Milverton Sun, 3 Sep 1914, p. 6

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AN INVITATION TO SICKNESS Impure Blood Means a Break- down in Your Heaith _Impure blood is an ion 1 ood is at work ass is & weakness in the defence escent disease. Anaemia t Sg ‘6 name for lack of blood. ‘There nay be an actual loss in the avantty of the blood, or one or aemia is part a 24 young girls. confined to them alone, for it 1s thse same lack of blood that pre- is also present in ol persons who been ane a usual mental or physical strain. you are suffering from thie trouble take Williams’ Pin! for p hey eae tank new blood means health and etrength. Thousands have proved the truth of |" these statements, pete oe er Minnie ears Anna) : “Following 54 binth io lood: in y heart would palpitets” mg violently that I could not walk up- stairs without being completely ex- Night.after night I won!d have to sit up in bed to get my tite and suf. severe headaches. was taking doctor’s medicine all the time, and naturally felt very much discouraged. While in this deplor- able condition my husband brought me a couple of boxes of D me’ Pink Pi ho Wis c ao . y continued their use until I had taken, I think, ten boxes, when I was completely never was 80 well in by all dealers in med sent by mail “8 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Bao Williams’ Medicis Cor Brock vil a Encourage Long Life. curious society has recently been pauerreved by Count Okuma, the Japanese ex-Premier, It is allad “Hyakunun- Kai,’’ or the So- ciety entenarians. Count Okuma, who ftaltavee under proper conditions we ought t ablo'to live for 12 years, is its first preside nt. In reality persons of 80 y over are © for Teuhermdg. -Almoeb :A00 members the I nation ‘that 6} T DIED FOR THE TRICOLOR OF FRANCE IN 1870. Big Black Warriors Are Disciplined and Always in Con- dition, The announcement made that de- reais tise cor tne spo Ree ments of native troops from her col- onies.- Once Tekree ii 1870, in the hour of her need, France called upon the Turcos, and they fought and died sone the bitter winter of 1870-71, for the Tricolor, Tho regimen preerea ately to France as the Turcos are the tirailleurs Algeriens, dusky Al- gerian Intantiy me “ splendid fight- well-disei, campaign in which they have been engaged.since they were organized, nearly a century-ago. Famous Fighters: The Foreign Legion is made w f six battalions 9,800 ety reset thirty per cent. of whom not serve in Another 20 per are Germans, atlans who wi German army’s rigi over the world, many of them men who have nothing to who want to die ‘ on.”’ No questions are asked of the selene reernit, i this corps. fhe can pass the sical exami- tan is necessary, ‘oreign Legion eat so rious chapters InrRraheitenopwesede Organized in 1831. The Foreign Legion was organ- ized on February 4, 1831, Some of ihe many campaigns in which it has on are the eye at fight- ing against Ab-del-Ky he Car- list revolution in Bren, ee ee Legion was rented to Queen bella of Spain by Louis Philippe ; ‘ne the Crimea, in the Austrian cam- paign of Napoleon III., in Mexico, where ue raat “upheld the ho- nor of France” in a campaign thet was pilige vio disastrous French arms, and last but ay ines the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. met at its first assembly at Tarthes wasn oe Rt ts count’s house. The eldest per almost annihilated at the battle of was a woman of 113, who travelled | 4, Rae haa LG thie, Taweoes 4b a long distance specially to Tokio! sovered ‘the retreat of de la Mot- to meet her fellow centenarians. terouge’s Army of the Loire and saved it from destruction. Ait. Ton- —— ¥.