| | a eee Fang ed saith Ba BANK. Grieve spent, dhe saat ae ehetort f le visited over Sunday at pas home, Oe Sebringvil | i al with Esionia at Le att spent part of last el, lene | ats es be EP ae Milverton sna Stratford, | ‘ir. and Mrs, A. Johnston. of Car+ spent Sunday a Mr. George The Metropolitan Bank was 8 oi Rovesitiy 14th, 114, f amalgamated with | The Bank of riday. N S ti iMiss A esi on st, Mar Ova Seotia, episise ses en sof the Metropolitan Milverton on Frida | Bean eit be conducted s formerly Mins A. Ste wart returned to it will receive the advantages |Grimbsy on Tuesday after spending o- Mr. Geo. Smith [Miss Morrison attended the .tea tion at Str: a ag atford on Thursday | ai da over Sun- due to the larger a1 | the past ven sdeys visiting: in thi lishment of the Bank of Nova Scotia, i ality. | which was incorporated Mr. Alf. Penhorwood. of Harptree. | d has 190 branches distributed a former resident of this plac: throughout Canada, Newfoundland | nna’ ehMeted and expects to leave for id West Indie: the front with the second ai ask Paid-up Capital - § 6,500,000 Mbe Mission Band of Knox church | © Reserve = 11,900,000 will hol Total Resources over 90,000, on bie Nov, 2ist at 8 o'clock, | We nape slay every description of 1m and itso “will b Everybody malcom, . adies' Aid of ‘piibanie, will bold their bazaar Friday after noon Dec. hall. (Millbank Mary A. Phair of Berlin. is IN AND MILBANK, BRANCHES D. C, Brown, Manager lockman and! which show clearly wi sais Pinkham’s Vegetable Com: ie Mrs, Johri K! cua. eo Burne. spent Sundaf at sa |. Stewart's. ring fucclgaacounilday Grek yy ing nde the fone of Mis AS XMAS PRESENTS— Hae my ‘decided: to: udld: their meetings nt instead of Monday.! ol at rida next meeting i: Nothing i§ more appreciated 9 i by your friends t trait of yourself or family. | December a el di v ines Di ie SITTINGS UNTIL SATISFIED. Ee cnt Stn a hatin ceane Open Daily (Thursday Exceed) church. "Boecial rmon” te, woag evening sa i . WOMAN SUFFERED From Female ills — Ills — Restored Compound and decided totryit. I write ae n publi my letter as a testimonii — Mrz. Nova Scotia, Cani uburn nervousness for se Bere and had such organic pains that in bed four days at aaa, could not eat He heir annaal thankoffe ng to me or bother me at all. a will i iret Hid the Hund Different bn Mia the best as could for me until four 4th. in Rittes r oH health,’’—Mrs. ties H. SiMe. 15 e week at er home her pe of eatetal letters which are con- [oa ee Smith was a basiness) stantly being received by the Pinkham visitor ae) Listowel a Saturday. \ Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., Edith Miller woman's ills, is to hana por-| ihe home a Miss Flossie Coulter on] Medicine Co. (confl- -TEN YEARS to Health by Lydia E, - Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, _ _ Bale e, NS Gan nade SAT doctored years female oe ‘and | mon id not Bat wally cUasad in Bie pubes at Lydia EB, Pinkham’s Vorntble to tell you that I am cured. You Suveine Basing, Belleville, ada. ‘eres Woman Recovers. . Yi—“*I suffered trom metimes I would lie r sleep and did not want anyone Sometimes would suffer for seven hours at a time. months ago I began BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Auburn, Ni e are only two af the thou! t great things pound does for those who suffer from want spe- lal advice write to jydia EB. Pinkham dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will The Bedford Studio zi ne come. The! be a spe of io will ‘calle eae. I K.