Milverton Sun, 26 Nov 1914, p. 1

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aS > oF hs Cash For Poultry S. Gleeckman, °*°"*\ivirton Highest cash price paid for all ‘inds of poultry. “3 Shines Fur ALL” Z = Skate’ A GOOD JOB GUARANTEED P. NEUMEISTER Painter and Decorator s Hollow Ground — MILVERTON Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, November 26, 1914 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher SAVE, because--- At any time fortune may seek you, and to grasp your opportunity capital may be essential. No. 154 HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto GENERAL MANAGER :| A. H. WALKER MONKTON BRANGH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager All Stock Must be Sold Before Christmas Regardless of Cost. Local News man kinds of fresh ald dricd fish ete Mobr’s, Awerican coal ned Ac Gallons 80c. at Finkbeiner’s har: Mr. James Torrance. M.P.P,, at his, home here. haat On, Wan. Freeland. ‘Mrs. Fred, Hollnts spent the week-end wit Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Hollatz. y Drs. 8. Sonar. of Kiness is at present of Monkton | MISS L. MEYER We haye a nice assortment of Small Hats for Skating or Driving Next tg Zimmermann's 3 MILVERTON. = ONT. Which we would like’ you to see cua 3 CHRISTMAS PRICES eee Lei Baking Molasses, New sie Oc Oc Free of Charge. Grocery HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS fi Cc A L.@ ScnaNron ANTHRICITE 5G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for Coal = PORTLAND ek Bank of ‘Hamilton $5,000,000 000,000 8'750:000 Auth Sapte P: pee i Business Training— Manv men have fallen short of busi- success because, as they arew in experience they neglected ‘to culti- vate habits of economy. Every young man should kéeo a Sav- cause personal econ- P. J. FASKEN, Manager MILVERTON BRANCH: SPECIAL MILLINERY ANNOUNCEMENT spent|' We pay 35 centa for fre Jacobs. h of New Yor city Is at oreaent, visiting is cousin Mrs. Albert Pos his parents. siting ber sister. Mrs, C Re’ Ww. ford. velit on Sunday next conduct sof- ou are sure on m4 od ghotorraph | £ you go to Lee, Lixtowe cents for dairy butter 8.8, No.42. Elma, wal! k | measles hat vi anes a chickens 12Ke, ive shlekene 90. a ph Finkkbeiner’ » “Mr. and Mrs,’ James‘ Buchannan vive returned to Milverton after 4 wi spertding some months’ with frien home of Mr. ond Mrs. ‘Chas. Ken in the Northwest, ames Trow. of Stra ttord is} Parties wishing cheese Mine Mill- Spoiling ‘a few days in the village} hank factory must eall-o before | vbiting her mother. Da ia} ships agh, fi tins, ‘B.A...of Strat- Methodag been slo a owing ve the prevalence of | fi 8 i eewing machine we Will give a 885 jm a 28,00, (Leave, your ofders at The! Sun of- ida ae Sects eaener pe ne bs “led land & & Don't forget! 13 pounds efenuidteny 27 iS hanaae with your other order on . urday a | comting All Odd Bellows are eae ee to atte end the regular meeting’ of Silver m Friday ele | Nay “Overy saw. mill as been ‘closed for the season, Jumber ade i so dall that fot many mills im the country will ‘buy log: ‘is wit fer asthe cut of last Wile is still | tims ‘alion is|vick them out, hota) wei tee: ander can’ We get plenty to| Mr. and Mrs, A young Indy “explained to a printer|eat and © blankets setae S| Geeekandl writs ane ted Ste men ad ichbor town the diffe renee | wabber one to kee’ warm but tha vbelll. of Stratfo: im printing ee ‘oublishing. and in psa tte on which we lie always| Mr, Arthur Harris. Teothes of Mi clusion said: “Now yo may ‘print a|SoR@Y and our feet are always” wot |Jas. Erskine ja home trom tho: wot | kjea on Way these butiwou aust’ met land muddy. ba mu om; |where he has been located. eis poblish it? With that he locked the | Vortable as they ar da and] Byers. of Mitcholl fae form in his arms and went — to} of our company are dissatisfied spent a irk days Yast tweet ial “aye |but,if things were a thousand times her mother, Me Gia tcee siting « every few who read the war pews as