The Milverton Sun And Monkton Times ake PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont SUBPORE TION RATES ‘One yeur, $1 mouths, 25 ce SSubeoritcrs fn arrears willbe Thabieto nay $1.n0 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES x 6 Mos, 3 Mos, Mos 70 $40 $25" $B 40, 72 12 5 20! 42 7 8 & 2 eoblant tine fon ME ienecsted ata ‘per lime for each. mubsequent inser Son, lt ibe ch arged for all “Aérertiiementa without specific directtons Tle taserted un“ll forbid and charged ac- Soraingiv. Changes for contract advertisements must | ~ bein the office by noon Monday, LM MacBET IT, Publisher and Proprictor attention, MA BusinessCards Successor Honea Granvari ‘o UNIVERSITY Sewn avd Bridge Work speclalt Office: Over Metropoiltaa ‘Bank, Milverton FPARKER, a. P. = MD, DRS, PARKER & TYE CFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILYERTOX Hours—-10 to 12 o'clock a. m,,and 2 0 4 oiclock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'sioc p. 10, DR. A. Mc KENZIE, M.D. hysician and Surgeon MONKTON, ONTARIO Office hours: So far as possib: be frou 1 to 3 p.m, and in evening DR.F. ARTHU R PARKER Osteopathic Physician (of Stratford) ‘rentment of all chrowle and ver asta by other vou dr methods ben ‘entral Hotel, Milverto: Ba. mto p.m, Willvisitresiden Offices: Lintowe AAlverton Y- Money to Lo: ” FRY BLEWETT, K..C; Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto, ? Gordon Block ONTARIO Ofte STRATFORD, ia Neterinary. . BARR, Milverton, Grac in ary College, of domesticated animals. phone or otherwise prom Veterinary Surgedn | @ of Ontario, Veteria ateall dives “Calls b; | ly at attended to MILVERTON LODGE, No. 478, ALB, & aR, Mi lverton, moots feared Gontevivecines or it foil be mak every month in their 5. Wer’ Block, iting beth Miller; W WwW. Dd, WEL, Notary Pablio, Aue. tioneer for the County of Porth and Waterloo, bonveyeiee, Deeds, Wille and Mortgages drawn and Affidavits made. Village Cletle, Oflice in the Were nhs over the maton Bank, SHAUN lonkton, Ont,, No- ) Publier Conve) eee Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, for the County at Perth, Real Esta‘o bought and eold, ww clioiee farms for immediate sale, “GRAND CENTH Mil: verton, First-class accommodation for sodisaereal iravlies ond be ee “uree beans brande of Hquore Ay cigars, Ritter, Propriet NS | HOTEL, Milv vert on, “Ont The ccommodation yes comiaretgl trvelos and others, e sample ee quors wer ait Pauls i Propeleton GA attenton AME pays’ Kpectal trade, THESUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPTEMBER 27, Are You Insured THE CANADIAN ORDER 01 : Seation for ee and Seratiy at a S. Spencer, C.R, +: N. Zimmermann,R.S, a Lesson XIII. Jesus the Judge of Men.—Review. Golden Text, Rey. 3. 11. Questions for Senior and Inter- mediate Pupils. Lesson I.—The Laborers in the e did the ade of the vineyard agree to those whom he engaged to aes pie him? Was this, ‘reasonable wage at that ENTER LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Any time and grow with us, For particulars address EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal ce N. ROSS: time? What arrangements did he With the Modern Heel, ‘What on earth are you with your shoe on the desk?” “P'm only mubbing, out a mistake, Lve lost_my eraser doing what ‘did those who had worked all omplain ? How did the master r them! What was this para- Eiseatedetneh eentisd TIA NG tahcnean oven Of what was J Blind Bartimaeus.— W ho. was Bartimaeus? Where did he sit asking for alm id he know about Jesus of Nazar eth? What did he ery out? What request did he make when Jesus called him to him? answer his request IV.—The Pounds th What did a ce hai he deliver to each of ten of his ser- vants? What did he tell them to do with what he thus intrusted to It is a woman’s duty as |thent!, What did he do when he re- [feared from his journey? How did ell as pleasure to appear well |, rewa ard those who gave a. 500% dressed, and with ill-fitting tecount of their What did shoes this is not possible. The | he ask = man ula had Soar S494 eatin te pound? How did this above illustration will appeal himecit?. How man seek to excuse to you as a perfect shoe. | was he punished ¢ ee Shoes are made in| Lesson V.