FARM FOR SALE ( $5250 will buy the West half ‘The council met in Donley Lot 2. Con. 1 ‘ornington. 100 acres) Newton, on all under — ¢ultivation. ~ co table | mm. with all dwelling bh bank barn, cement | r atabling drilled well, large orchard pecial meeting sonyenient to church, school railroads! and adopted. Several - ‘ MORNINGTON COUNCIL "s hail. Were read. commun'cat-| daw Perth County Council| The December session of the Perth and markets. A rare bargain. $2,000 s were read by the clérk A The first basiness of the session | down balance at 5 per cent, | a No. 473 for the nomination was the reading of the communicat-} W. D. WEIR. ~- MILVERTON,| and election was finally passed ions and going over accou he | The following orders were issu latter were read and referred to the “| Jos. Nurse overseeing, cl’ finance committee. ‘The communicat- 1 4 contract t.l.n. hi 30,00 fons were; letter from W cLean Notice to Creditors sis sails fi eemainadscn ats tuvise toe aay |ford 4.59 a.m. ref. ing that a school of in- In the matter of the estate of Ann | 336.46. lumber id for the road super- ils i 6 McGorman. late of the Township of | C°ene Mornington. widow. deceased, fun Notice is hereby given that all ner- sons having claims or demands again- st the estate of Ann McGorn who, abou of Octobe: Ta the caacaated er to W.D,|tawnshio's portion of . the O'Grady Ww trator of the said-estaie| award drain; G. Dowd. 1,00 dog tax om or ber 18th, | refunded: D. Kerr. 7,00. sheep killed 1914. full particulars of their claims | bv dog: a re- and the nature of t curity (if any’ | fund to teld by them duly verified, | Acai prenek ke notjee further that after the | 6 Smith. 18th day of December the administrat | 17 2: Henry or will proceed to distribute the assets | ¢ x 3. Hamil- of the said deceased amongst the par-| ton 00. the Belgian relief fund ties entitled the: aving regard, S. 0. stance in survey only to the claims of which he shall) on D. Bolton then have had notice, 0.4 's fes 1214; J ba Fri gravel to pathma 5.00. work o1 ok ated at Milverton this 3rd day of | man, 18,20 rn 15.00, farm bri December. 1914. | od sters; boundary idge Haw ty’ of t four days a mbrace instruction in the n: of road machi y drainage. county to pay jortation y a r superintendents while The matter was r-ferrod to the Road and Bridge — committ&| which recommended that mo action be taken. | A comn ion from Mr. Ames. 'E ecretary of the a Mr. . Ames by a deputation from a various points in the county headed by His Honor Judge Barron and intro- duced by Hon. Ni on ielson D Thursday afternoon, The W. D. Weir, west: } deputation! Administrator, |thorne drain; Jacob» Lichti. 10.40, gra-' urmed the necessity of the County do- |vel to pathmasters: E, Knoblauch.! ing something handsome towards this rer |92.50, gravel to pathmastors; M scussion of this matter | Whitney ) gravel to pathmast the lar; and m COMMERCIAL | ‘Mrs. Jas. Tamer. 1.00. dog tax re " of phe seein as al all Whes $1 10 $1 10|ffanded: Hy. Pleischhauer. 1,00, dog in the dollar on next heh Wheat, TRU Sey, abit 10} fan refa D. Jack, 17.00, equaliz=|¥ ssessment was asked for. Enc Barley per bushel. of iy {ing assessment on anion school sect- me of the council took par in a3 BS H4 | “4 J ions. taking school census and attend. the discussion, It was finally move Peas 11’ 11 /ing Court of Revision D, Jack by A. W. Featherstone. of Listowel Flour, Jewel per wt 20 8 20| tarm br of Hawthorne drain; J. seconded by Geo, Kastner, of Downie.* ‘ rewt Mb | Fe 5.80. account i That the County of Perth grant to 5 Jewel per ewe 1 cement: M nit th adia ' a sum| oad a 7.00 | Jas. 8. Lock! Notice to Creditors liste Mel funded overe (0 14 00} Bites Jas, M 6-90 & 4g | refunded” J 0 ; 00g 00 | Shave! contract on the 13th o Poe ee EBUAS i ry 1 1018 BK 2 2) s.r. 15 15. 15/attending special m 12 12| preparing 12 12 c] 9 9 | postage. exp: 14 16 Jas, Smith. 1,50. | Ohas. Steven. 2.25. 1 iG 9: Louis Moench rs one Lis' s- | tom: Olive sary wpor ment of the C i Scott. E WwW. F r Harris, Pullarton. | Messrs. or eh tz El-| ert Armstrong Ellice; John Login; AA. Co qahoun. Hb above an amend- motion Messrs. Roh- John m the matter of the E. ohn | 1.75. digging across road on t.l. grant of ono thousand Langford. late of the of | hal Linseman, 75e. oyer-| per month be given to the Pa Wornington. Farmer. tract t,l, north; John| Fund until the end of the Querin. 