Milverton Sun, 1 Oct 1914, p. 8

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FOR SALE jeeEMON PROPHENC OF WAR.| THOU CARELESS. AWAKE! ’ jouse and Lot “tor further Bishop M. Fallon. of the Roman} Thou careless, awake ! ft t ulars apply to GEO. PENSete ‘catholle, diss of London, preaching| Thon peacemaker. abet irupner. P.O, 24-41, | its aw naarents regiment on May Mth | Stand. England. for hon 66 | att Peter's Cathedral, Lon-|” And God guard the Right 4 I ‘HE Pp OP id Q 4.7 Wiz “s | a my a reference to imperial | polities. hol in view of the Eur-/ Thy mirth lay asid $1 oO REWARD Vox Jaoean tation to-day sounds almost | Zh cal and ol : het The foe is upon th: tans A Weak taal Nella collin, tng “Citizens of this ere gh gers AUG pauve Withe Gay: ids i}. Answ en meeatee @ @ S he above reward ‘will than Canad The monarch Ambition a for his retara to BP. VINK. me say to you. | Hath harnessed his slaves; xX ul 1 e@ 5} ©. ¢ eit-( But the folk, of th ean RAINE. sllverton, Ot te i that) “Are free as the waves. ~ } , NOTICE, ‘a wil eras eee | Pon Béice thot art anméd iving ina b ¥-Pieedom to hold ; Th, inbitants of the Toyushig ot eR lok tha way «ms rn The point we must emphasize is that, while our present collections re hi a Good-faith as gold. of Health haw laced. “a! Me, 6000, iaust Peat lia future | rproogh Fixe. Air abd. Water are perhaps the most complete in Milverton, we can promise nothing * i . y. o,, strength thon. indeed. the beginning! {hy al must be Gite at vin, OE ta RE see ee oat tat hat tow le bot definite for the future and can only urge you to purchase now, all filibanie for us z “eggs y for stureenins bi the materials you will need for the coming season, for the prices Aiypeta conn che gartige ure urgent} ope eae eee Lt be Be seampea Thy love. ot theif nfethors can certainl 1 d ti ill hardly b broad, ss! 7 e au .. s ate vers peace, \s.8 ‘© commam thausaled 10 seour Bausahity Ethel r teat tae cuntineat of Burope al hoceeea iar there ethos ertain y go no lower an varieties wi ardly be So roa eee attending eases in the town-| reat nation, pps “tat not le 4 might to thei hand. WILLIAM ws ADDELL, dpe ton that suits you ar me; J see it| auch suffering shall cleanse thee's Garbardine, Poplins, Granites, Cheviots, Cordes, Per- Secretary Board of Health. | stro: in its military power, toro Sable But th hare lood ‘ iy _ | iu the © menius ofits people, sboun ‘Shalt win to Gal mos, Queen’ s Cloth, full range of colors,’ 50c to $1.50 = in a constantly inereasing populat To Beauty through blood caveat Chopping Mill {ae certainly ‘must go out of the Ee ae Paes and French Serges, in black ae babes suit- ° oh they A ake ane i shoe ata Pheer pay Oi bat} LM ae a“ able for dresses, suits or coats 0 $2.50 a. DEFED - an 2. staid for. hho: |#2ngland stands Sighel Imported Broadcloths, black and ie ok to $4 Robert Bridges. Poet Laureate. 4 ’ = = Ladies’ New Coats BPRATEN BY PYJAMAS 1 te eho ak eh of $1000.00’s worth of the newest ideas in Ladies’ Fall pa 4 Col. Hugh ‘Clarke, and -4 bunch o and Winter Coats. Dozens of them—no two alike— } Gopoine de done on ude ape te eth ar made by the best firms. We iuvite you to see them, Be : ewer Pe Sse eee at could even if you do not intend to purchase a coat for some yee tees (GR i ed inn my oonstituer time. First choice is often best. WILLIAM LIESE. RosTOS K.P. jin fecal ‘tollow. bon cheswhble ere hl ope in in Got, oy eee ce mre 5! bate or at Boas i outvrard a Children’s Coats DBe eons’ oT Farms For Sale |ook deever, They eeaae to} ¢ | the-akin. in these ‘matter i 260 will buy ‘the West batt bese aoe a We are prepared to supply the children’s needs in 20, Morn ngton peat Jobs: Polini " eontinued th winter coats, Never before was our stock so complete deatlons 1 cout fe my on d the Chil dwelling house.) ban’ bard. ctament wild never a’ and the Children’s Coats so neat and stylish. Care d Dy larg abouk es i the jonvenient to chu North runers that. John) wore ier af me te Fall Weather and Fall Underwear x . @ honor-| Ying nover oh orn section. 