“Safety First” Prepare for the cold and wet November weather by laying in a yood supply of the celebrated Stanfield’s Un- derwear for ladies and men. Absolutely unshrinkable, No advance in price, Our stock of cold weather goods is now aaa We were very fortunate in having a large stock in before the prices began to soar upwards, and. goods that arrived lately were bought ahead and filled by the manufacturers at Old Prices, so we are giving our customers the benefit. Come and see our assortment of Ladies’ and Child- ren’s Coats, Men’s and Boy’s Suits and Overcoats, Coat Sweaters for all. No obligations to buy. In groceries we have not kept pace with the advances in the wholesale market and can save you money. Bring us your Farm Produce, highest market prices paid at all times. WEBER & BETTGER “Monkton’s Popuiar Store” SHORT STORIES RETOLD, * EXPLAINED “What's yours?” ae and roll: ir f those iron-heavy quarter- Web, (hiokimuanlot cortee ate pushed 2 fastidious per- He looked under count son seemed the mug and over wea where is the saucert” w “he ine t give mo saucers hi w \did some low-brow’d come pili an’ drink out of his saucer. an’ lose a lot of our swellest trade.” FIGURED HIS CHANCE we'd ookey wag taken filion’s wisitts aoe afriend gave.him — the of a actor. to whom to go. ore and said; noe medic I'm d iEcents te tieat women oe Whyt asked the “Well.” replied the Ty go in whe " Pe name. to WAST aD Bx-President Princeton. ae Sc had br at a anelaen d the diet ‘eby ght sev five Pounds, et." he and FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: “Three Stars” and “Purity” Two of the best on the market Who! BREAD Wrenval EGGS A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty - - MONKTON, ONT Cash or Trade for | GOODS RETURNE. an old darke visited a Sostas ere. Rastus You forgot to pay me” ‘hat boss?” en d the doo- wi suh* naw suh; T ain't tuke it.” and Rastus shuffled “Na mwine out PERHAPS YOU KNOW? Begorra.’? fore ye be the ct will be ond ve at zone "so of su ° expected ay whin, fut what happens. WELLESLEY COUNCIL. fhe municipal council of ship of me He: aly et pure nme 1 © rosshill, Ovtob All nesfd the town- my Manny the 9 at 10 o'clock in the members present the d jeations. bills and yFE Kay that fee: and ‘that ym Re 115+ Forrest. 2.00; Ed. Smith, BIG GLEARING SALE ‘To make room for spring goods, we are offering goods at following prices Mantle Clocks, regular $12.00, now. “ o “ 10,00 trading 62.25: A tage and phoning iee Vi 00,0 den. 69.80; to, ‘io oF Pe. gs: uintick, putting in cul- st 4 culvert and Habn, gravelling ete. atedler. planking Teint 3, rep. culvert 2, “ “ “ 8.00 oc! for, Watches, ree, #30, 00, for $15.00. 00, for 10.00, Brooches, reg, a, 80s for $8.50 5.00 Brdsiuing is ae Me go at same eee ee BP eiiste a ‘this chance e alsovhave a good line of Silver mola’ reg. 25 he Wwe are going to clear out at “The Jewel J. A. HANSON, Monkton, ~ Ont. The Cold Weather will soon be with us WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF Ranges and Heaters OF ALL KINDS IN STOCK Kindly give us a ca'l before buying elsewhere, we can save.you some money. | We are We are having a sale of Graniteware _this week at Greatly x Reduced Prices COME IN AND SECURE A BARGAIN WHILE THEY LAST M. E. Bettger @ Co 4 tout w woman, we know went down v W, Martinson. gravel and stone 12 65° Haid & Limtick. digging diteh 1 Prk 0 » culvert. ete. funded: 20.00; P. F. Schumm annual salary 297.50°. postage. ‘phoning and ipo 28, Cou journed to meet. ngain Monday. 2nd id day ‘of November, 1914, WILL BE WANTED YOU young ian, What an humble and ob- r and neglect- ‘Take courage, re but ~ all sintucowed thou gh it may be surely enlarge and your influence will -have stant increase. cori- WHO 1s “Wiswert Bdward: Beorett Halo used tourke ug do not know emins would shrink from using their “ time if we did. but are we ways quick to chee finer ual wt sons are char selae Sik hetter than and’ i'n teach us us_somethi! id THOSE NGHT SKIRTS arra: maid in her new autumn gown Nhe ‘felt’ round her mack | lambecing the .|THE ARRIVAL OF THE SPARROW RAND TRUNK 2¥'srem Toronto-Chicago Toronto-Montreal The International Limited “Canada's Train of Superior Service’ Leaves Toront» 460 pam. daily, derives Detroit 9,55 p.m, and Chicago 8,00 a.m, MORNING SERVICE » arrives Detroit ‘o B40 pam, day last ‘TRAIN OUT OF TORONTO AT NIGHT 25 pans arelves bo p.m. dai nd Chica iy with principal talus sand Canada, FOR MONTREAL mn. 8.80 Diam. and 12 revenvations, ete., at mi A A potato record which Will be hakd facto wee established by Mr, Da Beges who due mo less than sv four tubers ee one hill, M rd and 8’ Convention on ay of last week at eof Stratford: spent Heh. w ith her son Robert | rt and alster, Miss Terman New ouls Pommer. of fe days with te Georg Conrad MAGERtsn Vena ateDt sunday in Bere lin ‘The Women’s Institute have given $70.00 in cash to the ‘und sige ‘6,bale-of clothing £0 Hb Red Cross Socict Mr Riau ‘Crookshanks oe brayest kK a tw fo ornare well alist, with the Canadian militia r best wishes go with hin “Mr, and. Ars o. Barkett vent uesday wit Mrs. D. Wray at Strat! io ast itute Gam rausiinnne‘ol ind lula ed im. Admission ; hee, r} children 100, Proceeds will be aevot | ed to the Belgian Relief 4 und, CANADA'S TRADE For the mont bse ih o te plese issued by. Hee a velt B | sera w w vaded: every erivegpemesy tt it ‘hon and nite forced Hani to act pre- qjsely as she did act. She doald not | have Held Up bev head aunong nat. | ions had she acted otherwise. In par- tioular, she y entitled to: the-oraine of all vers of peace. for it is only by “acti ion such as she took that neutality treaties and treaties gvor- ville: wot jos of he quided Britain's forelin policy -#hoite ed siden rence to y standards of rig nbin with firmness of Sine under great strain. Uistoweh Banner Files 1878 style of architecture ably reminds them of the ra nd medline val ised ta fatherly care over “the Tittle aguas ers since aoe located here last fall— March 8. 