Milverton Sun, 22 Oct 1914, p. 4

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eNOS MILI BANK. HAWKESVILLE. F Mr. Jas, McBeath, of Guelyh. visit. TWO NERVOUS Mr. and Mrs. M. Donald. of Pres: as. McBeath. of Guelph. visi Bi r, and Mrs. jonald. of Pres Clo: g Hours: | j| ed gver Sunday with his sister, are m.visited the former's parents here oT ”s Closing Hours: . Pierce, over Sunday, “a pen Dr, W. Wray ,and sons. of Torogto. __ WOMEN Miri, eeorge Warwredl tent Saturday |]P MONDAY. .......s000700 pam, he Arcade SI +| visited over Sunday with the — for- at Berlin, TUESDAY ....:0:..0::7-00 p.m. FRI 00 1 ie — mer's mother, Mrs. Geo. Wray. Mr, and Mrs. Halman and the WEDNESDAY.........7.00 p.m. For Business Mrs. Hester ‘Tanner "and Master Pink. | is#¢s, Bricker.’ of Elmina. were th Fs in sperit. the n| Made Well By ol By Lydia E. auents of the Aisses Snider on Sunday und, ce uci Li E A large consignment of ©? | triends at Wallenstein Pint Pane ham’s Vegetable Compo t teachers Miss B. Lackner and igh ce A ee es lise N. Donald: attended, the. ‘Teach- iss Rachel Mulcahy visited at Lis = rs’ Convention at’ Borlif’on Phurs- a goods, among them the towel on Sunday. Philadelphia, Pa. at garters day and Friday te bait R We are pleased ta feport that Ar, 08a of DASE Lies “ee palpl- |"“Among thoes’ that “spent Sanday ‘3 and Mrs, G. Mueller have arrived) [7m of the heart, | with Mrs, Stedelbuucr were Mr. and safely at their home in Amsterdam. mat 3 a 5 ‘ed Holtand. Mrs, Mueller was formerly tson, a] just unpacked, iss Jean Freeborn. Mrs. John Ott isiting 2 . ipo neiar yt RRS migtioe Hwa visiting her Our stock of New Fall Goods is now complete in BD srtiices wet Ae alt. satay le tttdng ne aml Cede i See eae in Beast govt in, Drosa i} Table on Saturday only H ‘oods or Silks, We keep on buying all the time, so fin aa iat is again on the sick li in the Northwest, y’ 9 EB gctronataynataw anys ) Hamilton and daughters 's, ME.) Weichel, of Ele you will always see something new at our store. thing before offered. of Wellesley. were gala at Mr, were yisitors at Mr. George | en: Bam{lto Be aha on Sunday. aT rs, he ee erie Ind. re was a business 52 Our stock is complete ing the past few n Thursday. Ladies’ Coats | and we take pleastire in Sul pena oe in Ontario Rea Vegetable pacar ged sion erey hp Bi ie xoturcied lost wie Eo | eat wi er brother. see! ox a fe r t = showing. eae ty ™ | the medicines the doctor left meand be- !Giiackey Alta; Atewery strong with us, .We.cén pleaag you | i Mr, Job Pender. of Mitehell.syent | gen taking the Compound. BeforeI| Mr. Georne Dreisinger and friend Hig ie gil for 4 try-on on. Children's and 7) Highest cash price paid Sunday ‘with his _varents: nd| had taken b alt's bottle Tes ablote ait | of Spent Sunday in the vile eee lor hides and skins, irs, Chas, Pender. up and ina short time I was able to do Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Hawthorn anal all my work. Your medicine has proved erdebaieand Sfnis £1 Foratell Stanfield’s Unshrinkable sons spent Sunday “at Mr, Henry] itself able to do all you say it will and I rand a Ade pony : A Forvaton Bo Soe Albus cay oe PRS sy Me h ave recommended it in every househol : * ee nder R. MILLER san tha atin) Tee Smo, 3, eines sent. Seas en a : Inspector Trwin of Stratford. visit- 210 Siegel Street, Philadelphia, Pa. at He‘lketbe fe are sole agents a Milverton and vicinity ti it hin wali fa | cd the school here on aa Another Bad Case. Mir, and 3 B. Schoeneroof Hetd for this celebrated underwear. Four grades in “ Wm.’ Youmg has disposed of | Bphrata, Pa.