} 17th. ww very im- view n by t RAILWA RAND TRUNK 8¥'svem DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY Toronto-Chicago Toronto-Montreal Bees es ing report on t che rence which “ hs 1d a the n R Ww di eat habe ia confirmed by the Perth County Te her The International Limited iperior “Canada's Train of Su Service” da Perth Shear Teache: Leaves > 4.40 p.m, daily, aret ——— Detroit 8165 ym. and Chicane #.OU aan | MORNING SERVICE Sago cipal trains for Western States ant Canada’ FOR MONTREAL i iste, homes Wattineton, of Bertin emearprinagin fio nm. and 44 | |was a Fistor at the home of lx, eo, in “dally. Werth fons, ete., at || Forwell ave, nda Br cer seth retenvat yh ee Yanna Meat ad. Abert | 4. C. CUNNINGHAM, (Pho Ye Ata | r. John Walter, of Berlin spent Sunday at his home here. \ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ottmann after a short visit at Guelph. Fy ney Messinger meee a basi ‘0 Galt on Monday. 1), Local Agent vith 4 contine a e forget ‘the basaar al re} a for the vov. abt, ive Individual attention {n Commer lal, Shorthand. and, Telegraphy ds pariments, Why atte an ; FERNBANK whe € is You muy enterat any time. Write for our leege free catalogue, D. A, McLACHLAN, ~ = Principal (Miss Bessie Reid. garage under the parental r Mr. John Bruce who has Heal ing with friends ‘hare tu! or <3 nee ae ‘Orangeville, iss Clara a and Mii ordon ,C eens Friday evening ab the oaetel Bey ne haar Nejlson. vi toy ch Eva and, Jennie McAllister 8 Lottie Kerr visited on Wed- iss | Vera ue a Willard. pf Exeter. apent yp fow days Of last, week renewing eoquaintanges in ‘this leat Mis Ison is rane visit- D att se “He Looks Into thé Bye” mer day. in Stratford attends af q: w.sh the ceople of Milverton ioe ime the teacl cher" eonvention, vicinity to know that-Fh» GLENALLAN. system of. eyesight a ead ne a ee recently <e rabamn, eyenigot. pi by this method it Lh = & 3 Quite a number, attended the cralist. allan atl last rida night. AI ee fg I ito the Cas’ ake ends in the Gldn one day last = | be stan By Sybitke, Smith “ot ares Mt let erect right at its | “tise Mi mie Bloomenstein is at pre- hes | sent visiting with her parents in ae eonnatenes perc ec: igh- | Drum! spend a nt days with i HAWKESVILLE. |visits of Jacl oronta ce petroit || (Mr. Stephen Scherrer and son Kug- | bilverton “a aad Cheng eS0 pas dpay of ens. tarday at Hix | assrs. Will, and Johi LAST TRAIN OUT OF TORONTO AT NiGHT || y MtessEe WH ane rc Pa, werhves De colt 8 a.m ise Baine & sree with eae father! 8 ee. Sidney Snider spent Friday at (oes "Sunday with. Mins nea ged | Neloon Merrie ews lite ted them wi church on rhorsday. | tei}, ot ‘Linwood. spent Ine bean 00 and ae a pent: ane scereikerna is "Listowe el. | Mrs. a iriduotion of Rev. will held ‘of Milverton. con- | dha essful sale of live| Supper the niscinent lat the,closs ofthe ser hursday last. vives Mir, Ry Peters fter Wale ge Be teienda, ay St. Ea Wamburg visited the datter's mother Mrs, re (Misses B, G. son atte: ie d ine 4 mieastnra | Convention LINV/O.2D, bra. Reet Koebel and London. din ts wich thegtatmexs parents en . of Calgary ar- rsday after spen st. of M the rex a at. Mr, pesapaes ‘Mrs. Frank Baker left cee? to r sister a \ Ofonkto k is mow. ready. for ice ‘ind (Miss oe Roth” spent Monday in ee Ratherford os the wee her hom Svending a) ™ IRS W POR ‘Wedding bells are mniversary service, min be held in 29th, Miss Margaret Hammond. of fang hank, spent Sanday. at cher. hom, is. viasic Schmidt eens Sanday: at her ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION K Closing Hourg ai Zion church ne: junday Noy, 29: Revi Job Kay of Stratford.’ will MONDE. ter} camduct-setyices @t"4t aim. and 7 TURSDAY, Za p-me i WEDNESDAY., Closing Hours : “The Arcade” 7.00 pmo \y itchen Cabinet Free A very alcataot event oa eH a the hom¢ nd 7-P aD. Aasy chatr and the following ny ‘Nos, Figs ee the me! oir it al were Trequested .to a ind a little eee od assumes — her at or d you have bi toa and devoted work, is Daring this, n foe al in atts to the Ma: iomedie s orxanist of Zion | Denne pour neabta seo A ou. to wour, Dew, hare, wishing very Mandanes antitcboagacity ik fle.” Mice Ip and sheer whieh ou have pe gassed on to others ag le of your acquaintan “and friemdshins widen in your new Nr tire led upon anist and ppy in the fact that | rewell. or} social zalabionebio 9 swihich haa Slated between os. al Your future home iv located in’. the pep ne and ar store age fusy ood accept by ebina dleasant men rv services at and friendsbips=in 2 Zion ohureh, A, F. Olark ra F a. Spent day with Mr. Irvin. Stricker: Miss Pearl Ballard. of Elmir: s Laura Me- Reme ember the Christmas enterta' ment to be tp in the Pre sabytorinh ate Dee. 17th. Mr, Barney Sank Zz. of romantog Pepe anday ie varental rool De 0, Edwards, das blacksmith ures Mr, Mr. Reuben Seifert. S: cates arkived ‘homo on a aturda mber ist all alin CENTRAL path k. Mavtin; and | at nallepriee at W. ©. Band! |, MWebbleyapent Batarday | Atl, ‘The Separate School Mactor wm Himina. IbGldd eaneth en December” 16 ‘Mr. and Mrs. Wale Sto and| good program is being arrange STRATFORD, ONT. ae Rad of (St, Jacobs. fac Gaactasih The stor! he latter’: r. (Mr. and Mrs. Collins h a bouncing URNS. The er Hingle-of sleigh bells messto our ears sinee the snow othy Watson friends in the | John of Stratford. occu- the ‘pulpit: of the North Morning: ' Ye arviges fa connection pitts the A, “0, Stewart. M.A. it North Mosineton reh on ‘Phursday — December 8rd I be served by the Indies in | Little wttended the Tench. (Miss M. old ers’ Convention at Stratford tae Wien. \ Daa UN hn d bome Friday ‘Marys. Gan engsachj dames. ps the vgs end with: friends, in 1 Mr, and Mrs, H. G. Nowanan the 1ate| er les New ©. Rc Ander- t Stratford last week, trai tened, when glasses ate Titted 6 yt this a ‘Mrs, J. Bruce. of Orangeville. was a venced system. Children’s eyes tan be visitor in the Glen em securtey examined w thout asking any ques tl Satisfaction guaranteed, nin visiting niece. Mrs. Bessie nstor P. H.. BASTENDORFF | a LSS ARN “ag he guest of *GARTHAGE.. Are You Insured HE CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS offers protec: tection for wife and funily at a inimum-cost, Investigate tt S. Spencer, CR. iN, Zimmermann, RS. cee ‘Mr. Sain Johnston is spénding "dichers’ Convention held in Strat eee ast * he Ys our post office will be losad ta the neat Ayton. p Man Bere, spont, the Wweck-end win: he bist ol ee Stri wane TOURS ‘o the Land Sunshine ® Senumier Days Aber son proper ends oe teeta ray $ Ae at iv oesent at visiting tel -|_ Buttermakers ! pie DAIRY Com iniatei eh oF the Department if Agmigultiire a |: Otte: iwexts the follO: for the printing of Butter. forms ‘rappers. d Sree a Maybiirey ‘dt "Bitton! pe ve Mina) Ai urry hice . monrnent PEER cat ‘oon a few cient at the home of her by Full particulars fro: $,j uncle. Mr. John Mayb ae FY P, L. CRAWFORD. Local Aen eee OS GOTHAM Winter has arrived and seems rath- er severe for a st: ne Burnett, Monle- ENROL NOW — atthe — LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Thorough Courses ht rght by Com- petent Teac! For particulars address. spent ters parents Mr. and Mrs. John Me. (Mr, Clement Hone intends leaving for Stoatford on Monday where he has * James nochan h the atten pare CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER | Mrs, Omand in won Dewar Jas, J, Freeborn eerby. ean of Wellesley. We anfield’s é shall always be glad to welcome’ you St p Children’s Coats mn our sorvicé’and to°still: ujoy your Unshrinkable camonny in our-social life, n all then : ok Cae Underwear. 1s alte new yee a ie 3 teem for you. and appreciation of Four 7 d your servic the. position you have Weilghts Sold tere!” righ rang ay so faithfully. filled. we ask you oe Ee eo 1g from.. WwW. K. LOTH, Milverton, IECE GLASS BERRY SET FREE wm every pibchank of 25¢ you get a vote for the Cabinet. With urchase of $10.00, you get one of these 7-Piece Berry Sets Ws $f. 00)... Only one to a family, Cards for Berry Sets will start on Saturday morning, Get right in on these now. ‘Overcoats= Our Stock is Very Complete Our very special line of Overcoats isin a navy and grey. Nicely nap: ped, good, warm coat with shawl . Regular $13.00, Special this week only The Balmacaan Coat Ss is a special with us, im brown and grey. Only two in stock, at LS) This is Sweater Coat Time We carry in stock the very ‘Best’? Sweater Coats made for ere. wo- men and children. See our stoc + We will try to please you. Ladies, whst. That New Coat? Su ‘e are prepared to please you, still have .a.good a isos which for stylishness, oe: » cannot be duplicated, Price very moderate re must be saoecit in parchment with “Dairy Butter” printed on it, We have it for sale. a Ht} ny “The Arcade” - Ont. a few well chosen’ tely replied =e appreciation of, her sexvices. of th ening ras enjoyably spent | a in aames and quo p AMPS rEAD ‘Members pre | ‘The Women's Tnatitute” sheld_u very | Soot: scree jfucuaatal: smedting f ‘Council and Wm. piace of | eae’: i bad Mecattek, ahaa i. The orvi he and ¢ r Rates here on a Sunday on account of | Mo ned by MeOlory—Sinith,, that Parlor, Den, 8 being he id in Yaw Ni 2 of the Township fo ea! <i e tie Beauchang Oreek and | Dining and tate vuriose hold Extendion, Drains now ithe ‘choo! gead ibe providianally’ ioted Wha) the | Bedroom 4th. pie ee ‘Olerk (be instracted avi " i wi voted to the Patriotic uriaited and srve Ral Furniture Puvier particulars will be | sonnet “4 and that a next week, i ‘at the rexPrsrcishs ‘ald 'I We also’have a nice, new as- err visitor to.Tavistook this week. / Or, Woke and Miss Mackie Mur ‘fi may of Hollen. spent i sthdul days with ‘the said cour trends fat this focal | i Intended ‘for “last /wook: The collectofs for Divi Narth Easthope | et beh pe. for the Belgian AS fanrdile paw and a Yy helder will mest at | DORs amains! art ‘on’ Taes- | E PP the the hom of day. November 34th, | The marriage of (Miss Nettie © Me- | Laren, daughter of Mrs, Margaret, of ie haga is Stewart, of Re pata i" “he ached aan be diode on Thurs | daw ik Friday of this week 3 ‘teac! chnige in attend at “th unten ben ntatiensd | eset ¢, treasurer and Mrs?"James” Holmes ly hhave moved their © new | by perfonming Che <edifi {tor modern conyenience and, com: ‘pounded beautiful |to rua, Mee. ‘Hales ‘has ‘one — of the