2 baat Lena! val ih was nev ' qultivation. 5 Sigh cid stable ent Go together. The:weathersis sure to come. We can ber. land in the my Beat , DEATHS. supply the underwear, We wish to impress upon house. bank barn, two windmill Lancto 4 Mornington Moi bck abate ter edooubeging Onental your minds that our stock is complete. er all through the ig. ent| day Bethe 1914. John Le aaator ‘a ractioes. The loose. flowing patire lps iti shed and all. othe he to ne 2 M ; Jof the vestments wus dwelt upon at U d ki t 5 . 1 ceesary ontbul gs. 1% ni s polle tat on Aug, 2ist tol ce tg d Joh be of Millbank on the C.P.R. Tie Mx.-and Mrs. A. Woolley, a daugh-| STs length, and soon ita as ieee NGerskirt Ypecia: BE the late F Jahigton MePean, oe 1 nmer—At Marvboro on Sunday el ta ale cooked ant ab vet: M: a d S| “Padd mmer—A unda, a ) stand or i i Sactculare aouly to Afra: EM STC WaT Thereed Brak, [an Rare e aight: stand for ade of good Egyptian, with deep flounce 49c Faddin, on the premises, 4 ict of rine lat "john Ham-| ty facut th at eld) VEPY SPOClah Aer ceded dayseacendtvievs snp Seales eePaN edhe ic Executor, i Crosshill P. in her 91s year. Interment] 34 w ghey eect the ani elr. Milver took vised at St. Mary's B.C. com-| 054 a that: ea led te ante ° W. D. WEIR, = | MILVERTON.| tery ont Tuesday | Meteo beet abi a cee senha : Nightgowns = = ne “And what do ‘you wear ————=| he Sun will be sent to any ad-|7, 47" poeta We. B, Morphy of North NOTICE To SRRBITORS dress in Canada from now until Jan.| Hush!” put & bs SNe cia REGO Subserbe carly and rth a isi teldeeeis Made of good quality Cee i eae white, ous tm gho sation o of the | get the longest per he ite, but that’s not price range «.1 50c, 75¢ and $1.0 iene a Bilice . Gentleman, Aeoenaed. Rae tor “publication Mabe Ek CATTLE FOR SALE 5 c ESCAPE MILI- Notice is hereby = robes LEFT Lame OE : Sweater Coats ee aving cet bl mi = 40 stockers, Apply to JACOB KEL- sl estate of Balze: k, of fERBORN. Milverton, Vi Pa. f died on or about the 11th day of ver jes i wtiae Se Nee Te Bee te rane ee In women’s, misses’ and children’s sizes, A splendid rt wat. 1914 are requested to send by NOTICE! pi selection to choose from. Ladies’ Sweaters $1 to $4. widt. Joseph Taylor. or Wm, Linds "Being of German parental Children’s Sweaters.i.i...60. secceistesereees50C to $2.25 exooutors of the said, e: f Naess sympathize with the Germans | in on cal at Me ay all of} Notice is hery by giv ven that. ih in var. reat struggle now in. progre | ; : f “ter of the Canada| 'Kurope, Bi hy so ny Germans H + Siors of the sabe an | Twmperan E RSO, 1900. Chapter gre x ae ably esos Se Ladies’ Rain Coats $3.99 js piotha Viney Twenty-fourth | German cause w nts all duly verific fs 4 a ‘ 1914 there will ae to e deposited for examination in th see. fete tote oe Aid sts office of the Sheriff of the County| ent member : F £ Wall wfocecd to distribute the armets of [OF Pereh at Stratford. » Notlee | em: a Church Men’s and Boy’s Suits eulutied ker havi mcr atl #? | one feats in number of all the clect ¥ rs in the paid Cr f Perth d~ Bae ‘hol tele of which they shall then! Srtssea to the Sooretacy of State. ai i We invite you to call and see our splendid stock Dated at Brunner this 1ith day of | Canada to the effect that the six a ree 5 nalble fur. tbls of clothing for men and. boys. We are pepe Sootember. 