Milverton Sun, 1 Oct 1914, p. 5

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| Growes are withdrawn fe the day. You | will be Interested if you come to our at, Bowor ue every Monday ‘here ith! might at: 8 delook. ow are cordially | inv sats to oR encsice ate a. Late MONK1Ob. Henry Eis) n doing the rare aera 83 oan this voi couple of weeks’ visit fikanietas a jettaer ist Doris Bie 3 @ondee J tends i in Al | luna mete She rons. of ni sanoien 3 Coat ie at reeytee at Gills at the. old jase Soasonable fruits on hand ward friends of Mr, veh. Biman | dered the boy who recently underwent a ation | dub. He also stoned him. for. appendicitis Sill bas Rlsd fos hess | show wed that now progestin to-| hiundled as he had i For some, day i ite ae nthe’ bal mie | ow face. Cite, John. Schneider. Brunner. heen stitched by Dr. P. apenk. 8 “a Sanday with: his pep Me Wm. {iA verte. Aft (Misa A ead Jog. of Stratford, sen n day.or two this week at Mrs, Ewan’ | you! (Mr. and Mrs, Archer. of St. Louis. are now, exae at thehome of Mis. Samuel Stew! “Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wilson, of Galt| is weak at} “Aooordit wh an le ee 6 th “ Ea gay fined genith 42. 20. ree warning not to get | Bo Shding han a actions in xed es in any similar at | the, GOLDEN WEDDING | easant event took vlace at of Bir, and Mrs, John Ward Logan . on Monday Seotenbee 28th, ecasion | the celebration 0} golden | Over fifty, trie ndgva rele o honor Mr. and spent # sister. was ac- daughter veral months de' Mes, Sterritt, of Petrotea, : it week with, her the Hom ‘esa She of Wingham. ot ‘ading. A, F. McKenzie Wednesday lost ie. Kenz' — mlaiting han! emp Dr. (Miss Satketd wave ont at Stratford Fai: was beautiful. | qT ly ‘decorated for number of handsome Lost, \ atin pen ar the Methodist | 8 church shed a plush robe, — Finder is Sass pampoeas as secusenet to leave same at Mr. Jobn|'? ia aaa ; arte chéatd Pathos Bovlely - ‘we Quests sat down to a sumptuous. re-| og. aa past. The tables were b x eee Ne Menai atamtiog stay aa ated with, golden colored cbrysan- Py themums and the good things to eat Be kisim ie ies no re soe ecloek, Everywamed in the com-| We was spent in gocis ae munity is invited to'be present, | and speech abiest of the socisty Is to do for heskaldiern who’ are\fiabticg: our 08, im Elma. 3 count at MeKay left on Tues ane of the Ties that is always ins i Bera v > not many couple Sn aa Ma fe ee ee ot o | spend are of: married lite at. { pamether and we glad to know te thee i i wi il | the Me. and Mrs, Ward are in fairly |i Ith and have the prospect of a piven 4th, srt eee ea eee att Dike. h eb Monktoa eee ebur ey. eilways been of Kang 0 Pee E. aun. A. B.D. wil oo vy at 4 ehureh ee to i a RAG uit DE subject, | commu a we th “ ning {30 ishing tbe mor ars o sibicot. “V shall the Harvest. be," | fis a . erat ean Beate them vee ervices 1 jithesda ‘a oT he best wi ae The services ab Bethesda and WIOW! ¢efenda will ever follow thom. REAVE! RMAN le. the home of Mr, and Mrs thy nesday morni o | their danghter Dell Catherine | the bride of Mr. Clyde ©, Reavely- of COLONIST 3 eens | foun ev D. iincuaers |The handsome bride. who was given FARES One-Way Second Class * father wore A As autiful afl , From stations in ea to certain points 1 Alberta ic Coie Montana Califor: Oregon Washington | Arizona Idaho, eae e Sept. 24th until Oct, 8th ) rs Speprete ale con bo Lr Se CTS extended tour cast Atte er which they M, G. Murphy, DP. | will reside in Bt, ‘Thon The oumny, boeiltifat ahd: asetot grb: F, CRAWFORD, Phone 18, Local Agent sonts which shes. received shows the igh esteem in which the young couple ‘are held, SAF ETY FIRST You are safe if you do your Fall Pur- chasing here, No War Prices on our goods, as orders were placed early. Our assortment is larger and better than ever before. Your inspection is. invited. Our Dress Goods and Mantlings are the new weaves and new shades at all the popular prices. Before you buy, see our line of Ladies’ and Children’s Jackets, they are very stylish and are excellent values. . A grand display of Ready-to-wear and Trimmed Millinery at our millinery par- Jors on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 18th and 19th. Miss Hulda White in charge. Everybody welcome. rt better health.”"