A WOMAN’S RIGHT T0 HEALTH No Reason Why They Should Suffer From Backaches me Headaches ‘To ever belongs right to atts ‘s cathe: sane: happy | © life; yet nine out of ten suffer, of- jéince, from splitting he om or of many Wwo- the’ rich blood of racer eee ‘transforms them icine can supply pds new, rich and 30 surely as thousands of tired, ee have sa new es «Di Chipman, N, 3, ays: “For years I know Mista it was to be en- Neely: eas from h tha or_back- ache, My hands w cold and clammy all the time. It was diffi- cult for me to get work done, and walk even a short ing me medécine, be said he i . A wire lemon-juice racbor has alates habs “Do ‘you wonder | baked in pis with the ‘belp of shat], Me ie i is eeetittloavtoe that I was in desp cher | stones. This bread is eaid to be by familiar glass ono pail theodadh urged moe to take Dr, Williams’ no means unpalatal age of being unbreakable Pink Pills, but I said ‘what's the| ‘The California Tadiane Collecb the |r. worn theory of ithe tacavenis use; medicine can’t help pollen of cat-tails in large quantities ‘3 bie wikia signe : ever, my husband got six boxes ing ib off lants and ahead eal: finished ace impr. ,, and tl of retin health in my and haw the impr wwemenb eo great that t another half. adhe boxes, enfoying such good. reat s1 had in years; well woman, and hav mend them to all sick people.’’ ‘OU Cal medicine sent by mail, will b dealers, or they boxes writing The Dr. Oo., Brockville, oe t, Ona Gieng. Beating: An Irishman who occupied small cottage in the land was in arrears with his landlord. His his caney wen the amount 80 as to Meats him half, pail! Ba as to ibe of "the half I never the day I would take anything off| upon rocks to dty and afterwards | for. the heavies’ vehicle tradic, ‘has any man for nothing, and to let| mix it with water pat it into thin |been built in Iino’ you see that I'm as goo ath # | cakes, and. bake belore fin fires Por use in pathy -slonka waters you Til throw off the’ other half, !""the Drape bread. in| Were rank végetation, would foul am at will leave us on a clear submergt cls, shale raft festive sheets hardly thicker than break es Hens cheeo hutle cal stu ahaacd foen of the Moki Iudiane of out peat BAL Medevac haan George Goodfellow was dining with his eet girl, who had just a to e8, violent other one sees so 1 , thin cheeks, dull ills for Pale 1g Wo- health and ti and ‘nally the doctor or tonne giv: My husband diaesbs e 4 “Say forming the 5 were completed I was had tb, te was a ‘J pry sare A number always recom- eb these pills at any th be postpaid, ab ~ Bie for by Williams? Medicine a| consistency of cream. North of Ire- ‘of 308, of rent | eac landlord, seeing no possible chance of getting nm ered. Rot aon 6AP one Lt ah since you are éo good nig may seem, there is a sort of bread made from Strange as it process of fermentation and various. chemical manipulations. Eventual- ly it is mixed with one-third part of rye flour, formed into loaves an baked in ovens like any other bi b. ‘This bread is not intended for hue man consumption, but is for horses only, although some authorities 8 00 ated its merits, offers ri eae aaaaea ighly ‘euthetarhor’ food for human etnas In various pau world, bread is obtained: fro For instance, tn the Moitiscn w ands the patety ‘pith of the sago palm fur- ishes a white floury meal, which is made into flat, oblong loaves and aked im curious little ovens di- small oblong cells just big enough to receive the loaves: In Lapland the inner bark of pine round and mixed with Sal ba so In Kamchatka sine b ee ma) birch bark are wi without the addition of any other substance, be ing reduced to powder by pounding, made into loaves and bake: Along the Columbia River bread is made ui a ‘of moss that rows on certain fir trees, After be- ing dried ay is sprinkled with water, allowed to ferment, rolled into halls of the size of a man’s head and br they “grasshopper flour, The Indians of the Sierra country employ their own method of trans- bitter kernel of the acorn into a kind of bread that is said to he extremely palatable. The ocess is as i shucked and ground in the usual gees ted SA mm meat, Seay re vats are hol- Ske out ot the black sat in the shay hese ig placed the pried stand eoveral large clothes baskets filled with water, Into these baskets are dropped the hot stones whereby the w p refer bread of water until it is about the color and Not a sj as appears, A strong