Milverton Sun, 3 Sep 1914, p. 4

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Re Ea aoe ey ok You can cook to the full capacity of the top | mena Two WOMEN and bake an oven full of good things witha |... (iis 'Mf ar tiements churen on Closing Hours : book ace at sents church on ‘6 h A d ” Closing Hours: 4 ‘wesday of last week when Key. Br. Wey united in the bonds of holy SAVED FROM MONDAY. 7.00 p.m. | I e reade trimony Mr Alex. Diebold, of the TUESDAY . 00 p.m, 9th line Misa ‘Sarah “Schopp, WEDNESDAY. .30)pm, w@ 5 of er Benabe. The bappy OPERATIONS 2. a up (hous eping on x ‘3 farm and their friends the groom's wish chet a happy amd prosperous |reet ed lif We ‘wil Seon ‘bo again hearing. the | By Lydia E. Pinkham’s. i a . | peal merry: wedding bells. i oe Ring out ‘fous bells. ale table Comp man Ament attendad the 1 Industrial Fair ox redipret Beonh as : ? bist aac ace: petin: duh Our new fall showing of Ladies’ Coats has commenced; We Toronto with all its industry and pi have the nicest-range we have ever had. Our showing a at the same time. Many exclu- 1% alt Nan eat ave th st.rang e ever had. Our showing con I? e t iy gress ia, saya sp eee beet ly gp al rae dmonton, Alberta, Can. —‘*I think sists of 48 coats—no two alike—so that if you buy from us sive features you should know reap Foca tea of thd poll tHs.n0 more than right for me to thank you will have an exclusive coat. These coats are the well-known Rodger gar- id f hat kind advi d Lydia re Let the McClary dealer show YOu, 15 days the small boy iA again eyo ani oe a Te Wagetable Deeipaandi ave with reluctant, step bis we hi Whe ‘departments of the) done for me, ae ri eal r Sold by B, KRIESEL senoor. ere are azaiac in charge of} "When I wrote to you some time ago T ments, considered the best fitting coats fhe teachera of, laat ten 1m; Miss Ruth-| was a very sick woman suffering from made in Canada. - We would ask you to erford. of Lucknow. and Mi jaa. Mca | femal troubles 1.HRd.o organic inflam- ‘Leese, of Oshawa, soe the: public school mation and could not.stand or walk any = and Mr, eee of Omemee inthe} distance. At last I was confined to be The Cana + aoe M seat lel. oF sfisa| t0.g0 through an operation, but this H I B I TI on N| D, Hibner. of Hibner Furniture Delis le of. elute ‘are spe nd refused todo. A friend advised LydiaE. oo. ead office, Berlin, paid a business nau fer days this. week: at Mr, A.| Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and BS 0 Rr , ee the local factory last week. Spahr’s having come up to 4 the| now, after using three bottles of it, I ONTO fhneral 8 the late Mrs. tle ine feel essere at age I most heartily Fare and One-Third August Sist Schummer spent to September 11th 91 come in and have a try on, Make your choice now — and if you donot want to take it now, leave your order and we will hold your choice, Prices are reasonable. BISIOWEL NEW DRESS GOODS---We have this oe a range of Dress Goods which is the fin hat we ever put into stock. Imported direct a enn nd. These goods will be BS pee on rday and we invite your ins; of them No Geaibie to ats goods at th: oe Lucy,of Guelph, made a pe! 88> ional call in town on Wednesday of week, Messrs. A. St, George Hawkins son Alfred left for Toronto on Tucs- day morning for a few; days. |) Mr. D. Mulcahy fapent the week-end some bargains for his custo | Also taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s Liver Mr. and . Bi Rreutaweieee sr } Pills, and think they are fine. I will Ki "ht Mrs. A ler spent Monday, pene aoe be without the medicine in the 2 erlin. pecial Low Fares: ti ? Mrs, Geo. Rat. of Waterloo. is RANK EMSLEY, 908 Col- Taenday Sent a peer tC otoner tue eile vangt- present visiting Mrs, P, Kreutawe peer et Edmonton, Alberta, Thw Sept. Srd and 10h Muskoka. *, Just a word ey thot young meén who 'The Other Case. rk| Quite a number of ous local young gostrain them ae t Beatrice, Neb.