realize what a million men. and t re S¢veral million in the ronan on opean war. really means. ie: ON SALISBURY PLAINS Letter from Mr, BE. A. Laoere ht James Torrance. M,P.P. v= e other day a letter dated iftn. from his son Mr. BE. A. a ‘or! a ary Plait ie Wi e| extracts that | may prove interesting. He atarts oft with the usual | ont the difficulty of aecuring mail lalddresi o him xpresses oe fapxlety ot hearing! ae that it is raining a erly all and that his 4 and it raine vices in Christ church morning and Sas would reach fron ocean Winn ni- | €u) abBer tea jam an ese, The ‘food eventn: a ‘All| beg. The food for m million men for| is substantial and sufficient but we Miss Ada Beamer. of | Alilverton fone day would fill about: 200 tretght | pe no offensive weapons wherewith vas the gui @ Ruth Hughson tei ia Kno chtel. of the Jmberial | attack it except a_knife here nd Soring the teacher convention. ~ |Lite Go) hag. vous the “the attention of patrons on scsi \enaee we pretty much as ow pecker MSAa prc ve ates is again called to the following |tmeestors did. which after all is As react of Monday's . storm | teva. the parece ee Wetlington| uti m regarding rural mail de-|‘dvantage as it saves washing knives thare'\ls naw fittcon Inchon ot anow on{ st ry; “On what are calle ‘a abe rks, fie level wll over. Firace county” und) hee fellow's Lodge is leceere: that is. letter’ mailed in an: have heen reviewed“ by ites turned from sieighing: jekreulating @ Patriotic call to mem-| vost office or letter box on a rial |aoberts ina pouring rain, The Yrs. eaten. MaoBe th and daugh-| as of the 3 links to aid in prolate) route. for delivery into any other | Rue eon et = believe Lord Ritentaee fer Seis spent a few days last week|for families of Odd Fello ho. have! otf 8 lottar box on, dhs abtierry ute aa erith y bee Tbe winter in Old Gate MONK NK LOW, Gill's for. groce: \ Mr. Gid Litt pipeaey ‘a car of oats ti it weel eon Sanit I I. sins : sams bog on Wed. ed varehmeni Labelled “Di me for sale in 26 cent lots aif Miss ‘isting her eg ie rg ri a Beets ~ Rave received a or. lessrs, Weber & Betta shi oarload of potatoes here te toe The price paid was 45 cents bast Thursday An i @ youth and by tn Soon Heute BOVE adaney ry The Temperance Dir. Auguat, Basler “ts turning ‘building opposite the hotel into agar will store his mot tor in it n/soon ws com) it . Chas, k. son of Mr, J ennick ee Mie eee NOlaver se, nk i to bend the visit at the residence of Mrs. Dan-| zone to the front. A Hearty: Yespones jthe ate of pottnge is 2 gents an cunes 1 poen paniod dae university grad-|itrom the west and wil visit Ci ie wilt no doubt be accorded. , Tiger thereof.’ | uate who occu D spare |seotion for some tim ‘ P.P.. will act} Don't forget the school box sooial in =--=---- | time composing: songs and has writ-| Me. Wm, Gill, buteher of Oy as Coorg Mr. if fe Weir a inriernen's hall on Hriday night,| his nnateceousol jen some ings of a different.|Sound is home -atten, Chitty yoars "ab: puctipaoy at fhe sahoc| A Social to| Sple: ame local. talent mature. apc Hh ‘on. ‘He oame to see ee a a Eee i e[naete ne ee mk BASAL A | Et seco Ne of ira Men [RV try Hy anna a eg Ra Listtiodint charch next Sunday on ae | seeds will be devoted tthe si SR Sac cM plete Miverto m: letue taken in wy “ki aan sbi to ‘sr ‘on i tn thelp ball on Satine of anni versa eing | of a fla ; wo quae, the, tok eee Plald 1 Gay Ny. Ray members of Com= held in the Pres ‘The. morning edition of the London | ane, a *- [aod the Glengarry bonne rt have beebi invited to be Dr. Kidd. adieu? Theat. officer. Advertiser oan now bé,had ‘eiteerea, tf ‘dle af talion however, bas received nomorcy nt, Qt, Mimo, has ordered the closing of | tour ibe ra recke cen of Saree are beginning to feel the| | Rey.'A. 2, Doan wave an excellent ma. owing to the s Lis sa at ectare accom: ence of niéAsion in. the neighborhood. sda le. ey Bors ae celting very anxious Jat the League o-testing on neers Mrs, P. Wilhelm underwent 4: suc-! ing for jun and wanting-a good Sepsal othe front and if they are |might, (Mr, Doan is n very popular cessful operation on. her eyes last Lwostern Ontario daily tir the Adver. | uaML | Bob areata tol eS zo soon the RRC garner ae ‘k at Braptford. She was accom-|tiser. x twill ~ reed discontent, Salisbary low it winter is at han: all ied bi . Mrs, Ed.