MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE Special Offer — of — Millinery As our millinery?season closes this month we offer all millinery at greatly reduced2prices. Our stock is very complete and“our millin- ers will be able to trim special orders on the shortest notice. All other departments are well stocked with winter goods. Come and see them. Every- thing bristling with “newness” and variety galore. We are proud to show these goods, You will be proud to wear them. During these “crisp” autumn days there is nothing like good wool underwear to keep the chill away. We sell Stanfield’s Unshrink- able Underwear—the people who put “wear” in underwear. Wide range to choose from. Also a great variety of Ladies’ and Child- ren’s Winter Coats and Sweater Coats, etc. Men’s and Boy’s Overcoats, Sweater Coats. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR FARM PRODUCE APremature;: When art Child, eit It ou. to Be Done Over by LOUISE B. CUMMINGS ce ight by f Press Asso- sopyris! ee “Tim,” said Norman Fisk to his | friend, Timothy Forman, “I wigh you , would do me a favor. I must be ab- | sent from home on business for a month. 1 don't like to leave an old ‘woman and ii little girl in the house alone, and I'd like you to at least sleep there while I’m gone, though if you! | Uke you can eat there as well.” Fisk was forty-five and Forman thirty-four. being a widower, bach.” Fisk's household consisted, besides himvvif, of bis aunt, an old ludy of sixty-fye, and his daughter, Maud, stil! {n school “Certainly, old man,” replied Fortaan. “I'll sleep there anyway, It won't be necessary for me to spend my evenings ise wan 3?" all. Blanche Sy studies fea Nemes in the evening, and my to sleep jes her ‘kaltting.” “Your house is only a few blocks from the club,” beni the other, dis- mayed at the pictur “Just so, and I'll see that you get a Jatebke; You can go in as late as Ht Qeourred | | | | | | | F) The first night Mr, yin went to his friend's’ house at 9 0’ enough, there. was the old | “iady dosing knitting and a girl in short dresses’ sitting at a table woth a globe lamp on it studying her le The girl looked up at Forman Note aa x her f ° ” WEBER & BETTGER time with them than mere protection warranted, Her glance told him that + would not be entirely sist iy treat her absolutely as a schoolgirl, Her aunt woke up and solomon! ‘the eus- todian, but the girl said never a word. The next. few evenings Forman speht at bis club. Then one morning ingvthe-bouse Blanche went out at FLOUR WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: “Three Stars” and “Purity” Two of the best on the market : Cash or Whole = it Trade for BREAD wrrnnl EGGS A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty - - | MONKTON, ONT Mobilized The finest collection of Rubber Footwear over sepente in men’s, women's and children’s, ~Recruits.Wanted peibieetaing _To join the army (who wear our Rubbers that stand ——— The Siege Sie" * » th 3 Of hard wear and tear. nal ote A Long March Can be made in comfort with‘our rubbers. your daily march. Try them on Competition Hastily Retreats Before our prices, jy oh : N. ROSS, «2. Monkton “prpw’r YOU ENgOY IT ALL, TOO? the same time with a pile of school- books under“her arm. They walked but it didn’t occur to r to carry her books for her. till, she remarked that they When he left her, ve him a:look of gratitude. Blaneffe ‘at recess informed her bésom friend, ‘a girl t He certainly seemed very nice. True he was a little old for her, but a for-| tuneteller bad told her that she would oe | rman cane | ih' rather early—10 o'clock—being tired He found the schoolgirl | young \lipsiand a knitting a ee smooth brows she said: “Oh, I can’t tits nc ios ne | Won't posite ‘her. » “How old anand you take me for, erteetl Phas 4 year olden” | “sigh, ear, you are far out of the Vill be seventeen next month.” — | “¥ou Gen mean itt? J "are a, pats c ante M ea m Ought pi it, Are you?" “tts idasipeestia The least thing is Mable to break down the platonic and bring about the’ true love.” in platonic af. — The Cold Weather will soon be with us i WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF , Ranges and. Heaters OF ALL KINDS ae Kindly give us a call before paving elsewhere, Weare "satisfied that ° a” we can Save you some money. ast } y We are having. a-sale of Graniteware | Reduced Prices ; ; this week at Greatly * aes do you mean by the least t rites; a-touch of the hand; a es nba know you consider me a ia. "you forget I'll be seventeen next month, ‘and tletiteen is legal age for a wol Forman remembered nil: ‘wis! panionable” idle ie bim, ‘Wouldn't it’ be fine If he could go back