3.30, gravelling on tl, north | war. and said amount to be increased Notice is hereby given that all per. |half cost: A’ Cassel. 3.00, railing and | ver month if pd necessary for the! gons having claims or demands again-|Dlanking culvert Hesson siderpad; R,| support of the families of the men st the estate of John Langford, who|Faming 2.00. rep. culvert 9th Jine:| that have gone to the front from the died on or about the 2 a Sep- , c it Perth, tembe 14, ae requested to is amendment was lost by nine’ post prepaid or deliver to E. the votes being cast as Langford. Euhice Langford or W over | follows ¥ Veir. executrix and executor of soath|} Yeas—Messrs, Werner Kra said estate to Milverton post office on 1,00 | Bhizdetz. Robert Armstrong. before Friday Decs 18th. 1914. fall Whitne 0. | Bmith John Rudolph and A. A, particulars of tHeir claims and the Anderson. 1,00 | quhoun. : iature of the security (if any) held ract on bound-| Nolys—Messrs, McCausland. Ir by them daly verified, . E. lin, xe Kastner Julius Cook. red Take notice farther that after the 4 Free- | Zimmermann William Martyn. Will- 18th day of December. the exceutrix . : salary 1914; W./ dg tt. A. Featherstone and exeentor will proceed todistribute |T. Shearer 80.00. salary 1914; D. Han-|Beggs and Oliver Harris. the assets of the said deceased umong. | lev 85,00. salary 1914:.D. J, Jacobs.| “Reeve Zimmermann. of Milverton, st the parties entitled thereto having! $5.00. salary 1914;* R. H. Coulter. 80,-| suggested that some means be found Femard only to the claims of which |00. salary 1914* War. Waddell, 200,00.| for allowing widows who have. to thev shall then have had notico, salary 1914. | Support themselves by hard work to ‘Dated af Milverton this 3rd day of} Council adjourned to meet again on| be exempt. from the one mill tax | December, 1914. December 1§th. at 10 a.m. Reeve Tree ‘ong claimed Eee f ¢tord William Waddell. Jouncil could give no exemption, vy spate eg Clerk of Mornington.| Avoroximatelv one mill on the doll-) Executrix SS einlelanier ar mea grant $32,740. ‘This W. D. Weir will be a contribution worthy of Perth Executor, LOGAN COUNCIL County. The tax will mot be, levied = Oh until 1915 howeve tii Counoil metNov. 30th. members ail} A vieasant feature of the discussion | N 0 eaent. ‘The ates “of tho hast | was tl member of the council Notice to Creditors 1 ee ae perf gag RATE icaperativg thet a] —- The reeve and clerk were instract-|senerous «nant NS es peek and| {Executor's Notice to the Credito: ed to issue cheques to tho following | “i lace only ag ow |} Jobn Sanders. late of the whe ol oarties for sheep killed and Injured by fea aN gual; as Monkton. in the County of Perth | doxs. viz;—Christina Rock $0.00. 1, |*° how payment shou made beamed pS Pn ees tor Consump-| lotice-ls hereby given pursuant to| as per shi the Trusteo Act and amending acts | Moved by 7. E. Gill. seeonded by I*.| that all creditors and othérs having ood. that Wm. Oonnolly be paid) f°. claims against the estate of the. snid| 6150.22 for completing the Dempscy Jobn Sanders (deceased\. who dicd on|wortion of award drain said amount or about the 6th day of July. 1914. at | with costs to be charge Lot 4 Said Village of } ton. are ro. | Con. 6, unless paid forwith, the clerk Ired on or before the 16th day of | to notify the own f January 1915, to deliver to Thos. H,| this effect. Carried, ‘Hammond or George Bllacott, of the law No. 514 making provision | tee, Wownship Ina e lonk-| for ‘holding the municipal — election 1915 was duly read | same. Jas, Nicholson work done on was the executors riba -|cordance with engineer's report. tate of the said dec: a. Ha yy a rederick Bach were gard only to the claims of which they| each paid $2.00: for services to Lot cast hf. 24. Bauer was paid $4.00 ator. YO . con, son of whos: did not have as she motice at the time of such distribut- ion. Dated at Monkton Ont, dav of December. 