oles stands b ach veb and with a small fir hough stirs the mass, skillfully removing any speck tha may appear upon surface, ‘The agil gradually absorbs the. bit- ter Wi of: ¥s, head firm white Can stance, This the Indians remove s adroitly that te a. «mall ai Loam tho hae soil, They spread it Sane. deserts. er of the principal room of te foaian habitation and fon La cn ital ra- pialy a 0 explosive has v pes rene hanced like dyna. | © Three out of every four German nonogenarians are women Sheepskin is used as a substitute for almost every other kind of lea- ae electric machine that~ works automatically has’ been invented for stuffing fe seep Folded inking cups, ound toutes tie 4 a cheque book, are a novelty for travellers. For cleaning bath tubs there has peer invented a flat me! a handle e covered with towelin, Oe floating buoy. made <i concrete in the harbor iieingeionslasaless | Traps hare been invente en‘tch flies at fy before they move Rail preeerving their ties them in a strong solu sea salt. moorin: it the beoome oii away. qads in Southern Ruesia, are b oq soaking of cruda Sound lumber, 25 years old, has been proved by a German govern ment test to be materially. stronger than new Operated by’ band, speed being at. tained by gear wheels, a tiny.emery wheel has been invented for grind- [) drinking fountain from which upward which may be fastened to an ordinary faucet has been patented, ‘The: ere are more than 85,000,000 sheep in Australia and nearly 25,- 000,000 in New Zealand, or more than eighteen for each resident. as the plaguo Ab iota Of English invention is a magn smi fying that may be attached a draftsman o: ver, An artificial butter coming into use in Europe to replace the cream ery variety is made of cocoanut oil and hydrogen, blended with milk, engray including. cont s been invented for en to wear while gunning or in- dulging: i in cpio ‘outdoor pastim telegraphy works bet on eee ‘Pacific than on the Atlantic and experts are trying to find an adequate explanation Sor tue tok, Deaf patrons of a London thea- tre haye been provided with head telephones, the sounds being gath- 1 on the stage by weak vat teapematters tor sleigh built fora sian grand duke has cigar-shaped body and is propelled by a suction turbine, operating egitnn the air in_front, Efforts aré being made to increase the tobacco industry in Ireland, the soil ‘0! gai ¢ suitable for) faite alimost, all) varieties, ea! Without an arched support cent re pier, @ single-span conerete bridge 64 feet, Tage strong enough Rus- For gtiek Upset iid of buildings but with greater safety and fiect. ai e lor accommodation shallow fetta walled in with slabs of itone set on 5 trough is vided into A A pied and in ssl hid process of maiden. ‘‘Shall 1 a: him to join Whe a Pee a, 3 oe ut”? wid Goarges anxious to dis- ey Matis ie etal thade a play his goodness ‘of nature. ‘0 |sduaw kneels behind each compart- Geveaa’” said oe, eh blushing ;| ent, ehelled com is then placed on ORAS tp ase etd “Sudden? the flat stone in the first compart- What do lo you are he asked in|™@ent, and with a coarse, oblong aurprii why, ‘that’s our |®tone, ‘the first woman young miniater,’ The course meal thus pre- ——4— Minard's Linimont Cures Distemper. “Say, you sold me @ parrot and u said it would repeat every word it.heard. Well, I can’t’ get-a word out of it.’’ ‘I must. have, for- gotten to tell you it was deaf.” pared is passed on to the next com- partment. Here i in rubbed with a stone less coarse, ee on to the third stage. The espe is is made dissed tae Hon tbgethe with: a Would You Like <= Hair oe His Cutloura Soap * Will Tielp YOu Wealsee they anit Nic n, when yer ey ting oo ment, by keeping your sca! clean and free from d andrath itching and irritation.: i Samples Free by Mail - Serer besa ranaa ee Book. Address “Cutleura,” Dept. Boston, U.S.A. le as string of calico, the m gathered up and es anit water ie fd Beene a thick batter, 's the art of the baker. he hatter ‘and 6) + e been ‘burning for some time. T! bike bt epee to cover a a ‘one hen ee er ‘takes the bread by ys ner and pulls it” off, dext pata turning the other side up. sate one a long, as] re- ola ie og around, so that the air n get at it. Sheet after sheet is | baked ieatil the basket is piled we the blue bread, or “ the baker om ttn tis used in the batter, a hes & Sweetish taste. is hdlhy blue, partaking of ee color of the corn from which it is is eaten dry