=~. Cash For Poultry Highest S. Gleeckman, cash price ee for all kinds of poult Phone 16 r 4 Milverton Scissors and Lawn Mowers : Stheenest, Razors ff Honed. P. NEUMEISTER Exgs takenas cash MILVERTON Vol. XXII—No, {1 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher | Butter 250.;emes 25e. Engeland & Sons, he latent ih men’s suitings M. Pleischhaue ) Miverton ‘Pablie Library. again be opened Fri *| ovienen: | Phe 9 not miss the Mair Night concert | n Cook's ‘Admission 25 and 35! shat. It off Feorge Suna has dea) ow new one of the his aman ear SEITE SAGE + Gh. + LOCAL NE . + . etropolitan Bank | f+srstessssseessssetene! A ij} _ Mr, John Dobson is spe: nding ate ba h. Rd days with his brother at Brit Head Office : TORONTO | Miss Allie Ducklow is spe gia a} Ta eee Ca aa bang or two at her home in Milve: UNDIVIDED PROFITS......$ M's: ttle. of North Mornington, pent tiie weekend axish Mrs, P. Farmers’ Business Receives Special Attention Blank Sale Notes ap see Free of Charge and Collections np a ane Millbank Branches; D, C. Brown, tele k Bs ry Branches also pulpit in. the $1.00 will open a Savings Account. next Lord's Ae waipacity of judas Fair.on Tuesd ny Miss le at reasonable rates. ial| opp milliner. te je: Ni | for: Folaler aie she ost “Hey. Av W. Gasley will ocoupy the | _Breabytarian church | da Homing acted in atthe Waite} left has s on Monday secured ranch open every Monday, Wednesday and Frid | Mi Minnie E, Dobson returned on at STRATFORD, aur [ji] Qlomday atter a tw wo weeks’ visit In 4 Toronto and Niswara | Or. and Mrs, 6, H. Pugh on‘ Millinery Openings | TN “The New Millinery Shop” —S Br Ne Tast a job in ily sto ha, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY [br ‘The ladies of Milverton and vicinity are cordially invited to call in and inspect and beautiful modes of Milliner “latest . A R. SEPT. 16th, 17th and 18th i the play of new at the Mair. i that is the be will be here for your inspe etion, our dis soend Met cory Next to Zimmermann's Bare 29th, 8 il tl SB TE MO THESE PRICES ARE GOOD UNTIL SEPT. Sweetheart Venus Soap, 5 vid for Lantern Glasses, heavy, 3 Redpath’s Tae Ries; 14 Ibs. for. Pink Salmon (iT NT UHL HR’S GROCERY 15TH promises to be uniqu our land doth yiel aially invited, day evening attended ie Trow som weddin pe at Stratfo: iA John Heute weleady he ats 4 Henry, ty Are mo cify and renew John Engeland last week ac: ome tinie past a John with wi Mabe ¥ Bis ihe ralbaGac end, anid d son Howard London wher with friends acquaintances n Tuesday eyen- fohes will be de in The occasion | 2 in program and SEER | al | the he: a oe rt ever ai ie in M ¢ make, A large number of our citizens are ‘atenaine the Western Pair at Lon | don (crates week, 9 not “fail to’ take a seat_in. tho stand Pair Day and ‘héar the fightand Band. Mr. Chas. Wilker has pureinssa 1a Robt, Hanna‘s Overland car an 1 place it In his live e union orayer meeting will be} n-| Wiarton Kilty Bahd. will give Best hurdle eo rs in Ontario will j be at for! Mornington Do r e i Come to the Fall Fair Consert and | li ear Fred, J. Perrin, high grade com- io vooalist. jas Nellie Carson is proparet! to over ladies’ hats | tox subidanos, 25 Beles ody go to the concert Sat day night and you will be sure shlow Yourse | ces and songs in pt of grandstand 25th. jon Euir Day. Sept. ‘AML wire and twine accounts must be settled by cash or note bes fore Oot, 1st. Geo, aban. o not miss the Mornington — Bair, new gran anbra and a st-class half mile track for the speeding con- I neta in the Presbyterian church | on! tests. Thursday evening this wee The aeete elevator will cass Mrs. guanter has retoroed toed on Mohday Sept. 21st. All Kinds 5S t | at ain will be taken Pte fer Dif | 01 iz Co. { fees the world dt be Ricraibaton Pa liners openingy Tuesday. Wed. day Thursday and Priday-Sept and 25th. Mrs, r of spectacles Jett some aco in the Presbyterian chure! erm © sume on application the 8 BDddie Pigott. singing comedian at |Satunday n’gbt, Come phe will ake’ you langh, A well informed piling pees fn: mates the wheat eror 166. 000,000 bushels and Says thts wil | w 0.000.000 bushels for export’ Canada’s greatest the concert on and hear him | op: Fa Night. per useisted by the “ffiblan Jors of Wiar- he kernel all-round of refined Comoay: MISS L. MEYER, “3878 : 3 MILVERTON, ~ ONT. ee EN ki | stands in the front rank \ A) ivered ‘be rosiden ministers and 43} Canadian comédi aria Mentor Ex) | press, | Don't rotate gies Se epi whi ee bi acta of M Yella MeBoneld, wiht a The inevitable shortage in Ti ean harvests during the next | yenirs guarantecs’ a keen marke’ n fat specially in the artistic decorations. | : composed of all sorts of grain rns in ere A he 8. Sore lla ay da Bvoryo ~ ‘The Manitoulin Indians mere voted the | ton i fall millinery. The first’ consignment of garments nt. | oat f ornato, will be | cos r Al, Nuttle. of New most famous comedy mus- voal act on Ame M tage. At the concert Saturday night -|( Hear Jean MeDonald. favorite entertainor. at co Saturday night. Also G ritt, “Pooular pianis\ pans " aiabapivlag Day will be a little earlier this year than it has been for | ome time. Monday. Octo! 120h,| | having been proclaimed by the gov- erninent for that purpose H. Bedford- Wellin: at the: two s from bis heh “alent soit th lndaeape and the other animal. pain’ ray is practically a probibitory license has been placed on the sale of nrottes,; After Sept. will lealar inl Lucknow $100. to handle the “paper-w Tapore™ poised: Wwen Sound is expe oad st, between 8rd pe 4th aven- he ‘on a coat of tar then| Boke en rock. then another coat — of | eY expect the road to be dur- ai pyar Cansdicn fermi will the fall pl \aind ‘pet ae muoh lend as possib! © crop next sp) x and neo to 1 the millions whom the disorgan- n of European agriculture — will in’ ae “hung y. | Dr. . Robinson, the young Tam-| worth: doi charged with the mur- der of Blanche York, and who was ar- rested in Toronto last rr wan tak- en to Napanee where a hear- ing before Police ‘Magistrate Rankin, He was committe at the trial next ze court on the was in nt hibi first, rank at Tor at to} dan- ic cnc fait ca | THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA WORK HARD. KEEP YOUR COURAGE, BE THRIFTY, HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto GENERAL MANAGER: A. H. WALKER MCNKTON BRANCH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager 4@ young man first m. at $ mas- the prinhiple of econom’ font mane pavoue MILVERTON BRANCH: FASKEN, Agent the dance in Zimmer. DEBENTURES. FOR SALE Pair Night. Good for the debenty Greatest Highland Band in Ontario suite gehter drain saree ae in ront of grandstand, Fall Fair, on od pn et tune over a period Sept. 25th, be Seale by the Don't forget tr oe under hans onblienigned up "ty the hottr of three auspices of Ch Church Bim seoet ot ARR 9 fh ay lock at Newton. on pr Octo~ " ALEXANDER BEGHS. Reeve it ‘Moen niton haha iolee Sept, Mth, automobile manufacturer are | Ps auved with their output a patted 3 campaigns as if no war istpd. The automobile ROWLIN NG. Vanilla Extract 3 bottles for. Neen te Sonn acd Bah thee nd | charge of murde uilt up by courage. confidence ain VERTON OGONDI Laundry Starch & | ¥ora. 2ith- and 25th. ‘Tuesday. Wed | While threshing at the home of atr.| Sutiativ Bho cenerny) ot BS Shredded Wheat eas 2 packages for Se 1 the police sourt as| Sesday-. Thursday and Briday. Mrs | Wm, Sing wbout foun miles fr selling the automobile business j pererton Sept. 9. 