1878. It is a woman's duty as well as pleasure to appear well Gresteds and i with ill-fitting shoes this is not possible. The py aboue illustration will appeal you as a perfect shoe. pcan Shoes are made in anad: ight ‘Then 'she saw that. by ‘Bhe had put the thing on its down! errrirmiitetitiatiti tet WRECK OF THE KARLUK, Disaster To Stefansson's Flagship It Theté is now no longer any doubt that the 320-ton wooden whaler Kar under command of Vilbjalmut ‘ansson, was crushed in the sunk on Jan, ae pata Herald Island, northeast of S; The entire tea ies cluding a party of scientists, exceptin| jag Captain Robt. Siberia, There he was taken on board the whaler Herman, which carried him to St. Michael, where he now i reasons, It was sent out by the Cana: dian Government not only to discover what might be lying in the Arctle cean to the north of the Dominion, but also to take formal possession as British territory of any islands or even con nown, On rad maps of to-day there is a vase blan inents which might still be he north of Alaska and: Stbei discover what might contain, 0 see if there was any truth in t tradition that here was a mighty c n rodden by the foot of men, the expedition went fort The whereabouts of the Karluk been a mystery for months- the time last ally the water til in the engine n the main batch and the how firsi ‘ost of the proy: istons, scientific in- sank struments and stoi placed on t ward plunge. Two houses were built @ ice: ay covered with sails. a stove in each house, and plenty of 1 toh saved. This camp was call mp Shipwreck and answered its here was sufficient where a camp doc feats an at Nome, the little party was fi St. Michael, Alaska. Bounty on oals. t is announced in British Colum- bia by F. H. ningham, chief in- ar ending August 31| Spector of Dominion fisheries, that under this head | bounty will be paid during the com sinst $17.901.-| Ing year on another 1,000 hair seals. ponding five months| The first thousand seals, on. whic! | bounty o! .50 a head came into force at the ‘beginning of the year, have already been killed and paid for, and the same price has now been placed o the April . Few river fishermen seem to hi mad y effort to get the seals, though their tails are wor rth the aus on seal scalps, but some started quite a in manufacturing these, and the pla ye changed, A French-Canadian Trishman, ea Legialative MeSanell; is the best known law; athe) practicing in the far eastern part of tl AAG ce in 00) and legal courses at Laval sity, aabes. taking the degree of B.A, and LL.M, Taking His Meseute ood ) in the rinewick Leg pean ane Hon. with ving 5 petore hie clection to ase House of Assen: “It is true, ne Speaker, that I Measure for a collar right no f ae ST ; A NEW DAY COMING “The fair a holy beauty of the w day that is even now being lighted *yehind the blackness of the war cannot be seen i fee But tae ae of it tal eyes. and devoted oe souls of dedi "London tone Star A wakes vat HONOR, “This for usa war of honor. ef seven! An ‘spligeations into which and of loyalty — to- i caenieite need.""— rehill, Kiddies sweater coats 5c. & Bons. Enges fand _ Utilizes every heat unit. Flues agranged so heat i is forced to travel over top of oVen in “Made in Canada” . Sold by B. KRIESEL down behind it and twice un- der the bottom before escap- ing to Sianans: See the McClary dealer. A) —_ _* “The Bargain Store” ——= Here is Your Last Chance So do not fail to come in and receive good val ue for your money, as we are offering all the goods in the store at WHOLESALE PRICE All. Ladi so'd at Ww aré made the lates! Butter ai es’ and Girl's Coats must be holesale price. ‘These coats > of the best matérial and are t styles, nd Eggs Taken in Exchange Milverton Bargain Store PFAFF BLOCK The British Mortgage Loan C Established 1878 of Ontario Office: 27 Downie St., Stratford DIRECTORS: . Morton, Exq, J, A. Robertson Metta Capital... $450,000 Reserve $ 270,000 (00 per pital) Assets. » $1,676,265 ly pald on Deposits on 2) dally balances Ao, Intere’t pald on Dedentures rune > ing m1 tod years Dehentur McPherson, K.C. 8 Pilly See our New and Designs in Parlor, Den, Dining and Bedroom Furniture We also have a nice, sortment of RUGS and LINOLEUMS for fall, We Sell The Gerhard Heintzman Piano Attractive new as- Robt. McMane, and Undert Milverton, Furniture Oealer aker Oat. You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop... + HERE has just been plac ‘ ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. 0. DUFFIEL Monkton, - The Up-to-date “ot Ontario eet See OS ee Oe a an eee ss Se Pee ee eS... eee eee