or in a hid W hen the men go journey they take piki made gate rolls, very much as one would roll up a sheet of wet paper, the bread ies of the same thickness as the The. stones hanalle which the bread baked are 4 y the old vomen of the. catia with great sec- reey and much ceremony. They are very valuable and are handed down [as sees from mother to daugh- ter Knows When to Quit. my thes sort of a speech does he nake ? on lazy Pk ah i speech. ny "I don’ i you. ‘He ange knows when its quit: ting time.’ ang ng bring, they a are usually glad on te then | coffee drinking are very similar, be- takes < “single handful of the ti i aus HARD soy Weight on Old Age. n peopls realize the injurious effects of tea an 1 6 in Treat thant, um can to lend my for the peut of Ty childbood, ‘was an inveter drinker, had been her heamt for a number of years and complained of that ‘weak all over’ feeling and to .”” (The } cause they each contain the drug, caffei ses was making a. visit to. a eb cea part oe bs coun- eae dinner with one of the noticed a somewhat Nomen favour of ithe “eoffee,”” and ‘im, ing it. He replied that it was Pos- tum. “T yras eased with it that, after, the os was over, I bought @ pac! to car home with me, and had wife pre} for the next m asi aay, were The so welll plesed with it that we dis- continued coffee and Gee Postum entire er Had really heen at dimes very anxious concernin, other's condition, but we noticed that after » she better ea wane did prior to its use, and had little trou. ble with Fe 0 sick h; that ‘the we Fier ieoy Recwent, aba general *| condition much improved. is continued until che was well’ and hearty. “T know. mysel Postum. has benefited e: ers of ing.” Name | given ais ro a Postum Co., pea ostum comes in two forms eres} Postum. — tres ie ert 0c ack eream-and sugar, makes « delicious Pa ad iaianiiee 30¢ and 50c tin The cost Vas ted of both kinds is ut the sar “There's. @ a Tease for Postum. —sold twa Noatast or engraving tool to aid | garg since ee early | ¥” concern | ord eught Livut, C. Hy Colict, divopped tin: Zoppetin syed ab I formerly lived “at W ——* = These June Brides, here’s a a8 at the door aus a parcel for you.” te “What is it, Bridget” “Tt’s OF fil ma’am, and it’s marked €,0.D. “Then ‘make the man take ib atrataht back to the dealer, I order: ed trout.” WHE BABY IS IS ILL When the UAE hee ae give him Baby's Own, Tablets Dhey sare tha. aed medicine for ve ev mo’ ste? sle. Concerning th hem Mrs *. Wurker, Ingersoll, “T hay Baby's one Tablets for eight years and can highly maieyestese: them ti nn mothers for hood ailments, a are a] i 20x _ from. " 3 Ws ition Medicine Co., Brock ville ver Twenty Times. s of the war ¥ mobility German One i) he surprisi he of the seedy prErars of one ia Neg after anothe: v~ ing to the tremendous paler and ae ot the gal gunfire, “0 rites a con- ante to the Solent ifie American, are usually sone dee n-out, because of the time it takes to change the solid firing platforms, as the lines round an dsrested. . or fort, are rawn, ome . this difficulty 4 the ne designed new type of howitzer, mounted on avearringe that can be readily mov ed from Waste ies point, and can even accom ‘the i pxdiaaty field Sibley dato vats ‘bat The great gun is Raitpesal with a heavy ‘hardened ‘steel that foarites fanaa feet in length, and it has to be carried on a spe- cially aonawes bed the gun is moved in two separate pieces ‘to the contains the firing . platform and first eat The truck that 18 ‘the gun T itself | isthen moved nthe rear, The gun ed from that truck, to platform, and adjusted to the re- rake, The spare wheels are then see ‘back, and the arm i oo to fi 6 to. acetate are much sae to be drawn iby horses, and so the Germans haul them with gas- nds tractors, and use tthe Diplock mp put in carries new invention, It has been used to carry great loads over soft ground for many years, and: resembles the Met deel form of traction ‘that ten used on excavators and en- gines that must move across n fields. Dhe pedrail has a series of blair hinged to the usual whee! tire, offer large supporting aurlace on vulding ground. OSE e clumsy in appearance, bat on bia a Tighe soil, where the nary iw moye an inch, they nt iriovel about as well road. rapid advance of the Kaiser's ly was owin the support of this ein artillery, The al- vitl and the assaults of German infantry, but they had no guns equal that could vie in range and power with