na ee - Cash RS Poultry Highest cash price paid for all kinds of poultry. peeeryee Phone 16 5 4 S. Gleeckman, ‘Milverton 4. Scissors and Lawn Mowers 3 Sharpened, Razors . Honed. —— - C4 P.NEUMEISTER § Eggs takon as cash MILVERTON c Vol. XXII—No. 18 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, November 5, 1914 The Metropolitan Bank —-—~+ which will be amalgamated on November 14th with | ‘The greatly increased resour- ces and wide distribution of || branches will enable us to offer unexcelled facilities in every department of Banking, ‘The Bank Will then have a Paid- up Capital of $6,500,000, and a Reserve Fund of $11,750,000, and branches throughout Canada and in the principal cities of the United States as well as in New- foundland and the West Indies, Your account solicited. MILVERTON BRANCH: D. C, BROWN, Manager = “The New Millinery Shop” i, ea SRST New Shapes and Trimmings Have Just Arrived Hats made to order on shortest notice, Drop in and see our display. We take pleasure in showing our goods. “Our Styles are the Very Latest” e MISS L. MEYE Next to Zimmermann's Shoe Store 3 MILVERTOR, ~ ONT. i Me i DRIED COD per 1b..... as | LABRADO ae pet BLOATERS, Smoked, VANILLA EXTRACT He VALENCIA ORANGES dex SUNLIGHT SOAP 6 for.. CORN STARCH, 3 boxes for... HIGHEST Lage PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS ial RE SS i cu - | J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for Coal DL, @ PORTLAND SCRANTON CEMENT * STANDARD ANTHRICITE re Capital Authorized Gapital Paid, Surplus. 15,000,000 ‘8,000,000 3'750.000 Why a Savings Account It is beat to put your money io first—it is safe: second—it is readily ieee in cash: third—the interest is certain and prompt. MILVERTON BRANCH: P. J. FASKEN, Manager i 1 ST SPECIAL MILLINERY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THIS WEEK Untrimmed Felt Hats ranging from 75c to $1.25 Felt Hats (Trimmed) latest styles $1.50 to $3.00 e—-The Bank of Nova Scotia t. CISCOES per tb .s..0... tad j |! hol = st eRe . 7 eRe Fresh eggs 30c. dog: Boge! rland’& Sons t + +) Seryan' ate rl ted—Apply to + LOCAL NEWS + | Mra. G * «| 50/apple Pfef. | 4 hee Milli | G, Henry spent Thursday | su nds in Listowel. | pos er operator | ‘To Rent—I feet | uitable for a Toomey or business pur-| 1 es above Mohr’s grocery. \t 4 mesting for reoeanization of the | held the at Wiarton is spending his holidays) hobkey club will, be at his ere | Qieons hotel on Mondly eveniny | Mr. J. Edmonton. v Has returned after Ses a < Ss re Qs on home of | « ae er aaaht ter Winnie ras Jaa. Crawford to Detrely whore Be dk Messrs. Ernie Hill and) Frank Boyd | scbeol: ey cya is Mr. “Nei Yellow! | of Atwood spent Sunday at the home ol ‘ohn roger of Shawne yer visitin nds at Sut fans at the Ben. noreaton. ston. of resi- get in Decembe Milverton Women’ ‘a Institate 1 in 7immerman's Re programme is in aration. I bad that in view of fhe object of the it will ha: the, Morita ibe fi our citizens 0 is ass lath ant Mathematical teacher n Ottaw Gol- logiate with 350 Student under ition and teaching 4! the ° ummer Shoal ft on country and be rt Ay esult ¢ ©} money is in the ag ri eb hear a strong. as ee to Domi ion notes. Banoo de who passed the mi thi shrapnel shells Quring Rime 2 a ithe front ect dquarters | weil a this. vat in this section of — the the squirrels hf ere flocked here ‘The e drawn on coachalla and are Walaable to of men Machine shops ie Pe rbenkes ani ‘or r ive? have ills and | fresh eggs 30¢. ngeland & Sons | ya. Ty r. orders at The Leave you: Sun of. fice for butter me Two Apatla{a in men's overcoata: at $15 and $17, J. M, Fle echt auer, | Parties ha in w Nahar be- | donaing. me are requested 4 re- rn are before Ney 15th, Goo. Coxo! G4 Remember thei Box atsinl iubdar tho puspices of the Women’s Institute in| eed tik hall on Thursday ev'g. | 2 ember the Birthday Sorial |(Wharsday evening the not ordi one on oe BLIS, Patriotic Fund. ‘The .vower,of the British navy is ed in the fact that Repeater :# to be devoted to the ed Ky same rate. Halloween passed off in era 4 as nsual; a few gates were .carried off, sidewalks torn up and eisaeth up- e mew outbuildings 4 n the square Cfract is being. made to discoyer who injured the school vroperty and pre bey aa may take place at af ca’ dat as under consid. we nena nen SAVE, because- THE STERLINGBANK OF CANADA ete That money you have in your pocket is earning no interest and only offers temptation. No. 131 HEAD OFFICE: Corner Ki ing and Bay Streets, Toronto GENERAL MANAGE! MONKTON BRANCH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager Ri ALH. WALKER unday. ‘No —Farm stock. imolement a pair of twin colts, mat- ico drivers. & number of got Peering eons and latge ne out- te D. 1B. Grieve at Millban! Nov of the late b J. Mhurs y Nov. Tatheonr ne nad le at Queens Hotel Stables Mil- 3 Farm — stock, ‘arm stock and implements for Alex. Koch- erat ri c “Methodist | C adian Contingent, Bustard Camp | exports from the Uni es to} aie Nonivarsasy Services next Sun- | Salisbury Plains. with the members | Germany sine ined from M00 in} d i 918. to. in re aoe nue sare of good, yhotowrap De, g fe abd Drs. ht ihe the ed Kingdom | 1 yon go to Lee zunesmath tre teh MONET ORs nit on their honeymoon are | G. Heth oft, sss 27 per cen The Milverton panier’ pte will iket— pred he a fé gay cok with | | On November a9) aod 20 ie vangal }hold a b soelal in school wi betes BEAU ekepie a! 00-1006." ye the former's sisters. Nry. 8. H. Pugh| wihich the 12.05 x trains | meeting of the Co |hall on Friday h. Miss Pearl Kruspe. of Sob: and, Mrs. Malcolm MacBeth. will be entir G ee T may | Stn at tora Teachers’ ee tiratets will om A living pact in at lverton bs is at TreMsa viattin at ate N Nae a ey ok pe store a joke Ney con- asst e alterations in ue time of the | held j ne a aaseibly hall of the Colle-| spent in Mena o is treachery to Miss E mi a pen! heat ucted for the past. six months, arrival of the other ‘trains, giate Institute, ine program has| community and the inatitations which R , Messrs. B. ‘Tuchman and -N. Liss has} sugar best hakyest: in | Been seataed for the sessions |are entitled to your supp Listowel ® tow days with friends at bee: ss the stock removed to} inity has been: vr agealie polatate will no doubt prove ‘Ponietiolal to all! ~ Bell Telephone cites dn 's_oper- vbr, Graham shipped’ airoira wher a is conducting | The yield has good and — the | who atte | ato local managers, and othef em- =| elevator’ lst Wha Hr06 ap He Jergy Pusinesainr he 1 [price has netted SraRRO cer ver] Application has been made. to te| niogis sReently Pa one. davis’ pay {to ah ASRS care aN ae Mrs. Alexander Phe art | tom beyond what was ex; ected All| Attcymey-General of Ontario by mil-) e Patriotic yc The amount]. e' WWallesiey.Ont,. announce the rowers See watiity seems satis: fitia officers in London to appdint all Fealiaed was 8 iB Seymour Crawford of Milver. gagement ir only daughter, Hea cith the results thia season, |the xeern'ting offig ers io the frst dy Altvertising in ihe, Bie deine esl cae locality, plied ti.) Edith. to Mr. Me Gages en The Milverton bowling club reorgan |ision justices of the prob.