a dozen I, could get of his wretched club life and all that? ‘The-next ‘evening Forman, who had i reedived from ‘when the girl would not be Courtship § <= urned. them she! ol ‘ something in the familiar appellation 01 fall. in love with her escort or not. | ¥ ‘Vell an act of kindness or of-sxe- | ™ tas.” gracious! You talk very queer | £°F obliged and could ext day an therefore sleep late, Blanche wore the dress qvith the longest skirt in her terrae and put | on all her finery, including a number‘ of gold and silver bangles. ‘she look: | once or twice in ber life, while the rama was an old story with him. | But in bis companton’s enjoyment he | found a me Rage ‘The theater, | ) the playe m “mouth: | words” aa overacting, Srere |b er vert Beyons, thelr joys and sor- Tows real emoti whl ie hero and | ' ‘heroine seemed 9 te enacting her own | | Forman, blaze himself, sat | mpanion with infinite satis. | fan “When ho falt her arm against through - When she turned her face toward his,! looking for a companionable apprecia- | ion of tonie noble sentiment express-| ed by one of the actors, he smil pasaretie.ant benpaitietealis) ‘Then | when the curtain fell be took her where they could get an ice, which ta rd dreaming that For and she the heroine in the play that had been enacted. As for Forman, he sank to slumber thinking about the pretty young thing who had sat arp him at the theater. | rman passed: the next evenin; | nigh le of hundred, of them his club, Saturday night is gala night when I put th at most clubs and there were plenty |” “T'was only » lip of n boy then, of his companions there to keep him ¢ook’s mate, and the clerk . of the company, But somehow the evening | shanty, at $4 a month and board ragged. At Dillards the face of| Roy O'Moore was the c a wild, Blanche was always titers aaa hing 2 ey Irishman, with a tem- between him and the object Pay oe ens, eae, bridge he lost because icone Wo ) vatleha bedee ae SED ne eran Is mind on the game, And st BS te liwaa dull ok trade, in whatever he did. When ie ane! never lonsecthe, = thoutts home to the house he was guarding | wag out of sorts it was not healthy roa felt relieved because he was under | to be indoors with him. same roof with the girl who had| “The men were all of fried thrust “hao” unbidden into his | | ash, and so long as I only brought though His club Hife seemed eine | in larg es hi m ready Gheatietictory to him than are leaned, he didn’t mind or care how Srilng Rornee ares |-aneh time 2 gave-to my. sport, ‘Thal é Up COn- | scious of the fact that he was driftin, into an santzoont position. His friend hed asked hits | Hone and:dbeitwo. pepplblsn.gk Auge his absence. , What had he been doing? | Turnin, pate f that friend's | daughter, not ‘seventeen Fare old. In this Rornaki was wrong. was not he who was turning the ‘ite | head, but she who was turning bis herd. At any rate there wi thing very delightful, between. them, meet his friend: when Then suddenly he was | terrified at the thought that Blancbe would give the whole matter away to | her father, | is exactly what she did. | but | the house on | the eveni F arrival to get | something he had left these Blanche | received him so enthusi that her father could aot help. fatleli ft. | Forman began to stammer something | that would help the matter. “It has been a pleisure to me," Ue sald, “to afford your’ fittle gir!”—ber Blanche gave him a reproachful ipa “some amusement during. yo sence, Her aunt was good énough to | let me take her to the theater, and I gave ber a drive in the pirk fi iy | busy.” | “Didn't you enjoy it all, too, Mr. Forman?" interrupted” Blanche, with | another pronounced reproachful look. “Very much, ae much!" Forman, reddeni | e say sents been very Kind. | id mao,” said Fisk, id. there was t time grated “1 think T'll stroll over to the club with you to- night for Agana of bridge.” { ‘That wi Forman, and: the little gitl for three ears, Ho was ssed. mid i a young la peter is home,” suld Fisk to his friend one day. us." “1 will, with Pieaatee: replied For man, and a time forvealling | when he knew ‘hls “felend would not | of, loveliness advancing to greet bim with pleasure in her eye and a smile ' on, hor lips, It seemed to him all at Surely this could not be the little girl | whom he to whose prattle bh tened. pet experience, now see! to him like a, dream. | ani The veil baa passed bape of be 0, oman. atte jeless rensewras Shee m ber girlish mh fancy, and though she endeavored to concea! the fact from Forman she falted. saw throu t the disguise hi once, and curred three years A Gigantic Fur Preserve, imate contribu the nuperonty oft the fur taken