Waterman’s Ideals write with wu equalled ease and last alifetime. Cleaaly and Self-Filling Types. $2.50 to $50.00. At Your Nearest Dealers. Waterman Company Limited, Montreal oolish Young Man Or, the Belle of the Season. CHAPTER XXXI.- maleate Stafford—do you ever remember that I er eyes shone and jot of color} #™m setting old fe 2 eoks. od 10 Howari th a y and with amile of sympathy that, ha ethinge vith which a mockery in it, you cS Ci good bolt father, iy jmiwaye ‘amused by ist be nearly Tam glad; but own lauthed, not {iI-pleased "you think tam pining form core x do not care it is for Btattor tafe! I'm older than you hat Tam glad. Nothin —— Ah, well, we're all food for him no tile too nant” ‘ou could oblige "Dé you think Stafford care Howard y0 tafford looked at him She flushed and her eyes fell before multe. h as ou wanted to borrow e auld, with y deep nigh. | Anything T oan ago do not think hejeares. He seems quite hen laughed n time Sir Stephen and Want of money: Moning sh of a dau ait upon my gain, as Ir he were the ” touch but of rm nt soiueuiteen 9 ta panel oe sald Ho» ing all he knew to force congratulation, rejoicing, Into’ his voice. ir Stephen nodded, and smiled; lips were quivering. Sir Stephent” “I can see Tite: roon fa “pee Lord. Bigheliffer" noid another correcta ,aiaude slid. her’ arm in Btattor as, his ana Will be more nobly borne!" echo- ed. ‘another. man's hatred of its pre- Howard forward stepped “Don't tet him open itfenberg has just Kote ord, in his surprise, cablegram, Sir his head er ‘alling on h’- hi embodiment of s ie opened mn with: the sul 6) _the this oss ang, fend then the crowd of ‘in him. he grew vacant as if he blind, ain here sald, gaze mous. doctor reached’ the father of awful sus- unded Ik all # & moment the mi in ot a. word. beatin Sir phe ght Honorable the iSoraHighelitt for 1 ndfy through tig Aibert of f Belgium. ths ona aaW the ‘then vide fie iooked | The latest, photograph of the fight- i rol oun him aN if he we ch ing ing, for 4 face, and his eves, f 3 kujah ana terror, map, St ree oN Mince wiche with a little salt, few drops of vineger. a jak oo 8 paprika ae ok read lib erally onthin slices of tiead and CHAP TMR OO, place a crisp lettuce leaf between. troke, ae of Heaven's Ushtning.| Bread may be buttered, but to be ne. economical butter can be omitted plain tnd’ sin mpl. stent In that mansion | Mock Oyster Soup.—Ingredients: some sympathy g papers th ‘ te for | ward, | a not upon his 0 a full ne~ of of one Spanish onion, one cupt wo eng one table salt and peppei needed alks 0 mes for table use 65. celery, spoonful of r to taste, mi U ‘se who fhe. fs Bao Saat | the onion, then place Bares first in maways, en's. pi a “the } Lt | ere ia Hef andi co ite gredients in a saucepan and cover Ste make that over to you en lived H the public) Ve) with water, . Ck until very Raper. a to the 1c rds and ladles: whe| “Bree Wood” gaint ot Stree ‘ana ape cess, | avai s ba hs Cock nti i Rave influ political drawing: | grew sot and impassive en ee Cane ery'| tender, then rub through a sieve or , Warwickshire, “But ther ae marvellous and| fruit press. Add butter and as : cad ape would tike to to. ft dit up to the admiration 3 nd'einvla:| mach milk as will. render soup “His task is much &impler and. caster | for yourselves. natu is fellow Eng: 8Y | oresiny consisterc Sea: to an mine. He O08. do" nh att, + | called “him a pioneer, oné who had added than ; Nd sabeemtae aa iris while. ¥o| to the Bmpiro, they hinted at a public) taste, then bring to eg nt party. 