew Ped deeds oraay to reap ge aa aie to-morrow, HOME | With the Watermelon, ‘erhaps the watermelon is never batise than when it of eating it, we probably should en- joy a huge vedze of ity eaten out ‘of hand, in true pikaninny fashion. But next-best to this ideal way of eating it comes the As saaie slice or wedge served on a plate, To be good, a watermelon must be ares pits and thorough’ 4 chi can be cut in inch- thick slices na served on with the rind i cuttin wedge-shaped see Like any plentiful summer fruit, watermelon could be served iar of: tener than it usually is if the home in half a dozen other different forms could ibe served every day for a week, Watermelon in Small Forms.—A @ ball potato cutter ice, and served sprinkled with su- gar in sherbet cups, It can be cut. into balls and served under the name of watermelon cherries, soak- ed in maraschino cherry juice, in sherbet cups. It can be eut in dia- monds, three inches long and an inch long oe an inch thick and a, little rum pour- be served on in any shape at all, piled in a pyramid and served with ‘ee ci spun sugar or- nament on Watarmulont Sherbet. — Frozen watérinelon is a surprising delicacy to many persons. One way of mak- ing it is very simple. It is this: Crush the Pale y very ri melon with a s ie fi ter- d_ pack stand for two or three hours packed in salt and ice and then serve it in sherbet cups. Atobiien araterst doe BREE LaRTA for two q yatermelon juice and pulp and a cupful of sugar wit half a lemon ee until it is thick and then remo’ the dasher and add the beaten Hey of two e Pack for @ couple of h Woteriuclotia for the Future. - Watermelon catsup is an easily id and good winter appetizer. To prepare the watermelon for it, rind, leaving a little of fou can cook it ina aauble boiler or carefully over a low h in a saucepan, as the water in the masloe soon forms moisture enough eep it from burning, When it is cot, rub which, of course, retains the seeds, to seven pints al- low three scant cups is eel am a cupful ty a half of v 0) ed wit e sugar ten minhteh and |, stele “then add the following |; spices and simmer for twenty min- e, Watermelon Pickles.—For w, melon pickles cut off the green rind of a watermelon and cut it ote cubes baie Laka eee of inch sq with water tra add Apis vans ‘the size of a nee n Jook slowly until the tind ii, clear and the ayrup is thick a % veghulahsyrateiitelda Pulp, red and ripe, can be shapes of all sorts and used as s garnish. Cubes of watermelon ranged around a slice of pineapele on white i re ibe served with yanilla ice m Houschold Hints, Raw potato juice is a valuable cleanser. It will remove stains from the hands and ales from wool- len fabrics Before ges knives on a knife- board’ damp them slightly They See more quickly, and gain a bet- To engthen shirt-buttonholes aes pea and round with the achine after el Butbanbbles have oes t ane as accredit rning rinse in fresh water two mf three times. Boil in water untill) of DiDynes, Hd cane ae you can pierce the rind with a piven Redes acuity rey ater broom corn and then drain. Mal rule of Ge, te a syrup of equal parts of vinegar akties MEL Lae and ugar. Slice lemons |¢han’ 7,000,000. Poles, who regard very thin and remove the vkina and|tran, 2000p), Poles, tik " slice some ginger root thin, Use pas my. a quart of vinegar and four cupfuls| Russian Poland who do nob. lo of sugat to four quarts of the rind, |ine power that controls therm ur le » an ounce of stick cin-| yy Galicia and ia, whi and _ianniture Tightly dusted , each | mo Take rahe fat from a fowl, Bat it in a jar, and place it in the oven to melt, and you have one of the abaee preparations for keeping boots wad n who does not pay he goes saidens succeeds in aceunti- lating anyth'ng. Ib is better to deny oneself at times than se run in debt for unnecessary thiag: To prevent corka aticking i in mou- cilage and paste bottles, grease them with layd immediately after drawing them the first time. A thorough greasing prevents their sticking. A teacher of cooking says that for every quart of cooked vegetables four oe tablespoonsfuls of bi a teaspoonful of salt and an eighth hts gemepoontylia pepper should ecusedl tor deadening To-utilize a large old place in the bottom of your brella stand. is will prevent oe eckal Mable breaking the bott by striking it with too much fore and it will also absorb the ‘entay from the umbrellag and may be wrung out and replace To prevent mlineerdenkat deacon put a small quantity of linseed oil on a plate or shallow pan, an stand the sole of the shoe in it fora few shah The creak will SiPDPEaN wu joe. will wre) Mesh aes sponge, f this P should be Gerad “thinly the air after fF thegsorl] ibtolor.