Milverton Sun, 5 Nov 1914, p. 3

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Fad ==-umm ! and CROWN Economical too! Made in Bee CARDINAL, fa i ay Griddle Cakes CORN SYRUP Children and grown-ups everywhere love this delightful and wholesome syrup. Cakes never taste so good as with CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP. It has a distinctive flavor—all its own. For those favorite home-made candies that are so good and so much fun to make—always use CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP. So delicious! Sold by All Grocers, Write for the Edwardsburg Free Recipe Book. The Canada Starch Co., Limited Makers of the Famous Edwardsburg Brands irae 's Prepared Corn—Silver Gloss Laundry tarch—Lily White Syrup—Etc. FORT WILLIAM, VANCOUVER. BRAND Canada. TORONTO, BRANTFORD, 1,500,000 BRITISH SOLDIERS Of This Total About 800,000 Belong to What is Called ‘*Kitchener’s Army” A despatch from London says: The British army on rolls and drill- al in mr United Kingdom, now ae with feyerish enthusiasm, 70 abroad fo A con- Germany's ‘*Bomb’’-ast!—So! A full-sized reproduction of the siege guns. hey are selling in. th here shown held by a British soldi exact size of the projectile thrown production Re Headed ‘German ture of tie s! pho names rth Lit ue), Namu “With G tod for King and Fatherlan hotographs of damage done r, Longw 1d for a Penny in Berlin Streets. shell thrown by the bij he Streets of Berlin the his purponts to represent he 3 Germany’s big siege guns. The War Surprise, ie ””” On the pic- forts, and the and acer with the motto German road: oe a =! THE DUKE’S ASSASSINS. |Men Who Brought On the War Hear Their Fate. A de espatch from Sarajevo, Bos nia, ndgment was passec on! Wed Headley, oul the: ahaeann Be rchduke Francie ee een heir- apparent to the Austro- Hungai arian throne, _ Duchess NEWS FROM SUNSET COAST WHAT THE WESTERN PEOPLE ARE DOING, Progress of Cee, West Told in a Few Pointed Paragraphs. ts of Revel a ns coming wi E emer ay Lanltegh gt pie agg! to handle ae unemployed during the | Egge- PRICES GF FARM PRODUCTS SEFORTS rmom Tn LrADINd SRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA anitoba, ar per cent. ie ne Ms saat 48 to. $4.60, weabon a, onset No. 2 $1.1 Ontario wong, 0, 2 at $1.08 to ne iat ontelde mOale Ontario, 48 to 49c, outeide, and at 81,40 620 on track, Toronto. Weetorn Gan: 0. f° Miherioin, ‘82 1-26, "Toronto, 1 Bay patie, 6, outside, nominal, Bren ent Wanita Bown, gas te $48 ton, and shonig ab Rolled oate~Ca1 = Ie, ‘Der bag of 90 The, $2.90 to 85.1 ntey Produce, dairy, 23 to. 25/ infer: croume: prints, 261-2" to 27 120. dozen, 31 20 38; it {T2340 per Ib. jeycound, §2.15 per dozen; No. ~Lhickens, dressed, 16 to | tor 14 10, 1805 fowl. 13 10 resod, 19 to wes denne the 18 1455 of to $2.90; Cou Dat fors“Choice for, 20 to. fic for strained, 2 twine, nis—Prime, bushel, hands ticked, $8 to 83. 1b, arose —Ontation, | 6 f tore, 60 t tnroat Jae, Brunawioka ‘oat S9te; 60 to 860 par New Wholesatere are 6 suing “to the trade on the Following, price basis: And. Dry Bulted Meate- smoked, 144-2 i6e; Name, medi Tia Ws Jo; heavy, 16. 10. “Tet vroaktst bacon, iit to Rolls 10; cases, backs! ps ins ign opectais’ ie! boneless hacker Groen Meate—Out of pickle, to lew: than Lard—Pure. tiercea, 121-2 to 130; 00 pound, 9 54 to 106, Winnipes Gr: eV innings, Nov. 3 $1.14 5.8; No. a ern it Northern, $1. § 5 Seides No 6. sii,” W. m-|The Secretary of the makes the following announcement’: The British naval flotilla continues 4; to support the allies’ left, and the fire of 2+ es ea has been brought FIRST SEA L ORD RESIGNS qe Louis of Battenberg Yields to Adverse Press Comment A despatch from London says: Admiral Prince Louis of Batten: berg, First Sea Lord of the British Admiralty, personal Ropero g of King Ge leorge and Ny | wil Ee blo of his Majesty Mad 4 ‘a Gern Lord of the Admiralty. Baron, an to 1910, siege resi, fie is attribu- ted to ihe very frank objecti raised newspapers and eel tial individuals to anyone Ger- P}man origin remaining Gonnaaed tthe navy or the army, public feeling i Germans is so intense at present Jel by feale ih is may have been be Reb acd have retained the most rect confidenés in ‘Prince ioe, ais ie be a wi ‘y large part Pano Louis is Eng- nds sailor princ worked his way to. hi lobn, Fisher occupied this of- fice before, in the years from 1904 by sar aa passing through all wes: d since he caveted the sad = SILENCED THE ENEMY’S GUNS Three of the Warships Hit, With Total Casualties of 10 Killed and 39 Wounded A despatch from London says: Admiralty No. “teed, Oats No. 2 ‘oy No. eles ca e here’ positions extri 51 7-80; an rit Aen so. rood ite, Ban es “Repo Montreal Markots. Noy. 3.—Corn—American Montreal, 2 yellow, 2 to Bio ety !|from shore testify to accuracy of the fre and to its gall-! tu F/ shore has practigully hi|the preponderance of thie received ee effect and ing character. ik is Sie thoroughly mraiteata ed. The enemy brought up heavy gun a 7 10| and replied vigorously to the’ fire 10°) of Admiral Hood’s ships. The vee. | fe! and naval! Seages seems to be regis The casualties have been eet Gheonghoees Pur ORE shell See and seven wounded on the Rinaldo, ‘The enemy’s submarines have also been bx oS & o lestroyers, cas nounced by the paral include Lieut. Hube: . Wanton, of poe Failcon, kille dew! Robson, severely Goucden Ticats Robert Crossman and Paymaster Joseph vance of the Rinaldo, slightly wounded B ioicest, Oren: f ; seconds, ia to to % “Bevel S86: ae Bo; No. i stock, 270; Ko. 2 stock, 2s. Potatone, ‘par bag, car lote ' 65, ce TURKEY AND RUSSIA AT WAR to approximately one and Slate proportion of Field Mar Trains or now being run from Porte’s Cruiser Bombards a Port of Crimea on the a half million men. al} shal ener’s army, of Grand Forks into Reon on the United State Markets abc men belong to what is| course, me yet fully equipped, | one to 7 years and two to 3 years. | Kettle Valley Railw heer Black Sea termed ‘'Kitchener’s Army’—men| but is working hard. ‘They are be: The other defendants SHES cocte! Lieut, A. H. Boulton, os Ohe- Nordin 1.0978 to ead have zeae to his two ie ing ig nd clothed ae eed ie bigs sai a bor HU Sh, Coen NOS r soldiers ree ee se he Canadian and other missing from the ecu iat 4 ‘an- te—No, 3 white, 441-2 : Nei, 4 pent; Or ioe ie, duration ofthe) uve cette ats EXHIBITION CANCELLED. misting Noy, . Lane Srpertes t2 21 poepenen Soy Lenina Oia Sathnemanty Mason Ink oe ar,’ About 600, the | cluded inthis tol zs W. © i, Vancouver, t-No. 1 hard.) mea, says: A Turkish cruiser with territorials, while the Creislodae Lord irichecaed issued an urgent | Was to Be Held in Toronto Noyem-| as seriously injured when an in- Noptern, $1.18 34, 20,” 4i|three funnels bombarded the sta-| qo Turkish cruiser Hani iyeh, are enrolle ith the special re-) appeal on Wednesday morning for ber 10th to 14th. tabisbian he etrocic ahentle wagon | May, 81.1634. I “I tion and city, damaging the cathe-| which arrive. Nov. ova, ‘ae rves, so-called, or with the regu 000 more men. He says the Wai e hich he was driving. —— * t dral, the Greek church, a pier and |manded ee s Manas ol lar army, and geen service hinery, which was some-| Owing to the military authorities roh is being made for an hos- Hive, Geek istarkats : and Government oe Previously, The territorials are) what clogged by the sudden crea-| taking over the Exhibition Grounds| tile wireless station which is known prow or ae ake pea °h dota of stgere | come - sheds. One soldier was threatenin pion ye pa sal Ry néidered the mas ls Ai fated. fa new arn ot 10,000,. is lore training camp for egntinge mts to be somewhere along the North | browns 65.10" zo 32,0, ee ood 6a Paul ature wounded, A branch of the Russian |} (70), hee @ great majority of them belong|now reorganized. he minimum |of Toronto eee been sian i et. - Som h at $8) Bank of Foreigh Commerce caught to the middie and upper middle| height for men has been reduced to | made nece to. cancel the barges of, murder will be 22 che armen wuss die: Ab: teas aeeelouteee os Geom aad pate aay sts lasses, men accustomed pie 4 inches, and ite age limit | Ontario Horticultural Exhibition, tried in: Ee Fall A ‘ancou- bi a eon 85.50 an 4 letic pursuits hysically | raised to thirty-ei cruiting | which wi have been held in the | yer, of the ciel are Hin- Toure’ ‘ret er ee re ‘Sst hore = and mentally they are conside: bc als soy am could get fi Horticultural Building, Exhibition Sy sit China en. tea ‘om o,, de wai DECREASE 0 Or $500,000. RUSSIAN CRUISER SUNK. by military men to be about the}many smart as Park, ‘Toronto, November 10th to © business Dock, willbe Eien" one ints a Nicoa "ta pias finest body of its enh ever as-| wanted for Sevag ie “the ‘cavalry 14th. It was see intention to de- ut ie McKen Street in| ium, at $50 to 870. cutter | Hard Times Curtatlea Enterprise ms ‘i a sembled under ai are| regiments are closed. s0 nto the entire proceeds of this| Revelstoke, where several houses| ‘ies veto a tent eke arma PRD Pier aepanet Ee ou 8 calabltion” fo the: Red. Oboes tate barreaina uae ‘ago. Shales’ ae on ge eacaatn and Had False Smokestack. ee re ET CRUISERS, | ¥otk: and the City of Toronto had} Bela Singh was committed for] ¥, Heavy receipt sp rom, Toronto say8:] A deg m Tokio says: ‘The TERRIBLE, EFFECTIVE WORK.) SANK AUXILIARY CRUISERS. granted ise ate = ortionl. trial at Vamoouver ee ths ATs ee Bink Beata and $7.65 the Premier Hearst, Minister of Lands Hs hie, Scie oa ig pd Av rir ra tural Building and to have it heat-| Killing Baden with Dealer and uch at 64 to i p Dragoon ‘itis ls Thirty Germans in] Exploit of om, Flotilla in the] eq and lighted free of cost. Socktin the Hind ‘Temple of that | Sw at 8 0 #s te irdepicreideyin seit nd yn: Soe pin lia rd Eset, tn Sy ihe utes riatic, city on Sept. 5 Montreal Nov, $—Prime eoves, 7 is SEY NOOSLVOR JOdoaved bh ition a fou tack, A de: ‘e ke Northern France} A despatch from Paris says; A| ROUTES ACROSS CHANNEL. |" Col. “Jim” “Nlacdes nell, of Van- | 72% Mol ata to Gisommon, 334) actual revenue to be derived from | enter g, a British posses. 8: ear Lille a Dra-| 5 I iti 4 couver, has been Gaharited by Col. | ners, '3:to 3 3-40; walle Cows, 840 to. his department this year would bo ion; iniiberelimetth: Reset er) says: Ata town ni a quadron. of Briti bose iurbais a such: calvon tia less than the estimate | #0, in Keg n mar in was stationed at | destroyers has sunk in the Adriatic | B'ittin Trying to P ae Shipping a hes to organize a mounted corps St40: ‘lambs, 7 to The. eB of es Pry * hielo aie fire which sank the Rus- swing bride with two cusaaceeit> an mi which has bee gainst Mine a “british Columbia for service at ot A 000 hr aa } he The tae sian oru:ser.Jemtchug and a French vi he [rol % & load for him. Tt was im converted into a cruiser, eapebah tien: Plantiog Hal. th dr noe tate) eee nae me eee irae yer. Two officers that the enemy should be held "hast to a despatch Font spatcbiopa 46 the land says; The water routes Vancoue ver Board of Trade! 1h GOEBEN ALSO BUS ing bagel a4 aah nas peeping the four seamen of the Jemtchug per- without the bridge being blown up. | Havas Agency. ‘The Barcelona cor- | Folkestone to Flushing and fro on the} Will “uggest, meastires. to prevent aay Sane e ee ore athe ‘bank ished. The Hmden's entrance into eee marksman hid respondent xplains that this news| English coast to Dieppe, Boulbene, unjust foreclosures and stringent Torpedoed mee oe Two Russian ine refusing ns the re of Penany ‘ol nie yards from the bridge, When eae mare soya he shot them, then he shot them, also five Uhlanp me up together. ae brought down every one. gether, he killed thirty Gariehata in Jess than five minutes and r with his comrades. men hae on the oniposive side of the bridge protected it from the ap- ieee nm the enemy duri) Ray as well as a mitrai! tae would have di done, ee " TERRIFLC EXPLOSION. Men Hurled Thirty Tl gh Heavy Door. Two Peet ht, twenty-four, were kill in an “oxy-acets e welding tank explosion in the moto: rage wt 4 o'clock on Wed- a rnoon. The bodies were LeEHBG «timer! Bi aa thrown a dista of thirty feet wecohee a Final plank door, Foord newspaper puplished at’ Gibraltar. The British royers rescued 86 Soe of ind crew of the German FOOD AND Mourn DIS! Fresh Meat Importation From States Prohibited. A despatch from W: r says: Because of the spread of foot and moutl in the States of Michiga id Indiana, an order has been. issued by the Canadi Department of Agriculture prohi- biting _ importatio fresh meats from the United Si 7 use of hay straw for. packin, purposes is also prohib: bited > ss tT 60 KILLED AND WOUNDED. rari bilge AMlighted At Among Group ot yomen in Market Place. A na patch from, London says : dh resided ij aahiiae an in Winnipeg nearly fac his sie Bri e bie! pei “ La aes The first came from: \She: Be failed lode, but the second lived for @ time Ont. fell ina group of women in the mar- ur, He had lived in Winoipeg for two years. ket place, killing BOL nR Ores cthoa nineteen and NOW USING HORSE VEHICLES The Germans Have Exhausted the Gasoline Sup- plies of Belgium A despatch from Brussels says The German troops in Central Bel. gium have virtually exhausted their Ls is issued now here, hut shipped it back to Ger- many. Apparently they are now un- able to secure a return of this oil. ae Germans are requvtlanidy rendered them upfit for second-rat German m ics, ‘however, re- aioe founsrly had ignored, and also paired them took them-to Ant- rse vehicles: werp for use in directing fire of the rters received here indicate that M. Max, the former Burgomas- ter of a rea is still being held in Leipzig by the ‘German officials. Bie petal to. turn over to the in- vad wer big Tadd! 3S led He said “the wore th protect Bru heals “When later the ni tte his: arrest. gunners, a Huge Hangars Are Being Erected and Calais are being guarded with € great care in order to protect shipping against mines and leet ines, British cruisers are escort- ing all trawlers and. mine sarin gts torpedo boat. s and other small naval craft, EBs all along the routes. British aeroplanes also are scouting constantly. Four» Bel- m fishermen have been kill near Nieuport in naene a mine that had washed ashor OSTEND ZEPPELIN BASE. Near Ostend by Germans. hangars. ace being erected near Os. beha | Ba n Zeppelin airships, the despatch reports, were seen pr passing aera) SEIZED AT rHORDEAUE. Vessel Flying Psy Flag Used to German. ene teh from she ve pe Seared at Bordeau: y as German, decide whether her transfer from nee to British ownership valid. + MUST MOVE LIGHTING PLANTS One Lesson Drawn From the Em- sub-chief on Sir John French’s staff, w 1s! ive Drowned Wen sks teh fus | Cuxhaven. Jegal measures in the present finan- cial situation. jorbo Sharles J. Geall was killed at Vancouver when a vei hoy released the brakes of a box car that crashed down a grade into a street car. WwW. resides wounded while King Edward London hospital. whose father ‘ab ‘union toy yy WS at the front, wk the lorse,, He is in a Brig.