6 mda ti | Selwed ‘pte auaden death to, thee molter| Hot Poise alad with, Bacon ¥ the House |cribed his sudden death xe ithe secrets of the| riaes and we Jeave London : star sti ae Dressing neredionts Three cup- Breda mean cht i |i SO Mau | a of id eaten “ea tt we | his faces Fy said, to his medleat ad “who. had apoontul of Mfioed onions, three I ae a0," Ne assented. “It {TU—EM speak to, Maude, sir ices of bacon, four tablespoonfuls be; for, come t6 think of It; a nan lent | sald, trying to Make "his, tone’ oh s of bacon, four tab) fel vig mide 4 peer simply Decauso he brows | ir not, seta lead ; ot vapoeay one teaspoonful of su- a ‘OW Sir Stephen his hand upon Staf- ar, salt and pepper to tast . | ford’: a oad shoulder, word was said about the ’ p very at Mrhank you, iy bey "he sald, | “You gram, ee ‘neon \ delivers Mathoa-sotk onerrand potatoes nd me! Always! & fow moments before his territly thee] wnt) tender, then drain, Cut ba- vite Wales husky, there was | asto Shoma be allowed to plur the} con into cubes, fry until a golden | apainsaie deco eyes which almost made | glory en add vinegar and sugar. is" people ‘come from Btattord's te, ow dim; then, with a swirt| the prosent Beas Tad ig eae it a Jaurhed. ee eae tie hans | t haa eat attends: a at eason ealad to taste, then ea ‘a be iaga hed ma ann er, Step! “LS ithdrew his hands | W! ae he ci 8 up we von there wince, they came! and swing, roun ly, rep ertity ‘the’ cause Toss up ov ie co ag r Heralds’ “1 Baa be one “Maude likes me to bs Goltoie w Vitis ulty tn finding | in the room whan the people come aa spared y Method,—In- of- Something with by ¢ t Sta elt doing | tho on ulway in ait What cane ti ces all the Hp et \ quneral Me fora ade Ee aoe Sepees ae spon One and one- ‘sm! ouRh Fang out a he hurried with | Staifor¢ wy be is 1] poet one tea- Seon always make fvn_of everything, | hts tris n the room. ‘ag | hone ae “Enighett tte can ae on sinhecae ea se : Mr. Howard, If only Stafford would] at his p the Euests nape Wto | ¥ a8 if a pe ¥ Pa Pant |S ca arrives fur trom him stood | #8, 5 ‘eity:| apo - e teaspoonful of Bh jaighea Anda moment afterwards) Mauc Splendor of her beauty; | ‘The a ears te aang a 2 te Poh pa he: ier r lip yeith ine es: A t now, as Howard had | with whe mn ‘the acu a a at st fe tinat | Sugar, one mh sa e ol hii : ool gir) he had) seen hi dt tyes: and calm, a 250) i . PALS ne pay m lk and re wolce in the hall He au Bt tol ay graciou | had happe ms ed ane atter A ne fane pant, one cup i 3 Ava td se al na in and eoted ne gravely, jane wht th et | th " at fret rae water. Method: Rub the eee rd being presen w edi ter | And thi nin omething wrong with Lord| and salt into the. flour, add sug: two conepiring as usual?” saareeaen see cee MY Woneee and Sete to dissolved yeast, then add pe) rok. of Stafford, | ing for an dnauiry. 4 5 liquid, Beat this. the flour, es ate : then cover and set aside about two vets hours or until light and full of ha stil hinting at at. Bryndermer thought, the slo Koning d Forced the conventional 18 Heart, and bowed compla:| id Sir And now L'will go and fn med first dance with a RA cigarette before the! intood Nigh “in the battle begins, Au revoir. 1 Word or % and a St ‘When he. had mong, almost before the door had closed Maude mo d the Sloser to Stafford, and with © mast | beat with 9) econ walts highest honor antleip of shyness and eagerness, put her ‘he me, and— on, Wiis arm. a vi ford’a arm “round her, “How. ood of you to come ao carly!” | With hor head fulmost pillowed on his ahe murmured, in the volce which nly | shoulder she was happy, and her fears, A woman in love can une er vague. doubts and ‘presuntimonts Bho Is address! mia ang loveus| fet Ya” yal aid not coma to Rlehinena Never| “Ah, that Was: good," she sald, with a td igh. Do mot forget —the eleventh, t! Take me to the Prince—he is oll whe aning his’ face earnestly, yopned & curtaey to his and Stafford left her royal Well" he responded. “Why do # he ig way to the end ik, Maude? erg and several Shout you fogked Cred. paler} ct the other financiers tna group nt wee so for some usual; and t talking with even @ seeking Mis.) more ‘than enthusiasm