there, tor ian oe warmer fur ae for fur- bi a WE'LL SEND THE’ mins few doses of Giti Pills to eany Kidney or Bladder Tronble, pees you fhe Boe. size at your dealer’ ‘8. pret ae are—get “f | and a mutual friend, replied | w their lines were broken by excep- @ last meeting between | Py. “Come round and see ; ihe a Bs is ‘When Forman called he saw a vision | to the theater and | yy, Churns, Washing Machines, Roofing, Glass, X-Cut Saws, Axes HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE STOCK OF Stoves, Ranges and Heaters TePeUr at eC J. G. SEIP, Shelf Cutlery, Aluminumware and Royal Purple Stock Food - Linwood Es A FISH MYSTERY. How Did Siar ae Into Little elderly. man, of @ ct, powerful build, wearing the slothes-and. the nt to Ph dat little lake way u Gens , whe: McAfee | got out saw logs in '65, There’ bunch of trout I put into that lake| which ought to be about ready to make a nice little tess of fish by this time. n't believe anyone would notice was & ay stream for speckled trout, I tell y ad a regular string of — it water, though their | hanetiig: to-rage where ihe had orn them, % "So after a bit 1 hit upon the plan of keeping the small fellows in a Dan ‘O'Moore, grandson of the Racer cook, was easily engaged to accompany the elderly sportsman, on his trout- y and a good they old broken-down shanty a day or two later, fully equipped for the fishery. ‘The lake, it y fifty had not the least fear of the hook, ) ve pounds, ing fifteen pounds hen first caught. uriosity waa ted by the Hght appearance of those giants, At last the friend, who was the only one using a light. rod/and Ane a of ‘hose mighty fighters } ble water [Hole without visible outlet or inlot, but only one was lander @ party e appued for Pepe of land ay there,'\and run up a BLOXAM—MoDONAL D SUN CLUBBING RATE 0 v0 atford. young peo- [Sun and Daily Globe per year ple were “uletly Tear at Ki Seu nm apd Daily Mail and Empire church “at 7 o'clock Wednesday | 8un and Daily. “Worl dvening when nace, MeDonahi, sun and Daily Nowe a , daughter of Mrs, James MaDonala oni and Daily Sta ume the bride of Mr, jin and Dally “Advert a Rey. Rob! jun and Bas Spectator " The bride. hd was unattended. Sua and ‘Daily Free Pres, 4. arried i 4 trip to Moiltre ral thy jside at 88 Water street Heo suit, Af- will re~ a ae ‘dailies. Iso give rates on Montreal Business is Waiting —Telephone for it. Business may be quieter than two years ago, yet there is no cause for depression. Crops are good and already business is waking up. Call your customers by long dis- tance telephone. Dispel their gloom by the hearty spoken word. Keep both yourself and them posted on prices and general conditions, and there will be no slowing up in your business. The economy of telephone selling makes it a welcome aid to business just now. The long distance telephone is the proven ally of economical business, Every Bell Te! Long Distance Station. The Bell Telephone Co; OF CANADA, Buy a Victrola for’Christmas The easiest way tomake things pleasant for all the folks and to fiirnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy, Come in and we Aa pe your favorite mugic for you and explain our easy t Victrolas from $20 to $100 J. E, WEIR MILVERTON fishing s! "The maeektas trout was accounted for, of course, by the transplanting through the medium of the ‘cook's te Tr pall it it fs an inter- he e wi che ‘get into that ny lake’ of Pratcg In a Pight Pix, remely. hinge sd was the fart Se the in Ontario ome up to n res 633 OY Sir New Suit Before placing your order, come in Jet us show you our new lines.of stitings. We guarantee t6 please you in both fit and price. S.N. SMITH te neini., onnd wish to get jp on the platform and air his views. ried to excuse himsel = “No, ni he: sald. “Never cheerily, “come thing. R pier to the.matter leteryon, Mr. i rt a aid, ‘/Can yow imagine mind,” remarked the judge id up and say some- feel dnateds young women Pay talk to them on a subject I-know benpeon about?” id was Pik Sienna’ | the xiarior ‘of the front. tye: low when a storm co Se foot hes d with hes it Hes ‘window ind: that ne, Re A not clean. it off. es showed that the en- ae the Me aad prints to the he wrist had been impressed on the May It Pays to Dress Well “Nothing gives a man more. west tn th to\be Well hitivod”™ noe You can*have this done at «| om minimum cost at This Shop teens vant % HERE i} _ Just been plag-, ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of _ “4 new pattern for fall and win- ‘ter wear, that will make -and wear well. Call’ and see eur stock, We guarantee youa 1 Leah » The Pestedate Tailor, -” Monkton, + Ontar 0. DUFF ELI + CO ee ee ee Se ey rw AE a Te