soya ge ri Cash For Poultry revere Scissors and Lawn Mowers Sharpened, Razors H M ue aE kate bee siowpied ine call to ton Pr Highest cash price paid for all ‘oned. 3 kinds of poultry. oes 3 q 3 Gleeckman, Pho",8 «4 3} P. NEUMEISTER at . ‘Milverton Ess taken as cash MILVERTON _—__ ay ? = Vol. XXII—No. 16 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher ai sa i —_—_—_—_—__— ‘ | 50 apple barrels at Sze, each, Pfef-|* Select Your sweater coat at Enge | a bs %| fer Milling Co,. Lim tnd & Son |e LOCAL NEWS 1’ Sugar ‘has aa ey another 30c. | brerause deen ood oud : * %| ver hundred costing’ $7.26) wholesale. | j ao ti List rk c etropo itan an =| “Suis Vids. Graocd spmad’ thanks: | (he. suet eset bat ot a rs | giving with friends in and around cabbage cutter is requested to aa! ‘ Mr, s tects was a business | etrattond: fas at once, Ps} visitor at Toronto t a week, |. Master Norman Mah and friend hy is a dentist apt 4 fess D ies P Head Office : TORONTO Mra. W. Jermyn, of ‘Palmerston. is| MT, Pelfer, of Toronto, epent a. degen | abot, Decaaee he Pant aee mela: < CAPITAL PAID UP......$1,000,000,00 PUND....$1,250,000,00 PS) Len visiting her mother, Mrs. pew last week ith Mrs, . Edwar a) down in the mouth, 4 L Hrs, 000,000, ae eo, Reis, man Wi > UNDIVIDED PROFITS ; | Miss Marie Dobbs. of Becton. spent! Rev. orge Mason. of Pinkerton. | \sleeping in @ church wi a“ fe ja few days last week with her friend Hacris- | A policeman found 5 {i} Farmers’ Business Receives Special Attention $1.00 will open a Savings Account. Blank Sale Notes supplied Free of Charge and Collections . Milvertan at Millbank Branches : 5, As pUren Manager ik Bran » Weds iday #8 Braaches also at 4 Gort made at reasonable rate: ich open every Monday, TRATE “a > Mare S FORD, Seairigo| Torra anes mn, ane sd Present visiting frie a verton several weeks with her Hi, Griffin returned to Tor F New Shapes and Trimmings: Hats Drop i “ The New Millinery. Shop” — Have Just Arrived made to order on shortest notice, in and see our display, We take pleasure in showing our goods. “ MISS L ‘Our Styles are the Very Latest’ L. MEYER, (siete ; 1i ‘The evening worship will be at 7, Wm, Burgma alentine Gerth was | word that her fathe . had ons paige da Wm. the Teague d juno ey wil indy, wele leone. rda which the money will be rer Hon. Thos. White sree ia treasurer, An, Ts ol A ul ee A i MOHR’S GROCERY DUMART’S SAUSAGES KEPT ON HAND AT ALL TIMES Bologna ., Head Cheese, Sum. Sausage ...35¢ |b. Boiled Hai 18c lb, .18¢ lb Weiners . x Ham Bologna ,.,25¢ Ib. Back Bacon..... 35¢ Ib, Breakfast Bacon 25¢ Ib. m......40c lb. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS wa Te INA dal it ry K. Loth before of the church intend “holding a birthday ee, more Ca ae wera sers whirlwind Ler pod ait Ba w se ople who assisted her with her baby is at jon. has named ae boy Job: coe Hardin, ‘ag en mnt ees to Pontiac. Mich. aa e a DL. @ Ww. SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRICITE G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for PORTLAND Oal =z ST MARYS LIME will continue has akaunp 393 completed Wedneedoy or “De J a) Hamilton, plus, The money a comfort, mi up year Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorize Capital Paid-up Safety First— ry year ver cent, greater MILVERTON BRANCH: P. J. FASKEN, Manager 700, save. instead of being y be jurp! than ite, Capital, urer, ‘The war continues with ter Daal mil on the shaonal forts hay for the pres i bed been stop m Saturday x German torheas: boat destroyers cert ive cruisers igsteaye i it is caiimated that joss of men