he “ey He 8 nhc a aie ate ould {ana secretiveness. Griffenberg caugh' Well, The hot Weather | hig nem ag he was pasts cy Tlie ‘vat p, 1 suppose. |" “ateard the news, Air. here is nothing sive 4, fit of lnsiness “No, what a were ever lazy.” Grittenberg smiled, it large party t y. . In Orme?” he ask- is it?" sald Stafford, night?” he but rather grave out thing mE fing, done “you. wil Slat. T mae Tho big; ean Btey pea Hier 4 a fol Stor am me to- night= lh F ice, t the peerage will d fs a rd evinced ni ak oaultation d at the o| a to add som muelf und turned away, wud: os Sent rd went on, said in a low voice to haf Wirach a think he has heard? athor lum, didn't “Aa any times rse,"" he said many ‘opportuntttes ht after, a8 usual ‘lene m Looked NORMAN N@ELL IN FRANG E. ‘That of His Sorel; ells pxpertende ‘Tried Country. Norman Angell, the Sselag peace propagandist of Li eae pean pre in France, quires he has bee: wi rom the ontaide world i in a sige ass Of his h “igaldiers, soldiers everywhere. | ? It was ae ci t away from Ditue cheek by jowl sharing land and sides as regards the sit- uation is stri ‘Tn France there is pee a family that has ae suffered privation, in, or loss of a Shetabians mostly The checks ot the Kia b id wealthy persons rex shed one goes to the intention of retu the noxt day, and is ewallowed up. A passes, and nothing is heard OF him, We are told that the train service still excell hich means that a four hi wt Is tho one diandvantage of | be “nt rugged his shoulde ing engaged to you,” she said. “Twice, | Ds m0 He's a shtrange shentle- then. Tho second and ‘the eleventh | m, ceps himself to himself: walts.” | dogs, satlinter Shtafford. He nodded, and stood with the same Ly] we ent on, and one of absent preoccupation in his eyes; and! a, mame upon Mr. Setanta: she drew a little closer to fim’ stills, Wve jatanding looking on at the dune ing and as her eyes dwelt on his face with) with rim countenance, and seemed |. lovern “hinge in them, she Whispered: | havi [Tost’in thought: so much so. that he e not kissed me ye te was almost guilty of a start when Stat- | ford spoke to foes. Went nd ase het, and her, 1 “I Great crowd. Just come in? lung to bis if that. most awful of ape Father, all right?" poals, the ah) sine the prayer from “Quite ell, thanks,’ sald soul that to the soul that retuses rather aurprl gd by tha eae love fn return. | "AC that momenta wervant b “Ah, Stafford, if—if it were foreign cablegra! ey to. smeloonan irlconet were away Jn the country some: | {oreiam cablesram to Falconer nt x pale. we go?" he asked, with “Anything the matter?” asked Staf- absolute Iditteres to, the, Bockat {plots tora ae eke which were be! Falconer looked at him fixedly and curiously, then igs & shake _0) his head moved away. fford smoked a] nit, Stephen wants. cigarotte, and Baantered back to. the| ther fagKed—" fe pa ot | Piper: ears ‘ain, @ me: rests | 1 The) over— per-! sane rest of hy mel. a t Her jue a Hush) You have comes! (You. bad boy, “ap aout Stator paid: little heed—forgot nmap kh _iearranned the Words ux soon as no “hud heard it as she pare ba) cr thaw? aud, went. in it i St . Fata oe nave ie er.’ While be was dan cing, he Pi | a ty ar a ig iv fut Bir’ Stephen cttered a moment after Svere of that peculiar. st hat utter | she had left the rom, tie looked eaeged in fornight, ag she had said; but bis face “happening, UC, UP At EC of Stattord. thi an DyIS he exclaimed, holding ‘Rroup of pera Stafford's band tor. & moment or two all psorned excited. There was.” loud and scapning him with his usual expres- dden and | spasmodic sion of pride and affection. "We ments as fresh auditors to Boing to have a big hight: the greatest Poup Qorne. up. MUrEIAdly ane erus) iumee hind.” Diane usly Manide's” ‘volce?” hat is the matter, Att Orme?” aske Stafford aad that she had just gone! nits Sir