Roasts retain their natural’ flavor-- bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a M‘Clarys Pore always come fresh and sweet from its perfectly ventilated oven. See the McClary dealer in your town. Sold by B. KRIESEL a NWOOD, Ceci Hamilton, of Listowel. e village on Tuesday on | alvin Keebel fall races,—The Btrovoltan Ban expects to move over intense he: ich for n dered him Leen ng ag me ve. impro o Anniversary "serves es Sas prea: hed a CS 4 A tea ‘me a Monday evening when delivered by Re eae. “Coat gi 8. u ut an Perhaps never in our time were eds ol our Lip ext s0 eager to receive the | besimece! ting amounted to aboat $80.00. i ers and their contents | The mortgage on the church was Keep Price List ea fine range o} Indies Esitetiny Alwaya op mesd Goods nold any length required |por at a stnall p Our Charge: dai are gene perused thoroughly | Many benefit from this source ‘ot edu- wie but unfortunately othe: ta @.graan properly ti ti of the days of excitement one is in- sd to Ayo. © No doubt many have} jichel's correotion| @ re auth, pu axing A leas riding: who tak terest in his constituents Making Ladies’ Suit. ahs Making Ladies’ Skirt ... and Babe! in and select your fabrics tion 1 Monday nd get your order in now Albert “5 sunday All goods made up in the latest! ¢, Raa “ Mr. New York style and all work. is ficetd of Berlin acted ieee) guaranteed M “ot W: akerloo, John va ry urday with the, former's fron J.M. FLEISCHHAUER ES anniversary LADY'S & MEN'S TAILOR, MILVERTON | wood on Sun day. night.—O patting ELMA COUNCIL. Weide shou us pat r of W The Municipal Council of the Dewi ship of Elma met in the A tr tended Atwood 6 Sonday > ‘ rs D of last meeting wer mpproved atid sisied by the R nd Clerk. The Hag eye st sah a thas. the sum No: I tae wn as “T! roment v chit vi y he fs a and BY deh Dar ‘ T. G, Ratolitt then add. council reque: h made. to the ty. wen: und ° te a Act da - Award $18 ex: I Ronnenbe Awacd obb. Award. $32.00; Peay and Geo. the (Goites. that Geo, of Revision for Mornin ston wi Ng wate ehe Toltow. 2 held on the firkt Monday in Oct ve ' pan : pyeeteg and Wat: |" \ by-law to levy the défieleniey, on A. Robly Avy Lint 6.00" w the Hawthorne drain w ad ize . Gordon Award’ nes and, finally were issued for the f : Tanner, $10.00. sam bs Pe and “abutments mb of a osanes, | sone re, Talk fory—Sinith, — that nies on it J journ to meet ec i Agrioulturat hall, At-| 00 ‘o ot. 17th 1014 pai Ths, Women's Thatitute wilt ‘meet on| 2%, ‘Monday, in Gotaber at 10 ; ods f. ¥0th, ae the home of! gat to hold the Court of *Rovision on! Bal ach. Nithburg,— %5 sr Drain By-l t 30 ita of Stratford. is at prese che omer Sse x pa) he Wn. awe Clerk.! Me Gil m ose fitness patient in last w WARTBU pURG. for appendicitis Of Welles |<" FQumors in’ this localit are bus: ier ‘Bee of Stratford and MoGill-| gutting 1 M their > tall ie a Moved by Shearer, seconded HAMPSTEAD, bey’, Tropa, that this oouneil dol SY | mow adjourn to meet again on | bu med muc ch ‘to ake psacitece ae of so | Berlin, anniversary sc the Listowel on Sunday 8 onto was ing into the patter of EGarmaree de. Cc sta last spent St. Clem a te inlers sly shout from Linwood council at Berlin on y wil i #0: the looatio\of a mew school building for Linwood. Mi Jas, Beggs. W. J. Begg: publ tg exhibition = i ed cently With hr n Toro: 1K rae Ped entia. tacnt Mr with friends i ey and Bena Heb spent avday les! and Yn rs. at Londo | nd 30 tended the ine ed megane on wed many ol Mr. J, Reis Bea with Mr, hae aster, Be Gropp. spent week-ond with Rik cousin. Blaster pets Gropp. of Stra pton seta hw savers in Ontario w: ton Pair, Sept. 2 dle Pai “the ont {ed ome ant ‘in| part of last r. Mr. J. G. inv s. broth Briawfo ormerly of Moorefield. MIL VERTON nd MORNIN ip left Thursday last for Miami.) who have spent the past summer in a Man.