1914. Thos, E. Hammond. George Bliacott, Execators. counts amounting to were presente: ordered ‘Meeting adjourned to meet this LOth Marvin Leake. FARM FOR SALE (a ake In connection with the Christinas ‘The undersigned offers for sale his) Sailings of Canadian Padific steamship 200-acre farm being and 25 | “Missanabie Man Line Steam- th ship “S vian” from West St, a December 15th. the inadian Pacific Railway will operate through rs train composed of first las: 1 lu anv GPR. — tick M. G. Murphy District mito, and the reeve and rk notified to sigm and seal the | Soci’ id $100 fe Pilice-Maitla ¢ Winteringham Qgreement. said amounts to be charg- December 10th at the usual time CHRISTMAS SATLINGS ‘or nd for 3. Wo. ep valu- $1588.97 paid. again on and Clerk, e Particulars icket agent, or Passen- o| amd $1,494.80 for Stratford. sking for a substantial grant Finance Commit- is was referred to the Educational a | The ‘usual grants Were given to (Mitchell and Listowe} Poultry iations, } A motion was submitted by Reeves A. Beggs and 8, Smith, that the War- den. County Clerk and Chairman — of the Finanee Committee. be a commit ol the As- vort the same Carried. The House of Refuge Committee re~ gdmmended that a number of — ac- cc paid, the total amounting to $808.67, Reeve William Martyn. rose to announ hy no action in this regard. especially af- ter making grants to two other soc- i rt of the County Property ‘Committee recommended in regard to a letter from Registrar James Steele. making a request for a section to ide “God ° by Robert Armstrong-of Ellice. sang Reeve ROD AND GUN FOR SALE Frank Houghton contributes a vivid ne prior account of a polar bear hunt in. the 75 Barred Rock Cockerels for sale.| Arotio regions to issue at the house, This fa fair) all choice stock, ©, 8. GROSOH.|of Rod and Gun in anada. publishe: Iy well fenced. well underdrained wit) | Milverton, ‘Woodstock. Ont.. by W. J. Taylor tile, No pumping requ! as there} ____ ited, “The Hermit of White Otter is am overflowing drilled well at the a. * | Dake.” tells 8 ofa ‘i barn which supplies water inside and FOR SALE t led to a wonderfal house in the out the year round. acres of fall —— woods built 'y McOuat. it summer fallow): 39 Pure-bred Rhode Island Red’ sportsman recluse. “Toik’s Sololiqay” nreparing between 60 and 70 acres (Rosccomb Hens and Cookercls and 7| is a fascinati a brindle for spring crop. 50 acres of meadow | Young Pigs. Apply to WM, TAYLOR | terrier who aster lend and plenty of paste Iso a/R R,1 Newton. 1'|finameial rain by his ability to fight qoantity of standing timber. a who raightene the venient to towns_ schools and church- a ar the crooked course of true love. “The es, "P. in house and also conven- ANNUAL MEETING Bird Dog” will appeal to all those fence of rural mail delivery. Persons —— imterested in this “embodiment of Wesiring such "a property aro wel-| qhe annual meeting of thé patrons| canine intelligence.” Other © articles gome to come and see for themselves.! of the Honey Grove cheese otory are of out life from Atl, Wil take one-third of the " purchase! wilt be held in the Poole school house| tio to th ic lepart~ Toney balance ean remain secured by| on Satarday December 12th. at t ts fall of interest to the sports- property at terms to suit purchaser.) wolook. f ing ap of the|man hunter and fisherman, For further ticulars apply to} fasiness of the present year. e Aone E SP ALLAN McMANE. R.B. No, 2. Atwood! matter of building a new factory wi!!! Rav your Christmas gifts at the Ont, 824-3m also be discussed. * | bazaar on Dec, 12th, ff y Samm, f | THE PEOPLE'S STORE | Do Your Christmas Shoppi $25,000.00 Stock to Choose From WwW Read This List Tt Contains a Lot of Bargains “Early” E WANT EVERYBODY to enjo: finery. We want the children too. ge joy like the Christmas joy of the little child. Be methodical and early and Christmas shopping becomes a real for the biggest December business we've ever service has been strengthened at every point. $25,000.00 Stock to Choose From, Engeland’s in their holiday arch the world, you'll fifd no leasure. We are prepared ad—and we'll get it, The Dolls Heads D ed Dol olls And would like to sell the clothing we sell wh one thing is our assura chase you make in our any time, all the time, to choose from and we from. Baby Re re Dept. Hook and Musie Boxe Food Choppers « you, and it isn’t any reason for your coming to us to buy applies to all clothing dealers. Telling You We've a Big Lot of Clothing some of our Suits or Overcoats to