—‘‘Just after my mar- ea OIGR ussamabie fhe Seldom tome” night hideous iy shouting and yelling | Flage my left side began to pain me and ub assembly at Brusseld on Thurs- 1 may find ‘yourselves the respon-| the pain got so severe at times that ¥F. rec ms fee inoronto this w ve Wook up| Teaufer mri fomele troubles. Ihave “= = pe <6 ey e Es NEW'D. & A. CORSETS cor D. § . f you want a -t to fit and give you real comfort, try a . brand. Price ; 55¢ up to $2.75 pair. NEW FALL CAPS ver: We are showing the latest in Fall Cape, “Auother shipment'ts ‘ico, 80 ayE Pitts ‘ane internet ate enter Waterloo, itenpelee wad: Hamilton iiss Olive MeDonald has returned ent-in-a police court case for mis-) suffered terribly with it. I visited three is expected next week. Hold your cap order until you see our large range, Weinert Sept. 2nd and 9th home after a pleasant vacation with conduct. j.Sostors arid nas ta tb Sheree > bi Nobel to Dell; stations fiends in. Toronto, CR ato se greta of on me but I would not consent to an op- ‘alc DH F Ss Shanwonulte“kivuston | Miss Bertha Coote. of Klmira, spent AMmar are, at greens visiting @t) eration. I heard of the good Lydia B. Ss m Suiviions and ‘il Staton the. weekend. Goate.of mira. spent Tene of Mira Jobn Schnurr. ofl HeuPons Weuctsble Cronous CHOICE BUTTER pecial Prices For Saturday isions on Kastern. Division er iusausetay araleite ante Gaara Mir. Richard Paul. J doing for others and I used paretal bose 24c per Ih. MATCHES, « Pia aR se aeeeee ane| home last week tles of it with the result that I haven't p Maer nek pMiciy (hoes =! pte ey : i pouple Bh wbeksatniicieota In Min ‘ | been bothered with my side since then. FRESH EGGS MOLASSES SNAPS, per Ib. Z 5 -08 y Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent | hg, sec iuaseanain thle tA I am in good he ath andl have two le aye i for Bookie’ giving Behibition prowsam Tlie Svcd tage Se acer eels ints X.Y. ish is remodelling the] girls.”—Mrs.R.B.C eatrice, Nel 24¢ doz. APPLES, (gallon tin) fotos9. "7: ses ede 1 the father s parents. Bir, and Ars. W. front of his store occupied by Mr. W, too LBS. CAKES, at per Ib, 5, 10 id ©. Bundy and puttin 3|—— FP. CRAWFORD, Local pe Phone ay Pain Hnbare Th mender was rouade windows which = = war, our worthy chief on Monday he Al Leg Hes 7 ie wmnoon for using profane language % by the Beip MILI BANK, : being seiitenced by the magis- _ Politicians hay BB “The Arcade” anid Meg) Soha Moody and ‘nate to 30 days was taken to Strat: ey aay ing te cman | a r, son. ee as vision of the 2 ot'Kinley ize winking teins ire oo, on the 4.29 pan. trwin, Tuesday. rlson of he being in the village: test mteny 9 e 5 Milverton, - Ont. steal hs et Rie ivine finished. harvesting operations before week oC Yost Heinbuch. Mr. and Mrs. servica in Gruoe church at 11 a.m.and |¢he lant wet apell. W. n einbuch and Mr. J, Haiman. JZ sea pathos pgoe mug Tr ser-| "A grand Patriotic concer is to be MY. Haight. of few days} TAVistock: Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Voeg- Wee Meats ee “De given in MeDouald’s Opera House on whuise Bolly MeKay agent a fev days Ie. Bre. Hilker and son Clayton and) pat a Call to Prayer, e. naviay might. Sept. 5th, the pro- in Listowel this week, Biank: ot Berkin itr, and Mire tT eer greds tobe devoted to the Hospital | Mrs, C, Gies..of St, Clements, un- matt sand faintly New. Hom! ; WELIES.EY. tuesday p.m, at 8 o'clock a ervice of Shiv derwent an operation for cancer last in. Hawkesville ; h oy oye . ay oh scoant of tho wa Batre ai eee "and Mrs, Wright. Conestogo; Mir.