—Mr..Wm. Burgm: RY a u t the and MILI BANK, “Miss Laura MeFaddin and Mrs, Closing Hours; Closing Hours: THURSDAY....., FRIDAY sass. SATURDAY eae ete p.m, “The Arcade” we FALL FAIR | When you visit our fall fair on Friday, we want you to call in at our store, as we are offering special inducements for that day in the different lines in our store, When in town, make your headquarters at this store. London dur! ing ee) lock. <M 8 ith. | eck as wit a Our Dress Goods from Scotland are all in Stock Mr. and Come in and have a look at these New Creations, | Mir. G. Dickson’ | Knox ohoreh, caer Sunday Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats re making a special display of Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats. a ie newest things in the marl Our prices are moderate, Let us | owlosavittes, isl - Opin OuKateacoe ete aacaiee sri r. D. Pormick’s and occupied the it < church on Sunday feo. Wray le We ask you to see our display of Ruffs and Muffs oe ‘Tue 0 th ‘Mel Men's Socks have a very qitge tins ie of the Hanson Allwool Sox. This is Goinerntae new in the soc! Boy’s Suits stocked a large assortment of Bo: We ‘oy’ Si Suits. rye make this a special in our store 1 give we W Free of Charge with every suit purchased at $4 and over, 1 Bec 's Negligee Shirt value 90 oe rawer to be answ and. Mrs. J. Ruth rford. —Ow to voral aS + their inten+| Beceucont 4 fund of the Ladies’ and Men’s Red Cross ‘ae > list will be Raincoats Mi aariotions at snitie Ch All the leading lines at from $4,95 to $14. to Toronto, Last wo ends een at 1:40 Children's Schoo! Umbri Lipton’s Tea at Old Price We were lucky to have a Sig stock of this tea ‘on our shelves before the advance. While it lasts, it will go at the old price. PERF ECT: ee “UNDERWEAR + Did you get one of the New “Home Trade” Catalogues for fall? Ask for one at our store. We sell anything from @ needle to a piano, $4.95 We are Sole Agents for th o Celebrated Underwear * Stanfield’s to The Front" ia our motto J 1 Gold Watches, re- Special Offer jiisrsscowuaehiat: SPECIAL THIS WEEK 2 tins French Talcum Powder tor Brooms at Ache 2 tins Caledoni Salmon for. ch of beatis, poas and oes for ey Pra cant ji be Beat Che wear hile nest supp jnarmy. You hay elds, Let us provide ents ¢ * 40, 50 and Gee cents 120, 25 They a} % coo, i Toon red. white iy th for 28¢ & beautiful Eat-a-Biscuit now in stoc i. W. K. LOTH ars of other tiful soh “ program which cong) of races by the boy & foott atl mateb ing f “The Arcade” 5 Milverton, Ont. J yr first f b thos. = —— nn Rey. W. Moffat f = Riise the prog am x datnty and aps] As i SV honlbarroae ank! es petizing lunch waa served, Altog the owns. and & G, Knox. M, L bee nd er the fair was a grand success, Muc iS Raby Jack tid Tanner * oredit is due oa asl ip Frow Rao obenuka wnt 3 = m on for sy | Brunner H. Joke ‘and A. Tanner. M.