—‘“About @ year ago I| cere abe 3) PSeasy pitti then: gon mens. They are perteet fitting. === his property here to Mr. D. B. Gr Quite a number, trom the Sunday evening service Cut Out and North Morninaton chu ) Won't forge’ kg lotic concert a Mrs. and . . in f day ing Pro. | un samnbiondt comfertin “abe Kee Price List x neces at lock. i improve. I wasso weak with ‘Mr. nnd Mrs, Juco Pp Rev, Doan. of Monkton will ocoupy ind Mrs, A me “Lodia B, Pi Knipfel and Lloy n pulpit in the Methodist church a Sunday at the usual hou Overcoat Time sin St. Clements | | Ale: Sund. Oyerc cusn’e'are bere, Boy's Coats in es and prices. Come in and see them Boy’s Fall Suits Now is she time to be thinking about your New We h Kk. Bal Ww é always have a fine range of es! material always on hand. eee ee cocviow was held 4 & ods 1d length required | j. wah Ra af ge) held: in i Goods so ang, eogth reaviced| senor ehureh on a rida fat nna sonore m Bate iW, ; ret to, the he STANFIELDS We garry a very lange stock and ean give you Can’t be Beat and United 8 oc. nd ‘5 a suil an in- ie a the palo aad pevached ” ay-| | If you want sp peclal adv to,|_. Tir! Bawin eialde’ spank Mtohiday gt : TT i Seebh telel ii ne 2 REDS T i States Navy 4 plugs ur arges: vropristely tor the-edsaaion. [wo new} Lye ta E. Pinkham M fedfotne Co. hae bi dat tke t for 25 cents. members baat cps d to seas attuned h| dential) Lynn, Mass, Your letter will | ¥ i > fl Th ‘ordimaare at notion wan| anual uma, Maus Your etary mogroux ae an Making Ladies’ Swit... ie infant cbild Woman and held in strict confidenee, | airs, Lindsay a St. Marys. visited All other 8 to 10¢ 1b Tobacco 10 Cents a Plug 3c ng of the | | of Mr Win Chicks. 3c 1b. Fowl 19 well NPR ees in Wan iiebt and family. Monk @ Tac Ibs Geen was EIB OM EY on. have ‘moved into Mrs ka’s 3 = ; ad. 3 of Li ay. : usc, oMr. R is at presen ui. em- = Making Ladies’ Skirt gave an intresting dad: hepa ee uae et ployed at the elder and chopping mill ul talk on the consecrated lite Lunch aie Miss Reibling returned last week F ne tv id At wooc ; bee iui baleactiak Tanita ven, anccatls tnd. & esctat hen , bas patehased a en ‘tons nN | from a visit to Michian “The Arcade” ‘and get your order in now. nse oe ring of tho day atspiuited tol sk nd aan se NER Mahob visting Dir. es or hia of ea 5 é ut Mil "i t spen hanksgi er ilverton «a On: Re er Mo e ¢ left Ins . All goods made up in the }s Sabbath Sp fealoapriat sougheraag aaron Nae se ao eri att apt cemnstol At} | z New York style and all work is| new se ‘a business visitor here da Wed | for some | ichenck, of r Miss “Minnie 8 spending W days in Ro i Holloway ‘daughter Annie was united in the h F : 88 Tat OF he geiti wil ese A sicallaw pool ah: vt enna es J.M. FLEISCHHAUER Andlating.” ar tale rom the |“) arches vosition in one of the Toronto | aay. ut her houie in Tavistock id bonds of matrimony to M i : 3 | week. guaranteed, voun| the ABee or antag UE ANT: Baap Tek Sha eA ‘ 1 ounge r, and Mrs LADY'S MMEN'S TAILOR, MILVERTON | cordially invited to uttend th ea | ale Baker. of Stratton: a.°6) "Tiss Germildine’ Séhenck. “ot. stints memens MonmeRAE non SE Br, Ts. nvited. to. attend this series| visitgr in town last week ryan ae Set Mates ~|Charles Miller, Rey. A Stock 1 hal - ka on one of the|" Miss Mabel Raines spent the wee i Pee SOIR a Xe Se eee the nuptial knot, Mi Doer- F: u versonasces in the] cult wich friends in Hessen: and Ne = "Miss Priced. Yundt isnt present | Sum ably aéslated the brid white Me _ CENTRAL tie Chas “haby Rega Ne Rep a ini Amarr Ro |-vis siting, hen sist Mrs. W.