Milverton Sun, 26 Nov 1914, p. 8

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WAR NOTES is Pending alterations I Rurope Lt map making business ‘is ta still. according to an official of ange oT business | ist Seskee ye in London who asserted that auch exe! t i change: were 0 follow tific putea =| ‘THE PEOPLE’S STORE fons which were » sched! ne d_to contain held ag eT the, nd = onflict. so that a newly a7 : £0) 1 wish to inform the people of, Milverton This official sad. m imtsta and vicinity that I have purchased the hardware business formerly owned by B. Kriesel and would kindly ask you to give me the support you have given him. Square Dealing is my Motto We will endeayor to make our business transactions pleasant. A. C. CLEMENS, °°" MILVERTON, ONT. ny e to be Te- neluded. W y umber of mips of Europe trade demand and main. I 8 It’s a Long Way to Tipperary= @ But it isn’t very far to this store to view the itn nd Bra se chute + new styles in Winter Suits and Overcoats. Our nate new models are well worth a few moments of sheen fhm eae your time. Step in, and we will be pleased to m "of ton | show you what’s what in Men’s Clothing. pa’ ed recently, This estimate, nment atop. eth entry feat oF anti-Brit i ; . Ecco eM d Boy’s Und Rassia is in territory the greate a THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF THE ae ich sintaley corese nt he is en Ss an Oy s n erwear wation on earth. a YP or half MAIL ORDER HOUSE orohibited ty "0. nae, PEK. Ousthe Burope and a full ‘third of Asia a «The Alc compact. with mo voatlying colonies.’ Phe following ten commandments 4°it poe Re eat Light weight, medium and heav eight underwear in he owns well nigh half of the world’s gre offered by one philospher for the By Order in’ Council it hast | all wool fleece lined bi merino. verate zone. the most fruit- guidance of catalogue thouse patron ‘al ge ay th oiteatoee eres : ’ ; Ri eto circu sp ear y naa oF have them a Men’s' Underwear... 80 Sa 50c NY to-$2.00 a garment ¥ from you, “ny hac de 5 euch other. good mixers ; and ahother oa PAtleen: ous ats atements a “the ‘Brit pret isshikely: ie Boy’s Fleece Lined Underwear . cate eR Deka BOO ~ Goatare ls likely: ty see the i buy Mi-you need fram us bes er goods 64 th etre, a5 well’ in the Secetrart at int Me on want to be good to yo. Bisee ofthe +e “tia culture amd polit bounh we wre mot acquainted with sla eras ORS 7 eee You shall send the unonoy in ad- ; - (MALE HELP WANTED cho ih Ww t S t t f a ons ; inter Sweater Coats ¢ wants men te ve tO lenthe 5 ie Kk for a few wait patiently a few weeks ay that is lencher. : oor fi: Ne 0 weekly contrict given. our buacieas method arvasity of Fea tik tactories, is Glance a moment into our Sweater department. Thé best range nt. Exp'erience an- ‘ou balt bi chureh bell ety 7 nual hes demand - nay} Ecole - manent free. THE CO ana b fists fom nis and forward Pe th Sir | we ever hed. Many styles for men. women and ‘children. 2 RAI E UNION. Windsor Ont mey dvance for this is our ‘ lar | a > Ore wi pe idothog ane you shall collect cra rolaieearoet the "British wect Cc bildren s ts fro stenee ++$050¢ to $2.25 Ne in fees the Voaieaa ted in your town Office ve ; Var Jomer DEBENTURES FOR SALE as (much inoney as you can for thie pte y : me Canada are to} Women's Coats irom: Ries $l up to. $6 tbenefit' wf your churches, as it v . min nt is likely to | Tenders for of the deben-“against our rales"to donate for cea a Stee i Ue, ures of the Beenie Teas ny be re- building country churches, jQtease very shortly fram thirty to} arene etrose te OG os A ra ete thoumoad Re ghabeee eR cefved up to the hour o in 5—You shall buy your. tools Crh eee cae 3 he afternoo: tor es and he your own, m stan in or- ich re ° a tepnace toy soe sai er ta drive moeaisalge Era your Voss will be drown. Te was} fam. See Our, White Bedspreads at 98 cents! Each 27 at 5 per cent. and o A Brea’ BR rrigetce ten years. The security is gilt edged 8 thousamd-and to send them over aid much superior me atche: ten thousand. It has now gage, Mark all tenders 7 been practically determined to increas: | Hymer Drain Debenture yee ann hint, this number to fifty thousand. tor.