191 Vohaldve [Ord ba’ taken for and against the-ad:| er i Sec ade noraly beleve. ¢ to Suit you at whatever price you should choose entries otion of ‘the, petition iclets | Ube ebovabls Bebog Torok would bare to pay. Men’s suits $5.39 to $20. Over 200 suits 1 v indsay into foreo..of Par ttacked rvia shew the sanction vis Wi or oer, Aah 8.0 stk Gaeacs Eapete "ee to select from, Boy's suits ........ $2.50 to $10 52. and amendments theret th e — - sod Coun aa Ae { Men‘s and Boy's Sweater Coats.........50¢ to $5 CLERK'S NOTICE oF FIRST Post.| Dated this First day of October. A Fall Neckwear, all latest styles at spi Peon a Aigner es gower to murder, the, night waich- | Latest Fitwell Stiff Hats “siss $2.50" Ocak sit 1914. ite ipality of e than, blow the safe, and . make * ~,Municipality of the Field Seoretary of Per t Hats in new color: $2 nd 3 maby. of paioentoaton in County Temperance inies Rood his cecapes OFS an ; 30 : WAR AS CARYLE SAW IT. Young Men's Soft Hats, new colors.........$1.25 po oy’s Soft lors.. ‘ tannacaitved A atiinced jorthe ‘pe Assignee’s Sale) m ‘sartor Resartus”. Carlyle thus Lea cakae ade: patil s m med in th third an i i are vhilosophizes on war agra Ww ‘Horrible enough! a whole March- in Ellice To To nship field strewed with shell splinters, cannon shot, ruined Meera and dead Mpaee rll bs. ollesed for tale bs | mem and horses atragilers. atl: re: th ul said ‘tion Res 4, rat ransmi ir de! 4 ed of the list, made pursuant to aid mi i Act. of all persons appearing by the | AUCtion upon the premises Farm Lot! maining not so m 3 bt nd fabt revised Asse semen Roll ot the No. 20 in the 15th Concession of the} those red mold neapay “ave, there lie ‘aaid” Manic ntitled .to| Tdwnship of Ellice in the County. of | tye shells of mén, out of whch all the ‘Voto in the said Hranleteoute ‘at eleot-| Perth on life and virtue hag bes n blown; sad ie in $ ns for members of the Legislative | Wednegd, th vathd mow they are swept together” an ‘Assembly and. at Municipal Elections ,| Veanest ee i; iad October | Sremmed down out ofsight, like that the ri : re edee ate eonsward Is “< ; Led and tbat the said list was Cit pont Blown sea shells] The aresnaward Is The Store With the Stock 5 MILVERTON, ONT. : 12th dey of Septem er, 1014 ahd re- the said Farm Lot "ehiok to the! fond care of at. ‘his fruit trees, hedge mains thore for inspectioi sale conditions thereof. rows and pleasant dwellings blown , leotors are called renee to examine Parnr Stock. imple- eva with gun powder t.and the kind ee) ; the gaid list, and if any! omission or nts and grain. situate upon the a field lies a Qeaol late, hideous place} ss ach eth le ae oe pate RS P| the errors are found therein. to) seid Farm Tet eomprtalog che astnte ot, ule Nevertheless, nature ia See 1 —- == — “i take immediate proceedings to | have 5 + Of lworle: shall these powder NOT A SHORT WAR European contlist will prevent — the Brately. have desired th d‘ehusion, But i > rs corrected according to law,| the sald Township of Bllice. Farmer Rovilbtna MEK thetr utmosé devilry ftirt usual acreage being sown off the eon-|Wworlcod for it as far by recut) | that, Whon it EPyairn aie tI'be | “Dated this Sea day of September, a Tes purdloalate at ete } gainsay her: but all that gore anid), — Tass ele ite Ledger. cents aapenalie in sia, Geese ihe last Balkan orisis. and. ! suo! 4 wr ie WA DEL roperty to be offered for salewill Le| etrmage will be shrouded in..absorb-|-/eThe view that it will be a short Morris re eased “fsoenthy from |Germany having a corresponding ob-' make pos: © more definite res s clerk ot Said Municipality | PPoe’ by Sale Bills and the terme any | cd into manure, and next year the !war is illusory. ‘angland