-F. Nickle | act ea te ; a ; Ri Ties * a We will pay the Highest Market Pri for C E a ee ee it, Fred ax, Jr, has retu Meg y igheat Mankst rice for Cread, bur visi tionds in Palmerston] ig toronto after a two: weeks” ve 3 . of Stratford. | fume Ba ah elivered at the facto Rlewed Che oeraint athince eek foll i the ceremony, ign with his parents ke A neaeh m peo i an ate tins Zulaat. airs F CANS SUPPLIED FREE STRATFORD. ONT. spent « few Nickle, and baby. — of town and vicinity last week goke auraifon ® Milverton ; Seale “indeveons6t. Atwood. 1a 2 ira tort spent “a x i 3 Sauna GS " hea Soh endfor ee “her aister, Mea, Stanley Buchs | , SP. Quinn has eanites work | h |higune of Mn Rleatey PS ipl ises PR ers phe Bus| Pearl PEAMEPY; ontario Kraduaten.a school with attack but, is able! “the Evangelical schureh iv at pres | Cie" Dy the anniversary of § Faperlor cout ees nnd tore. We publichsthiinteaan. Aca [ent he ing nnowated hi Hed i ies 3 ee on wghe tip of Noy gh Hedi atonetcne pent ra yhas| Ba \dhdlyy, 6 enunk by ety ane a Dall ae RPO <saeeren pis a ‘ et and is bi aut nettt hy si “ ere as usu vd _with thei cousin. Miss | 7) . pialicl eng anes wach esi | oMareshers are busy im this neigh- engage bsthodd. At present there are four ay ater ter for the Seong bb-Lba, auerouddlag et. Robinson will | condtt Pana eoed ee machines within a radius, of 1% miles . friday ev- eve. shallepae Doll says he has cwenty-four $A Vou Tried Ice C ? Mor thee Haake our Fat the home of Airs ee ea sigan wp ave You ried our ice Cream adhe Baturday Da aaa 3 " rt ‘Middlediteh and re = uy Vid fra joe eae a car of sugar beets la . ™ Ce en box Ar. and Mrs. Joh Schade and Mr.) mhursday at Gadshill station. We sell it by the DISH, CONE or BULK. Morafageon obureh on rine Rhelthurdt Jondt, of Mor apentl.” Meeiies, ate, Becomtie aul en ars playing: Sunday hore with, friends and” telt-| ene ie this boro SS Miss mi tives, 3 J ; S EOF eon Mr iy cy The Sanaa toate oles on, vot | F Minas Anni, Seid a Habe Bat Ge issuance confers a S WE ALSO HAVE A NICE LINE OF ew hours at the home ry a ae vd, of Monkton. spent Sunda "4 schoo! had d. H ate! H Cuthbe orton on Sunday Jas oS SING Moet Poked {the home of Mr. and Are, F. Bivour.| Now! the litle Deena aie ito! igars, Pipes and Tobaccos -!- Chocolates, Fruits, Ete. 2 The Dor 1 Meth Gray nite he ete t sympathize with. ; y when. Miss The home of Mr. and Aes and High nes Jootball M ’ A v r was made happ' raspy: : gail ware hee eltga made haooy eeently § WEIR’S RESTAURANT, -- Milverton fowl. Paice awit be serve th cay " thenan chuseh ta M th ‘Mire, Allan MoMane, — of Perey Waddell. of North i G % ce Hewson ant i tite aS ce bes — ——- fox, spent Sunday at Mr, re iL Mexcon 6 i | Battonbe Mr. James Stratford. ‘ave 0 ues e da ends i ill, Gilmer spent, Sunday} Strachan Rocher: High i nt “the home of the b Pruith . ta vwith tends “Th f. > nea Mrs, Burhett. 8th con.| chell Liat ee Wi ade. "ate A As spent. ‘Mr. and Mts, T, E, Henry?’ Strat- " * 1 . ane nae t pee : wishes of @ hast piueniends ford, spe nt Stinday. with friends hero, our ew uit— WINTER TOURS wr. re (Ay MaCourt who — tas | Jolly: sar ;| bended to the Youn couple. eaten ‘vine. Hartolt 1s sponding spent the past six months in the West e ostettler vis-| few see sin the Classic Ci eempleting his settler’s duties om his| team won the tirat, ogg es od frie atives In Strat \Qarles Murr and his ne q TO THE LAND OF rt mer ls Kc Rhee , ens nares er neckiee is Se 1 d j % Fiber “ sone completed iS ¥e Pind B 3 hursd ir wnd wi avend arage ie ren Kerr tnoved s family to| house las’ ecker a Feet . . Sunshine & Summer Days the hom of Nis parent aFWe store, Te will be a fine building Baden © pawbbicsh hay 28 ‘i de weit he efore placing your order, come in let us show d Mrs. B. asOourt. when complet oe All ‘of our: teachers. the| Mr. Anthony