| | ’ 4 B: thr arte: length, KANDER BEGGS y merchants winding aa . rown, in three-qu r ALEXANDER BEGG igh fustuebs end barges o eralog. Ch 3 nos and in d W t t i4 x Reeve aire . silly Ladies inter Coats with the cape, at only, . Mornington. Nov. drd, 1914 —Xou shall look ‘often at the oy iy in | = heautifur vi eatalogues, | ror x '¢ increas. aha Won wil-sépaca We oxéer valthough you i call Cette the requiremen if NOTICE iL pHindinte.- need cee ae aes 2 in oroements ‘on. basis, 0 ria: tists ety tet Me. PH goods otherwise you might h \ pageteie are x PA es Pe eo sites Pad left to buy some mec! TEE ci ae mpvaaties eeteees dh cote he seo, our Tot merch OBE cOURSH OF Th Wan Hosiery Made in Canada bos nant ‘eat aye be Same | en —You shall hav the me rebate Whate ver tne pan ‘may ihe Ww ep 1 di ab oti a, seems testing aod T find him vrofiefeut and tae pleite re ak olear that th y ing driv Women’s black cashmere, seamless................25, 35 and 50¢ carreating: ave w capable of accurately correcting even foo ‘ee their labor. t 9 a8 for new coat. they have ed bred se) the Infant’s cashmere, black and*colors, 4 to 64 25¢ latest_ methods ate cere ies they will not notice | vara » take ion of defence Children’s ribbed worsted hose............ \ 9-You shall, in case of sickness or jm Giese: In thedyést, a supremoat. ty \ 01 GRAHAM. force need apply to you'r local merchant for ve aid and crédit as we don’t know you a ce se a Sr aa we carelto: ed to failure Such a struggle thy !rush on which German strategists de- vended having been halted. the Ladies’ fx 2n4 Underwear White and grey at per exmnent ie 3 ER Milverton, Oct. 24th. 1914. = Wir: Ed ol Toronto sient chevwbekaul Bete ath his he Gnormous advantage t er Farms For Sale col ee Ma PU ‘and Britain of the open. sea cannot Sache pecan Pet agen) Sleigbing is tine'and our merchants fail to tam the balance before th adies’ black draw: tony nt fe) 000 buys one eas “the best farm in fre in hopes that business Winter is over in flavor of the Allic Children’s black drawers. PA pe ey =) Op ea an : 1. Con, 3, 2-ato Wen, Keltertorn af Grinsby | Winter will atrengthen the y mani “Bank isin the past week edt) here eos Which ‘are ‘calling for — pence shed, driving 7 shidter {tlonda jaa relatt {he shocking roll of thé dead and . cement stabling through-, ‘The joint stock sale hela “lant Batar- vounded. the mourning tnd hunger: Py + 1 + re needed, clove to. day at the Albion sale stables gus, ain Dot the least the apecteate ees | Black Paillette Silk, 36 inches wide, 99c yd. miles from Lis- well attended but the prices were not million and a half Belgians ative 2 Enough down to secure lor the fyi into exile Loon pai touch the Im- r nal remain on mortgage of Berlin will lecture on Verialist’s heart, gv Avvly quick ig wi tap fi ee War ‘and ploabel ess ae eee ea ae ae kris ee ST eee est belt of ‘daw in the town hall. Everybody cor-| THE DEFEAT OF CIVILIZATION se V h T D Lact 8) on, 10" Mornin 100 neres’ Giahy invited to attend pres Sat Grocery Dept. isit t e oy ept. Py cpiemeienitiyation’ | eoultortable Mrs, A, Ran. of New Hamburg js| . This war epresents the defeat 6 dwelling: house,” bank, ban, cement Wisiting her parents here for a few civilization ailure of everything ‘ stabling drilled well, large orchard | Gay, for which Chriatianty stands, It B 4 hajdhae eee Whisk Brooms. .....ccccscceceee sonvenient to church. ‘shoo! Pailronda a peckaselice suffering severely (hese fneans the postponement. of all the 5 string, Brooms... ..........-sereveesess sheer ( Clothes Brucker and markets, rare Rie doles $2,000 Gays the common ailment being ~ sore ideals of wise statesmanship. I m: 2 Ak Constarchyricvaecs - 01 down balance at 5 per throat. {inflict injuries on elvillzation isc New Currants and Raisins per lb Fire Shovels .... W. D. WEIR, - ae TON. | —_——~ - Wo will tale centari # to heal. A 4 Bike Dates for Sheet Music ... 