| | Laverie and a, Jnck, | An interesting | 1 1n r 1 *! football match was played between 3 | Newton public penta nd Miliba H school in which the score was 8-0 in| & Chass, i Cogh- fayor of Dtillbank, ae er,| Whe following persons very) kindly t R t fieted as judges at tt i rs On 4 A os ock ey Kerb emig work, rs t. Mi KS Nala 0, oKee, On tanice andy Fl see cles R. Mewil Messrs, Ruthetlord. eB. Hamilon, n. nth ahlin. || Hammond and A Kno: Thompson. a. Al alstennan ;, 2nd. 2nd, roe Prime ani Er A * needed “3 We cordially invite you to call and inspect our show- $ De dpe sae a h, iBrnmalee nosr ing of New Fall Millinery on nh Me Messrs, Bd, Schmidt, and Stanley 4 [fhm spent Sunday | Harvest Home, services Sr yrasien D. Jao the Evangelical church on Sunday n Milverton, 8 will be held in in, an. x. Tian: FRIDAY and SATURDAY | m Inst We —Mr, ae employed last week making hM homens eile apples for s! are spending a fet gars at the home i ‘ille Diehl of Mr. Jas. Ste Thank You As I am giving up eee shoe al ¢ here widens be pent a” coupl business on October first, I fine. friends in, Hamburg. desire to thank my many eph Deese an customers for the very lib- eral way they have patron- ized me during my sojourn in this business, and would also take this Chipstow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, poked abies A oe NOTICE, ‘The inhabitants of the Township of opportunity Mornington are hereby notified that tol i 5 placed a of asking them to bestow fhe ee Pate eptheda aaite the same on ee successor, toxin in the e Dr, W. 6. Mr. R. Mil tt, Medical Officer of Health, = (bank. for use. free of charge, in the township. W! oases of diph- I would also ask that all theria ocour the parties are urgent tequested to secure a quantity of the accounts owing me set- tled on or before Oct. 1st. Yours truly, W. Zimmermann antitoxi feicevattenting osste id tae: ‘0 WILLIAM WADDELL, Georetary Board of Health. ail to také a seat in the mot fi parental Fair Day and ‘hear the Highland Bapd,. CENTRAL » STRATFORD, ONT. 1s a gehoot with « continental reputa: oF ot Beade work and for the its gradu acho nh rat any time, free catalogue, D. A. McLACHLAN, ~ = Principal Write for one large Colonist Fares ne=way Second. From ali Fe pee Ontario to certain Alberta British Columbia Arizona _ California Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada oo exas tah Washington, Etc. On Sale Sept. 24th to October 8th, inclusive Full particulars from agents or write . Horning, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto. 4. C. CUNNINGHAM, (Phone 1) Lecal Agent Foes evening. A. good program 1s being Work “ask, ak prievandd Mrs, ©. Altes. of Bilvor: ‘ on. is, visiting atthe home of» Me bey Mr, Wm. e has mov- ib, Nota ther house whlatene ate ty. pur r hai y . Mr. Geo. Dich! —Mr, H, Miss Hollaway, who is in charge, will be pleased to e: essful m, . : ' , er aeourdy. or Strate show you all the latest creations in this season’s hats, I. DRUAR, :: Rostock SEPT, 25th and 26th 5 ne 4 Raby. L Meta, an Knox; 2nd, ack, R, 1] ier ford. 2 3 f hope: Saturday n..C, Tanner, B. MeLe conan. “A Red, ‘Sept Path and Bethe ne toapeccon nt Wives! ? Colleetion “of onions. ne st ‘the ladies of Rostock and vicinity is Mi Suitter: N. Rut .°5 caudally invited. eee Ul a or I Ou Turnivs. D. Jack, B, CARTHAGE. Daught 4 i Buit 3 ewe — in ae mber of our oitizens attended woman's organism delicate thing—it aehisese easi! out of orde; it iil ei mere sees jus on hn Golicazs pists. an or in re many signa which point todisorder, ays headaches, unaccount abl in various £ th le ain arta of the body, lstlanéss, nervournss, itritablences, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescri Soe ae ea fa neg ened saeteter _ieiisnertmmcnceicty Stomach, Liver and Bowels el el ning.—Threshing «is A. | the order ot the aay in this Viet rg. to. 12 years,| A Wa bees ee Band wile give dan. s in front of grandstand Lowrie’ Sack Race’ H. Jac ces and rie«D, Moffat; Donkey Race. % Jack} on Fair Day Bent. 25th, si ss od saieeet lite