|) 3 2 |e : the just like Alberta ver; wou \ — Bip cet ee Le |tamehh ptalt ok. Maal wendquere]| wee! Oartr vee in the See ae "vert tHe abrabbery |Gomaltion Of aur othe ed Zhtis. S. He Pugh spent Friday and lors in London, received notion of his hexrery “ e Bere god there. in the valley: | Sie epawi sip Ena walk of Saturday in Stratford bidding | good-| promotion to the of, Lent Colon. Bk ’ small villages, Tt contains something their residences, bye to Dr. (ai Stewart el to take etfect | brant al 00. sauns jsp e have) Miss Rennie, Perth aye fa 1 | Esont.-Col,.-Shi at and af-|missionar’ orevious to pha agcarture for Nor' ee Say Mr. Ou Jy eae district agent rey and- Brace of the London pes nance Hamover this week make bi Bogan ts ers. eo 1 of North Batt} vleased the tdalente with its pr ram, ‘he snowfall of last week was days in orde) vicking The pewidatal license department i leat year Ko little interest was take this form with those 6f the Ontario License of the villagers hes ent to Press Fa: ken in her berea Mr. John *T. Wilt a ot Grosshi the best known and lished met FOR THIS WEEK f “$1.50 to $3.00 Felt Hats (Trimmed) latest styles Untrimmed Felt Hats rangingfrom 75c to°$t.25 We have a ee Line of Odd Mounts Real Bargains- COME BARLY and HAVE FIRST La z dis ||sons of its onatituenoy,, recently : mn” tbe ‘Wellesley Maple , Leaf. gue close ting uishe ved success in .a new i augmented on Sunday morning ay se ee said that ‘Chile is dissatisfied with ew | having ich | her purposes. now 1 er mines haa been rather dull an-opportunity of | unproductive cavets Argentine temperaince legislat- id presented in concise pamphlet form. It provides excellent opportunity for the public its provisions Act. We regret to learn that our highly The sympathy ai started life as a printer is one of most versatile and to jonors clu: hers fereat Ny aud, a hie ie has. according |faugh and a amnon ‘has eee assiat-| t adjutant-general on. taught ae ‘AvoKd, debt it ¢-| would soon be a happy world. When s/h. man ceases tooare whether he pays ria he. lace where m0 fi fally recovered fro: in- used by iba jortioneyal e face the officers of through being violently contingent troops at King- atruck with the lever of a t k jack. ‘iving adyice and an iy South newro minstrel| adress on npr et when he _ thas performance Zim-| comklemned Sines seeds and ‘intem- ‘Monday evening | penance u wT om D: is| There is aati Ae in offi. | between he the South American e|her present boundarics and that. n ough agricultural Jands f tee eA are nat the Ontario legi .| keture will meet oe the firat Avatls i n! ram ‘vill rip a at one port i i ot ir. Wm. Bent- “i fied form of moratoriam — covering ele ta ina to the house with | arinctoal pavmebis;On wortcares and he ating easy. His many |™terments off “tebe + | ised. some tae ago Sy the Pagers wer [Palmerston Spectator. . Mr, fc r) wei Preferred to im.tho above. is the father |oun subsorbee ecee ae isso rs. P.'J. Rusken. of Milverton | of their change of address the who had réturned froma visit tohis| ct ottice torn slitel route, Many bedside on Wednesday ovening of last! ihe country offices nte ‘being o week and was apprised on the follow: f the rang ing morning of his sudden demise, She o on, S| ceived their boxes.’ The only why SS ure the chiinige i# ta notity us by i. end or ‘phone, The Bun 'yhone num- . Which to enjoy- themislves mate his guests ad een he hundred years as Ednoven citizens have rajsed ee 877.