—] UN ‘WOMAN IN “TERRIBLE STATE Finds Help in Lydia E, Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. mplete wreck. given up’ ah pay of getting. better or living any length of tims I was such a suffer from female Trophies ButI took Lydia Com; i am’s Vegeta pound, and today I am in hey id have a of twin boys two months old. Seong ey: I surprised doctors and pay edits at a r they all know wl wrecl ss ving healthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham jo. 7, Cape Woite, P.EL Because your case is difficult one, and doctors having done you no gv lo not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial. tion, ulceration, displacements, tum Bai Hes are periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly what you net he, pfakien eet is proud and | | peerless one. = | a record of con: it victory over the ob- stinateills of wi to aoe of such rab i women. tyou try it if you need suc! atest HAWKESVILLE # John Walt rstorned home’ on F ight et: monte Ine stn a Weber. of ad two ing Miss Bly parental —Quite a number in es Elinica. vans f s wae “Wa Saturtha: * stinerva. Be Berlin. vee guest of Hue ner ou Sunday. — Anniversary vices were held in the Me’ oa chest last Rigas © Rev. 3 Mr slop of Glanallai tv tne hoi tod ite u Noe 1 Kaipt 1 K mit. 208 ut Sunday with Ne Tired, uld,—A sebool fair in our ashool bere m ide on wore rela! rie rous exhibits ore ‘aby Prof, Mor . of Guelph. Suppe W : wd in ‘the scliool at ( o'cloc: a w wile n'a | SU ante fia urty lunch was served. an Rew ~ er — 5 epandine a fow POOLE. . H, Yundt, ~ So ane if Logan Rill and her grand- 1 Ie Mr: D Cheltn rs xngh) r Chalmers on Mbinklay fr s for a visit, the latter. how will ain r hie ate. Will at vetrd i A m, McCarthy and oe) yal ibs eh ul 0 Mt ms, na M George Berkner and shila en. of, Mil- 2 ‘alled on te nds i he vorton. svent Sunday ab the pans of |Glon ‘this last. woe 2, MtoKitinen Col A ae A Al-|of Guelphi has anual after me pope Stratfor te oy Sun- lanending some time wi heir son hers iss Dori D akinnon,—-Quibe a number from Of Wruader. left for her Jed the annive: ome Saturday after spending aw ke vil Mi ; with frien as nd Mrs... J. Gobbo! at visiting with Behweitzer. fr r Milverton: \ her daughter Mts, 1. , His! lop.— Mrs. 8 oe Bupiay at Mh amt of Mrs, P,| Haines. of 1 ol I Opver vis-| Mrs. J Gonkw ited ends in Tol scr for afew] little boy has come days lat week, — Misses erie ad of M Emily, nt Sunda: with | Congratulations, frignde. ‘in Wellesley. aie Mt “Oper two dan wttended the funeral of Mr. “John|G@len—Mr. Hardy M mera in’ Berlin Jast, Thursday. New Liske: “1 brane paring: niftar rene wing old acquaintances in WELI-ESLEY, the Gle undanstand that Mr. — Philip DORKING. Rerdux has just received two —~ fonds of fine ee rd ibtle We stock |. Allingham is bins his ing purpose: i Chet @ sever holiday under the parental x al choice heifert which will be dispos- ‘orester Pes attended — the ni Berg. se. Seba, Mrs, C. F, ‘art Biyour’ motored niade a ales visit with fi : ellsteln, of Nephi gd cay sont a oN pe here among frien well Eas gg at the earieertan 2 Fair es aaa lay. st. and Mrs, C. Koehler ‘Boent ‘Saturday with mined in. Pres- ts. OF, Ottmann and Mrs. How. irs. Mo yee were visiting riends “in it Thursday Berlin and Waterloo on Messrs, F, Bivour. L, Rumig. H. AL bei re and ©. D. Koehler red ing excursion on Mond: es eee! DONEGAL. & observed i, the “Dun- ‘with bey a a teow daye™ rtgon. pe of friends attended he late Mrs. Barrett dal tng, Eow p rhe Wol: Ife, eae yet el MarchT on ‘Lucas, last. ber returne: LINWOOD. MILL BANK. All places of business will be closed OBITUARY Miss Laura, MeFaddin returned to in Linwood on seiviny ay. her e Friday after 3 ing the Mr. cone Ponte of Berlin, “spent ae with hes ars aie Joe Burke, Sunda: A. Heimler's.