2 Pao Tetshaa le more of religion would simply . ee MILITARISM MUST PERISH | gevolutionise “Europe! What all. the New Peels per Ib “It’s a long way ‘to Tipperary”. COMMERCIAL. ‘ "Great Powers need isa sense of the BW TEEIS Di f Doilies Bes) redbetl eag relation a Power abo Roasted Coffee per Ib. Child ii Pi scontar $1 10 $1 10! Militarism cannot live with social Let us imagine that all the nations of 2 Lantern Glasses for. hi ren ’s an erchiefs . G0 fustice. soofal freedom, social progress, | the. wr a gives day to . 1915 Art Calendars > 50 if it survives they must die, Not only {act on the Golden Rule. It would be Oranges per dozen .... Big Roll T Bite Peta 5 | does it arain the, yesoutces of the peo- | the awiftest.. most rei and 3 packages Corn Flakes ig Rol ale eae ee J Ape vle it destroys their independence, i beneficient reyolation in hums Flour, Jewel per cwt. makes impossible their selt-govern | iorar’ i 2 cans Engeland’s Bates Bender ‘Ib. tins, for .. "bBo Christmas Post Cards .. DOF Per ent. and it perverts their moral vis-| °° °°" (yo “6 Jewel per.cwt.... ! 3 50) ion, ite repudiation of mil-|- DEFRA # FOR | HE. GERMANS Bran penton ..tisicvwe 2 itarisun" means its definite tepuid’ation | Shorts per ton 26 00. 27 00} not in Germany alone. where it is all| Boston di Nghnabitpt 14°00. 14 00 ‘masterfal, but in France. in Russia, Because the’ tug-of-war continues it 05 8 not fol pie Ww however, that the a 60 |orestige ° e is affected by 73 $ sontinuane. So far as a balance © | ean be 8 it Js against the Ger. 3 y with them “fellate: teeny i Korward is equivalent to oi Hy \“The Store With the Stock MILVERTON, ONT nt me wa: German. military .machine 18 government, Militarism mast go. jis 80 stupendous. bas focussed the ate 10) Tee tention of the world to such an fariee 0) 15| PROBLEM SIMPLE FOR CANADA jtont that nothing poe of clear, om rit Ss eS a Ba Bear ane Sa: 6} ~=> |phatic success will make good its| te aaa ; Sa ay Met oT apnoea gee ae are Be advan / is well 4 check’ base tinejsouthward to the international ign | we Kindly. Seottian gare turns 0 po ‘i } f. “Lawrence, the a i And when once Canada has clearly Moral a defeat, brrnit | Rive 1 uedee Brtwrons )ikubicew's ‘Day with tte enturttive eat econ aes |eoneeived it as her obligation to throw | io points thus ins fo ee iver to Monte Ottawa and. west. | its mornllzings ia the Beot’s rallying | table :otgecieations it \her entire satioual life and Fesources THOSE GEODETIC TOWERS serve Lar okie emda at nearing a strip of country about | eee bircoke ce anc tl Rare teary alittle. Gob anrlens oe to think) oF oulanttal aarvays for ¢ AEDT ae Orato. aad te the Niagara (oaxt of the oslebration. lerelgat, ins |enie te tin oe inisteation. If it is cleariy un- ot the: ct chine acces tt yar-|eountry. For these purpos Ri It is being extended over the| variably’ a religious service’ and most |as possible from Rctowne|deretood’ tine every fit Osnaliaal ious part rio. start.|mab wecessary, that’ the ‘point be ‘lose bls’ dbthes. waste indula of On |Nppropriatelv so. for the real work of ng, thexa| We pledged to-this ‘rar. then first lene Ingham, revently; over tha | Mempuner, As iets (eaan t6 tatrodace ‘Most of the triuugulation has (the Goaieties dood not consist in theirtthe expected: cri ten orey the, Government stake iinmediate steps | erection owers at | ondary reference points Been completed from Lake Ontaria| meetings. assemblies, ot banquets, but a is * not of 20,000. but | B, Moruhy. i. oe the primary stations ers west to approximately the| im the quiet unobtrusive. ontle. dis- f 100 0000 i "BHO 600 ‘Canadians ayail- the wl oe! it is an ‘Advantage| north Woe jolpliigu oiingwood: with “Coder benevolence \of which . no | And i active service. en eats for the public tse TIM AGRE Cope ae Se ae ry Darade is made in public and much of /mect. whatever si 14! these enrolled men let contingents = ee a ce ao the, follow Abie Sarret ital! to ot “tn Picea Tt ls hoped nbxt yous to complete it rbot pated 7s F unnoticed. a n wine