so far in the wa been 1.300. Pt of | i 8 been killed, sday evening of last hs pale cy necting was held in t mbly te, PES eo FOR THIS WEEK Felt Hats (Trimmed) latest styles $1.50 to $3.00 Untrimmed Felt Hats — ranging from 75c to $1.25 We have a dees Line of Odd Mounts eal Bargains COME EARLY and nave FIRST CHOICE © mR K, SPOULE, - Milverton {the tyorobe | liet to the wae Peng Co., @ ton of for alnen by, te MP. n 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wa. Bargmon. Vingha or two i the village the home of |itieeforiaor's, pur Be Mr. and rs, | mira on Saturday having .rcoeive in |aestionige, churel ch on Tuesday evening Sttabou b ussetaminge has si fF desiri: te eo a leave. “their Thor . Evangelical S0e- ing Nov. bi good musical — pro- amamme is being arranged for. Lune will be served, (Menu—potato salad, led app! ead, but- pan that foi { ny, Re ican ‘Reliet rund are making a meeting ria Hospital, vublie meeting. was held. i . Newt ay m for a canvas to Ms nd seeretary-treas- its Te. pair 0 Has Gata Felt Shoe Py Tors ede riche in Mi a Griffin eos spending | horse rM irs. o'clock. | iS usin al | that the of the Ciscncat of Glendoe| eh she mn Glen- ¢ from he a few in nti unabated | >” last nto the r has a week eas. ry for Pet- at “Honest John’ Whitehead is another ‘on «was. shi ch “N=! about £20,000, lot sect 900 eres of land ed sew! e A oath pabbase? that Was over’a yard in ‘ as chur ‘ch an au be ven rather 5th. < Sons, Th Washibaten. “times says thing ee it. says: The of these d l-| let alone, too sickening to be | Messrs. Bras, have donated) about two hu ‘und, n . rage sped to Sir Adam Bee Londen oe Ciehay, | tars t ty | Ganadian newspapers should re. in fr ¢ o the Allies will do whon they reach Ber- lin—“It’s a long way strom Tipperary" | and the going is rough. \ Bvervthing in this world is a tang- we taste nothing i no remain are in perpetual | 3 Game ‘Warden William Hartmi has reecived the licenses for dee hunters for .this district from the called to| Game and nee ries Depar ment add 1! the for distribution. Tt i Wore nehy | anderston wely “tittee en | erg "go worth this Yea Sustrian army’ uzaler. bp | Uh has been ro i ey hovelessly "defeat annihilated. in Rass- be the largest he new weapon is said to work out. at French surgeons have discovered that in many cages German bullets cam be extreales the French iwounde: magnets, 4 nian bullets @nlokel placed e magnets will withdraw such halle that brated more ban four tah Tete cutting is required: cases even f An e e has good one abou ‘morahant aR: conoainea of Its alanseyy end. g. Then he merchant x done in Caen: teats acu ne are not over yet, Again the subi marta e has La its ce is driven home by a vwelleatoied province of Quebec has a total Lr, Joo Tobsinger. ts who has se: riod M rs Py r from ‘On aiake vost aitiee. quitted vobsinger La Mautis ist a from w ere replacing the en windmills of Ha Ha op at lately the stecl wind. more and more employ- oa. soci for ak ng. pyimpertad and Sweden wat donation vg) or: the edi kort desk _ inpeiel encod mur, ‘y 7" Walkorton, This with Mr.. Sehnuer a mam-| thie vouetabie ki oe) a alrens the, lat Swelled head can be admitted e highest price for choice | Lt pays, the farmer to} } dollar and costs or pies y d t | peculiar than our it. e%| tains Rngland’s favorite PS veare ago Heigey ipa testion engines] > | fail said. “there is no excuse for this| | man ta nobody was ee hing at the | n Sir Gaon here has car. west that he should Hangar at Canadian Fish.” ae he i. Bey om buy foreign ‘eanand tish brie fo ought to ‘be ‘Ilse Cate and