velit abtvanrextented trip through the ‘North. | ject. our relations sensibly. improved, 'upproachment re — WMetiipe ot oetla aeli henna ond Alurehtield will be green—nay, green-/quit while she holds the seas. Tt may|'west, He also states that wee see-|'The idea has hitherto, been. t ‘o- | tha 4 RoE tt clr : seat om e Bri US yas mounced | iy. ~unwearied nature, ever more likely be a Napoleonic struggle} tions in Alberta and Saskatchewan} pian to form the subject of definite! it not even xpected ree . Lia nt stratford this doth dav os} Ot of See Oyeat Waste cduoing abmiel att over again and just as long in| have no wheat at a as the drought | proposals. but if this present crisis, so lief and reaction which will dollowao" Oh | ‘aoittambe lav of tittle profit of thy own—how dost |@axjation. It is. 0 ratetae! too. to) and heat burned it up, much more acute than any-that Bure i wont) The undersigned offers for sale en ou, from the very eee X05 the) conclude that the German victories ea tagtues ope has gone through for generations! will be ; a a Saree Dalag: lobe 24 ane Adhd "Phos: Magwooa. | Killer. bring life for the liv are decisive. It is still a long road if THE GREAT ISSUE be safely passed, I'am hopeful that peewee Brotoll 7 ~ eT ty. An Nhe ae oak SON hee che ininn oty'e AS Ay) he ee aga ne er Paris it would be the relief and reaction which wi than nture i ship of ima. County of Perth, ‘There BRiBewat, _ HH VITAL sbOT. lone final. peace,” ‘The world Winston churchit How may mate possible tome Peale be r = ie ] i. erectes tl fart 2-storey Assignse's: Solicitor. cuebianta to Seale ee a titan-} “The British democracy -.with its malty reapproachment between the | Ww ve © rick 26x36. with kitchen and| mn News and Lead fo atruggle is under way. conflict | Qimited monarch, its ancient Parlia-| powers then bas beedt eats hith. wood house 2)x10. adjoining, Build. We are an island and Whteht neither sidésonyattord' t6 mont. its ardent social and philan-|onta” dition it J oe Sect oprah tae with alate, COMMERCIAL, wainly engaged in industry. 3 sce defeat until its ulti-|thropic dreams. is engaged for good Tinobthinktely the crisis could not] ind sane men in every country will Sy at 4x! ereci ed) in 1 it lows that to live we must import! mate resources have been exhausted |or for ill of her people with the form- | phe passed in safety, The war has} unite in saying; “This.must not hap: ‘wbraw shed 36x50 attached. — First-/ Pall Whe $1 0 $1 19} much of our food and import it from there is thothing left for it but|idable might of Prussian .autocratic| come and must be fought to its con-|pen again, a olass stabling in good repair for Batley per rus Go| (eros the’’seas, It is ‘undoubtedly | to tie at the feet of the conqueror.” | mule, It is our system of civilization < fo outtle and 10 horses, with 3 box stalls bis qe| trae that at fhe moment war came puters Tikrit and government against theirs, ba test tiace alas SS a4 if 11 a TO we had in these aa La id rc The Sun office has a splendid stock arate eee a are sapcty ose! | ( onths: bit | af 5 a i imes, food for many m Qf vedding. stationery and is]of the area mess of the tities We re Are You Suffering From ipie shed 28x50, at youre 30x50. nearly Flow Jewel per ow 3 2 eep th opt é Oo tt ‘and propo. with concrete rs and trough,| ‘'- Banner perowt.+..... 