—The Triumphal Entry Canada Bay what’ did Jesus Syes two dis. | \ ci as they thphage 1} ¢ Iva did beds Sie n es brought olt to him? Of what prophecy sea aha thinking? What did he in- thus to ace ihe people do when they ONT, ‘is meaning! as Jesus on a colt FLOUR WHOLESALE and RETAIL What PCO} ikea What did they shout entered Jerusalem riding|! “The Shoeman'’ MONKTON, Secece. WE HANDLE: Two of the best on the market 3 | ae ade for EGGS A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Gakes a speciality Lal MONKTON, ONT BREAD Wrolerate | BIG CLEARING SALE : To make room for spring goods, we are offering goods at following prices reg.ilar $12.00, n0W we. 0,00, “ fr “ 8.00 «© Mantle Clocks, ikitohen Clocks ites design Alarm Clocks, Watches, reg, Br coches, reg, 8 0 for 2,95 Byerything is gving to go at same ion, don’t miss this chance We also have a good line of Silver Fee reg. 256 which we are going to clear out at 15 J. A. HANSON, — Re BOEGEL, LINWOOD keeps land Goalficims, Cement and all kinds of Bullding Material, such a Lumber, Kath, iter nd ADD it he bv. Meyer, The Warm Weather is With us Again and for this weather we have “New Perfection How did Jesus| J, See invite to the feast? What did “Three Stars” and “Pupity” = |: Lord Roberts Inspecting the City of London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) at the Temple Garden. The | aiid the ‘efed Dongle tee What was Jesu Lesson).—How did Jesus and the| single disciples feel as they went up to}the diities laid down in the How did they treat his son? What was he finally compelled do i| 7 hom do the wicked Paes d | represe What will be 1) righteou of the v ed? On what basis wi does Jesus our needy neighbors? Lesson _ VIII. The see ast. Wedding Whiom did cextain king| vite to his son's wedding feast Whatididlhavda wher te tosses How did the invited guests The Way Out. pc cael fe seed ep Me aaa © ling you want, my chird, would cost 82,000 Panghter-—Then what is, to be he say of those who were originally Jinvited? Wi hy did he put ont-a man who came to the feast without a{done, papa? — wedding garment Dad Fon. wit atave 4 Hee alan 4 estions, | Tied: without my consent | against “ai they iss to Spite him? What di | they send men to noe of him? jdid they think Ohanging Tim at then, Cousin Emma, let me ting into trouble mai young Jesus ask’? How did he then answer ee eas Ee ep their treacherous question Sand now. they Weep: hd Lesson X.+The Great Command ren, #0 I've always missed it ments.---Who came forward to ques: eee s when he he With a view to increasing the ag, s and the riewltural production of Tripoli-the did the Tialian Government will establish did the motive of this question dit. an experiment station, The Circumference of His Being is Nowhere and its Centre Everywhere (a) “How shall we sing the ence?’ 1 he leaves us lo infer Lord’s song in a strarfye land? — | by hig nisintal nes to answer, that Psalm exxxyii., 4. | which he seeks cannot be (b) ‘If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the most parts of the sea; second ard not the, first variant viewpoints repre- shall thy hand lead me, and sent the truer idea of the Divine right hand shall hold me."--Psalm jig more and more becoming the exxi , 10, conviction of men in ou time. God lis r deity, exclusively as- How fundamentally at variance | ciated with some one locality or the points pt view of the authors ofl, eople. He is not to be confined to these psalm: ; | yound ‘by the walls ol ‘The first is event mei one of the | one church, or held within the bor exiles who Sway. Cpe le ers of one country no famil veruy Neplicludielearsetiat the |" re eT 9 destruction of brerthinlein ere | NO Land ae ae As ; y the rivers of Babglon”” he was no soul outside the knowledge one of the |His love. For He is a universal Hey Pe ag Jehovah, | spirit ~an all pervasive. presence, the Lord of hosts. every star that shines, in every that blows, i “strange distant from the sac.ed places ia uughs, in every heart that leaps the Hr High? God is pot here in [with joy or breaks in sorrow, is to of the Gentiles, but far [pa found fh revelation of the div- away Sen to the wes v1 ne is synonymous aiid the ruins of the holy city ae | with life, and life is pe return of {His children and the re- | vhere God » gays. storation of His temple. | modern pu vail Fi ¥ hich There Mone He Can Be poubt means hab the probi eimaeieeote ys find Him but to experi-’ e Him, not to come ale, but to Hy Sopraiols of His presence ba in peavarkalliat a His faithful Sean can Play do is! Oil S tol remember God,and Jerusalem, | w be nt itully has bee Rus- . 