y dividuals on the routes as find it more a eanveniedt to oall for their mail than deliv Ri of the Epworth fe have i ered.—™ gue he delivered an address,— A. iohase Grant. o! wry on Thay Maat rch pty and Richar mk ee threshed two and one half, of t ise Elmira Fa‘ osday wheat n.—M forler eapenpen ani¢ De ac t yielded 115) bushe is Wbich tiene avhine.| by Masts r will the room ay Sag 261 lye x Day h a had it jacked will bea good pat ° x tu ‘ceed wit and children.—Graj peaches| work when i e dow! mie ao and $1. Be. eaulifiowers 20¢c. E vb! es 30c. doz. le mons | Ra ite on ‘tirm. 0 rmoud “ fate 3s ee, Are NOW op ie visiting the, Milverton Bair on VF seida are ri isa Lizzi r hoom in ot couple vajl—Mi Douglas § he iN an at it jedt | the and herbs, is eeparelisiad i in such cases, you want special sevice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medisine ( 10 (confl- | & dential) Lynn, be opened, read gn | Woman, and held in inet eon Ronnenberg is at present visiting her trigends the Misses Orawford, of Mil | vistons — Mr chell the Wiesenbure hurt last week the tari of h | Patrick Nigholton. Lopan trough | the scaffold g way nid prvetpit ing him to the bottom of the from a heijht vot 30 fee | the” cement _ floor 1c bwdiy shiaken up Bi it will be some time before he will be able to resume work Dut\ he is 5! 0 : father on is the of ry ae se WELLESLEY FAIR {Barbour “ is question: “if the. pre show ae en wil of that ithstinding tt Mu of Inst year. Ghe Wiarton|: Kilty Band Who shave been en t Mornin atriotic Con eert in Cook's evenir ed seats pt asth, Reserv ale at drtig Store. Se ou $8 SAFETY FIRST You are safe if you do your Fall Pur- chasing here. No War Prices on our goods, as orders were placed early. Our assortment is larger and better than ever before. Your inspection is invited. Our Dress Goods and Mantlings are the new weaves and new shades at all the popular prices. Before you buy, see our line of Ladies’ and Children’s Jackets, they are very stylish and are CE Tat - Agrand display of Ready: anda * Trimmed Millinery at our mil inery. par- =» — Jors on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 18th and 19th. Miss Hulda White in charge. i Everybody welcome. aps on Friday | Heavy Draugh =Brood Mure Bh l, Mass. Your Ly gh wil | rfp ier et alighting on | Mango'ds, was signs of improve- et atti er Corn, G, Berscht, | VEGETABLES | “Deleware potatoes. Koehler; ae a Koehler ¥ x; Bur- pa ohl Bierman; Splat |Goin. J, Bierman: Empire State. 1 | Kioehle: 5 . i |. e. Be racht, | long. Mrs. J aber turnip: alana M Special Offerings | for Fall Fair Wee ee mea tar fair week LADIES? HOUSE oe $1 ough, fal wee bok ota regu- ir $1.69, fair s LADIES’ SILK eae regular $8 to 810, fair week... * 4.98 GIRLS" DRESSES trom 8 to 14.yents, regular $1.26, fair week EN'S DRESSES, from 4 to § fair week,.... 890 an GIRLS’ CORSETS, regular: 60c a Lt poe Be ak seule id pair OK sarssscens Pa 15 .98 * 1.25 A large assortment of Ladies’ and Girl’s Coats of the newest styles. These coats are made of the finest and best materials, and we are offering them from $5.00 up, S PANTS (3 00, fair wee TWEED PA r Kk. BARGAINS FOR MEN WOKKING aprea all ae Pye Geryice at Willow Grove at 7 v. Shoarling Ram. G. Zinn, A, - ‘Xou are always weleonned a vant WOMEN FROM ie Veber ers homo aaa are i fant y 7 | Wall apeak at the League on Monday : b bea ee Bwe. G. Zinn, A, Thom evening at 8 o'clock. | Yo be 45 t Poin Be TASU Patterson, A poerrgawert