| Owing to a break on the steam en-1% [gel Suit Coat d D id. Bveryous welcome.” F | eee vitnictiona will be Farm- cthe people of thie community. were Mr, atts, Henry “iaoiner nica, {eine Reiner Bros. & Co's. plant. was agies ouitings, boatings an ress Leet a aisek Gh: Trot. Farmer's Pace. Fre «Race shocked on Monday, to hear of the)" ine regular mectiog of the Yin ‘closed oft for w few days last 4 f F lyk Potato R thorseback. best Meath of Rev. Pir. Josep! Se atid ite will be be ld - th ee week wi é necessary repairs — were {i cd. H A d is visiting, his sister. Dirs. Pratt |¥4y' and Gentleman Drivers, “Wat- Hee ietom. WiLc- write dled op oavure/on name hues wah ee ne Oey {bad oods have Arrive Muloah istowel | Son ‘Trophy value @25 for the ‘best day at Memarial Hospital, Chieago,!,.( gth, “atrs. Schourr, 3 The Tealgnation of Rey. 0, Stock- mu ors G S| simele foadater in the County of lafter an illness extendingover two! cruwford. F. Runst4 i! x and Edith| man as pastor of the Lutheran church We are Now Prepared to do Ladies’ Custom Tailoring. (Perth besides niany — special prizes. months from rheumatics gnd enlarge-| Heinbuch wil th suopty she etn tore was ‘announced Sunday night Don't forget the date. This promises ment of the hear is expected ra, Hurs quite unexpectedly was receive f to be the teading Fair of the season. Mrs. Chas. Gies, 6a wi 2 present ani with genuine regret. It is rumored Coats, Suits and Skirts--in latest Moderate prices and small profits n | wi fen sting AM the member that Rev. E. Holmes will again take modes and perfect fit. will maintain. aid Ross visited. friends ‘at HAMPSTEAD nuwsted to be Oresent as taiportant |obarge of the garishe Southampton and Port Elgin matters ee be pencuee ed, Messrs. Albert Berscht and Mr, W We Invite You totn et our Stoo ‘Sa, Gordon Johnston, of Listo-', MM and Mrs. Robinson. of Mar is (eens we Rt. Rey 1g irs, i sg ce of — Elmira.) E Han mond left for pore onto ee oA h: 7 itis ith M ‘vears ago at ‘Buffalo + ve sn the pe h M morni) ar MRE Mat pe " ; Fig “ted his irene re Sana ay toch = a pp ert ey Henican wand with Mes Aug hey wall ale take itio J. M. FLEISCHHAUER “*"s, Uehy ree t week, | we hool re-opened on Tuesday with ed at Barrington and Cary illinery apprentice wanted at W] Mrs. W,B. West. of Elmvale. is vis: Suacalven uctendsd © the Miss Dowd, of ‘Listowel. a& principal, he mini iting at her home here for a few days| @*@* $ tem Pesetlt st meeting held at Stratford and Miss Pa: OF Mitchell, as as- ay a ge noe deft Tuesday of] The Hydro electric commission sent} + = — = Se baat, week. sistant in o! io an engineer here last Thursday at Mrs. Prank Martin. Master He a Miss Maralareattorsan Mie cikter ite ive parish at oatine rrived home| the request of our police trustees to and Miss Grace returned to their’ attend the Berlin High School. take viace at ‘BC. Cle ements on Wed nek | aeaday after attending the millinery | instal street lights and Cad applica- home at Guelph after spending the | The members of the Women's Insti day tion rs tute are at present busily’engaged in a sad bu t not ynexpected death o9-| i preparing articles for the Hospital ited friends here ~ during the vast Rip cies irng ed vie owe oun? Have You Tried our Ice Cream ? o! . H, ©, is on her way to recovery Thursday: evening | ‘and Mir. Joe Roth. ie is also on 5 a £ buch after an illness we ‘The tuneral of Br. Philip Knechtel. of Mt Hatin of Borge ct ing pm sno: exe, oy cre ears feu We sell it by the DISH, CONE or BULK. oe sunday with her daughter. frotih. 