these great howit- ad scarcely apilen } one- position befor heavy ung of the fetes vere again within range, and makin; their position wat able, It was the gasoline motor and the pedrail that renauicd the aivatiee to move long-range*cannon over ordinary farm lands at the rate of thirty-five miles a day, and bombard each in- trenchment. of the French and Eng- ish line as’fast as they were thrown ip. The Germans have also some still heayier siege guns with which ithe; reduced the strong forjresses a jege, Namur, uelhausen and Antwerp, to heaps of ruins. et mighty cannon are said to a projectile that weighs over 4 ‘ton. Whenéyer the gun is to be fore, & limit to the number of fort- ressés that can be taken by such means. y Grocers. bombs on the | f sekdorf, He Becomo Useless After Being Fired Pa M. dee of, Mr: in. Cam) " i} ox: Sheriff Subtle me Setarchiee, | age of 80 firing line, where the carriage that | ©! the use of Territorials at Grange- '$/ mouth ¥ How a Sick Woman “Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY, “For years I was thin and delicate. nd was easily tired; a t r al yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on ny blood and puro—heavy ngs under my eyes disappeared and to-day kin 8 clear and un rink) when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it al i tralghtforward letter Y. Todd, from Mrs. J, wife a well FARMS FOR 8ALz. B. YW, DAWSON, Minety Colborne Bireek ¥ YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A write H.W. Dai Colborne Bt., Fruit, Stock, opain of Deng, warms ram Deol orom = Toronto H.W. DAWSON, Colborne Bt. Toronto known miller in Rogersville, is Bronr * FOR SALE. sulelent that Dr. Hamilton's pis are a caricature, by tcl Gilis, vondi ‘woran’s cine. Use| Teton regan is a won- Rrras wt HAMPSHIRE SWINE. ho other pill but Dr, Hamilton’, 250. ap wee ks whe loptiias poxen” Wlaher ‘Brow Ronmiller One er box, All dealers or The Catarrh- is ozone Co, Kingston, Ontario, iene FROM EONNIE SCOTLAND}: NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRABS, What Is Going On in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. Colonel David Laidlaw is to com= mand bg 2nd Civie Battalion in cen e Edinburgh Academical Foot- Sl ball ‘Club has cancelled all fixtures | q season, vibreak of the war there have been ay: 20,000 recruits enrolled m Glasgow Arthur King, @ reoruit from ‘Coat bridge, was killed ty falling over the walls of Sbiiog Castle: The War ken over the cater Geasenied Soehobelle, tor the honsing of Tefritorials. B32 themselvee:for practi et thelabooe: Mr ont bigee Sig er the oldest representative of the buildin, trade mn n Dunfermline, has just died in hi th year. Ul ithe coal-mining centres the demand for pit come urgent. Steel substitutes ae being suggested, The Chamber’ of Hachette cag talion of the Highland Li try, ah: t Glasgow for amp fess s of enthusiasm, The. death ae oveur ce at Dun ell ‘Smith, aH the A seven- vised) boy named Alex- Bae McLeish of Gh Ay wander. ed 6 the wilvey z: Whiteinch aay ‘waa sees, by @ train. Clark Hutctieson a aces ‘Tiaicnieh, eerry te for ‘yl, has given racht Ariani wine ‘Government for ‘patrol work, uir, wife of Coun- cillor Muir, Edinburgh, and her two ere sériously inju fy Ree he death is Cage a: his 80th year, of Mr, William "Paton ae of Airles, one Ay bing leading is Weadings Hall, Pol- mont, tas tanwieieed and Siciaeed a recreation ‘an n for runaway re to the extent of ae ste land is A Matvel of Speed, an Unta Cal rub out the pain o! ues aie all o of constables for | eas rts rub on Nerviline, which contains some tof a NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, blatant, shallow. ae sconostad G Ood WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN, IN aracter—the or RN ote sad Boe get an example of {tne ware Peas soe ae ‘Com: ery y 9 the. plandering Gf tihectabeaise at non-combatants.—London Tatler. MIADSLLABROU i ees ey NCER, A eciseniuie ope ine. Tortures of Rheumatism — | sitter 7% Co., Limited, Collingwood, ‘Ont. Yield to This Remedy ling Cure r Old Chronic Cases, GET A TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. ‘With reliable old Neryiline you can of Rheumatism, Scia-| umbago, or Neuralgia—rub it vay 80 ee ly that, you feel like Me matters’ 20 how deeply seated pain fs, have had the soints that have hurt you 80 Out comes the pain every time — COPELA CURE FOR consouPrion David Warnock, 202 moron, “writes Khat, tere owes “3 life to the above remedy ave, vrotl euaastrone 2S aol tht tin tant today witnesses to the our medicine, The doc Sarre again, T writ Tam alive merit of 7 live... every one oor know the worth of your medicine, eepeoiaily those aff ith eons sumption, ae Twas, for 1 undonbl, ‘edly saved my life to its use, Eto,” loctor and a soeetallet attended fe i and also, hore: ot which "have ‘been ‘cured of ohronto Rroneliltie of over 30 years’ etand- i your druggist or direct from us at 81.00 per bottle, COPELAND MEDICINE COMPANY, LIMITED. 611 PAPE AVH., - TORONTO, he x valuable pain-subduing remedies n to science, Worth weight in gold to every family in the land, and sure to cure the emergent and minor ills of a hundred kinds that constantly arise. large 500, family sizo bottle; small trial size 25¢, Nerviline is sold by every dealer, ey: erywhere. ae Sa Pat Gave Him An Answer, Rtas in Donegal not long oe engal a lo- enetaay bone re im on one of. the Pad, mt show him the sights. They. inspected a ruine ‘castle with the legend of a banshee. @ clergyman, “thinking he would put a poser to the loquacious Irish- mea, whey thew \everything, a ired, “Hrve you ever seen banshee, Pat?’ ‘‘Aye, bedad, that incredulous where ‘ou see in a museum,” replied th poatea ed Celt without Pas hesitat “Pat's Dashes said Gandy, ‘why is short man strupeliby to kiss a tall woman like an Irishman going up Vesuvius '’ wraith, because he's trying to get al mouth of the crater?” ented Pat, Me uth, Dama 100,000 was caused by a distillery at Cambus, belonging ‘to tua Dist ilders’ pany, The Valuation Roll of the mat of Aberdeen for last year has be niade Lp The valuation of the fs re wards show a total increase Com- circumstances Alex. ie, a Dundee Boy Scout, wa accidentally shot dead at Didhope where some Territorials are berate a An Appalling Condition Invariably results when you use heap salve. Be judicious, use “Putnam's,” for fifty years it has She so and warts that nothin, neh, for Putnam's Painless ev only, tall dealers. ing eso corn “You never know what you can do till you tr: a. writer, “and then you are pepeckly sorry you found cut?” Minard's Liniment Cures Cargot in Cows. ‘And r about like this! aa? Bet homesick 1!” Tm home, mum.’ don’t you “Only when ISSUE 45k. 15 | Thomas Wasvon, Shei We bolieve MINARD'S LINIMENT ta the Mathian Foley, Oil City, Ont. Jouenh Bnow, Norway, Mo, aries Whooten, Mulgrave, NA. fae aa Oc arpa rong Mulgneye,, NB: Riorro Landers, aaur., Pokemouchio, ND, “Father, don’t men call them selves bachelors before they get married?” ‘* vi? And what do they call themselves after, dad???“ Hush ! Tt isn’t fit for little boys to know. ulated Eyelids, yes inflamed By expos just Eye Com 0c per Boule For Book ofthe You Ms Saveiniiee a5. ye Remedy Co., Chicago Droggists or Murine egotist world thinks as mue! thinks of himself. ‘iniagings that _ the h.of him as he Minard’s’ Linimont Cures Colds, ao. : Very Simple. « Interested Party—Yow say | this heat Senn upse| x—It’s impossible. The Lea Me Ollea ible HanWER tld: A Slap at pen She (after their el) — Of soounae you will want the 1 ring back, you ma; oy as well keep No other girl of my aequaint- ance could wear it except on her thumb, Too Old for Lamb. (sarcastically) — Waiter, possibly seo cas T ordered oust lamb a long time —Yes, sir; it, will ‘be aoe rate Diner—Well, kill another ; I don’t want mutton, Pat Named Them, An Irishman was seated in, y traveller.’ donkeys going by rail. ler, wi expense, said, you call them?” Rod: elena epee Liniment Cures Diphtheria, and similar strain equal t of their weolghty ” bake ie exert assenger who hapen be commercial traveller, Pat, wishing 0 ‘be friendly, started talking to him about 0 Rule. This seey I am a commercial Pat sulked in the €or- ner, until they came to a junction, and there they espied’a number of The travel- said Pat, “you ought ta know them, as they ‘are all commercial, travel” Crowds in motion on tele e Po yarsoent Just A Scratch Ur itneelokog fe justthe same. First aid treatment t with CARBOLATED Vaseline will help it. to ha I quickly and prevent riskoF infection, oe ay: ped real haat contains | 2% of in irritations of such as eczema, and barber's itch.’ Also g Sold by drug and department ire everywhere, ofasent to you direct ‘on receipt of price—20c for a full ize bottle, Free booklet on request. CHESEBROUGH MF'G CO, ite 1880 CHABOT AVE, MONTREAL w a Psa Pe! 6S ttl 21 Re PD