Stephen nodded n.usingly, and glanced at Stam eave “i supbone the aiasiy® buriy. will be them. ntly,” he ‘and we “Staftord—s 0 the country. Where would but wally Sou"tike to gore {phen Statord shrugged his shoulders, and sir elas fh ave fim Tathor sa vi eda girl with whom he was dancing As he spoke ‘h aude detach aT from the” group and abprosch herse bret The eyes pe ea iy pees fi said, and his rich voi 3 ae e just heard—they have Dushed. just me ‘Wouldn't it be rather hot }. He held up an offictal-looking paper at Ms saa sir? Why not Scot- al with, the great red seal on the aa Vherever you like, at ake tis from the prize mint pocrase, in a ve Wate ollll gon soins. voor Oe tne thei eras leert pe An Se Yea. place, Weill go there. And, Reka ater “thing mind? What do you say then?” 8 Was th brought mn ” 0) boy. rere wey een cr Glonfare ‘sir,’ congratulate you, sit,” he a try- accomplished with luck in. 16 or 20 hou aes recited some of the ru- ors current daily “Your local paper tells,” Mik eal ee that the nidigient have ent Berlin and that Pots- aan Palace | is in Phen you French tins. whole spies arres| nied Advertisements. ar ing Pi esTenal pulled down: by ihe officials én’ the groundythat they contain some subtle form of German espiona: “Yet the sions ark whom '¥ seep are 1 good hiieor and Midi eneae 7 “Sometiongs they are the most ‘unmilitary | taires, good xd, honest; bourgeois, running to iat and » partiality for meals, a chance to avenge uite Safe. An American clergyman was once n Indi oy wa | going out sked “he et oH itwas safe t ie them yA while ie ban to the villag: id nee “ft the chiet anuivéred’ There is not a Se ewtia w hundred miles!’ Shop girls. in’ News-York | number over 100,000. man city bubbles. Now beat i half more cupfuls of beat hand. til double in ec 1 Corn 8 rom slightly frit na a vo cupfuls of corn one ane f wal souffle is se Lima Bean beans cooked slow! in until rv with as if feel one tables] pont: Season. tablespoon vine ne aeiies Chu we pou should be » put in ao slate d ois euct ed out eles chop! lame cotta eae alt, Ne li vinegar. Rais’ fine, may ‘be fide fl Household | | mir Y| bo silenced by rwbb: contiawally Paint dan be remo ing PY saturati or three timés with out In 86: Tea is used for gi antique tint; coffee Nee ce sired is reac! washed in. a eupful o! Cover an souffle,—Made of pone on pe cob. Method : the eob, season utes in boiling water. some Se, “and silver” eae may in one and one- sifted flour and raise un- Bi divide into greased roll or pans, filling two-thirds au Tet ‘aga alt an hour, then ‘b 5 Pan B aked pare or then This left-over Serape nd pepper. To pep) add one ouptul well en. x thoroughly and bake in a, $43 n moderate oven lca eee be Salad. eaten at once lima twenty min- Den aae y to marys in awl Minkal Pokoesspelire peat four eaten olive: oil, ear led last. _ he A ine ry ane ‘a he wa- To a dozen, large dand seeds sérap- ping, allow green and all shopped ttle sugar chopped also. six pi Hints. Be sure to boil soda in the coffee May some! imes, ‘nig with oil. cleaned. with naphtha will turn yel quic ran the button side of a waist on a folded ibath towel, buttons turn- ed dona Tt will prevent them froin breakin, When tering hot bread o: wed from cloth: ips ose are une all pats of 0 | ammonia, rare ts spentine then, wash ving laces for ecru. be fh in sas strong solutions and clean water’ till the shade be warm water a teaspoonful of amonia in it, Dry with soft cloth and polish with atisaibia leat ew gloves between the ts ea La Arai hour being worn, They are much damp makes with ry ‘ood ry rm water to which is added a little common soda or housebold am: mon After exprldered Le snd pil- low cases becom e jonogram may be cut in circle and used again oe nly feather-stitching it on the new material, A lump of soda dissolved in a lit- tle hot ae and added