at, for ata traini As ms on the subject hind a ei ing of eosi| ¢@ the neighborhood of Owen Sound. truly Chris Ae Tanai eg oad te class stabling in good repair for 60|sent on to the front as soon hey te i Vert me Hie of the Dom- Pepebel, vr etre menttoieitee $4 Shaan aah * This year. in rge centres of |heeded, es wool foie obnte Eoe OAT He Ge the a ear Mr. Morphy —Refersine: ta the| fu Western Onbarvo our station Coane eS —— be = ing to | br Rept ae a ar oe a tehente ees ss jabiest 0 our recent conversation, | FoR fifte Bs ehicty miles a cava @HE SCOTTISH NATIONAL SAINT 7 shed 28x50. Pig house 30x50. nearly | In as‘much as the Hon. Mr. Lucas woula expla that jee Ca EN men- ce Rane eee AeA Geer, , oe ity of 80. 1 paadition te! ay nla deereaue in woseason dut the eodetie coat: ae Ga: ch ratte stations are oe St. ey is the canal of life but it becomes a : having @ capacity in a ion to s antial - a I ae : , other useful buildings. Hard and so! owing to re-arrangement o! he | The method of on survey consists| This is the reason for building. the rae teat at we a nh anne th of pullging: up and tearing e house, “This farm is fair, system. the Ia vlad over last year's) in the selection o woints at ete ees pee manne fence: “bieh 01 comes a8 . visible from ; ; Bake pul ea etched what f a surprise and is espec- iene another, Thus the country is cay- the tower nt sets his instramen’ 2 cS his name. are to be found eaeon tw, ated is compelled to to : . is am overflowing drilled well at the jially. eratifying. 381035 year pmelnes ered by a network of triangles, the} the liver and kidneys are stimulated re gain of |umgles of which are then measired /D0 pers ‘ne nf clad wie r inside and’ dat ith . ent sof oak the ssion.| ground with speckal apparatas ‘with ; ‘i is the balan Ladd hi izin, - . 50 | ‘ase this has mot been’ fully oper-| the highest accuracy attainable. a8 the air is asually steadier | fol ‘ip. The d ly antl on pry tee fan reo ae acecacb ates Flos all the time. but to the growing @ measured: ang-| ay Hime. and iamps are| dough. is taken’ to. typily clean eb eae ee aS i quantity of standing timber. Con-' wealth of the Province, ‘The benefit e lengths of vail for sightin ‘The observer | ional char: haraoter. and men-of aiter = —and brain, ‘This well.known alterati venient to towns. sohools and churcb-/ of the inoreaded duties will be felt network are !odmmunicates Mi instructions to the | dispositi¢ms—fi ada oa a nse and also conven. | : sty, are ‘Astronos | rr iad pap the frep. eration ag a fonie and body-bulider. ‘Te builds up tho seat an lence of.rural mail delivery, Persons ) iis epee mical observations a) determine * ithe! 4 with Tam by might © of r pera 3 ne jovial swain— poet gad righ cataalie cond '<or have catarr! ‘* P resin eo @ property are wel-| LITERARY Yor, itude of one point | ‘sin sunlight is also used in A. join the -bond- of eat natkl ve Pots Aro : ome and see for themselves, | (rection of one side are sulti= tion with the xreconniissance country ‘with tet "4 to the tonie in liquid or tablet form at any dig ata aoe . wit, jas one-third of the. purchase! Clev land “Blaisdes pe to give the Jatitudes and longti- is. the.preliminary work of sel- ‘of Regulus. Ungus ‘or Acca of mde oa ae _ablat form af any dog store ot money balance can remain secured by It Cogent a riyle wh invented | tudes ee pave Nee) ee rr s ch iprved pal ae stations. | Hexh: gh prove “anspeakable Turk” phrase. oer of all sides, though. in order to limit national] Send 27 onecent amos to ney cont of main , a pak ht Fels Ade mre heed the fat be gratified could he know | the Tessa acta of the oe ae ree te “x cntfat Cha th the ta mea ge oe ene riko be Seas for free co ae ‘Sen: ie freqabatly ths gnotetion te Sete, mall errors. additional ‘astronomical ation now ex from some | turned ital ts MA ” Ph Pe % k ; AAN MeMANB. HB, No. Soh tow freqaroty Istations are introduced at suitable eamee below the City of Quebec. the beginning of the winter season

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