Milverton Sun, 27 Aug 1914, p. 5

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WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHI in Dry Goods Groceries Crockery Gents’ Furnishings Etc; Etc, Call in and inspect our stock--you are under no obligations to buy FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL “Three Stars” and “Purity” Two of the best on the market Cash or qT ctor EGGS A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty - - MONKTON, ONT BIG CLEARING SALE To make room for spring goods, we are a yucing goods at following prices Mantle Clocks, regular $12.00, now. “ " “ 10,00 i 1. “ B00) Kitchen, Clocks, aierot dese, oe ie m Clocks, reg. $2. +» $1.75. Wasehes, reg, $20, 00, pe oY 00 feet on “A 1 We also haye a good line of Silver Polish reg. 25¢ which we are going to clear out at 15c. J. A. HANSON, monkton, “ont. The Warm Weather is With us Again “New Periection Oil Stoves” Also DETROIT VAPOR GAS- Th se'stoves burn just like natural gas and require With 2 and 3 burners at right prices. OLINE STOVES. only one lighting. rim them and be absolutely{safe. Come in and we will show you that any child can See our HAMMOCKS at all prices, Screen Doors and Window Screens Frost Wire Fencing—The best in the land. M, E. Bettger @ Co. Hardware Merchants, MONKTON WEBER & BETTGER i TIS1OWEL Mr. B. B. Sarvis. Hanover, mewea Saniibtaraweas in town _Mr. August Hardman is spen 01 the Union Pacific qubning out sas re spent a few di Robertson. This is mt meeting in ten years of two Mr. W. J. “Willinx. of — Toro spending his vacation with fri in town. Mr, Robt. W. Scott. of was a visitor i Bi Miss Minnie Pope, o seats Mario Ko et aa | timate rsona Professor's iss Marion Kop} Palme: has been engaged by the Publie school jsplendia ry, toomos generally must: evoke board to teach here after mid-summer ee iht of npprecia- THE M " LVER 1 = aI jon TON |" Miss Louise Rocher. of Toroito, is| , Daitor “the flerald;. Dear Sir-—Re- —_— BARGA N Ss T OR | spending er vacation with Her var-| Sesent io Sees the} 18th set Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange Pfaff Block, Milverton ents in tow! Miss ey Wai tson. of North ‘onto, is! adorking:| and eal Atwood, s n, | PROF. RIETHDORE ee KAISER'S AUTOCRAL ree last Stratford Herald copy ies the Daily Herald of Sat+ rea} pent A . containing a lengthy a salto at emanate the German Kaiser y | Rieth- dorf. of Woods College. ‘ood~ stock. Ont.. whose contribution to a contemporary was reproduced in our colt },/ OF has kindly supole mented our ar- ends ticle and his own by the following | powkirtut Getter. Only One More Week for This Great Clearing Sale Do Not Fal to Come in and Receive Good Value for Your Money! Herald editorial, We ela ie jto ha vent | | tznovledze of the subject which js in- seein was a visitor in town on * hgcae 130 ; a “ yi e Ci uu ask me to say a few words | ~ yeah ea ie ip es setts ipa ha o vi gone your editorial. “Phe Kaiser Barussa, Emperor William as (King WAR NOTES | the hands of the Germans who are home on Saturday and is spe! nding | f Prussia is Tesbonsible Hs ex: | not citizens of Can! oll i ‘0 week's holidays with his p In m Stas in our iene Dt ot t is amnouieed oticially es Gen) lands or ents in Wallace. ibe piendid on He | Dr. B, A, Roos. of Mt. Fbotely x the .week-end with and Mrs. A, Roos. “Arlingto Miss Harron, of the Wal Deeston in town, Messrs. Tom and Wilfrid Waddell.| of North Mornington. were Satu pent =| sone e hands of William Il. There is no! eror's) power to dis- ncere believer in a emooratio government trying eg fighter in Belgium, He ii tl gene) ut Sos the Reichstag. as oftan -lto perpetuate the exponent of this s {ol ‘All members but en in his “divine” autooracy. Britain It is not all the hot blood of youth | a oaturalization papers and are citizens per temnts to wipe out militarism and oR the Rukoiensd battlefields anada, aisi eneral Joffre. The news that reached us from tl wutocracy in G rday mar my Tends to estab-, Th dd the French mander-in-chief a evening visitors Ww: true democr £ war on Monday was ot YMiss Be ani G ihnon. oh. Regina. is | bers ‘and F ogressives at tim duty of us German- Ganadians teatant Bar! Kitohenor-te-@4. a al /nather startling nature, visitor in. tov ¢ mae policies, by. Britain’ in this crisis. Canada is Pau is a papa in the ms eke: sere mucocaet at almost ‘all dione he Garfield’ Reddon, of Harriston. | fae ting done that muc the country oh, our choice, our dear in the eighties, ne save Li ie area he is ectodine his holidays with friends \ erally feel that they haye “gone the! own fri walle have renounced any| Statisticians have estimated phat Dian “Ht io: anid: vanes tO team Of in town. limit? in tek opposition, and ev allegiance and have, war has wiped out in the cours: he life was enormous) oh were | Mise “Helen Himilton. of “Abwoad efatulate themselves for hav'ng shown' sworn to the British’ flag. | time. 15,000:000.000 lives, or a! yf Ba ly beaten’ in agveral engagements, wasn ylaitor in. town last | independence. fearlessness. conrage The 1 eannot con-| a8 all the boone who have-lived nage a ee be oyd McLachlan is aid nding | antl when - comes to voting theY sistently a pro-Emperor in : | vat 650 yea: v human NEVER DO THIS. is vacation with his mother in town,, #4. “yes add_amen’” to anything the any-British attitude im this, conflict. aeven Ne an enormous one in “ eae |- Work is progressi: me on t tain William If wants, Dissolut tow fr tT tor my part miist cone, this century as it was in the nine-| — “Lmdia, aid un English [att ie biiitding.| fou ax threats on the one hand and/ 3. aly, But surely it can be teenth, ;man to hue dcietid iow atuivaliate Geld ¢ ding. |X demn severely. a, 4 softncete colicin ises and favors (conferring of or-! Belgium has area of 1 ~ “is just the finest ew. chapel Surasctat on tha other’ Gutter) the bee anare miles. a little over der the sun. bul a f young fell ity thio w nie buying German Emp o register a major- o' va ia. Her population ows come here. and they drink > ey of wot any, measure he want 7.482.784 is a little less th nd: they: eat. axa then drink.) 0d, Ls i " e | to be William Lf is the most a. Germ res an ey ‘die. and then. Links tier ache |Sregrptos political boss in the square miles ipsa ey maak se dae oi ae | square miles les: ree ae w hs pro- 1d on, world ie ihe ees : ue that one! vince of katchewan while her pop- | hoary! ire y Oe 3 charge | ulation is about 65,000,000. aus? & UNPL WASANT | aa tun | pasiplets a far an the SREr sane _ gis! ally Ex re 3 estimates that Sato hele | ronto, | the rat. is concerned, The | SRO : milli fe number of Jerman ves: ‘ aia |Imemter of the jatter bap. Bis dum ieee aS at yd wh mare openly ;| saptered at sea by the British, Rus-| Dea me ain advantage ot Papin 4 an ch warships total” 200, wireless telegraph and rapid-fire Listowel, inies, ey are not allowede to ; wian al ship al 1 eee hpreaany Individual opiulad WBatever ist eaters ie { a one million tons) 4¥ine fein as unpleasant 9 the this term is expecte | pres ‘Y D} A ponsibility for the i 1 aa aati 000,000. Th | neil CPNAULL aw At -avas. Vocab pie D tham hese [The large arty of the ‘Httle Ger-|COUSDINEY for ae Te mnunity, io peg i % Ny renee totype of the archery pertol. ni ntering.|man rulers” receive instructions from ( nyons Aukthe or irinting, UC or says that there axe aed eat The Nigh showing made by Listowel | the as to segs in, Germany - under existing ee ate rman abips lable} High school at this year's exams. es. in turn instruct gonditions, would be shot on the ‘svt 0 ApELRe) | i es ndeprall ao ence Germany is sildnt. UI have a tota Hier ey ot 700,000 tons LMA: £0 throve Ee Mabas “ot egecdh. Wi England. tf a 7 9,000. 1000. Thess lat | LLUSTRA: ; er jnolu 5; Bam turg-Ame the i byes Chere while in Germany it sdels.*120 ‘North’ Ge ia Lloy Ladies CATALOGUE _ is 7 sa. $8 German-Australian, 45 ADDRE ae insimnific nt _nuinber of Ger-| Hansa. 5 German-Aw ral $5 and im Canada who 45 German | 2 "i a rican Petrol rigr to an interesting « RO nena ne Bai will shortly take place the 1 urns ohareh Milverton e ha ve cothe a of the Sarious oft WEL).cv WEY. Mr. John Wein asd Jr, ev on the sick list al days but is on the: mend Mr. John Hahn. of Headelbe} rag ‘eos and ©. Be: Mr. Henry K. Forler ae let contract to Edwin Haid, of Haw ville. for an Ea al well Be ers are now busy and w see them strike ani aes tt of water. Mr. and Mra, Alex. Rau. 101 tepay: pros and cons discussed. The scholars of Mr ‘heir midst without showing him \ Palt—¥. get out y in’! Shire. if T put another Baia it won't it be heavier ‘still? F. Vv. RIETHDO it co elf me "Wott Oat. SS our regret a lee in sat me Wee rise , August 20th. 1914. : : real. jov oe gay a eal a ea a tse ‘A NOBLE MOTHER PASSES AWAY ay Ee allene oF WhO ats neaued in Rit weet akeene, Ont ne of the robes of office for Fe ook solr eSBERTUAMAIL KE ca ub the be he “ace the death of Mrs, Joho | = = —— activities tm churel Ii Thus the first class (0) dab yoara srhtieh took have eather here t i‘. up of yery heavy tax- place at the Brandon hospital on Sat- Fegand ih which yous (eee maokh eoond ‘will be made un yrday. August th atter a short ill- 4 . d Ou oe of 1 much larger number of mode " Ss. The deceased lady had enjoyed Y N Ss t Bid one wa foo eee thew | Fort 00 oe henlth up to. Wednesday. of it our New ouit— to be these will compri at ma when she was saddeni tei uli wor! ingmen and an all taxpeyers, ith strangulated ae stan aervigy | Be Mb shor may nin id portonitis ed oat sat ae ji e. e et ger! a Re SEDb ediately the case 7 which ver hold ah buenas pease See eataca bekoria' t oat lalaaes tone es ny eed Fi She Before placing your, order, come 1) rt a! ath te Brandon oh ote oi Ee ¥ iy these high olfioes sion are 2 successful operation you our new lines of suitings, We Quarter to youl hold are a Sica bite yi : le we look forward to pleasant and 5 5 lack o! please you in both fit and price. happy bh he tings | Dt eclestors. and the whol ber of Weary was, not able to stand bappy “hours when in our smeetings! stectors in a “ridin#"—to. use. OWr S.coy and’ passe ty puge more Tout valaed counsel and: Canadians. official term tori th Met bore de i ‘electoral college that chooses members bs eb baka ge Garteton - Sette ate States sian Parliament. Gon Holmen, vad, this “couners a Se NN. SMITH, © verte-date taitor Mrs. J. Roulston, about thirteen years ago, Shortly af- \ D MILVERTON, ONT, J mith, ter coniing west she was mi Brg rg. Tt J Robinson, - = ee a Mrs, Wm. Kerr RI has healt was a business visitor here on Mon- as rlint on Tuesday tem that on special bic peticulas fat pred it a va 3 Favepytert an church on Tuesday of Mrs, Gardner has been very n 4 inst class vote: Opa Le week. a service bei con . and underwent an, operation on Mon- as highest proportion. on Bach ie Cy pr ehe Reve, ‘Rivet ey Pees pathy ie bes to call day. Dr. Glaister and Dr. McEaohren chooses its thi + fnterment took place Ix Oxbow ccm i ‘ne Ii of Linwood. were in attendance, ne; redardless, of the force. an06"s ig and see our fine line of mirn the loss of their dearest friend ah | Sesaaaneaassnassonaaaaaees | while yuaty will be iciescacted iy 4 for by kind friends—nothing a ft Ham- will re ee ine are and love of ELS Data tera Opera ae |i woke ie eae soto" ||P, HL Bastendorif, ind | Leer Nee Jeweler and Optician - MILVERTON The Police trustees are calling a f. DATES OF FALL FAIRS. 1914 ‘meeting for ‘next Thursday night —-=. when speakers will be here to give | formation in regard to the install- \ ation of H, wer, street lightin, | Jas. Kerr's | class could not let him depart from bist manner their high appreciation Seca tas igen 0a) Hea“ BeaT sonnet “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired’ lor, orconsentiently » thee presented him ee ae ort one, a We seth sh and an ‘ di ae pescbe ns oa You can have recor coaiete ny Maing oat : z ped Mot Be ‘this done at HERE has just been plac- SUPERFLUOUS WEIGHT a the minimum ed on the shelves a splen- § Post Office Clerk (in the country am post at: This ttawa, (Central Gana office in-west of Treland)—Here, Ma woul have to! lasaeed, and with ill-fitting eae be ¥ for pon | prolonged | rom a stato- <8 w a without delay and brs a aoulel Ht rvative representatives in ton Canadian soll: ° mind ‘of such st FALL TERM STARTS SEPT. jar CENTRAL matte: sity Ww wad that tt will be ola | n effective basis as soon = Should the war, be vorolon ‘ sin. ‘Frederick William TI. al von Stein, a century, ‘age, jestablish mus and Gener- cept ¢ rd among th fices! a J mor he » apparent reasona, are lis me a source of danger to to bor g| Binding the “lak. hey sre a] Oxbow i classes, cach of wale Has ft ts our ird D, A.McLACHLAN, = = Princica Mel in | Pct seca ae property on a large scale is th form a rofession of sc) aie and of the Hetevile school, rg. the third cliss. Tt happened that ©7 toying mother. rege py ie ae gcd consierabi “rate came service to maintain and Koen togethe little family under adverse cin F Tt was disgust with the electoral sys- park coat ily The funeral took vlace from — the ery. 4 he dads ("The sincerest sympathy is express: |] Regina Watches, eae ‘This class peties § is the ourse of yy “va town and district for 8 — , bhe yee who are left be. No Trouble to Show Goods in It Pays to Dress Well did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- Tt’ is a, woman’s duty as Ottows (cer well as pleasure to ap Soe ui ar well Rockton Shop sy ves anys oi Shoes this is not possible. The iiyttee ter wear, that will make and ‘above illustration will appeal Toronto ( (can; National) ia “sn ‘to you as a perfect shoe, dete Hl wear well, Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. r Any time and grow with us. | he Shoeman’ a States i involved in The Up-to-date Tailor, rm rticulars addres eek European war. For Janada, fn. FF E i Y 5 oe ala ‘MONKTON, ONT. } send of remaining neutral. hae tleet=| 0. DU I L Monkton, ~- Ontario BDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Prinolp el Oe) mens ccd t ert lot with the “mother; & | Cecrcccoecooooooooooooooos pomnetg 1 ENTER LISTOWEL BUSINESS GOLLEG “Empress” Shoes are made in Woodstoc! Canada, SHE IAS. | ‘ | i= Waweeneribans. xoallse that 16; 388-| { @ tion of this continent larger in area) = than the portion bi ‘ he oe es is dit i Le SR Pe ee bt ae oe

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