- mon| child should be sbnught to be} *% not Spee ae family rt \pareful of money ize into] oq del ime EN- | + st Whole lot | jot is| The cattle market whieh went — to] BF t! ‘ain draw the attention .of| which ins 0! township| of the gloom gate cory Raced fer si Wl e of Li ‘hea m q id his 100th with from ¢ of the welter of bloods! aa on husacay Royer 12th. and misery may aie a i daa iy ee is in it of health aa of things; that the. y hor! by his vigor.|this war may prove the Yaeath sities to war in futu Slade hye Bllice. on Nov, r= z Sons john e to! roses, lily of tho | valley and maiden hair fern. The ri nattende rrooom’s | | favor to the ‘bride was a mecklace 4 to the pianist a ony and folicitations | ee ing parties. | im Mrs, MoBride left on ia G.T.R. for t Kaward. Port Barta and | a trinoning, and | coh heir eines thi ev ‘will visit. at the Lara home for a few days Deter prokeeding to their hom ee Mr. McBride holda i cust office, hare! che The best wishes of a friends follow them a thee bone i the gts bade from » Mr. . McBride of A. R. Hollefreund. of. Lamberg sister of ie setae and Mrs. A. Ve: Strath Raabe crn 2] MAY If BE THE LAST WAR {One of the ‘saddest reflections press ed upon the mind of the present ter- ible braid e ence nave added to the terrors au aiseries of mankind," Sir Edward Fry in the Daily Veo rao rs Ke eneduraging to str ere) xe TOW t fill och heatt; in ae BIRTHS. iken—At Pi La on Noy. 23rd. ber to Se. and Mr; FS 3.P, J. Basken, twin- ‘omuae-At Rostock, on Nov. 21: iMr, er . Wm, i SNES er jaterAt m, wali aN eer week Sitésemtruber—At Milverton, er—At 3 Nov. 19th, to Sir, and srs Beter 4 ir. and Mrs. Fon Roulston, a ith. to irs, Ji Muell ae a son. nae hers ee Nov. 7th. to Mr. and Mrs, M Sohlot2- 5 ee At Burhsi.on Ost. 23rd, to 0 i. ‘Mr. ond Mrs. Bd. soa a daugh ter. § f ag DEATHS ‘nfall=In Elma, on Friday Nov. 20. °F! and for this reason we can hon- Shag drill befor: x breakfast we ee company pwards to it onae. joon.as1 hear from you tt you ant petenta oniaeaaat T'll pay mv own way over tal ‘healdquarters for I’m ‘and if the Canadians don't co in ge (alone. CAN THE ¥ KAISER BE RIGHTY oohester Henald Wan i sible that the sol thought of the eight or ees nations mow in opposition to hii wrong, amd that he nae aie ‘eloge is Siboniee operations a have been com-| 3 expeoted | op Ticks the rink ant | that ty the weather, Sane col ice will be ready for the skaters on Saturday night. Allour stock is selected with greatest care and judgment | tt expert eens and in all the new m Weare Ses ” agents. We have a tine selection of Hcckey Shoes for men, wo- men, boy’s and girls. Siri, SKATING TICKETS will b- on sale at this. store at. the following prices : M 5 Women $3.00; Children under 18 i years $2,50. Secure your ticket: early and get the whole season, Highest cash price paid for and Horse Hides, Sheepakine HE and made of the best uate ry b R. MILLER’ Y MBaeriet the meeting 5 veo Ce ipiieg of missions, in ot rae oN gave tn exeollent lestiire. othe choir. “ove sting of the blder members rendered ng Tn Sethe a Maitland oueeay factory has slosed ° gee for the season, k thas give Garvices; Rey. oan, M A. B.D, Pastor. ‘Do ot forget the anniversary ser- ‘sim Knox church roh. At edi December 2nd, Afternoon session at 2 o'clock, eh session at Teacher's " has been chosen as the princi jot oe discussion Rev. ‘apaiti mre ns 5 principal speaker wit sjagoares on this all important subject. re it. Dr. Hu a John will Nac’ speak Convention held at — Lon- sore discus s bi ns bon tive and it is expecter ety Sow’ chool in the town. lay Si will have delegates present, ins! that every Sanda shiv é WILLIAM BEATTIE n Tharsdav nicht of last week Mr. He was one of Palmer: bonrgens 3 from oe he in the seventies forem: GTR. ee Rove William, 18. mAlOr a Ve abla aiers ith the fiver co8tlogs ent from “Notice” Sn disposed “ot tt Ta ‘a bs bates I would Pah fi Tan a ventas for roa wed on me teehee 8 nin business. BERT Woe WEISS, UE Tee Horses james Kenflall. aged 90 years. joyember 28th son egies Ww. “Wray at ‘Millbank. ete : ; “ ery Py

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