-——_— Bread-Making Ants, sable stories are told Some remark of a spe mat the ant not only cuts leaves an ers seeds, but actually makes read It seems that the seeds ried int sun and dried, then taken back to the underground chambers, where ¥ are chowed into adough. This dough is then finally into kin and in the later French colonial campaigns the Legion gained more distinction. sek Warriors, There are four regiments of Zounves in tat eMiniebeonth Arm) Corps, 13,500 men, and five battal ions of African light infantry, 4,600 The Chassours d’ Afrique baie Bedouin horse, who have Salao me the Germans’ once ‘before, maaiee 3,600 men, in four regi ‘tiny cakes, which are baked in the! All in i sun, then carefully placed in stor-| troops for ld fi of 60,000 age for future use. paiva exclusive of engineers and ar- tiller campaigners, who a are Het “spoiling” for = fight, SISTER’: ‘K and in who m the spirit of the. ‘‘re- SISTERS TRICK yanche’’ burns as strongly as in the But It All Came Out Right. | other Brene! oF ae How a sister played a trick that brouhe Hed health is'an interest- mi a fee fiend—a trem- bling; nervous, spas L wreck, yet ¢ clingin, he poison ae shed psrewet 1 ocked at Peetum and. would sa none \of it.” (Tea, also, is injurious, because it: contains, arya La same poi- |: dono * ta found i ee. my Setan anbsescnded a cup of apine hot P. richness of jit and-remarked that the ‘coffee’ tasted ‘fine, but my. sis- yer did not. eT was drinking pecan tor fear I might not take “she. ie the sceret and kept giving me Postini instead of coffee,| mont of ti got a better color in my cheeks and a clearness to then she told givin, nerve: Strengthening saver she had.giyen. cme in the place of my morning co “Ry it time tT ‘became a dis- to tell it, for only after having used it can one be convinced of its mer- sheer ye of numbers that ever made Afri 8 see or sely their paper di treat It will take a lot of Bung to check the ai ae ‘of those Fre yest troops 0! ly. 70,000 Moe Fighters. Of native troops outside of those ne Mi Nineteenth Army Corps many fine ers in hs Mretietis senegalais, the big fighting men of Senogal, who crea- ted such a sensation in Paris a year ago, when ir first appearance there, There wre seyen regiments and six separate battal- ions of them; three regiments of tirailleurs. malgaches and one ree tirailleurs annamites. all, there are 40,000 native pees in the tolonial army of France, out- side of Algeria, ie is included in the s-giied mets A grand total of 70,000 dusky aki: ned African warriors could be sum: nance to Ess aid if ne- cluding ahis, and mantis artillery ORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigoon, F Pigeon & Davis, ‘on days’ trial shows Postum’s| Patent Solicito: mtreal, re- power to rebuild what tea or coffee Eis jae on “Canadian Patents has destroy: e week ending Name given “by Canadian Postum ennai a ia h Pes es were ©o., Windsor, Read “Tho} gran ) 2 to Cana- nb. Road to Wellville,”” in pkgs. in two forms; lée and Instant Postum—is a soluble pow- t, A teaspoonful <issolves quick- ly ma sop rot hot water and, with cream war, makes a delicious ee aaa: 30¢ and 50c The cost per cup of both kinds is about the “There's a Reason’ for Bostutts - y Grocers. dians, 10 to peidenta of Great Britain and Colonies and 6:to resi-) dents of foreign countries the nadians, 14 wore. Bests dents of Ontario, 4 of Queb 3 of Manitoba, 2 of uakatenewan and 2 of Nova Scotia. In the United States for the same week 869 Patents were issued, of which 12 were granted to Cana- phe a Few men get far enough up the ladder of fame to make them dizzy. TRCOS FAMOUS FIGHTERS) is made up of aentatew tienen (ou Papa's Going to War, Scene at the Waterloo Station, London, A British bluejacket kiss- ing his baby ae he. leaves. for his ing his ship. “/Will Quickly Gure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness, After