|Sults—A party ,advertising Inst week| Mur, Lorne Smith th Ont, _ The Milverton bowling lsh 7eprean |eple that thest appomtmonts hava als | For, #1600 at live et cent Hus ‘gekad| abt arduire ort iets meinen week the False Bilcers Melng ap- ver oe bee made. as Sepinatiog wus | 4s to discontinue the adyt. having se- ieee from tip to tip ‘ measured 55 Barf - Viges| made day cured the desired results, Miss Sadie Brown ts at prover ae Seo Oo rald a couple A number of towns} ‘ee dj sing " sey EY at prese) t nur. . K. Lot one Committee, Geo ‘prominent local hubears thie S| attars fro scie@uaa Mia oRualace ea sel ‘Willowerovec @ha wre plone Coxon. J. Kolterborn, rr Py Roe it to their| contingent on Monday, ‘The nd |" Bight gemniliea in ithe. slike ee cal nd. aaa rt itied his Intontion| Been posted Just after loaving on the let out of auarsatiae cuig we ee Duceuae wear Gatubtura tar: aK ee eT tne deer hunting | boats and were held up-at Gasbe Bay| number of families tn’ tame weeny Ax number of the ta wenships ‘of Perth} his will be the first time | until the ierivalot ‘the troops, in terned. ‘amilies in’ Logan were in- ing to a ee espatch fro oii irty years that no has | Poaband. Barrie Adva ene notiied by the Government | left here for the big «amo shooting, pettcdie my obtain iby He vee pargh- tawa that unless io’s fall wheat acreage has in- 15 AND PEACE order with. ing. che sued that t theo others. Ene amnaret ssion of their by over 1,000,000 acres.accord), 4 Rae Saal” fence Mot the cone contributed in money provisions ~And) views in nave toe many. they will] ine to official figures compiled by the is noteworthy that among poenioe elie oboe 0 arrested and rah pete a Pale tof Agricultare. ‘This the sugwcstions of a suffering caged oanrene finding bsA a Bagh ersar will be con-! gisaated. more than doable the sowing for to ass oburob tp eauested iat Methoaist dusted in the Method'st " charch on | ES egenangs in all cur read- dowich’ prodaced, 16,000,000 col John Gerthin rs see Baoderimixt by ‘Rey ing of the hogranhis of men _who|b The Department is proad of | Mtr, a entecea.'s cet ‘av-! nave made nt# on the sands a hich farmers have re- Ontésio ba Tay r pale ee New Jorite with Milverton time. oF prea bite | are Tagg seall of the Binpire for fois irebandd da tuts pice eee Teadbish ag er een ciprelbpmetans We Hare ihe bee A etme then apn Mate [eee eile fi aigoayer any who in his istowel Dairyments gents ver bi eae? Ube ee oot kia evepings standing | obange last Friday ehapttartnaeis at none Watton je the other day ee as Trond Tie strect gorners smoking |the patrons of the different factories Kno He Meh ea i dier friend in Scot iret tes. towards the Patriotic Fand conaiating the eau: ratory servicas arth b day.” Pres Ehiinburih on sick The Admiralty have ander their |of the cheese made from one day’ tif ; Briday atterhoon by Rey. We ke ere ae ene , | consilderation’ the cofigestion in, con: Bunty were auctioned off. the boy.) has, been held by but one. whic Mathoua. he ee ect nish' re veying here from da the liberallers paying one-half cent: ie ‘a pound ‘3 that the Germans we or mae eben soldiers he say: at-| cifts of, supplies: fa relief, of the tor The, product. whi ‘mean| foundly alarmed by : val alah hy ti teat in the trenches” bat ‘the 4) Porginnl Tela toad that over exoseted that the Waist looliey)at iuperieb preterence: followsd |feated acd akr ee bibhicdit rege typi three thousand Bra te state ape (utiona will: amount to 10 by what are called British prefere latanh Whe aie ‘od th thee toon ‘ot Me awaiting shipment, from Halifax, The)" Liberal pensions. will be, provided| ees