schools are of the jb buildi D a Rood a ools attract) the attention of “our leorrennalag towns. They send in y pupils to the schools and there is nothing which of the | them. Let us encourage ¢| and watch the results, — Walkerton of against the "Ontario Ticen nse Act were | von h vlpeeatbe Lessrss, daily paper, Daily Courier. is announced imterests as whieh fin id of whist M ‘ir, W. H, a hern Railw Britton B, Cooke is to editorial ohiarge. e ily Courier promises to be pri iMustrated vance and_will be issued inthe afternoon, \Sail vation wouking on a plan to saye tne orop of Aonles a Ontario from soing wi Soor the apples will be ies for the use unamp! he Neg! ies who wil take the trouble t y their surplus apples may have igi: nk to Rantve sf be of an Incendiary destroye cooperage shop of Pfeffer Bros. wel (Prfdaly morning. Cire was ered about 4.40 and the brigade Liste discoy- here {fa eer ae building was set fire delibenat eo latest ot most patriotic te large Mnglish bull, standing i ion Jack. with the anadian Beay- i a big draped ogni flog. It shows clearly ‘the nited petra of the ro mations. and dea ublin the Watch," 1 Tho latest type of submarine the 'y are formidable machines their fuel supplies Putting the mean speed. on a scou cruiso at ten knots... submarine ould ‘be capable, of Keeping at sea one hundred hours. ather more than four days. “larger submarines carry ten t redoes so that a foi re biong yessels would be capable of doing in- discovered and dest AUCTIO: SALE / Tuesday. Nov. 2nd—A. Chalmers will sell farm stock and eles on Lot 20, Con, 18. Elma. Hedumes. W. lt) WEIN'S SALE RPGISTER, aturday Oct, 24th—Horses, cattle vehicles and implements at Milverton for F. Zimme¥mann on i ea ee! wrapper or “Pali to SoRhDlE with the | above ot you are % liable to i x68 vot $10 to $30 + for each of *% For fu Hiner Tixmation wrt Butter Wrappers rite dat THE SUN OFFICE, i * CSREES SEE ESE REEE | ft ‘as arrested in Toronto an violations }/ed An+| via .| de chene, « wi} Mr. ne | of - | Berlin. wl view was n le i a inter oh iver’ bake taleulabie damage unless they were) g¢, | (Duench—At 'Elmi Mee eh poe an invaluable habit for more SAVE, because--- Thongh you may be able to save but little, No. 129 ‘ you will acquire prosperous days, HEAD OFFICE ; Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto GENERAL MANAGER: MONKTON BRANCH : F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager A.H, WALKER YUNDT—GRIFFIN A very pretty wedding bre! at the home of Mrs, fin 31 Foundry o'clock when tmatrimony to Mr. Edward G. Yundt, vlin. son of on and Mrs, Yundt. of Milvertoy At the stroke of eos hour the bride a id maiden was attended by the a Yundt, «of in silk i boquet ryaantheumurms, Bist wha eowrned sey vine. wtld crepe Herbert Hoffman. of Waterloo ¢ | Suppor he groom . The room's jah to the bride was a bedutifal set furs, to the bridesmaid an nsueyEsiee wing: To, the pianist pearl brooch nad to the groomsman fat {ty guests w one lprvasntiaihd rthe: ceremony t down to the table being a pink and white, bride's trav elling suit Lied black serge and white hat with On their zetia they will reside in umerous and beautiful) presents ay the esteem whie! the young Cae are bert pha it from Toronto. igville. Milvert: bert Dlnces, Guests anaes poit ton and Rev. J Hay ay of and Mrs. Sate who have scent Copmen from Scotland, Choke honexperivaeey BRSdty bool ng taasaansa back to the fact aad been requisitioned ment as transport i) on ye ps nad LS atner ship Mr Hat rela re al f Inehaing, hie A i Mro- ace pari Kay. MR, oy phrsttarca HONORED Mr, Dave