Weiss. of — Stratford, you our new lines of suitings, We guarantee to CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA ; Henry and little ea Sauipe? moachrs Convention at Inst. | ig sendin a deve davediwithablac Pade 3 : UISIANA, ETC. rion. gi ‘oni atid Mra, TRALEE. ed. ni heres please you in both fit and price, Mii as alta GAVE aired avs) recently. chy eee party, was given to att | tas, ato | Henry of Woodham. faving direct Hection nt Detroit Messrs Reuben Barr and Alexan-| Most of the fall «IT wlowehin hasbeen} amd Mrs, Alex, la, day Thanksgiving at her parental 4 Bofiato for che Bouthern States, 1} dor Cockwell spent w very enjoynble | oqmpleted in thi rhood, when a few o! e here. | be sa behest evening at Silver Corners recent! vir. and Mrs, vat Glenailan:| asembled and made the “i ‘it MOANINGTON | N SMITH Ghe Up-to-date Tailor eaplatin q s St of| ionts of a ORTH MORNINGT 2 IN. waste it won eta ack ld ad Misa Willa Barr called... oni Season uigtan vito Mn fen: |-<. fibe, tobkeing eal ; | ‘ PULV ERT ON: oa fom tennge,TeseeY Wood's on Sunday last, mg was spent and Saud by heat W. Waddelt visited’ Elma ind atkend-to ai d tah sin co Jack Soott’s mew pri ei ery large gathering nase led | friends on, Sunda ~ wie was ews ch Agent, z dave last week with: frends in rath et i molt sin cea expe RT an Men pee sh ge ames es ay i on paraary wvhank ot WN th Ae Ri Streets, int epener Mesers, D. Geiger, Tx Wright and. z Seth lest "Wodhodday. when iho rane cos shuts h were a de --——+--- th Stuart: ob Graton. od ine mace impressive | ser+ iat pie F, CRAWFORD, Phone 15, Local Agent BAS CMEER VILE: i Miss Wanda McLaughlin spent Sun- —_—— - iaivdded for last day afternoon with Mixs Margaret Apvle picking ix the order ot the Wad. mons, Those who phiiiy pea at the — a Mr. ia jam. 'Tor- “Por weit nee. of br Bossi Mv wae on > te isses. Dan, of Lebitnon: called on Elsi ae Tornamee. of Listowel: Mr, Will, Don- . t Mr. Lew Gamble and Miss Emmel- tis here on Sund 6 00: orning ine Gobouldt, of Milverton, attended « late caiowar i cented EBA gr teppei teed a Me per hh # By theostine in this neighborhood. vibioce abepinee st? Notth auteacies Coghlin, of Listowel. ama, . Mrs. J; Lambert is a y ill, ‘Sunday ‘last, 2 Mir, Bort, Jones yvho is suffering We are Introducing Mr. Wm. Coxon entertained a fe w | ve waleen? “Mit land’ Btna.: Meinon'| Ate prom, ‘oke is not improving ‘ax ‘ American Sil of the youne veople Garey into our Mm! nds wished for. We would like You to call Ameriony Cashiner leat Maa and: Mee. Hofkashu. sot Beak: eens te | and see our fine line of eee nena LY eee Higot) atchewan, spent a day with Mr. and com. has return rs, if icinity. lex, Wood. H oO Ss I E R Y Ray canter: of Carthage. is} Miss Genieve Stricker has returned visiting her parents Mr. and M Ui t6. Her hone in Linwood. alter sapends | Aarteindu'Gottunvlatala we of zi t of the church the basement of the chureb, . hasement of the church | Regina Watches, 8 ed for. rs. Fred amd David Thorpe. of ‘rouble to Show Goods Tote phere: ee Wey W Ye stood the tent. Give rn, Ed. Smith * and R, Ray.| ine * week with her cousin Newton, spent Sunday at the heme of at 1 {ooteemifort. No scans tot. .B | onatt Tha he- ona purabasod nev race Bd. Pierce: O:P.R: agent spent Mr. Levi Wat i ever become boa e or baggy. UT organs, - i eee EE ean 2 det yeehote dione: a & Olrs, G. Capling and sons Roy and| Sundey with, friends in isto ikea This is the B HAMPSTEAD | P. H. Bastendorff, GUARANTEED, for fiignets, A a eying Day xinson's On| Riddolls.. ot Listowel. called at the ahs is the Box WAALS, dact at the home of, | Jeweler and Optician + dd e met a e ar , Hsly stain wn’ Parkinson