- tiny isd be beled slowly; if cooked will After YY U7 a few minutes. makes dry and floury, ‘Chamois leather gloves of white with pure Castile soap’ and water, using one spoonful of ammonia to each quart, When the water is te- i in the gloves, and let them soak for fifteen minutes, then press them with the hands, a's 88 not wring th cold water with a little pate n air, rst blowing in them to put them c= Plenty of sunshine and fresh air are the most effective helps the poe has in her fight again insect. pests in our homes, Clothes moths infest closets drawers where unused garm are stored, and while themselves are harmless, they should be killed whenever seen, be- cause they eggs caterpillars develop. mostly on woolens and carpets, fee and feathers. rtunate ey are short ‘ips d, but. articles thes are stored away stone be taken out in the sunshine and air occas- ionally, and fared razamined and brushed to prevent serious damage. oth balls and various other repel- lents may keep pahet es out of an but have no effect on those already there, —— b-- RULED BY HATED RACE ents Wars of Conque Drowned Racial Prejudices. If the present war puts an end to military conquest in Europe it will do a great deal for the happiness of that conti: res ‘that is distasteful to them, peeps aAggres in numbers be- few citations will serve Lie eral condor and how it came Algace-Lorraine, as it is known in ‘lsase-L. rance, or E) Lothningen in Germany, has a population of 1,- 725,000 people who are overwheln came ihe prize of war in 1871, tae leswig-Holstein is iesame he a ‘the kin, are = 000 peels “ot whom 83 per cent, are Poles, 43 per cent. are pete of Slavic blood and ae oe 1 rem- ne ight mostly Germ ‘many’ s ghee mss “of Polish mhepls by conquest and pantition number about 3,000,000, ia and Herzegovina, foreibly moths | fr wi uest Have Not annexed Py Austria, uate 1,650,000 Fioad almost entirely of Servian lood inland’ is a grand duchy taken ies Sweden, © with the Arland Islands. Alexander I. of Russia, gu to Finland the p rvation of , constitu- ion, and religion, This pledge hi been renewed by h of his su In ite of this pledge the p Czar in 1898, actu by the proourator ©: mod id the g: lees, uted a policy of russification in iY Nnand, aking Russian free biog language as well the lan; for use in the ache and een A Of the 47,000,000 people of Aus tria- bout out 8,500, nsus, in which 850,000 Jews, of language, are counted as ag yars. The Slovaks claim that many f their number are coun as either, German or Magyar.” The majority race in empire is Blavie pea but they are niles their language. is under the ban, % Mehog held pro- mare of pan-Slavism, The ambition of the ruling class bania, which would ee Bove ditional millions of fo ir to Ger- man domination seit st tihebr will and make them éubject to opp the maintenance of thei hools and extinction of ir racial in- étinets. The result of such reg is jallicia, where 73 pei Polish and Ruthenian ¢ popu! be? illiterate. nation ‘that: has lost terri Bee to another in the last pe | is eager for a recovery if not vengeance, —r———_—. Spoiled Her Argument, “She had almost proved that wo- man is in every way the equal of m “Well, what happened?” “Just then a mouse ran across the stage and it was all off,” Everything of His, “Maud declares that since she been mar ried she has been through cada Ye her husband says she has, too Information. “What are you fishing for, lad “Fish.” “What kind of fish?” “Fresh,’! An Aid to Me qe my “And when Adon were road 0} your honeym: raid 9 you wen the Palace oF Peace ri Rat Haj ague t’” asked the girl friend of the bride just home fon al “Oh, yes,” was the rep “We had our Brst igusevel there.” 10 Pound, 20 30 Pound Extra of these original pa Extra Granulated Sugar is put up at the Refinery in When you buy Granulated Sugar in any ee ‘ ir $AYirteron cf td’ Mave’ aexed die question of Son wn, but eaie crane yl eee worked o ave sure f ti th (} ; f ; jeent, moze eloquent of wealth and | sohieing atealght before him aw if he wees Articles infested with moths or ae d of getting the genuine mit Woked ound And presently he saw | ying to find words suitable for phe ae fleas should be saturated in benzine. ‘oun Canada’s finest = vide Patcones in ter strange: avd sini: | S08 fie "though his head The benzine injures nothing and it eee bas a 2 : ing dress. 8 Sida, as at ae Te hy |e tin ad the pYdak of the fountain kills the pests. » | sugar, pure and clean as when at him. A light hot Into them, glowed | £ounded Ike the roar of the a, iffen sheer fabrics, ber as y for a'inoment, her lips curved witty te | °8F yon qgr hather vou contd guess?” ho dimities or chiffons and’ veilings, iz na it left the Refinery. xe "i awa eee | gaia, as the p dhought of hes father’s words, uit three tablespoonfuls of sugar aun The music sounded like tafford was to be his Pp Ds > t ie A pis sonia i ppoet you musts Sa King Inspecting Sailors of “tron, Duke.” Hee the last rinsing water you wash It’s worth while to insist on ay round the room ane ane ated : itl Aye: ene: ha : be me {oun ‘anteroom whieh Mad been fitted. up | RA shee tetas ssid limo tan] At the recent groaé naval review at Spithead. ‘This picture vas THdusty.dieuriotacdleantugabould ante Satie the Original Packages. 9,8 Dulfet. oe wii "he, ead that T a low] taken of the King inspecting the sailors of the “Iron os the flag- |be done regularly and thoroughly I uations trying. 6 peak nla wae! ‘Piment beweanie to notice the! Ship of the First Battle Squadron of the British Navy. gnce a week, and the windows sills) CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO, LIMITED, 9. » MONTREAL,

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