Meals. } I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of in- The rest s the symptoms of intestinal ‘ind estion. Nothing helped me until used jamilton's Pills, “Instead of live for and) hurting, like other pills, they acte ‘with their boots| very mildly, ee seemed to 2 “ie bowels. I did not require large to i! results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, feel so a am yo © digest anything. one ell—no pain, no sour stomach, good appetite, able t This is a whole 1 medicine to do, can 5: Jamilton’s Pills are the Dest pills, and my letter, I am sure, ‘efuse a substitute for. ‘Dr, ton’s Pills of Mandrake and Baternut! sold in yellow boxes, 25¢, All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, On MILLIONS WERE COUNTED. The Census of India In a Single Night. At a cost of only $675,000, and by jeans of a staff numbering about two million persons, a general cen- sus of India was taken on the night of March 10, 1911, the results of which are embodied in a large volume dapticdh by the India Office as arblue boc The diffic' Meee of taking a census of a population numbering about three fimidzed million, over an area of 1,803,657 equate jiles, were en- ormous, says the London News, hey were specially ‘great, owing as the report puts it, ‘‘to the long which boats travel sometimes for days without agit to the bank, the forests to w the woodeutters resort, often fos we nd ze Se many iogescds of pilgrims.’’ People had enumerated wherever EK caught. ways, for instance, all persons trav- elling by.rail who took tickets after seven o'clock on the night of the census. were enumerated either on the platforms or in the trains. The latter were all. stoy pite of this, and owing to the workan tions with justifiable pride, approached even in the smallest Eu- ropean states.’’ ¢ summary tables show that the total population of India (neliding the native states) on the night m tioned. was 315,166,396 (as agai ina 204,361,056 ten years previously), of whom 217,586,892 were Hindua, €6,647,299 were Moslems, 10,721,453 were Buddhist and 3,876,2203 were Christians. The literates only num- culture claimed f 224,~ 695,909 persons, as against t. 3b,383,- O41 persons engaged in gaan © Minard’s Lintment Cures Dandruff, One Sunday as . Pat was breaking n “Sabbath, Pat" “Well, retorted Pat, with a grin, “you must be very ignorant if you cannot . distinguish the Sabbath from Sticks.t’ ++ Fe SNYSAAAY DODD'S ” ED. 4. ISSUE 36—'14. bered 18,689,573 ap a agri- Rei L PRESERVED BY : CUTICURA SOAP Assisted by occasional use of Cuticura Ointment. Cutleura Roap aha Otntmen yroughous, tthe world, A lberal sample of each, with 8 32-pees ammation,” writes Mr. H, P, Dawkins, | Ghem Corp, Det 2 Boston UE ae of Port Richmond, “I was weak for a Jong time, but well enough to, work until. spring, But something went wrong with my bowels for I had to use FR } salts or physle My HEAVY TOLL. Fate of Nations Depends on Sant tation Is Lesson Taught by History. United States army. surgeons agree that the present war will be ie in much micnter order’ than most persons believe possible; and that it will be the most humane ever way tere will be no le Ben mortality list from disease di an army of Lit ‘will result, they ate convinced. Recent advances in surgery and sanitation, will be the cause. The high power, quick-firing military rifle and the development in artil- lery will, however, tend to m due to accunacy ‘ected wounds, i “Gangrene and Sfestion tt die- ere an army be ea is Pe- ity, er be Sine: eae quantities in in the wars of the future.’ Until the Russo-Japanese War black powder and a large calibro bullet comprised the ammunition of the armies of the world, ual ir muzzle velocity ws Jess than one-half than of ‘te mis- siles in arms now employe Up to that time sean des and sa- bro charges, prolific of hideous and are of less Gir than the ondi- nary lead pencil and are jacketed with steel or nickel, They have a tremendous velocity and low brajec- tory. Wounds Now Clean Cut, yond 350 yards the wounds in- iste by'such. ‘prillete are clean cut, frequently passin ne tis sue without splintering. The arter- ies are seldom injured — by ch wounds, as the bullet going. Enough the ig pushes ‘the blood 0 ons The advance in surgery, more- such that least necessitated amp now healed without such an opera tion, Formerly a bullet wound aoe a arte Lee ‘as the knee or d the amputation of Hie limb. ora such a wound is opened and dresoed and heals with- out amputatior Every ai division is supplied with four field hospitals, each capa- for 108 Titian There ation ‘hospitals, ity. of 700 “each, ee one each division. the hoepital__ corps, which ha's beamers onthe field of battle ready to rush the wounded 2 field hospitals, each no delay in carin, and no excuse for auonene infection to set in, even in the heat of battle. Disease ale Factor, The eed tihods al me bate develop eration in 4 are generally Peas nded more important than the treatment of the wounded, In the Civil War eight soldiers died of disease to who in the present European wa more than three ea die of aineiae att world power as suicidal. shows that the fate of nations aca , long range and]; upid firing, and not to disease of| and am sels al ies may han, pon san the young republic. der of the F yond a doubt that owing to neglect of ordinary eani \d ‘rentlewed it The ‘ilences have always been Petit 244 dysentery... Un- til about fifteen years ago the causes of these diseases andthe pre- vention were not known! ‘Now both have been vias andi are eec- tively fought. The typhoid germ is attacked by va tts on and the dysentery parasite by sterilizing drinking water, ee eee WANTS WOMEN TO FIGHT. Lady Cook Would Enlist 159,000 in England, Lady Cok (Tennessee ating has pert stirring campaign to raise jes Eaglishwomen, tind be war like regular sold- fer ly to fighb or die for their ply She has pointed out that yromen would be the logical de- Fenders when the men are all sent abro “Pn oing to rouse women of Bnglvod 4 aR defend their homes,’’ eays, ‘and resist’ invaders fight ba home, honor and children, My plan have regiments -o! he wea 4 haki uniforms just like men, with the possible addition of knee mae skirts, 000 women to be armed Pebereey jae armies. in ‘three made a start by cane at Buckinghsik Palace, and oi in, too, and left a letter, for DISEASE WILL Nor Levy a] Queen Mary = sae her prone men and women to folle here were azons, too. Women have been nSrel in the past 1 dol ‘There's plenty ree work knitting socks sie. ing Red Cross mK, | but ant ever has her eau thay pb “defend r what Kipling says about thie f female of the species being more Farha eee the mile. to see Queen Amelie of ped toanorrow,.. She'd make a endid... general... The Duchess of ag emrens too, would he a gee id fighte: the mortality eid greater than’ in| goin, Lady Je ie Princess any. previous, Those who the Louise, net lot of es Others. Eng- will die quake * Deaths will be land must be defended, I’m mite morgen general, ‘too, “hut: this no sense a militant suffrage affai, “T’ve been going around for folis ane to the danger of invasion, often atood in front of the Bank o England and told a » people that this war was co} porn 50,000 Mer Wanted ro next month wanted to step up and their removed with Putnam's Corn Bxiiantoh ive “eafo-sure, Uso ortly “Put nam’s,” it's the best, 26. at all dealers. No Hurry. At the point of his gun, Slippery a Mice the passerby of his oy time is your: ” was the vic- tim’s only comment. SUMMER TOURIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST, Vial Ohicago. and Western Ry Special low rate r tiekete on sale from all pointe tn Canada ‘Angeles, San "Francisco, Portland, seattle, Yanoout yer, Victoria, ‘Edmonton, , Bantt, Yellowstone ‘Park, August te, ae ‘brcollont ras service. ¢ table n¢ » 46 Yonge Bi, To. ronto, Ont, “A couple,’’ said Mrs, Simpkins, “got married a few days ago after a courbship which ‘thad deaiec, fifty years.” ‘‘I-sunnose,” replied Mr Simpkins, ‘ithe poor ne become too feeble 4 to hold out any ger.” General Du Mouriez, the comman- its “bo | 0005 bd people, ¢]in ‘Atrios ‘where ha controls about Sool ond. Musee Palas had } nal. HALF OF WORLD IN WAR ZONE People of yee ieee Num- ber 898,44 More than half f ey world and people are involved in the great a BY spreading over al eters ughly, there are abou 000, ap square miles of the pines x ‘land aren. powers how at war and their colonies occupy approximate- ly 28,982,996 eaeAS iailse, a trifle more than half the total, ee of the world are Sian by the. powers in abowt thé same propor- tion as the land ‘The world’s total pepe in 1912 was estimated a 0, 308, 4000 ” poople, considerable more-than one: half. Tho countries now directly in- volved in the war hold these areas and populations : British Empire, 13,523,712 square miles ; 435,000,000 people. Russian Sere eG 657 agar! miles; 166,260, peoy France and tee Siloti 4,372,000 square miles; 83,880,000, German i me 1,243,866 square miles; 80,000,000. Baeinrt and * the Congo Free State, 911,000 square miles ; 28,000,- Austiia- Prt ttle mi) 099 square miles ; 51,340,000 p 23,661 ae miles; 4,- nany has secured a foothold 1,000,000 equare miles in the south- ern part of the pene ts eres East Africa and German ett bas rica. Between which are about) eq) ual in saa the great South ‘Afsioan Britieh Em- EF the ard being an English and French ¢ tained b. Fr Banished by Nering Iv Bea heey RHEUMATISM, Thous: WHY WORRY ! Choose your variety and ask your grocer f “Cla rh! FSEMS FOR SALE. ‘&. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street Toronto, F YOU WANT TO BUY OR rx Fruit, Stock, Grain, ot Baicy ara Rite Brampton, or Colborne St. Toronto, XM. W. DAWSON, Colborne St, Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALB. 00D WEDKLY IN LIVE TOW! =a et BA ies ACB ‘book ns Hanes F ian Publiuhe y, 73 West Adelaide Street ve Re AGENTS WANTED. to date, ot Burope and World; abu. Inled’, “aisiory 'Bratont Strength er os involved parce, *welve Plae Bona Bond. thing’ genta. ifor oomiplove an lee Nichola Limited, Publishers, ‘Toronto. ‘MISCELLANEOUS. OF BAUR TEN | PAIRO | BEBEDING Pe tebe solicited. Reld iron. Bothwelte ANCER, at ORS, LUMPS, ETC. ‘pele hy oa Home Gentmeat, Wks IF roa tmei ou co Roo late, De. Bel Himan Medical , Limited, Collingwood, 01 ATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIGEON & DAV St. James St., = real Write for informa aches and tortures of rheumatism and kindred ills, ; mess, bs Hebgh is a ra, ar ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE Under ‘the control ‘of the Depart: grioulture of Ontario abit hod 1862, Ammitated with et 3 University ‘of pled up Theumatiem-ag to be almost unable to! housewor! jolnts aie ae win ACdte muscles so fright- uly hat I even. cried at times with years we have used Just good with ery a about my work as usual es aa can. rub it a with rviline, For forty years has been curing lum- bago, sclatica, back-ache, colds, chest rol te of winter fll bills, Small trial size 25¢, at dealera every- where. He Was the ents “YT will ae live with you another 5 | day,’” oul leave me, will vou ‘he calmly asked. es, will,’ When?” Ww, th minute.” “I wouldn't if I were you.” “pat will, and I defy you yp me,’? “Oh, T shan't try bo stop ht “he quickly weplied, ‘I'll beri repont to, the police that my N.B.