you, isn’t news to your clothing. It But, telling you that there’s one thing about ich never wears out, is pretty apt to interest you. This nce that you will be satisfied with any clothing pur- store; satisfied not only at the time ob purchase, but as long as you wear clothing. We've the stock for you look out for your interests. Over 200 suits to choose Suits — $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12, $13.50, $15, $18 and $20. Overcoats 7.50, 8.50, $10, $12, $13.50, $15, $18 and $20, Stoves... Doll Cradles Watche: Underwear Ironing Boards Pub and Wash Board... Price range : H as Hosiery 25c, 35c, 50c. and Hosiery for Men and Women Underwear from 25c to $2 a garment ‘lothes Basket. Folding Clothes Drier, shbcards . te Dolly Glothes Lines. Wash Bench Gloves long gloves also. mas Bells . dishes That Make Gift Giving Easy Never a doubt about the quality of Engeland’s gloves. For your broader-pro- tection, we are liberal in guaranteeing the gloves we sell, and we include the But the infrequency of the need te replace that it is as we would have it—the gloves are all they shoul Engeland’s gloves are doubly good buying. ge roves be. ence the Doll L Broo al Skuttio and Shove Waste Paper Basket . x Bevelled-edye Stand Mirrors hion . Pin Cx Foldin Could anybody? Bu ouse Tre Nail Brushes Glass Towel Bars who wants an overcoat Ohildren’s Suspend Susi penders , lets ‘ plenty, of freedom for cold weather fun. for Christmas packages are here. How Can a Boy Throw Snowballs Without a Sweater? ttoned up in an overcoat that hitched out of place at every arm’s swing, Face down on a sled, too, or playing hockey on skates— tagging about in the way ? Give the boy his right; A sweater will do it and the sweaters aimpedLinons..., rdiniers . : Night Lamps... Small Lanterns ister Belts, all color s, 3) inches wide il Buffers Brass Candle He Baby Spoons ... Clothes Brushes Hair Brushes olde: ts practical and A Flutter of Christmas Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs for men and women. ably more handkerchiefs given for Christmas gifts than any other kind of a article we know of — an c Without going into detail, it would be weli to say that everything desirable, ashionable is here. Pretty and useful gifts. There are prob- handkerchiefs are certainly appreciated as gifts, ges prpmteng ee All kinds of dolls here 3old Plated 3-pieco Pin Se ‘15e Gold Plated Bracelets. , . Some close their eyes Gold Plated Neck Chains, and hats, Calf Li take care of them. Dolls of Every Description for the little ones to see. There are dolls of all sizes. and go to sleep. Some are dressed in beautiful gowns and some have no clothes at all, but they all want little mammas to Si ‘in Tie Holde: ‘ Watch Chains .. Fobs..... Large Glass Stand Hass Stand Fruit Bowl ‘ages: i Basy-cut J Flour Sifter trainers, all Jelly Pl many prices, Holiday Neckwear for the Ladies Nothing quite as desirable for a Christmas gift as dainty neckwear. Our stock is now at its height and we are showing a large vatiety of styles and at egetable SESE STSIST TSS PE BPI II2 Holiday Neckwear for Men You Know what it means to be caught in the rush. All kinds of Ties and ufflers that will be here for Christmas are here now — more kinds than ewer styles and better shades, with prices as low as Perfect service if you make your choice now, with extra sales people glad to show you all kinds before you select, 0 ‘ea. Spoons, per doz, 5c Kitchen Sete, M others arc showing, N: 5 figures can go. 50 8 50 ‘Tree Ornaments. be lristmns Booklets... igo 104 issue Paper Napkins, per doz...... . laying du ‘i Chri erfume.... inner Sets ‘oilet Sets. SeSssase BSR “PURITY”—that’s what you want to be absolutely dies for Christmas. It means much to everyone little folks who consume sweets in such quantities at this season. buy Candies here with perfect confidence in their purity. er variety to choose from here than elsewhere—and you pay no more stmas Candies—Pure Here sure about in you Can- s health, particularly the You can You have a great- BISs 8 fa Oranges, Nuts and Fancy Fruits Are in stock and our prices are sure to be the lowest, Your inspection invited eas ranite Spoons... Ask for Votes @ cast them For Your “Favorite” ENGELAND @ SONS “The Store With the Stock” -$ MILVERTON, ONT. |