3 35 3 36| consequences are certain. An’ immed- ing invitations. announcements, | tion of events. We feel that, however. ng @ capacity of 80 in addition to] + 5 Jewel per ewt...... 3.55 8 55|jato panic sending prices up to fam-|oards, at home cards, wedding cake | @uidequate we may bes however un- Auto- ntoxication | sy ine Ate 26 00 25 00 ine heights. and ultimate starvation] boxes. ete, A ‘anse supply of confet-|expeoted the ordoal may,be, we are poe at f zs 32 other useful: buildings. Hard and soft] Bran per ton water at the house, This farm is fair! Shorts per to 7 00 and surrender as the supply of food ti'@lso on han hander the eyes of history. And the ly well fenced, well underdratned with| pray en? FBansa gut an aodtetaie gee diese calle we. um cee Mande Jd dela iol ed “Baaland must PP the state of Being polsoned, from tox Sarees ihe we Fe Satan aeanined ag there! Hogs liveweight. "8 60/8 50| ¢° enter into. this war and to sustain) URGES oRoPPING IN WHEAT | go forward to the very end.” Condition due to the stomach, bowels, kidneys, liver, or ( é ow + eed Mich supplies water inside and| Potatoes per bag e151 19) 008 OR Mir. 8. B, Morrison. the. well-known THE BEPTER DAY matieten Rie cis eka aetna fe 0 a0 ae ARGO ss ne re KEEP THE NATION AT WORK Jooal rients henker of Rodney “who Sethian sess, headaches, Loss ate lack of aration tat root, y other £ bp ‘a prominent member th gin ie Presbyterian odee oy pe ape le B30) cecal Mall Gazette [County Board of Trade, ana Publsty eq bslety var, was proclaimed betweon Smpioms by ton, Your wholesystem needs sirrngup. 18 18 yy keeping the nation at work we sociation, has suggeste: t «¢) Great Britain an ermany an 9 10} fortify its morale and reduce the! farmers of Wlgin prepare all CHE suit-| yyhile there was still,hope.that the ! DR. PIERGE’S GOLDE: EN 14-15 | waste of war to a minimum. We are ae ua they have and « nt to/ealamity of a general Huropean con- 3 6 16] bound to oledge our credit doco in| fall wheat and i the ectning apt |illet Waiahe bs averted, BU Ea arE MEDICAL L DISCOVERY es, "Phone in hous and also conyen- o4 | 95| this struggle, and it will be a wise are sd’ plant what land. they |Grey made this statement ¢ jence of rural mail delivery. Persons economy for war as well as peace to) haye ssitale pene beans. “If the peace of Europe™oan’be pre- ‘Bhs latest edlton Dr. desiring such a property are. wel- 24 Pio Se é some part of dt to maintain War |. he,(points out surely re-| served. the present crisis safely pass- will remedy i troubl a er ae rien ran) system to. cet Sammon come to come and see for themselves. r industrial ‘ftioioney. whee Ble ordps abroad. ‘Ths world’s| od. my own ondeavgit-will be to pro- expel accumulated poisons. It acts asatonicand finally tise at ‘Will take one-third of the purchase iio ts: optlmated Gh; thieves ‘Runaied | Glota-adcié “avrabeemine nto ywhih enables the body to eliminate its ‘own poisons without bewuhosehewnen le money balance can remain secured by 0 the advance in the price | | The Sun will be! sent to any — ad-/ million less than last year, The Unit- seat could be a party by which any outside aid. Obey Nature's warnings. Your dealer bejenl tree to you if you mroverty at terms to suit purchaser,| of ot pat sae the Toronto Daily Star| dress in Canada after Sapiombar ist ‘States has bu rope con-| she could be assured that no agaress- tn medicines will supply you, ot you may send 50c for a sam ne Ping and mailiege=01 on rther particulars apply to|and Daily News have decided to in-/ to the end of the year for 25 cents,| sfdarably ‘léss_ Tho ‘Canadian Wvest-| ive or "batile (polls? wept be pureed package of tablets by mall. Address Dr.R.V.Plerce, Buflalo,N.Y. festa to Be NibAN MeMANE. R,R, No. 2,Atwood| crease the price of their paper from! ee now and geb the benefit of|ern crop is light. and will only aver-| against her or her allies by France, s24-3m $1.50 to $2.00, he full term. age shot two-thinds, The great Russia and durselyes, jointly or sep

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