in Canad: b ‘Africa aud Aus-|neotion have solirad ten ie gee aide rton boy Mah a peed. ane aled to. to| for the wives and, ohilaren of Cannd-| t&ilia. Prefere of course. came es at MeNa rent fo ‘winter quar who ha 1s | Glace ¢ conveying| {ans killed on a fel Th to nothing either in Britain or the a towiaubie tua for a Revs aco! Govomment bas desi Dolonie: the Germans. doubtless mh Me ween of Pat Was cany, at he +) Tt is sad that black | and tat the next si ot: Parliament, | soon 1 Bat. it was neverthe-| ion Roliel Fund ehalf of the Be Mousted ites squirrels were more than na ainarily|guthorizing pensions at the rate of|!¢8s an effort of commercial war and! mount of clothing Bealdes 9 ebatetaad soe ve the hardwood bushes. |half the pay.officors and men are re-|08 such did not tend to promote wood-| wag siya Gotha and thong, whledl | kecrrnent thi year, and that there would ee octving, The by of ue ie Banndian |} stra ene ash contrib: Scart some pao squirre! shooting this fall sists is a jay, Soldiers in- *! Canadian The { erop has been a recor tated ia servioo wil be-gension-|_ W. B. welts S SAL S SALE REGISTER, Brae emt saleby Yes ie t rr last week had the misfortune kicked om ve vin oe x please: bo aan at his ¢ 4th conoession, in. mod 71 yei t the time of writ- ee the funeial arrangements were My Hallow'een pranks were played rm thie vicinity. In one case a narrowly — averted n wel fy Ln in. senior Knglish and senior Latin] tho government redni solute It is " — in danior French, Mr] comiormity, with ageifieations, Th |Micigians who a that ailet the, NORMA GIERMISTON, 1:T.0M Curtis ts is taking his B.A, course while| Chey are forwarded in 100. |farming class, could be placed econom-| ¢_. 4 Aten ict ching and has now only 5 subjects| nq one in each lot is tested, If it |joall; me Canadian Suiehe ‘and would be se A of Toronto Conservatory of rite on to vonrolets ‘bis -séif-im- roves faulty whe whole lot ix return- | gylidomed. detatls 9 of the = sug.| Mtusig. | Tete Oe or Aaa all ted Tatas yet. been | Urwne voetect Sunday belne .th World’ y ee eal jal attention given to examination f Se ey the ay vail bs Th tarmer sated to The AMeroury | wor oo! alnry nant SUP Walia Street. Listowel | ‘Two deaths have been caused — in nippropriately observed at the ery *Phone Logan by measles, Laura the twelve- gelical ohw met roan Miss Hermiston will-bo at the reals|waprold daughter of Mr. 1s, be rendered in bale with dence of Mr. L, Craw! Maine ees George Thi jon died on Friday and Sunday ‘School at The eae an 9h, one and a half yoar-old baby of Mr, ing service will be of sspdefal interest 5 p.m. peg yi! wishing to rk i and Mrs. George Stacey, pe Willows, ‘Mr, T. L. Hamilton, of Listowel, pres- jungements for lessons is cordially] grove, also passed away from an at ident of the Perth county temperanes maby?) javited to exi} sud see her, tack of the game disease, alliance will deliver an address, Mr | mM 2 t rs PEE ‘he burn of Mr, Robt, Rennick near Homnilton i considered one of vs pi ae aL an eat ae Pia oaeen? ey aise EQUINE “EVOLUTION tho ville wad struck x Thing on wading orators in the province, Come ty * ie have Deen vee jo damage was and bear him, Rousing anthems willl tn the United States are 550.000 Ger eivas a right aoa aca of tbelr teu) meee ame. the ie vas aa animal j yond fucking the foundation all pa rencbred att oto sy Seoare ne | wie and Aware oe BG0000 Csr eat-ad 8 Ro ieon, the. (reetlsel | teeta nay peat ean fa aad Chat The barn was filled with amoke anda boindially in unable to get back to Europe. OF I olvil servants in all branch- c re