brottient country resid i these part pest ir. Bera Kuepfer oe A the ranks af) the betiedigte is | ore he sand his wile sore ‘Reeve ‘Miss Bender) eh reside, ar’. Daryn them a long and happy 1 ude Barton, ‘Miss ‘Don spent last week at Mr. Henry P. qoiourn in t A number from ‘here took in. the reap in Milverton on Monday even- | Drains Bree miRev. Stratford. urea eels ie North TMeeninzton Cae ani ‘4 iat, La Kay’ aay | ONTARIO “CHOICE Dain BUTTER = Made trom aaiste ¢ Cream MRS. JOHN DOE + BOWING. MATTHEWS, Principal, A number from thee attended Mr. Bank DOEVILLE, - = ONTARIO. oie" sent ‘the eb TE ata Re 1626.1 schodl wag cloapd gn Blonday | by hikitni < vent ae. to He ma Service “itt be hhelitein Sihuceybore: on Sunday. | |instracted toe pO, the far- eines poor ‘of Milverton aca. Wy. Forman sale oa Mhursdny last. a 1 Council of the Town- met in the; Agvigutar: Gedgak: Bitcakae Masai: 14. ‘ lex. MeGillawee was a Hiegiereet on- Saiturday ares ‘ "The bras of revision ta ietier Gern-} *° lor boating and payahet ing of the ,ap-! i ame revatn on the ‘branch to the jhielderdmin Improvement “By-law. | a i r menenal nes. gies gs rican y a sd ta hag aoe and with daying “thé been charge the sum of viv 00 cuit the | ice isn model Moteman drain ay nt | stracting Metivay culverts sand.valso J - « charge . Me- | woot. “ \2 |. W. Mooney for a “al Lee township ‘basiness and at, Established 1878. the, Beaachamn Creek at SAMat| io Paksioini to dajoutnniin the geet ee TORS, 4° aaa 5% 4 is ability ‘and eased, te. mote nabat-) eters: of te ny. P eee si $ “anvest si " $ 4 rt ‘Com! sits} a hi for of kd | Fire en pte mbasey ni ties Pade acmtenee' rouge Oger i Mia cae ce $ W November -l7thslaragy Alby atthe’ “eet Cees renee nae pe ou absolute Sect a WS i bers of ee _ Boand) were Lip thes. ¢ Company, bed Mill - { q e a ‘A. DAVIDSON, Manager tome 68 oe) JOHN BROWN, President |}. 4 ta ; ban ane At a = iss a | Sayear-old Shelter “lea “eh ri F Hartmicr. uttended sis Con: | suction: Joth, 191 4 * ——— 4 Miter! ap V:8, Moore Reeth vas paid’ me oto in fall, A shai wings also samnasoaitea| at his inet Geo. Knight... ‘adlapes. fOr 0 for a a e zi Spent Sunday at asec on be basixcot thie sensirot of aes Saete Re Miwverton | fours a i SPT RY Fe Saupe ' Pearl Creamery, Ontario | Business a ENS “ i pode: pend suet aang ree = 1! Re Wo ve, ‘Samuel "Smith Coates. John Iil- tos i ayy ’ ast meeting: were rend! See our New and Attractive signed “by the “Reeve Designs -in | sortment of RUGS and LINOLEUMS for fall. > | 4 ed. | We Sell The Gerhard Heintzman, Piano provement By-law nf." » sven in, anid “ait: | Robt. McMane, h t as a court Furniture Dealer and Undertat Milverton, Ont ‘Overcoat Talk —.** The Latest Styles at Moderate Prices we Bove isr.¥ and Men's Made-to-order. ein rater ‘of R250 Our stock is complete in all branches for fall and winter and we assure amid work hind also to you of the best selection ever shown here at the most moderate prices. allo nee..foRseon- | * ’ We Invite You to inspeot our Stock | J. M. Fleischhauer | tite f Blma.Carri | : 2 f $150,00 against a deain ad allowanee tor ulverts ~ An Ladi Tailor saat bpm The British Mortgage Loan Co. of Ontario Office : 27 Downie St., Stratford for, the md Exte: ie pees ce — : DEPOSITORS, 33% Money deporited bined Company will yield you SY per cent: intereston daily bala ounded half-yearly, ~@ Cream Wanted! if 3 We wil Wr et Highest mA Price for Cr ye veredvat-the factory.” 4 CANS SUPPLIED FREE a 2)