ee J 0 ep ontart—Aleoa Ram, A, Moavish cn ft lo fet ea To the Merit of Lydia E. Pink. Zinn. A, Shear- will be held at Monkton ic Bhi Westbrook, leaf a v Bey trip to Thedford a through the Change i i ea peeing: Hamoshire Dovnea Belay hilo 5 BATTING: cregular piles 100 pee bunch SATUR. SEPT. 26 || ‘ite deter i muy. back | Bisrman Gwe Lamb, J, Biers episenetes at 2 o'clock pum. wieb Seans BAER weak gould berdio | ecatcate Class—Fat we. Geo pneu Ss, Rbeltid 1c ahaa) —_—_ Gane ie ae at present pulling oust . ode arses Fat Wether, G ar oY Aubry aan ngn adi AOreamery, We Otis tom acare ten Ae took v beets an wt erie aes t en WINE 3, regular at 1G per yard make butter J, 204k, fee ha 8 ege- Bonk shire aged ‘Thomp- OOK santinvagspoeys yooh sseqpeat bea ae i * Boar Pig-S. J. Mi fier. A. Thomp} Y TOW ys ‘The meeting te called to have it has done me a lot | con Brood Sov. A ee ee PURE ae Bx TOWELLING, ‘regi As eae re- Sow Pie Pig. A, Thompson, 1 and 2. e! A. m rainiesh ine —, Aged Boar, 8, J. Mille: NIGHT ) 8, r 65 i Walter Will: {cine to my friends | Bone Pi J. Milier 1 apa 3; Brood| MEG TT ao Me saute phe SRB (hested to be present Stewart—Mr, and Mrs, can bse Bo ivscn pete iN Waa Ree eal fair Week sssorssysnse severe ne nto, spe ; ‘1 Tia con ee ie Rrekineice sion to publish my r, SAT UNDERSKLRTS — regular TRELEAVEN & RANTON -| testimonial.’” — Mrs, LAWRENCE “Pamwarth— Brood Sow. S, J. Miller each, fair we i PALMERSTON, ONT. a4 ba te Bits, Weatbrook; es Tht ceeds ay ae WHITE EMBROIDERY Wa\Is! mn, Wis, — “At R >OULT BED B 5 : | Was badly beatea.up about the nt SB Sak A Cage pa te POULTRY regular $1 each, fair week A eing bruise With but tow exceptions the prizes MONK. me i tthe aitereat-| 884 loins until Leouldnot stand. Talso | in this class were won Dy Messrs, | ps ver some vigs getting into aes Liga thi ee Sohantz, and 1 J, Mil tay yc, ini, ii aif i rn] me Bese Se oie el ‘0s : Haming full tins and nay te The matter. However. is likely todrop| tle of Lydia E. Pinkhan’s eer ft Just Arrived ! eicd and. shiposd. out-of this: place Bera 8. Kocblers pressed and shipped out-of this place, as neither men.intend to co! rt the Goegpeoed I be, to improve and I | al on, Gid, publicity of a police court trial—Ten- ed its factor pie Toca, | There ts ecacaeaas 3 from Monkton | pts tes aha nightawaate add bot ‘| all parts of olose baa plas of this week, Rough-) flashes grew less, ani ase yeas Li ‘| has trokein|1Y spea the outs ps ithe ja diferent, woman. know 1 ave te |& | axshal!, territo et "eas village | S.Sok gon for ing eomtiae good heal a thence across to the 17th then by way ~ had. a tees of M-Naught to Comynmosk and bok | ever since.” — Mire. M. J. Browns, a on t nkton. When this route is in ly 5 a eof awapation the Monkton office will) The success of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Bushat timoth { fe of morro ‘only the villagers and such In-) Vegetable le from roots dozen) ree. 09 fair we sUIT SUIT C fair we eek, BAL Faagalley 4 U fine, to clear atic... OVE capes and SMOCKS, reg. $1. fair week SES, regilar pried § VDERWEAR me} BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE MILVERTON’S BARGAIN STORE PFAFF BLOCK Es {J is Shirl 8. Koeh r. field. | it sae Hin kin hsel. Collection j » S| Taras. A, i a Oliver,| MoTavish, J, 8: Kos iS Milnes 00k “old, |honey LH. MeTavish, G, Heipel | ME sph AL ‘General Purgase Boo X J. te pee cs va ar iu Me! 5 + single : é(maun} H, ish, §.| Set team hafness.. ¢ ttmann o Oliver, J.| Pait coarse boo mmer, H Heipel: 2-year-old, DOMES' A. ane ok, Wim. Sohacf aetnes cloth, Reiner Bros. ; os Tafoureald. Hi. Timmons J. Doering iss MeVain. r H Schaefer. Hor take t.. Joe Heavy Draught ants R ds 3] Br Dblankce i Acttdubtural Seam. C. Bulloole Flom: | Gaty ing & Son isch jeter! /Generil | Trnohselhs Knitted 0% Murpose ‘Team. LeGon Reiner Bros, sorted Kae goody ts ei Mleischhaucr, J ar-old. J. Hager, E Hem: & pele oy ey Ww & H, Linglebanch, Geo. Hof m. childroth, BE an, sie. T. Attridge ing EB. Mantz. ‘M. Kennie: Roadste Quidkfall. E. M. Matthew. ‘D. ‘Chis ner’ Single Carriage Hert . Petrie. ep W. Wolfe: Single Rowd Hors H, Pet- rie. E, Mantz, A Milloraade High Stepper in ‘bug, H, Petrie, W.& iH, eifeloways Biagle Pony, 13 hands, A. Milkbrandt. P. Pe st . A. MoGi Cook; Bull Calf, nx, A, Me» Gillawee: Bull, aay age, D. Cook ; Cow Dz 2, Heifer, 2 ears. A, Nawee; Heifer. 1 year, AJMecGillawee; Female, any ages | D, ord of five. D.Coo! ec «Herd bred by exhibitor, D. eGillawee. rsey—Heifer, 2 years old, P. Ber- im—Bull, 1 year. Se J. Miller, U. any age. S. J, Miller; Heifer, ° Miller, .P. Ber dux; Heifer 8. Je eta Peitenonder Fool 8 L 8. penié . 8 % Cow. ee type. P. Ber- Gow Beef Type. D. Cook; Stee iA Soret wee. 1 r. D. Galt. D. ‘Cook: Fat pas OF Heit Fat Ox or Steer, D, Cook 19 Ram, G, Zinn ; uras Beraoht, G narsei! 9 Fish. | ee aap RETO, Eorma ota dioe wwoal lon mitts. Miss McCutcheon, G. Huras | Gent's woollen mitts, Miss McVain, Miss Fisher: Mending Mins Mcbut- : uy) Cutol nitting yarn, white. Reiner Bros., G. Huras, LADIES’ WORK Gimbroidery on silk or satin, Miss Cute Mis white linen, Miss Fisher, Miss 0 rich? Emb. 01 MeGutcheon. Miss Honde Roman. Miss M ory Bmp, Bulgarian, Miss cheon; Em eVain. Miss Fisher; Emb, ey Miss 5 isher, Tray is MEOutcheon : Centrepiece, Miss COLONIST FARES 1 One«Way Second Class From aecloss in poe, to in points Alberta — British Columbia Montana California Oregon Washington Arizona Idaho, Ete. _ Sept. 24th until Oct. 8th Particulars from C,P, Agents or write. M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. F. CRAWFORD, Phone 15, Local Agent Honderich. piece. Miss Bete gin costion Biss Honderich std Bish nderic Mrs, iss : Hondetich, “nt i ast Mat se and ina ton Miss ss Bishi itoheon, MeCu pe. M seiltate Misa I p ountre Laste;| MeCutehivon, Mrs, rs, Haste, a iss oshet 5 Bat ut ors, | Pernbunkk i panos FOR SALE How ulars apy Brunner, - Lot fo: GEC pita P oT DEBENTURES shders. for ‘the dal Mitt Non Bohueter iis n Ye ‘ee 4LEXANDE, Ree pt. 14th. ES FOR SALE R BEGGS. PS ‘oroniton Gourt of Revision is hereby given that a Court ursuant te’ the Ontario & Act, by His Honour. the Judge of the County Court of County of Perth at Sounott. C a * Iverton: on the Cae da at Ton atook nm to is ‘termine complaints of ns in the Voters’ lity of the Villag Milverton “Dated thy 4k day “of Septembor 101d. ‘| W. D, WEIR, rk of the Mun‘elpality ‘of the Villans of Milverton. COMMERCIAL, Ree DS. | |} come to come ral wat aie one-third of he ick: balance ity of standing timber. — Con- venient to towns. schools and chu: He house and also eh +, money an remain secured property: at terms to suit parobaser. ‘ Se a ee oe Pewuisaalet aalleeak on the GE. ate ALLAN MeMANE, R .R, No. ee twood | must. bi id to wind up the estate mt s24-3m | of the late J. Johnston aa kepnlny Aas B. M, Me- miss the Mornington » Mair. | Faddin. on mises, Andre ae grandstand a first-class xconter, ‘Crosshill