apent a day in} bOme ot Mire, W. H, Armatrona, to get if you have ates “Gea, Rupert on Tuesday afters “| without ostock. ‘ Z ee, te, W. Ranney and igen. ATi eee ee ee save tx | [ANY Kidney or} [Me andar soho Henry ona — L OFFER Mabel spent Sunday at Moncton, meee GOVERNOR. EX- BI Master Rebb.e ‘spent Sunday at the 1 (Miss Elsie faff spent = Tu naaee OVERNOR. me of Mr, Mrs. arts IDDRESSED to every one secding us $1.00 in ith ee friend. Miss Ella Whi (Exel aren = t Bladder Trouble atte bee Tost yi meet at} [401 TO WOMEN } urren: postal nate to. aes ney -former Governor-Genor- ik the Rae of Mrs. loMitan oe Advertisiog_ aud shipping at of Oanada in an addre nothing jt ae goat ait do | saya the Expectant Period 3 Dh eis d stitute of industry and) Jor Ling Just a ia, \ samy Ag alle are ringing in ¢ ry guarantee, by a five sneer ss this one preseri need vicinity. be a Before e coming of the little one—women need to be million dol rang either Pee part tien i milion Oa ba hae Sembee teas pills, ‘Vou can get it pital dealer Healer ha the eek sessed of all their n naty ural strength. Instead of being Leet 3 5 Pairs of our 75c value * 3 Sy RE oe tae’ b Germans): said in the say Pagh. spent. the wee by forebodi harassed E 4A md to attend the funeral of her uncle in| “love the canditions sa ee find : lend prs ale uncle Mr, J, Stewart. y forebodings and weakened b; Dee aloeblesseiseas aa me vs Mavistock, in Canada as much as they hate the} J) Be sure to ask for “GIN PILLS! or nervousness—if ee will bring or 4 Pairs of our 50c value Mss Margaret Anderson returned| carfditions. which they leave’ behina| J ®%4 see that the box you are offered KINGWOOD. American Cashmere Hosiery, er spending the past week| and. if we can obtain a large influx| J bears the legend “GIN PILLS”, aes Dr. Pierce’s Favorite | Prescriptio or ends in Guelph. such immigrants into our domin.| J together with the mame, National Miss M. Smythe attended — the ° ma 5 nd Reis spent Sunday | ions we shall have a combination /of| | prugand mid Co. of Canada, I | wachers’ convention in ‘Berlin, on) |. or 6 Pairs of Children's Hosiery. Paty his Henry Ries, of | German culture under free institut. aa 46 Cre) ere a ae Whursday and Friday of last week. you will find that sapere the suffer- Give the solr; sie and whether rton. 3. pon migh At all di Mr, and Mrs, Duncan’ Dewar , and ik ae not sae its 3 fad cate ta det (Mrs. Geo. Braden. of Téronto. is at} upon wenn $2,60—Gin Palsaiey, may re ia a foim'ly spent Sunday with Mr. and tion rs he. own ofa sito fo study , DON’T DEL Die capive sie Re eee eager the United States nnder the mame} | airs. Robertson of eres Eaathove. of a fat Ma jut t Sas tian eats fio Its continued sup- in Quipp. ent Quite a number from-here-attended menace its particular field for more than ‘or ‘ sabi dealer in oe locality is se- (Mrs..Cbas. Walker and aon petra Mic, Butler's adlénon ‘Docadey, ot she Tenet to be'derived from ite orty Seana ta an Aseur- h spent “Sunday with friends in reed ‘Mrs. Margaret,.Moore. Miss Olive A little baby girl has egme eal. eladden the h and narcotics nor aleohol will be found jn this Jacob Erb, * Congratulations sid oe ‘able Form so ols by druggist or 0 Trial bos wil Be Think ‘some one else instead ot Address Dr. Plerce’s Invalids Hotel, Buffale, re Seah aa you will not have a hart Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate liver ond beets Faeanttoaal: Boag Co. preeenecrnenee P.O. BOX 244 If you want to subscribe for a daily DAYTON, OHIO, U.S.A, = paper call at Helin m perl ee wae give you your Gees ences | ies. Mt Donald “on the townline,

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