cinta ler ay ANS re pe at: ‘A British squadron consisting 0° vhe fly 1 sper lehtan Mecca oot ae oS 500 a year accord: | tHe elephanti nm the|the time heoa not re ernisers Good Hope. Manmoutls und ati hans /eaomrenniiee abe Gos aaiers Ste opal buteehat is now | EAverpool docks, ate of | sover for somas time evidently having ides lian lar hepa pd Ioan border towns especially in Buff-| qt an o see et these Morsed Is able. to Preble baer sterar be vate (ee! ‘and it 1 feared in some quarters| ‘The Tegialature Ge Fab reerea osha m8, OP NUR earwel aeclinary heer tiamiine want, a paper that gives the ‘ment/off Chilean | coast hit they may be planning a raid on| placed a spectel yearly ta of 6, cont ee aan ge mob been bred tenth pedoPaeaBrs sic a repgynhabpe Ge waters on Sunday by a superion Canadian towns, ‘The raid sOn | uae a oer vilomoa? tan laid withta | 408 (kN angen een bred i} = | mubadriba fon. ke ines Teepe consisting of cenment ahould take precalitions and) the Province. ie obieet in £0 som : Mabek eee Oe Ne Scharnhorst isenau. ve the howe ee Poel bas ae TN tae ceatgxone Ganaiaaes. In looking after ‘the mewa andl wel- Lelpsie and Dresden. ‘The Moninou'y | guarded by Te OE ae | oe esta and also to bring the Pro- ghd eh comma | ia al thor an e were both destroye: ti 4 i | pave hove (Petermen goiaé down, with all hands, way is batter “thin a pound nae ae er peter ta Sineation Mol sohlah—At the Pata: t the athe will stow cher a, eat Bor la aay ergo cone| a Jt is said that Sarnia'is. not. on! | dyeased value aiven to their Tad Ps) Goa. raday October 20ch oats, Lo towards “\smugeling point from which ies the improvement of ¢ Asis Gladys Llewellyn, daughter of Mr. Ke igners are taken across to . The object of the tax is cer. y Yoho Alu MoD mobi afte sen a anes ee Ne of dition. The German battl rived at Valparaiso ‘manner or a containing ‘oiling hot water tipped over falling on their baby Lionel ed nineteci nao tae opti eh d atter suffering died in neater s on We Lal a a Line of Odd Mounts Real Bargains COME EARLY and HAVE FIRST CHOICE ae K. SPOULE, - hed cede de x nah my BG i jcht been favorable the little Mec e E would ve been shen ener fhe vase athe "| Scffioiont in oapaoity £0 accommodate perch e crowd. Mr. Jai ‘orranse i ai Hs inlet Pp oecapied the chalt and wave the Seen i children a splendid address. Mr. Ge 5 ‘Mon-| Roe acted as auctioneer and dis was| of the iss ike’ an old Alter rather dark at tha tithe, but’ thea short cade lights) were quite visible “and the] ings. instrumentals « sl viol, jaleet “whist” of Ue maghinery ea anctioned 0 easily he: ea visit wat evi wi g “aw | ‘kona, Mr. it and Mrs. J. HH. Marshal and “Mise wateh for oe | a find Wa PS some, ee asa tates. but also that foreigners nies tainly @ good one w! ae well or not, If it results in throw farm ots is Jo. Sivaring the jand Mrs, Me , George Henry Singleton. anes try. These Tights 8 ewe airy erat amount of excitement and itis untierstood that ath nilit {ties will had ask will not pie the iovccintors it ma late fit the B A eS eseaart and, box _zenlat 8s. on was held Thursday atin of last woek where hes, The attendance “Birthday” Social maa he nasapieee of thie egal of the Beauly fea Chareh ia COOK'S HALL, MILVERTON Thursday Ev’g., November 5th Commenct ag § o'clock, Good Musical Programme pay After which Iunch will be served, Gm MENU ~D Celery Potato cia re ta eee on the petite * a) 9 the Old Count: ot ‘ie it did ae An injustice, has been construed Apple, vam = Schnitz Pie Bread and Batter Tea, Coffee if any publicity can Preheat ponte affairs. ie eee rs house on me 4: a