to the blu- ing water on wash day prevents the Plains from settling in the clothes and makes them perfectl; 9 hite. Kerosene will do the work of a of the cleansers on the market Re is. much less expensive. It is excel- lent for cleaning the tub and tiling in the bathroom Land equally good for the oiled floo urtains or sta’ to washed should fits? is ‘isid in edld then wrung irom the cold nd placed in ob vi in a goodly allowance of ethne has been per When Siesta, in gas set the container with pisterial’ and gasoline in a tub of boiling water ‘vhile ier, vaber, pan vous, take the Bane as y housewives find it conveni ent as well m3 Nini eed raat a good onde! it answers the PF er just as as fresh milk, and is always healthful Naheh milk perfectly esh. more cat ok. THE FIGHTING FRENCH. to Arms When ‘ance Is Threate “Tor ue ies it Has been one of the characteristics of Anglo-Saxons to affect ‘to aaa the #eondh aa nation, 8 never been fashion: able nor aie to. despise 7 but the nd tioms affe ee that the 1 era people ai cadent,”” sa; he Beaumont, Texas, Enter; “Their attitude toward our par- ticular brand of religion has never ted, for it is an Anglo-Saxon t to worship God according to ihe dictates r own peyeritet ag from. «dk Rush Beloved ri rb rend polite as do not seem to ma their seriously as we We Fr rent polite, Beh eles minds the is gai firs a ‘ee wa ath “We quarrel ¥ their ad- ministration of law, if seems trivial to us, forgetting how atro- cious our legal French are @ s but pr mapa DO more rotten is, hn ir social vices than we are. shocked Beni the Pr Gackt binth eae asing, W. ant gentry ago, ¢ found the French Jecadent in peeeeritm But what fighters they are How these Pe “ke wpe oe to “pe ed rance en. nd wih orice fighters rie are, especially on the offensive. ee rench drummer boy who pold epee Mees he had never Iearned o heat the retreat, but that he poral “heat a charge that would ad a typical “Tn this war the French have rushed to arms just as they always have when their Grist y was inyad- ed these tho “AN classes of nee pie joined ‘the colors, from the pera y the ancient noha from laborer anker ; ‘fon, ‘the cook to the sane on the dt “Even those socialis opposed epeheterreay hae wait bi scripted, The; have foined tha colors vaubitasdlee ustaive Herve, the Ss del ile, cur is said to hav spent eleven Srna ah ot his oe in pri- son becaus cans ‘to militarism, ida ainuiened a piatomet former Cabinet “Minis wv anciers, leaders of fighting in the ranks, they ute feahting: a achmen @ fought from, the davtn'of ib: Pita sonlislovena good (ip highbrows may argue’ out thad the French nation is decadent mor phys ; ae ie manner in phe the F eee f are maintai vy glorious tra- ditions ‘in tse not 2 one war the theory’ that the nation t trog shu in, virility’ and in tank ‘ina ss A Mean Offer. First Maid—That. rich young fel- is ler se piste Miss Ethel awi Second Ditto Whabeanakes you thin Firat -Wiy, I heard him say jer: ‘A penny for your fron ned he-a- millionaire, mind you aera “You mustn't give up Dope. this,’ said the doctor. and you wall “bode r. a like Soni y Seas actly the same Pla omhoh cophalethe. Ce dene gloomily, ‘but you didn’t have the same doctor.’ Bini depen holds the key to t PHATE OF ohe. SULPHAT WINNIPEG ALUM 1S somerines, reenennes “ ———— —. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT, , ‘ , 1 ‘ ; 4 MONTREAL ld 5 AN IMPERIAL MYSTERY An Editorial in the St. Louis Republic. ene pena nd Pein France, with their hig! ralized and logically wees out: ‘Gov ernments, have ee leks the fabric knowa as sh Empire they have Pei Stee of disdain I there was an instance of “muddling along”’ through decade even centuries, taking things i avoiding issues, ex- feaapey ing. expedients, and work- always for the object, immediate- le" 4 with pant reference to any principle of outward consist- ency, it is dipolied. is the story of the reel of the British pire. his is a strange gathering together of Crown Colonies, Do- minions, Protectorates, a Common- flavor] compo eh mas e Isle of May are governed! unde their own ficials are oppalatan: Uy ‘the C rear Canada and Australia are ‘both erning, but the Senators in answer you, m ne h ms) othe tif sou of sta King’s cabinet, e self-government ounc in the more than pif rinite of the British Empire, on his fearful and baad ic has no central body ‘Bundesrath’’ or evil fe ‘ouncil. No collective exten of its units is\mossible, The renenh to them of the Mother coun And all gradation: batt by yout? sleepy, am.”” ing. It is molasses, which a2 spoil in its mak and the good spirit burned beneatl not with, ee) task suet pacing of Mis. is. And inal * he don to meviontns and "oack ain “hs a mighty, ‘Mot girl, a fil, that, dear send me to bed when I’m soggy; itis greasy; it is leas ; ib tastes ge the roller sition, compact of glue and every taney prin- It is unworthy of the a ns is brought to ngs Ones Te will compar arts, f » the strains o! becy gonianen ps En €s grow dim with Me British Empire is unseien- t is unreasonable, But it is » With the greatness of the PSS RN, ie hres Year Old. ” said a three-year-old t think you know mu detnging up children, do “What makes yo i v! “Bewause you always not a bit and make me get wp when I illogical, ill-defined, To the tet is er accustomed to the Tederasion of ‘the American States or of the units of the German Empire the Govern- ment looks planless and ineffective. All of which is prebminaty to the observation that nee et pa a aoe ‘present moment any institution in the maids ores he political fabrics than the British Empire. Whatever its machinery Ae AMEN Ee supplied by its spirit. arn detects at its bod ay ake made up for by the unity of its The tack. eanhow ee gsinsaid “tat England, who does begin s logical vo i ae Ly OF as 8yS- Peale as reer in matters of government, has nevertheless the knack of making men step out of their own free will to die in her fence. She has the gift of keeping alive, across tumbling seas, reund half a world, the undying bond ay unites the heart to hor 8h shown herself indifferent. to the hers session of taxing pa colonies These colonies willingly tax ped selves to send her warships and thelr sons seize their rifles in time as C of strife to go to her aid. She h the wisdom to train and guide the swarthy children of alien races, and even the es of yesteryear, that they put their bodies between England and BnLelatS 8 enemies. She has a fea ly mud- dled theory of aphaerng ub Man practice of government lays ‘hold on the deepest things in the soul of man As we contemplate this wonder i e Sep sdy which is an Empire pirit, an Empire whose ot ae of polities is all wrong, the costliest things nstitutions and Whe a rights and Mabrieg ‘of gov- ernment and more of the invisible Bites bs whieh touch pees sou ies We at want to theme ; do no 0 de 'y ne the grade a high ua bo nelich plum pudding never ai the day when it was worth the a eT E A Good Lamp Burns of smell or smoke. Rayo lamps are easy on t steady—light up a whole Its Own Sinoke Rayo Lamp Rayo LAMPS he eyes—soft and room. Made of solid brass, nickel plated -—hand- some, 0 las Easyto » Searle oer Dealers everywhere carry Rayo lamps— various styles and sizes. ROYALITE OIL is best for all uses Extra Granulated Sugar . is put \up-at the Refinery ii in 5, When you buy Extra Granulated Sa of these original pac ‘10 Pound, 20 Pound, 50 Pound and, 100 Pound Cloth h Bags, are sure of , sugar, pure and 5 Pound Sealed Cartons CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO,, LIMITED, it left the Refinery. I's worth while to insist on the Original Packages. gar im any ages your getting the genuine Canada’s finest and clean as when . . MONTREAL.