—Coll Thursday, the, ast, ‘ot Gotober, 1914, in the loge Bu dion a 10 University. ie insronvor “C CALENDAR ON Aertieeriit E. A. A. GRANGE, Y.S.,M.S. Prinolpal. GET THIS CATALOGUE The Best Ever masunitiony "hing Baseball, Goll, Tackle Lacrosse, ees Outfits, all summer and Win! i ranteed, ense Stock, prompt shipment ‘You save money by getting: Catalogue to-day, T.W. Boyd & Son, ¢] ‘Montreal They’ N want your description, and I will give it. You wear size in boots, you have a large mouth, pote nose is Roman, ne quint, « “Wreteh, you wouldn't ‘a ito do that,’ she soreamed, ‘I will.”’ They glared at each othor toni moment in witence. ea it was easy to see he sud the victor Chinese Mare of Canals. The canal syetem in China is the most extensive in the world, with the possible exception of Holland, Wherever tho lay of the land per- mits the Chinese have made a ca- ‘Thus they are enabled to car- ry the products of their labor to market at a minimum expense, Bt. Isidore, P.Q., Aug. 18, 1904. Minar’ Liniment 0, henley ntlemen,—1 ently ui Gen! leek MINAID'S TANIMENT and igo, prosetine it Jor my pationte siways with the | most ratifying results, and I consider it the ar} fea miround Liniment pate trnl ‘JOS’ Ava. smors. Looking Backward. “What are you UnabinS,| fe ete o Minard’s Tinie to for sale everywhere. Money ii friend; hag it is always veel to get away from him OUR OWN, paugaist WILL TELL YOU Dey for Red, Weak, We Byon aud Granulated ieyelidn; No Saati ng ee ive. Somtors, | Write for Book af the Bye alee ‘Remedy Co, Chiengo, Marriage which makes two ‘one is a life-long struggle to discover which is that one. Minard's Linimont Rolleves Neuraigia. We all have need of i eel of the Baie rains ove! ao Oe i Don't teko too wa hnncet vehh avi rm us ighoum br io pk a eth theokn | | ved Aix wortn tn bunds 4 ‘of thousands of case, pest) we been wai) orm geet ‘many ¥ fact, Lam never without i" Nutone, $1 4 bottle—B for 85 nt drurztias-or write for Copy oF ote book “Ereatise on the Horse! free . B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A. 19 “Auntie, did you ever get a pro- posal??? paren A gentle- a asked oO marry him over th ‘elephone=-but he had the wrong ala Minard’s’ Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. Gel He! 11.15 p.m,)—When T used to ning door- halle and rim. away. The Gir! (vawning}—And now you ring them se, and our little "bant i 3 = Penal “ty and stay. trice?”’ ‘inquired Mr. ¢ wife one. morning wile. Re were at breakfast. “T am’ dream ing of my youth,’’ replied the wo- “Well,” replied ithe ‘brute, “f thought you had ar-away look in your eyes. | sures is anenemy y within thecamp. Tt w undermine the strongest peta and ruin the most vigorous health, It are to indigestion, biliousness, pure 1, complexion, sick eae and is one of the most uent causes ppendicitis. To neglect itis slow suicide. Dr, Morse’s Ins Root Pill itively cure Constipation. They are entirely ta te in ssereations and do not reaken or gripe. Preserve aur ae by taking orse’s = Indien Root Pills. 1ON STATION EFFECTIVE AUG, 18, 1914 AND THES BETWEEN Toronto & Ottawa CENTRAL (Grand Trunk) STATION REAFTER--DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Finer Went] Bast paakal Btations pound || bonna| = Btatiods iw Pm. |] PAM i tv, BELLEVILLE A Rm jee TORONTO. (AR) gap tet 14h | NAPAN Fa] 11,35 PORT HOPE 655 KINGSTON r 11:45 COBOURG 6.45 by pas oe 86, 40 “FALLS 1.4 PM. fet Lat DETAWAL LH 1218 12.95 Ar, TRENTON tw! _5,00" poi, !"""Oontral Station Noon Etaafrie-Llghted Couches and Oate Parlor Cars on Through Trains Bor tickets and a infornation anply to nearest O.N.B: Agent or General Baasouger Dept, Torouto and, Manteca,

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