1 toves the city af God, and Took for the | 411 Nowell volved this true gospel ~ ca Phan. 2 * : r time,’ whep he, may: retdrn to Zions Fike ving. Gea an the:tines trom bt: « With 2 and 3 burners at-right prices, Also DETROIT VAPOR GAS and enter once aga othe diving j hia “qadhedra be , OLINE STOVES. Th se stoves burn just like natural ges and require ayes different is the” eaten Romeenaeees¥ const “hear “ave R, x FISH &CO, -only one lighting. Come in and we will show you that any child can of God sel ort in ne od h Psalm.! men dehate xy Here is a who, sees the spirit | Of ah witness of Thyself than LINWOOD. run them and be absolutely safe. of God #8 fie vouielehite ihe bor: agen a eee f é oe of Israel, or tts ‘the bounds | My ue shall nob be’ taken in their * } : ; the universe itself, as\to be ab- snare. w Dealer in... See our HAMMOCKS at all prices, ‘ qolikely Smneseapable: "Talk about | To change, sees inward. surety oa Coal, Cement and Lime | : leaving God behind when one jour- their a 4 4 Screen Doors and Window Sereens ee few miles across the Use I fear not The ‘withdrawal; more 1 i ° ee to Babylon!’ Why if weascend up| fear, coy tev 4 | Frost Wire Fencing—The best in the tand, ints “neiget or go sa into hell, Seeing, to. know Thee not, hood- ; ee ‘ z 0. to the “ut: |/ a wi Grain, Flour and Feed | and Furniture M. _B Q. W ie Thy. warden’ still, ) oom: Sek | ettger Co. So oe | fe Hardware Morohante, MONKTON | us. isged <tr e Auby SCRAONDIAGR Cl —Rev. John Haynes Holmes, mite Tree | fer trom th that of the preceding ones? rusalem the morning after the |What attracted Jesus’s attention as eounaphal ‘try What ingident|he was about to leave the te! mple? ©] ocourred on ti sad? Whom sally, did he commend the poor. wi Jesus find: th. the temple? What were they doing there? What. did ape XL e Ten Virgins.— Jesus Ce with them? Whom did ‘s Nias did se virgins go to weloome rebuke for pomatbiag. them to be]a bridegroo: What did they d there? In what condition was the while he bandied ¢ When did they accursed fig tree discovered the} get news of his approach? How did next day? they prepare to meet him? What Lesson VII, “the Wicked Hus-|did five of them discover? What band men.—To whom was the para- | were these foolish virgins compelled ee of the Rou uebandtian in-|to dot What anrenes while they Sait as a warning? at does } went to buy oil ? is the teach. {i elt What did the hhanian shin ing of this parable? ree to pay-as rent for the vine sson XII =e Judgacni-of the | yard? “v had did they do when the Nationa: Hoy 1 Jesus separate | to collect this rent?) all people on fry final Sadementtt the reward of the What the punishment Fue diemantlhe pronounced? How regard our treatment of | | Cream’ w anted! y Sau Business Yours tor a We will’ pay the Highest Market Price for Cream : delivered at the factory. CANS SUPPLIED FREE Pearl SEP soak i Milverton Have You Tried our Ice Cream ? Cigars, Pipes and Tobaccos We sell it fai the DISH, {One or BULK. WE ALSO HAVE A NICE LINE OF Chocolates, Fruits, Etc. WEIR’ S RESTAURANT, -- Milverton ( : Your New Suit— _S. N. Before placing your order, come in let us show you our new lines of Suitings. We guarantee to please you in both fit and price, SMITH, Up-to-date Tallor ILVERTON, ONT, ~ : Ladies’ Suitings, Coatings and Dress Coods Have Arrived We are Now Prepared to do Ladies’ Custom Tailoring. Ladies’ Tailor Coats, Suits and Skirts- odes and perfect fit. will in latest We Invite You to Inspect our Stook J. M. FLEISCHHAUER Moderate prices and small profits maintain, We would like You to call and see our fine line of Regina Watches, No Trouble to Show Goods P. H: Bastendorff, Joweler and Opt MILVERTON a = te) 2 J = ts) eg See our New and Designs in Parlor, Den, Dining and Bedroom We also have a nice, new as. sortment of RUGS and LINOLEUMS for fall We Sell The Gerhard Heintzman Piano Attractive Furniture or 3 Robt. McMane, § hy Let ions menlens It Pays to Dress =a “Nothing gives a man “more | prestige than to be Well Attired” You can have this done at. the minimum cost at Thi Shops ieee. THERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- 4 is * did line of Scoteh Tweeds of — a new pattern for fall and wine ‘ ter wear, that will make and ~ wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit.