Milverton Sun, 17 Sep 1914, p. 5

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ST Ee TS PR MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE Sper | FIRST— You are safe if you do your Fall Pur- chasing here. -No War Prices _on our goods, as orders were placed early. Our assortment is. larger and better than ever before. Your inspection is invited. Our Dress Goods and Mantlings are the new weaves and new shades at all the popular prices. Before you buy, see our line of Ladies’ and Children’s Jackets, they are very stylish and are excellent values. A grand display of Ready-to-wear and Trimmed Millinery at our millinery par- Jors on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 18th and 19th. Miss Hulda White in charge. Everybody welcome. WEBER & BETTGER 1. Notes and Comments on the War REMARKABLE The Voss'sche Zeitung of Berlin ¢e- CASE of Mrs, HAM elures that previous to the outbreak of the bong Seana an Austria of | bere Tri ae. Entente qe to make peace septtately. Declares Lydia E. Pinkham’s For year ¢ of the Kr ble Compound er has been permitted to visit 5 beep in some quarters a subje E sol Her Life con ject! to w! Sani within bere ty. ir guess idevelopi Sham: — ‘I feel it my du which a | to tell the ae ane condition of ay | prise of the world and show a ea ity for by miles and battering aoa all cacieed “Obligation arose 01 prior a the hier neither strength nor des ways a fear and old, nervous, flashes over my bod; for the| energy. There was al 00. of-Im-| ‘dread in my mind, Thad ¢ e months on | weak spells, hot I nd % aria de on conviotion atte diotm: ee British Government had ree 1 Canada (on my clothes. I triedm iy aaitors but they did me little good, | oni alear~ gol wed Ag 1,000 | Compound and Blood men tind be. exrnnte PAC Maat tainly v for! ax, St. Joho. Quebec and Esqui-| me. But now I can work all day, slee] It. and in all Canada would have! al at night, eat anything I want, hate 4 servic weak, nervous spells. ‘Al pains, aches, fears and dreads are anes en Ie, my house, nae oa husband ae longer neglects ted, m almos' Fath vice} no hot flashes o} t of satirely five of the bad on dec. an eet a is he centre and he wing as pusly as they did the right ey “pment wing in the early! part of the week Lydia dicine Co., #000 prisoners and 15 guns wero tak-| Comfdential) Lynn, D nd the entire line driven back) - CROSSHILL | urcbill states the mum ber of battleships that will be i twelve month | Mr, Roland mber that | Todo amAih ‘asa bea L be th mdf Therefore w rris, of Knox College | mato, spent a lew J ys fast week hs is v tn, M, tz nu or four atlas as great: may count upon the na of the count sf being eftiotently main: tained, Under shield and rg the navy it is expecte a men will be the continent iene xe ut Ee hi rible str New Year halt of | at the bom thes will be ready. ea FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: “Three Stars” and “Purity” Two of the best on the market efor EGGS A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty Cd MONKTON, ONT aveek stat sfarks wills the Cnn in exveditionat force to look afte the receiving and despatohing of mail i Nereott of Stratford. and. ¢ e | e mi who are to go es the troops we to lose A rene mare Sg light short tim cost Nout. #1e 250, 000, 000. 6 | Sichsel Waagler 11,00. unis si neath en rs, aie 28.3 - Bi te =| vay 2! Me 19133 8 Henderson. oversecing con- + Davi MORNINGTON" COUNCIL, | The council met in Donley’s hall. Newton. on Monday -Sept. 7th. at 10 with all the membars present. ‘The nutes of the previous. meeting were read. ador and signed. dopted ‘The council constituted ns a Court e Gernhelder Drain- fppeals and council met for general business, Mrs, A. Beggs’ offer for be? pur- the Bit mes under Be ce were istued for the fotiow- ing amounts Wim. Watson. $7.00, hauling plank | and repairing bridge at Carthage.; J.| S F00. hauling. wravel tor} 11th line; Joel Jantzi. 4,00, eravel to| paithmasters: John aR mex) 00, eel iling on t,Ln ; mg Meals r ‘hide | By-law No, 458° was aes | | | 8 railing bth ‘ine bridges D. pes ‘0 | A. Smith Hi ie Yost. alt gost MD. iar york on narrow guage navel ta pathmasters: Mrs. per. 16.40. cravel to patbmaste va Wells 19 grading om na Wesley Coulter. 140 eters: Alex. i Satbmnasterns Zohn’ Koln B50. pa culvert tin. half cost; Wim, 38.00, elaries fees on the eo fees Muel- ‘sha ater drat? Wal ‘Taylor 2.00 _gulvert oon 9. lot ©. atering, cement — Mill- bank me dace “ Mittleholtz it 3.50 r, 15 and 16 at acge Ani Laie el to amavell Ue titeastorss thon, > Hailey “ha ams on grader on tl, east ht cost. ded by | that: this eat a a to meet! again on sent, read the ¢ iyme r andin at ee a th meral busine William Waddell, Clerk. WELLESLEY COUNCIL. yar mer at Siac hd ty all hat, the a es sue his grist ER the follow Wilford. re. ont statute Monday cout a labor aso: vm. Wilfors anne on road. os 7.00: John B. Leis. cedar posts. 7.00: Frank Norman, grav el to Dathonagtors 20.4 Fink, ditto. 10. pi 2 4.50; eat . John 3. aaa propping Wize and w on ri team, San Wilkinson. repairing road, john Fewings. posts. eto, half xt, team 00° Thos, Crook- ay 10.70; Wm. "Jacob bens halt pay~ 50 nm road machine shanks, ditto. half v7 repairing bridge 200; Court of R Revisi Notice is hereby given that a Court il be held. pursuant ta the Ontrio . woman aad child! Voters’ vist Act, by His Honour the e poet in mone ¥| Judge of a ‘County Court of ‘ost enormous sum of money. pills it sta make a pile iles high, It billion days Ba5 at das, ar on tie earth; And is only part of what it he | Oounty of Perth nt Ni Chambe: wairkd. | Milverton, aathe ay of Septe In 4804 Napoleon said; “Let us be) ber, i qT forenoon to sinater rs of the Straits for 6 hours.| hear and mine soraplain 8 fr, : masters of the world’) errors and Suajasions in Voters’ ve fhe | List, of the dinoleioalty ofthe Village smacy of the sea isin itv of Milvertoy ery tied is 4th day of September W. D. WEIR. the eae ‘cipality of the) age of Milver hese words were the reioing { Destiny and Brita wil help to hurry the War Lord's career! Grseros ty to a close, lvi d of pis of thousands will be spilt in vain, if the terms ‘e peace do not eatarantoe relief for the rk 0} NOTICE TO CREDITORS ions from the crushing, pute rape be ents, Ta the ma satate ace: Fhe war outfit: whieh gach man, re") 1 ade lane tetas Ae ales | BIG GLEARING SALE To make room for spring goods, we are offering goods at following prices Mantle Olocks, tegular oh 00, DOW... 00 Kitohion Clocks, eck desu, aces Alarm Clocks, r Was ches, ree, $20, a, for $10.60 4.01 Brosches, Teg, te 50, tat $3 30 00 for 6.00. ) for. Rvéeythtng is oie wp go at same ae “ai t ne this chance We also Have a good line of Silver Polish reg. 250 which we are going to clear out at 15¢. J. A. HANSON, monicton, ~ one. twi of under-| ita ta Var of socks, two towels and a hold-| Ul kit, containing a knife, fork, $700n apna having claims or demands acai razor. comb and toothbrus! ligt the Sstate of Balzer Kilanck, who eports reached London. ;tyom-Lit- Med eater shoot the sich oan oO muy erpool that England has: placed more | 4 in Ell'ee- Gentleman, decease in A tober 10th. 1014. fall p without the lane of their elaims and the movement, beer ing known to any of the fied ‘ity Gif any) held by. Mba m person r than the military auth- duly yer: owiti | Make note further that after a : n is growing in Eng- tenth day of October the execu Yond that Great, Britain is committed will zed to distribute the assets of, to a long war. The nm i rie said deceased. among: the par glare that the power of th British ened then to, Empire and of Russia must venta to the ada. perry ona India Reale to Bapiauber ioi4 i jong ‘ | prove a decisive factor ” Henry Schm‘dt. ac Joseph Taylor. The real cost of the war is not pas 17-8 ad a eS ney. Lt is paid in blood—. a ete Use Blood of the people. The on ~ standing army | ——————— “s tees sare . u e ir. is no class in France or Germany that | will not pay a terrible price inyoung |, men for the iinamanity that is aoing gn Corda. r to-da fn response to the call of Chief Scout. Gen, ‘Sir Robert Baden Powell, thas The Warm Weather is With us Again “‘New Periection Oil Stoves” With 2 and 3 burners at right prices. Also DETROIT VAPOR GAS- OLINE STOVES. Th se stoves burn just like natural gas and require ‘only one lighting. Come in and we will show you that any child can run them and be absolutelyjsafe. See our HAMMOCKS at all prices. Screen Doors and Window Screens Frost Wire Fencing—The best in the land. M. E. Bettger @ Co. 100,000 boy scouts igh now lanes. acting nallers, satrink despatohe ation ‘0 supplies, sion OY and forwai raise despatches dropped | by. ait craft, assisting coast guards a3 | sea oo disbributing. notices to} Anbabitar | ame fioers, A St, Petersburg despatch al-| h that ee in Ta seas toe have been driven back | with great Tease nett imation but bringing up ,reinforeements, ms Sore the Canadian ave arranged thy follow- It is a woman’s duty = m- | Coat, ry, leaving at Sun ottice. agivacten, or ¢| with “John White. Monktor le Notice is hereby given that all per= wy and that the said list waa em : a day of September, 1914 ahd re- Mee Liat Aug. 8th: somewhere he else cit OF FIRST POSsT- F VOTERS’ LIST Voters! List. 1914, TMuniespality of the Township of Mornington the County _ Perth, Notice 18 hereby given. that 1 have | tranamitted or delivered to the per- ns mentenad in the hird and | fourth sections of “The Vot ne i ts Act.” the tepiae required e0~ ion to be so transmitted bia Saanivers to said last ised Assessment Roll of the wh ee ity to be entitled to the said Btunioipality at eleot- rier tee members of Legislative and at Atgataival bee ipo pos ni ™pleotors are called upon to examine the gaid list. and if any omission or other errors are fo therein. to take immediate proceedings to have said errors corrected according to law. Wated thie 12th day of Septembi M, WADDELL Clerk of said Municipality Farms For Sale 85: io Li buy the tiles half of yt 2. . 10. Mornin, 100 acres \ all alae tive Hea eo fOr BBLE dwelling house. ban! SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS Regular 75¢, for 49 WRAPPERETTES, all colors Regular r5c¢ yard for...A.leviceres as 10 FLANNELETTES Regular 15 to 18c yard for 12 LINEN TOWELLING Regular 10c per yard, for... ae Miverton Bargain Store Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange eanvoill ing per contract’ Massey Co, repairs om drag 10,30; J. 8 Kee. planking bridge,’ W\niedman. estaen of statute labor un- half pay 1, Vm. Reichert, repairs mastoid 1918. ee bridge. H. Seip, grayel- ael—Lintick that D, MleFaddin ling per con! ontract 75.50% aoind, tan Ko:- iS said 88 for a sheep killed by ames ° Ott. ouneil adjourned to mect October 0 O.A,8, 20,00; Sawyer Sth ne 10 o'clock... mann. grant Ladies’ Suitings, Coatings and Dress Coods Have Arrived We are Now Prepared to do Ladies’ Custom Tailoring. Coats, Suits and Skirts--in latest odes and perfect fit. will Moderate prices and small profits maintain, We Invite You to Inspect our Stock J. M. FLEISCHHAUER Ladies Tailor Tailor Diseas cn every tape, They are in the very air we breathes rapier wn’? isa prey for them, One ' must have vital pee to withstand them. Vital force depends on fe pdatehen on whether or not food nourishes—on the quality of blood coursing through t DR. PIERCE’S Golden needy epee Strengthens the wea! ne eas in. Enlivens the sluggish liver. Feads tai Femedy has been epreading t! troy now bility to make the sick well and-the “bein your old eel ive this iN soon feel “ikke newagarn. Sold tn ll Drogeistsoriei il box for bOcby mail, WriteDr, RV. jarce'srront 1008 page “Medica’ peeolia £3 tots boand, seat for Cl ome-cout staaips. Gream Wanted! We will pay Pet Highest ateek ie for Cream delivered at the fact CANS SUPPLIED FREE Pearl Creamery, Milverton Ontario We would like You to call and see our fine line of Regina Watches. Ie to Show Goods. P. H. Bastendorff, Lot N 7. Wellesley west- r ‘3 apply to Mrs, E. M, Me- | Faddin. of the premises. Andrew Till- lie Exeoutor. Crosshill P.O, or ) Weir, Milverton Ww. D. WEIR. > MILVERTON. i GOMMERCIAL | Fall Whi $1 20 $1 20 Barley pee pe - 60 60 Ques piss - Boe wel per er Bran per ton . 5 to 10 years, 84.50 Tap eas ms each child under 5 ware $8.00, P Be ee atenth” OF tus 20 ont | Canada. be ge Teh, ‘be pad BY ‘ Une fest eal Be eaten be thé a) Pi 2 riotic Fund, N R QO S$ $ Sone Day” Well € mt tara sid) ke lady ag ic ok Sve oe county will dea ag “The Shoeman” ” 2 10 for the Patriotic Fund. a feo teade optional to give oats or money ane -- iM Many Dhousasile of bushels haye al- 24 25 ready been subseribed. ft: $408 Jeweler and Optician - MILVERTON It Pays to Dress Well “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired” You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop . HERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit, O. DUFFIEL The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, ~ Ontario

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