Muleahy, I's ata Hag who is to bo wed. ded this month Miss Hildagard hae ee of Wel Dbaloy was. honored at 8 mantel, clock and rain ih, Mr. ford presided an read by Mr, Se eo, PERTH DEAN RY RYE ona’ filled as ftollawat ‘Strat tg. Rey. T. J, Charl-| 6 ton: mst. Pauls, Stratford. Rey. N, Williams: St, Ma me Rey. F.C, Ryott Sebringils: Rey. . Condell ; Kitkton, Rey. W. J. Taylor: Mit- chell. R . M. Langford; Milver- fon, Rey, J. W. Hodgins; Hoses: ev. . Shaw: Listowel, Rev. 7, Chute: Atwood. Rev. B. K. Hw an: BIRTHS. nigb=Ae Rovteok, fs Oct, Sth. nd untry exporting. Mr. the other day by a Toronto fir {| ALARMS PoE enaeEhaaenaann }Cummingbem—At Ati the mineral ink which is in| * Le aay Oct. 18th. to Mr, and Mie. J, +} erinting parchment had — advanced | # | Conningham. 8 0. .00 to $3.00 per pound, In} BUTTER NOTICE Natihews—At towel. on Oct. 17th, we se-advances we are =| —o- and Mrs. E.G, Matthews. ed to raise the price to $1.50 for}4 “Alf Butter in packages or Sie ehter, 509 and to $2.00 for 1000. ‘These pric. | 4 in parchment paper ----- iss merely ‘meet the -i ein cost|+* must in futu SARRIAGES, ‘are much lower than prices quot-| +» ‘fl ” or aN here. “This means no b fank—Reibling At ank., auilieeiirergth a « Wel Oct. Marie~ daughter of Me Hitzeroth to Str Geo, ‘Milior, Wellesley, eairas 2 eh age 20" da: i fonapall vill, 5 faa ates UA intel * residence. South Street. holy bonds of oresent: ea ue Jobn * A brand at Wa os is I The Perth Deatiors. will'devote Sun- vite ea Mir heerrsiy ried on Oct, 17th. to beat apd Mrs, Wm. Meadows. a). mi eae Miss. Luth- ley Mr, G. Weber t § i sends at New Hambura Brogan: Tofmes spent with “hor Liste sp Stratford alert Miss Mary Di on. is at ve ot Persea te ot her friend Miss ops youn ne este of held beechnut services in t is last Busiey: There was a yery ‘eae this vicinity he | now display of millino) , vs, Bettger's millinery ‘Dare ; We ind new styles but po war ori Mrs, ergusson and M E, Wilson matinee on Monday feuk Nor. ene 4 couple a aties "Nettie Terry oft het Friday last for Rossburn, Man. to be pres+ ent at the foedside of her ater who is quite ill, ir, ft, Armstrong will | pons duct a sale of dairy: cows and stock- wat Bauer's ate Monkton, on Saturday. Oct, Bist: (Mrs. m. of the | 17H west who has been somew! BAS pene W indisposed we are glad t Bj Pieter ty not o 8 riraedd recov _ Fe had hoped for. vill i up ante |wishes to conve: the public Me tema for the Mabe Nt patondis to- parlors during ‘the . agi io of Saas ‘bank’ ai plary ship of ony ite; orth h Golub be va honey 1 tie ry “Gani that extenda ps with his. household Tateaoty {wea moved into (Mr, .J, Johnson's moaslo Owing to the epidemic of by] ¥ ‘non the; also. Mor eveni was) Vices Monkton: An ei monn, Beth« esda in the afte, and Willows | grove wit night will b be held next Sun- day as usu Mr, al rm conple ee . J, Hood an — old cis fay eel a a couple of ave been Mbtitus ‘of a mlanpulication of fifth commandment. h ‘ vi in A new country is at any time trying but in their onse it eitibl ‘cRoberts. of Milver- jamner one of Listo- , pnesem! wook CHANGE LIST course, could be made: quarantine: should be a r cael mortality ue to Tucaday able Oct, 19th. the nictor nh abs surrounding to over- § ae bi iat befor © board iy our Bal oH of ote Tooal talent taking part Wwere* Mrs. lolman. ant he Misses Grele Nenven, Matin. aoe and Me- iselat: lessrs. Bye Hv ‘ow= Gil and Murray, tat ably pS ie a nine ™ oak orchestra. oo) child fternoon. Oct. for eine Union cem ane 8 and as Ere i charge AG co se as hall reat ee aoe a 22nd, at 2 ovelock netery, with