1914, TOMATOES AND GRAPES ARRIVING DAILY wont tbat ie 3 K. Sproule, Oli . Mr, a young eg ey hal | Couneil met this in regular | {} Mir. J. Molntyre of the Motropol-| . Reports Ragiadaaty oe ied a ee Beets eee iMr, J. Lockie “Wilson, Superinten- [ing “csinalar Ziuherminn Drosid- 7 : a © the effeo' ya ie inter Fair for) morning. He was ‘tee iny the t a ‘3 “ z uNnCl: HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS = |__| ia». 114 had boon eaneclled, This report | ing machine and it is supposed that | ede of Fairs and Exhibitions for the utes of last re “s is false. and the Guelph show will go| foot slipped. while he "ras Shoving a | REovinee of Ontario, has written to/ed, ‘The following bills, wore present- : ion against invasion taken tho saree ai. SSR Coie PEC HOA NG trundle ‘of loose rain into, the eylin- Be CaReHek Calan oee ae Ba. ead and orders issued tor 4] win ih Mh DANNY " ¢ conditions which exist on pccount ; same. ™. ry CHA NN | Non ni aa (ome ee erat war ani the general! $2.00: Jueab ‘Gersbackte were preceadia Gordoit Terbaee. “eu Renfrew! council is giving roamery| Agroulture for Alberta, and. Hor sl ett ere-| streets and building cement we aeeran res in| butter to the Hiab’ walr sulthoritlen.| gaeace . Minister of Agriouitura| from. tam. ted to advise | you!10.40; Christian Ropp. labon rib qhents in Tandy Road Wnd block hovses| Pethaps some of the coast towns| for Ontario. in speaking at the farm.| that t ovement aoe eet noes Harry Ford. part salary J. G. HAMILTON at Liberton. could give cured fish. Some could] ers’ day luncheon at the Toronto ex-| £0 furnish expert judecs e Pall tightor 18,00; 8. Linder. oiling streets a ; ‘Mir. Bldon Appel who for-the past | ®iv@ evavorated apples, Gifts of food-| hibition rounds urged upod t | Bairs this year. and wil also be un 00 Orese a Company, oil 57.91; two years has been foreman of the| Suffs need not be limited to the gov-| mers the necessity for putting every, ot tk ve bails th EA r from Noah Ruby for SOW Berne ter T&E Furniture on Jefe with his (peatines Bi allan a a wore they: could under “cultivation of scson he bee mice tape Th tie “30:183.9, @. Hnmfiton, eenent mces. on. to rey the | . \ fed » D. L. @ W. PORTLAND family on Wriday Inst for | chesley| Owing to the widesproed failure of Hench eee eon ae after careful consideration, and” 1| "A" goimmuniontion ‘read he SCRANTON CEMENT qnanager of the chain factory of the| the orops this year in the Moose Jaw. | trom a buman'tarian and patriotie would Drala gpa hed a ce edrotart of Hoagital for Bick Child- STANDARD ST MARYS °c! Kruc Oompany of that town, The | Switt Current. ‘Mhivle Creek, Meaie aga | Dirvotors nt o1 that thay indy. council hild of is @evarture of Mr. Appel and his fam- Hat and Lothbridge districts, an fo Tiste ns these ant 8 of de-| make whate ‘er arrangements ma) William Hawkins Had been placed in ANTHRICITE LIME x tly from ‘the village t¢ 1 mattor of| im Council has varting summer the twitter of un-| Besessary under the circumstances. | the hospital for treatment and claim > 3 SD General regret ax they. wore held én from homestead d ween birds may bo. hear the| You will agroe thet tbealtnation ing $1.00 a her keep and Se Y very high esteem as citize settlers who find it necessary to dnrieness overhead. The tte tenth one unprecedented: In. the hi ftroatment while there. The Reeve snusyineat elsewhe k have already begun the’ the vince and calls for sacrifices) stated that the parents had brought Chymaistacnt Balin fie South. Why some apeeten. of | 98.t6 part of all, and your mori. | S88 ebild home and pad for her keep %%WWWWW®WWW_WWW%W_W_XW%#®AWAWAWAWWAAWWBAWWBWO rs ys chiefly warblers should "Teave| SO eRe caraataae il | ae geet, Communteation, ed. a. Wttandani), ta facuioa kd ae a the dave ave still warm and{ fois to the best advantage will ~ be Rg tebe Crake depende! rai of volun tears who | have! the fields full of dinned js aayatery ervatly