P.O. or We D. ‘half mile track for the speeding con- Suet Milverton, $1 10 $1 oH Uh 50 bagits iv Balance ae 5 Der li Te Falls west- Rostock Chopping Mill the intimate undersigne pias he ee w the pa i to Whos purdhased Mill fir ce und NOTICE TO. CREDITORS. matter ofthe estate of Bulger “leno Tate ot fhe Townshig: of Blbice . gontlon ed Notice is boreby Jeivon that, wil pers sons having el nds agatn- st the estate @ed om or about the am re ‘ie ust. 1014, sind. by Dost ph “40 Te ary Soh- midt. J Lindsay remuto of Brunner post c Sate urday’ pattio- ulars 0 tuate of thi hom dul, rifle ‘Dak note o further that tenth day will peoeeed said econ erioniad st t entitled ther cline ve which eaey sbalk thon ty “nad no Dated ai: Brunhor this 14th day September, 1914. of t ri Bs a Henty Sehintt c 5 Sey 5 joseph Tayo Detwith achat ‘i 25 00 25.00) 77-8, Win, Lindsay Mrs. Hast work, | Shorts per ton 7 00 27.00 Executors. Miss Fisher, Miay’ MeVains Millinery Huy, por ton 01) ——— Bancy Stock: | Hogs liveweight 850 8 0 oLEsKs NOTICE OF BRST POST- joes aa? iss Me Potatoes per bag..,. 7 110 NG OF YorEns 11st iecioet Spl ea Ms waar Hesue ures Voters’ List: 101K, ora ot the atna6e:, Pang siding aU MoVain.| Do ai 8 10 re County. of eek Miss Fisher, Ton -| Chickens ** 1818 rege Miss MeVain: La » | He 9 10]. ‘Notloe la horeby given, that L have Mrs, Haste, G. Auras. M15 itted or delivered to the per- DINE ARTS 6,6) sons mentioned In the wird and oi ti tral Ha, ate a4 5 | fourth sections of "The Vote MH Becacinat oe a's tome aro ot abe rotate He ion to Pe ao transmitted or deliv Haste M. Masons Laneaaaye! di net said ae . Mason: Pastel portrait, M. FARM FOR SALE. ed of the list, made pursuant fo sa Mason Pastel. any subject, George shi of jes i lekee asm ped rs at one mo. 90 Be Range gy ite sale ne said Munlpalt te pe, entitled * Me 12th concession of the ante, Fee okaa aisle ttyl as a Cousin Apert Assombly and at Municipal Blectionss brisk house, 26x36, with kitchen and| S04, {eet toe a ee eae anf d house 20x10, adjo'ning, — Build- | {94 day of Seotombes. ALC ahd Fee ing and verandahs roofed with slate.| Mains there for inspection, . ron < China ick Gixéi erected, in 1898 ‘witht |™Rleotons are ealied upon to examine B. Realistic, Me. Yas hed 86x50 attached, First- tie ne ald list, and if any’ omission or FLOWERS AND “PLANTS bei stabling in good repait for 6 errors are found therein, to ay haat ae scarlet, G. Heipel, Mrs, |cattle and 10 horses. with, . ey rina sabe scar mea" proceedings to have as jum white, J. Duval ond root cellar. Power. mill ‘rected according to law. Goat, ‘white, double. J. Duval, ~A. t-class working. order, Driving ted this 12th day of September, oni : Gerumiam scarlet.” double.|qhed 26x50, Pie, house 30x60. eg sp WADDELL . Heloel. er: Geraniym Ivy {new with conore f Clerk of peld Municipalit Rd ye MG hal eg Se ara Pactatie dark, suet Ay Bi useful buildings, Hard an‘ Ste ain wih siseie: Ma (qatar at the house. This farm isfair| Farms For Sale Trachsel. A, Mi as dark,’ ly well fenced, well underdrained with Ee ay uble Mrs, Thesehell VRchaiad tile, No pumping ed ere tk ron will, Byes, Sete ec ner ? light. double. @ ‘Heipel: {s-an overflowing drilled well at the | Lo m acres which supplies water Tesi ane all undor ultvations be dd out vitae 5 8 of fal wel I wheat fallow Jatabling drilled well, large orchard evoarine Heewoes 60. ce * acres. pede wee to ol weet pho) railroads spring cosine) Sas ie Reta reain, $2,000