—Mrs visited Boexle ‘ee ny have her apple but. JOHN LANGFORD oe brother me . Toby Jack Anat. week ter factory in operation week.— —Miss Bessie Y rne 1. ‘Phe death of G Gies, (nee| , Afier # long and Usgering jUneds fith Jast week after spending the past Miss Juliana Brenner) daughtee of the| from bronchitis extending she month with her aes r. Mr, Wi late John Brenner, took, place at her| Years Mr. a. Langlord. ot Morne} ou rs. and Miss Glura Me- home near St, Clements. on Sunday | imeton. passed away a a ree. pa iF fodming. The funeral took place to,on Monday moraing. Langford} Smith’ the Catholic. cemetery ‘St, Clements.| was born in Biddolph ett ng sda on Tuesday, ‘Mrs, Gies leaves’ to/Jesex county in 1850 and was a -| Sunday at his PecaMt, urn her loss ahusband and son| ber of the well-known Langford tain Mrs, Pierce nt te are. Visiting aged about eleven years.—Mr, Fred | ily that has been prominent in minis-| friends in Detroi lman returned on Monday eyen-|‘terial and lay cireles in he | other revi ta N, ue iat to Linwood with his bride w and “Anglica ing charge of the york at R vas formerly Miss ‘Fonsy MeTaigzart.|ions throughout Western Ontar Huring. Mit. Piyehh anbacnor —Atew of Wakefie id Que The wedding | eeu rnington wh: a Jas, Ratz and Miss Addie — Gillespia took pl 6t. Mary's gatbeata with his father the fate Geo: ng. | were visitors at Strattord last week, ‘Kingston. on June 15th, Rev. fond, 1874 he anarried Elizabeth . Band Master — Franklin ated, Mir, and ha jobson who uy the following fam~- Greive returned from their t to an toe See present at — least urr, Mit} ¢he West on Mondlay.—Mrs, ‘3 r wood — patriotic | chell: W: .|was a visitor at Stratford last week rt will tt ihe nd in the town hall|F. Gropp Morning! ea Jol 4 rr. ann t a nm spent : ‘Phe funds will be de-| Bunice and Kenneth at htens, Sunday with friends at Listowel, — wated to Red Cross Society od other three Mr. Jas. Lowrie. of oi work. It ¥ vi Sonim — Ie eae me interest in ehurch, man tical matters, He was Mi fei at Mr “Geo. CALL AT The © | Milverton Bargain Store - for Bargains ars steward 9 while t = ma Afethodiat | Ee rem | yer [2h of Moor st as. at the school bonra, couple «last weok at y i hd so occuDied. the position of cous Sie a wis, of Knox chureh | BARGAINS fternoon train arrives about and deputy-reeve of Merhinecon ir annual thankoffering ile thers, is pi apie enthusiastic member "i esday October 14th. ALWAYS ON deo, Bisch | Canadian Order Foresters, met Mie ced ae otek Otkes ed ene tans HAND 7 | be “ will attend in | Watt-were visitors at Waterloo. oa | the past year has returned bo ae [Boa Ae elope The fan: og ay,—There ‘will, be sno service the eae 3 Sos who has |e will I his late, realdence this eae church: Sunday teat owing to spending aweek with Miss Mell (rina “fiernonn at 1.80" o'clock the epee eis rosshil on Bonnare returne d home te the Methodist church Sut i al a of our citizens at vd aly A : en ph ill bee ithe Fate and t Milverton gummed to her “ho in Strathroy tax ducted after which intern inst Fri sl BUTTER & EGGS TAKEN with her! remains will take plac a. ’ od | See.~ ie f osti fr, a Mis, sete Rev. R Miller assisted | 18 in melee the leaving ‘this week | by Re J. Robinson il eondnet age Soci acknowledg- here they will spend the service. the preset He and mone 3 visiting, friends. — ee sent and exprvssing thanks for sume EYTERS F. rer cteotig! loft for Toronto on JAMES KINCADE ii alt seo comribated in any. way LRT TERS RRR fae ence * stop ohn of nai accept t ehoartfelt gas following AA ric letters. raat SL 2 ith | u Wineade, of of the Red Cros Mr were received by little Isabelle Hawi eBachren.