appreciated.” sGcer. ba. Ba OK RRHE HE onsand Joft and those who will leave for the} that naturalists have muzzled 3 dollars deteay urrent expenses of st The Fashion Sh a front. German descendants. Drs Sou Teoh Cimhe toc winter Saahe CASSEL—CO NNOLLY haa i Op | H. G. Lackner an Homsberiter | 2S has. started. Counioll thon adjourned. SS | were movers of the Senin jon. erth cheese. as bids W. D. Weir, Clerk, SG rere SEECEEESSSEESSESESSSESESSSSS SEEEEECEEEEEESSES | ®essE Grand Fall Millinery -——on Display —— Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday X Sept. 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th ~ Our Millinery Parlors are now fully stocked with a complete assortment of very newest creations from New York and Paris, and we cordially invite you to inspect these models on opening days. You will find our styles most up-to-date and prices very moderate. MRS. KATE SPROULE R, MILLER BLOCK Main Street, MILVERTON those shing. to M. Kerr been discovered drilling in Sored Prk: Preston, early in the morning. The first very of the men drilling came to teh a ARO, om citizens | qn his countrymen. reported t it will be Tooked into ence a toy ao ‘and a eterno | aaa Berlin, mien which it Napeeneen. the mews straight from der Kaiser. This 1 people. Walkerton cope. “There is a hesitancy om the partof north has ites my of the eye aid batt $/ vear and the oroper authorities and | Gig Glocke | 4 the Saat cated which this county “eatablisheat fully mitiaii for the highest Average in six sections. rae Perth ee winners were Trowbridge. J. Cuthbertson. Sebrinayile 8 Menzies, Listowel. H Mol F. Koch, i Hastings, ar) H el, a W.. Davidson who lately rv er to our — empire. t paar dan; this excoutive committee of the Dio- and ei ost Dow- ee offering themselves and their to her service y indorses _ the een aireaty ti the Govern- (nent. al ry ete Riad of ‘the Dominion nd to sald. ‘of TRIBUTE TO LATE DR. ‘he Dominion Medical Monthly, ue res issue of September, contains (ragraph On Nhursday afternoon last groom. After pia ee eis epee idiot! was served at the home useful an | pentitital lei ecaivad testify to the ae Sart in which the young peo- ple are MILVERTON “Patnronic PUND, Further contributions “ te Pat- riotic nnd ‘ollow: PARKER, concerning the ‘o lose men of h's ealibre,” TBRUNNEA. 4 ' Giecoksnan— At {Avert on uel Gieckiaan 43! 4 =| sada bringing the=mine to t apared is then exploded igi rifle thet. ‘his boats. Mr. David- e teeth of the bitter are ~ allowed o.ge out 6 ‘ht th $4 howled ' pees Soares but must be bac! often night after « " in port at mitt. heir: ne i ela that snatch-| Gpeigenetthtte. constitute a serious source of danger r cutter while driving. % mother page r ? to the British battleships if thoy. be- ee eeite od stn aca fiverisement with une entangled in the screws hi the adver- The extoutive odmmittes of the Dio- se 7 oor Stee 8 nds pe “readers ‘ocse of Huron. met in Cronyn morte’ of UnHoard-ot featal tperctaamarenee the ‘ea Hall. London/on Wednesday of leat (c Reval “e Me duty, thi big-heart-! ty 4 zeliahe and wi Mpca week passed the following resolution| oq man gave his lif his patients. | hema: pee the war wi en- he medical beerie y ‘ean i afford) Tita this time of stress 0 ! “igre” Misses Beatrice Clark, K. Roy ‘daug! els M ge per spent the wee! neal lars Ellice ‘on Sept, 13th. to Maks ee Mrs, W. LS {and Mrs, Wm. ae ae 8 Wilson Yost. of New rningtton. on Sep® 16, _ Hamburg Tekusbad fois after visite’ to Mr. and Mrs. John Brydone. a ing her rage bers Mrs. = Sy Mrs. ai ‘dought * Speck. of Maplewood. present G visting her adughter: Mrs. J. Y Gase| | DEATHS Beads siepis pave anv Wetton, averse In. Tistow Miss Fri spent a few days n= wel, “don this week.—Mrs. J. Zimmermann pantate O14) Lorenzo of mn. sets Friday. with” Ek tr on SED.