4 attoke. of parclysin: took iaer passed 0 her rest, “Mrs. Hein- n-| “iy War, ie on Saturday afternoon. buch, whose maiden mame was Racl | meine 408, Master Harold” sis ‘as. Patterson was one, of the nel Voegtle. was, a tof this | hy WE ALSO HAVE A NICE LINE OF bec ‘ul competitors in the “dollar village al er life was . . as . Ray” contest in Stratford obtaining widely known and snlatly, satened br J. Toney und fox muy of Tor- Cigars, Pipes and Tobaccos ~:~ Chocolates, Fruits, Etc, friends. secon iaronen all dlasses of the community. About returned home recen Buchbeit’s about Miller nd j ate are are busy sowing their 30 years ago she saa tr. Hein: | ‘Master . Ridde! I of gee hare, . a) i ‘all w! ‘buch who with a family of two sons/a few days list wetk at Mr, 8} Mr. Jacob Messinger. of HWawkes- > ° mtb lett. last week, wed. of, Berlin, and John at home| A large number, fron this fine in-] ville. was a business visitor here on WEIR’S RESTAURANT, -- Milverton 6 Dobkisky Onto. arer| DONEGAL. And one daughter Vere at homo. aur-ytend taking, tn the ‘Toronto Sxhibition | qeneader set pata Pano Wecks. with’ te for-| ive her, ‘The funetal which gon, | this ye Our public school teachers arrived id Mrs, Alex. | John Miller. of Rapid Guoted. by ‘Rev, John |. Mr. Bars Loney - of, Fort awuliata. ‘on Monday ,and werd ready for their is of other friends City” Manitoba. aitd Mrs, Rooney of by Rev. 0. Stockman, of North Bast-| called na friends hore, last w duties on the opening day:., Tucsday: | Mr, Wm. rie. of Toronto, Mrs. EI were visitors at Mr. and Mire, hope. took We regret to report that Stiss Bliz- |" Mir, Osoar Battenberu ott Tuesday Jas. Lowrie and children spent the Jas, Cookwell's last week. idence on Tuesday afternoon t abeth Dowd is suffering from an at-| for Fort Wayne where he will attend oreek-obd ‘with ‘friends fat tee The farmers in this vicinity have (Lutheran cemetery’after an impress: | eack 0 blood poison, We wish her a] coitege and prepare f fon the ate, 4 and Belmore. d harvest and are busy sowing ive service hi in the | spee ae ream an e2 . A wheat, Lutheran church. - FERNBANK , of "Listowel. apent Myrtle Cuthbertson. of Monk- ed as pallbearers he si ad- bata calling on friends tere spent a few days at the home Joseph Ament. Wm. Seip. H. ©. Pity, jarnad in Sanada after ‘september tat’. die” Jotin -Neilion nd 2aduebtes i Mea, Miler. of Detroit, was a visits of her grandmother, | io. Miss Nollie and Mtr. Lorne Barr ef We will pay the Highest Market Price for Cream | onat att, Alot, Ati rane week. | aan Wilton. of Strmttords i ates hdl ay. Mrs, Heinbucb ° last Tucadaw on tri to he Went Geliveread at the factory. om | ) a ea wits Qvion, of Strat etter rd.spent guest of Miss Harro' er of the Lutheran church aaa was ‘the ful term. 3 Minnie Danie” ‘ot ew Ham- re satay of | = ye ae o has beaw visiting her sis- CANS SUPPLIED F ou. = ink P gurifor. ey toms. sSunaay hl +> ‘o weeks’ visit. at (Mr. Sirk Earl Milne and sila. | ren Sane hs their home at Tor fer. Mrg. Steyer stor the Inst = two Stas ‘weeks has xeturneu ©" DOR.Rome, C5) Bau ‘Mr. Glennie and his siste rr Maggie} took a trip to Wi SruterbourDel to visit Pearl Creamery, Oncanc” sae : (Mr. Ji ce BS ver has his neW straw == e Mrs op alia seat va . shed comuleted t adds oon: iNaieah ’ the fine appearance Miss Emily Helm is visiting — her vik aE baipemenene tay ten ie 4 ie ea tr. Gey aed Mon enna fat eck, “Phe Your New Suit— layed others in drawing-In. ‘Miss Ruby Stickney - of Guelph, has home to resume her ter Franklin left Tuesday .to visit friends £ emi and other points Veiur oO Ship Wy eA | = tea of ding. the -vacntion Mee Donald Jack left Tuesday ona Cee al Pees ae eel ‘ busineas trip to. Came on Hunasy eae ‘Marty Baird, of Winn, has Before placing your order, come in let us show erviee in Knox church on § Tp capes ; evenkg war ancelld he fer, noaays mes 2 aie Miss | you'« our new lines of suitings. We guarantee to. ping ot evra atures | HOE sate Reld. e, SE “| | ON THE BOOT AND S Se | | iknpenoned we ¥ fied Walter sein ix visiting in spent wee the: ae ot Mts, od Moronto this wee a | i geagerieieeg sre attended the | spare ot Palineret oes at Ot one ee ose aera wait | SN, SMITH, %°?uitverton ont, J oupy the ening. | . . id D Bunday | he Our Y okeherw "have left for their re-| ? | ‘Wind ene a0 ti: en ee AL ap sohiools; Mr. D, Ross to | Par eR ATEN IBID HY jd to Fergus,| T. * % 3 A oT Pe Sarak Hammond to 7 Miss _ We have been advised ‘by the wholesale Bengal vopensd ox Tuesday» a ite and Miss dye Ai ~ as ten Bie oon te to. Fypnbenle | houses that there will be a heavy advance f Goan is ae CANADIAN NORTHERN cthodiat anniversary services Ede . i ent. visitin i friends ac 5 were wall atten both in Footwear in the near future. Mee doin “chabnors “an morning and ev ning, oH Lier atau ester aa OPENING OF DIBEGT: (PASSENGER SERVICE Brussels. pr and help- | Imorgua on Thursday. i e were “listened t - 5 halmers has patos y ssa Se aromatonas she | oc We have bought heavy and issue this |e thao te eae ihe atuates att UEBEC menibers of the choir render ‘ ed hash : | the i fated ms ota children TORONTO - OTTAWA - Q ie mmsortle 2 eda ar W end with relatives in Union Station Cent ‘ad Trunk) Station C.N.R. Station bere apent the week-en s Tet WIRES a est G opt ove | Weir,’ of Hatnilton ‘And VALCARTIER MILITARY CAMP a at th meats et the brick | a WwW A R N I N & spent ‘n - at the Rath ph “her EFFECTIVE AUGUST 24th, AND THEREAFTER—DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Bigam's house al ‘ uncle Mr ess seaOn is igen ~! ae War pa SraTTONS AT eerie naan the honie of Dit and Mrs, N, Se out | pare seciesseaiee ne : as soba] ba bs ; ir W ptulations, OB | Wi OTTAWA S home of Mr and Lo our customers to supply their wants | Conga tulatio asia Sane Mec Se te t ‘ j BELLEVILLE © ar, 5.15), JR, Brecborn. of early, and we ‘will protect. them against ; 8) oh okt tthe oi anhounce the marri oO KINGSTON ‘ oe ata duughter. Jenn. to Gerird higher prices as long as our present stock ; ISL 188 | pases 4 TR. Muller. eldest son aid Mes | ShiTHS FALLS “uid 1. 'D.’ Mullen; -Ammgteedam ainljasas -'y hangs out. » Yours ‘sincerely, he 215) 10.280r, _ YAUEARTIER SOON Polowers of the pan and gir} will have "U kindaof Sport Maia, G01 v Ms Hea ye rt nAvaL ay nee o oe vpeitis nee nie tava separ Rac pk who 01 eb WEEN, ON Lyte crib : In: ng day Inst Arm. pr fermomnber Nad he neem mb ming pat is ‘Visited: thet a he Tavorilo, Pe Hho: Cobaeas Peet el, We Belleville, Lites es Harms an Fagg eee, 8 s Eo g Miiverton, Ont. Buys tee tak ue Hay seal wea theme? he Mrs Loney” of Stratford. , For Tickets and all Information, Apply to Nearest Canadian Northorn Railway, Agent ihe alter spendmiz n with her daughter, Mre. §. J, Scott iterally ‘ali th

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