— Millbante tay sutte red a topkid rable | Ars . years, rite F et daca ha cenec tah time from onnger of the Jan took a ith her mother — 'n| place at the hors of bis daughter Mrs |® tes, Reid and daughter! J, A, Bruce of ‘Orang vith on Wed ' tnt apnea hie with | nesday Se pt Mr ade w og: church 98 usual ND! hg h one — containing Texto Shetspk corsioas ceo marae ve ea ales yarn darne Christ.” pan. “The “parable of tt teal safety pins, cotton hand: : Sachteh eidebe peat ie rohiets, handages, ota. How: mitch hs Monae een aT ot F Wne prrde bmorning servic yon wolcome, | {ey mr oP eek By: our. woldley jonday.—Quite eased him 21 years ago, The follow- ee Some. bors may be judged rom the tons of Gttonded che fail [tne family survives hims Mrs. John A dees Pa Si ee the lette Res | Bru Ic ¢ M. HAMPSTEAD Valeartier Camp Sept, 25th. miahte eens little friend—I jot epee One of the carly sett a, tod today aud your Koodwishos on | whhone: selity passed awa indy at. the \wma. J want to thank ever ar. a ry petty Ny ars: in Tene ve. “yon of Fred-| mygoh. shall always remember your i | erick Wal Sjate Mt, Wahl was | Dame perhaps. [ ity In whict he eae Soniied “ene ehet bors ot falo, but wh cheba pertya inanie ety prea cole ti inge (Tacada passes David Opaner Uh a bs rm be phe taba, | lon enc eb made \ aot E been made’ fon tbe Fiera using | tanner. Ino. A. Bruce. Chas, Matt- athooe titey-abe ae “hie. aM | mead arch eet &o on 9 the neecssity of heating: from ‘he floral doh “of asbuah tady tine raRONn wa mid the’ aoidigns av on in ‘olzschu {a bw . d and ° ve Srcaten Mi} hewed out a home for biisell on Ye ry 80 Ta sure they will whi 29 and 24 in thee rengmavlon hee Ys he off iy wre sanveted aerate oie! whore: he resided ‘continudusly up to (ten miles on dlety road. duet for piece tothe bs ath fi his death. His wile: pre-de 1 him | pdactide. Several mien wot sore feet re eld a , ” about 18 month ago, Three sons and| and bad to ride on the wagon but all pen tee Ea A a tng daughter aur They ares, Dr. mv loompany: mareved tn, quite, MRS. ROR BARRET! 1. 8 Wah on) Tam the captain of a company of in- BOS Foti , th at “Gudshi famtr that is 120 mon 8 companies a The funeral of the late Ars, Robs shill our battalion, tis ealled th ( Harvest Home-and Child ert Burrett. of Nort is_w broth th Battalion, but say it is * took vltee from the We British Coluiabla Ri i nt on Chart inity fune all © from the se ‘onl Milvér yeas on ‘Pri. Diedsieh Jae u_ the oth © he ure, doe cil mee s he nship , ha int on "Monday _ D. and. M ae GLENALLAN, Dow't formet the ipsa tt ger- nuit lla. Methodis' Oct. Rev. . Will oc! the yan paves of spent the Poscaat Johni Logél patti ‘the funeral of “tne late Mrs. Conrad St, Clement; ert of this a Mr, D. of Fruitland, amen the wesc with his brother. ‘Thomas Tanner, 0 ‘Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Matthews and family visited "@unday at Mr, Thomas ‘Pannerts, IMrs. Coote and Miss Coote are go. ing their rounds collectin; for the jaitriotio this home of the section allotted to them is being called ont and a sponse is hoped “CROSSHILL. * Mirs., Snider. of Waterloo. visited her| i Mr.}, tas ‘a i un amily ay settle area tesa ¢ city of Stratford and ta In her Simca tansok trent wea er and t oak an adtive Antorawt sp Bape hoo She was a great rinad hue, well intern and able to conyorse with grout tell'genee 1+ 0 z pro tow tse; hip soso pack gripne is brevalent In this Io oality WAR HURG, 8 has pa ate a} uflernoan to the Mt ent was am S8th Fusilier v Wellenlvy, | toria, B.C, but’ this rerimt ‘t en ind: Seftel, of Strat- tip gut of bite of fly winents Seftel.| This camp is vomnertal | rine Sunday with) here are thow sands and thonsinds 0 Mrs, Beoker, oft an aoe yon wood € siloing, is the or- ate Sta of tors der of Ee thet A number from hen took in 1 a andr ee rates other jluce rows of pion all painted ls) ba Bust.’ Our” brigad live bap boar tor. a Desir and “we zi Peis a : 1 Be ie ays Ise {bik of ton Poe Tian SARA ow, | Blothes. Your affectionate sane yy PI ary of “Hen R. ¥ GRIM TOLL | OF STRIFE " Capt. BF Co. pH eist Battation, a, aneilen interest at this time| : er id * oF A oecle saute any ee he comolnined "Snot ng Vuloantior Camp ‘opto g6eh re oll, ~Deeoased shad almost nomete | Prof, Laurent. v : Doar Miss Nera Lan ‘Bl Pan the allotted three score years and ten! pougewites ledaed Published, the follow-| Seine 60 years. 9 months: and 25, diy Tord Btrathe 7 of Sze. 10 Isavay 8 satire hin loan | eta Boclatye was. yout jena: / den ulmania, with 4,800,000 Inhabitants, ‘ wife. one son and two! tittle donation. with Une aware line punk 500,000 soldiers » field. of | an namely; Mrs. Harry Moor) tote am, waiting to tell you. that these 53, wots sound eb Mra, Frank Glote and) it el one of my men. who Killed iu the Tirst at sonar will no doubt aso, white to you. 04 61h rounded. in Bd potels “i ite wounds most noua Fs is norews eBEIRS Pogags a is life on the farin where hewas' ay Canadian regiment army ae ber cent, of the popu: bom on’ lot 19, concess nS formed by the AN Tord: Bttavboona lation. There cath out of | Short distance from bh Mount Royal, a fouight wit Lycee tout injured avery high’ tige| éance, The funeml took plac Mifonahoaty "Be ure, Monday afternoon th \ you inny ty In the Balkan war 150,000 men | hte.—Quite a number o yonr ‘own housewife wi ot re killed ry Waunaes tittionded the fairs Spee it "0 with our regiment right through field in a ‘ingle mon 1 and “Milverton and. report ko 004 » and Germany hese fell on xery much if yon the Brepoalltat int ould ait hts in. mind one if, i! Laurent qu ive prophecy to the effect a led to these figures w et bar it a Huropean . war — whi vould Tine up two armica of the great wers, There would tbe not te phe 1.590.000 spanaad ahd killed in pris he force were, fully in the f rae Among the Greatést, her hit Pel ti scat ot xin heroine’s role i Montemezat' oe weeks ago, P: of the greatest of operatic sing ora 0 ante ouerees, mane ag Lora Kenan. she has t two daugh- ee be Edwardes, who {a Eee Sibyl ” = an Grace ntawardes, 10 y Edmonton Grows, ent filing " n population is now over i t. silos for the Fruithill: syn- cate, GESSON Mr. Jos. Viol cabolmor spent day at Elmira, ‘Mr. and Mri E, ey of Macton pe Sunda here Mir. Jos. trip to “alliverton on Mor fe T nome tere oi Mo numbe: attended the Plmira and *iverton re last week, r Saturday in our Quite a number [ror from here ‘attonded he Leys aed Met in ane N. Ww. and Sun- made rl bushness Mrs, A, pe sretarne to iterloo, spent |< nking you very ie Capt, A. Squadron, 1 QODAY AND TOMORROW London Publis Opinion. Less than fifty meri-haye tain in ruin, Industry;is at ts! still, All the amenities . of civilized people are at an end. Spirit ual ress 18 threatened, for Burdpe ceful pursuit et 2 y te < meaty a if nye af 8 Siattora, and| the bing problem of each mation Miss, ‘Adeline, of ake te loo. t Sun-| at this moment Seo’ which can day at pote mobilize mat greatest force. “Bu uise i going down inte a terrible trough ar ‘shall Gera HL Wea nian, wi al . When the dead isan ihas Baked 3, biatch rei turned) titenced. and when the nations are at Wedding bells or ringing. oe h exhaustion, thoy will pee turn back again with sorrowful steps MACTON. ‘and ask on penter who spoke as mever man spo) Yelore. Then. perhaps they willy lis E it eta eit tc papie coming ete ics aay pa vi Newton ‘Ang xb Lime ne ity: the official result was u . Alling- sere faa ata nd Te Again Sone fh that: ee as pene pent. Sunday with the iatter's fa tens of increase has been found| Mr, Wm. pi : on: the southside of the river ey ees ih ma has in fn Tenity a iter al Anni sary il a dhureh ‘ni Sunday Oocf. 4th. at 1 han. anid ka So cuttings te ander he day. though the: Seat Been @ decided In- crease on the ni ide. al-|- Newton. ‘Threshing is almost been Pika peta: The grain has turned out DEBENTURES: FOR SALE rs for the debentures of the © gain r drain for the sum barn 5 over of ten years. received by ith. ate aLExaxot aati Pernbank, Sept, ines Syria

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