-Gen, Henry H. Wilson, F, tk}. SWEDISH STEAMER SUNK. no desc from Im ays: The Swed qe lish steamer einyD from Portu; ‘ Use Ferencia ‘More Freely, and * press of Ireland Disaster. @ mine in the Noyth Sea and Their Shooting is Improving. troit, All bn | of if off Cuxhaven “a members| ~ alee from Northern France the lakes must move interior light-|°! Der c™ew were drowned, says: The Belgian Soldiers tell a ing plants to a point above the correspondent at the Ge: i line before January. Ist. The ni t; fantry no longer appear to fear the regulation is outcome of the} German Wireless in Halifax, | bayonet ‘ges, and make far enquiry into the lighting system on “phe use of ae ae themselyes the ill- gt te, of Ireland, | says former: ir rifle: shooting where dynamos were located at the in @ ‘treet, | allso has ee is any re inde, hea of the ship. eos ‘they, were 0) ating a wire-| cations that they are learning from lea: he wireless ap-| the allies as wat. » At Wom ene are running the subw teomas Pad Babe rated from a Ostend ‘the ms ine forced -|carg in Paris, mee of thie or mast as aval but to escape ob-|and looted’ freely. - al; tee their “nusbanae ot places, ‘ya-| servation was/truiled out of a third | houses +] a have temained unoceu- in eing called upon to ees oi indow and concealed amid | pied. compelled most of the aN ron eS ia Keri sea-|} Sei port in the mea, corte that near Takol Tightens ne. Russian steamer Yalta, f against w. made in front of the opuitish ant French Embassies and before the legations of say allies, The re- presentatives ese countries ap- red on the. balconies and m speeches, —_—1___. GERMANS AND AUSTRIANS, May rae Serer to Cut Lum. in the Woods. er tah from Montreal ys: Y The military authorities have Tales Aree NOP arate ed Sinise rig Riser with the large hae bo rh ro eal ace n ol ie er med ernie att nyc vonsior Ganeen St OaonaaTabed as it has been found impracticable for the Government of Nova Scotia to make a propo: to the fome Government of 100,000 tons of coal, his Majesty's it, shops ‘to oven as usual, aot bolton th couple of months a; that | The PE apa ts ecessary Assi e onterpriso ‘of Lene “of re goin than a ‘piipated a OLYMPIC ALTERS COURSE. Rig Boat Puts in at Irish Port to Avoid Mines, Island, on the nor Setar ia as ACCEPTS MONEY GIFT, Britain Takes $100,000 ‘in © very through the Bteait of rot ae sa a. ORDERED TO LEAVE JAMAICA. Germans Given Six Days to Close ip Their Business. who bigot ot Great eas Tek tain, and two have been ordered 10. "thee Jamal J because of allog: he's cause of aN ine + OFFERED METZ TO FRENCH, Germany Satd to Have Tried to Conclude eres Peace, London t The Dally Ob Chronicle! 8 Paris corres a asion : tz and possibl, ntion of abe to France. ‘ihe offer, ag for Mee relee of distress, ing to the correspondent, was re- jected, “/Beyers Flees, Connutia Scattered A despatch from London says: Reuter despatch from Cape Town, Union of South Africa, says that} to Gen. Both: fence force, reports that the a a 1 obenmnetticee en, Beyers' been scat are not Jil reunite. Gen, Sarsis has fled a, commander of the dé- me unknown direction. Victory for Franco-English Forces A despatch from Bordeaux says: A 3 rt received here from Gen. Dobell, commandi the _ French iene operating against the Ger- man Oameroon, equatorial West ‘Attica, says that two Franco-Eng- lsh columns oosiied dow aftay ie Aighting, inhi the allied anys showed great b: ery. Edoa is an im bral from nb railway tion es bee Salanga, ninety ml, Ne!

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